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The origins o1 Doctor Who on

lelevision s
By John Lucarotii, writer of Marco
Poio, The Aztecs and The /Massacre of
St. Banholemew's Eve (This story first
appeared in Doctor Who Magasne
IssueldT) 11
Concerning the seven Doctors varied
characters and origins 12
By Marc Piatt, writer of G/?osfiJffft( ,18
When the Third Doctor once described
his fourth incarnation as "All teeth and
curls", how did he know? Did they
ever meet? An unusual encounter Is
unveiled by Dan Abnett with pencils by
Vincent Danks, inked by Cam
Smith 20
By John Lydecker, writer of Warriors'
Gate a.n(] Terminus 2B
By Tim Quinn and Dicky Howett 30
A full Story listing, includino ratings,
novelisation and video details 31
By Colin Baker, who played the Sixth
Doctor 43
The Sea Devils attack! 45
John Nathan-Turner and Sophie
Aldred recount the making ot The
Curse ofFenric 53

Flyleaf Illustrationby Allster Pearson

Brief Encounters lliustrated by
Paul Vyse

Co-ordinator: John Freeman

Can you imagine silver leaves
rwaving above a pool of liquid gold
Spatial Designer:
Gary Gilbert
TARDIS Engineers:
Dan Abnett. JacquI Papp
containing singing fislies? Twin suns Additional Dimension Checks:
that circle and fall in a rainbow heaven, Andrew Pixley
Segonax Promotion
another world in the sky? If you come Jane Sumner

with me, I'll show you all this-and it will Gallifreyan Production Engineer:
Julie Speller
be, promise you, the dullest part of it

Adviser: John NaUian<Tumer
all. .

Feature Writert: Stephen James

Speech by the First Doctor. Walker, Gary Russell, John Natfian-
(Accredited to the series ' first story editor, Tumer and Sophie Aldred.
David Whitaker)

TraversandAndrewPlxley, 'Firsts'by
UflBOWf" 1> puCilhM by Mwtl Comics LU.. 13f15 KnMti Stmal, l^eniMn WC2n ZOn. All Andrew Pixley, With thanks to all
riilltccpyrtghiSilMI Bec.UBrialEnnuiiniiiiT^ltwirFispecDvtiuttiors Alloinermalertal
contributors, Jeremy Bentham, David
UvalCgnilcSLIil, 1991 LKihsi Dinar Ma ImlicitH. Ssa Devils capyWSMilMlniHulliB 1972
Howe, Adam Lee at BBC Archives,
BBC Video, Target Books, Barry
Dgdw WM Mifuliit is avallaCis tram all guM newsaDiMs evary !ol Mewbery, Raymond P, Cusickand
Tomek Bork.
that there was a gap to be filled in
their Saturday evening schedule
between the end of the sports

coverage at 5:15 and the start of the
pop music show Juke Box Jury at
5:45. This slot had previously been
occupied by children's classic drama
serials, but these rarely won high
ratings and the idea was to move
them toSunday afternoons if Drama
could come up with something more
What Sydney Newman was after,
therefore, was a series which would
appeal equally to sports fans and to
the young pop music audience - to
bridge the gap between the two

it all shows either side - and which would

also attract children accustomed to
their teatime serials. Inspired partly
by HG Wells' The Time Machine he
hit upon the idea of a time travel
adventure exploring scientific and
historical themes which could be
described as educational, or at least
mind-opening, for children watch-

ing. Althou^ space travel would
obviously come into it, he was keen
that the series should avoid 'bug-
eyed monsters', which he saw as the
lowest form of science-fiction.
For the time machine itself,
Newman came up with the concept
of a ship larger inside than out,
which he thought should be dis-
guised as an everyday object so that
viewers would be encouraged not to
Stephen James Walker delves into Doctor WTio's take tilings for granted. To answer
earliest origins. the questions of how the ship came
to be on Earth and who owned it he
then devised the character of a
how the series was developed from crotchety old man, senile but with
ledge, the original inspira- there into the form in which it extraordinary flashes of brilliance,
X Ation for Doctor Who came eventually reached the nation's who had escaped in terror from an
from Canadian producer Sydney screensis much less well-known. advanced civilisation on a far-distant
Newman shortly after he joined the The need for a new series arose in planet. This old man would not be
BBC as Head of Drama in December the first place simply because the fully in control of the ship, however,
1962. However, the full story of BBC's programme planners decided so his attempts to return his human »

General notes on Background and
Approach for an exciting adventure -
Science Fiction Drama serial for
Childrens Saturday viewing.

The senai will run lor 52 weeks and

wiil be a series of stories. eacU in

themselves separate entities but

linked to make up the continuity. Each
story will run from between 4 to 10
episodes and each episode will have
its own and be ot 30 minutes in

length. Every episode will reach a

climax about halfway through and end
with a strong cliff hanger,
Although Ihe series erealor Sydney Newman was adamant Doctor Whowas nol to fealure Bug Eyed
Monsters, the Daleks' success mafked a change in original intent, despite touching on
APPROACH TO THE contemporary issues of the day such as the fear of nuclear war, Plioto @ Raymond P. Cusick.
STORIES -« companions home would always lead interctiangeable - and the Script
The series is neither fantasy nor space them into new adventures in space Department had existed to find
travel nor science fiction. The basic and time. writers for particular productions.)
premise is that four characters are Sometime early 1963,
in Newman Naturally, these changes did not
projected into real environments put thse ideas into a short inemo
all take place overnight and the
based on the best factual information wtiich he gave to the Head of the embryonic Docior Who was caught
Script Department, Donald Wilson. up in them. Donald Wilson himself
and space and in
of situations in time
Although a little sceptical at first, was transferring from the Script
any material slate we can realise in
Wilson agreed to take the memo Department to become Head of the
practical terms.
away and have some further work new Serials Department during this
Using unusual, exciting back- done. Progress was not as smooth period; and one of the first people
grounds or ordinary backgrounds as it might hzve been, though, owing with whom Sydney Newman discus-
seen unusually, each story will have a to the fact that the whole Drama sed his ideas for Doctor Who was in
strong informational core based on Group was in a state of some fact an old-style producer/director,
fact. Our central characters, because upheaval at that time following the Rex Tucker (wfio was later to direct
of their 'ship' may find themselves on introduction by Newman of some The Gimfighters).
important organisational changes.
when Caesar and
the shores of Britain
his legionnaires landed in 44 B,C,,
One of these changes was the AN
may find themselves in their own
splitting up of Drama into three UNDERESTIMATED
separate Departments - Series,
school laboratories but reduced to the Serials and Plays - each with its own
size ot a pinhead; or on the dying Head who would exercise direct Tucker's contribution to the
planet Ivlars or some as yet undisco- control and be answerable to development oiDoctor Who has long
vered world in another galaxy which Newman. Another was the estab- been understimated. Although
seems identical to Earth yet where lishment of the 'production team' never fonnally appointed or credited
laughter system and consequent abolition of as such he was, in effect, the series'
certain values are altered,
the Script Department. (Previously, first producer. His role, as he saw it.
being the worst possible insult and
every producer had been his own was very much a temporary one. to
sneezing a criminal offence.
director - the two terms had been get things started on the right track
The series, by the use ot the
characters in action stories, is

designed to bridge the gap between

our massive audience who watch
sport on Saturday afternoon and
those teenagers who watch Juke Box
It is emphasised that the 'ship' may
transport the four cfiaracters back-
wards or forwards, sideways into
dimenions or
lesser or greater Into
non-gravitational existence or invisi-
bility etcetera but once arrived into the
different place and time the four
characters have only theit intelligence
and ingenuity upon which to rely.
They cannot produce a 'ray gun' to
reduce a horde of Picts and Scots nor
can they rely upon specialised drugs
to cure a Greek philosopher.
It is also emphasised that ttie four
characters cannot make history. Ihe Doctor enamines soil samples at the end of The Daleks, watched by the victorious Thais. Photo

Advice must not be proterred to igRaymondP. Cusick,

Nelson on his battle ladies when
approaching the Nile nor must bon
mots be put into the mouth of Oscar
Wiide. They are four people plunged
into alien surroundings armed with
only their courage and cieverness.

A name given to tiim by his two
unwilling fellow travellers, Barbara
Wright and Ian Chesterton, simply
because they don't know wtio fie Is
and he is happy to extend the mystery

surrounding liim. They do know that

he is a Doctor of Science and trial he is
over sixty He is frail looking but wiry
and tough like an old turkey and this
latter is amply demonstrated whe-
never he is forced to run away from

danger. His watery blue eyes, are

continually looking around in bewil-
derment and occasionally suspicion
clouds his face when tie assumes his

decisions are being opposed by his

earthly 'passengers'. He can be
enormously cunning once he feels he
is being conspired against and he

sometimes acts with impulse more

than reasoned intelligence. He can be
GuiiG considerate and wise and he

Confrantation: Ian Chesterton IWilliani Russell) and Marco Polo iMark EdenI clash with Susan responds to intelligence eagerly. His

(Carole Ann Fordl and the Doctor (William Hartnelll during the story Marco Polo. Photo © Barrj forgetfulness and vagueness alternate
Newbery. wtin nasnes of brilliant thought and
deduction. He has escaped from the
pending the arrival of Sydney clear that he himself devised a 50th century because he has found
Newniati s chosen producer. Verity number of important elements of
life at that time to be unpleasant and
Lainbert. However, he was cer- Doctor Who.
ne IS searching for another existence
tainly more than just a 'caretaker'. In particular, it was Webber who
into wnicn he can settle. Insofar as his
For one thing, it inay well have been thought up the actual characters of
operation of the 'ship' is concerned he
hewho came up with the title Doctor the two teachers, Ian and Barbara,
Who (although he personally denies and decided that the young girl in the is much like the average driver of a
this, giving the credit to Sydney story, Susan, should be a pupil at motor car in that he is its master when
Newman). Undoubtedly he helped their school- although, adnnittedly, itworks properly and its bewildered
to develop Newman's original idea the way he envisaged these charac- slave when it is temperamental,
and the basic dramatic structture of ters was not quite how they turned Because he is somewhat pathetic, his
the series. In addition, he was out. Originally, Ian and Barbara
grand-daughter and the other two
initially responsible for setting up were to have been somewhat
continually try to help him find 'home'
the technical side of the production younger than they eventually
t)ut they are never sure of his motives.
and for taking decisions on the appearetl. Susan, on the other hand,
scripting. was intended to be a cross between
At this stage, however, scripting Andromeda, the other-worldly char- SUSAN
itself was the responsibility of
still acter from A for Andromeda and The The Doctor's grand-daughter, aged
the Script Department, and the man Andromeda Breakthrough (two fifteen. She is a sharp intelligent gid.
asked to handJe the new project was BBC science fiction senals from
C.E. Webber (known to all at the 1961 and 1962 respectively) and Susan (Carole Ann Ford) in TJieSeysof
BBC as 'Bunny'), another man Honor Blackman's karate-kicking Marinus. Photo © Raymond P. Cusick,
whose contribution to Doctor Who Avengers girl. Apparently, Webber
has long been misunderstood. Web- even had some casting ideas,
ber's task was in fact two-fold: first, thinking that Ian could be played by
he had to flesh out the basic idea pop star Cliff Richard and one of the
handed dovra to him and produce a girls - presumably Barbara - by
more detailed format for the series; Susan Hampshire!
secondly, he bad to write the scripts In Webber's original script the
for the episodes intended to com- Doctor was to have taken the other
prise the first televised story. By three characters on a journey in his
tfiis stage, Sydney Newman had time- space machine and landed
ceased to have any day-to-day them in an adventure where they
involvement with the series, and were all reduced to just an inch in
although Webber would certainly height (an idea probably contained in
have discussed his ideas quite Sydney Newman's original memo
extensively with Donald Wilson (and and later re-used in the transmitted
probably also with Rex Tucker) it is story Planet of Giants). However,
quick and perky. She makes mis- as things turned out. Rex Tucker discuss them. It was also at around
takes, however, because of inexperi- decided to reject Webber's script. this time that another key develop-
ence. Addicted to 20th Century Although very much part of the 'old ment occurred: the arrival of Verity
guard' himself, he realised that what Lambert as producer. Lambert had
contemporary slang and likes pop
his friend had written was too previously been Sydney Newman's
records -in fact, she admires the life
cerebral and constituted the sort of production secretary on the
teenagers enjoy in 1963, At the
old-fashioned children's drama that Armchair Theatre plays he had
beginning of the story, she has Sydney Newman was anxious to get produced for ABC TV and she was
persuaded fier Grandfather to stay in away from. just the sort of sfiarp, young,
1963 so that she can go to school and In the meantime, Tucker had forward-looking person he wanted
create at leastone complele section of been having his own ideas about in charge of Doctor Who. Like him,
experience. Since she has been casting. He had young
found a she was keen that it should be a
visiting all sorts of existences and Australian actress (whose name he radical departure from anything the

places with her Grandfather, Susan no longer recalls) for the part of BBC had done before, and she very
Susan and approached his friend quickly demonstrated this by negat-
has a wfde general knowledge and on
Hugh David (later to direct Fury ing all Rex Tucker's earlier deci-
some subjects can be brilliantly
From The Deep but at that time sions. Tucker himself was by no
factual. On other matters, she is
working as an actor) to pby the means disappointed about this - he
lamentably ignorant. She has some- central role of the Doctor; an offer wasn't keen on Doctor Who and
thing of 3 crush on Ian Chesterton. which David declined. Other wanted to move on to other things -
aspects of the production to which but Donald Wilson still thought there
Tucker turned his attention included should be someone senior and
even the music, inviting composer experienced working on the series
Tristram Cary to write the signature as an advisor. Consequently, after
tune and the incidentals for the first Tucker's departure, Wilson per-
story. Around April 1963, however, suaded Sydney Newman to agree to
Tucker's stint on the embryonic the appointment of an Associate
series came to an end as he left to Producer, namely MervynPinfield.
take a holiday abroad, bringing to a The first episode of Anthony
close a period which can be seen, in Cobum's four part opening story
retrospect, as something of a 'false was partly based on Bunny Web-
start' ior Doctor Who). ber's rejected draft but the other
Following the rejection of Bunny three, set in the stone age, were
Webber's script, Donald Wilson had completely new. Whitaker request-
asked another in-house writer, ed a number of rewrites, basically to
Australian Anthony Cobum, to try tone down the 'educational' content
hishand at writing a suitable opening and make the story more exciting,
story, working from the existing but he was happy enough with what
format. At about the same time, he had seen to ask Cobum also to
Wilson had also appointed David produce a storyline for the second
Whitaker. again an established BBC serial, intended to be a six-parter.
staffer, to be the series' first script He also readily accepted Coburn's
editor under the new pronuciion suggestions that the Doctor's ship
team regime. should be disguised as a police box
and caUed TARDIS, and that Susan
should be his grand-daughter rather
FIRST DRAFTS than just a young travelling compan-
By the end of April 1%3 Cobum had
delivered his first draft scripts and During May and June 1963,
he and Whitaker had begun to having rejected Rex Tucker's

Itn CbsBlerton (Willxiioi Russelll in Mvco


27, red-brick University type, a
teacher of applied science at Susan's
school. A good physical specimen, a
Qvmnast. dcxtnrous with his hands
and fortunate possess the patience
to deal with Who and his
irrational mooos. ne occasionally
clashes with the Doctor on decisions
but for all the Doctor's superior
scientific knowledge, is able to make
intelligent enquiry and bring sound
common sense to bear at moments of The mil of regular cbaniclers was carefully considered before the aeries began, Ian, Barbara and
stress. Ihe Doctor in discussion in TheKeysofMarinus. Photo ©RajroondP, Cusick,
choices, Verity Lambert set about though, when the demise of the
assembling her own regular cast for Script Department virtually forced
the series, eventually selecting the Cobum to go freelance and Whi-
now-familiar team of William Harl- taker had formally to commission
nell, William Russell. Jacqueline Hill him to continue working on his
and Carole Ann Ford. David Whi- scripts.
taker, meanwhile, tinned his mind
to commissioning more scripts, and
as a first step he prepared a full
Writers' Guide to the series. This MONSTERS
was drawn primarily from Bunny By this time. Whitaker had sent
Webber's format but the
ori^pnal copies of the Writers' Guide to a
character outlines were modified number of other freelance writers
somewhat to the changes
reflect (and writers' agents) - mainly
Whitaker had agreed with Anthony friends or firiends of friends - and
Cobum. storylines soon started arriving on
The entire contents of the his desk. The first new writer to be
Writers' Guide are reprinted along- commissioned, in mid-July 1963,
side this article and, as can be seen, was Canadian John Lucarotti whose
it represents a fascinating 'snapshot' story, at that time tided Z)r Who and
of the series mid-way between its a Journey to Cathay, involved the
original conception and its final Doctor and his friends meeting
televised form. It also shows that Marco Polo. Next, at the end of July,
directors had now been assigned to Terry Nation was commissioned to

Barbara Wright IJacqueline HiU)in trouble in

The Aztecs. Pholo © BflrT>- Newberj.

23, atlraclive, A History leactier at the
same scfiool. TimitI but capable of
sudden courage. Although there is no
question of a developing love story
between her and Ian, her admiration
for him results in undercurrents of

the show, with the responsibility of write a six-parter about a race of antagonism between her and Susan.
handling the first story falling to creatures called Daieks, based on a
Waris Hussein. Rex Tucker, mean- storyline he had submitted entitled The Ship:
while, was scheduled to take on the The Survivors. Doctor Who has a 'ship' which can
second story (although, curiously, As August and September 1963 travel through space, through time
he now denies having had any went by and further impressive and through matter. It is a product of
knowledge of this, maintaining that storylines came in, David Whitaker the year 5733 and cannot travel
he would never have agreed to it). began to assemble the package of
forward from that date (otherwise the
Although the Writers' Guide stories that would make up the fifty-
Doctor and Sue could discover their
contained short synopses of two week series. John Lucarotti and
Anthony Cobum's two stories - now Terry Nation each had a second own destinies) the aulhorilies of the

bearing the titles Dr Who and the serial commissioned while Dennis 50th Century deeming forward sight
Tribe of Gum and Dr Who and the Spooner, a good friend of Nation's, unlawful. This still enables Ian and
Robots - work on these scripts was was asked to contribute a historical Barbara (and the audience) to see into
actually progressing far from segment. Storylines by other wri- environments and ewstencies far
smoothly. Even though Cobum had ters were also under consideration. beyond the present day. The Ship,
carried out the requested re-writes However, when, in mid-September, when first seen, has the outward
on The Tribe of Gum. Whitaker and Anthony Cobum delivered his first
appearance of a police box, but the
Lambert remained unhappy with it. drafts for The Robots, now retitled
inside reveals an extensive electronic
In the end, however, they decided The Masters of Luxor, the produc-
to persevere, mainly because they tion team were dissatisfied with contrivance and comfortable living

didn't have time to commission a them and decided to drop the story quarters with occasional bric-a-brac
substitute. Another small hiccup in favour of Terry Nation's Dalek acquired by the Doctor in his travels.
occurred at the end of June 1963, serial (now expanded to seven > Primarily, the machine has a yearo-

meter, which allows the traveller to -* episodes andretilled The Mutants). theme music was written by com-
select his slopping place. In the first In the meantime, though, poser Ron Grainer and realised by
story, however, the controls are Cobum's other story, now given its Delia Derbyshire and assistant Dick
damaged and the 'ship' becomes final title of 100.000 BC, was Mills at the Radiophonic Workshop.
gradually progressmg towards Then, on Friday 13th September,
uncertain in performance, which
recording - despite the fact that ttie there took place an 'experimental
explains wfiy Ian and Barbara, once
production team were working session' in the recording studio, the
set upon their journey, are never able
apinsl a background of some aim of which was simply to get the
to return to their own time and place In hostility from others in the BBC who sets erected for a 'trial run', to iron
their natural forms. resented Sydney Newman's 'new out any technical problems which
THE FIRST STORY of four episodes, broom' approacli. Even Sydney might occur on this unusually
written by Anthony Cobum begins the Newman and Donald Wilson had complex show.
journey and takes the tour travellers their doubts when they were shown Filming for the series' first
the scripts for The Mutants, feeling episode took place at the BBC's
back in time to 100,000 8,C. to mid-
that the story constituted precisely Ealing Studios on 19th September
paleolithic man and it is in this story
the sort of 'bug-eyed monster' 1963 and the episode itself was
that the 'ship' is slightly damaged and science fiction that they did not want recorded in Studio D. Lime Grove,
forever afterwards is erratic in certain
to see in the series. In the end, the just eightdays later on Friday 27th
sections of its controls. only thing that saved this now- September. The intention was that
THE SECOND STORY of six episodes legendary story was that, as with if this recording proved successful it

written by Anthony Coburn takes the 100.000 BC. there simply wasn't would be transmitted as the series'
travellers lo some time approximately time lo commission a replacement! opening episode on Saturday 16th
near the 30th Century, forward to the Another problem arose when it was November; if not, it would be re-
realised that the sets for John recorded on Friday 18th October
world when it is inhabited only by
Lucarotti's Marco Polo and Terry and transmission would begin on
robots, where humanity has died
Nation's The Keys of Marinus could 23rd November. As things trans-
away. The robots themselves, used to
not be got ready in time, but this was pired, Sydney Newman and Donald
a lite of service, have invented a solved by David Whitaker hastily Wilson requested a number of
master robot capable of original writing a two part story himself, set changes to dialogue and character-
thought but realising the dangers entirely within the TARDIS Unsuk isation and a general ti^tening up of
have rendered their invention inopera- the Spaceship, often referred to the direction after seeing the pilot,
tive, even though it means they must incorrectly as The Edge of Destruc- so events followed the latter of
sink into total inertia. The travellers, tion). these two courses.
unaware of this situation, bring the
Of course, despite all these Despite the furore surrounding
problems, Doctor Who did go into President Kennedy's assassination
robots and then the new invention 'to
production as planned and indeed on the previous day, the first episode of
life', and face the dangers inherent in
schedule. The first filming took Doctor Who was eventually broad-
a pitilesscomputer. place on 20th August 1%3 with the cast only slightly later than schedu-
Since this is primarily a series of shooting of the innovative title led, at sixteen minutes and twenty
stories concerning people rather than sequence designed by Bernard seconds after five o'clock on Satur-
studio effects, and the original Lodge (based on the 'howl-around' day 23rd November 1963. A legend
characters and backgrounds have effect earlier devised by Mervyn had begun.
bean prepared already, the writer will Pinfield). Subsequently ^e unique

be asked to submit a story line from

which he will be commissioned. This

need not go Into fractional detail -
three or four pages of quarto ought to
be sufficient to express the idea.
Technical advice is available insofar
as what may or may not be achieveed
in the studio but every endeavour will

be made to meet the requirements of

your story. There is a certain film
budget, not extensive but sufficient to
cover most contingencies and the
episodes will be ampexed so that a
'stop and start' may be achieved if

Writers may consult the story
editor who will work out their plots

and situations with them and arrange

meetings with the Associate Producer
who acts as the arbiter on technical
and tactual detail.

Characters and backgrounds pre-

pared tor the BBC by: Donald Wilson.
C.E.Webber, Sydney Newman,
Producer: Verity Lambert.
Assoc. Producer: Mervyn Pinfield.
Story Editor: David Whitaker.
Directors: Waris Hussein, Rex
good year as well. Marvellous


"I wouldn't know, I wasn't
around", 1 felt crushed.
"Shame." the Doctor shrugged
and then asked brighdy "Not
thinking of going to Samarkand, are

"No." I was bemused. "Should I

Well, I can always sneak of
you -know- where and come to
where-you-are as long as we've both
been there together, Vou can get me
there you see. D'you understand?"
"Let me work on it," I closed my

eyes momentarily and when I re-
opened them the Doctor was gone.
As was his glass Obviously, for some
strange reason 1 had temporarily
freaked out. 1 called the waiter and
asked for my bill.
was he
I live in
Paris tt'here
Frjntc and often

one of my
a small
inn called
sitting in
no doubi. Is the place we're

now", the Doctor observed

"It paid, monsieiu',"
replied, "by the litde old man with
the long grey hair who just left."
L'Aiihtrge elu Pont Roinain on die dryly, raising his glass to the light to 1 am planning my trip to
lie de Cite. There is nothing study the colour of the Samarkand.
remarkable about the iiubcrge, "Fiftet John Lucarota
there must be hundreds almost
identical lo it around. Almost but
not quite. For despite its expresso
coffee- making and all the other
aeeijutrements of our day and age
the auberge has an atmosphere
which 1 find unique. It reeks of
history. Perhaps it is the oak beams
or the old fireplace which gives me
tliis feeling of timeiessness, even

though the mantlepiete is laden

with pennants, trophies and
photographs of a leading Parisian
Ibotball club.
Anyway, about the middle of last
October 1 popped in for a glass of
Medoc, one of my fevouriie wines,
and was just about to order it wlien
a voice beliind mc said. "All,
Lucarotti, you'll take this one witli
me, I trust." The voice was
unmist:ikeiible iind when I turned to

face the Doctor he smiled at me,

"Remember all this!'," he asked
with a gesture at our surroundings.
"Fifteen ninety- something and
those two young bloods, Gaston de-
Wiatsisname and that other one,
the Huguenot fellow. " I remem-
bered all loo well. Gaston was the
Huguenot. Simon Duval, the
Catholic, but I knew belter than to

correct him. "So whafll it be?" he

asked. "A M-Medoc", I stammered.
"Deu.x Medocs." he said to tlic
waiter as we sat at a table.
"What are you doing here?" I

"Visiting you," he replied.
"But the Time Lords retired you
ages ago." The waiter served our
wine and the Doctor clitiked m\
glass with his,
'"Mustn't lose touch with old
fiicnds," he replied witli a wink and
sipped his wine. 1 took a big swig of

"No, no. This is impossible," 1

pointed at his face and wa^ed my
Tou are a figment of my
fore- finger.

Gary Russell examines the Doctor Who legend, have seemed very ambiguous to the
when they tuned
television viev/ers
which is still producing new adventures today . . .
in on November 23rd, 1963. It may
well have scuppered a lot of
potential viewers before it even
Doctors' many companions But in many ways, each of the seven started! Early Sixties television was
Thehave often reflected the Doctors have also been a reflection proliferated by tv drama series
decade in which they of the fads and fashions of their day, about the medical profession, a few
appeared. If Ben and Polly were although some far more others.
tlian made by the BBC itself but the
indicative of the Swinging Sixties so
, To explain this, let's go back to majority imported from America,
Sarah Jane became the new woman where it all began, when television such as the famous Doctor Kildare.
of the Seventies. If Tegan mirrored drama started to be more challeng- Turning to the Radio Times, the
the tou^ young lady of the Eighties ing and also less pompous - the early viewing public could well be
so Ace became the streetwise, Sixties. expected to mutter, "Oh no, not
cocksure young girlof the Nineties. The title of the series itself may another medical show!"
Tbe Ceieatiai Toymkerpnvta a d«adJ}' adversary (or the Pirsl Dodar, played by Michael Gough, Pholo Ig} BBC,

To combat that possibility Doctor His characterisation of the Doctor for him to be obtuse and frequently
Who's very first producer. Verity was, however, very distinct and obnoxious, belittling or embarras-
Lambert, took a very radical step, rarely atypical. The First Doctor sing them. Indeed the one time the
making sure her leading character was a no-nonsense, prickly man, Doctor truly allowed himself a
was not a young, dashing hero, who rarely approved of his younger fragment of self pity, as he reflected
instead, both she and her produc- companions, took very litde advice on his apparently self-imposed exile
tionteam - comprising Script Editor from others and also believed (or and all the people he had known who
David Whitaker, Associate Pro- pretended to believe) he knew best. had now left film, he did it in
ducer Mervyn Pinfield and the Although in his first appearances he complete isolation, for fear of
director of the first story. Wans came over as somewhat alarming dispbying any weakness.
Hussein - and the Head of BBC and perhaps a little firightening. he When he was joined by Dodo
Drama Sydney Newman (who also mellowed as the stories progressed. (who wandered into the TARDIS on
created the cult show The Avengers However, he very rarely let the Wimbledon Common!) and reunited
for ABC Television)
started looking facade of complete indifference slip. with Steven, whose hurt and bitter
for someone St and agile enough to The Doctor could never he seen, desertion had initiated the melan-
survive a demanding series, but least of all by himself, to be too choly, the Doctor quickly hid his
mature enough not to appear a content, too relaxed or too emotio- pleasure at these events under his
dashing hero. nal about anything, A lot of very sad usual armour of one-upmanship and
things happened to him in the early casual disinterest. However, there
A CROTCHETY OLD days - his initial travelling compan-
ion Susan, his granddaughter, even-
isno doubt tliat all of this displayed a
totally understandable and decidedly
MAN tually discovered love and left the likeable old fuddy duddy. The
Actors such as Leslie French and comfort of the TARDIS. She was viewers at least knew what was
Cyril Cusak were considered before followed by the two school teachers going on even if his companions did
Verity settled on William Hartnell. a Ian and Barbara who joined the
character actor usually associated Doctor in the first televised adven-
with tough, no-nonsense roles and
certainly not known to ctiildren.
ture, suddenly taking the opportun-
ity to escape home to Earth.
Many people who worked on the All three departures seemed to Ifthe Hartneil Doctor represented
show during Hartnell's three years make the Doctor a lot less selfish the authoritarian post-war early
comment that he was a somewhat and arrogant but also far more Surties. thesecond Doctor, played
grumpy, unpleasant and easily vulnerable and perhaps a little bit by the much younger looking Patrick
irritated but thoroughly professional older. Once
Ian and Barbara had Troughton, was a complete antith-
man who, although oiJy in his early left, Doctor found himself
the predecessor in much the
esis of his
sixties, frequently acted as if he surrounded by a variety of much same way iJiat the latter years of the
were nearly ninety! Others will say younger companions, some like Sixties were radically different to
that he was a kindly, charming Vicki or Dodo barely into their the early ones. Indeed, radicalism
statesman-like figure, definitely a teens. Although the Doctor felt personified the second Doctor. If
leader of his team, but always equally protective towards them, Hartnell was every bit the overseer,
welcoming to strangers. there was nevertheless still a need then Troughton's Doctor was the *

The Third Doctor's era nearly failed
to materialise. Six years is a long

time in television and few shows in

the Sixties survived that long. The
BBC were apparently keen to drop
the programme and spend their
money elsewhere, but luckily for us,
nothing suitable reared its head and
so a further, but much shorter
series of Doctor Who was required.
Patrick Troughton and the actors
portraying his companions had all
been written out at the end of 1969
and a whole new approach was
needed. The United Nations Intelli-
gence Task Force - UNIT - had
been established during the final
Troughton season and was very
successful, as indeed were stories
set on contemporary Earth. There-
fore a decision was made - the Third
Doctor would be exiled to Earth and
set up base with Brigadier
Lethbridge-Stewart and the men
and women of UNIT, Of course, this
was a complete volte face to the
Troughton Doctor who would have
turned his nose up at officialdom.
Even the imperious First Doctor
was vaguely condemnatory of mili-
tary might, so this Third Doctor had
to be a character who could fit in
with UNIT without necessarily
accepting its military regime. Enter
Jon Pertwee, a highly talented actor
and entertainer, best known for
^ underdog, the subversive. As Hart- The Second Doctor also seemed comedy and determined to go
nell automatically took charge, so to have less purpose than his against type and play Doctor Who
Troughton instinctively challenged predecessor. The First Doctor totally straight. His Doctor,
any and all authority, showing it to battled with his errant TARDIS to however, still mirrored the image of
be almost without exception flawed return his companions to their the Seventies - a time where the
and ill-conceived. The Second Doc- relevant homes (at least to start happy-go-lucky fun of the Sixties
tor was a literal iittle man against the with). This younger-looking incar- was giving way to the eventual
big men, always in the middle of nation, whilst equally out of control doldrums of the Eighties,
events, jumping up and down and of the craft, preferred to simply drift The Doctor Who of the mid
telling those supposedly in charge from place to place, time to time, Seventies reflected the image of
that they were being inconsiderate with no real purpose, and his some of its Sixties rivals in many
and foolish. companions seemed equally happy ways, such as The Avengers and
Troughton 's relationships with with this arrangement, Ben and James Bond - tongue in cheek
his travelling companions was also Polly's return to Earth, on the day drama where the establishment
much more casual. He never they originally left, was a total fought against outrageous villains
instilled any kind of pecking order, accident, and although her adven- and situations. Pertwee saw his
merely a mutual respect and tures with the Doctor alarmed her. character go through many stylistic
fondness. Although Ben and Polly Victoria settled down seventy-five changes; the first series saw a very
remained with him for a short time, years after her time quite happily, serious, moralistic Doctor fighting
the majority of this Doctor's simply because her experiences menaces but with a determination to
regeneration was spent surrounded with the Doctor taught her much see all sides of the story. This was
by anachronistic companions, leav- about the late twentieth century. no doubt helped by his exceUeot
ing contemporary companions The television production team of assistant, a member of UNIT's
behind and concentrating on people the time saw the Second Doctor as a science corps called Liz Shaw.
from the past or future. That way sort of space tramp, the infamous However when Liz left, the Bridga-
the emphasis for the audience Cosmic Hobo, who could go any- dier replaced her with a much
shifted away from the companion where, anytime and settle in quite younger, dizzy blonde called Jo
and for the first time onto the easily, and breeze out just as simply. Grant, Jo stayed with the Doctor for
Doctor, increasing our familiarity By using that idea, making the the next three years, making their
with him. This change didn't prevent Doctor more of a casual explorer teaming one of the most successful
engaging our sympathy for the instead of travelling lecturer, it gave of all time. The Doctor became
companions when the Doctor had to the programme a much needed much more a father figure to both
expalin how an electric train worked lease of life and refired the her and the audience
to Jamie, a Scot from the eighteenth enthusiasm of the viewers. In addition to softening the
century, or to Zoe, an astrophysicist However, after three years, the Doctor's character, his battles
(and someone much brainier than signs of disinterest were showing against Earth (and indeed eventually
the audience) from the twenty-first again and it was decided another unearthly) bureaucracy became
century, just what a candle was! boost was needed. more fierce and more tongue-in-
' , .

the programme. Baker's mix of

unearthly mystery and terribly
British humour caught the Amer-
icans' imagination just as The
Avengers had nearly ten years
before. In Britain however, the
Fourth Doctor's last few years saw a
decline in the character's fortunes.
Complaints about the content of the
show meant the BBC felt it
necessary to tone down the darker
side of Doctor Who, replacing the
mystery, suspense, horror and wit
with a bizarre, sometimes slapstick,
After a moderately successful
experiment giving the Doctor a
totally savage, instinctive compan-
ion, the BBC producers went the
The Third Doctor spent much and energy seeking to eodhig exile on Earth, inqngedbj' the other way and gave the Fourth
Time Lords. Photo ©BBC. Doctor an intellectual equal,
Romana, a Time Lord like himself.
cheek. As well as alien of the week, companion, Harry Sullivan, a mem- Romana, and the Doctor's mobile
there was frequently politician of the ber of UNIT, alongside Sarah Jane computer, K9 ceased to be the
week to battle! Smith, who had joined the Third traditional foils for the Doctor to
For his final season, after five years, Doctor in his final stories explain the plot to. because they
the Third Doctor returned to the Tom Baker's eventual casting usually knew what was going on at
more science based character of his made the Harry character severely the same time, if not before the
first series. Still as flamboyant, redundant and the butt of much Doctor did! This left many viewers
dashing and witty, the Doctor coilege-style humour. He was writ- feeling they were peeping in on a
seemed to have matured a lot more ten out after just one season, along rather exclusive comedy prog-
become less tolerant of would be with the Brigadier's character, so ramme aimed above their heads,
world conquerors and quicker to that by his second series, the rather than an action and adventure
want to punch the alien on the nose Doctor was. bar the odd fleeting series they could participate in. As
rather than discuss philosophy with return, very much a traveller in the programme entered the Eight-
it. space and time once again, cut off ies however, in the Fourth Doctor's
firom his home and his people, final series, changes were made.
ironically, it was the return to his
A BOHEMIAN AIR people's home that severed the last
When the Fourth Doctor appeared, tie with contemporary Earth for
allthe traits of the previous persona many years when the Doctor rather The boom in fantasy films during the
vanished almost overnight. Gone unceremoniously dumped Sarah latter end of the seventies had an
was the father figure, gone was the Jane on Earth because he couldn't enormous impact on the pro-
lightweight antidisestablishmenta- take her to Gallifrey, his own planet. gramme. Flimsy 'cardboard' sets
rianism. In its place the audience The Tom Baker years of Doctor and rubber monsters had to give
found a darker, more brooding and Who were by far the most popular way to more sophisticated electro-
obviously alien figure. Baker Tom ever, notjustinthe United Kingdom counter this
nic effects. Likewise, to
used his considerable stature and but in the United States where after technoio^cal age, the viewer had to
presence to great effect during the previous abortive attempts to sell be brought back into the prog- *
first three of his seven years of
portraying the Doctor. He was still
against authority, but now far more
anarchistic, like an over zealous
student, striding purposefully
around, making puns and quips
whilst his brain worked overtime to
solve all and every problem thrown
at it.

The search for an actor to replace

the phenomenally successful Jon
Pertwee was a long and arduous one
for theproducers. They needed
someone who would effortlessly
step into Pertwee's shoes and be
immediately acceptable and at the
same time give the programme a
huge boost into yet another direc'

The first thing that had to be done

was to sever ties as painlessly as
possible with the familiar, cosy
world of UNIT. Ironically, in
attempting to do this, the producers
- unsure when the scripts were
being written as to the age and
physical ability of a new Doctor -
gave the time traveller a secondary

« ramme, rather than watching from a

distance. Companions were chang-
ed, the superbrains of K9 and
Romans [lis patched and replaced by
the children. Nyssa and Adric.
Later, they were joined by the very
Earthy, brash and argumentative
Australian Tegan, always there to
put a spanner in the works. If Nyssa
or Adric asked the Doctor what was
happening, Tegan would ask why it

was happening and more impor-

tantly, why had the Doctor made it
happen to them! To finalise this
new. hopefully more 'user-friendly'
approach, a Fifth Doctor was
Peter Davison was as different
from Tom Baker as Baker had been
from Jon Pert wee. The early
Eighties were a time for optimism
and adventure in Britain after the
dreary Seventies, The new Doctor
reflected this; yoimg, dynamic and Brash, arrogant but still popular with many fans - ( in Baker as the doomed Sixth Docior in
inquisitive, his innocent looks rengeanee an Varas. Photo © BBC.
belying his methodical and quick
brain. The Fifth Doctor became established family-recognisable and putting it on week nights, twice
more of an older brother rather than actor like Peter Davison made it a week. They seem to have
father figure or eccentric uncle of difficultto think of him as the mistaken the high ratings due to
earlier incarnations. Gone too was Doctor. The youngsters of the Peter Davison for high ratings due
the cliquish wit, in its place a Eighties were also expecting a Luke to the programme's inherent popu-
feckless charm designed to talk the Skywalker (of Star Wars fame) type larity. When the Fifth Doctor used
Doctor out of trouble rather tlian of hero, something Doctor Who up the last reserves of fiis charm and
bluff his way. never has been, nor should it be. innocence to save his new compan-
In many ways the Fifth Doctor The BBC also made a huge mistake ion. Peri Brown, the BBC used up
was potentially doomed before he by taking the programme out of its the last of the viewing populace's
started - the unwise choice of an Saturday night tea time schedule goodwill.

The Sixth Doctor echoed the mid-
Eighties far too well - dark,
antagonistic and basically unlike-
abie. This Doctor was again radically
different from his earber incarna-
tions. Gone was the approachable
trustwortiiiness. the abilitv to say
that no matter how the Doctor was
acting, the viewer knew that all
would come right eventually, the
Doctor knew what he was doing.
Instead, the viewer met an erratic,
almost schizoid personality, one
minute laughing and joking, the next
destroying an enemy with a sava-
gery his previous selves would have
expected from their foes.
Colin Baker struggled bravely
against this character, injecting
humour and charm wherever possi-
ble. He always attempted to show
the audience that everything was all
right really, and the Doctor they
knew and loved was still there,
hidden underneath the bravado,
waiting for the cue to shine out The .

cue never came because the BBC

pulled the rug out from under
Baker's feet, removing him and the
Sixth Doctor overnight, never
allowing the actor to portray the
Doctor the way he wanted to
Seeing the programme's popularity
fading, the BBC's controllers bla-
med the actor for the failure rather
than themselves for their h
piggledy scheduling.
Enter the Seventh and, to date, final
television incarnation to be seen so
fer. If the Sixth Doctor equalled the
dark days of the mid-Ei^ties, the
Seventh Doctor pulled right away
from any such comparisons. This
incarnation really is the oft-quoted
but rarely met claim of being a
mixture of the other personas,
possesing the authority of the First
Doctor, the rebel of the Second and
the Sair for adventure and danger of
the Third. He takes the alien What nest for the Doctor and Ace? The time treveliers contemplate their fate in Sum vai Photo ©
mystery of the Fomlh, the charm of BBC.
the Fifth and the occasional dark-
ness of the Sixth, mixing them in a further the character of The Doctor. Universe might be and just how long
hi^y enjoyable pot pourri. Without doubt the latest Doctor is he has been around. With the strong
Sylvester McCoy, like Jon Per- once again an enigma, hinting that willed but vulnerable and enthusias-
twee was most recognisable as a hisadventures over the years have tic Ace at his side the future for the
showman rather than a serious actor perhaps evolved him above the Doctor, if not Doctor Who the
when he came to the role, but his status of being just a renegade Time programme, looks set to be very
anarchic wit and alternative humour Lord. Indeed, he may have been mteresting and exciting. Let's hope
background, along with his proven playing both the viewer and his that when the stories continue, we
high level of acting prove beyond fellow Gallifreyans along as to who are all there to be able to enjoy
doubt that he is exactly right to exactly he is - what his role in the them...

point in the time-space con-

WHO IS THE DOCTOR? tinuum. The Doctor tired of

A question asked
many years by many
thousands of viewers
worldwide! When he first
appeared the Doctor was sim-
for this life and stole his ship, a
TARDIS, setting out to explore
the universe himself.
Eventually, the Time Lords
caught up with him when he
ply a traveller in time and was forced to call on their help
space, cut off from his own to send thousands of Earth
world with his grand daughter, soldiers back to their home
Susan. His ship, which is world at the end of the War
'dimensionally transcendental' Games, a hideous bid for
- bigger on the inside than the universal power concocted by
outside — was disguised as a an alien race. The Doctor was
British Police Box. It seems to exiled to Earth, his knowledge
be stuck in that form, its of time travel blocked, his
'chameleon circuits' inopera- TARDIS immobilised, his fea-
tive. tures changed.
For the followers of the Eventually he was reprieved
Doctor's early adventures he and during his wanderings and
was very much a mystery man further regenerations we
and his regeneration at the end learntmore about the Time
of his first encounter with the Lord race and the Doctor's
Cybermen came as a great past. In addition, followers of
surprise. Before his compan- the Doctor encountered other
ions very eyes, the Doctor renegade Time Lords, such as
became a new man, with a Morbius and, of course, the
different body, a different char- villainous Master who has
acter but the same keen, often appeared to cause trou-
exploring mind. It was not ble.
until the end of this Doctor's During his Seventh regener-
'life' that the time traveller ation, the Doctor seems to
revealed his true nature - a have recalled more of his past
renegade Time Lord. than he previously cared to
The seemingly omnipotent admit - a darker past, in which
Time Lords of the planet Gal- the Doctor may have been one
lifrey maintain a strict policy of those alongside the creator actual identity has once again
of non-interference in the lives of Gallifreyan time technology, become more of a mystery.
of other races (the result of Rassilon, when that power Who is this wanderer in the
events in their early history), was first realised. As the fourth dimension? The
only observing the millions of Doctor continues to struggle answer to that question has
events taking place at every against evil and injustice, his yet to be revealed. . .


BRIEF ENCOUNTERS had no way of measuring it.

Gulliver gave the strangest look.
"'I had learned in my youth to play

a litde upon the spinet," he said.

"But you Doctor, what else do you
Lost thoughts scattered mock-
ingly around them in the void.
Imagination played terrible tricks.
"Dean Swift never wrote that," said
the Doctor coldly,
"Indeed?" said the gentleman.
'"No," The Doctor stared ai the
familiar (ace, "But I know you from
The uneasiness he felt was
growing steadily. "'Oh, yes ... 1
mean, no! 1 mean, you're not
Gulliver at all!"
Thatface. Long ago, he had seen
it, presiding over hearings at the
Celestial Intervention Agency.
"'My mistake," he exclaim ed.
"Goodhye!" And he tried to wake
"No, Doctor! You are required

You're from the Time Lords."

His stomach churned. ""I'm

^Future nothing to do with you any more!"

"No! I won't stay! 1 won't be
locked up by you and your boring,
bureaucratic inics lingers!"
. . ,

"That time is long in your future,

And long in our past."

"I know you. Your name's Geth,
or Goth, or something Why . . .

don't you stay out of my business!"

'"Doctor, whatever our respec-
tive pasts and fijtures, the Time
Lords need you now. No one else
to reform, slotting
only shade before him. The fece was
familiar. He recognised the tricorn
can be spared."
"Need mc? With all your high
its misty dimensions through and pigtailcd hair of the fellow and mighty powers? Oh, no! This is
each other until its familiar interior traveller immediately.
around the iravelJers.
solidified "My dear Gulliver!" he cried. A vision came upon the Doctor.
"Oh, my word!" exclaimed the "And 1 thought I'd missed the long Energy from a onced blazing star
Doctor, rummaging through his talk we were to have." dwindled into a pit of darkness. His
multitude of pockets, '"Oh. no! The gendeman smiled. "My only home world, epitome of every-
What have I done with it?" concern is. that I do [ustice to my thing staid and smug and all-
From a cupboard, he hurriedly master's arguments and express- powerful, crumbled and teetered
exracted a battered metal headset, on the brink of destruction.
and puUed it over his tousled mop "Ah well, that might be a litde And they were pleading for his
of brown Beatle hair, You see, your master no
"Wait there! I shan't be long," he "Oh dear. You are in a piclde,
said to Jamie and Zoc. They stood Gulliver shook his head. "But aren't you?" he said. "And just
mouths gaping, as he sat cross- how can this be?" supposing 1 do help. ?" . ,

legged on the floor with every "Let's just say we had a slight "Then you go free, Doctor . .

appearance of going nowhere at literary disagreement." eventually."

all. The Doctor would have thrown "Eventually?" he shouted.
Heclosed his eyes and stared his arms wide, had his thoughts "What does that mean?"
into the well of imagination that had arms, '"And now you're free to But he found himself already
opened before his piercing go!" returned to the TARDIS, and it was
thoughts. A dark void where the This seemedcheer the
to siangely changed.
last ideas stolen by the Master of traveller and he aslced "To gratify A tall white-haired figure indul-
the Land of Fiction, tumbled and thai insatiable desire to see the gently overdressed in red, stared at
escaped. He glimpsed Lancelot and world in every period of antiquity him across his time rotor. A young
Rapunzei; once ^in the Minotaur placed before me? How like you, lady in blue was holding his
reared above him; but even he, the missing recorder.
Doctor, was no more than an idea 'Tcs, laughed the Doctor, but

"Thank you very much," said the

in this nowhere. he felt a momentary twinge of Doctor, resigned to his late. "I was
He searched, but found no sign puzzlement, "There is one thing looking for that."
of the thing he had lost. though. 1 don't suppose you've
At last, as his hopes began to fail, seen my recorder, have you? About
he imagined a figure rising tike a so long . Again, in frustration, he
Marc Piatt
BRIEF ENCOUNTERS hand. A pale coat sleeve.
"Try to stand," a voice suggested.
She looked up into his fecc. A
young man's feice. Straw-blond hair,
pleasant features, a smile that
reassured and invited trust and
whidi seemed to say Its all right, I
understand. Nothing in it that coi^d
ever inspire unease.
"Can you get up?" he said. "If not,
1 can carry you,"
She looked toward the pool. After
three days of deliydration she
doubled whether she could speak,
let alone explain herself; her throat
was too dry even to swallow aitd her
lips felt as if they would crack like
old slate.
She rose. And like a driven thing,
her body tried to take another step
toward the water that had been so
close and yet so unreachable for so
long Whatever this place was, it
seemed to have no night. Her
expensive wristwatch kept the time
and changed the date, but both
concepts appeared to be meaning-
less in these new surroundings. The
only relief from theptliliesssunhad
been the shade of the rocks; shade
tiiat had been so welcome at first,
but which had slowly become her

"No!" he said quickly, and swung
her away. He did it with ease. She
seemed to have no weight, .She took
one staggering step with his
support, and then she flinched in
anticipation of what always h;^)pe-
ned next.
After a moment, she squinted up

at the sky. They were circling there
But they weren't coming down,
"It isn't water." he said. "1 know
it's hard to believe, but it's an
illusion. They won't harm you as
long as you don't tr>' to aj^roach it.
They weren't protecting the pool.
They were protecting ^wm."
He was leading her now. one

a Vine
staggering step after another,
toward the ridgeline. And. exactly as
he'd said, no attack .seemed to be
Her voice was a wrtiisper, "Is it
"Something worse than poisoa"
f M
last one took her down and They'd come out of the sky
I she hit the ground, hard. She whenever she'd tried to cover the She almost fell, but he righted her.
managed to make it back up distance from the rocks to the They were descending now. About
onto her knees, but that was about desert pool; they Itxrited like birds a hundred yards downslope of them
as for as it went; she stayed there but they slashed like razois and stood an absurd blue box. Absurd,
half- crouched and with her head were completely without mercy, because it didn't belong here; it was
lowered, certain that they would be ITie)' seemed to have only one a police box, the kind that they'd
coming at her again in a matter of piupose, and that was to cut her off abandoned back in the days n^ien
seconds. As she waited for the attack from the only source of water for the police had acquired more up- to-
she could fieel the strange, gritr>- miles around. date technology- and which radiated
dust under her fingers like grains of She waited for the attack a kind of old-world familiarity in
black rubber, resembling no other But the attack never came. these hostile surroundings,
soil that she'd ever seen. Her long Instead, a hand gripped her arm. 'Tou'U need more than just
hair was matted with blood after the Three days ago, when all of this had water." he said. Tou're low on body
repeated attacks of the past three begun, an une:qiected touch would salts and electrolytes. I'd have
days, and it hung around her fate almost certainly have startled her. reached you sooner if I could, but
like a curtain. She'd have whooped, shrieked, this place isn't easy to get to. I had to
They could have her now. She maybe even jumped. But now she take the best window available.'
had no strength left, no will to go on. just sTared down at it, dully. A man's "/ don't understand" she said.

know. Don't worry."

"I same clothes, hair as close as she she'd realised that she'd have to lace
She wanted to tell him. About this could get it, her portfolio showing what each of them, in turn, must
nightmare. Thai was what she'd only the feintest mark from where have faced.
called it, at first, when she'd stepped it to (am the treads on the
she'd used Thai forever is a relative term.
through the door into what was advancing Wartwy when the Big And that for some, forever is over
supposed to be a high-powered One had been coming down. . much sooner Chan for others.
client meeting on the fifteenth floor But on the mside. so much was And in thai, she believed chat
of Che agency building. She'd been different she'd sensed the heart of the sadness
psyched-up. she'd been ready; but as There had been a moment. Just that she'd always perceived in him.
she'd stepped through the door it one. When shed thought that it There was no flower in the garden
had been to find herself faced, not miglii be possible to go on forever, that would not wither and die in his
with the conference room and the when she'd dared to think that the hands within moments of being
usual half-dozen suits, but with this, past to which she'd longed to return picked. He would never have any
"There's a lot to explain," he said, might actually have less of a hold on choice. He could only move on-
ashe raised his other hand and sent her than the future which could lie Such a young man's fece.
ahead some kind of signal that But not a young man's eyes at all.
caused the door of the police box to And then he'd told her of the She got a good grip on her
open in silence; she could see that portfolio. She got an even better
he'd brought along her portfolio, Teela. Tegan, Leela, Zoe, Romans, gripon herself
and she wondered why. It had Nyssa, Victoria... she could barely And then she opened the door
seemed laughably irrelevant under remember a fiction of the names and stepped forward into the
this n It of that he'd mentioned, although it was conference room.
after the first twelve hours of the clear to her that he had very precise
tughtmare she'd abandoned it by memories of every one of them. And John Lydecker
the rocks.
He "You were pulled from
your timeline and abandoned here.
Deliberately, The iniendon was that
you should never be found. You
were about to set out a very
persuasive business plan lo a group
of executives who aren't aware that
the entire future of their company
depends on how they react to your
advice. There's a discovery waiting
two hundred years down die line
that'll help to change the course of a
major interspecies war, and without
you there's no chance that it will
ever be made."
He was guiding her into the box.
And instead of darkness and
confinement ahead of her, she saw
light and space.
"Take you back? That's the idea.
But some things are already
beginning to run out of control.
There's a lot to be done before you
can pick up again where you left off.
and I'm going to need your help."
She looked at him then, seeking
reassurance in the midst of what
sounded like madness. A fiiendly
smile. A young man's &cc.
But not a young man's eyes at all.

She stood at the door, and

reached tor the handle. She was
thirty seconds late.
No -one would ever know.
Nobody could even begin to
imagine some of the things that
she'd seen and done in more than a
year and a half of what could only be
called, under the circumstances,
subjective time.
And it hurt.
It wasn't because of the danger.
Cut off as she'd been from her life
and any sense of her own future, her
fears and her notions of safety had
undergone a significant change.
Nothing would ever scare her in
quite the same way again, even
diou^ she was back almost exactly
at the point where she'd started —

(< progrftmrnes lOereWt LtVE, the

co5toTT>e6 Certainly were I


(7cBiprs Pue totmix-up-at the

[i; BBC Script CorrtL'THE
SUNFlSHTERS' stonj.orijrmLIJl
me»r-l for«neditlon of
'CBACKERTOCK', bectme -»

story ms adapted to become Doctor Who
and ttie Daleks, an Amicus film starring

The Complete Guide Peter Cushing as Doctor Who.

(Inside the Spaceship o r Beyond Ihe Sun)

Tx 8/2/64 - 1 5/2/64: Two •OA

R 10.2 Wr Oavid Wtiitaker Dn Richard
Martin (Ep 1 ), Frank Cox (Ep 2) Dgr
Raymond P. Cusick

•k Doctor Who made Its earliest

appearance on BBC Television on
16th November 1963 at 5.41 pm in
a promotional trailer for 4/i
Unearthly Child which featured the
dematerlalisatlon sequence from
the episode,

R 9.5 Wr John Lucaroiti Dr Waris Hussein
(1-3, 5-7) and Jobn Crockett (Ep 4) Dgr
Barry Newbery
R 9.1 Wr Terry Mation Dr John Gorrie Dgr
Raymond P. Cisick
Tx 23/5/64 - 13/6/64: Four • <> A
R 7.5 Wr John Lucarotti Dr John Crockett

Twenty-eight years after it began, Doctor Who has seen nearly two hundred Dgr Barry Newbery
television adventures and innumerable spin-off stories in books, comic strip

and audio fomi. Included in the list below are pertinent production details,
ratings per episode and information on the story if a major character or monster is

introduced or a new technique Is used in the filming.

Legend: The title of the story is listed first, followed by altemative titles in brackets
wtiere there's some dispute. This applies mainly to the early Hartnell stories, which
had individual episode titles until the story The Savages (Story M) which we do not
have space to list. The Production Code (eg, AA) precedes the story title. The
number of episodes in the story follows the first transmission details. R6 9WrPBtBtP. Nev^manDrMen/yn
Pinfield (Eps 1-41, Frank Cox (Eos5, 6| Dgr
Symbols: Tx First transmission date for the story as SBC1 in England, R Average Raymond P, Cusick
rating (in millions, based on the total viewers for each episode -first transmission HTHEREIGNOFTeRROR
figures only) Wr Writer Dr Director Dgr Designer. Symbols: • Novelisation Tx8/B/64-1&9/64:Six»OA
H 6.7 Wr Dennis Spooner Or Hennc Hirscb
available from W. H. Allen. O Novelisation unavailable. 4^ BBC Video available in
(Timothy Combe. Ep6, uncredited) Ogr
Britain. O Video unavaitabie. A Complete in BBC Archive, A Incompleteinformatfor Roderick Laing
United Kingdom transmission. For further details, see separate table, Where
Producers and Script Editors change, these have been listed above the first story
where the change occurs. i( The Daielis first appeared - In part -
at the very end of The Daleks: The
Dealt Planet. The episode The
Amitush was Ihe first to be
Two schoolteachers. Ian Chesterton transmitted off a 35mm
The First Doctor(1963-1966) (William Russeltl and Barbara Wright telerecordlnB as opposed to
(JacQuellne Hill), accidentalfy discover ihe videotape.
TARDIS in a junkyard 31 76 Toiters Lane.
Pttyeibr William HartnBll
London. Together with the Doctor (William
Hannell) and his grand-daughter Susan
Season One (Carole Ann Ford) they are thrown backm
PmducBr Verity Lambert time and encounters stone-age tribe that
Associate Pmducer: Mervyn Pinfieltt has lost (he secret ot making tire.
Story Editor: David Wliilaker
Doctor Who created by Sydney No wman B THEDAIIKS
and Donald Wilson (uncraditted) (The Mutants 01 The Survivors)
Tx 21/1 2/63-1/2/64: Sever •4 A
AAN UNEARTHLY CHILD R9.0 WfTerryNalionDr ChristDpherBarrv
(IOO.OOObc or The Tribe ot Gum) (Eps 1,2,4,5). Ricbard Martin (Eps 3, 6, 7)
7x23/11/63-14/12/63: FourEoisodes**, DflrRaymond P. Ciisick (Eps 1-S, 7).
R 5. 9milliorsWr Anthony Coburn (aidC. Jeremy Davies (Ep 6)
E. Webber, uncredrled) Or Waris Hussein First appearance ol Ihe Daleks. whoseemed
Ogr Peter Bractiaki (Ep. 1 An Ur}sanhly
, to be killed off on their planet al origin.

Child) and Barry Newbery Skaro. leaving the Thais triumphant. This
Season Two
7x31/10/64-14/11/64. Ttiree^O*
R 8.6 Wr Louis Marks Dr Maivyn Pintield
(Eps 1,2), Douglas Camf ield (Ep 3) Dgr
Raymond P. Cusick
Tx 2 1 /1 1 /64 - 26/1 2/64 S ix
: • A
fl 1 1 ,9 Wr Terry Nation Dr Richard Martin
Dgr Spencer Chapman
Susan leaves as Ihe Doctor defeats ttie
Daleks who have invaded Earth, inienion
turning it in to a giant spaceship by removing
its magnetic core. Filmed as Daleks:

Invasion Eartfi2150ADrt'/(/)/'eferCi/sfl">g as
Doctor Who

Story EdilorOmnis Sooner

ir The first novellzatlon based on the

series was Doctor Who in an
Exciting Adventure Wittt (fie Da/eAs
by DauldWhitakerand published by The Deleks 'Master PIsn: comptinionSara Kingdo L a killed at its climax, a victim of the Time
FrederickMLl1erinNovember1964. Destniclor, Pholo © Ban7 Newbery.
The first paperback edition came
from Armada the fallowing October. HTHEWEBPUWET R THECHASE
Tx 1 3/2/66 - 20/3/65; Six •# A Tx2aM5-26/6/66;Six«0*
R 12.5 Wfr Bill SIrutton Dr Richard Martin R 9.4 Wr Terry Nation Dr Richard li^arlin Dgr
DflrJohnWood Raymond P. Cusick and John Wood

P THE CRUSADE Ianand Barbara ieave and return to 1965Sia

Ti 27/3/65-17/4/65: Four»0 A Dalek time machine. Steven Taylor(PetBf
R 9 4 Wr David Whitaker Dr Douglas Purvesj, a space pilot, makes tiis first
CamfjeidDflf Barry Newbery appearance.

Story Editor: Donald Tosfi

-* Dr Wt}o and (fie Dalelcs was the first

filmbased on the show to be made S THE TIME MEDDLER

by Aarv tor Regal Films. Starring Tx3/7/65-24/7/65: Four«0 *
PeterCushing as Doctor Who, It was R 8.4 Wr Dennis Spooner Dr Douglas
released on 251h June 1965 and Camtield Dgr Barry Newbery
made its BBC1 debut on 1 si July
1972, For the public, it was the first
Season Three
chance to see an adventure in lull

Txll/9/65-2/10/65: Four«OA
H9.9 Wr William Emms Or Derek lulartinus
Ik- The first Doctor Who Annual from Dgr Richard Hunt
World Distributors appeared In the T/A MISSION TO THE UNKNOWN
Autumn of 1965, featuring (Daiek Cutaway)
L THERESCUE adventures with Zarbi, Voord and Tx 9/1 0/65: One Episode* A O
Tx 2^1/65-9/1 /65:TwD»Oi R 8.3 Wr Terry Nation Dr Derek Martinus
R 12.5 Wr David Whitaker Or Christopher Dgr Richard Hjnt, Raymond P. Cusick
Barry DgrRaymond P Cisick The only episode to date to nottiave featured
Vicid (Maureen O'Brien} joins the TMDIS QTHE^ACIMU^UM the Doctor or TARDIS crew: a unlgue trailer
crew, rescued from Ihe planet Dido. Sheisa Tx 24/4/65 - 1 5/5/65: Four •O A (so far) for the twelve-episode story to
Mid of the Twenty-Fifth century. H9.2(incompletefigurBS, nonelorEp. 2: follow.

The Dimensions of Time) Wr Glyn Jones Dr

Rescue: Desperate Measures Mervyn Pintield Dgr Spencer Chapman Producer: Jotm Wiles

was the episode which lirst took the

series into that week's television \1 THE MYTH MAKERS
Top 10 In terms of ratings. The Tx 1 6/1 D/65 - 6/1 1 /65: Four •O A
R 8.3 Wr Donald Cotton Dr Michael Leeston-
previous episode, Tl)e Powerful
Smilh Dgr John Wood
Enemy, featured the first Vicki leaves. Katarina (Adrienne Hill) joins.
pseudonym to hide a plot
revelation: Sydney Wl Ison who was
really Ray Barrett.

R 11 .6 Vifr Dennis Spooner Or Christopher
Barry Dgr Raymond P, Cusick

No AssocisiB Producer from liere on.

1 3/1 1 /65 - M/1/66; Twelve •OA Tx 2B/5/66 - 1 8/6/66' Four •O A
R 9,4 Wrs Terry Nation (Bps 1-5, 7) and R4.9Wr Ian Stuart Black DrChristopher

Dennis Spooner, from an idea by Teriv Barry Dgr Stuart Walker

Nation |Eps6, 8-13) DorsRaymond Cjsick Steven leaves lo become leader ola united
(Eps 1,2,5-7,111, Barry Newbery (Eps 3, race ofpast masters - the Elders - and the
4,8,9,10,12) primitive Savages.

Kalarina is killed: Sara Kingdom (Jean

Marsh) joins the TABDIS crew but is killed
as the Time Destructor ravages the planet
Kembei. wrscldng the Dalelis conquest '

plans for the universe.

Script editor: Garry Davis

{As Indicated trom Ep 4 ol The Massacre ol



Tx 5/2/66 - 26/2/66; Four •OA Tx 25/6/66 - 1 6/7/66: Four A •O

R 6.4 Wr John Lucarotti (Eps 1-3) and R 5.2 Wr Ian Stuart Black, froman idea by

Donald Tosh (Ep 4) Dr Paddy Russell Dgr Kit Pedler Dr Michael Ferguson Dgr

Michael Young Raymond London

Dodo (Jaclae Lane) joins from contemporary Dodo lea^s. Sen Jackson fMichael Craze) The Second Doctor (1966-
Earth. and Polly (Anneke Wills) join, both from
contemporary Eartfj.
Played tiy Patrick Troughton

* The first send-up' ol Doctor Who

came in a sketch Irom BBC's
Crackerjack in January 1 964 where B7 8Wr David WhilakerDrChristopher
the Dador, played by Ihe lale Peter Barry Dgr Derek Oodd
Glaze, landed in his TARDIS (a The rejuvenated Doctorproves his mettle as
plllarbox)tDtaceaDalek. the space colony Vulcan is threatened.

ir The first time a TV personality Tx17/12/66-7/1/67:Four^O A
appeared in the show as himself R 7 .0 Wr Elwyn Jones and Gerry Davis Dr
XTHEARK was newsreader Kenneth Kendall in Hugh David Dgr Geoffrey KirWand
Tx 5/3/66 - 26/3/66: Four * •O Episode 4 ol The War Machines.
H 6.5 Wr Paul Erickson and Lesley Scoti Dr
Michael Imison Dgr Barry Newbery
Season Four
Producer: Innes Uoyd CCTHESMUBGl£RS
TxlO/9/66- 1/1 0/66: Four»OA
R 4.5 Wr Bnan Hayles Dr Julia Smith Ogr
Richard Hunt

Jamie McCrimmon {Fraier Mines) joins, an

eighteenth-century Scottish Highlander. The
last purely historicaf sfofyi/nftyBlackOrchid.


Tx 1 4/1 /67 - 4/2/67 Fo u r
: •OA
R 7.5 Wr Geoffrey Orme Dr Julia Smith Dgr
Jack Robinson
Tx1 1 /2/67 - 4/3/67- Four • OA
R 8 .3 Wr Kit Pedler Dr Morris Barry Dgr
Colin Shaw
Txll/3/67-1/4/57: Four»OA
R8 . 2 Wr !an Stuart Black Dr John Davies
DgrKenneth Sharp

AsseclBa Pmdooer: Peter Bryant

•k Fuiy from ihe Deep Episode 1 was

the first time that the Doctor's sonic
yTHECElESTiALTOmAKER screwdriver was featured.
Tx Z/4/66 -23/4/66: Four* OA DarHETEHTHPUWEr
R 8.3 Wr Brian Hayles Dr Bill Sellars Dgr Tx 8/1 0/66 - 29/1 0/66: Four •OA The first time a transmission
John fl6 7 Wr Kit Pedler (Eps and Kit Pedler
breakdown ever hit an episode was

ZTHEGUNFIGHTERS and Gerry Davis (Eps 3. 4) Dr Derek

during the repeat of The Evil of the
Tx30/A/66-21/5/66.Four*0 A Marttnus Dgr Peter Kindred
Daleks Episode 3, whicli was the
R 6.2 Wr Donald Cotton Dr Rex Tucker Dgr First appearance olil^eCybermen. Tlie
story repeated in its entirity.
Barry Newbery
TxB/4/67-13/5/67:Stx»C>A Tx 1 1/1 1 /67 - 1 6/1 2/67: Six •O A Season Six
R7A Wr David Ellis and Malcolm Hulke Dr R7.3WtBrian Hayles Df Derek Martinus Script Editor: DaniiA Darwin
Gerry Mill Dgr Geoffrey Kirkland Dgr Jeremy Davies
Ben and Polly !me. arming back on Earth First appearance of the Ice Warriors, TTTHEOOMIHATOHS
on exactly the same day as they left. soldiers from the planet !i4ars. Tx10/8/6e-7/9/68:Five«4A
fl 6,2 Wr Norman Ashby (Mervyn

NoAssocialB Pmducerfmm here Haisman and Henry Lincoln) Dr Morris

Story Eilifors: Garry Davis (Eps 1-31 and Barry Dgr Barry rJewbery
Peter Biyaal(Eps 2-4) mTHE MIND BOBBER
Tx 1 4/9/68 - 1 2/1 0/68: Five •» A
R 6,9 Wr Peter Ling {Eps 2-5); Derrick
StiBrwin(Ep1, uncr8diled)DrOavld
Maloney Dgr Evan Hercules

ScriptEditor: TerraitceDI^

Tx 2/1 1 /68 - 21/1 2/68: Eifltit • A O
R 6,9 Wr Derrick Stierwin, from an Idea by
Kit Pedler Dr Douglas Camfield Dgr Richard
Tx 20/5/67 -1/7/67: Seven A OO The United Nations Intelligence Task Force
R 6.4 Wr David Wfiitaker Or Oerek Mailinus (UNIT), ted by Brigadier Alistair Gordon
OorCHris Thompson Lelhbhdge-Stewart, help the Doctor deal
Victoria Watoffield (Deborah Watling) joins with the Cybermen once more
the TARDIScrtM alter her lather IS killed ss First appearance of Benton (John
Skaro. the Daleks ' home planet, is plunged Levene).
into civil war. it The first story to have a specially WWTHEKHOTONS
produced trailer (I.e. one featuring Tx 28/1 2^68 - 1 8/1 /68: Four A
material not in the episode) was R B,0 Wr Robert Holmes Dr David Maloney
rtie Ice Warriors. Dgr Raymond London
PP THE ENEMY OF THEWORU) Tx25/1/B9-1/3/6g:Six»#A
Tx 23/1 2/67 - 27/1/68: Six •O A R 7 2 Wr Brian Hayles Dr Michael Ferguson

R 7,4 Wr David Wfiitaker Dr Barry Letis Dgr Dgr Paul Ailen

Cfiristcplier Pemsel
Troughton in a double role as both the Script Editor: Derrick Sharwin
Doctor and the evil Salamander.
Producer: Peter Bryant TX8/3/69-12/4/69: Six Episodes
Slory Editor: Derridi Shenvln fl 5,9 Wr Robert Holmes Dr Michael Harl
Dgr Ian Watson
Season Five 7x3/2/60-9/3/68: Six«vA Producer: Derrick Sherwln
ProdticBr: Paler Bryant H7.6WrMervynHaisman and Henry ScriptEditor: Termnce DIellS
Story Editor: Victor Pemberton Lincoln Dr Douglas Camfield Dgr David
Myerscoigh- Jones
MM THETOIifBOFTHECYBERIUEN The Yeti return and Nicholas Courtney
Tx 2/9/67 - 23/9/67: Four Episodes* vA debuts as Colonel Alistair Gordon
H 6.8 Wr
Kit Pedler and Gerry Oavis Dr LBthbridge-Stewarr.
Morris Barry Dgr Martin J all r son f 'A
The Cybermats are introduced for the first Tx 1 6/3/68 - 20/4/68: Six •v A
time, small robotic slaves olthe Cybermen H7.2WrVictorPBmBertonDrHugh David
Dgr Peter Kindred
Prodacar: Innas Uoyd Victoria is adopted by the Harris family.
Story Editor Patar Bryant

Tx 1 9/4/69 - 21 /6/69: Ten
fl 4.9 Wr Malcolm Hull<e,

David Maloney Dgr Robert Cheveley

Oesp//e defeating the
• A
Terrance Dicks Dr

War Chief, the Doctor

is unable to send captured Earth troops back
to their own times and planet on his own.
When he calls his people for help, thstima
tramller is forced to surrender to trial for

interfering in the lives of other races. Found

SS THE WHEELIN SPACE guilty, he is exiled lo Earth and his
Tx27/4/68-1/6/6a:Six«CA appearance changed once more. His
R 7,2 Wr David Wfiitaker (from a story by Kit companions, Jamie and Zoe, are sent back
m THEABOMINm£ SHOWMEN Pedler) Dr Tristan de Vere Cole Dgr Derek lo their own times, their memories wiped of
Tx30W67-4/11/67:Six«OA Dodd all but their first adventure with the errant
R 6.8 Wr Mervyn Haisman and Henry Victoria is left behind on Earth butZoe Time Lord...
Lincoln DrGerald Slake Dgr Malcolm Hernot (Wendy Padbury) loins, an
Middleton astrophysicist with a photogrspht memory, k The War Games was the first story
First Great Intelligence story, first as ttK Doctor lights to defeat another threat where the Time Lords, ttie Doctor's
appearance of the Yell from die Cybermen. own race, were referred to byname.

R 7.4 Wr Bob Baker and Dave Martin Dr

Michael Ferguson Dgr Kenneth Sharp
TxlO/4/71 -15/5/71; Six«0* (BetaSP
Conversion dub)
R 8.5 Wr Malcolm Hulke Dr Michael Briant
OgrTim Glee son
The Time Lords operate the Doctor's
TARDIS by remote control, in order to
resolve a plot by the Master to steal a
doomsday weapon on a remote planet
Tx 22/5/71 -19/6/71: FivB«0 A
R B.3 WrGuy Leopold (Robert Sloman and
Barry Letts) Dr Christopher Barry Dgr
Roger Ford
The Master Is captured by UNIT.

Season Nine


The Third Doctor (1970-
Tx 21/3/70 - 2/5/70: Seven mOA
H 7,3 Wr David Whitaker (Uncradited
Played by Jon PertwBB script amendments by Malcolm Hulke) Dr
Colour Storiss bsgln. Note: for Jon Wlicbaei Ferguson Dgr David Myerscougb-
Pertwee's period. Missing Episodes Jones
refers to those stories nof currently held in ODD INFERNO
a complete 625VT colour copy tormat. the Tx 9/5/70 - 20/6/70; Seven •OA (All 1

type reeded for British transmission as per Conversion)

tHeir original Tx. Beta SP Dubs, whiciican R 5.6 Wf Don Houghton Dr Douglas
be transmitted are listed, iSpearhead from Camfield {and various uncredited scenes, KKKDAYOFTHEDALEKS
Space is the only story which was filmed Barry Letts, Douglas Camfield) Dor Tx 1/1/72-22/1/72: Four»^A
and IS held as a I6mm colour print). Black Jeremy Davies R 9.6 Wr Louis Marks Dr Paul Bernard Ogr
and white 16mm film recordings of David Myerscough-Jones

episodes, made from the original 625VTs Season Eight

are broadcaslable antl are held for most
epiSDfles missing in the 625VT colour
format. Missing Episodes sought are
listed elsewhere in tfiis Year Book!
FrDtn story 4A [Robot] onwards, all stories
are held in a format suitable for UK

Season Seven
ProdacBr: Derrick Sharwln
Script Editor Terrenee DIdts nmTHE CURSE OF PELADON
Tx 29/1/72- 19/2/72: F0U(«O A (525
Ti 3/1/70 -24/1/70: Four«# A R 9.4 Wr Brian Hayles Dr Lennie Wayne
R 8.2 Wr Robert Holmes Dr Derek Dgr Gloria Clayton
Martihus Dgr Paul Alien First Peladon story, first appearances of

Jtie Doctor arrives on Eanh and t/ie Anions Alpha Centauri and Aggedor.
make their firsl appearance, directed by Ill THE SEA DEVILS
the malevolent Nestenes. LizShaw EEE TERROR OF THEAUTONS Tx 26/272 -1/4/72: Six«0 A (BetaSP
(Caroline Jolinj becomes the Doctor's Tx2/1/7l-23/1/71:Four»OA Dubs: 1-5 Conversion, 6 Off 625)
assistant, a research scientist from H 7.9 Wr Robert Holmes Or Barry Letts R 8.2 Wr Malcolm Hulke Dr Michael Briant
Cambridge University. The Doctor agrees Dgr Ian Watson Ogr Tony Snoaden
to norl< for UNIT as ttietr scientific advisor Despite their non-inlerterence policy, the Firstappearance ot the Sea Devils, a race
until he can repair ills TARDIS. Time Lords warn the Doctor of the arrival of of underwater Eocenes (Silurians). The
tiie evil renegade Time Lord, the Master Master escapes confinement. i

Producar Barry l^lts (played by Roger Delgado), on Earth.

Doctor Who and the Silurians was
Jo(septiinej Grant (Katy Manning)
the tlrsl serial to use colour
BBB DOCTOR WHO AND THE SILURIANS becomes the Doctor's assistant after Liz
videotape, and also Colour
Tx 31/1/70 - 14/3/70: Seven ©OA Shaw has returned to her academic career
Seperation Overlay (CSO) which
R 7.7 Wr Malcolm HulteDr Timothy First appearance ot Captain Mii<e Yates
Combe Dgr Barry Newbeiy (Richard Franidin). firsl appeared in Episode 4. Bessie,
First appearance of the Silurians FFf THE MIND OF EVIL the Doctor's car, made its debut in

{Eocenes}, intelligent reptiles who ruled Tx30/1/71-6/3/71:Six»OA Episode 1.

the Earth sometime during Ilie dinosaur fl 8,0 Wr Don Houghton Dr Timothy
ir The lirst paperback books from
age Ttie creatures went Into hibernation Combe Dgr Raymond London
GGQ THE CLAWS OF AXQS Target were issued in May 1973,
millions ot years ago and now seek to
:FDur«0 4 (BetaSP these being reprints ot the Sixties
reclaim ttie planet from the upstart ape - 7x13/3/71 -3/4/71
Man. Conversion djb) Frederick Muller titles.
Season Eleven
Tx 1 5/1 2(73 - 5/1 /74: FOL r • 4
R 8.2 Wr Robert Holmes Dr Aian Bromly
Dgr Keith Cheetham
The Sontarans debut and Sarah Jane Smith
(Elisabeth Staden) joins the Doctor.

•k The Time Warrior Part Two was the

first occasian on which the Doctor's

home planet was named as

Gaiiilrey. Part One also saw the
debut of the iliamond logo used on
the series for many years, and the
* HHH THE MUTANTS PPP CARNIVAL OF MONSTERS first slit-scan title sequence.
Tt a/4/72 - 1 3/5/72: Six • O * (Beta SP Tx 27/1/73 -17/2ff3: FoLr«OA
Conversion dub) R 9.2 Wf Robert Holmes Dr Barry Letts WWW INVASION OF THE DINOSAURS
R 7 8 Wr Bob Baker and Dave Martir Dr Dgr Roger Limintor (First episode titled Invasion)
Christopher Barfy Dgr Jeremy Bear With a new demateriatisalion circuit in ft/s Tx 12/1/74 -16/2/74: Six«OA
000 THE TIME MONSTER possession and the knowledge of the time R 9.6 Wr Malcolm Hulke Dr Paddy Russeli
• O A (Beta SP
Tx 20/5/72
Conversion dub)
- 24/6/7Z: Six

R 7.4 Wr Robert Sloman Dr Paul Bernard

travel restored, the Doctor once again
starts to travel in time and space,
accompanied by Jo Grant. Their first
Dgr Richard Morris
Tx 23/2/74 - 1 6/3/74: Four • A (Video,
Dflrlin: Glees on adventure lands them in a miniscope, Ep.1 Converted]
threatened t>y the powerful Drashigs. R 9 .4 Wr Terry Nation Dr Michael Briant
Season Ten
Dgr Colin Green

Tx 23/3/74
- 27/4/74: Six •O 4
R 7.7 Wr Brian Hayles Dr Lennie Mayne
Dgr Gloria Clayton
The Doctor returns to Petadon fifty years
after his first visit and becomes embroiled
in an Ice Warrior plot.


Tx24/2(73-31/3/73:Six«v A
R 8.0 Wr Malcolm Huike Dr Paul Bernard
(also David Maloney. iast scene). Dgr
Cynthia Kljjco
rrte Master returns, attempting to engineer
a war Cefiveen the Earth and Draconian
empires in the Twenty-Sixth Century. He is
aided by the Ogrons and a surprising


ally .


Tx4/5/74 -8/6/74:Six»*4
Tx 30/1 2/72 - 20/1/73: Four •C 4 Tx 7/4/73 - 12/5/73: Six«C'A R 9.0 Wr Robert Sloman Or Barry Letts
R 1 0.3 Wr Bob and Dave Martin Dr
Bal<er R 9.7 Wr Terry Nation Dr David Maloney Dgr Rocheile Selwyn
Lennie Mayne Dgr Roger Liminton Dgr John Hurst The spiders of f^etebells Three track down
First appearance of Omega, a Time Lord First appearance ot the Thais since The the blue crystal (see The Green DeathJ and
stellar engineer who assisted m the Daleks in 1963. the Doctor's body is irreparably damaged
original experiments that gave Galiifrey
power over time and space Flung into an
Tx 19/5/73 -23/6/73: Six«OA
in his final confrontation with the Great
One. His regeneration takes place, helped
anti-matter universe he see*s revenge on R 7.7 Wr Robert Sloman Dr Michael Briant along by a projection (Cho-je) of the Time
the Time Lord race and the first three Dgr John Burrowes Lord K'Anpo - the Doctor's past mentor
Doctors are united In a bid to slop his The Doctor finds and takes a blue crystal (K'Anpo subseguentty regenerates into
from Metebeils Three. Jo leaves. Cho-ie).

The Fourth Doctor (1974-


Played by Tom Baker

MB All stories from Robol exist In the SBC

archive In a formal suitable lor UK

Season Twelve
Script Editor Robert Holmes
r*28/1 2/74-18/1/75- Four«0
fl 10.2 Wr TerrancB Dicks Dr Christopher
8ariy Dgr Ian Pawns ley
Harry Sullivan ( tan Marter) appears.
Benton is promoted from Sergeant to
Warrant Officer
the early Seventies, many television programmes were junked and certain Doctor
InWho stories were lost. Some stories only exist in part and some of Jon Pertwee's ir flotiol. the debut torTom Baker, was
adventures, the (irst to be transmitted in colour, were also victims of this selective
also the first serial to be made
junking, with only black and white or United States format copies currently held In the
completely on colour videotape with
BBC archives. Colour copies that could be brcadcasl in Britain or released on video are
the location wor4( handled by an
still beirfl sought. All the episodes Docfor Wftofans are searching tor are listed Below.

For reasons of space, we have not listed separate episode titles for Harlnell stories.
Outside Broadcast team and not a
The BBC Archive holds certain Pertwee stories in a variety of forinats, such as 525 line, film crew. A new tllte sequence
black and white film recordings eic, of which some could be broadcast In the UK in black appeared, now featuring the Doctor
anu wniie, A word of explanation. The United States (tor enamplel uses a different and theTARDIS.
transmission system to Britain {525 lines, not 625) which means copies held by the BBC
previously transmitted there cannot be broadcast in Britain. However, they can be Prodacer: Philip Hinchclifte
conveiiea to 625 line copies, an operation already in progress (and used for the video
loioasnoi Death to the Daleks). 4C THEARKINSPACE
Copies of stories now held as complete 'Beta SP dubs', have been listed in the main T«25/1/75-15/2/75:Four«#
guide; these are suitable (or UK transmission and are colour R 11.1 Wr Robert Holmes Dr Rodney
Al[ stories from 4f\ onwards exislin a UK broadcast able format. Bennett Dgr Roger tyiurray- Leach
WILLIAM HAHTTIELL Season One: Warco/^o/o, ail seven episodes; The Reign of Terror, Tx22/2/75-l/3/75:Two»':'
4, 5. Season Two: The Crusade. 1. 2, 4. Season Three Galaxy 4. all four episodes; R 10.7 Wr Bob Baker and Dave Martin Dr
Mission to Oie Unknown; The Myth Makers, all four episodes; The Daleks' Master Plan. Rodney Be nnettDgrRDgerfylurray- Leach
1, 2. 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12; The Massacre ot St Bartholomew's Eve. alKoureplsodes: The Recorded totally on 08
Celestial Toymaker. 1. 2, 3; The Savages, all four episodes. Season Four The
Smugglers, ail four episodes, and The Tenth Planet, 4

PATRICK THOUGHTON Season Four: The Power ol the Daleks. all six episodes: The
Highlanders, all four episodes; The Underwater Menace. 1, 2, 4; TheMoonbase. I 3:

TheMacra Terror, all four episodes; The Faceless Ones. 2, 4, 5, 6; The Evil ot the Daleks,
1. 3, 4, 5, 6. 7 Season Five: The Tomb ol the Cybermen. all four episodes; The
Abominable Snowmen. 1, 3, 4, 5,6: The Ice Warriors, 2, 3; The Enemy ol the Worlds,
2,4,5, G.ThB Web of Fear. 2, 3,4,5, 6; ft/ry/romf/ie Deep, all six episodes; r/jeW/jee/
in Space. 1,2,4, 5. Season Six' The Invasion. I.'i; The Space Piiaiss. 1,3.4,5. 6.

JON PERTWEE (625VT colour recordings soughl), Season Seven: Doctor Who and 4E GENESIS OF THE DMEKS
the Silurians, all seven episodes; The Ambassadors of Death. 2-7, Inferno all seven TxB/3/75-12/4/75:Six».0'
episodes. Season Eight. Terror of the Amns, all four episodes; The Mind of Evil .
all six H 9,6 Wr Teriv Nation Or David l^aloney Dgr
episodes; TheQawsofAxos. 2. 3; Cofonym Space, all six episodes; ffteOsmons.l, 2, David Spode
3, 5. Season Nine; The Curse olPeladon. all four episodes; The Sea Devils. 1, 2, 3, The First appearance ol Davros, creator ol the
Mutants. 1, 2: The Time Monster. 1-5. Season Ten, Planet ol the Daleks. 3. Season Daleks. The Time Lords persuade the Doctor
Bevei}-. Invasion (of Ihe Dinosaurs) 1. Death to the Daleks, 1 to attempt to prevent the creation of the
Daleks or alter their genetic sinjcture so they
Missing episodes are being recovered all the time, through the painstaking work of the evolve as less aggressive creatures.
BBC Archive and dedicated members of the general public. Anvone who mav have 4D REVENGE OF THE CYBERMEN
Information about such material should contact; the Archive Selaclor, BBC Archives. Txl9/4/75-10/5/75-Four«*
c/D BBCTalevlilon Centre, Wood Lane London W12. R 9,0 Wr Gerry Davis Dr Michael E. Briant

Dgr Roger tyiurray-Leach '

4Q THEFACEOFEVIL planet Minyos led to that civilisation's sett-
Season Tliirteen Four«<>
1x1/1/77-22/1/77: Minyan crew Indicate they
destruction. The

- TERROR OF mZYGONS R 11.2 Wr Chris Boucher Or Pennant had many thousands of regenerations in
Tx 30/6/75 - 20/9/75: Four •^ Roberts Dgr Austin Ruddy order to complete their quest for the PTE.

R 7.5 Wr Rober Barks Stewart Dr Douglas Leela (Louise Jameson) of the Sevaieem iZ THE INVASION OF TIME
Camfield Dgr Nigel Curzon joins the Doctor Tx 4/2/78- 11/3/78: Six^O
fl 10.5 Wr David Agnew (Graham Williams
Ust regular appeaiance of the Brigadier
and Anthony Read) Dr Gerald Blake Dgr
Barbara Go sn old
1x27/9/75-18/10/75: Four«v
The Sontarans, employing the Vardans to
R 9 9 Wr Louis Marts Dr David Maloney Dgr
Roger Murray-Leactt assist them, invade Galllfrey Leela leaves

AS PYRAMIDS OF MARS along with K9 Mark I and K9 l^ark II Is

Tx 25/1 0/75 - 1 5/1 1 /75' Four • unveiled.

R 10 7 Wr Stepner Harris, (Lewis Greifer

and RoDen Holmes) Dr Paddy Russell Dgr Season Sixteen
Christine Ruscoe (The Key to Time Season)
Tx 22/1 1/75 - 1 3/1 2/75: Four •O ikTHERIBOS OPERATION
fl 11.7 Wr Terry Naiior Dr Barry Lens Ogr Tx2/9/7e-23fl/78:Four«0
Philip Lindley R 8.1 Wr Robert Holmes Or George
Lasiappearance of Senlon and Harry. Spenton- Foster Dgr Ken Ledsham
R 9 8 Wr Robin Bland (Terrance Dicks) Dr
Cfinstopiier BarryDgr Barry Newbery
First and only appearance of the Sisterhood
of Kam, who share their Elixir ol Life - an THE ROBOTS OF DEATH
immorlalHy drug - with the Time Lords. Tx 29/1/77-19/2/77: Four«^
fl 12.7 Wr Chris Boucher Or Michael E.

Bnani Dgr Kenneth Sharp

Tx 25/2/77 - 2/4/77: Six«4
fl 10.4 Wr Robert Holmes Dr David Maloney
Dgr Roger Murray- Leach

Season Fifteen
Producer: Graham Williams
Tx3/9/77 - 24/9/77:Four»<>
AITHE SEEDS OF DOOM H 8,4 Wr Terrance Dicks Dr Paddy Russell
Tx31/1/76-6/3/76:Six«0 Dgr Paul Allen The Doctor is called upon to collect (he six
R lO.g Wr Rober 8anl<s Stewart Dr Douglas if THE INVISIBIE ENEMY segments ot the Key to Time by the White
Camfield Dgr Roger Murray-Leach and Tx 1/10/77-22/10/77: Four»<> Guardian. The key will be used to restore the
Jeremy Bear (Parts One and Two Only) n 7.9 Wr Bob Baker and Dave Martin Dr cosmic balance. The Doctor and K9 Mark II

iMSt regular UNIT story. Derrick Goodwin Dgr Barry Newbery are joined by the Time Lady. Romanadvorat-
KQI^arkljoins. voiced by John Leeson. redlundar (Mary Tamm). better known as
Season Fourteen itiMAGEOFTHEFENDAHL Romana.
Tx 4/9/76 -25/9/76; Four»0 Tx30/9/78-21/10/78:Four
fl 9.5 Wr Lojis Marks Dr Rodney Bennett
H 8.3 Wr Douglas Adams Or Pennant
Dgr Barry Mewbery Roberts Dgr Jon Pusey
Tx2/10/76-23/10/76:Four«v Tx 26/1 one - 1 8/1 1/78: Four •
fl 7.0 Wr Bob Baker and Oave Martin Dr R 8.0 Wr David Fisher Dr Darrol Blake Dgr
Lennie Mayne Dgr Christina Ruscoe John Stout
Sarafi leaves, (he Doctor unable to lake her 5D THE ANDROIDS OF TARA
to Gallilrey. Tx 25/1 1 /7a - 1 6/1 2/78: Four •
R 9.1 Wr David Fisher Dr Michael Hayes Dgr
Valerie Warrender
-k Doctor Who appeared on radio lor
the first time on 4th October 1976
Tx23/1 2/78-13/1 /79:Four«v
wtien Tom Baker and Elisabetli
R9 4WrRobenHolrresDr Norman Stewart
Sladen played the Doctor and Sarati iW THE SUN MAKERS Dgr Don Giles
In an episode of Exploration Earth Tx 26/11/77-17/1 2/77:Four».> 5F THE ARMAGEDDON FACTOR
called The Time Machine. R a 8 Wr Robert Holmes Dr Pennant Tx20/1/79-24/2/79:Six»O
Roberts Dgr Tony Snoaden R 8.5 Wr Bob Baker and Dave Martin Dr
APTHF DEADLY ASSASSIN Michael Hayes Dgr Richard McManan-
Tx 30/1 0/76 -20/1 1/76: FOLr»<:. Script Editor: Anltiony Head Smith
fl 1 2.2 Wr Robert Holmes Dr David Maloney Part One: iOOth Episode. First appearance
Dgr Roger Murray- Leach itUNDERWORlB of the Black Guardian (played by Valentine
The Doctor is pitied agamsl the Master Tx 7/1/78- 28/1 /78' Four»0 Dyail). aided by the Shadow, his servant in
(Peter Pratt] on the Time Lords' owrj planet. R 9.6 Wr Bob Baker and Dave Martin Or order to elude the Black Guarrlian when he
as his arch nemesis seeks to obtain a new Norman Stewart Dgr Dick Coles again scatters the Key to Time across the
cycle of regenerations. The Master is The Doctor explains the Minyan tragedy that cosmos, the Doctor fits a Randomiser to the
defeated but escapes First appearance of provoked ffte Time Lords non-interference TARDIS console so neiffierhe (nor the Black

Bonjsa- the Doctor's teacher at Academy. policy, where Gallifreyan intervention on the Guardian) can predict where it will land next.

Season Seventeen Tx 22/1 1/80 - 1 3/1 2/80: Four •O
Script edilor: Douglas Adams R 5.2 Wr Terrarce Dicks Dr Peter Motfatl
iiOESIINYOFTHEDAifKS Dgr Christine Ruscoe
Ti 1/9/79 - 22/9/79: F0Lr»O Ttie iasi GrEal Vampire is l<liie<J. the last ol a
R 13,5 Wr Terry Nation Dr Ken Grieve Dgr mce thought long destroyed during a war
Ken Ledsliam against the Time Lords led by Rassilon. Ttie

Romans decides to regenerate (now played was ms said to have been so long and so
by L^la Ward). The Movellans are violent the Time Lords were s/c*ened ot
Introduced, roOotic enemies ol itie Daleits. violence forever.
Davms re-appears. SSWAHRIORS'GATE
Tx 7.5 Wr Steve Gailagher Dr Paui Joyce
{and Graeme Harper) Dgr Graeme Story
Romans and K9 leave to help the Thariis in E-
Space. The TARDIS retums to re.

The Fifth Doctor (1982-

iHCITY OF DEATH Played by Peter Davison
Ix 29/9/79 - 20/1 0/79: Four O«
fl 14.5 Wr David Agrew (DoLglas Adams Season Nineteen
and Graham Williams, from an idea by David No Executive Producer from here
Fisher) Dr Michael Hayes Dgr Ricliard Script Editor: Eric Saward
McManan Smith
•k The first story to contain overseas
lllmingwasC/VKO/DesfA which had
Tx 4/1/82-12/1/82: Four#0
H 9.9 Wr Christopher H. Bidmead Dr Fiona
material shot on location in Paris,
Gumming Dgr Janet Budden
France. The new Doctor makes use of the TARDIS
X THE CREATURE FROM THE PIT Zero Room to assist his regeneration,

Tx 27/1 0/79 - 1 7/1 1 /79: Four •O which is jettisoned along with other parts

R 10.0 Wr David Rsher Dr ChristopHer Bariy of the TARDIS to avoid travelling into Event
Dgr Valerie Wan^nder One. The Master Is trapped in Castrov^va,

K9 now voiced by Da'/idBrierley. a Block Transfer Computation created by

iKmBHTMABEOFEDEN Adric, when It vanishes.

Tx 24/1 1/79-1 5/1 2/79: Four •O 5T THE KEEPER OF TRAKEN

R 9.3 Wr Bob Baker Dr Alan Bromly (and Tx31/1/81-Z1/2/81:Four«0 ir Castrovalva was not only ttie tlrst
Graham Wiliiams) Dgr Roger Cann fl 6.2 Wr Johnny Byrne Dr John Black Dgr Peter Davison serial, but Part One
iL THE HORNS OF NIMON TonySjrrouflh was ttie first episode to feature a
Ti 22/1 2/79 - 1 2/1/79: Four •O The Master (Geoltrey Beeversj re-appears
pre-credit sequence - coming
R 9.3 Wr Anthony Read Dr Kerry McBain and a*es over the body ol Tremas to
before a new opening titles. It was
Dgr Graeme Story continue his life.
m SHABA 5VL0G0P0US also the first lime a
on BBC1 had gone out on a day
first run episode

Untrartsmltted: Ali recorded material held in Tx28/2/B1-21/3/ei:Four«<^

BBC Ari^ive: Six OO H 6.7 Wr Christopher H. Bidmead Or Peter rather than a Saturday, starling a
Wr Douglas Adams Dr Pennant Roberts Dgr Grimwade Dgr Malcolm Thornton twice-weekly schedule.
Victor Meredith Seeidng to re-configure the TARDiS to

Parts used in TlieFive Doctors. enable the chameleon circuits to worif again, Script Editor: Antony Root
the Doctor Is once again pitted against the
Master (Anthony Ainiey) and although 5WF0URT0D00l«SDAr
Season Eighteen defeating the evil Time Lord, he is forced into Tx18/1/82-26/1/B2.Four#^
Executive Producer: Barry Latts regeneration, assisted by a projection of his R 9.0 Wr Terence DudieyDrJohn Black Dgr
Producer: John Nathan- Turner new self, the Watcher. Nyssa of Traken Tony Burrough
Script EdilorairistDpherH.BIdemaad (Sarah Sutton) and air hostess Tegan
5H THE LEISURE HIVE Jovaniia (Janet Fielding) join. Script Editor: Eric Saward
r» 30/8/80 -20/9/80: Four«.:>
R 5.1 Wr David Fisher Dr Lovetl Bicl<tord 5Y KINDA
Dgr Tom Vardley-Jores Tx 1/2/82 - 9/2/82: Four
Jotin Leeson returns to voice K9. R 9,0 Wr Christopher Bailey Dr Peter
iQIHEDLOS Grimwade Dgr Malcolm Thornton
Tx27/9/80-18/10/80:Four»0 No ExBcutlvB Producer First appearance of the Mara.
R 4.6 Wr Andrew McCul touch and John Producer: John Nathan Turner
Flanagan Dr Terence Dudley Dgr Philip Scrip! Editor: Eric Saward and Antony Script Editor: Antony Root
Lindley Root
Tx 28/12/81 One! ifty minute episode •Q TX15/2/82-23/2/82: Fojr#0

Tx 25/1 0/8C - 1 5/11/80: Four

Wr Terence Dudley Dr John Black Dgr Nigel
R 5.2 Wr Andrew Smith Dr Peter Grimwade R 9 8 Wr Eric Saward Dr Peter Moffatt Dgr

DgrJanetBudden Ken Starkey
Pilot episode lor a proposed but unrealised
Traveiiing througti a Charged Vacuum The Doctor Inadvertently starts the !666
spln-olt series featuring Sarah Jane Smith
Emboilmeni. the TAflDIS Is trapped in E- Great Fire of London when he destroys the
(Elisabeth Sladen) with K9 Mk III (voiced by
Space. Adric (Mat^ew Waterhouse) boards alien Terlieptii leader The Doctor 's sonic
John Leesonl, a present from the Doctor. *"
ttieship. screwdriver is destroyed.
The Black Guardian is defeated and
Turlough is freed from his power
Tx 15/3/83 - 15/3/83; Two 0 <j>

R 5.5 Wr Terence Dudley Dr Tony Virgo Dgr

Ken Ledsham
Kamelion (voiced by Gerald Flood) joins
the Doaor 's crew when the Master makes
another appearance, plotting to twist Earth
history and ensure the Magna Carta is not


Tx 25/11/83 - (23/11/83, USA): One #«
{Ninety Minute Special)
fl 77 Wr Terrance Dicks Dr Peter Moftati
(and John Nathan*Tjrner) Dgr Malcolm
* Script Editor Brie Sswaril Turlough (fi^arli Strickson) joins, an agent Thornton
of the Slaci! Guardian ordered to kill the The Doctors (the First Doctor played by
6k BLACK ORCHID Doctor. LeIhbrkJge-Siemri appears, nowa Richard Hurndali) are summoned to the
Tx 1/3/82 -2/3/82: Two #C> school teacher Death Zone on Gallifrey, part of a plot
H 9 2 WrTarence Dudley Dr Ron Jores Ogr conceived by Lord President Borusa to
Tory Burro ugh 6Q TERMINUS achieve immortality A Daiek, the
1x15/2/83-23/2/83: Four#0 Cybermen and the Master are among those
Script Editor Antony Hoot R 71 Wr Steve Gallagher Dr Mary Ridge Ogr drawn inio the Game of Rassllon before
Dick Coles Borusa is defeated - but no! in a way he
6B eABTHSHOCK /Vyssa leaves eapects.
Tk 8/3/82 - 16/3/82 Four

9 <;>

H 9.3 Wr Eric Saward Dr Peier Gnmwade

Dgr Bernard Lloyd- J ones THE DOCTOR'S TOP TWENTY
Adric foils a Cyberman plot to destroy The chart below records the Doctor's mosi popular stories In Britain, based on
Twenty-Sixth century Earth by rs-routing a the average ratings the story acheived. recorded in millions. In brackets is
space freighter through a time spiral. Ii listed tfie Doctor who starred:
crashes on Earth sixly-tive million years in
1 Cf(/o/Deart (Tom Baker) 14.50m"
the past, killing the Doctor's young
2 Pyramids of Mars -Edited Repeat {^otn Biker) 13.70m
companion and causing the dinosaurs'
3 Des(/nyo/meDaMs(TomBaker) 13.49m'
4 The Robots of Death (Tom Baker) 12.72m
Script Editor Brie Saward 5 The Web Planet (William Hartnell) 12.50m
S mefiescue (William Hartnell) 12.50m
7 7fteDearf;y>4ssass/n (Tom Baker) 12.18m
1x22/3/82-30/3/82. Four»0
R 9.0 Wr Peter Grimwade Dr Ron Jones Dgr 8 The DaIek Invasion of Sarih (William Hartnell) 11 ,90m
Richard McManan-Smlth S The Android Invasion (Tom Baker) 11 .68m
The Doctor again defeats the Master but 10 TTje Romans (William Hartnell) 11 ,62m
Tegan is left on IWenlieth-Century Earth. 11 r/ie face of fl'// (Tom Baker) 11.20m
12 The Ark in Space (Tom Baker) 11 ,10m
Season Twenty 13 The Hand olFear (Tom Bakef) 10.95m
St ARC OF INFINITY 14 The Seeds of Doom (Tom Baker) 10.60m
Tk 3/1/83-12/1/83: Fouf#v
15 The Brain ofMorbius - Edited Repeat (Tom Baker) 10.90m
fl 7.2 Wr Johnny Byrne Or Ron Jones D(ir
16 The Sontaran Experiment (Tom Baker) 1 1 .93m
Marjorie Pratt
17 The Deemons - Edited Repeat (Jon Pertwee) 10.53m
Tegan re/oms and Omega returns, defeated
by the Doctor using a matter converter 18 The Invasion of Time (Tom Baker) 10,52m
to SNAKBDANCE 19 The Green Death - Edited Repeat (Jon Pertwee) 10.45m
1x18/1/83-26/1/83. Four#C> 20 The Talons of Weng-Chiang (Tom Baker) 10.35m
R 7,1 Wr Christopher Bailey Dr Fiona
Cumming Dgr Jan Spoczynski 'An ITV strike increased viewing figures for most BBC programmes when
Second libera story these stories were first broadcast.

Rfth Doctor Peter Davison's higfiest placing in a chart of all Who stories is at
Number 25 with ttis debut story Castrovalva with Patrick Trougtiton's highest
rated story being The Moonbase, a Cybemian story joint equal at the Number
64 position with William Hattnell's The Celestial Toymaker. As viev^dng habits
change (although audience appreciation of the programme remains generally
higti throughout the series twenty-eight years) Colin Baker's highest placing
is with Attack of the Cybermen at Number 72. The Seventh Doctor, his

adventures placed against Coronation Street, a long running and very popular
6r MAWDRYN UNDEAD soap opera, enters the chart at Number 134 with the twenty-fifth annlvefsary
Tx 1/2/83 -9/2/S3: Foir^o
story , Silver Nemesis .
R 73 Wr Peter Grimwade Dr Peter Moffalt
Dgr Stephen Scott Source: BARB
before he becomes embroiled in a plot THE ULTIMATE EVIL
Season Twenty-One conceived by the renegade Time Lord. Wr, Wally K. Daly
The TARDIS working perfectly the Doctor
Foijr#0 plans a holiday in Jranquela, a peaceful
n 72 Wr Johnny Byrne Dr Penant Roberts Season Twenty-Two country His visit coincides with that of an

OgrTony Surrougfi (Episodes this season: Forty-live miniJles unscrupulous arms dealer - the
The Sea Devils and the Silurians unite in an each) Machiavetian Dwarf Ivlordant.

attempt to praml(B two human power STATTAa OF THE CYBERMEN MISSION TO MAGNUS
blocs into nuclear war. Tx5/!/85-12/1/e5.Two#.> Wr Philip Martin
m THE AWAKENING R 8.0 Wr Paula Moore Dr Matthew The Ice Warriors return alongside the

7x19/1/84 -20/1/84; Two #v Robinson Dgr Marjorie Pratt

Last appearance of Lytton. TheOocior
villainous Sit in attempt to freeze an entire
world and wipe out most of its population.
R 7.2 Wr Eric Pringle Dr Michael Owen
Morris Dgr Barry Newbery attempts lo repair the TARDIS' chameleon
circuit wilh bizarre results.
Tx 19/1/85-26/1/85: Two
H 71 Wr Philip Martin Dr Ron Jones Dgr
Tony Soaden
Firs! appearance of Sil (played by Nabil
Tx 2/2/85 -9/2/85: Two #0
R 70 Wr Pip and Jane Baker Dr Sarah
Hellings Dgr Paul Trerise
6HFRONTI0S FIrsI appearance of the Rani (played by Kate
Tx 26/1/84- 3/2/84' FoiJr#<. O'Mara), a female renegade Time Lord.
R 6.B Wr Christopher H. Bidmead Dr Ron 6W THE TWO DOCTORS
Jones Dgr David Bjckingham Tx 16/2/85 -2/3/85: Three #0-
eP RESURRECTION OF THE DAIIKS R 6.5 Wr flobert Holmes Dr Peter Moffatt
Tx B/2/84 - 15/2/84: Two (Forly-five and DgrTonyBurrough
Season Twenty-Three
fifty minute episodes] C' O The Second and Sixth Doctors are
embroiled in a plot by the Sontarans lo gain Note: the follDwIng four stories were all
R 7 6 Wr Eric Saward Dr Matthew Robmson
the secrets of time travel technology The broadcast as The Ttial of 3 Time Lord,
Dflr John Anderson
Second Doctor's TARDIS is under the tamprlslng 14 episodes.
Tegan leaves, rlisgusted b/ the violence of
the Doclor's adventures. First appearance control ol the Time Lords, for reasons
ol Lytlon (played by Maurice Colbourne). unexplained. 7A PARTS 1-4
8Y TIMELASH (Book Title: The Mysterious Planet)
Tx 9/3/85-16/3/85: Two#.> 1x6/9/86-27/9/86: Four#0
fl 70 Wr Glen McCoy Dr Pennant Roberts R 4.4 Wr Robert Holmes Dr Nick Mallett

Dgr Bob Cove Dgr John Anderson

The Doctor is called to trial, prosecuted for
Tx 23/3/85 - 30/3/85' Two QO various alleged crimes by the mysterious
Valeyard (played by Michael Jayslon). First
fl 76 Wr Eric Saward Dr Graeme Harper Dgr
Alan Spalding appearance of the mercenary Glitz (played

Davros re-appears but is captured by the byTonySeiby).

Imperial Daleits as he tries to create a new, TB PARTS 5-8
more aggressive race ol Daleks. (Book Title: Mindwarp)
Tx 4/10/86 - 25/10/86: Four #O
R 4 9 Wr Philip Martin Dr Ron Jones Dgr
Andrew Howe- Davis
Pen apparently dies (but it is revealed in 7C
that this was a tie constructed by the

60 PLANET OF FIRE No Script Editor credited

Tx 23/2/84 - 2/3/84: Four 9y
R 70 Wf Peter Grimwade Dr Fiona
Gumming Dgr IVlalCQlm Thornton
Turlougb leaves, Peri (Perpugilliemj Brown
tains. Kamelion is destroyed.
Tx 8/3/84 - 16/3/84: Four #C Several stories were commissioned for
R 73 Wr Robert Holmes Dr Graeme Harper Season Twenty-Three before the BBC
Dgr John Hurst delayed production of Doctor Who (for a

Poisoned try mw Spectrox on AnOrozani variety of reasons) in February 1985.

Minor the Doctor regeneraies. Colin Scripts under consideration included the

Baker 's hrsi appearance. return oftheAuionsand the Rani, with

submissions from Robert Holmes and
The Sixth Doctor (1984- Christopher H. Bidemead in addition to

those now novelised as Target novels,

1986) featuring the Sixth Doctor and Peri, which K PARTS 9-12
(Book Title: Terror of the ^rvoids)
Played bf Colin Baker are:

6S THE TWIN DIIIMMA Txl/11/e6-22/11/86: Four#0

RS.I Wr Pip and Jane Baker Dr Chris
Tx 22/3/84 -30/3/B4- Four#0 THE NIGHTMAIR FAIR
Wr Graham Williams Clough Dgr Dinah Walker
R 71 Wr Anthony Steven Dr Peter Moftatt
Dgr Valerie Warender The Doctor is pitted against the Celestial Mel (Bonnie Langlord) joins
Behaving erraiically. the Doctor attacl(s loymaHer once more against the backdrop
ol a Blackpool Fun Fair Script Editor: Eric Saward (Pari 13 only) »
Peri and Oien decides to become a hermit
. > .


(Book Title: The Ultimate Foe) Tx 23/11/87 - 7/12/87, Three • v> Season Twenty-Six
ft 29/11/86 - 6/12/86; Two •
<y n 5.1 WrlanBriggs Dr Chris Clough Dgr 7N BATTLEFIELD
H 5.0 Wr Robert Holmes (Pan Thirteen) John Asb ridge Tx 6/9/89 -27/9/89: FourQC'
and Pip and Jane Baker (Part Fourteen) Dr Me/ leaves. Ace (Sophie Aldred) joins, as R 3,6 Wr Sen Aaronvitch Or Michael
Ctiris CloLigli Ogr Michael Trevor the evil Kane is defeated by the passage of Kerrigan Dgr Martin Collins
Last adventure to feature Colin Baker as We Time itselfon tcewortd. UNIT calls Lethbridge-Stewart out of
Sixtli Doctor to date. The ValeyanI is

revealed as an amalgamation otthe

Doctor's darker side, between his tweitih Season Twenty-Five
and final regeneration Ttie Doctor wrecks
Valeyard's plans but the seems to
tt)e villain

escape as the Keeper otthe Matrix, with

T< 5/10/88 - 26/10/88; Four •O
B5.4 WrBenAaronovilch Dr Andrew
Gallifrey in disarray.
Morgan Ogr Martin Collins
The Doctor uses the Hand of Omega, a
Time Lord weapon of incredible power, to
trick Davros inow Emperor of the Daleifs)
himself into destroying the Da!el<s'home
planet, SAaro
Tx 2/11/88 - 16/11/68: Three •O
R 5,1 Wr Graeme Curry Dr Chris Clough 70 GHOST UGHT
Dgr John Asbrldge Tx 4/10/69 - 18/10/89- Three #O
R 4.0 Wr Marc Piatt Dr Alan Wareing Dgr
Nick Somerville
on polls
s mosi papular toes, based
Ooclor Who Magazine, are as
Tx 25/10/89 - 15/11/89; Fojr •«
(Extended version)
follows (logetlier with Iheir firsi R 4,1 Wr Ian Briggs Dr Nicholas Mallett Dgr
David Laskey
The Seventh Doctor 1943: as the Haemovoies attack a navy
The Daleks(r/ie/}3/e;ts) base, the Doctor and Ace are pitted against
(1987 -?) The Cybermen {The Tenth Planet) Fenric, amenace imprisoned by the Time
Played by Sylvester McCoy The Ice Warriors {The Ice Warriors) Lord over seventeen centuries previously,
TheZygons {Terror ol the Zygons) who engineered Ace's meeting with the
Season Twenty- Four The Sentarans {The Time Warrior) Doctor on Iceworld.
Script Editor: Andrew Cartmel The Aulens (Spearhead from Space) 7P SURVIVAL


The Yell {The Abominable Snowmen]
The Sea Devils {The Sea Devils)
Tx 22/11/89-6/12/69: Three •O
R 4.9 Wr Rona Mmro Dr Alan Wareing Ogr
Tx 7/9/87-28/9/67; Nick Somerville
R4 eWrPipard Jane Baker Dr Andrew The Master returns, aided by a cat-liite
Morgan Dgr Geoff Powell dimension spanning race and the Doctor
The Seventh Doctor makes his first and Ace are embroiled in a battle against
appearance. This latest regeneration is the Time Lord, set in both Perivate on Earth
brought on by temporal buffeting of his and a dying alien planet.
TAHDIS, caused by the Rani, who is trying
to create a Time H^anipulator through the THE CONTINUING
use of Strange Matter.

Ti 5/10/87 - 26/1D/87' four ^ 9 Since the end of Season Twenty-Six,

R 4.9 Wr Stephen Wyalt Dr Nicholas there'sbeen a bit of a delay before the
Mallett Dgr Marhn Collins Doctor's adventures continue on television,
7F BELTA AND THE BANNEHMEN However, new stories have continued in
Tx 2/11/67-16/11/87. Three©.'! comic strip and novel form since Survival.
fl 5.3 Wr Malcolm Kohll Dr Chris Clough the last televised story to date. Although
Dgr John Asbrldge never acknowledged as part ot the series'
conlinijlty, these are as follows, listed in
order of their taking place in the Seventh
Doctor's lite'

IK SILVER NEMESIS Fellow Travellers (SV\p) by Andrew Cartmel

Tx?3/l1/8B-7/11/B8; Three*. The Mark of l^andragora (Strip) by Dan
R 5.5 Wr Kevin Clarke Dr Chris Clougti Dgr Abnett
John Asbridge (Featuring the return of the Mandragora
Twenty-Fifth anniversary story The Helix, last seen in The Masque of
Cybermen return in an attempt to gain the Mandragora)
validium in a crashed asteroid on Earth, f^rty Animals (Strip) by Gary Russell
living metal created by Rassilon that was The Chameleon Factor (Strip) By Paul
once Gaflifrey's ultimate defence. They are Cornell
not alone in this quest and the mad, evil Underpressure (Strip) by Dan Abnett
Lsdy Peinforte hints at the Doctor s darker The Good Soldier (Strip) by Andrew
origins compared with those already Cartmel
revealed in past adventures. (Featuring the Cybermen)
Remembrance of the Daleks Part Ti THE GREATEST SHOW IN THF GALAXY Genesys (Novel) by John Peel
One was the first episode Id be 1x14/12/88-4/1/89: Fojr#.^> Exodus (Novel) by Terrance Dicks
transmitted with a Nicam stereo R 5.4 Wr Stephen Wyatt Dr Alan Wareing Apocalypse (Novel) by Nigel Robinson
soundtrack. Dgr David Laskey " 1 (Novel) by Paul Cornell
mammoth leather bound volume
which he had presumably plucked
from one of the many shelves in
what was verv obviously the
TARDIS Library.'
"Can't you read?" he threw over
his shoulder, by way of greeting.
Before, however, she could
confirm that she did indeed
possess that very usefial skill,

which was why she just might have

appreciated knowing about the
library — he continued — "Anyway
no time to waste, follow me!" He
plucked his awful jacket off the
back of a chair and strode off
towards the TARDIS' console
room muttering to himself. Mel set
off after him asking "What's so
urgent, and what's that huge book?

And where arc we going now?

"Everything, my address book
and Verlipax" he replied, as he
arrived at the Console and threw
many s-witches in quick succession
(at of which Mel was
least half
convinced did nothing useful
other than impress those suscepti-
ble to such flamboyance).
When, a short time later, they
emerged from the TARDIS, Mel
saw thai they had materialised
outside what the manufacturers of
tin shacks would be deeply
offended to have credited as one of
their products. "Dilapidated" was
as accurate a description of this
structure as "large-i^" would be
of the Palace of Versailles. Before
Mel could express her forebodings
which were principally stimulated
by her very keen sense of smell, the
Doctor had thrown open (and
then away) the flitnsv door and
entered. Inside, a predominantly
green, partiallv humaniform and
disturbingly moist creature was
introduced to Mel as my old
friend, Mosca Ragazzo . The Doc-
tor produced a pile of photo-
graphs, which Mel glimpsed only
briefly as the creature scrutinised
them (if waving half a dozen
antennae in the general direction
of something could be defined as
Then Mosca handed (or
"pseudopoded > the Doctor a
small shinv object,
Thev regained the fresh air and
wimessed the bizarre sight of a
score of small driverless tractors
loading packing cases into the
limitless inner reaches of the
TARDIS. apparendv m exchange
Mel had been looking for the
Doctor for some consider-
devoid ot anything remotely
designed to stimulate the heart- tor the small shiny ob|ect. Mel s
able time when she finally rate — unless vou lived in morbid insistent queries were repeatedly

gave way to temptation and chose fear of a half- strung tennis racket, a ignored or impatienttv dismissed
Co ignore the handwritten sign pair of cricket trousers and a by the Doctor,
It was only after the time-space
bearing the legend "Go away! - strange twistea wooaen OD|eci
Extreme Danger" on a door she with a long- deflated balloon at one machine dematerialised and left
end and a spike at the other, upon Vertipax, that the Doctor suddenly
hadn't come across before. It was
down a corridor, which looked whose purpose Mel chose not to and disarmingly benignly turned
remarkably similar to every other speculate. to Mel and said. "Well, that was a
corridor in the TARDIS. It was also Having defied the interdiction good day's work, wouldn't you
next door to the "Gymnasium", and thrown open the door, Mel say?"
whose interior was unsurprisingly saw the Doctor flicking through a "I'm sure I might say diat
* Doctor, if I knew what has been snapped, "Please don't interrupt! thing possible lo help clear pollu-
going on!" protested Mel to the Anyway, Mosca was very pleased tion on Earth - 1 can't believe that
Doctor's buck as he strode off back with the "evidence" of his job well you could let the people of Earth
to the Library. done and paid up. L'nfortunately, dovm so badly for a few chocolate
"Well, what would you like to he wouldn't have trusted me if 1 bars.You have always professed to
know? All you have to do is ask you had offered to fill in for him for have a special fondness for them!
know. I may have many remark- nothing, but he couldn't resist the "What? Chocolate bars?"
able talents but mind-reading isn't opportunity of bettering me on a smirked the Doctor innocently.
one of them." Mel knew better deal. Hence the packages in the "No! The people of Earth!"
ttian to argue. shouted Mel.
"Well", she said, "let's start with 'Whafs in them Doctor?" "I have, my dear. You don't quite
an explanation of what we've been "These!" he replied producing understand. In the eyes of the
doing since 1 found you in here from his pocket the largest, Vervalloochenen agency, it is the
with your 'address book'." stickiest chocolate bar Mel had people of Earth who are the
"I'll have to take you back a little ever seen, "They're a powerfijl pollution! Al least you now have
earlier than that." replied the antidote to carrots!" He grinned. another few thousand years."
Doctor. "Long before the Time But Mel had not finished. "Aside He resisted the temptation to
Lords looked outward from Galli - frorn your hopeless eating habits. pop a chocolate bar into her wide
frey. a race called the Verval- Doctor, I am appalled thai you, of open mouth.
loochenen set up Vertipax to all people should be so irresponsi-
monitor what they saw as the ble! You should have done every- CoUn Baker
threat of pollution in the Universe,
Planetary systems would be
checked every three or four
thousand years, and any pollution
threatening the continued exist-
ence of a planet would be
"We could do with them on
Earth," interrupted Mel.
"Mmmm, yes, well I'll be
coming to that." said the Doctor.
"You remember those trips we
made to Earth recently. ." .

"Howcould I forget landing

twenty or thirty times in quick
succession and waiting while you
nipped outside with a vacuum
cleaner and, as usual, wouldn't teU

"1 was only protecting you, Mel.

Anyway ... 1 was just planting a

littie circumstantial evidence to
help my Itiend Mosca Ragazzo. I'm
afraid that the noble intentions of
the Vervalloochenen have become
somewhat diluted over the mille-
nia and their successors have sub-
contracted what they consider to
be a worthwhile but somewhat

"A long way dovm the subcon-

tracting chain is Mosca, who calls
himself an entrepreneur, though
others might have a less flattering
description. He was naturally
delightedwhen I offered to go to
Eanh and tidy up a little pollution
problem on his behalf — especially
as he could make a sizeable profit
iin the deal,"
Mel interrupted "But what on
Earth were you doing with the
vacTiuni cleaner. Doctor?"
"Atmosphere redistribution
generators" corrected the Doctor,
"I was just re -arranging local
topography. Mel, A few crops here
and there flattened Into neat little
circles to prove to Mosca's con-
tractors that his ships had been
there and done the job. The local
inhabitants would have been dis-
missed as fruit cases."
"Nut" corrected Mel "or cake".
"Don't you ever think of any-
thing but food," the Dc>ctor
Behind the Scenes

return to Doctor Who for one story,

Former Doctor Who producer John Nathan-Turner {Battlefield), but contracts were not
describes the headaches and happier moments signed. Nicholas couldn't decide
in making a new adventure for the errant whether to do M. Butterfly, if the
offer materialised, or see if he got it
Time Lord . . .
and turn it down {he didn't like the
script) or . or
. . or. So I made
. . .

With every
story, there are problems.
Doctor Who recorded for the Twenty-Sixth
Season, involving the usual mix of
the situation a little easier. 1 decided
to switch the recording of the first
With every television outside Broadcast and Studio two stories, so that, if Nicholas won
programme, there are problems. facilities. the role and accepted it, Battlefield
The main problem, it seems to me, had originally offered the project
I would be recorded after M.
is remembering the problems when to Michael Kerrigan, a Director new Butterfly had opened in the West
you're asked to write an article to Doctor Who, who had accepted End. The only problem this plan
about the problems of a project, two the seventeen- week contract produced was how Nicholas could be
years after the problems were dealt before the script was delivered. Just fikning in the Lake District during
with. The problems remain rela- as well. The first story which was the day (excluding two matinee
tively clear, but the order of events planned to be recorded featured the days) and coinmute to London's
gets a little cloudy! return of the Brigadier (Nicholas West End.
LepK start with the delivery of Courtney). As many of you vtill With the help of Nicholas' agent,
the script of Wolf-time, as its know, Nicholas and I have become we asked the theatre management,
working title was known, written by close friends over the years and if, all things being equal, Mr
Ian Briggs. It was a first-class regularly confide in one another. Courtney might be granted a few
script, which my Script
about Nicholas had been short-listed for nights off, once the show had
Editor. Andrew Cartmel, and I had a role in the play, M. Butterfly, with premiered in London. The answer
few reservations, apart from its epic Anthony Hopkins ... a short run was in the negative, so ideas of
nature and its title. It was an out-of-town to be followed by a moving the Legend of King Arthur
expensive project from the start, West-End transfer. At the time, nearer the Ballspond Road started
and was the second to be Nicholas had already agreed to to surface.
« The finishing touches to the Wolf-
lime script were iiade. Nicholas
Mallett joined the production with
histeam, to direct story number one
and loved the script witii its new title
The Wolves of Fenric. Production
Manager, Ian Fraser, setofftofinda
war-time array camp, as near to
London as possible for financial
reasons and Nicholas Courtney won
the role in M.Butterfly. Surprisingly,
perhaps, he then turned it down.
Early expeditions to the Ballspond
Road were put down to experience
and King Arthur was re-routed to
the Lake District.
During the first few weeks of a
Director's engagement, he or she is
involved with many diverse activi-
ties: casting,course,
of script
conferences with editor, writer and
producer, and initial design meet-
ings. The designers of settings,
make-up, costume, visual effects
etc will each have a meeting with the
director, his production team and,
whenever possible, the producer, to
discuss the 'look' o£ tiie story in
general, and the individual area of
the designer's involvement, in
Before Nicholas joined the show
as Director, the visual effects
designer had come up with an early
design and model for the head of the
Haemovores. as his previous
project had completed ahead of

Run fur it! ,Ace and the Doctor escape Commander Millinglon 'a booby trap. Sylvester's t

"Hmm, thai was a good one, eh. Ace?" Photos ©Tomek Bork,

Meanwhile Ian Fraser continued

WHO DOES WHAT? nearby cotmtryside for
to scour the
After a 'mulling over' period, the the main location the army
. . .

ti;iie. 1 lud major n IS about 'Who- Does- What' meeting took camp. Once that was found, the
ihc design, it resembled, in part, place. Just as it sounds, virtually cottage, church, etc could hopefully
something we'd done before and it everyone who gets a TV credit, be found nearby. Our plan was to
didn't, for me an>'way, indicate the except the artists, foregathers to film 'AWAY' only for the beach and
evolution of the hideous beings. discuss precisely how everything in sea sequences. Ian announced after
Nicholas decided he wanted the script, and everytlung the helpful liaison viith the Ministry of
costume designer, Ken Trew, to director is adding as part of his Defence that the camp could not be
design the monsters, particularly as 'action', will be achieved. This found within twenty-five miles of
visual effects had an enormous usually takes a whole day. Some Ealing - the basis of 'HOME'
involvement to cope with already. things are put on hold for later filming, (1 must add, at this point,
discussion, but most methods are that although we record an Outside
decided. It is usually after this Broadcast on videotape, the term
meeting that all the designers 'filming' is still often used . , .

scream for more money. June probably because "O.B.*ing"

Collins, the Production Associate doesn't have quite the same ring to
and I and the Director, and if il it!)

substantially affects the script, the June and 1 agreed to find some
editor will discuss what can be cut in knicker-elastic money to permit the
visual terms and June hands over entire location shoot to be filmed
revised budgets, which the desig- away from 'Home'. As the army
ners will, hopefully, adhere to. camp, still unfound, and the shore
Every Associate keeps what had to be away, it seemed pointless
Producers call 'Knicker-elastic' to split the shooting schedule with
money in reserve for emergencies. travel, which still had to be paid for.
In the case of Fenric. we needed it! Little did we knowl
Nicholas continued with splendid Nicholas was delighted. Ian was the nearest beach. 1 knew that
improvisation auditions, as many of delighted but couldn't find a church beach well. I'd walked along it many
the parts were vitally important, yet with a flat roof! Our press office times with Mark Strickson (Tur-
were very segmentalised. Dinsdale released our dilemma through Kent lough) and his wife, before they
Landen was ofiered and accepted and Sussex papers, but a local emigrated to Australia. Hastings
the role of Doctor Judson. Alfie historian came to the rescue first, had been their home and I'd visited
Lynch, Nicholas Parsons and Annie Hawkhurst Church was perfect. them often. was rocky, unspoiled

Reid all wanted lo do it . . . it was and ideal. No it wasn't! The

Then underwater camera would never be
gonna be a great movie!
deputation arrived.
NEW LOCATIONS of any use there as the waters were
Well, we had a splendid cast and too murky. 'There's only one beach
crew, excellent locations for a clear enough for underwater
terrific script ... the O.B. recce sequences like those required and
would go like clockwork 1 thoughtI at Lulworth Cove, Dorset, John"

the camp looked very impressive, announced Paul, the cameraman the
almost stuck in a time-warp; the following day.
cottage was good, the church was June and 1 put our heads together
perfect, though we had to tarpaulin again. Dorset meant more hours to
the flat roof. It was all going so well, add to our shoot in order to travel
I left the team to return to London, there from Kent. I asked June
while the rest moved to Hastings, where our Finance Assistant, Paul

Nicholas Parsons as the doubtful Mr

W'uinHTight. Will hl4 faith betray him as the
Haemovores allack? Pholo i£) lomek Elork,

Ian and Nicholas came to tell me

they had found a camp in
Crowborough, which they thought
would be ideal. Most of it was
unoccupied and they wanted me to
join the camera recce (reconnaiss-
ance visit to locations with crew) the
following week. Time was running
out. Ian would spend the remainder
of the pre-recce time seeking out
the other locations. However their
main reason for calling was to
suggest that the ENTIRE produc-
tion be shot on location, interiors
and all!

The knicker-elastic money was

wearing thin! The main concern
June and myself had was the effect
this idea would have on the design
tjudget. Unless great care was
taken, design furniture and £m--
nishings, dressings etc. etc, would
be hired for three weeks instead of
the one week required for the
studio. David Lasky, the designer,
started doing sums again. For two
days Jime and 1 thrashed through the
implications. Were the man hours
(hours required to build and paint
scenery etc) available earlier than
we'd booked them? Could the
servicing departments off-load our
design staff, as they might now
finiai this Doctor Who story two
weeks earlier than we'd allowed?
Will we get the money back if they
can't? Will the artistes contracts
work out cheaper as we require
them for less time? And so on.
Eventually all our questions were
answered, and after weighing up the
pros and cons, we agreed. The Parish Church of Si, Uurence. Hawkhurst: cenlrepi
the sequence at the end of the day
, the Children's show had its
. ,

material but the director and I

decided we should try and reshoot
the effect on a piece of grass near
the church location later on in the

By the time we came to shoot the

'designed' external structures, they
had sunk some eighteen inches-iHto
the mud the working conditions
, . ,

were dreadful. If you look closely at

the sequences shot, you will
doubtless note that the relationship
of the artists to the structures is not
quite to scale eighteen inches
. , .

not quite to scale! Also filmed at the

barracks in a huge hangar was the
massive James -Bond-like laboratory
and store , . , known affectionately
as Samantha Fox's bedroom!
From this location we moved to
the church at Hawkhurst many , , ,

complex sequences were filmed

Goodlifte, was hiding, "'He's going storms were in abundance, and by here and we ended up having to stay
through the budget with a fine tooth the time we arrived to shoot, the for an extra half day. Even so, we
comb searching for anything spare. two specially-built external struc- were still behind schedule, so I shot
The knicker elastic's gone 'ping'." tures had started to sink. However, sequences of Haemovores emerg-
she replied. we ploughed on, working through ing from behind the tombstones and
We did find a little more spare the worst weather I have ever the re-shoot of the demise o£ Jean
cash, but there was now nothing left experienced on location of any and Phyllis on the Director's
. behalf.

for emergencies - no over-runs, no production in my career. One

morning we arrived to discover the
last-minute requests, no nothing!
Dee Baron, the make-up designer, camp covered in snow; fortunately
had a problem, though. Dinsdale we were working mainly inside Miss Hardaker's cottage was
Landen had never worn contact (Millington's office) but our excel- relatively straightforward and the
lenses before. He'd had his lenses lent visual effects team used water underground tunnels (in fact, the

fitted and he could cope btilliantly. hoses to clear the snow, wherever cellar of a local school), went by
but he couldn't bear to put them in visible through the windows of the without a hiccup. However our last
himself. "Can you pay for an optician hut. location, a disused British Railways
to be on set whenever the lenses are As it we didn't have enough to do tunnel was waterlogged and awash
needed?" Dee asked. What I wanted akeady, I had agreed previously that with mud. At one point forty of us
to say is unprintable, but artists' a team from BBC Children's were submerged into complete
safety is paramount and the eyes are department could visit us on darkness the tunnel due to a

highly delicate organs of the body. location, to record the disintegration power failure. Sylvester McCoy's

"Yes. of course," I replied sweetly. ofcharactersJeanandPhyllis, Time wife and sons had come to visit us on
"Ill ask Ian to schedule the 'lens' was short and we ended up rushing this particular day, and as they

scenes as precisely, time-wise, as

before the read-through

Shortly I

discussed the title again with

Andrew Cartmel. I felt that the
mention of 'Wolves' in the script
came so late on in the story, that
perhaps it wasn't as useful a title as
we'd thought. Briggs to the rescue
. .and 'Wolves' became 'Curse',

though much of the show's

documentation showed 'Wolves' as
the tide.
The week's rehearsal went by so
quickly! The Producer's run-
through was combined with the
Technical rehearsal and I was, apart
from a few small points, delighted.
Now all we had to do, was
shoot it!

The design team spent several

days prior to the shoot preparing
Crowborough Array Camp for our
requirements; dressing the interior
of the barracks, dressing the
exterior of the camp area and
building the exterior of the tunnel
and the entrance to the underground
laboratory and store. The weather
prior to and during the shoot was !s for the final of The Curse o/Fenne in 'The Samantha Fox' bedroom.
abysmal; rain, sleet, snow, hail. PhologiSteveCooli.
little bored,
I because The day we were using boats The underwater sequences and
Sylv was always busy, they were supplied by the Marines, they others in the script involved artists,
inserted into spare mini-versions of arrived late. When they did finally including Jean, Phyllis and Ace,
the heamovore costumes and used arrive, we had moved to another immersed in the freezing water.
in the show. (See Part Four). location. So we de-camped again to Obviously shots were lined up as far
shoot the opening sequences of the as possible by using stand-ins in
story. Due to ever-changing winds, wetsuits. but I must say that the
the visfs fog was extremely difficult ladies (who had to stay in the water
to achieve. These delays and the longest) displayed a totally profes-
boats' and dinghies' late appearance sional attitude towards the job at

JoaniiE Kenny as one of the Haemovores.

Photo ©ToDiekBork.

1 should add, at this point, that,

almost every day, we were joined by Al the end of Part Three, camp hut windows e:iplode aa ofDoctorJudson. Pholo
members of the press; load press, ©GarySigris.
nationals, Doctor Who Magazine
who orpnised a Dalek photo shoot set us substantially behind schedule hand, which was horrendous.
with Sylvester, SF magazines, we again, so far behind that we feared On our last day we were back on
even did interviews for the NAAFI we couldn't recover. schedule and the final sequence that
Times. We also had a visit from the So, it was decided that I would was shot was, in fact, the final
Mayor of Brighton, whose sole shoot the underwater sequences (a sequence of the story . .unusual in

objective was to be photographed slow and painstaking process) on our business. It was a wrap!
with The Doctor All this meant that
Nicholas' behalf whilst he shot other On the 5rst examination of the
Sylvester and Sophie Aldred. when important sequences on the shore. limed sequences, it appeared that
they were not 'on set', were being Hopefully this would get us back on there m^t have been sufficient
interviewed or photographed course. material for a fifth episode. The »
throughout the shoot. BBC and
BBC Enterprises photographers
were on hand for several days to add
to their work-load.
During this major first section of
the shoot, the members of the unit
stayed in hotels in and around
Tunbridge WeUs. I was delighted
that I had been housed in an hotel
directly opposite the theatre where
I had written and directed a
pantomime several years pre-
viously, starring Peter Davison,
Anthony Ainley, Sandra Dickinson
and The Wilson Sisters, who
appeared briefly in Delta and the
Bannermen. Despite the fact that
everyone works extremely hard and
long on location, evenings do tend to
^eThe time for artists and staff to let
their hair down. This shoot was no
exception but people did tend to
emerge from their rooms for the
evening later than usual, due to the
time it took to defrost!
After a day off we traveUed to
Dorset. The weather here was a
little better but there were still Setting up anattackonlhe church. Hai

regular showers and a biting wind. Photo ©Sue Moore.

some of the material had to be
With the addition of Mark Ayre's
brilliantly haunting music and Dick
Mills' special sound and the
Sound Supervisors,
expertise of our
The Curse of Fenric was finally
complete. But that isn't the end of
the story, .

A few months later, I wag

approached by BBC Home Video
department with a view to re-
instating some of the junked 'Fenric'
material as a collectors item for the
video market, I thought it an
excellent idea and so did all
concerned. I hope you did too.
So many people contributed to
the making of this show; the
costume assistant who, in order to
operate the Ancient One's gills
spent hours lying on a cold floor and
a freezing seabed furthermore,
without a murmur, the Haemovore
extras, who became so unrecognis-
able that we had to re-name them
land they answered to their names):
Popeye, Claire Rayner, Mrs
Bridges, Demis Roussos. Mary
Quant etc etc. (Quite why two of
A Haemovoremask in an early slane of preparation. Phoio C Sue Moore. them were called 'The Grace
Brothers' is still beyond me), the
, correct procedure if this is on the started to edit. As each episode was lady who ran the NAAFI who
cards, is to discuss with those completed, it was viewed by myself opened early when everyone was
directly concerned, namely writer, and Nicholas and we discussed how stiffwith frost, providing she could
director and editor, whether it to bring each programme down to have her photo taken with a Dalek.
would be feasible to cut the story time and the ways in which it might the Marines, the Stunt performers,
into five and discuss, armed with be improved. the diving school, the fishermen, the
more detailed timings, where the Part Four was a major problem. It hotelliers, the night watchman . . .

episode endings would occur. If all of was way over length, Nicholas, all of them were part and parcel of
us were agreed of the soundness Andrew and I had to re-stnjcture the making oi Doctor Who. To all of
and integrity of the idea, the the episode (cutting scenes in half, them and the entire cast and crew of
Controller of BBCl would be repositioning others, cutting others) Fenric my thanks. It was an
contacted via the Head of Drama in order to tell the story and make it ambitious project, yet we managed
Series to see if he'd like a fifth fit our time-slot. Ian Briggs, the more than one hundred minutes of
episode. If he did. he would have to writer, liked what we did though cut material (the average length of a
supply the additional money for was obiiously sad, like all of us. that feature film) in less than two weeks!
payments to artists, writer,
musicians etc.
Contrary to rumour, this was
never really a viable proposition.
The minute Nicholas started
viewing the shot material, he
realised that there had been a major
timing error. All the episodes were,
in fact, over long, but the total was
nowhere near twenty-five minutes.
It was whilst viewing the material

thai it was discovered that some of

our material had been wiped. This
was material shot on a second
camera, simultaneously recorded
during the morning of the 'SamanCha
Fox bedroom' sequences. Conse-
Siently, the final scene between the
octor. Ace, Sorin and the Ancient
One is not precisely as Nicholas had
planned, but with his jududous
editing, we were both relatively
happy not to attempt to reshoot,
w^ch would have been prohibitive.
Furthermore this inadvertant wip-
ing did not affect the timing of the
After many days of viewing
cassettes of his material, Nicholas Tea break for [he heamovores. Photo (g) Mark Wyi
on some track suit trousers, vest,
two t-shirts, two jumpers and my
thick ski jacket, Istumble down to
reception and greet the crew

First Call members on an early recording call.

Hardly a word is spoken as we
board the coach and drive frora
Tunbridge Wells town centre to
Crowborough Training Camp,
where the array bits from The Curse
of Fenric are being shot. 1 try not to
blame myself too hard for having
come up with the brilliant idea, all
those months ago in John Nathan-
Turner's nice warm office in
Shepherd's Bush, of having a
Forties do, make up and
costumier so that Ace wouldn't look
too out of place when she stepped
out of the TARDIS. Little did I
realise that would take over an

hour to prepare for this, sitting in a

freezing army hut, huddled in
blankets, nursing hot cups of tea.
Poor Dee (Baron) valiantly
wrestles with two hair eirtensions
and my "sprouts", as we called my
rolls of hair carefullyplaced in a red
string snood that her Mum
crotcheted for the occasion. Mind
you, by the time we'd finished all the
gossip and more putting the world to
rights (actors seem to spend a lot of
time doing that but, like tliose chatty
cab drivers you get. never seem to
t>e able to get round to doing
anything about it) my sprouts were
in place.
Sara, my dresser, had done me
proud with thermal vests and
knickers and a thick coat in which I
could rehearse right up until a take.
Even so, it's cold today and wet and
horrible, and most of the scenes are
going to be outside. So fortified with
my daily black pudding and tomato
bun. I venture out into the mud, with
a sleepy looking Sylvester, who has
sneakily managed to incorporate a
duffle coat into his characterisation
of the Doctor in this particular story.

Iwon't bore you with the camera set
ups, the scenes, the incredibly long
time it takes to shoot a couple of
Actress Sophie Aldred, who played the Doctor's minutes on two camera, first a wide
companion, Ace, recalls the recording of The Curse of angle, then close ups. and then
other an^es for good measure. The
Fenric. . .
bits I like are of course the
explosions, and Sylv and I had a
££ ophie!" Bang bang bang. thought at the time. If Sylv was a brilliant one this morning where the
^^^^ "Sophie .6:30r
. it's real Time Lord then he could have visual effects crew had to blow up a
V_/The voice of Judy Come, the decency to alter the morning call hut behind us as we ran firom the
Fenric's assistant floor manager, times, or at least do a bit of a fiddle doorway. Stunt co-ordinator Tip
wesds its way into a lovely dream with the alarm clocks so I could have Tipping was on hand to help Sylv and
Vin having about normal things like my eight hours beauty sleep. And I me look as daredevil as possible - he
shopping in Tesco's and drinking could do with that at the moment. knows we like to compete for who
cups of tea with friends in my Peering through half closed eyes can jump highest, dive furthest, look
kitchen. Oh no! Why did I stay up into the cracked hotel mirror I thank the most death defying - and he
half the night in an armchair in the goodness for make up and console shows us how to land safely as we
bar showing off with Tomek, myself that having given up alcohol jump over a heap of sandbags into a
Sylvester and the two Jo's, talking two years ago, I will be feeling pile of wet cold muck. A couple of

about changing the world and being marginally better than some of my rehearsals for cameras and timing
screamingly funny - or so we fellow actors this morning. Pulling and then we're off! There's »
-< something about stunts that makes
your heart beat faster and wish you
hadn't had that extra cup of tea for
Nick Mallet wants us to hold
hands while we run, and I tell him
how annoyed get when namby

pamby tv characters run along

holding each other back by clinging
on to each other - how can you
possibly run fast and look cool with
some bloke dragging along beside
you. Sylv tells me off for being
bossy. Ian Fraser, the production
manager, tells us to be quiet and
stand by. Inside the hut the charges
are all set and we just hope they all
gooff in this wet drizzle. I'm hoping
1 don't fall flat on my face in the

inches of thick mud between the

doorway and the sandbags.
lan's hand drops and we run,
reaching the sandbags and jumping
just as anenormous explosion rips
the air behind us, and debris raining
down on us both. "Cut!"
"Hmm, that was a good one, eh
Soph?" says Sylv rhetorically.
Soon after that we break for lunch
and trudge up to the top of the camp
where the culinary expertise of
Mange Tout, the location caterers,
has been tested to the full in rising
winds and freezing rain. It never
ceases to amaze me how three
people in a little van can produce the
kind of menu you'd be hard pushed Antics at Crcwborou^ Anny Canqi! Photo ©Toniek Bork,
to equal in a Soho restaurant. I
always go for the buffet: asparagus, my strange experience of suddenly start to sUp and just manage to
scampi, salads of all kinds, even realising that I'm involved in making regain my balance and hold onto
squid, escargots, and, one day, theprogramme which scared me so poor Aaron, who, like the true pro
frogs legs, which I'm glad to say much as a child. that he is, remains fast asleep. I take
went untouched. Working with Jo on Cory Pulman (playing my Grand- a sneaky look over at his Mum who,
Comers has made me a little mother), Aaron, the baby playing luckily, is engaged in conversation
squeamish about actually eating my mother (his first role in drag at with one of the make up team. I'm
little green thinp! six months, as JN-T pointed out) and sure if she'd realised the ordeals
I sit with Tomek Bork, Marek I huddle together on the floor Aaron would have to face, she may
Anton and Marcus Hutton, who are pretending to shelter from an not have been so keen to offer his
all looking very dashing in their unknown force outside. Nick had services. I just hope he's not
uniforms and who are tucking into told us that the Haemovores would haunted by Haemovores as he
huge plates of steak, curry, or appear at the window, but what grows up! It'll be strange for him to
vegetable lasagne. "No wonder you actually happens as we're waitingfor show his children that video!
get cold, Sopihie!" shouts Tomek. something a bit naff to occur is a The only time he becomes slightly
"You eat nothing - eat, eat!" sudden smashing of the windows, a peturbed is when we arrive at the
"I am eating, Tomek." gust of wind and strange misshapen car and the cold sprinkler water hits
"Ah, you English women - you feces leering at us while weird hands him full in the face; he wakes up and
should have Polish food. That would grope through the sugar glass. For a starts crying, which tiuns out to be
make you warm!" I resist the split second it all seems very real: perfect for the scene. I'm so wet and
temptation to wolf down a bowl of Cory screams and grips my arm and cold and my hair, which is
roly poly pudding, or Banoffee pie. the baby starts crying. Ace takes completely full of spray, has gone
Mange Tout's speciality. My over from Sophie, snatches the baby completely solid and I'm shivering
tailored suit is already beginning to and rushes to the window - but that like a drowned rat, so Sarah piles
show signs of strains round the one moment remains to haunt me in warm coats on me. Tomek, my
waistband after a few days of "eating dreams. official"bodywarmer" gives me a
to keep warm". hug under his army greatcoat, and
After several cups of coffee Dee rushes me off to the make up
(which 1 later regret, having to visit VISUALLY AFFECTED hut for a quick zizz with the
the one makeshift army toilet to Back outside, it's stopped raining hairdryer. Then it's on with the
struggle with my thermal knickers but for continuity the visual effects scene.
and suspender belt in the freezing crew have to haiil out the sprinklers This time, here's one of those
cold) we slip and slide down to the and cover us all in wet cold hose Doctor Wio moments of imagining
next location on the agenda, to shoot water for the rest of the day. I have something that's not really there and
some indoor scenes, thank good- a sticky moment as Cory hands me will be edited in later. Ace is meant
ness. We run qmte smoothly the baby, and I run towards the car to be watching Jean and Phyllis
through my bits with Sylv in the in which she and my "Mother" whither away, something which the
bunk room and move into the larger escape to form Ace's future: my two Jo's obviously cannot do. being
dormitory, and it's here that I have shoes stick in the morass of mud, 1 very much flesh and blood, albeit
long nailed, white faced and freezing
cold! Nick directs me brilliantly: as
sound is not needed he talks me
through the reactions, showing me
the eye line with his hand, and
describing quietly and eloquently
the imaginary scene before me. I'm
quite moved, and we break for tea.
There's such a lot of waiting
involved in any kind of filming, as
anyone who's visited locations will
confirm, and then when it's time for
your scene, there never seems to
be enough time to shoot it properly.
Luckily there are always wonderful
casts and crews who alleviate any
boredom on Doctor Who who more
than make up for the waiting, the
cold, the uncomfortable costumes
and the lumpy hotel beds Tke Curse

ofFenricvias no exception and there

are wonderful moments to remem-
ber: Nicholas Parsons' amazing
ability to nod off any place, anytime.
Dinsdale Landen's mischievous
twinkling eyes which made me burst
out lau^iing in close ups; and Alfie
Lynch trying to get his tongue round
mythical incantations and
technical jargon invented for him by
lanBriggs. The Doctor and his companion. Ace, arrive at an army camp in 1943. As
the Second World War rages, strange things are happening in this North
Yorkshire town and even stranger forces are ^thering; Russian
commandos preparing to attack the base are atUcked in the night and the
British commander, Millington, seems obsessed with "The Wolves of
Fenric". In the local church the computer scientist Doctor Judson seeks
to decipher some Viking inscriptions whilst the local vicar, Mr
Wainwright, has misgivings about the war itself.
As events progress, the Doctor and Ace uncover the threat of the
Haemovores and MiUington's plot against Britain's wartime ally, the
Soviet Union. Meanwhile, Ace is drawn to Kathleen Dudman and her
young baby, not loiowingwhy. The Doctor knows what is happening and
soon he is once again pitted against Fenric, a malevolent evil force who
has engineered events to escape a trap set by the Doctor in the past. Ace
is a pawn in a deadly game and as the Haemovores attack British and
Russian soldiers alike, as friends and enemies fall before Fenric's plan,
the Doctor himself faces one of his most dangerous threats. . .

Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor). Sophie Aldred (Ace). Dinsdale Landen
(Doctor Judson), Alfred Lynch (Commander Millir^on) Tomek Bork

(Certain Sorin). Nicholas Parsons iDie Rev Mr Wainwright). ]oxtDS

Kenny (Jean). Joanne Bell Peter Czajkowski (Sgt Prozorov),
Cory Pulman (Kathleen Dudman). Aaron Hanley (Baby). Marek Anton
(Vershinin). Steven Rimkus (Copt. Bates). Marcus Button (Sgt. Leigh),
Janet Henfrey (Miss Hardaker) Anne Reid (Nurse Crane) Mark Conrad
. .

(Petrossian), Christien Anholt (Perkins). Raymond Tricketl (Andent

HaemowreJ, Cy Town, Ian ElKott (Haemovores).

And those magic words "It's a CREDITS

wrap" which means wearily climbing
Written by Ian Briggs. Stunt Arranger: Tip Tipping. Visual Effects
out of that muddy claituny suit and
Designer: Graham Brown. Costume Designer: Ken Trew. Incidental
the soaking thermais wMch Sarah
Music: Mark Ayres. Tide Music by Ron Grainer, arranged by Keff
will have to wash and dry before
McCulloch. Script Editor: Andrew Cartmel. Designer: David Laskey.
tomorrow. How comfortable and
Producer: John Nathan-Turner. Director; Nicholas Mallett.
warm my track suit trousers and
jumpers feel how nice it is to scrape

offmat caked on make up and mud,

and that bath back at the hotel, and Part One 25th October 1989 7.35pm-8.00pm
the meal in a superb Chinese Part Two 1st November 1989 7,35pm-8.00pm
restaiu^nt which we discover and Part Three 8th November 1989 7.35pm-8.00pm
the confortable talk about the day's Part Four 15th November 1989 7.35pm -S.OOpra
work followed by . putting the
. .

worid to rights pushes away evil BARB Viewing Figures (in Millions): 4.3, 4.0, 4.0. 4.2
thoughts of that alarm clock set to Audience Appreciation Figures: 67%. 68%, 68%, 68%.
6:30 tomorrow morning. Night, Target Books Novelisation: The Curse of Fenric by Ian Briggs
night. BBC Video Catalogue Number: BBCV 4453

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