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Hang Tuah2



No Bagian Tubuh Arti

1 Abdomen Perut

2 Adam’s apple Jakun

3 Ankle Pergelangan kaki

4 Anus Anus

5 Appendix Usus buntu

6 Arch Telapak kaki

7 Arm Lengan

8 Back Punggung
9 Beard Janggut

10 Belly Perut

11 Belly button Pusar

12 Big toe Jempol kaki

13 Bladder Kandung kemih

14 Blood Darah

15 Body Tubuh

16 Bone Tulang

17 Bottom Pantat

18 Brain Otak
19 Breast Payudara

20 Bust Dada (untuk perempuan)

21 Buttocks Pantat

22 Calf Betis

23 Carpal Tulang pergelangan tangan

24 Cartilage Tulang rawan

25 Cervical vertebrae Tulang tengkuk

26 Cheek Pipi

27 Chest Dada (untuk laki-laki)

28 Chin Dagu
29 Clavicle Tulang selangkangan

30 Coccyx Tulang ekor

31 Diaphragm Diafragma

32 Ear Telinga

33 Ear lobe Cuping telinga

34 Elbow Siku

35 Eye Mata

36 Eyebrows Alis mata

37 Eyelash Bulu mata

38 Eyelid Kelopak mata

39 Face Wajah

40 Finger Jari

41 Foot Kaki

42 Forehead Dahi

43 Gums Gusi

44 Hand Tangan

45 Hair Rambut

46 Head Kepala

47 Heart Jantung

48 Heel Tumit
49 Hips Pinggul

50 Index finger Jari telunjuk

51 Intestine Usus

52 Jaw Rahang

53 Kidney Ginjal

54 Knee Lutut

55 Knuckle Buku jari

56 Leg Kaki

57 Ligament Sendi tulang

58 Lips Bibir
59 Little finger Jari kelingking

60 Little toe Kelingking kaki


1 to digest food

2 is a thyroid gland that protrudes in the neck of a man. In women this

protrusion also exists, but not so often. If the appearance of the Adam's
apple is too big, this can be corrected by plastic surgery. Jakun in Banjar
language (bjn) is called halukum.

3 The ankle consists of the tip of the shin and the calf bone and heel. The
ankle bones function as moving our legs when walking
4 To do the defecation process
a. Regulates fecal discharge.
b. Withstand defecation at certain times.
c. A sense of wanting to defecate can also be detained when you
haven't had time to go to the toilet. This is because there is a
contraction of the sphincter and levator muscles after receiving
impulses from the brain. The brain releases the impulse when we
want to hold it.

5 Appendicitis or cecum (Latin: caecus, "blind") in anatomical terms is a

sac connected to the absorption intestine and part of the colon uphill from
the large intestine. This organ is found in mammals, birds and some types
of reptiles. Most herbivores have large cecum, while exclusive carnivores
have small cecum, which is partially or completely replaced by worm
6 short answer:
a. the function of the foot bones is to support body weight and to help
regulate body movements when walking, running, jumping
b. additional explanation:

7 the sole of the foot consists of 14 ankle bones, and 10 foot bones, and 28
toe bones

8 If the hand is holding, the arm connects the hand to the body

9 Support our heads so as not to bow down kissing the knees.

10 Reduces rash due to shaving

a. Reducing the risk of allergies
b. Reduces your skin cancer risk

11 J-shaped stomach and can expand to store food temporarily. Food partial
digestion occurs here. The rotating action of the abdominal muscles
physically breaks down food. Stomach releases acids and enzymes for the
breakdown of food chemistry. The pepsin enzyme is responsible for
protein breakdown.

12 As a food source for babies conceived, as a marker point in the process

of surgery or surgery, as a regulator of human heat and cold energy, helps
in regulating the movement of hormones
13 A tool that balances our weight when walking, adds a leg mechanism to
be faster when running, helps push us while running, absorbs the impact
between our fingers and jumps on the ground.

14 The bladder is part of the urinary system that is found in the human body.
In addition to the kidneys, other organs that are included in this system
are ureteral ducts that drain urine from the kidneys to the bladder, and the
urethral ducts that secrete urine from the bladder out of the body.
15 Easily, blood is useful for transporting food substances, oxygen,
metabolic remnants, and hormones in the human body, besides that blood
also guards the body's acid-base levels and body temperature control.
a. Blood consists of 2 main components, blood plasma and blood
cells. Blood plasma is the most abundant component of
blood, 55% of the blood is blood plasma. Blood plasma consists of
blood proteins such as immunoglobulin, albumin, protein,
nutrients, hormones, dissolved gases, and excretion substances.
Even though it looks like a lot of compilers, 90% of blood plasma
is water!

16 The human body is the structure of all human organisms and the main
parts are: head, neck, body and legs. Each section has a different function
and contains organs. Whether we walk, talk, sleep, play or sit, our bodies
continue to work hard to keep us in full health. It is important to know
our body to take care of and live a long healthy life.

17 Bones are often considered only as a frame, protector, and support for
the body. Although the framework also performs this function, the bone
is actually a very dynamic organ that constantly remodels, and changes its
shape to be able to adapt to the everyday forces that suppress it. In
addition, bones store important nutrients, minerals and lipids and produce
blood cells that nourish the body and play an important role in protecting
the body against infection.

18 Its function is when we sit or fall, which is to protect our bones so that
they do not hurt because of direct contact. The collision will be held by a
layer of fat and muscle in the buttocks

19 The human brain [1] is a central structure that has a volume of about
1,350cc and consists of 100 million nerve cells or neurons. The brain
regulates and coordinates most of the homeostasis, movements, behavior
and bodily functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, body fluid
balance and body temperature. The human brain is responsible for the
regulation of the whole body and human thinking. Therefore there is a
close connection between the brain and thought. The brain and nerve cells
inside are believed to affect human cognition. Knowledge of the brain
influences the development of cognitive psychology. The brain is also
responsible for functions such as recognition, emotion. memory, motor
learning and all other forms of learning.

20 The main function of the mammary gland is to provide nutrients in the

form of milk for infants or toddlers. The process of giving milk is called
breastfeeding. Even though the glands that produce milk are also present
in men, the mammary gland is normally still not fully developed.

21 Every human being has a breast, both male and female. It's just that the
breasts of men and women have very different functions. Breasts in men
are present, but cannot develop. While in women, breasts will form after
puberty and have a very important function as a source of breast milk
production (ASI). Maybe some of you still don't know what the female
breast anatomy looks like.

22 Breasts in women are paired structures located on the anterior thoracic

wall. Breast contains mammary glands, its main function is for
breastfeeding. Most women's breasts are not symmetrical, in terms of size
and location.

23 Its function is when we sit or fall, which is to protect our bones so that
they do not hurt because of direct contact. The collision will be held by a
layer of fat and muscle in the buttocks

24 he calf bone is one of the lower limbs of the limb.

25 In addition to the calf bones, there are femur, kneecap, shin, ankle bone,
foot bones, and toe bones.

26 the location of the calf bone is between the kneecap and ankle bone.
27 The wrist bone serves as a link between the palm of the hand and the
bone of the forearm.

28 Cartilage is composed of a collection of cartilage cells or conductors that

produce extracellular matrix in the form of fibers and basic substances.
Cartilage is a temporary skeleton in the embryo before being replaced
with real bone gradually.
29 Neck bone serves to support the head. With the neck bone, the head can
stand upright. In addition, the composition of the cervical bone has a
shape such that the head can nod, turn sideways, and can be rotated.

30 is to perfect the shape of our face and also to keep the chewed food from
spilling out of the mouth.

31 Nipples are part of the breast that has vital benefits. In a woman's breast,
the nipple has the task of breastfeeding when a woman is breastfeeding.
So that it can provide the best food for the baby. In addition, the woman's
nipples also have erotic function that can support great love activities.

32 until now there has been no definite answer but according to some experts
its function is to support the function of Os Mandibulla or Lower Jaw and
to complement facial proportions.

33 a booster to keep the upper limbs away from the chest so that the arms
can move freely. Forward shaking from the upper limb to the (axial) body
frame. Although classified in long bones, the clavicula is the only bone
that does not have a bone marrow cavity as in other long bones. Clavicula
is composed of sponge bone.

34 As can be seen from the form and understanding, the iron elbow function
is not too difficult to guess. Elbow iron serves to make iron racks, water
towers, ladder frames, to the door frame. To be honest, if I mention
various types of buildings that can be made using elbow iron, you might
get tired to just scroll down this page. Hehe.
There are many reasons that make elbow iron have a classification to be
the basic material of these buildings. One of them (and perhaps the most
important) is because the elbow iron has strong, and sturdy resistance. In
its form, the form has been made based on careful calculations from the
manufacturers that produce it.

35. Actually what the eye does is capture the reflection of light on an object.

Light is reflected by the object into the eye through the cornea and
passed through the pupil. Then the light is passed to the eyepiece. The eye lens
regulates its jealousy so that light can fall right on the retina. Shadows that fall
into the retina are reversed and reduced. In the retina light is received by cells of
sight in yellow spots and passed on by nerves to the brain. The brain will
process and interpret the stimulation of light so that we know the type of object
that is visible or other words visual impression.

36. Eye brows are owned by humans and most mammals. During this time,
eyebrows are always a concern when it comes to beauty. This part is important
for appearance, so it's no wonder eyebrows become makeup objects to enhance
the appearance of the face.

In addition to appearance, the function of the eyebrows is also to hold the flow
of water and sweat so that it does not directly affect the eyes. Try to notice,
eyebrows overgrown with fine hair and lined up neatly placed on the part that
slightly protrudes above the eyes.

37. Protect eyes from dust, block small animals that want to enter the eyes, filter
the intensity of the incoming light, produce fat that can prevent both eyelids
from sticking, beautifying the eyes

38. The eyelids consist of two parts, the upper and lower parts. That can make a
reflex and close reflexes and not reflexes. The function of the eyelids is to
protect and cover the eyes to be safe from foreign objects that will interfere with
your vision.

39. Facial facial is a multi-step skin treatment which is one of the best ways to
treat your skin. Facial is one of the most popular activities performed by women
in salons. The benefits of facial facials are believed to make the skin clean, free
of fats, and avoid beauty problems like blackheads.

40. When we feel sick, we will first talk to the doctor or we will get medical!
However, after reading this article, you will see that it is not good to poison
yourself with chemicals, or wait in the crowded waiting room at the doctor.
Famous method - reflexology, claiming that every point in our body is
connected in several ways with our hands.

41. Indeed, foot reflection is one of the practical reflection massage methods
and has many benefits. Instead of having to reflect all over the body, foot
reflection is easier and also shorter to do and very effective results.

Usually when doing foot reflection, there are various massage techniques used
by a service. Starting from ordinary massage, to the addition of acupuncture
services and also emphasis on certain points on the soles of the feet. This is said
to be said to affect the condition of

42. FUNCTION OF DAHI, is to protect the brain inside the head other body

43. Gums are home to teeth, with healthy gums, good dental health. Gum
disease starts from plaque which is a collection of food scraps. If not cleaned,
plaque can cause gingivitis (gum inflammation).

44. holding, writing, pulling pushing and bribing food

45. The function of hair is to protect the scalp from sunburn and cold. While
the hair in your head amounts to not less than 100,000 strands of hair and each
strand grows within 2 to 6 years. But hair will experience hair loss every day,
50 to 100 strands, but new hair will grow.

46. the head is the rostral part (in terms of anatomical location) which usually
consists of the brain, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth (all of which help various
sensory functions such as vision, hearing, smell, and taste). Some very simple
animals do not have a head, but bilateral symmetrical animals generally have a

47. The main function of the heart is to pump blood throughout the body. As a
means of transportation in the body, blood is responsible for carrying nutrients
and oxygen needed by the body's organs, as well as transporting waste
materials. The heart and blood vessels form the cardiovascular system to ensure
our survival.

48. The heel is one part of the body's regeneration system and is the largest
bone of the foot. It is located behind that will shift the weight back on the
ground. The heel is also covered with many nerve and muscle fibers. If you
experience pain, it can come from one or a combination of muscle, nerve, or
heel bone itself. The function of the heel is as a buffer for body weight,
especially when walking or running.

49. The pelvis functions as a connection between the upper body and lower
body and as a support for the organs in the abdomen (small intestine and large
intestine). to support body weight together with vertebrae. protect and support
the lower organs, such as the bladder, reproductive organs, and as a place for
fetal growth and development.

50. index finger is used to show something, tell or forbid someone to act.

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