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One of the most common types of natural disasters in the region of Balikpapan, East Kalimantan is a
landslide or ground movement. 75 recorded landslides have been occurred during 2014 to 2016. 4
incidents of landslides have been recorded in 2017 during January to April. The landslide occurred at
some areas in Batu Ampar, Sepinggan Baru, Kelandasan Ilir, and Kelurahan Damai (KlikBalikpapan,

The first location which has been marked by the Balikpapan City Environmental Agency as a
landslide-prone location is access road at RT 29 Damai Bukit Cinta towards the urban direction of
Balikpapan. Until December 2017 this location is still a local access road. The road was built on a
cliff with a slope angle ranging from 12.70° to 46.05°. This road has a length of 150 meters. The
second location which has landslide-prone potential is in alternative road connecting the area of RT
38 Gunung Sari Ulu with Mayor Pol highway. This alternative road has a slope angle ranging from
23.580 – 26.100 with a length of up to 160 meters. In addition to being the mainstay of the people
around, this road is also a mainstay of large vehicles and to transport materials, food, etc. Because of
the importance of road access for the community in these two locations, it is necessary to conduct
further research on the potential of landslide-prone that could endanger the local residents and who
are passing the road.

Applications of resistivity geophysical methods have been widely used for surveys and exploration of
natural resources, such as the search for geothermal sources (Suharno and Sudarman, 2000), ground
water surveys (Abdullah and Jamidun, 2002; Darsono, 2007), searching for the distribution of hot
springs (Kalmiawan et al., 2000), and land or landslide movements (Griffiths et al., 1993). One of
most influential factors to the occurrence of landslide is slip surface or shear surface. In general, lands
that experience landslide will move above the field of the slip (Sugito et al., 2010). The movement of
the soil is caused by the influence of the layers arrangement in the soil. The layers beneath the slip
plane are water-resistant while the layers above the slip plane are not water-resistant. So when it rains,
water will enter the pores of the top layer but can not enter into the layer below. With the added slope
of the ground slope, the water will move to push the layer above the slip surface, causing an
imbalance of force which causes the extent of the launcher force on a slope to be greater than the
retaining force (Heru et al., 2011). There are several methods that can be used to investigate the field
of slip, on of which is the geoelectrical resistivity method. Because the method is non-destructive and
very sensitive, it offers a very interesting tool for describing the subsurface properties without digging
(A.Samouëlian, 2005). There are several configurations in the geoelectrical resistivity. In this study,
we used Wenner configuration to obtain horizontal subsurface resistivity variation in order to find the
slip surface of those locations.

Wenner Configuration

Lateral Mapping; vertical contact also called lateral profiling, this technique is of considerable
importance in mineral prospecting. It is also used for the measurement of overburden depth
exploration interpretation includes location of vertical contacts – faults, dikes, shear zones, and
steeply dipping veins – and three-dimensional bodies of anomalous conductivity, such as massive
sulfides (Telford, 1990).

The most commonly used point-electrode systems are illustrated in (Figure 1). In the Wenner spread
(Fig. 8.18) the electrodes are uniformly spaced in a line. Setting r1 = r4 = a and r2 = r3 = 2a, the
apparent resistivity becomes ρa = 2πaΔV/I (Telford, 1990).

Figure 1 Electrode arrays in Wenner (Telford, 1990).

EAGE-HAGI 1st Asia Pacific meeting on Near Surface Geoscience & Engineering
11-12 April 2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
As with van Overmeeren and Ritsema’s CVES method, a discrete set of four electrodes with the
shortest electrode spacing (n = 1) see (Figure 2) is addressed and value of apparent resistivity
obtained. Successive sets of four electrodes are addressed, shifting each time by one electrode
separation laterally. Once the entire array has been scanned, the electrode separation is doubled (n =
2), and the process repeated until the appropriate number of levels has been scanned. The values of
apparent resistivity obtained from each measurement are plotted on pseudo-section (Figure 2) and
contoured (Reynolds, 1997).

Figure 2 Example of the measurement sequence for bulding up a

resistivity pseudo-section. Courtesy of Campus Geophysical
Instruments Ltd (Reynolds, 1997).


This research used resistivity measurement on the rocks. The parameter which were measured on this
method is resistivity value and electrical capacitance value of the rock. Those parameters were used
for knowing resistivity value and electrical capacitance value of the rock at certain region to be
matched by geology surface data. The measurement took place at RT 29 Damai Bukit Cinta (first
location) and RT 38 Gunung Sari Ulu (second location).

In the acquisition process, research in these two locations each uses a wenner alpha configuration to
measure rock resistivity. With 75 meters of track length. Variation of a (distance between four
electrode) used is 5 m, 10 m, 15 m, and 20 m. Much data obtained for a = 5 m is 13 data; for a = 10 m
is 10 data; for a = 15 m is 7 data; and for a = 20 m is 4 data. Total data obtained during measurement
is 34 data. In the measurement process, for each location conducted as much as 3 times that aims to
get the best data. Trajectory images in the first location with a length of 0 - 50 meters (Figure 3.a) and
50 - 75 meters on (Figure 3.b). Trajectory image at second location with 75 meters length (Figure 3.c).
After the acquisition process, the next step is processing. In this stage, research using Res2dinv
software ver.3.56.22. Using the iteration of 7 at the first location and the iteration of 10 at the second
location. The result of processing is a cross-sectional image used for interpretation

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3 (a) Trajectory of electrode at first location from 0 – 50 m and (b) 50-75 m. (c) Trajectory of
electrode at second location


First Location
The Frist location with the initial coordinates of the 50S 0483726E 9860712N line stretched from

EAGE-HAGI 1st Asia Pacific meeting on Near Surface Geoscience & Engineering
11-12 April 2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
northwest to the southeast to the end of the track with the coordinates of 50S 0483799E 9860704N,
where the northwest is higher than the southeast. Results of the first data processing track using
Res2dinv software obtained cross section images with color images based on the distribution of
resistivity values shown in (Figure 4).

Figure 4 Cross section on the first location at RT 29 Damai Bukit Cinta

In Figure 4 it shows that the slip plane is detected by a black line with depths ranging from 2 m - 5.70
m. Below the black line is a layer with a range of 500 Ωm - 1282 Ωm which is detected as a layer of
quartz sand. Above the black line is seen a layer that has a resistivity range of 120 Ωm-170 Ωm which
is detected as claysand layer. This claysand material has the characteristics of storing water content.
When rain comes, water will seep from the top layer to the lowest waterproof layer. Quartz sand has a
characteristic of waterproof, so rain water will stop on the layer above the quartz sand claysand layer.
So water will accumulate in this claysand layer. The impact of the accumulation of water on this layer
is the addition of load to the holding force. This will be dangerous if rainfall is high because more
water will accumulate so it will burden the slopes that will trigger the occurrence of landslides. The
predicted landslides types can occur in this first location included in the translational landslide type.

Second Location
The second location with the initial coordinates of the 50S 0483881E 9861530N line stretched from
the northeast to the southwest to the end of the track with the coordinates of 50S 0483854E
9861466N, where the northeast part is higher than the southwest. Results of processing the second
track data using Res2dinv software obtained image cross section with colour image based on the
distribution of resistivity value shown in (Figure 5)

Figure 5 Cross section on the second location at RT 38 Gunung Sari Ulu

In Figure 5 it shows that the slip plane is detected by a black line with depths ranging from 3.70 m -
9.5 m. Below the black line is seen a layer with a range of 2.68 Ωm - 5.73 Ωm which is detected as
clay layer. Above the black line is seen a layer that has a resistivity range of 35.5 Ωm - 50.3 Ωm
which is detected as claysand layer. This claysand material has the characteristics of storing water
content. When rain comes, water will seep from the top layer to the lowest waterproof layer. Clay has
a waterproof characteristic, so rain water will stop at the layer above the clay claysand layer. So water

EAGE-HAGI 1st Asia Pacific meeting on Near Surface Geoscience & Engineering
11-12 April 2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
will accumulate in this claysand layer. The impact of the accumulation of water on this layer is the
addition of load to the holding force. This will be dangerous if rainfall is high because more water will
accumulate so it will burden the slopes that will trigger the occurrence of landslides. The predicted
landslides types can occur in this first location included in the translational landslide type.


In the first location, a claysand layer is detected right above the layer of quartz sand. The intersection
between these two layers when rainfall has the potential to become a slip surface that can cause
landslides with a type of translational landslide. In the second location, a claysand layer is detected
just above the clay layer. The intersection between these two layers when rainfall has the potential to
become a slip surface that can cause landslides with a type of translational landslide.


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Jurnal Fisika. Gravitasi. UNTAD. Vol.1, No. 1. Hal.7-16.

Darsono, 2007, Penentuan Batuan Akuifer Air Tanah di Daerah Sulit Air Dengan Menggunakan
Metode Geolistrik, Jurnal Fisika FLUX, Jurusan Fisika FMIPA Universitas Lambung Mangkurat,

Griffiths, D.H, and R.D. Barker., 1993, Two Dimensional Resistivity Imaging and Modelling in Areas
of Complex Geology, Journal of Applied Geophysics, V.29., p.211226.

Kalmiawan, P.A, Sismanto dan Suparwoto, 2000, Penyelidikan Keberadaan Mata Air Panas Krakal,
Desa Krakal, Kec. Alian Kab. Kebumen, Jawa Tengah Dengan Metode Resistivitas, Proceeding
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KlikBalikpapan. 2017. 85 Persen Wilayah Balikpapan Rawan Bencana Alam.
alam.html.23 Desember 2017 (14:00).

Naryanto, H.S. 2011. Analisis Kondisi Bawah Permukaan Dan Risiko Bencana Tanah Longsor Untuk
Arahan Penataan Kawasan Di Desa Tengklik Kecamatan Tawangmangu Kabupaten Karanganyar
Jawa Tengah.Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Indonesia 13(2): 74-81.

Reynolds, John M. 1997. An Introduction to Applied and Environmental Geophysics. John Wiley and
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Samouëlian, A., I. Cousin, A. Tabbagh, A. Bruand, G. Richard. 2005. Electrical Resistivity Survey In
Soil Science: A Review. Soil and Tillage Research 83(2): 173-193.

Sugito, Z. Irayani, I. P. Jati. 2010. Investigasi Bidang Gelincir Tanah Longsor Menggunakan Metode
Geolistrik Tahanan Jenis di Desa Kebarongan Kec. Kemranjen Kab. Banyumas. Berkala Fisika 13
(2): 49-54

Suharno, dan S.Sudarman, 2000, Analisis Hasil Studi Geofisika dan Geologi Area Panas Bumi
Ulubelu Dalam Rangka Penafsiran Permeabilitas Reservoir, Proceeding Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan
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Telford, W. M. 1990. Applied Geophysics. Second Edition. Press Syndicate of the University of
Cambridge. New York.

EAGE-HAGI 1st Asia Pacific meeting on Near Surface Geoscience & Engineering
11-12 April 2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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