Manhattan Essential 500

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Abate (v) Reduce, Diminish.

(v) Formally or officially give up the
throne or any other responsibility. -
(অিফিসয়ালভােব দািয় ছেড় দয়া)

Aberrant (adj.) Abnormal, Deviant. -

(িবপথগামী, িবচু ত, িতব ী)

Abhor (v) Detest, Regard with

disgust (ঘৃণা করা)

Abjure (v) Give up, Renounce (especially

under oath) - শপথপূবক পদত াগ করা

(adj.) Rough, suitable for grinding or

polishing (such as sandpaper) - খসখেস,
ঘিষয়া তুিলয়া ফিলেত স ম

Abridge (v) Lessen or shorten (সংি


Abstain (v) Hold back, Refrain (িবরত

থাকা, পিরহার কিরয়া চলা)

Acme (n) Summit, Peak, Highest

Point (চূড়া, শীষ)
(n) The practice of pursuing political or
other goals through vigorous(সবল,
forceful) action. - (সি য়তাবাদ)
Adhere (v) Stick (to), such as with
glue - ( লেগ থাকা)

Admonish (v) Mildly scold, Caution, Advise, or

remind to do something. - (সতক করা)

Adverse (adj) Opposing, Harmful.

( িত ল)

Advocate (v, n) speak or argue in

favor of (verb), (উিকল)

Aesthetic (adj, n) Artistic, Capable of appreciating

the beautiful. - ( সৗ যেবাধ, না িনক)

Affable (adj) Friendly, Pleasant,

Approachable. -(ভ , িম ক)

Affectation (n) Fake behavior adopted to give

certain impression. -(ভ ডািম, ভান)

Aggrandize (v) Make greater,

Exaggerate. -(অিতরি ত করা)

Aggregate (v, adj) Sum, Collect,

Accumulate. - (একি ত করা, সমি )

Alacrity (n) Cheerful or speedy, Willingness.

- (ব তা, ূিত, তৎপরতা, উৎসাহ)
Alienate (v) Cause to become unfriendly or
hostile. -(িবেভদ সৃি করা, শ েত পিরণত করা)

Alleviate (v) Make easier to endure,

Lessen. - ( াস করা, শিমত করা)

Ambiguous (adj.) Not clear, Hard to

understand. - (অ , েবাধ )

Ambivalent (adj.) Uncertain, Unable to

decide. - (অিনি ত, দাটানা)

Analogous (adj.) Comparable. - (তুলনীয়,

অ প)

Anarchy (n) Absence of law, Chaos,

Disorder. - (অরাজকতা, িবশৃ লা)
(v) Rub or sprinkle oil on, Make sacred such as by
Anoint ceremony that includes applying oil to someone. -
( তল লপন করা, তল লপেনর মাধ েম কাউেক পিব করা)

(n) Deviation from what is common,

Inconsistency. - (অ াভািবক, ব িত ম, অসংগিতপূণ)

Antagonize (v) Make hostile or unfriendly. -

(শ ভাবাপ কের তালা, শ েত পিরণত করা)

Antipathy (n) Deep dislike, Aversion or

Repugnance. - (িবে ষ)
Apathy (n) Lack of interest or
concern. - (অনীহা, উদাসীনতা)

Apocryphal (adj) of questionable authenticity,

Suspicious. - (সে হজনক)

Appease (v) Pacify, Satisfy. - (শা করা, তু


Appreciable (adj) Enough to be perceived,

Considerable. - ( বাধগম , উপলি জনক)

Arbitrary (adj) Random, Capricious. -

(খামেখয়ালী, ই ামত)

Arcane (adj) Known or understood by only a

few, Obscure, Secret. - (রহ জনক, সং )

Archaic (adj) Ancient, Primitive. -

( াচীণ, সেকেল)

Arduous (adj) Very difficult, Hard to endure,

Severe. - ( মসাধ , ঃসাধ , ক সাধ )

Articulate (adj, v) Clear speech, Speak clearly or in

a fluent way. - ( , ভােব কথা বলা)

Artifact (n) Any object made by

human. - (হ িনিমত ব )
Artless (adj) Free of deceit or craftiness,
Natural, Genuine. - (সহজসরল, সাধািসেধ)

Ascertain (v) Ensure, Find out with

certainty. - (িনি ত করা)
(adj, n) Abstinent or austere in lifestyle (adj), A
Ascetic person who leads an austere & simple life
without pleasure. - (কেঠার সংযমী, যাগী, তপ ী)

Assuage (v) Soothe, Make milder, Relieve,

Alleviate ( শিমত করা, উপশম করা)

Audacious (adj) Very bold or brave in a

reckless way. - ( ঃসাহসী)

Augment (v) Make larger, Increase. -

(বৃি করা)

Austere (adj) Strict in lifestyle, Very

self-disciplined. - (কেঠার আ সংযমী)

Autonomous (adj) Self-governing,

Independent. - ( শািসত, ায় শািসত)

Aver (v) Declare with confidence. -

( জার িদেয় বলা, িনি তভােব বলা)

Avid (adj) Enthusiastic, Dedicated,

Passionate. - (ব , উদ মী, উৎসাহী)
Balk (v) Refuse to proceed or do something. -
(বাধা দয়া, মুেখ মুেখ জবাব দয়া, তক করা)

Base (adj) Morally low,

Dishonorable, Mean. - (নীচ, হীন)

Belie (v) Contradict, Misrepresent. -

(িমেথ ধারণা দয়া, িমেথ ভােব বলা)

Benign (adj) Harmless, Favorable,

Kindly. - (সদয়, মাপরায়ণ)

Bogus (adj) Fake, Fraudulent. -

(নকল, মিক)

Bolster (v) Strengthen or Support. -

(শি শালী করা, ঠস দয়া)

Boor (n) Rude, Ill-mannered, Insensitive

person. - (বােজ মা ষ, অসভ )

Buffer (n) Something that shields or

protects or absorbs shock.

Bureaucracy (n) আমলাত

Burgeon (v) Grow or flourish rapidly. -

( বেড় উঠেত করা, পাতা বা মু ল ধরা)
(v, n) Support or encourage (verb); A source of
Buttress defense or support or a projecting support of stone
or brick built against a wall (noun). - ( ঠস দয়া, অবল ন)

Bygone (adj, n) Past, Former (adj); Past

incident (n). - (অতীত, অিত া , অতীত ঘটনা)

(n) Harsh, discordant or meaningless

mixture of sounds. - ( িতকটু শ , েরর অৈনক ,
ককশ শ )

Candid (adj) Open, Sincere, Honest.

- (অকপট, ব া, সত বাদী)

Canonical (adj) Authorized, Rightful, Pious,

Virtuous. - (ধমস ত, যাজকীয়, আ শাসিনক)

Capricious (adj) Acting on impulse,

Erratic. - (খামেখয়ালী, িছট )

Cartography (n) Map making, The practice of

drawing maps. - (মানিচ িনমাণ, মানিচ াংকন)

(v) Criticize severely or punish in order

to correct. - (সিঠকপেথ আনার জ তী সমােলাচনা করা
িকংবা শাি দয়া)

Catalyst (n) Causer of change. -

( ভাবক, অ ঘটক)
(adj) Capable of corroding metal or
burning skin, Very critical. - (দ কারক,
য়কারক, তী )
(n, v) The expression of formal disapproval (n);
Censure Express severe disapproval (v). (ভৎসনা করা, অমত
করা, অস িত দশন করা, িন া)

Chauvinism (n) Fanatical, exaggerate or aggressive

patriotism. - (অ দশে ম, উ দশে ম)

Chronological (adj) Arranged in the order

of time. - (সময়া িমক)
(n, v) A loud, continuous noise (n); Noisy
uproar or protest (v). - ( গালমাল করা, িচৎকার
করা, তুম ুল কালাহল)

Clinch (v) Confirm or Settle conclusively. -

(একবাের িমিটেয় ফলা, সমথন করা)

Coalesce (v) Come together, unite, fuse

together. - (একি ত হওয়া, সমেবত হওয়া)

Cogent (adj) Very convincing or logical. -

(অিনবায, বল, অকাট )

Commensurate (adj) Same in size, Equivalent,

Proportional. - (সমানতুল , সমা পািতক)

Complacement (adj) Self satisfied. - (আ তু )

Complementary (adj) Filling mutual needs. -

(পিরপূরক, স ূরক)
Compliant (adj) Obeying, Submissive. -
(অ গত, বাধ গত)
(v) Admit, Surrender or Yield. - ( ীকার করা,
ম ুর করা, হজম করা)
e.g. They conceded 5 goals.

Conciliatory (adj) Reconciling, Soothing, Intended to

make peace. - (ব ু পূণ , শাি পূণ )

Concur (v) Approve, Agree, Be of the same

opinion. - (একমত হওয়া, স ত হওয়া)

(v) Overlook, Tolerate, Regard as harmless, Accept

Condone and allow (behavior that is considered morally
wrong or offensive) to continue. - (উেপ া করা, মউ ফ করা,
মা করা, স করা)

Confer (v) Consult, Compare views.

- (পরামশ করা, আেলাচনা করা)
(n) An expert judge in the matter of
taste, especially in fine arts. - (রসপি ডত)

Console (v) Comfort someone at a time of

grief or disappointment. - (সা না দয়া)

Consolidate (v) Make physically stronger

or more solid. - (দৃঢ় করা)

Constrict (v) Squeeze, Compress. -

(সং িচত করা, চেপ ধরা)
Construe (v) Interpret or translate. -
(ভাষা িরত করা, ব াখ া করা)

Contentious (adj) Controversial, Quarrelsome,

Ill-tempered. - (িবতকমূলক, কলহি য়)

(v) Place in context, such as by giving the

background or circumstances. -
(বণনা াসি ক করা)

Conundrum (n) Riddle, Puzzle, Enigma. -

(ধঁাধা, েহিলকা)
(v) Move towards one another or towards
a point. - (একই িব েত িমিলত হওয়া)

(adj) Knowledgeable about or

experienced with something, Efficient,
Skilled. - (দ , অিভ )

Conversely (adv) In an opposite way, On

the other hand. - (িবপরীত েম)

Convoluted (adj) Twisted, Very complicated.

(খুবই জিটল, জটপাকােনা, ডিলত)

Copious (adj) Plentiful, Bountiful,

Abundant. - ( চুর, পযা , অেঢল)

(v) Confirm or give support to, Add

evidence to, Verify, Prove. - ( িতপাদন করা, দৃঢ়
করা, সমথন করা)
Cosmopolitan (adj) Universal. - (সবজনীন,
িব জনীন, অসা দািয়ক)
(n, v) Facial expression or face (n),
Approve or tolerate (v), - (মুখাকৃিত, মুখাবয়ব,
সমথন দয়া)

Counterintuitive (adj) Against one will

intuitively (স াতভােব) expect.

Counterpoint (n) Contrasting item,

Opposite. - (িবপরীত)
(adj) Defeating the purpose, Preventing
the intended goal, Having the opposite
of the desired effect. - (ল , ভুল ফলাফল)

Covert (adj) Secret, Veiled,

Undercover. - ( গাপন, ছ )

Crafty (adj) Cunning, Skillful in

deception. - (ধূত, চতুর)

Craven (adj) Cowardly, Lack of

courage. - (কাপু ষ)

Credibility (n) Trustworthiness,

Authenticity. - (িব াসেযাগ তা)
(adj) Prone to believing or trusting too
easily, Gullible. - (অত ািধক িব াস বণ, অিত সহেজই
িব াস কের ফেল এমন, অিতসরল)
(n) Gradual increase in loudness or
intensity. - ( েরর তী তার মবৃি )

(v) Reach the highest point or final stage,

Reach a climax. - (সেবা সীমায় পৗছােনা, চূড়া
পিরণিত পাওয়া)

(adj) Thinking the worst of others'

motivations, Bitterly pessimistic. - (ঘৃণাপূণ,
মা েষর সততায় অিব াসী, নাক িসটকােনা)

Daunt (v) Discourage, Dishearten. -

(িন ৎসাহ করা, দমন করা, ভীত করা)

(v) Degrade, Lower in quality, value or

rank. - (হীনমূল করা, নীচু করা, খােটা করা, খাদ মশােনা)

Debunk (v) Expose the falseness, Reveal.

- (অনাবৃত করা, সত উে াচন করা)

Decorous (adj) Behaving with good

taste, Polite. - ( িচপূণ, শালীন, ভ )

Deem (v) Judge or consider, Taken into

consideration. - (িবেবচনা করা)

Deface (v) Erase, Wipe, Expunge. -

(মুেছ ফলা, ন কের ফলা)

Defamatory (adj) Humiliating, Slanderous.

(মানহািনকর, ৎসামূলক, অপবাদসূচক)
(n, v) Failure to act, Neglect (n), Fail to
fulfill an obligation (v). - (অচল, অ ম, অচল

Deference (n) Humble and respectful submission. -

( বাধ তা, মেন নয়া, ব তা ীকার করা)

Deflect (v) Cause to change direction,

Alter. - (িদক পিরবতন করা, বদল করা)

Deleterious (adj) Harmful, Unhealthy. -

( িতকারক, অ া কর)

Delineate (v) Describe in details, Depict. - (বণনা

করা, িচি ত করা, অংিকত করা)

Denigrate (v) Belittle, Attack the reputation

of, Tarnish. - (কলি ত করা)

Denote (v) Be a sign of, Indicate. -

(িচি ত করা)

Deride (v) Mock, Laugh at. - (উপহাস

করা, িব প করা, ঠা া করা)

Derivative (adj) Derived from something

else, Not original. - (অেমৗিলক)

Desiccate (v) Thoroughly dried up,

Dehydrated. - ( করা, হওয়া)
Detached (adj) Separated, Distant. -
(িবি , আলাদা)

Deterrent (n) Something that restrains,

Hindrance. - ( িতব ক)

Diatribe (n) Bitter or abusive criticism. -

(গািলগালাজ, তী সমােলাচনা)

Didactic (adj) Teaching a moral lesson,

Instructional. - (উপেদশমূলক, নীিতমূলক)

Digress (v) Go off topic when speaking or

writing. - (অবা র হওয়া, অ াসি ক হওয়া)

Din (n) A loud, unpleasant noise. -

(কােন তালা লাগােনা শ )

Disabuse (v) Correct a false impression.

- ( া ধারণা হেত মু করা)

Discerning (adj) Having good judgement or

insight. - (িনণায়ক, সূ )

Discredit (v) Destroy credibility. -

( নামহািন, স ানহািন, অপযশ)

Discrepancy (n) Difference or inconsistency. -

(অিমল, অৈনক , পাথক )
Discriminating (adj) Discerning. - ( ভদােভদ করা)

Disingenuous (adj) Not candid or sincere, Not

genuine. - (কপট, অসরল, কৃি ম)

Disinterested (adj) Unbiased, Not

interested. - (িনিল , িবতৃ )
(adj) Disconnected, Not coherent, Having the
Disjointed joints separated. - (অসংযু , অসংল )

Dismiss (v) Reject, Allow to leave. -

(খািরজ করা, বািতল করা)

Dispassionate (adj) Unbiased, Passionless,

Composed. - (উে জনাহীন, িনরােবগ)

(n, v) Speed, Promptness (n); Send off or

deal with in a speedy way (v). - ( ত স াদন

Disperse (v) Scatter, Spread widely. -

(িবি করা, িব ুিরত করা)

Disposition (n) Mood, Nature. - ( মজাজ)

Disquieting (adj) Disturbing, Causing

anxiety. - (অশাি কর)
Disseminate (v) Broadcast, Spread about. -
( চার করা, ছিড়েয় দয়া)

Dissent (n, v) Disagree, Differ. -

(িভ মত পাষণ করা, মতিবেরাধ)

Dissonance (n) Harsh or inharmonious sound,

Cacophony. - ( ব েরা শ , অৈনক , ঐক হীনতা)

Distill (v) Purify. - (িব করা)

Diverge (v) Deviate, Shift. - (সিরয়া আসা,

িবপথগামী হেয় যাওয়া)

Divest (v) Deprive of power, rights or

possession. - (অিধকারচু ত করা)

(v) Discover through divination,

canonical or supernatural means. -
(ঐ িরক)

Document (v) Provide written evidence. -

(িলিখত দিলল দখােনা)

Dogma (n) Established belief. -

( িতি ত মতবাদ)

Dormant (adj) Asleep, Inactive, Latent. -

( , ঘুম , অ িনিহত)
Dubious (adj) Doubtful, Suspicious. -
(সে হজনক)
(adj) Peculiar or odd, Unconventional or
slightly strange behavior. - (অ ুত ভাব,

(adj) Selecting the best out of everything

or from many diverse sources.

(n, v) The obscuring of one thing by

another (n); To obscure, Darken, Devour.
- ( াস করা, হণ)

(n) The ability to produce desired or

intended result. - (কায মতা, িনি ত ফলদােনর

e.g For example, Such as. -

(উদাহরণ প)
(adj) Believing in the principle of equal rights
Egalitarian among all people. - (সমঅিধকাের িব াসী)

Egregious (adj) Outstandingly bad or shocking,

Grievous. - (মমাি ক, তর)

Elated (adj) Very happy, In high spirits,

Thrilled, Overjoyed - (অিত উ িসত)

Elevate (v) Raise or lift up. - (উে ালন

করা, উ িত করা)
Elicit (v) Call forth, Bring out, Evoke. -
( বর কের িনেয় আসা, কাশ করা)

Eloquent (adj) Fluent or persuasive in

speaking or writing. - (বাকপটু)

Embellish (v) Decorate, Add ornamentation. -

(অল ৃত করা, সি ত করা)

(adj) Prominent, Famous and respected

within particular profession. - (িবখ াত, িবিশ ,
মহান, উ পদ )

Empirical (adj) Experimental. - (গেবষণামূলক,

পরী ামূলক, অিভ তামূলক)

(v) Copy in an attempt to equal or be

better than, Imitate. - (অ করণ করা, িত ি তা
করা, অ সরণ করা)

Enervate (v) Weaken, Tire. - ( বল করা,

শি হীন করা)

Enhance (v) Raise or increase to a higher value,

Improve the quality. - (উ ত করা, বিধত করা)

Enigma (n) Puzzle, Mystery, Riddle,

Conundrum. - (ধঁাধা, েহিলকা, রহ ময়)

Entitlement (n) Having the right to certain

privileges. - (অিধকার, )
Enumerate (v) Count or list, Specify one-by-
one. - (গণনা করা, পরপর নাম করা)

Ephemeral (adj) Short-lived, Fleeting. -

( ণ ায়ী, ণজীিব)

Equitable (adj) Fair and impartial. -

( ায়স ত, যথাথ, ায )

Erratic (adj) Uncertain, Inconsistent. -

(অিনি ত, খামেখয়ালী)

(adj) Mistaken, In error, Improper,

Morally incorrect. - (ভুল কের এমন, া , া পূণ)

Erudite (adj) Scholarly, Knowledgeable. -

( ানী, পাি ডত পূণ)

Eschew (v) Shun, Avoid. - (পিরহার করা,

এিড়েয় চলা)

Esoteric (adj) Understood by only a few,

Secret, Arcane. - (গূঢ়, রহ ময়)

Estimable (adj) Worthy of great respect or esteem,

Admirable, Respectable. - (মাননীয়, ে য়)

(n) A speech or piece of writing that praises

Eulogy someone or something highly, typically someone
who has just died. - (কােরা স েক উ শংসা)
Exacerbate (v) Make worse, Worsen, Inflame,
Irritate. - (অিধকতর খারাপ করা, িত করা, িবর করা)

(adj) Very severe in making demands,

Extremely demanding. - (বলপূবক আদায়কারী,

Exculpate (v) Clear from guilt or

blame. - ( দাষ হেত মুি )
(adj) Fully comprehensive, Thorough,
Exhaustive Complete, Draining. - (স ূণ, সম , পির াি কর)

Explicit (adj) Plain, Clear, Direct, Fully

revealed. - ( , িবশদ, পির ারভােব)

Exponent (n) Person who explains. -

(ব াখ াকারক)
(adj) Irrelevant, Foreign, Not belonging. -
(িবেদশী, বিহঃ , িনজ নয় এমন)

(v) Conjecture, Predict by projecting past

Extrapolate experience. - (পূেবই অ মান করা, আ াজ করা)

Facetious (adj) Joking, Humorous, Not

serious. - (সরস, কৗতুকি য়, রিসক)

Facilitate (v) Make easier, Help the

progress of. - (সহজতর করা)
(adj) Misleading, Deceitful, Based on a
Fallacious mistaken belief. - ( াি পূণ, তারণাপূণ)

(adj) Excessively devoted, Enthusiastic. -

(অত আ হী, উ ভােব আ হী)

Fanciful (adj) Whimsical, Imaginary,

Capricious. - (ক নাি য়, ক নাপূণ, খামেখয়ালী)

Fathom (v) Measure the depth of. -

(অ ধাবন করা)

Feasible (adj) Possible to do easily, Logical or

likely. - (স াব , সাধ , স ব)

Fidelity (n) Faithfulness, Loyalty. -

(সততা, িব তা)

Figurative (adj) Metaphorical. -

(অলংকািরক, অলংকারপূণ, গালভরা)
(n, v) Extreme delicacy or subtlety (n); Do
Finesse something in a subtle and delicate manner, Use
tactical skills (v). - (সূ কৗশল, সূ কৗশল েয়াগ করা)

Flag (v) Get tired, Lose enthusiasm. -

(অবস ভােব ঝুলেত থাকা, িঝমােনা)

(adj) Passing quickly, Transitory, Lasting

for a very short time. - ( তগামী, ত ধাবমান)
Foment (v) Incite, Instigate, Stir up. -
( েরািচত করা)

Foreshadow (v) Indicate or suggest beforehand,

Presage. - (পূব াভাস দয়া)

(v) Lose or surrender as a penalty for

wrongdoing or neglect, Confiscate, Seize.
- (বােজয়া করা, জ করা, ায় ত াগ করা)

(v) Strengthen, Invigorate, Encourage. -

Fortify (শি শালী করা, বলবান করা, সমথন দয়া, মজবুত করা)

Fringe (n, adj) On the margin, Peripheral,

Edge - (পাড়, আ সাি ক)

Frugal (adj) Economical,

Calculating. - (িমতব য়ী)

Futile (adj) Pointless, Nonsense, Useless.

- (অথহীন, িনরথ, বৃথা)

Gainsay (v) Deny, Contradict, Refuse. - ( িতবাদ

করা, অ ীকার করা)

Garrulous (adj) Excessively talkative,

Wordy, Rambling - (বাচাল)

Gauche (adj) Tactless, Socially

awkward. - ( কৗশলহীন, আনািড়)
Gawky (adj) Shy, Glare awkwardly. -
(লাজুক, জবুথবু)

Germane (adj) Relevant or appropriate. -

(যথাযথ, াসি ক, উপযু )

Gist (n) Main idea, Essence, Main

point. - (সারমম, মূলকথা)

Glib (adj) Fluent and voluble but insincere

and shallow, Slick - (সাবলীল িক িপি ল)

(n) The bumps created by hairs standing

up on the skin in response to cold, fear
etc. - (ভেয় রাম দঁািড়েয় যাওয়া)

(n) A progression, A process taking place

gradually, in stages. - ( মউ িত, ধােপ ধােপ উ িত)

Gregarious (adj) Sociable, Fond of

company. - (স ি য়, সামািজক)

(n) Sly or cunning intelligence,

Craftiness. - (ছলনা, চাতুরী, টবুি )

Hackneyed (adj) So commonplace, Not fresh,

Overused. - (গতা গিতক, ব াপচা, ব ল ব ব ত)

Hardy (adj) Robust, Capable of

enduring hardship. - (ক সিহ ু, বিল )
Haven (adj) A place of safety or refuge. -
( পাতা য়, আ য় ল)

Hearken (v) Listen attentively, Pay

attention to. - (মেনােযাগ িদেয় শানা)

Hedonist (n) Person devoted to

pleasure. - ( ভাগ খবাদী)

Heterogeneous (adj) Different in type, Dissimilar,

Incongruous. - (িভ ধমী, অসদৃশ)

(n) A ranked series, A system or organization in which

Hierarchy people or groups are ranked one above the other
according to status or authority. - (যাজকত )

(n) Mixture of different things, Jumble. -

(িবিভ েব র িম ণ, িখচুিড়)

Homogeneous (adj) Of the same kind, Alike,

Identical - ( জািত, সমে নীভু , সম কৃিত)

(n) Exaggerated statements or claims not

Hyperbole meant to be taken literally, Deliberate
exaggeration for effect - (অিতরি ত, অিতশেয়াি )

(n) A mode of behavior or way of thought

peculiar to an individual. - (অ ত
ু মানিসক গঠন
অথবা বিশ )

Illiberality (n) Narrow-mindedness, Bigotry. -

(নীচু মানিসকতা, ধমা তা)
(adj) Ready to occur, Impending, About
to happen. - (আস , অিনবায, আগত ায়)

(v) Weaken or damage something,

Worsen. - (ন করা, বল করা, িতসাধন করা)

Impartial (adj) Unbiased, Fair, Neutral, Just. -

(িনরেপ , ায়স ত)

Impede (v) Hold back, Obstruct or hinder

the progress of. - (ব হত করা)

(n) Act of implying or that which is implied, The

Implication conclusion that can be drawn from something,
although it is not explicitly stated. - (িনিহতাথ, কািশত অথ,

Implicit (adj) Implied though not

stated directly. - (অ িনিহত)

Implode (v) Burst inward, Collapse inward

violently - (অ িবে ারণ ঘটা বা ঘটােনা)

Inadvertent (adj) Unintentional,

Careless. - (অিন াকৃত)

Inasmuch (adv) In like manner, Since. -

( যেহতু)

Incendiary (adj) Setting on fire, Designed

to cause fire. - (আে য়, িহংসা ক)
(n) Something that encourages or
motivates one to do something, such as
a reward. - (উ ীপনা, উৎসাহদায়ক, পুর ার)

(adj) Just begun and so not fully

developed, Unorganized, Rudimentary. -
(অপিরণত, অপির ুট)

Incipient (adj) In an initial stage, Beginning to

happen or develop. - ( ারি ক, াথিমক)

(adj) Out of place, Inappropriate, Not

Incongruous harmonious, Heterogeneous. - ( বখা া, বমানান)

Inconsequential (adj) Not important or significant,

Illogical. - (তু , অবা র)

(v) Unite, Combine, Form a legal

corporation, Embody. - (সংঘব করা, এক করা,
সি িলত করা)

(adj) Not exactly known, established or

Indeterminate defined, Not determined. - (অিনণীত, অিনধািরত)

Indifferent (adj) Lack of concern, Not

caring. - (উদাসীন, অনাস )

(v) To tell, To pass the knowledge to, To

inspire. - ( াপন করা, অবগত করা, সংবাদ জানােনা, রণা

Ingenious (adj) Clever, Genius, Innovative. -

( িতভাবান, উ াবন ম)
Ingrained (adj) Deeply established, Deep
rooted. - (ব মূল, ম াগত)

(adj) Existing as a permanent, Essential

quality, Intrinsic, Natural. - (সহজাত, অ িনিহত)

(adj) Harmless, Not offensive, Gullible. - (িনরীহ,

Innocuous িনেদাষ, অে র িত কের না এমন)

Intelligible (adj) Able to understood,

Clear. - ( বাধগম )
(adj) Difficult to control or manage, Hard
to deal with or manipulate, Stubborn. -
(অবাধ , এক েয়)

Intrepid (adj) Fearless, Brave. - (িনভীক)

Intrinsic (adj) Belonging naturally,

Essential. - ( কীয়, সহজাত)

(n) Unintelligible language, Gibberish,

Jargon Poppycock. - (অপভাষা, অথহীন বাক বা ভাষা)

Jocular (adj) Joking all the time, Humorous,

Jolly, Playful. - (হা রসময়, ূিতময়)

Judicious (adj) Having good judgement,

Wise, Sensible. - (িবচ ণ, িব , ানী)
(n) Critical point in time, such as a crisis
or a time when a decision is necessary. -
(সি ন, স টমু ত, সংকটকাল)

Keen (adj) Having or showing eagerness

or enthusiasm. - (ব , আ হী, উৎসাহী)

(n) Praise & honor received for an

achievement, Congratulations. - ( শংসা,
খ ািত, স ান)

Lackluster (adj) Not shiny, Dull, Lack of lust. -

(অ ল, িন ভ, িতহীন)

(adj) Using few words, Concise, Brief,

Summary. - ( বাক, অ কথায় অথপূণ, সারমম)

(v, n) Mourn or express grief (v); An of

grief or sorrow (n). - (িবলাপ, পিরতাপ করা,
কা াকািট করা)

(n, v) A harsh satire (n); Ridicule or

satirize (v). - (তী ব া া ক, ব া করা)

Landmark (n) A place or a feature that

can be used to navigate by.
(adj) Sluggish, Slow, Weak, Numb, Feeble. -
Languid (অবস , দূবল, অসাড়, িনজীব, িনে জ)

Lassitude (n) Tiredness, Weariness, Lack of

energy. - (অবস তা, অবসাদ, িনে জভাব)
Laudable (adj) Worthy of praise. -
( শংসনীয়)
(adj, v) Sumptuously rich or luxurious,
Abundant (adj); Give very generously. -
(অেঢল আেছ যার, খরেচ, চুর খরচ কের এমন, অপব য়ী)

(n) A person who is not a member of the clergy or

Layperson not a member of a particular profession (such as
medicine, law, etc.). - ( পশাদার নয় এমন)

(n) Lightness or lack of seriousness,

sometimes in an inappropriate way. -
(চপলতা, চ লতা, ছ াবলািম)

(n, v) An act of levying or imposing a tax, fee, or fine,

Levy An act of enlisting troops (n); Impose a tax, fee, or
fine (v). - (আেরাপ, খাজনা আদায় করা, জারপুবক টাকা আদায় করা)

(adj, n) Open minded, A person who is

willing to accept new ideas or behavior. -

(n) Morally or sexually unrestrained

person, Freethinker (regarding religion).
- (চির হীন, ল ট, অসংযত)

Likewise (adv) In the same way, Also.

- (অ পভােব)

Log (v, n) Keep a record of (v); A written

record (n). - ( রকড রাখা, িলিখত নিথ বা দিলল)

Loquacious (adj) Talkative, Garrulous. -

(adj) Expressed clearly, Easy to
understand, Transparent. - ( , , সহেজ
বাধগম )

(v, n) Soothe or cause to fall asleep (as in

a lullaby), Quiet down (v); A period of
calm or quiet (n). - (ঘুম ান, ঘুম পাড়ােনা, শা করা)

(n, adj) A temporary often improvised

Makeshift substitute (n); Serving as a temporary
substitute (adj). - (অ ায়ী, সামিয়ক বদলী, অ ায়ী বদলী)

Malleable (adj) Able to bent or

shaped. - (নমনীয়)
(n) An unorthodox or independent
minded person. - (বাউ ডুেল, যাযাবর, ভবঘুের)

Mendacious (adj) Lying, Habitually

dishonest. - (িমথ াবাদী)
(adj) Sudden or unpredictable change of
mood or mind, Endeavoring. - (তৎপর, চপল)

(n) The process of transformation from

an immature form to an adult form, A
complete transformation. - ( পা র)

(adj) Showing great attention to detail,

Very careful & precise. - (অিতসতক, অিতির
য বান)

Mitigate (v) Make less severe, serious or

painful. - (উপশম করা, শিমত করা)
Modest (adj) Humble, Polite. - (ভ ,

Mollify (v) Appease the anger, Calm or

soothe. - (রাগ দমন করা, সংযত করা, শা করা)

Monotony (n) Lack of variety or interest,

Boring. - (একেঘেয়িম, গতা গিতক)

Moreover (adv) As a further matter,

Besides. - (উপর )
(n) Customs, manners or morals of a
particular group. - (রীিতনীিত, থা, চালচলন)

Mundane (adj) Common, Earthly. -

(পািথব, জাগিতক)
(adj) Showing a lack of experience,
wisdom, or judgment, Artless, Simple,
Gullible. - (সাধািসেধ, সহজ সরল)

(adj) Coming into existence or life, Still

developing. - (জায়মান, বধনশীল, জ লাভ করেছ এমন)

(v) Deny, Nullify, Make ineffective, Rule

out. - (অ ীকার করা, অকাযকর করা, বািতল করা)

Net (adj, v) Remaining after

expense. - (অবিশ )
Nevertheless/ Nonetheless (adv) However, Despite that.
- (তবুও, তা সে ও)

Notoriety (n) Ill fame. - ( খ ািত)

Novel (adj) New, Fresh, Unprecedented. -

(অিভনব, নতুন, অভূতপূব )

(n) A subtle difference in meaning,

expression, or sound. - ( তারতম , সামা
পাথক )

Objective (adj) Factual, Related to reality or

physical objects. - (ব গত, বা ব, বষিয়ক)

(adj) Obedient or attentive to an

excessive or servile (নীচ) degree. - (চাটুকার,
ীতদাসতুল )

(adj) No longer produced or used, Out of date,

Obsolete Expired. - (অ চিলত, বতমােন বািতল)

Obstinate (adj) Stubborn or hard to control,

Intractable. - (এক েয়, অবাধ )

Obviate (v) Prevent or eliminate (a need or

difficulty). - (িনবারণ করা, পিরহার করা)

(n, adj, v) The supernatural (n); Relating to

Occult supernatural, mystical, or magical powers (adj); To
hide, To shut off from view (v). - (অিত াকৃত, জা ময়, )
(adj) Casual, Done without prior thought.
- (না ভেবিচে , পূব িতহীন, তাৎ িনক, চটজলিদ)

(adj) Meddlesome, Pushy. - (গােয় পেড় কথা বলা,

Officious আগবািড়েয় কাজ করা, অনিধকার চচা, নাক গলােনা)

(v, n) Counteract, Compensate for (v); A

Offset counterbalance (n). - ( িতপূর ণ দয়া, শাধেবাধ করা)

Onerous (adj) Burdensome,

Oppressive, Painful. - (পীড়াদায়ক)

Opaque (adj) Not transparent, Not able to

see through. - (অ )

(adj) Best or most favorable condition. -

Optimal/ Opium
(সবােপ া অ ল, সবােপ া কাম , সে াষজনক)

Orthodox (adj) Traditional, Usual,

Established. - ( চিলত, থাস ত)

(v) Move or swing back and forth at a

regular speed, Resonate. - ( লেত থাকা, ি ত

Outstrip (v) Surpass, Outsmart, Overtake. -

(অিত ম করা, িপছেন ফেল চেল যাওয়া)

Overshadow (v) Cast a shadow over, Darken,

Dominate. - (ছায়াছ করা)
(n) A typical example or pattern of
something, A model. - (উদাহরণ, দৃ া )

Paradox (n) Contradiction. - ( গালকধঁাধা)

Pariah (n) Social outcast. - (জািতচু ত

ব াি )

Partial (adj) Biased, Not total or entire,

Only a part. - (আংিশক, প পাতী)

(adj, n) Prejudiced in favor of a particular

Partisan cause (adj); A strong supporter of a party,
cause, or person (n). - (প ীয়, প ভু , তরফদার)

(adj, n) Easily recognizable, obvious (adj); A letter

Patent from the government guaranteeing an inventor
rights to his or her invention (n). - ( ািধকার, অিধকার া )

Pathological (adj) Relating to pathology. -

( রাগত িবদ া, িবকারত ীয়)

Patronizing (adj) Favorable. - (অ াহক,

আ ল , দয়া দখােনা)

Paucity (n) Scarcity, Fewness. - (অভাব,

অনটন, তা)

Peccadillo (n) A small sin or fault. -

(সামা অপরাধ, তু িট)
(adj, n) Ordinary, Dull, Lacking
inspiration or excitement (adj); A person
walking along a road (n). - (একেঘেয়, পথচারী)

Penchant (n) Strong liking or inclination,

Affinity. - (তী ঝাক, আসি )

(adj) Deceitful & untrustworthy, Disloyal,

Perfidious Treacherous. - (িব াসহীন, িব াসঘাতক)

Peripheral (adj) Not the primary, Borderline. -

(পাশীয়, া )

Permeate (v) Spread or penetrate

throughout. - ( ভদ করা, েবশ করা)

Pervasive (adj) Tending to spread

throughout. - (ব াি শীল)

(n) The desire to promote the welfare of others,

Philanthropy expressed especially by the generous donation of
money to good causes. - (মানব ীিত, িব ে ম)

Phony (adj) Fake, Not genuine,

Counterfeit. - (নকল, জাল, মিক)

Pious (adj) Devoutly religious. -


Pith (n) Core, Essence. - (ম া,

ম াগত)
(v) Make someone less angry or hostile,
Satisfy or calm down. - (শা করা)

Placid (adj) Peaceful, Calm, Tranquil.

- (শা , শা )

(adj) Easily shaped or molded, Flexible. - (নমনীয়,

Plastic সহেজই আকার পিরবতন করা যায় এমন)

Plausible (n) Believable, Reasonable. -

(িব াসেযাগ )
(v) Fall or drop straight down at high
speed, Plunge. - (িনমি ত হওয়া, ত গিতেত ভূ-
পিতত হওয়া)

Polarized (adj) Divided into sharply

opposed groups. - (সমবিতত)

(adj) Slow and clumsy because of great

weight, Bulky & unwieldy. - (ভারী, ওজনদার)

Posthumous (adj) Happening or continuing

after death. - (মরেণা র)

(n) A monarch or ruler, especially an

autocratic one, Person of great power. -
( মতাবান ব ি )

(adj) Practical, Dealing with actual facts

& reality. - (রা ীয়, রা সং া , ােয়ািগক, বা বস ত)
Preamble (n) An introduction, Preface. - (ভূিমকা,
মুখব , াবনা)

Precarious (adj) Uncertain, Insecure. -

(িনরাপ াহীন, অিনি ত, িবপ নক)

(n) Someone or something that comes first or

Precursor before, A forerunner, Predecessor, Ancestor. -
(অ দূত, পূবপু ষ, পূবাভাস)

(adj) Susceptible, Made liable beforehand to a

Predisposed cause or condition, Having an inclination or
tendency beforehand.

(v) Take action in order to prevent from

happening. - (পূব িত নয়া)

(adj) Based on inference (অ মান) or

assumption, Providing reasonable
grounds for belief. - (আ মািনক)

(adj) Too bold or forward, Arrogant, Cocky,

Presumptuous Going beyond that which is proper. - ( বয়াদব)

(adj) Attempting to impress by affecting greater

Pretentious importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually
possessed. - (দাি ক, ভ ড, ভানপূণ, িমথ া দািবপূণ)

Principled (adj) Having high moral standards. -

(িনয়মাব , নীিতব )

Pristine (adj) In its original condition, Pure

state, Unspoiled. -(আিদম, মৗিলক)
Probity (n) Honesty, Integrity,
Fidelity. - (সততা)
(adj) Wasteful, Extravagant, Giving
Prodigal abundantly, Lavish. - (অপচয়ী, অপব য়ী, অিমতব য়ী)

(adj) Remarkably or impressively great in

extent, size, or degree, Impressive,
Wonderful. - (আ যজনক, িব য়কর)

(adj) Recklessly extravagant or wasteful

in the use of resources, Libertine. -
(ল ীছাড়া, অস ির , ল ট)

Profound (adj) Very great or intense, Very

insightful. - (গভীর, গাঢ়)

Profuse (adj) Plentiful, Copious, Abundant. -

( চুর, অেঢল, অিমতব য়ী)

Prohibitive (adj) Forbidding or restricting

something. - (িনেষধা ামূলক)

(v) Increase or spread rapidly or

excessively in number. - ( চুর সংখ ায় বৃি করা
বা ছিড়েয় দয়া)

Prologue (n) Introductory part to a

book, play, etc. - (সূচনা)
(adj) Distinct, Strong, Clearly indicated,
Very noticeable, Conspicuous. - ( ,
উ ািরত)
(n) Conforming to good manners or
appropriate behavior, Justness. - (যথাথ
ব বহার, স িত)

Prosaic (adj) Dull, Ordinary, Traditional,

Conventional. - (গতা গিতক)

(v) Forbid, especially by law, Prohibit,

Outlaw, Exile, Banish. - (িনিষ করা, সমাজচু ত
করা, িনবািসত করা)

Prospective (adj) Potential in future, Expected,

Hoped. - ( ত ািশত)

(adj) Wise in practical matters, carefully

providing for the future. - (িবচ ণ, দূরদশী)

Pugnacious (adj) Quarrelsome, Inclined to fight

or quarrel. - (কলহি য়)

Qualified (adj) Suitable, Certified. -

(উপযু যাগ তাস )
(n) Uncertainty or confusion about what
to do in a difficult situation, Dilemma. -
(মুশিকল, উভয়সংকট)

(v) Make trivial arguments or criticisms, find

Quibble faults in a petty way, esp. to evade something
more important. - (কথার মারপঁ ােচ ফলা, বাকচাতুির করা)

Quotidian (adj) Occurring everyday, Daily. -

( াত ািহক, দনি ন)
(n) Personnel, A group of people considered
Ranks altogether. - (কিমবৃ , কমচারীবৃ )

(v) Harvest, such as by cutting; Gather;

Get as a result of one's effort. - (ফসল তালা
বা কাটা, ফলাফল ভাগ করা)

(n) A person who lives a solitary or seclusion

Reclusion life and tends to avoid other people. - (িনজনবাসী,
স াসী, একা থাকেত পছ কের এমন ব াি )

Refute (v) Prove to be wrong or false. - (ভুল

মািণত করা, খ ডন করা)

(v) Send or commit to an inferior place,

rank, condition, etc. - (পেদর অবনিত করা, িন পেদ

Remedial (adj) Providing a remedy,

Curative. - ( িতেষধক, িনবারক)
(v) Provide or give (a service, help, etc.). -
( দান করা, পাির িমক দান করা, স াদন করা )

Replete (adj) Filled or well-supplied with

something. - (ভরপুর, পিরপূণ, ঠাসা)

(n, v) The expression of disapproval or

Reproach disappointment (n); Criticize, Express
disappointment in (v). - (ভৎসনা, িন া, দাষােরাপ, দাষ দয়া, িন া

(v) Refuse to accept or be associated

with, Deny any obligation. - (অ ীকার করা, বজন
Requite (v) Reciprocate, Repay. -
(পিরেশাধ করা)

Rescind (v) Revoke, Cancel, Annul, Make

void, Repel. - (বািতল করা)

(n) A firm decision to do or not to do something,

Resolution The action of solving a problem, dispute, or
contentious matter. - (দৃঢ় সংক , সমাধান)

(v, n) Find a solution to; firmly decide to do

Resolve something; decide by formal vote (verb);
Firmness of purpose (noun). - (সমাধান করা, সংক )

Respectively (adv) In the order given. -

( মা সাের, যথা েম)

(adj) Impatient or uneasy under the

control of another; Resisting being
controlled. - (অশা , অি র, অৈধয, অবাধ )

(adj) Not talking much, Private (of a

person), Restrained, Reserved. - ( ভাষী,
িমতভাষী, বাক)

(adj, n) Looking to the past or backward, Looking back on

Retrospective or dealing with past events or situations (adj); An art
exhibit of an artist's work over a long period of time (n). -
(অতীত ঘটনা স িকত, অতীত স কীয়, ভূত ােপ )

Reverent (adj) Feeling or showing deep and

solemn respect. - ( , ভি সূচক, ভি পূণ )

(n) The art or study of persuasion through speaking

Rhetoric or writing, Language that is elaborate or pretentious
but actually empty. - (অলংকারশা , অলংকরণ)
(adj) Of common occurrence,
Widespread, Overabundant. - (ব ল চিলত,
িবদ মান)

(adj) Involving or limited to basic

principles, Primitive, Undeveloped. -
(অপূণা , াথিমক, মৗিলক চািহদা)

(adj, n) Relating to countryside, Rural

(adj); A rural or country person (n). - ( াম ,
ামীণ, ামবাসী)

(adj) Sacred, Inviolable, Not to be

trespassed on or violated, Above any
criticism. - (অল নীয়)

Sagacious (adj) Wise, Showing good

judgement & foresight. - ( ানী)

Salubrious (adj) Healthful, Promoting health. -

( া কর, া দ)

(n, v) Permission or approval (n); Give

official permission or approval (v). -
(অ েমাদন; অ েমাদন দয়া)

(adj) Optimistic or positive, especially in an

Sanguine apparently bad or difficult situation, Reddish. -
(আশাবাদী, ত য়পূণ, র বণ)

(n, v) The inner fluid of a plant or any essential

Sap body fluid (n); Gradually weaken or destroy
(v). - ( াণরস, াণশি ; াণরস েষ নয়া, দূবল করা)

Satiate/ Sate (v) To fully satisfy. - (স ূণ

পিরতৃ করা)
(v) Cause (something) to become thoroughly
Saturate soaked with liquid so that no more can be
absorbed. - ( িস করা, সমস করা)

(v) Appreciate fully, Taste or smell with

Savor pleasure. - (আ াদন করা, আনে র সােথ উপেভাগ করা)

Scant (adj) Not enough or barely

enough. - (অ চুর, অ তুল)

Scathing (adj) Severe, Injurious, Severely

critical. - (কেঠার, চরম, তর)

Secular (adj) Not religious or holy, Free

from religious belief. - (ধমিনরেপ )

Sedulous (adj) Persevering, Showing

dedication & diligence. - (পির মী)

Sentient (adj) Able to perceive or feel things,

Conscious. - (সংেবদী, অ ভব ম, সেচতন)

Simultaneous (adj) At the same time. -

(যুগপত, সমকালীন)
(adj) A person inclined to question or
doubt all accepted opinions. - (সে হবাদী,
অিব াসী, নাি ক)

(v) Border, Lie along the edge of, Go

around - (িকনারা বা া ধের যাওয়া)
(adj, n, v) Loose, Not taut or held tightly in
Slack position (adj); The loose or unused part (n);
Loosen up (v). - (িঢলা; িঢলা অংশ; িঢলা করা)

Slew (n) A large number or

quantity of something.
(adj, n, v) Small in degree, Inconsiderable (adj);
Slight An insult (n); Treat as though not very
important (v). - (অ , তু ; অস ান; অস ান করা)

Solicitous (adj) Concerned or anxious,

Expressing care. - (ব , উৎকি ত)

(adj, n) Causing sleep, Sleepy, Drowsy (adj); A

Soporific drug or other agent that induces sleep. (n). -
(ঘুমপাড়ানী, ঘুমপাড়ানী ওষুধ)

(adj, v) In good condition, Not damaged

(adj); Emit or cause to emit sound (v). -
( ; শ তির করা)

Spartan (adj) Very disciplined & stern, Living

simply, Austere. - (কেঠার পির মী, ক সিহ ু)

Spate (n) Sudden outpouring or rush,

Flood. - (জেলা াস, ব া)

Spearhead (v) Be the leader of. - ( নতৃ

(adj) Seemingly true but actually false,
Deceptively attractive. - (ভুল ধারণার উপর
িব াসেযাগ তা)
Spectrum (n) A band of colors. - (বণালী)

(v) Form a theory or conjecture about a

subject without firm evidence. - (জ না করা,
দূর পিরক না করা)

(adj) Occasional, Happening irregularly

or in scattered locations. - (অিনয়িমত,

Sportive (adj) Playful, Merry, Joking

around. - (হািশখুিশ)
(n, adj) Status, Rank, Reputation (n);
Existing indefinitely, Not movable (adj). -
( ায়ী, সামািজক মযাদা)

Stark (adj) Complete, Total, Utter.

- (স ূণ, অদমনীয়, অদম )

Static (adj) Fixed, Not moving or

changing, Lacking vitality. - (ি র, অচল)

Status quo (n) Existing state or

condition. - (ি তাব া)
(adj) Unwilling to give or spend, Not
generous with money. - (বিখল, িকে )

(adj, n) Enduring pain without complaint (adj); A

Stoic or Stoical person who can endure pain or hardship without
showing their feelings or complaining (n). - (িনিবকার)
(adj) Unemotional, Showing little
emotion, Not easily moved. - (অটল, অিবচিলত,

(v, n) Block, Hinder, Thwart, Prevent or

Stymie or Stymy
hinder the progress of (v); An obstacle
(n). - (ব হত করা, বাধা দয়া; বাধা, িতব ক)

(adj) Based on or influenced by personal

feelings, tastes, or opinions.

(v) Become less intense, violent, or severe; (of

Subside water) Go down to a lower or the normal level.
- (কেম যাওয়া, াস পাওয়া, নেম যাওয়া)

(v) Support with evidence or proof; Give a material

Substantiate existence to; Provide evidence to support or prove
the truth of. - (উপযু মােণর মাধ েম উপ াপন করা, িতপ করা)

Succeeding (adj) Coming after or following,

Following the footsteps. - (পদঅ সরণ)

(v) Replace, Take the position of, Cause to be

Supersede disregarded as void or obsolete. - (অপসারণ করা,
ান অিধকার করা, লািভিষ করা)

(v) Ask or beg for something earnestly or

humbly. - (অ নয়-িবনয় করা, িমনিত করা)

(n) Excess, Excessive amount,

Overindulgence. - (আিতশয , অিতির , বা ল )

Surmise (v) Guess, Infer, Anticipate,

Presume. - (অ মান করা, আ াজ করা, আঁচ করা)
(n) Servile flatterer, Parasitic person, One acts
Sycophant obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain
advantage. - (চাটুক ার, পরগাছা, িনেজর িবধা আদােয়র জ অ েক তাষােমাদ
কের য)

Synchronous (adj) Happening at the same

time, Simultaneous.
(v) Lay aside to discuss later, Postpone
consideration of. - (অিনিদ কােলর জ মুলতিব করা)

(adj) Understood without being

said;Iimplied; Not stated directly; Silent.
- ( মৗন, নীরব, মৗন স িত)

(adj) Not talking much; Silent; Holding

back in conversation; Reticent. - ( ভাষী,

Tangential (adj) Only slightly relevant, Going

off topic, Digressing. - (অবা র)

(n) Moderation; Self-control, esp. regarding alcohol

Temperance or other desires or pleasures; Total abstinence from
alcohol. - (িমতাচার, মদ পান বজন, মাদক ব পিরহার)

Tenuous (adj) Long & thin, Slender. -

(পাতলা, স , ীণ, ভ ুর)

Timely (adj) Well-timed, Happening at a

suitable time. - (সমেয়াপেযাগী, যথাসমেয়)

Timorous (adj) Fearful, Timid, Afraid. -

(ভী , ভীতু, সাহসহীন)
Tirade (n) Bitter, abusive criticism or verbal
attack, Diatribe. - ( চ ড িতর ার)

(n) sluggishness; Lethargy; Apathy; Lack

of enthusiasm or passion. - (অসাড়তা,
গিতশি হীনতা, জড়তা, উদ মহীনতা)

Torrid (adj) Very hot, Parching,

Burning, Passionate. - (উ )

(adj) (of a person or animal) Easy to

control or influence, Docile. - (সহেজ িনয় ন
করা যায় এমন, বাধ )

Transitory (adj) Short-lived, Not lasting,

Temporary, Ephemeral. - ( ণ ায়ী)

Trifling (adj) Unimportant, Trivial, Frivolous.

- (খুিটনািট, তু , সামা , নগণ )

(adj) Lacking freshness or originality,

Lacking effectiveness due to overuse,
Cliche. - (মামুিল, গতা গিতক, নতুন হীন)

(adj) Existing everywhere at the same

time, Found everywhere. - (সবব াপী, সব
িবদ মান)

(v) Erode the base or foundation of (a rock

Undermine formation); Damage or weaken (someone or
something), especially gradually or insidiously. - (িভি
বল করা, েড় েড় খাওয়া)

(v) Emphasize or literally underline a

text. - ( জার দয়া, আেরাপ করা)
Unearth (v) Dig up, Uncover, Discover,
Expose. - (আিব ার করা, কাশ করা)

(adj) Unambiguous, Clear, Absolute,

Having no doubt. - ( থহীন, )

(adj) Never before known or seen,

Without having happened previously,
Novel. - (অভূতপূব, অিভনব)

(adj) (of behavior or actions) not proper

or appropriate, Illegitimate. - (অ িচত, অ ায )

(v) Waver in one's mind or opinions, Be

indecisive. - (ি ধা হওয়া, দা ল মান হওয়া, অিনি ত

(v) Revere, Regard with deep respect &

awe. - ( া করা, স ান করা)

(n) Truthfulness, Accuracy, Habitual

Veracity adherence to the truth. - (সত বািদতা, সত িন া)

(adj) Wordy, Using or expressed in more

Verbose words than are needed. - (শ ব ল, বাগাড় রপূণ)

(adj) Capable of working successfully,

Feasible, Durable, Lasting. - ( টকসই)

(adj, n) Related to items of high quality from a

Vintage previous era, old-fashioned, antique (adj); The wine
of a particular year (n). - ( াচীণকােলর কান উচুমােনর িজিনস
স িকত; াপ পুরেনা মদ)
(adj) Existing only in the mind or by means of a
Virtual computer network; Existing in results or in essence
but not officially or in name. - ( কাে ীকৃত না হেলও কাযত)

Vituperate (v) Verbally abuse, Rebuke or

criticize severely. - (গািলগালাজ করা)

Volatile (adj) Varying, Inconstant, Fleeting. -

(পিরবতনশীল, উ ায়ী)

(adj) Justified, Authorized (warrant can mean to

Warranted justify or a justification, but can also mean to vouch
for or guarantee). - ( মাণািদ, ােরর পরওয়ানা, আেদশপ জাির)

(adj) Watchful, Motivated by caution, On

guard against danger. - (সতক, সাবধান)

Whereas (conjunction) While on the

contrary, Considering that. - (প া ের)

(adj) Fanciful, Erratic, Unpredictable,

Capricious. - (খামেখয়ালী, বািতক , অ ুত ক নাপূণ)

(adj) Crafty, Cunning, Characterized by

tricks or artifice. - ( টবুি , ছলনাময়, কারচুিপ)

(n) Great energy or enthusiasm in

pursuit of a cause or an objective. - ( বল
উ ীপনা, বল উৎসাহ)

Zenith (n) Highest point, Culmination. - (চরম

অব া, সেবা সীমা)

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