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Eric Larson

Intro to Adult Learning


Learning Contract
Needs assessment: My faith is very important to me, both personally and objectively – if it
really is true, and if its truth has eternal consequences, then I ought be communicating that truth
to others. I think I have a good grasp of explaining spiritual subjects in written form, but feel
inadequate (and uncomfortable) discussing these matters in a personal, one-on-one environment.

Learning Objective: I want to be equipped to share my faith with others personally in a

compassionate, informative way. In addition, I would like a means of determining whether my
skills are effective or productive.

Learning Activities:

1. Have a meeting with the pastoral staff at my church regarding the fundamental aspects of
being an equipped Christian.
2. Read the book “One to One: How to share your faith with a friend” by Michael Green
3. Attend the satellite video seminar “Becoming a Contagious Christian”
4. Memorize any Biblical verses suggested by 1-3
5. Summarize both the basic message of my faith and the strategies I’ve learned in steps 1-3
on my web site.

The products of this learning contract will be steps 4 & 5 of the learning activities above –
basically, a memorized body of knowledge and a web site summarizing the use of that

Time Line:

1. Meet with Pastor Mark _______ (and others he may recommend) the week of March 3rd
and/or March 11th for approximately one hour.
2. Read the book “One to One” for approximately 5 hours to be completed by March 16th.
3. Attend the 6½ hour “Contagious Christian” seminar March 16th.
4. Begin memorizing versus by March 17th. Complete memorization by April 13th.
5. Message on web site by April 19th.
6. Strategies on web site by April 19th.
7. Summary paper due by April 19th.

Evaluation Criteria:

I believe my friends Tom and Angela _______ should evaluate my memorization and my web
site. Both have an extensive background in evangelism and would know whether I’m properly
equipped. They will use their background to develop, with me, a checklist to see whether I
appear to be well equipped for evangelism. (Of course, I would be happy to have the instructor
evaluate the web site and/or listen to the verses and their application as well.)

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