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Anna University – Regulation 2013

GE6757-Total Quality Management

2 Mark Questions


Unit I


1. Define Quality. (May/June 2016 )

2. What are the various quality statements? Write an example for quality
statement. ( May/June 2016)
3. What are some major obstacles or Barriers to TQM implementation?
(Apr /May 2015)
4. What is quality habit?
5. What is TQM triangle?
6. What is meant by SQC?
7. Define TQM as a part of competitive strategy
8. What are the measure dimensions of service quality?
9. What is quality according to Juran& Deming? (Nov/Dec 2015)
10.Define Total Quality Management. (May/June 2015)
11.Mention the basic features of TQM.
12.Compare quality requirements before and after TQM (Nov /Dec 2015)
13.What are the major benefits of TQM?
14.What is a Mission statement?

TQM Principles

1. Why should suppliers be treated as partners. (Nov/Dec 2014)

2. What do you understand by Supplier Rating? (May/June 2015).
3. List the benefits of Team work (May/June 2015)
4. What are the traits of successful leaders? (Dec/Nov 2015)
5. What is the ‘Juran Trilogy’?
6. Define Recognition and Reward?
7. What is strategic quality planning? (Nov/Dec 2015)
8. What are Quality Circles?
9. What are the roles assigned to people in Quality Circles or who
constitutes QC or how is quality circle formed? (May/June2016)
10.What is meant by empowerment?
11.What are the Japanese 5S principles?
12.List the Herzberg’s motivators and dissatisfies?
13.Distinguish between ‘internal customer’ and ‘external customer’?
14.Explain Kaizen.
15.Distinguish between Reward and Recognition.


TQM Tools and Techniques I

1. What is six sigma? (April/May 2016)

2. List the seven tools of quality/Elemental Statistical Tools. (April/May
3. When do you use the scatter diagram.(Nov/Dec 2015)
4. Define histogram? and its types.
5. What is process capability?
6. What are the measure benefits of six sigma?
7. What is Risk Prioritization Number?
8. Define Benchmarking?
9. What are the reasons for bench marking? Or what is the purpose of
bench marking?(April/May 2016)
10.Explain the stages of FMEA.


TQM Tools and Techniques II

1. What is the importance of Taguchi’s quality loss function (TQLF)?

(Nov/Dec 2015)
2. What sparked the interest of Indian Manufactures in quality circles?
(Nov/Dec 2015)
3. Indicate the different parameters used for quality performance
measurement. (April/May 2015)
4. What is quality circle and its structure? (Nov/Dec 2013)
5. What is the essential feature of Total Productive Maintenance?
(Nov/Dec 2013)
6. What are the overall goals of TPM?
7. What are the three categories of losses identified in TPM?
8. What is Taguchi’s Loss function?(May/June 2015)
9. What is voice of customer?
10.List the seven basic steps to get an organization started toward TPM.

Quality Systems

1. What are ISO 9000 standards or Objectives of ISO 9000 quality

2. What are the general requirements of quality management system?
3. Explain the management’s responsibility for ISO.
4. What are the different types of audit?
5. What are the different stages in conducting quality audit?
6. What are the documentation requirements of quality management
7. Define quality system audit.
8. What is the need for ISO standards?
9. What is third party audit?
10.What is Environment Management Systems Standards?
11.What is QS 9000 and who have developed the system.
12.List the various clauses of ISO 9001-2000 standards? (April/May
13.Compare QS 9000 with TS 16949 quality systems. (April May 2015)
14.What is quality system? (April/May 2016)
15.What is the difference between ISO 9000:2000 and QS 9000?
(April/May 2016)
16.What are the items covered by ISO 9000 regarding quality? (Nov/Dec
17.Write short notes on ISO Certification. (Nov /Dec 2015)

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