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Text for questions number 1 – 2

Dear Dany,
Don’t forget to pick up your order at Wendy’s at 4:00 p.m. I’m going to get back home late. Thank you


1. Why does Dany’s mother can’t pick up the order?

A. She won’t come home until night.
B. She is busy in Wendy’s
C. She is not interested to do
D. She is at Wendy’s at 4 pm

2. What is Dany supposed to do after reading the message?

A. Order another food
B. Remove the mmessage
C. Ignore his mother
D. Take the order on time

Text for questions number 3 – 4

Dear Sir,
I’m sick of seeing so much rubbish on the roadside. Last week, I drove from Woy Woy to Gosford and
saw over 200 soft drink cans and 80 bottles on the roadside. The recycling and “Do the Right Thing”
campaigns obviously have not worked. Maybe the police should set up “litter’ cameras as well as speed
cameras to catch motorists who pollute our roads. In South Australia, you pay a deposit of five cents on
cans and bottles and this encourages people to return them rather than dump them. New South Wales
should introduce this idea immediately.
W. Thompson

3. “. . . . to return them rather than dump them.” The underlined word has a similar meaning to....
A. Throw away
B. Take out
C. Come out
D. Leave alone

4. From the text, we know that Thompson. . . .

A. Wants to donate something to the city
B. Is unhappy with the recent situation
C. Is happy with the recent situation
D. Has a problem with bis car

Text for questions number 5 – 6

Hello friends! We invite you to a

It’s Saturday, October 4 in Bella’s backyard at 8:00 p.m. All of you are supposed to bring your own meat.
Condiments and drinks are served, with music to make it merrier.
Don’t forget to invite others, see you soon!

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5. The text above is written. . . . a barbecue party.
A. To announce friends to have
B. To influence someone to make
C. To inform people to go to
D. To invite friends to go to

6. People who may join the party are. . . .

A. Parents
B. Common people
C. Rich people
D. Bella’s friends

Text for questions number 7 – 8

To: All 3rd President’s Cup Participants
Please be informed that the tournament this coming August 21 (Wednesday) is cancelled due to the
current inclement weather.
It is tentatively rescheduled to August 31 (Saturday) if the weather will permit. Please wait for updates.
Thank you for your kind understanding

7. Why does the tournament cancelled?

A. Because it is rescheduled to August 31
B. Bacause it is President’s Cup
C. Because of the current inclement weather
D. Because the weather will permit

8. “. . . .cancelled due to the current inclement weather.” These following words are the similar meaning of
the underlined word, except. . . .
A. Because
B. For
C. As
D. Effect

Text for questions number 9 – 10

Antibacterial Antiseptic Soap

Hands2Go is a natural, alcoholic-free, instant hand sanitizer. Its unique , non-greasy formula kills 99.99%
of known bacteria instantly! It is formulated with a mousturizing blend of aloe vera, chamomile and
lavender extracts. Hands2Go’s gentle foaming formula supplies twice as many applications as alcohol-
based gels. This product is available in bottles and wall dispensers. Guaranteed not to dry your skin- pure
and gentle enough for frequent cleansing when soap and water are not available.

9. What is the name of the product?

A. Antibacterial
B. Water journey
C. Hands2GO
D. Antiseptic soap

10. Why is the formula of the product unique?

A. It supplies twice as many applications as alcohol-based gels.
B. It kills bacteria instantly whenever you use it.
C. It blends with aloe vera, chamomile, and lavender extract.
D. It is available in bottles and walls dispenser for your wish.

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Text for question numbers 11 – 14


Banana mini muffins are perfect for snacks. They are very easy to make and suitable for any occasion.

You need:
Muffin cups
½ cup of butter, roomtemperature
1 cup of granulated sugar
2 large eggs
2 large bananas, ripe, mashed
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
2 cups of all-purpose flour
¼ teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of baking powder
½ teaspoon of baking soda

Grease 12 muffin cups.
Cream butter and sugar with an electric hand-held mixer until light and fluffy.
Beat in eggs, one at a time, beating after each addition.
Add bananas and vanilla and beat until smooth.
Mix together the flour, salt, baking powder and baking soda.
Stir flour mixture into butter mixture.
Stir until the ingredients are moistened.
Spoon banana muffin batter into prepared muffin cups.
Bake at 400oF for about 15 to 18 minutes or until tops are lightly browned.
Cool muffins by turning them out onto a rack to cool longer.

11. What should we doto the bananas?

A. Chop them finely
B. Eat them while they are ripe.
C. Crush them until soft and smooth
D. Warm them up in the oven.

12. How many ingredients do we need to make banana mini muffins?

A. 8
B. 9
C. 10
D. 11

13. Which the following statment is NOT TRUE ?

A. We need an oven to make the muffins.
B. The recipe needs 12 muffin cups.
C. The muffins should be served while it is still hot.
D. We need more than 18 minutes to makemuffin.

14. “Stir until the ingredients are moistened.” (7th step). The underlined word means . . . .
A. Slightly wet
B. Thick
C. Thin
D. Dry

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Text for questions number 15 – 18

Sragen is one of the regencies in Central Java. Sragen Regency which is usually called “Tlatah
Sukowati” is 941,55 km2 with the topographies as follows: in the middle of the area flows the longest river
in Java, Bengawan Solo; in the southern part of Sragen is a slope of Mount Lawu; in the northern part is
the hillside of Kendeng Mountain; and in the western part is a famous region called “the Sangiran Dome.”
One of the interesting tourist objects in Sragen is the Sangiran Museum which is built in the
Sangiran Dome. The dome itself is situated in the Depression of Solo in the north –west slope of Mount
Lawu. This is about 56 km2 which consists of three districts in Sragen Regency (the Gemolong,
Kalijambe, Plupuh districts) and one in Karang Anyar Regency (Gondang Rejo district). Sangiran is the
most important site for the development of various fields of knowledge: anthropology, archeology,
biology, peleoanthropology, and geology.

15. What passes through the middle of Sragen city?

A. Kendeng Mountain
B. Sangiran Dome
C. Bengawan Solo River
D. The Plupuh district

16. What is the main idea of paragraph two?

A. Karang Anyar regency
B. Sangiran Museum is located in Karang Anyar
C. Sangiran Museum is a tourist object in Sragen
D. Sragen regency has three districts

17. Where is the located of Sragen?

A. In Sangiran
B. In Solo
C. In Karang Anyar
D. In Bengawan Solo

18. ”. . . .and in the western part is a famous region. . . “ The similar meaning from the underlined word is. . . .
A. Big
B. Well – known
C. Large
D. Small

Text for questions number 19 – 22

Once a small gap appeared in the cocoon, through which the butterfly had to appear. A man, who
accidentally passed by, stopped and watched how the butterfly was trying to get out of the cocoon. It took
a lot of time, the butterfly was trying hard, and the gap was a little as before. It seemed that the power
would leave the butterfly soon.
Then a man decided to help the butterfly. He took a penknife and cut the cocoon. The butterfly
immediately got out, but her body was weak and feeble, and the wings were barely moving.
A man continued to watch at the butterfly, thinking that now her wings would spread and she would
fly. However, that did not happen. The rest of her life the butterfly had to drag her weak body and wings
that weren’t spread. She was unable to fly, because a man who wanted to help her did not realize that an
effort to go through the narrow gap of the cocoon was necessary for the butterfly , so that the life – giving
fluid would move from the body to the butterfly’s wings and that the butterfly could fly.
Life forced the butterfly to leave her shell hardly, so that it would become stronger and would be able
to grow and develop. If we were allowed to live without meeting difficulties, we would be weak and
viable. Life gives us challenges to make us stronger.

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19. The text mainly tell us about. . .
A. A man and a cocoon
B. A cocoon
C. A man
D. A cocoon and a butterfly

20. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. The butterfly got out
B. The butterfly’s body was weak
C. A man help a butterfly
D. A man cut the cocoon

21. Which statement is TRUE based on the text?

A. The butterfly was able to fly because a man help her go through the narrow gap
B. The butterfly’s wings were barely moving
C. Then a man didn’t decide to help the butterfly
D. The butterfly didn’t get out from the gap

22. “Once a small gap appeared in the cocoon, through which the butterfly had to appear.” The underlined word
has similar meaning with.. . .
A. Space
B. Path
C. Street
D. Side

Text for questions number 23 – 26

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) is a tall, evergreen tree, native to Australia and Tasmania.
Today, most commercial herbal preparations originate in the Mediterranean and subtropical regions,
including Spain and Morocco. The leaves and oil of the eucalyptus plant are used for medicinal purposes.
Eucalyptus leaves contain tannins (which are believed to help reduce inflammation), flavonoids and
volatile oils. Eucalyptus oil consists of the volatile oil distilled from the fresh leaves and branch tops of the
eucalyptus tree.
There are many species of eucalyptus. Some are the size of an ornamental shrub and some grow to
be giant trees. The type of eucalyptus that is most often used medicinally is called blue gum or Australian
fever tree. It can grow as high as 230 feet. Its 4 – 12 inch leaves are dark green and shiny.
Topical ointments containing eucalyptus oil have been used in traditional Aboriginal medicines to
heal wounds and fungal infections. Teas containing eucalyptus leaves were also used to reduce fevers. The
therapeutic uses of eucalyptus soon spread to other traditional medicine systems, including Chinese,
Indian and Greco-Europian.

23. What kind of eucalyptus is used for medicine?

A. Giant trees
B. Ausralian fever tree
C. Ornamental shrub
D. Therapeutic

24. Where is Eucalyptus originally from?

A. Australia
B. America
C. Africa
D. Asia

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25. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) is a evergreen tree
B. Eucalyptus leaves contain tannins, flavonoids and volatile oils
C. Eucalyptus originally from Australia and Tasmania
D. Most commercial herbal preparations originate in the Mediterranean

26. “The therapeutic uses of eucalyptus. . . “ (last paragraph). The underlined word can be replaced by. . . .
A. Addictive
B. Harmful
C. Hazardous
D. Healing

Text for questions number 27 – 30

Last holiday, my schoolmates and I had a trip to Bali. We travelled there by bus from
Surabaya. It was a study tour programme for grade eight students. We left school on Monday.
On our way to Bali, we passed several cities in East Java such as Sidoarjo, Pasuruan, Probolinggo,
Jember, Situbondo and Banyuwangi. It was very interesting trip. We enjoyed the view along the road.
We arrived at Ketapang, the harbour of Banyuwangi, at 6.30 in the next morning. We went
onto the ferry to get toBali after a long queue of the vehicles. We enjoyed the view of the Bali strait. A
few minutes before arrving at Gilimanuk, the harbour of Bali, we got surprise. There were many boys
climbing up the ferry. Then, suddenly they jumped into the water. They dived to get the coins thrown
by the passengers of the ferry. The water was very clear. It made the coin visible. They were really
good divers.
It was my first experience travelling by sea transportation. In my opinion it was very exciting.

27. What does the text tell about?

A. The writer’s past experience
B. The writer’s information about Bali
C. The writer’s opinion about Bali
D. The writer’s way to Bali

28. “. . . .to get to Bali after a long queue of the vehicles.” (2nd paragraph). What is the closest meaning of
underlined word?
A. Crowd
B. Line
C. Quiet
D. Many

29. When did they leave school?

A. Last holiday
B. Next morning
C. On Tuesday
D. On Monday

30. Which city is not passed on the way to Bali?

A. Bondowoso
B. Pasuruan
C. Jember
D. Situbondo

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Text for questions number 31 – 34

The Boy Who Cried “Wolf”

A shepherd boy was looking after his sheep on a hill. He felt bored being alone on a hill. Then,
he thought of a way to make some fun.
While the villagers were busy working, they heard a boy shouting, “Help! Help! Help! A wolf is
attacking my sheep!”
“That sounds from the shepherd boy. He is in trouble. Let’s go and help him,” said the villagers and
rushed towards the hill. They were very surprised when they did not see any wolves on the hill.
“Where’s the wolf?” they asked
The boy fell back and started laughing. The villagers realized that the boy had played a trick.
They were angry and went back to work.
The next day, the villagers heard the shepherd boy shouting for help again. They rushed towards
the hill, and again the boy laughed at them.
On the third day, a wolf really came and attacked the sheep.
“Help! Help! A wolf is attacking my sheep!” shouted the boy at the top of his voice. But nobody
bothered him this time. The villagers thought that the boy was trying to fool them again. The boy
watched sadly as the wolf killed all his sheep.

31. Where did the shepherd boy looking after his sheeps?
A. On a hill
B. On a village
C. On a mountain
D. On a field

32. “A shepherd boy was looking after his sheep on a hill” (first paragraph). The closest meaning of the
underlined word is. . . .
A. Expecting
B. Caring
C. Watching
D. Playing

33. Who was angry to the shepherd boy?

A. A wolf
B. The sheeps
C. The boy
D. The villagers

34. What can be learnt from the story above?

A. Don’t shout “help” to the villagers
B. Don’t be a liar
C. Be careful with a wolf
D. Be a good shepherd boy

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Text for questions number 35 – 38

Bandung is one of the largest cities in Indonesia and the capital of West Java Province. It is
situated in the uplands of western Java at an elevation of 715 m (2,350 ft) in a scenic region.
The city is a major industrial centre which produces textiles. Cihampelas Street is one of the
popular clothing store locations.
This cool city is also a centre of science and education. There are nearly 50 higher educational
institutions in Bandung. Some of the best universities are Bandung Institute of Technology, University of
Padjajaran, Parahyangan Catholic University. In the north of Bandung, Bosscha Observatory is the only
observatory in Indonesia. The observatory is included as a part of the department of astronomy in
Bandung Institute of Technology.
Bandung is noted for its Angklung bamboo orchestra and its tradition of classical Sundanese
theatre, dance and gamelan music.
Bandung, which has long been regarded as the Paris of Java because of its vibrant cultural life,
now struggles with growing traffic, pollution and other urban problems.

35. What is the main idea of third paragraph?

A. There are some best universities in Bandung.
B. Bandung is a cool city Indonesia.
C. Bosscha Observatoryis the only observatory in Indonesia.
D. Bandung is a centre of science and education.

36. The following statements are true, except. . . .

A. Bandung faces urban problems
B. Bosscha observatory can only be found in Bandung
C. University of Padjajaran is the best university in Indonesia
D. Bandung is part of West Java Province

37. “. . . .now struggles with growing traffic, pollution and other urban problems.” (last paragraph). The
underlined word has similar meaning with. . . .
A. Village
B. Regency
C. City
D. Province

38. What can be inferred from the text above?

A. Bandung is the largest city in Indonesia.
B. Bandung Institute of Technology is the best university in Bandung.
C. Bandung is a major industrial centre.
D. Bandung is noted for its cultural life.

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I recently took a trip to New Hampshire and had what I would call my first genuine expedition of hiking
up a mountain. I’ve gone up hiking before, but this was without a doubt the best . . .(39). . . of my life.
My friend, Sean and Madeline took some pictures. . .(40). . . the trip. We need two hours straight before
we . . .(41). . . the summit. The storm clouds were heading right toward us and you could actually see
the rain falling from the cloud. It was like a wall of water moving at an alarmingly . . .(42) . . . pace
ready to engulf us.

39. A. Influence
B. Experiment
C. Experience
D. Independence

40. A. After
B. When
C. Until
D. During

41. A. Left
B. Reached
C. Stayed
D. Walked

42. A. Fast
B. Long
C. Wide
D. Slow

The Lesser Slow Loris is a mammal which can clamp onto branches for long period of time. To help it do
this, the Loris has a network of blood vessels, .... (43) .... rate mirabile in its forearms and shanks .... 44) ....
a small mammal which is 7 – 10 inches long (175-250 mm) and can weigh as much as 12 ounces or 340
grams. The Lesser Slow Loris .... (45) .... a plump animal with soft, thick fur ranging in color from light
brown-grey to deep reddish brown with a dark stripe down the back and neck. It is .... (46) .... in Southern
Asia, Vietnam, Borneo, and Sumatra. As it is tree-living, it is restricted to tropical rain forest.

43. A. Calling
B. Calls
C. Call
D. Called

44. A. It is
B. It was
C. They are
D. They were

45. A. Has
B. Had
C. Is
D. Was

46. A. Finding
B. Found
C. Find
D. Finds

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47. Hard – her – Susi Susanti – opponent – to defeat – tried
1 2 3 4 5 6
The best arrangement of the jumbled words above is. . . .
A. 3 – 5 – 6 – 4 – 2 – 1
B. 3 – 6 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 4
C. 3 – 1 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 2
D. 3 – 6 – 1 – 5 – 4 – 2

48. On the train – on my way home – I – my – grandmother’s – was – from – place

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A. 3 – 6 – 2 – 1 – 7 – 4 – 5 – 8
B. 4 – 5 – 6 – 1 – 7 – 3 – 2 – 8
C. 3 – 6 – 1 – 2 – 7 – 4 – 5 – 8
D. 4 – 5 – 6 – 1 – 2 – 7 – 3 – 8

49. Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph!

1. Start the process by ironing the articles requiring the lowest temperature. Then progress to the higher
2. Remove the plug and stand the iron on its rear side to let it cool down sufficiently.
3. Adjust the ironing board to the correct height so you iron with a straight back.
4. Set the correct temperature for each specific kind of textile.
5. Wind the main cord on the bottom part of its handle and keep it.
6. Plug the main cord into an appropriate wall socket.

A. 3–6–4–1–2–5
B. 6–3–4–1–2–5
C. 6–4–3–1–2–5
D. 3–5–6–4–1–2

50. Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph!

1. It must contain carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, and mineral.

2. Vitamins and minerals are used to keep our body healthy.
3. Protein is used to grow or to change the damaged cells.
4. Carbohydrates are used to make energy.
5. The food we eat must be nutritious.

A. 4–1–5–2–3
B. 5–1–4–3–2
C. 2–4–1–3–5
D. 1–5–3–4–2


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