ES PEC 174 Preston Islamabad

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Team ID- PEC-174

Fizza Ishaq
Executive Summary
1.1 Overview

While everyone has been talking about the recent sexual abuse cases, which certainly
is the highest imaginable crime against a child’s dignity, there is no one explicitly talking
about the basic definition of child abuse, which according to WHO, “includes all forms of
physical and emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect, and exploitation that results
in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, development or dignity”. Unfortunately,
child abuse is not only the problem of Pakistan, it’s a global problem. In fact according
to recent reports, half of the world’s children – one billion children experience violence in
one form or another.

As per report of Sahil Organization, 11 case of child abuses were registered evert day in
Pakistan in 2017, and among them 266 cases has been reported placed in school or its
surrounding. So where do we start? Which unit of the society should be targeted first
and foremost to prevent this from happening? We will also need to have a security
system in place which assures the safety of children.
Guardian (‫ )آپ کا محافظ‬brings such type of security system than will help parents to keep
track of their children, when they are not in-front of their eyes. They will be notified
through SMS when their kids will enter or leave the school. Guardian ( ‫ )آپ کا محافظ‬is about
saving millions of our children who will never achieve their full potential if we don’t break
this cycle.

To summarize, child abuse is a national problem. It’s not confined to a single city, a
single perpetrator or a gang exploiting young children. We will need to take ownership
of the fact that we have failed as a nation to protect our children, and we need to take
solid step towards the safety of children and future of Pakistan.

1.2 Market Need:

According to data collected by non-governmental organization Sahil, 11 cases of

child sexual abuse are reported from across Pakistan every day, In the year 2017, a
total 3445 child abuse cases were reported in newspapers from all four provinces
including Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT), Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), Gilgit
Baltistan (GB), and Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).

The major crime categories of the reported cases are, abduction 1039, missing children
517, rape 467, sodomy 366, attempt of rape 206, gang sodomy 180, gang rape 158 and
109 cases of child marriages. This year 109 cases were reported of murder after sexual
abuse, it shows that 9% cases have increased as compared to 100 cases reported last
year 2016. A gender analysis shows that 58% girls and 42% boys have been murdered
after sexual abuse in 2017. The statistics of Cruel Numbers shows that out of the total
reported 3445 cases, (2077) 60% victims were girls and (1368) 40% were boys. A total
number of 5284 abusers are identified, which includes the data of gangs involved in all
the 3445 cases of abuse excluding 143 cases of child marriages.

Graphical Representation is shown below;

According to Sahil organization statistics about child abuse cases 266 cases of abuse
were reported at schools in 2017.

1.3 Opportunity Size:

The education system of Pakistan is comprised of 260,903 institutions that are

facilitating 41,018,384 students with the help of 1,535,461 teachers. The system is
composed of 180,846 public institutions and 80,057 private institutions. The public
sector is serving 25.97 million students to complete their education while the remaining
14.85 million students are in private sector of education. The sector wise distribution of
educational institution & enrollment in percentages is shown in figure 1 and 2

The educational institutions in the country can be divided into following categories:

 Pre-Primary
 Primary
 Middle
 Higher Secondary
 Inter-Colleges
 Degree Colleges
 Universities
 Technical & Vocational Institutions
 Teacher Training Institutions
 Non-Formal basic Education
 Deeni Madaris
Initially we are targeting Primary and Middle Schools which are comprised of 42 .12% of
total educational institutions that are a total of 154,163 primary schools, out of these
135,955 (88%) are in the public sector, whereas, 18,208 (12%) are in the private
sector and 41,942 are middle schools in Pakistan, which consist of 16,154 (39%) in
public sector, whereas 25,788 (61%) are in private sector.

Source: , Ministry of education, Pakistan Education statistics 2014-15

1.4 Industry Analysis:

It is a well-established reality that education is a key to economic development and

social welfare. Investments in education yield returns in poverty reduction, improved
health outcomes, and economic growth (UNESCO, 2007; Hannum & Buchmann, 2004;
Herz & Sperling, 2003). In addition, increased access to education contributes to
increased political participation and more equitable sharing of economic and political
power (Birdsall, 1999).According to the National Educational Management and
Information system, Primary and Middle school has been increased 36.6% and 14.7%
respectively in last 5 years

The Net Enrolment Ratio (NER) is used to show the extent of coverage in a given level
of education of children and youths belonging to the official age group corresponding to
the given level of education.

In Pakistan, of all the primary-aged (5-9 years) children, 63% are enrolled in primary
school. However, wide variance is displayed across province and sex. The highest net
primary enrolment rate is in Punjab and ICT (70%). This is followed by Sindh and GB
(63%); and FATA (60%). About two-thirds of children attend school in Sindh, while only
one-half children in Balochistan (51%) are enrolled in primary schools. ICT is also the
only area in the country where primary enrolment rate is higher for girls (72%) than boys
(68%) while AJ&K has almost an equal enrolment rate (58%-59%) for boys and girls.

Source: Pakistan Education Statistics 2014-15

As in the market, on security precautions, institutes use normal way of security to keep
their children safe from any unusual activity. So by that standard, Guardian ( ‫)آپ کا محافظ‬
don’t have any direct competitor which is providing that kind of technology, but indirect
competition can be google app and I-cloud, from where u can track your consociate.
1.5 Solution

Our Solution is consisting of two parts one is for notification and other is for tracking.
Guardian (‫ )آپ کا محافظ‬will provide auto generated notification SMS to the parent and
institution when the kid enter or exits the institutes by using RFID (Radio Frequency
Identification). When a kid having a card registered with our database, which can be
seen or can be in bag, walks through our scanner walkthrough panel, an auto generated
SMS will be generated to management server and to parents. While parents can also
track their kid by using Guardian ( ‫ )آپ کا محافظ‬app on their mobile and can get their live

Value Proposition
By using Guardian (‫)آپ کا محافظ‬, parents will not have to worry about the security of their
children when they are at their Schools or any other places.

Kids can explore more places without having any trouble of getting lost.

Parents and Educational Institutes can easily track the attendance records of children.

1.6 Current or Potential Customers:

Initially we are targeting Private sector of Primary and Middle School of Islamabad and
Rawalpinidi. There are 623 primary schools and 168 middle schools and we are
targeting 15% of total schools from this target market. Our business model is B-2-B. for
that our marketing executive will approach administration of school and will give demo
and sale to them.


1.7 Go to Market Strategy:

Our marketing strategy will be orientations to the customers and discounts and selling
strategy includes use of social media like linkedin(for corporations), sales calls and
direct marketing, word of mouth, word of mouse. These give us penetrating chances,
direct dealing with buyers and reduced cost of promotion and marketing.

1.8 Our Team:

Guardian (‫)آپ کا محافظ‬, is a Sole-Proprietorship based business with having Khawar as the

Mr. Khawar Khan who is doing BS-IT he has the experience of working with several
firms as a supervisor. His role in E-PARHAI is to supervise the daily, weekly and
monthly activities. Mr. Asadullah, who is doing BBA in marketing, and he has an
experience of marketing executive for 3 years, He will be our marketing officer who will
help to increase the business revenue. Ms.Amna, she is doing MBA in Finance, she will
look after all the transactions and finance of the business. Ms. Fizza is doing MBA in
HR, she will also look after business daily activies and will report to Mr. Khawar.
1.9 Risks and Mitigation Plans:

◘ R&D Cost
◘ Self calibrating System
◘ Yet to establishe Comercial
◘ Skills and experience contacts
◘ Quality assurance ◘ No real life Entrepreneural
◘ Easy to use Experience
◘ Benifit for both school and

SWOT Threats
◘ Possibiliblty of new entrants and
◘ Idea is unique which can competition
lead the market ◘ Over Dependence on one
◘ More features and versions busines model
can be introduced
◘ There are number of
people who seek this type of

In Case of Success, we will extend our target market to different regions of Pakistan. In
Case of Failure of business; we will divert our focus from RFID system to Normal
Security appliance provider.
1.10 Financials:

Total Investment required for the Business is PKR 1.0 Million, consisting of R& D cost of
PKR 350,000/-

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Net Sales 8,740,000 10,051,000 0
less: COGS 3,200,000 3,680,000 4,160,000
Gross profit 5,540,000 6,371,000 7,202,000
Total operation
expenses 4,403,000 4,666,500 5,321,675
Net profit/ loss 960,733 1,363,600 1,504,180

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