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Homeopathic Treatment of Cervical Spondylosis

Homeopathic medicines can work wonders in cervical

spondylosis cases. Homeopathic medicines provide
symptomatic relief in cervical spondylosis. The
medicines are selected as per individual symptom
presentation and manage symptoms of pain, stiffness
in neck, numbness/tingling in upper limbs and vertigo
with excellence. These medicines also halt further
progression of the degenerative process in the spine
from cervical spondylosis. On the huge list of
Homeopathic medicines for cervical spondylosis, the
more effective ones include Rhus Tox, Bryonia Alba,
Paris Quadrifolia, Kalmia Latifolia and Cimicifuga
Homeopathic Medicines for Cervical Spondylosis and Neck Pain
Rhus Tox – Top grade Homeopathic medicine for cervical spondylosis
Rhus Tox is one of the top grade Homeopathic medicines for cervical spondylosis. The
indicating features for using Rhus Tox are pain and excessive stiffness in the neck. A person in
need of Rhus Tox may get relief from warm applications on the neck. Neck massage may
provide relief in some cases. Rhus Tox is also one of the well indicated Homeopathic medicines
for cervical spondylosis complaint arising after injury to the neck. Neck pain from over straining
or overuse also makes a strong case for use of Rhus Tox.
Bryonia Alba – Homeopathic medicine for cervical spondylosis that worsens with movement
Bryonia Alba is another majorly indicated Homeopathic medicine for cervical spondylosis. The
person needing Bryonia Alba experiences pain and stiffness in the neck that worsen with
motion. Taking rest relieves the symptoms.
Hypericum Perforatum – Best Homeopathic medicine for cervical spondylosis from injury
In addition to Rhus Tox, Homeopathic medicine Hypericum Perforatum is a very significant
medicine for cervical spondylosis resulting from injury. Major symptoms deciding on Hypericum
Perforatum as the best prescription are neck pain that may radiate to the shoulders and a spine
that is extremely sensitive to the touch. Tingling, burning, numbness in hands may also be
Cimicifuga Racemosa and Guaiacum Officinale – Prominent Homeopathic medicines for cervical
spondylosis with marked neck stiffness
For treating marked stiffness in the neck from cervical spondylosis, Cimicifuga Racemosa and
Guaiacum Officinale are two extremely useful Homeopathic medicines. Characteristic symptom
for use of Cimicifuga Racemosa is a very very stiff neck. Along with this, the cervical spine is
also very sensitive to the touch. Pressure worsens the symptoms. Homeopathic medicine
Guaiacum Officinale is indicated in case of stiffness and aching pain in the neck. Stiffness from
the neck may extend down the entire back. Marked soreness in shoulders may accompany.
Paris Quadrifolia – Excellent Homeopathic medicine for cervical spondylosis with numbness in
arms, hands or fingers
Paris Quadrifolia is an excellent choice of Homeopathic medicine for cervical spondylosis cases
with marked numbness in arms, hands or fingers as the major complaint. Pain in the neck is
also present. Pain radiates down the fingers from the neck. The pain is attended by sensation of
a heavy weight around the neck and shoulders.
Kalmia Latifolia – Wonderful Homeopathic medicine for cervical spondylosis with tingling,
pricking sensation in hands
For cervical spondylosis with tingling, pricking sensation in hands, Homeopathic medicine
Kalmia Latifolia is recommended as the ideal choice. In some such cases, upper limbs may feel
week. Pain in the neck extends down to the shoulder blades or the arm.
Gelsemium – Top rated Homeopathic medicine for cervical spondylosis with vertigo
Gelsemium is a very useful Homeopathic medicine for cervical spondylosis with vertigo
episodes. The vertigo episodes occur mostly while walking. Movement of the head may also
lead to vertigo. Blurring of vision may occur during the vertigo episodes.
Silicea – Effective Homeopathic medicine for cervical spondylosis with neck pain radiating up
the head
Silicea is one of the majorly indicated Homeopathic medicines for cervical spondylosis where
pain from the neck radiates upwards to the head. Pain from the neck extends to either the
occiput (back of head) or the entire head. In some cases, the neck pain radiates to the head
and settles over the eyes. This may be accompanied by vertigo in some cases. Vertigo mainly
arise from looking upwards.
What are the causes of cervical spondylosis?
Cervical spondylosis mainly arises from wear and tear of the cervical spine. The wear and tear
of cervical spine results mainly due to age related degenerative changes. In some cases, injury
to the cervical spine may lead to early spondylosis changes in the cervical spine.
What is cervical spondylosis?
Spondylosis refers to the degeneration of spinal column in the back that includes vertebras,
joints and spinal discs. The vertebrae are bones stacked one above the other in the back. The
vertebrae (top down) include 7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae, 5 lumbar vertebrae, 5
sacral vertebrae and 4 coccygeal vertebrae. Spinal discs are the inter vertebral discs present
in between the vertebrae that act as shock absorbing cushions bearing all kind of stress felt
over the spine. Cervical spondylosis refers to the degeneration of structures of cervical spine in
vertebrae that lie in the neck immediately below the skull, joint or spinal inter vertebral disc.
Cervical spondylosis is also known as osteoarthritis of the cervical spine.
What are the major risk factors involved in cervical spondylosis?
The major factors that put a person at the risk of developing cervical spondylosis are age –
those above 40 years are more susceptible, neck injuries, putting extra stress on the neck,
occupations involving repetitive motion of the neck and positive family history of cervical
How do I know I have cervical spondylosis?
The major symptoms that point towards cervical spondylosis include pain and stiffness in the
neck. Pain from the neck may radiate down the arm, hands and fingers. In addition to these
symptoms, numbness, tingling and weakness in the upper limb may also be felt. Dizziness or
vertigo attacks are observed. These symptoms help in clinical diagnosis of cervical spondylosis.
To get a confirmed diagnosis of cervical spondylosis, further investigation including an X-ray,
MRI, CT scan need to be conducted.
What does investigation of cervical spondylosis involve?
If a person shows clinical symptoms of cervical spondylosis, he must be put through an X-ray,
CT scan and/or MRI of the cervical spine before the diagnosis can be confirmed.
Is cervical spondylosis related to age?
Yes, cervical spondylosis is a degenerative disorder and therefore, directly related to age.
Mainly cervical spondylosis complaints begin at the age of 40 years. By the age of 60 years,
more than 85 per cent of the people get affected with cervical spondylosis. Injury to the
cervical spine will accelerate this degeneration process of cervical spine at any age.
Is numbness in hands a sign of cervical spondylosis?
Cervical spondylosis is one of the causes of numbness in hands caused by compression of the
nerve. However, numbness of hands may also arise from other reasons including diabetes
mellitus, peripheral neuropathy, Raynaud’s disease, carpal tunnel syndrome and vitamin B12
deficiency. A detailed case study and investigation are required before the cause can be
My cervical spine MRI shows bone spurs at C5-C6 level, what does that mean?
Bone spurs, also known as osteophytes, in cervical spine mainly indicate degenerative changes
in the spine. Bone spurs in cervical spine are the bony outgrowths arising from the vertebrae
due to degeneration. These bone spurs, when they pinch a nerve, lead to tingling, numbness in
arms, hands or fingers.
Can’t physiotherapy treat cervical spondylosis?
Physiotherapy help to strengthen the neck muscles and maintain flexibility of cervical spine,
but it is not a treatment for cervical spondylosis. For best results, physiotherapy and
Homeopathic medicines can be taken together. The medicines will help to halt progression of
degeneration process in cervical spine while physiotherapy will build strength.
I have cervical spondylosis. How will taking Homeopathic medicines treat my condition?
Homeopathic medicines can treat cervical spondylosis depending upon whether the condition
is mild, moderate or severe. Homeopathic medicines help stop further progression of the
degenerative changes in cervical spine. They effectively treat the intensity and frequency of
symptoms of cervical spondylosis.
I work on a computer for long hours and have constant neck pain, stiffness. Does it indicate
cervical spondylosis?
There are chances that you have cervical spondylosis given that you work long hours on a
computer and suffer neck pain and stiffness. However, a confirmed diagnosis will require
investigation including cervical MRI and CT scan.
Is it normal to get vertigo in cervical spondylosis?
Vertigo is one of the symptoms of cervical spondylosis. But vertigo doesn’t appear in each and
every case of cervical spondylosis. Vertigo in cervical spondylosis is mainly an indication of
advanced degenerative conditions.
Will wearing a cervical collar help relieve my neck pain?
Cervical collar helps to rest the neck muscles and relieve pain, but it should not be worn for
long periods of time.
Homeopathic medicines for cervical spondylosis
Which are the most effective Homeopathic medicines for treating cervical spondylosis?
Among a long list of Homeopathic medicines for cervical spondylosis, the highly effective ones
include Rhus Tox, Cimicifuga Racemosa and Paris Quadrifolia. Rhus Tox will best treat excessive
pain and stiffness in neck from cervical spondylosis. Cimicifuga Racemosa effectively manages
neck stiffness in cervical spondylosis. Paris Quadrifolia is beneficial for cervical spondylosis
cases where numbness in hands is the major complaint.
I have severe neck pain from cervical spondylosis. Which Homeopathic medicine will help?
Homeopathic medicines Bryonia Alba and Rhus Tox would be most suitable for treating
excessive pain in neck from cervical spondylosis. Homeopathic medicine Bryonia Alba works
well where movement of the neck worsens pain. Use of Rhus Tox is suggested where neck pain
gets better with movement and worse with rest.
I have marked stiffness in the neck. Which Homeopathic medicine would you advise?
Homeopathic medicines that are most helpful for treating stiff neck include Cimicifuga
Racemosa and Guaiacum.
Which Homeopathic medicine would you prescribe for early morning stiffness in neck with
restricted movement in cervical spondylosis cases?
Rhus Tox is the most appropriate choice of Homeopathic medicine for this condition. It is known
to show remarkable results in early morning neck stiffness with restricted movement from
cervical spondylosis.
My hand feels numb due to cervical spondylosis. Which Homeopathic medicine must I take?
Homeopathic medicine Paris Quadrifolia would benefit most in case of cervical spondylosis with
numbness in hand.
Which Homeopathic medicines would you prescribe for cervical spondylosis with tingling,
pricking sensation in hands?
For cervical spondylosis with tingling, pricking sensation in hands, Homeopathic medicine
Kalmia Latifolia comes highly recommended. Weakness in hands is also felt in such cases.
My neck pain extends upwards to the head. Does Homeopathy have the answer?
Yes, Homeopathic medicines yield wonderful results in neck pain that extends upwards to the
back of the head. The most helpful Homeopathic medicine for neck pain extending to the head
is Silicea. Pain from the neck may extend to the back of the head or up the entire head. Along
with pain, marked stiffness is felt in the neck in such cases.
Please suggest a Homeopathic medicine for neck pain that radiates down the arms in cervical
Homeopathic medicine Kalmia Latifolia is the ideal choice for neck pain that radiates down the
arms in cervical spondylosis cases. Along with pain, tingling, pricking sensation in hands is
present. In some cases, weakness in hands may be felt.
Which medicine would Homeopathy use to treat vertigo in cervical spondylosis cases?
Homeopathic medicine Gelsemium is most suitable for treating cervical spondylosis where
vertigo episodes are present. The vertigo episodes are most marked while walking or from
movement of the head.
Lifestyle changes can help manage cervical spondylosis
Adopting a few lifestyle measures can help better manage cervical spondylosis complaint.
These measures include:
• Regular exercise
• Maintaining correct posture while sitting
• Avoiding job or work that puts stress/strain on the neck
• Avoiding lifting heavy weights
• Warm applications and neck massages can help
• Avoid putting thick pillows or too many pillows under the head while sleeping

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