Gmatclub Sentence Correction - Questions About Meaning by Carcass - Souvik101990

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GMATClub Sentence Correction – Questions about meaning by Carcass_Souvik101990

1) American Heart Association researchers have calculated that one person in the United States should experience a coronary event every 26 seconds.

• one person in the United States should experience a coronary event every 26 seconds
• a person in the United States should experience a coronary event once in every 26 seconds
• a coronary event will strike one person in the United States once in every 26 seconds
• every 26 seconds a person in the United States will experience a coronary event
• every 26 seconds a person in the United States should experience a coronary event

2). By choosing glass apartments towering a hundred feet over brownstone units designed for earlier generations, seemingly younger-than-ever
moneyed professionals have embraced a modern design ethic that accentuated their luxury-laden lives.

• By choosing glass apartments towering a hundred feet over brownstone units designed for earlier generations, seemingly younger-than-ever moneyed
professionals have embraced a modern design ethic that accentuated
• By choosing glass apartments towering a hundred feet over brownstone units designed for earlier generations, seeming younger-than-ever moneyed
professionals have embraced a modern design ethic that accentuates
• In choosing glass apartments in hundred-foot towers instead of brownstone units designed for earlier generations, seemingly younger-than-ever moneyed
professionals have embraced a modern design ethic that accentuates
• In choosing glass apartments in hundred-foot towers instead of brownstone units designed for earlier generations, seemingly younger-than-ever moneyed
professionals have embraced a modern design ethic that accentuated
• In choosing glass apartments towering a hundred feet over brownstone units designed for earlier generations, seeming younger-than-ever moneyed
professionals have embraced a modern design ethic, accentuating

3).Nearly 2000 years after its initial construction, the United Nations declared the Roman aqueduct of Segovia to be a Heritage of Humanity
in1985, prompting the Spanish government to begin renovations on the aqueduct, which had been deteriorating.

• Nearly 2000 years after its initial construction, the United Nations declared the Roman aqueduct of Segovia to be a Heritage of Humanity in1985,
prompting the Spanish government
to begin renovations on the aqueduct, which had been deteriorating.
• Since its initial construction nearly 2000 years earlier, the Roman aqueduct of Segovia had been deteriorating, prompting the Spanish government to
begin renovations after the United Nations declared the aqueduct to be a Heritage of Humanity in 1985.
• After being declared a Heritage of Humanity by the United Nations in 1985, the Spanish government began renovations on the Roman aqueduct of
Segovia, which had been
deteriorating since its initial construction nearly 2000 years earlier.
• In 1985, the United Nations declared the Roman Aqueduct of Segovia to be a Heritage of Humanity and prompted the Spanish government to begin
renovations on the aqueduct, which had been deteriorating since its initial construction nearly 2000 years earlier.
• In 1985, the United Nations declared the Roman aqueduct of Segovia a Heritage of Humanity, prompting the Spanish government to begin renovations
on the aquedu

4).Geologists once thought that the molten rock known as lava was an underground remnant of Earth's earliest days, sporadically erupting through
volcanoes, but they now know that it is continuously created by the heat of the radioactivity deep inside the planet.

• was an underground remnant of Earth's earliest days, sporadically erupting

• had been an underground remnant of Earth's earliest days and sporadically erupted
• was an underground remnant of Earth's earliest days, which sporadically erupted
• would be an underground remnant of Earth's earliest days that sporadically erupted
• was an underground remnant of Earth's earliest days, having sporadically erupted

5). Disease, pollution, and overfishing have devastated the bountiful oyster harvests that once sustained the residents of the Chesapeake Bay area.

• of the Chesapeake Bay area

• in and around the Chesapeake Bay
• of the Chesapeake Bay
• around the vicinity of the Chesapeake Bay
• living in and around the Chesapeake Bay area

6).The spending on durable goods like household appliances and automobiles is a cyclical pattern that depends on if the overall economy is
healthy, whereas non-durable goods like food and shelter remain constant regardless of the economy.

• The spending on durable goods like household appliances and automobiles is a cyclical pattern that depends on if the overall economy is healthy, whereas
non-durable goods like food and shelter remain constant regardless of the economy.
• Regardless of the economy, spending on non-durable goods like food and shelter remains constant even though spending on durable goods like household
appliances and automobiles is a cyclical pattern that depends on whether the overall economy is healthy.
• Spending on durable goods, such as household appliances and automobiles, follows a cyclical pattern that depends on the health of the overall economy,
whereas spending on non-durable goods such as food and shelter remains constant regardless of the economy's health.
• Whether the overall economy is healthy determines the cyclical pattern of spending on durable goods such as household appliances and automobiles,
whereas non-durable spending such as food and shelter remains constant regardless of the economy.
• The cyclical pattern of spending on durable goods such as household appliances and automobiles depends on whether the overall economy is healthy but
non-durable goods like food and shelter remain constant regardless of the economy.

One characteristic of top-performing sales organizations is that they have a tendency to have concentrated greater resources in the direction of a
smaller, more careful selection of a number of important customers than is the case with other sales organizations.

• that they have a tendency to have concentrated greater resources in the direction of a smaller, more careful selection of a number of important customers
than is the case with
• that they tend to concentrate more resources to a smaller, more careful selection of a number of important customers than toward
• that they have a tendency to concentrate more resources on a smaller, more careful selection of a number of important customers as opposed to
• that they tend to concentrate more resources on a smaller, more carefully selected number of important customers than do
• the tendency to concentrate a greater amount of resources on a careful and small selection of a number of important customers as opposed to

8). When airline carriers are able to impose a significant fare increase without deterring many price-sensitive passengers, it is an encouraging sign
for the health of the airline industry.

• When airline carriers are able to impose a significant fare increase without deterring many price-sensitive passengers
• When airline carriers are able to impose a significant fare increase without deterring many passengers who are price-sensitive
• When airline carriers may raise fares significantly without it acting as a deterrent to many price-sensitive passengers
• When airline carriers may raise fares significantly without it deterring many price-sensitive passengers
• When airline carriers are able to impose a significant fare increase without it deterring many price-sensitive passengers

9). The pioneering research of Lewis Latimer and Thomas Edison, who became known for his invention of the light bulb, accelerated the
development of the first power plant, which opened in New York City in 1882.

• of Lewis Latimer and Thomas Edison, who became known for his invention of the light bulb,
• of Lewis Latimer and Thomas Edison, known for his invention of the light bulb,
• of Thomas Edison, known for his invention of the light bulb, and Lewis Latimer
• of Lewis Latimer and Thomas Edison became known for his invention of the light bulb and
• that was conducted by Thomas Edison, who became known for his invention of the light bulb, and Lewis Latimer

10). The bowerbirds of Australia derive their name from the fact that the males build elaborate bowers of sticks and twigs to attract females,
decorating them with flowers and other vegetation in a display of courtship.

• the fact that the males build elaborate bowers of sticks and twigs to attract females, decorating them with flowers and other vegetation
• the elaborate bowers of sticks and twigs that the males build and decorate with flowers and other vegetation in order to attract females
• the elaborate bowers of sticks and twigs, decorated with flowers and other vegetation that the males use to attract females
• the fact that the males build elaborate bowers of sticks and twigs, having decorated them with flowers and other vegetation, to attract females
• the elaborate bowers of sticks and twigs that are built by the males and decorated with flowers and other vegetation to attract females

11). Although reclusive author Harper Lee wrote just one book in her lifetime and that book is widely considered a masterpiece.

• lifetime and that book

• lifetime and it
• lifetime, that book
• lifetime; it
• lifetime; that book

12). Some scientists suggest the moon had been formed out of part of the Earth, which was dislodged perhaps by a meteor.

• the moon had been formed out of part of the Earth, which was dislodged perhaps
• that the moon was formed from part of the Earth that had perhaps been dislodged
• that part of the Earth formed the moon, which was dislodged perhaps
• the moon was formed out of part of the Earth, having perhaps been dislodged
• that the moon had been formed from part of the Earth, which perhaps had been dislodged

13). The work of Byron and Shelley, like other poets of their era, explored themes of love and beauty, which gave rise to the school of poetry
known as Romanticism.

• The work of Byron and Shelley, like other poets of their era, explored themes of love and beauty, which gave rise to the school of poetry known as
• Byron and Shelley, like other poets of their era, explored themes of love and beauty in their work, giving rise to the school of poetry known as
• Like other poets of their era, Byron and Shelley's work explored themes of love and beauty, giving rise to the school of poetry known as Romanticism.
• Love and beauty are themes explored by the work of Byron and Shelley, like they were by other poets of the era, and they gave rise to the school of
poetry known as Romanticism.
• The school of poetry known as Romanticism rose from the works of Byron and Shelley, which was like that of other poets of the era in exploring themes
of love and beauty.

14). Quarried from a site over five miles away, scientists are still puzzled as to how the prehistoric Britons managed to transport the massive stone
blocks of Stonehenge over such a great distance without machinery.

• scientists are still puzzled as to how the prehistoric Britons managed to transport the massive stone blocks of Stonehenge over such a great
distance without machinery.
• the massive stone blocks of Stonehenge are still puzzling to scientists because of how the ancient Britons managed to transport them over such a
great distance without machinery.
• scientists are still puzzled by how the prehistoric Britons managed the transportation of the massive stone blocks of Stonehenge without machinery
over such a great distance.
• the massive stone blocks of Stonehenge still puzzle scientists, who wonder how the prehistoric Britons managed to transport them over such a
great distance without machinery.
• the massive stone blocks of Stonehenge are still a puzzle to scientists due to being transported over such a great distance without machinery.

15). According to a study, overworked truck drivers caused more than 160 crashes last year, they fell asleep at the wheel.

 year, they fell

 year, and falling
 year, and they fell
 year by falling
 year, so they were falling

16. It is difficult to study the depths of the Arctic Ocean, primarily due to the icy surface being difficult to penetrate using current technology.

 primarily due to the icy surface being

 primarily due to the icy surface is
 because the primarily icy surface is
 primarily caused by the icy surface
 primarily because the icy surface is

17. Several of the drownings that occurred last summer which were caused by people who were careless.

 which were caused by people who were careless

 that were a result of people’s carelessness
 are a result of the carelessness of the people
 were caused by the carelessness of people
 happened from people being careless

18. Galileo had disproved a widely accepted theory of astronomy when he showed that the earth was round.

 had disproved
 disproved
 disproves
 has disproved
 having disproved

19. As the economy battles recession, the Board of Directors of the company believes that they will be able to maintain profits by tapping into new
markets abroad

 believes that they will be able to maintain profits by

 believe that it will be able to maintain profits by means of
 believes that it will be able to maintain profits by
 have a belief that they will maintain profits by
 believe in maintaining profits and

20. The three volumes of the author’s biography begin with his childhood in a small village and culminate with his years at Stanford University, one of
the best universities in the United States.

 begin with his childhood in a small village and culminate

 that begin with his childhood in a small village and culminate
 beginning with his childhood in a small village and culminating
 have begun with his childhood in a small village and culminated
 are begun as a child in a small village and culminate

21. A positive cure for rabies, scientists believe, may be found within the next decade

 scientists believe, may be

 scientists may believe to be
 in the belief of some scientists, should be
 there are some scientists who believe it may be
 which, some scientists believe, may be

22. Some critics have deemed the musician’s new composition confusing, because of its unusual structure, and its melodious final movement makes it

 structure, and its melodious final movement makes it elegant

 structure, although elegant by having its melodious final movement
 structure, and it is elegant with its melodious final movement
 structure while having a melodious final movement that makes it elegant
 structure yet elegant because of its melodious final movement

23. By constructing new windmill farms, consumption of fossil fuels are reduced, and tons of noxious emissions are kept out of the atmosphere.

 By constructing new windmill farms, consumption of fossil fuels are reduced, and tons of noxious emissions are kept
 By constructing new windmill farms, it reduces consumption of fossil fuels, and tons of noxious emissions are kept
 Constructing new windmill farms reduces fossil fuel consumption and keeps tons of noxious emissions
 When new windmill farms are constructed, they reduce fossil fuel consumption, and it keeps tons of noxious emissions
 New windmill farms, when constructed, reduce fossil fuel consumption, and also tons of noxious emissions are kept

24. The famous battle depicted in the movie took place in England, and many people assume that it was Ireland

 and many people assume that it was

 many people assuming
 not what many people assume
 not, as many people assume, in
 but many people assume it to be

25. The origin of the scandal can be traced to the presidency of Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover.

 can be traced to the presidency of

 took place in the presidency of
 happened in the presidencies of
 can be traced to the presidencies of
 that took place in the presidencies of

26. Carried by strong winds, the eruption of the volcano caused dust that crossed the United States in three days and circled the globe in three weeks.

 the eruption of the volcano caused dust that

 the volcano’s eruption caused dust that
 dust from the eruption of the volcano that
 there was dust from the eruption of the volcano and it
 dust from the eruption of the volcano

27. The principal, having increased the number of teachers in the school, is being accused of maintaining a poor ratio of students to a teacher.

 The principal, having increased the number of teachers in the school, is being
 The principal, increasing the number of teachers in the school, however is still being
 Although the principal has begun to increase the number of teachers in the school, is still being
 Although the principal has increased the number of teachers in the school, he is still being
 Although the principal has increased the number of teachers in the school, yet he is being

28. The shift from traditional dentistry to cosmetic dentistry is due to adults getting fewer cavities and becoming more conscious of their looks.

 dentistry to cosmetic dentistry is due to adults getting fewer cavities and becoming
 dentistry to cosmetic dentistry is happening because fewer adults are getting cavities and they are also becoming
 dentistry to cosmetic dentistry is because of adults who are getting both fewer cavities and becoming
 dentistry to cosmetic dentistry is taking place because adults are getting fewer cavities and are also becoming
 dentistry to cosmetic dentistry occurs because of adults getting fewer cavities and becomes

29. If asked to name a favourite musical group, the Beatles would be the choice for many, no matter what types of music are actually preferred.

 the Beatles would be the choice for many, no matter what types of music are actually preferred
 the Beatles will be chosen by many people, no matter what types of music they actually prefer
 the choice for many people, whatever kinds of music they actually prefer, would be the Beatles
 many people, who actually preferred different types of music, choose the Beatles
 many people, no matter what types of music they actually prefer, would choose the Beatles

30. In the 1960s, to reduce the discharge of untreated wastes into the Great Lakes, limits were set by the United States and its neighbouring countries
on the amount of effluents that could be discharged into these water bodies

 limits were set by the United States and its neighbouring countries on
 limits set by the United States and its neighbouring countries for
 the United States and its neighbouring countries have set limits on
 limits have been set by the United States and its neighbouring countries restricting
 the United States and its neighbouring countries set limits on

31. Jim Denver, already certified as a doctor in his native country, supported himself by washing cars and delivering newspapers while pursuing an
advanced degree at Oxford University

 Denver, already certified as a doctor

 Denver, already a certifiable doctor
 Denver was already certified as a doctor
 Denver, already certified for being a doctor
 Denver was certified as a doctor already

32. The scientists noted that rats suffering from the rare degenerative disease had begun to die six months earlier, even though they had shown no signs
of the disease then.

 earlier, even though they had shown no signs of the disease then
 earlier, but they were not showing no signs of the disease then
 earlier, no outward signs of the disease had been shown in them, however
 earlier without any signs of the disease shown then
 earlier, even though no signs of it were seen in them at that time

33. While the exact cause of the disease is not known, experts say that improper diet and a sedentary lifestyle contributes to the onset of the disease.

 sedentary lifestyle contributes to

 sedentary lifestyle contributes for
 sedentary lifestyle are contributing for
 sedentary lifestyle contribute to
 sedentary lifestyle has been contributing to

34. Friends of the reclusive poet say that he is annoying because of his erratic nature but his words are still a delight

 but his words are still a delight

 although he uses delightful words
 and he is delightful in his use of words too
 while being delightful because of his words
 but delightful because of his words

35. The talent-show participant decided to spend the night before the finals listening to music and relaxing but not to be practicing

 but not to be practicing

 and not for practicing
 more than practice
 rather than having practiced
 rather than practicing

36. Driving through the mountains, the waterfalls and mist-covered peaks, which we photographed, were beautiful.

 the waterfalls and mist-covered peaks, which we photographed, were beautiful

 the beautiful waterfalls and mist-covered peaks were what we photographed
 our photographs consisted of beautiful waterfalls and mist-covered peaks
 we photographed the beautiful waterfalls and mist-covered peaks
 what we photographed were the waterfalls and mist-covered peaks, which were beautiful

37. The legendary traveller, Ibn Battuta, wrote and published the Rihla with his purpose being to recount stories of his travels across the world.

 with his purpose being to recount

 to recount
 and his purpose was recounting
 thus recounted
 for recounting

38. As a painter, M F Husain enriched the world of painting, he uses as his work’s inspiration many Indian gods and goddesses

 Husain enriched the world of painting, he uses as his work’s inspiration

 Husain enriched the world of painting with works inspired by
 Husain, who has enriched the world of painting by works, whose inspirations are
 Husain had enriched the world of painting through works that had the inspiration of
 Husain is enriching the world of painting through works that had the inspiration of

39. The acclaimed writer said that his writing, which were powerfully influenced by storytellers in its family and that the landscape of his childhood
also shaped his thinking and provided themes for his stories.

 his writing, which were powerfully influenced by storytellers in its family

 his writing was influenced by powerful storytellers in his family
 storytellers in his family powerfully influenced his writing
 storytellers in the family being powerful influence on his writing
 powerfully influential in his writing were family storytellers

40. Finding the view from the mountains fascinating, all that was there to see was thoroughly explored by Caesar

 Finding the view from the mountains fascinating, all that was there to see was thoroughly explored by Caesar
 Caesar found the view from the mountains fascinating, he thoroughly explored all that was there to see
 Finding the view from the mountains fascinating, Caesar’s exploration covered all that was there to see
 The view from the mountains is fascinating and is the reason why all that was there to see was thoroughly explored by Caesar
 Caesar found the view from the mountains fascinating and thoroughly explored all that was there to see

41. In the final 100-metres men’s race, the county team impressed the audience with each of the members reducing several seconds off his own best

 each of the members reducing several seconds off his

 every one of the members reducing several seconds off their
 each of the members was reducing several seconds off their
 all the members, who had reduced several seconds off his
 each of the members, who shaved several seconds off his
42. Despite all their talk about pollution control, large organizations have so far done very little to control ecological damage.

 Despite all their talk about pollution control,

 In spite of the fact of their having talked about pollution control
 Besides their having talked
 Although they talk about all pollution control
 In addition to their talking

43. The survival of many endangered species of fish in our rivers depends on both the enforcement of regulations and recreational activities being
available apart from fishing.

 on both the enforcement of regulations and recreational activities being available

 both on the enforcement of regulations on recreational activities
 on both the enforcement of regulations and the availability of recreational activities
 on the enforcement of both regulations and recreational activities
 on both the enforcement of regulations in combination with available recreational activities

44. Mr Osaka and his granddaughters practiced traditional Japanese cooking together so that the children would be knowing an art cherished by earlier
generations of their family.

 would be knowing
 will know
 were known to
 would know
 will be knowing

45. Salman Rushdie, the author of Midnight’s Children, currently resides in England, but he was raised in Pakistan, being born in India first.

 Salman Rushdie, the author of Midnight’s Children, currently resides in England, but he was raised in Pakistan, being born in India first.
 Being raised in Pakistan, after being born in India, Salman Rushdie, now residing in England, wrote Midnight’s Children
 Born in India and raised in Pakistan, Salman Rushdie, the author of Midnight’s Children, now resides in England
 Although now in England, Salman Rushdie was born in India and raised in Pakistan, he is the author of Midnight’s Children
 Raised in Pakistan, and now he resides in England, Salman Rushdie, born in India, is the author of Midnight’s Children

46. Although women in some places had voted as early as 1870s, voting rights for women throughout United States were not established until 1920.

 voting rights for women throughout United States were not established
 voting rights for women throughout United States, which had not been established
 voting rights for women throughout United States had not been established
 throughout the United States, voting rights for women were not being established
 voting rights throughout United States for women had not been established

47. Young deer must leave the safety of their group to search for food everyday; the risk is to be eaten by any of a multitude of predators
 everyday; the risk is to be eaten
 everyday at the risk of being eaten
 everyday risking them to be eaten
 everyday, they are risking being eaten
 everyday; likewise, they risk being eaten

48. It took the museum decades of creative and persistent effort and it acquired the outstanding Rembrandt collection.

 and it acquired the outstanding Rembrandt collection

 before their outstanding Rembrandt collection had been acquired
 and finally it had an outstanding Rembrandt collection there
 but finally an outstanding Rembrandt collection was acquired at last
 to acquire its outstanding Rembrandt collection

49. An artist who explored Spanish cultural themes, Julio Gonzalez was world renowned for his art.

 An artist who explored Spanish cultural themes, Julio Gonzalez was world renowned for his art
 Julio Gonzalez is an artist whose art explores world renowned Spanish cultural themes
 Artist Julio Gonzalez has explored Spanish cultural themes, the art of whom is world renowned
 An artist who has explored Spanish cultural themes, Julio Gonzalez’ art is world renowned.
 Julio Gonzalez is a world-renowned artist whose art explored Spanish cultural themes

50. Around three centuries ago, the prevailing attitude in most parts of the world was that schools must teach nothing that would belittle the authority of
kings or discredit established beliefs

 must teach nothing that would

 must teach nothing that will
 were to teach nothing that will
 should not teach anything that would
 must hardly teach nothing that would

51. During a conversation with Stacy’s parents, the teacher mentioned that Stacy had shown considerable ability in literature and to learn foreign

 considerable ability in literature and to learn

 considerable ability in literature and that she could do it well in
 ability that was considerable in literature as well as in learning
 ability considerably in literature and in
 considerable ability in literature and in

52. Through his movies, the director reveals to us both the pain and the beauty of his growing up years in the rural countryside.

 Through his movies, the director reveals to us both the pain and
 By means of the director’s movies, which reveal to us both the pain and
 Through his movies, the director both reveals to us the pain and
 The director reveals to us both through his movies, the pain and
 The director, through the medium of his movies, reveal to us both the pain yet

53. Being that many Indian food recipes require you to cook and not be interrupted, it is advisable to keep all the ingredients ready in advance.

 Being that many Indian food recipes require you to cook and not be interrupted,
 Because many Indian food recipes require for one to cook without interruption,
 Because many Indian food recipes require that one cook without interruption,
 Many Indian food recipes require that one cook without interruption and
 Many Indian food recipes require that one should cook without interruption;

54. A mixture of reggae and jazz, the music of the artist was more innovative than most of his contemporaries were

 the music of the artist was more innovative than most of his contemporaries were
 the artist was more innovative in his music than most of his contemporaries
 the artist’s music was more innovative than that of most of his contemporaries
 the music of the artist being more innovative in comparison to the music of most of his contemporaries
 the artist, in his music, was more innovative than most of his contemporaries were

55. On June 11, 1993, Steven Spielberg released his film Jurassic Park, this was the inauguration of both a new style of film-making and the
audience’s fascination with dinosaurs

 Jurassic Park, this was the inauguration of both a new style of film-making and the audience’s fascination with dinosaurs
 Jurassic Park, thus marking the inauguration of both a new style of film-making and the audience’s fascination with dinosaurs
 Jurassic Park, both inaugurated a new style of film-making and the audience’s fascination from dinosaurs
 Jurassic Park, and this was the inauguration of both a new style of film-making and of the audience’s fascination with dinosaurs
 Jurassic Park, whose inauguration of both a new style of film-making and the audience’s fascination with dinosaurs

56. Indicating their desire to rid the country of corruption, citizens elected the leader of the ‘Banish Corruption’ party as President in 1992.

 citizens elected the leader of the ‘Banish Corruption’ party as President

 the leader of the ‘Banish Corruption’ party was elected as President by the citizens
 the ‘Banish Corruption’ party’s leader was elected President by the citizens
 citizens elected the President for the leader of the ‘Banish Corruption’ party
 the leader of the ‘Banish Corruption’ party was elected, by the citizens, as President

57. Academicians tend to praise research that agrees with their own beliefs, and it is rare for kindness to be shown to contrary theories

 beliefs, and it is rare for kindness to be shown

 beliefs, with a rare kindness shown
 beliefs, and rarely show kindness
 beliefs, they are rarely kind
 beliefs, but they show rare kindness

58. Patrick Woodroffe is a poet and painter that is able to make a living at it

 Patrick Woodroffe is a poet and painter that is able to make a living at it

 Patrick Woodroffe is able to make a living as a poet and painter
 A poet and painter, Patrick Woodroffe is able to make a living at it
 Patrick Woodroffe makes a living as a poet and a painter
 By writing poetry and painting is how Patrick Woodroffe makes a living

59. Because lack of education is the root cause of many other social ills is the reason why most planners attack illiteracy first

 Because lack of education is the root cause of many other social ills is the reason why
 Lack of education is the root cause of many other social ills and is the reason why
 Because lack of education is the root cause of many other social ills,
 As a result of lack of education being the root cause of many other social ills
 Because lack of education is the root cause of many illnesses in the society,

60. Accounting and cost-management are an example of financial fields that have shortages in staffing.

 are an example of financial fields that

 are examples of financial fields that
 are examples of a financial field that
 exemplify a financial field which
 exemplify financial fields where they

61. The revolutionary filmmaker introduced close-ups and special effects, also she set vehicles on fire, used cables in special effects sequences, and ran
film backwards.

 effects, also she set

 effects, and also she sets
 effects, she set
 effects; she also set
 effects by setting

62. Studying the art for several years, practicing difficult notes every day, and frequent performances has enabled the young pianist to secure a contract
with the country's biggest music company.

 and frequent performances has enabled the young pianist

 as well as frequent performances have enabled the young pianist
 and performing frequently, the young pianist has been enabled
 and frequent performances have enabled the young pianist
 and performing frequently enabled the young pianist

63. One of the world’s most renowned abstract painters, critics once mocked Piet Mondrian for his technique of splattering paint on canvases

 critics once mocked Piet Mondrian

 Piet Mondrian was mocked by critics once
 Piet Mondrian had been once mocked by critics
 Piet Mondrian was once mocked by critics
 Piet Mondrian once mocked by critics

64. Secretariat, the legendary horse that became the first US Triple Crown champion in twenty five years and set records that still stand today, and the hero
of the movie Secretariat.

 and
 and that has become
 and that is
 is
 having been
65. The relatively unknown band of musicians, in order to get popular quickly, sold their CDs cheaply to fans, who in turn shared this music with their

 sold their CDs cheaply to fans

 sold its CDs cheap to fans
 are selling their CDs cheaply to fans
 sells its cheap CDs to fans
 sold its CDs cheaply to fans

66. Ten times as many frog species inhabit the Amazonian rainforests as in the Australian forests

 as in
 as inhabit
 than are inhabitants of
 than does
 as opposed to in

67. Greg, feeling bored and dejected, and he was able to finish the task in time nonetheless.

 Greg, feeling bored and dejected, and he

 Greg felt bored and dejected,
 Although Greg felt bored and dejected, he
 Greg, feeling bored and dejected,
 Because he was feeling bored and dejected, Greg

68. The villagers leave their homes at the stroke of dawn to hike six miles up steep, dangerous trails to the forests, to be returning by late afternoon with
huge loads of firewood on their backs.

 forests, to be returning by late afternoon

 forests, and it is late afternoon by the time that they return
 forests; they return late by afternoon
 forests and return by late afternoon
 forests, to have returned by late afternoon

69. The Contemporary Art Society is an organization that provides information and guidance for all lovers of contemporary art and giving them
discounts on arte facts.

 provides information and guidance for all lovers of contemporary art and giving them discounts on arte facts.
 provides information, guidance, and the getting of discounts on artefacts for all lovers of contemporary art
 not only provides information and guidance to all lovers of contemporary art but also gives them discounts on arte facts.
 has not only been providing information and guidance to all lovers of contemporary art but giving them discounts on arte facts as well.
 not only provides information and guidance to all lovers of contemporary art but also gives them discounted arte facts.

70. During the war, volunteers of Red Cross looked after the injured soldiers on the battlefields, at Dicores, so close was one of them to the actual
fighting that a bullet brushed past his ear.

 battlefields, at Dicores, so close was one of them to the actual fighting

 battlefields, one of them was at Dicores as close to the actual fighting
 battlefields, being so close to the actual fighting at Dicores, so
 battlefields; at Dicores, one of them was so close to the actual fighting
 battlefields; one of them at Dicores as close to the actual fighting

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