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The Arthritis



1. Ni Luh Putu Oktawati 14.321.2115

2. Ulva Veronica 14.321.2133


Speech Of The arthritis

Good morning, let me introduce my self. My name is Ulva as a First Speakers. And my name
is Okta as a Second speakers. Thank you very much for the time that you’ve given to me. The
honorable our lecture today, Mrs. Heni and all of my beloved friends. In this moment I would
like to give a speech with the title is “ The Arthritis”. But before I go ahead with my speech,
it’s very nice for us to pray and thanks to our God because of his blesses.

As we know well that Arthritis is a chronic disease that many people inaccurately believe
affects people of older ages. Arthritis is a joint disorder featuring inflammation. It is aserious
illness that can affect anyone of all ages and can cause not only dull aches,excruciating pain,
fatigue and/or insomnia, but create permanent physical disabilities.
The causes of arthritis is injury (leading to degenerative arthritis), abnormalmetabolism
(such as gout), genetic, infections (such as in the arthritis of Lyme disease), andan overactive
immune system.
Symptoms of arthritis include pain and limited function of joints. Inflammation of
the joints from arthritis is characterized by joint stiffness, swelling, redness, and warmth.Tend
erness of the inflamed joint can be present. Loss of range of motion and deformity can result.
Certain forms of arthritis can also be associated with pain and inflammation of tendons
surrounding joints

So what preventative measures can you take to reduce your chance of developing arthritis
and/or slow the progression of the disease?
Don’t be afraid,
If you have a family history of arthritis, it is important to ensure that you have regular medical
check-ups as arthritis that are believed to be hereditary are thought to be possibly triggered
anytime. However, whether or not you have a family history of this illness, the preventative
measures are still the same.

One needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle that incorporates a healthy diet, exercise and enough
rest to ensure adequate timing for your body to repair itself daily. There are however, certain
types of foods that have shown to provide more support to the prevention of this illness. There
are critical nutrients that have shown to provide relief to symptoms of arthritis, slow its
progression and prevent the development of the disease:

Omega 3 in general, is absolutely essential and important for your total overall day today health.
It helps in the prevention of chronic diseases and cancer.

Glucosamine plays a major part in the formation and repair of cartilage, tendons and ligaments
which is fundamentally important for the effective functioning of joints.
Manganese is not only an antioxidant which slows down aging process,it is also an essential
mineral for the formation of bone and ligaments.

Ginger extracts
Studies shown that when arthritis patients were given highly purified ginger extracts, there
was significant decrease in their arthritis symptoms, including joint stiffness and pain. This is
because ginger contains very potent anti-inflammatory

Calcium deficiency can increase one’s risk of osteoporosis and arthritis as your bones become
more and more brittle. If your body does not get enough calcium from your diet, your body will
take it from the bone structure, decreasing your bone mass and strength, increasing its
brittleness and increasing your risk of arthritis development

Vitamin A
A potent antioxidant that reduces any negative impacts from free radicals, vitamin A has shown
to potentially further reduce the symptoms of Osteoarthritis. It helps promote healthy bone
development and healthy bone mass. The adequate consumption of the right nutrition
and supplements is an important partin the treatment of arthritis. However, having a healthy
balance diet is equally important in ensuring that you’re consuming the right type of foods that
will support your body in providing the right type of nutrition to ensure healthy bones, joints
and cartilage.

Furthermore, it ensures that you’re maintaining a healthy weight to reduce any weight pressure
on your joints which can amplify any joint problems.

That’s all about our speech. I say great apologize if there was any mistakes in our speech. I
hope this speech can be usefull for all of us. Thank you very much for all your attention, have
a nice day.
Good morning

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