Part 1 (Background)

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Thermal comfort survey

Dear Mr/Mrs,
We are researchers from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. We are conducting a survey to obtain
data that are relevant to this research entitled “Thermal Comfort in the Tropics: Advancement
of the Adaptive Model for Indoor High-Humidity Living Environments”. Hence, we would
greatly appreciate your kind participation by being one of the respondents for our research. You
KEPT PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. We would highly appreciate your invaluable time
and support.

Part 1 (Background)
A) Basic information

1. Gender Male Female

2. Age: ________________ 3. Height: ______________________

4. Race: _______________ 5. Place of birth: _________________

6. Current hometown: ___________________

B) Thermal history

1) During infant until 3 years old (you may need to consult your parents)

a) Where did you live (place) during the infancy?

Same as the place of birth Others (Please specify): ___________

b) Where was it located? Tick ().

City/Urban area Rural/kampong Suburban

c) What type of house did you live in? Tick ().

Single-storey 2-3 storey Single storey 2-3 storey Detached

terrace terrace semi-detached semi-detached

Low cost Low cost flat Condominium/ Kampung/

house Apartment traditional

d) What are the means of cooling in that house? Multiple choice. Tick ().

Air-conditioning Fan Natural ventilation

Others (Please specify): _______________________

e) Can you specify the level of exposure to air-conditioning (per day) during your
infancy years (until 3 years old)? Skip this question if air-conditioning is not selected in
Question d).
1-2 hours 3-4 hours 5-6 hours 7-8 hours

9-10 hours 11-12 hours More than 12

f) Have you ever entered kindergarten with air-conditioning system during the infancy?
Tick ().

Yes No Not entering kindergarten

If yes, can you specify the level of exposure to air-conditioning (per day) during that
time? Tick ().

1-2 hours 3-4 hours 5-6 hours 7-8 hours

9-10 hours 11-12 hours More than 12


2) After 3 years old until the current age

a) Did you live in the same house and place during this age?
Yes No

b) If you did not live in the same house and place, please specify the required
information in the table below. Skip this question if you chose ‘Yes’ in Question a.

Place *Type of house Duration **Means of cooling

(Age) in the house
(multiple answer)
* Type of house: Please refer to Table A
**Means of cooling in the house: Please refer to Table B

Table A. Type of House

a) Single storey terrace f) Low cost house
b) 2-3 storey terrace g) Low cost flat
c) Single storey semi-detached h) Condominium/Apartment
d) 2-3 storey semi-detached i) Kampung/ traditional house
e) Detached j) Dormitory

Table B. Means of cooling in the house

a) Air conditioning b) Fan c) Natural ventilation (windows)

c) On average, can you specify the level of exposure to air-conditioning at home (per
day) during this age?
Place *Level of exposure to air-conditioning
(as in Question 2b) (per day). Please refer to Table C
*Level of exposure to air-conditioning (per day). Please refer to Table C

Table C. Level of exposure to air-conditioning

a) 1-2 hours e) 9-10 hours
b) 3-4 hours f) 11-12 hours
c) 5-6 hours g) More than 12 hours
d) 7-8 hours h) Not exposed to air-conditioning
3) Current

a) Where do you live now? Tick ().

Hostel. Please circle: a. Landed hostel b. Apartment type

Home/rental house. Please specify the type (Table A): _________

b) How long have you been staying in this place?

< 6 months 6-12months 1-2years 3-4years

>5 years

c) What are the means of cooling in your current staying place? Multiple choice. Tick

Air-conditioning Fan Natural (Windows)

d) Can you please specify the level of exposure of the stated cooling means in your
current staying place?

Cooling means:

i) Air conditioner. Skip this part if air-conditioning is not selected in Question c).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
ii) Fan (ceiling/standing)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

iii) Natural ventilation (windows)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

e) When do you usually use the air-conditioner? Multiple choice. Tick () Skip this
question if air-conditioning is not selected in Question c).

Resting Reading Working Sleeping

Others (please specify): _________________________________________

f) Are you exposed to air-conditioning at working place/classroom?

Yes No

If yes, can you specify the level of exposure to air-conditioning at the working
place/classroom per day? Tick ().
1-2 hours 3-4 hours 5-6 hours 7-8 hours

9-10 hours 11-12 hours More than 12


4) What time do you normally take your shower? Tick ().

Time (Hour) for Showers

a.m. p.m.
12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

5) Please specify the occurrence of the following actions to adjust your thermal conditions
at your room/home?

a: Always b: Most likely c: Often d: Seldom e: Very


Change clothes Use portable fans

Remove clothes Opening windows
Cold drink Opening doors
Eating Ice cream Closing curtains
Shower/bath Move to other
Use hand fans Adjusting posture
Use ceiling fans Change activity
Air conditioner

Others, specify_____________________ Occurrence:______________


Thermal comfort survey

Dear Mr/Mrs,
We are researchers from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. We are conducting a survey to obtain
data that are relevant to this research entitled “Thermal Comfort in the Tropics: Advancement
of the Adaptive Model for Indoor High-Humidity Living Environments”. Hence, we would
greatly appreciate your kind participation by being one of the respondents for our research. You
KEPT PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. We would highly appreciate your invaluable time
and support.

Part 2 (Field measurement)

Date: __________
Room’s number: __________ Room’s orientation: North/South
A) Body Weight
a) Before session.
i) With clothes: ________ (Time: ) ii) Naked body: ______(Time: )
b) After session.
i) With clothes: ________ (Time: ) ii) Naked body: ______ (Time: )
Clothing weight
i) Upper:
a) before session: ______(Time: ) b) After session: ______(Time: )
ii) Lower:
a) before session: ______(Time: ) b) After session: _______(Time: )
iii) inner:
a) before session: ______(Time: ) b) After session: _______(Time: )
Heart rate: a) before session: __________ b) After session: ___________
Blood pressure: a) before session: __________ b) After session: ___________
Core body temp.: a) before session: __________ b) After session: ___________
Please state your health status at this time.

Healthy Not healthy. Please specify (e.g. fever): _____________

B) Activity, food consumption and clothing value

1. (Activity) What activities did you engaged during one hour ago? ________

Main Activity
1: Sleeping 4: Seated, quiet 7: Reading, seated 10: Lifting/Packing 13: Eating
2: Napping 5: Standing, relax 8: Writing 11: House Cleaning
3: Reclining 6: Walking about 9: Typing 12: Exercise

Others (please specify): __________________________________________

2. Please indicate whether you have consumed any of following items during during one
hour ago? Multiple choice. Tick ().

Hot drink Cold drink Caffeinated Snack Meal


Other (please specify): ___________________________________________

3. Please specify the amount of water/drinks that you have consumed during one hour
ago. Skip this question if you did not consume any drinks. Please circle the following

a. less than 250 ml (less than half of small bottle of water)

b. about 250 ml (half of small bottle of water)
c. about 500 ml (small bottle of water)
d. between 500 ml to 1 liter
e. more than 1 liter of water.

4. Please specify the type of food that you have consumed during one hour ago. Skip this
question if you did not consume any food. Please circle the following options (multiple choice).

a. Meat
b. Chicken or other poultry
c. Seafood
d. Eggs and eggs products
e. Milk, cheese and dairy product
f. Fresh fruits, vegetables and juices
g. Nut, grains and beans
h. Rice
j. Wheat based products

5. Clothing: Please indicate whether you are wearing any of the items listed below. Multiple
choice. Tick ().

Top Bottom
T-shirt Shorts
Short sleeve shirt Trousers (thin)
Long sleeve shirt Trousers (thick)
Sleeveless shirt Sweatpants
Long sleeve sweater Jeans
Long sleeve Ankle length socks
Suit vest Stockings
Short sleeve pajamas Shoes
Long sleeve pajamas Slippers

Others (please specify): ____________________________________

C) Indoor thermal conditions

1. (Thermal sensation). How do you feel about the current thermal conditions? Tick

Hot Warm Slightly Neutral Slightly Cool Cold

warm cool
+3 +2 +1 0 -1 -2 -3

2. Is the thermal condition acceptable at the moment? Tick ().

Acceptable Not Acceptable

3. What do you prefer to do in terms of thermal conditions at the moment? Tick ().

Warmer No change Cooler

+1 0 -1

4. How would you best describe your thermal comfort level at the moment? Tick ().

Very Comfortable Slightly Slightly Uncomfor- Very

comfortable comfortable uncomfortable table uncomfor-
0 1 2 3 4 5
5. Do you perceive that you receive radiant heat from the building structure now?
Imperceptible Just Noticeable Very
noticeable noticeable
0 1 2 3

If your answer is other than “Imperceptible”, please answer the following:

a) Where do you receive the radiant heat from? (Multiple-choice)

Ceiling Windows External Internal walls Floor

(outdoors) walls

D) Body parts
1. Please identify in the list below whether any part of your body is warmer or cooler
than the rest of your body. Mark all the parts that feel different at this moment. Tick
Cooler Cooler and Warmer Warmer No different
not and not
comfortable comfortable
Arms of
Feet or

E) Humidity conditions
1. How do you feel about the air, in terms of moisture at the moment? Tick ().
Too Moist Slightly Just right Slightly Dry Too dry
moist moist dry
+3 +2 +1 0 -1 -2 -3

2. Would you accept the moisture level at the moment? Tick ().
Acceptable Not Acceptable

3. What do you prefer to do in terms of moisture level at the moment? Tick ().
More moist No change Drier
+1 0 -1

F) Skin moisture conditions

1. How to you feel about your skin moisture level at the moment? Tick ().
Too Moist Slightly Just right Slightly Dry Too dry
moist moist dry
+3 +2 +1 0 -1 -2 -3

2. Would you accept the skin moisture level at the moment? Tick ().
Acceptable Not Acceptable

3. What do you prefer to do in terms of skin moisture level at the moment? Tick ().
Wetter No change Drier
+1 0 -1

G) Air movement
1. How do you feel about the air movement at this time? Please circle the number. Tick
Too still still Slightly Neutral Slightly Breezy Too Breezy
still breezy
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

2. Would you accept the air movement at the moment? Tick ().
Acceptable Not Acceptable

3. What do you prefer to do in terms of air movement at the moment? Tick ().
More air movement No change Less air movement
+1 0 -1

4. How would you best describe your comfort level for air movement at the moment? Tick

Very Comfortable Slightly Slightly Uncomfor- Very

comfortable comfortable uncomfortable table uncomfor-
0 1 2 3 4 5
H) Adaptive behavior

1. What is the current configuration of the windows and door? Please tick () if it’s

Slit Slit Slit Slit

window 2 window 1 window 1 window 2

Window Condition
1 Middle
2 Middle
Slit window 1 Upper
Slit window 2 Upper

2. What is the condition of the ceiling fan at the moment? Please tick ()
Switch off Speed 1 Speed 2 Speed 3 Speed 4 Speed 5
3. What is the condition of the window’s curtain at the moment? Please tick ()
Closed Partially opened Fully opened

4. (Adaptive behavior). Other than opening windows & doors, closing curtains, and
using ceiling fans, please select any actions that you have done to improve your
comfort level within the last one hour. Tick ().
Changing clothes Moving to other space/room
Removing clothes / outer Moving to a shaded area in
wear the room to avoid solar
Removing Going downstairs
Going barefoot Using a hand fan
Rolling up the sleeves of Sitting down in relaxed
shirt /open posture
Rolling up the hem of Bundling my hair
pants or skirts
Taking a shower Drinking cold water/
Washing face or hands Eating ice cream

Other (please specify): ________________________________________

5. (Preference). Please select the action that you will take to improve your comfort level
at the moment. Tick ().
No action Opening doors
Change clothes Closing doors
Remove clothes Opening curtains
Cold drink Closing curtains
Eating Ice cream Move to other spaces/room
Shower Adjusting posture
Use hand fans Change activity
Use ceiling fans Opening windows
Use portable fans Closing windows

Others: ___________________________________

Thank you very much for your participation.


FYP 1 Gantt Chart

No Details/Duration of FYP 1 (week) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14

1 Selection supervisor
2 Getting project tittle
3 Confirming project tittle
4 Literature Review
5 Work progress
6 Preparation of Draft Report
7 Preparation of Final Report
8 Presentation

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