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untitled sound objects pe lang + zimoun

untitled sound objects pe lang + zimoun

in early 2004, pe lang and zimoun began their collaboration are specifically adapted for each room with regards to the
«untitled sound objects», a project in which physical mate- architecture, function, sound design and use of acoustic
rials are made to generate sound by vibrating them using materials.
computer controlled machines and robots. the artists focus
on creating acoustic architecture with an organic feel, inves- «the untitled sound objects by pe lang and zimoun convince
tigating the properties of sound, materials, resonance and through their elegant and clever simplicity in an inconspi-
generative systems. the work is presented as sound instal- cuously complex setting.» stephen braun
lations and as live performances.
the works of pe lang and zimoun have been exhibited or
these works are created by using small machines comprised shown as live performances in switzerland, germany, the
of computer-monitored and programmed electromagnetic netherlands, france, china, england, italy, belgium, usa, ca-
lifts, electromagnets and vibrating motors, in combination nada, egypt and spain.
with different kinds of materials. often the installations are
used as a source for creating sounds as well as to continu- videos and website:
ally evolve new acoustic spaces.

«we are interested in a selective mix between, on the one

hand, living structures that are continuously generated or
evolving by chance and chain reactions, and, on the other,
a specifically delimited and contained space in which these
events are allowed to happen. our compositional intentions
are manifested through deliberate containment and cautious
monitoring. thus, we are not preoccupying ourselves with
chance factors and generative systems simply to discover
unexpected results, but rather so that the compositions can
attain a higher level of vitality.»

even though this work is technically complex and intricate

(involving custom interfaces and software programming),
the artists never seek to create a merely technical specta-
cle. «our intent is to create simplicity and immediacy in our
work, which may be appreciated without understanding the
technical background. we believe that technology is merely
a tool for converting and realizing our ideas, rather than
being the basis for them.»

pe lang and zimoun create works through reduction and

simplicity to attain a minimalist aesthetic. this aesthetic re-
aches the public in a direct and immediate way so as to
stimulate visitors into making their own discoveries through
the works.

as the individual spaces and their material constituents of-

ten form the basis for the works, most of the installations
untitled sound objects pe lang + zimoun

upcoming work: cube for 800 electro hub magnets and 50

sound transformers.

this project for a cube equipped with 800 electro hub ma-
gnets and 50 sound transformers has evolved from an in-
stallation shown in 2006 at the city gallery (stadtgalerie) in
bern, switzerland (see page 9/10). however, it differs from
the preceding project, which was conceived for a specific
room and its physical and resonance properties. because of
this, the cube can be transported, assembled and presented
anywhere. in addition, it allows for continued composition,
development and immersion over extended periods as a
unique instrument.

as a room within a room, the cube is assembled from 18

elements. besides their fundamental characteristics as a
construction kit, these elements feature ideal sound proper-
ties. in addition to the 800 individually activated electro hub
magnets, which are made to knock on their surface board
with metal pins, the whole cube can be made to vibrate and
produce sounds selectively, through 50 sound transformers
built into its walls.

the software and interface for monitoring and programming

of the electro hub magnets and the sound transformers are
built in max msp. construction of the cube was developed in
collaboration with the architect hannes zweifel.
untitled sound objects pe lang + zimoun

400 prepared vibrating motors.


photos: zimoun
400 prepared vibration motors.
prepared vibration motors.
untitled sound objects pe lang + zimoun

dc-motors and chains.


photos: zimoun
dc-motors and chains.
untitled sound objects pe lang + zimoun

swarms of autonomous vibration motors.


photos: zimoun
autonoumous vibration motors.
autonoumous vibration motors.
untitled sound objects pe lang + zimoun

8.1 surround sound system with 360º pivotal speakers.


these 8 individually controlled speakers can be pivoted by

360º around their own axis, controlled by highly sensitive
motors. this allows for movement of the sounds by physical
displacement of the speakers in the room, adding even more
options for surround effects. the choreographic possibilities
and allocation of the speakers thus offer further dimensions
for composition.

the concept and technology included in the system was de-

signed and developed by pe lang in the course of an «ar-
tist-in-lab» scholarship of the swiss federal office of culture
(FOS/BAK) and in collaboration with the swiss center for
electronics and microtechnology (CSEM).

photos: pe lang
360º pivotal speakers.
untitled sound objects pe lang + zimoun

250 electro hub magnets on floor, walls and ceiling. stadtga-

lerie, bern, switzerland, 2006.

reacting to electrical impulses, electromagnetic lifts tap

metal pins on the surfaces on which they are mounted. the
composition is based on algorithms which stem from inter-
acting organisms and organic structures of movement.

the algorithmic structures and behavior patterns create an

acoustic room that is on the one hand a static sound architec-
ture, and on the other a constantly changing environment
which develops acoustic patterns that are dependent on all
previous events. the installation is used as a sound source
as well as to continually evolve new acoustic spaces.

photo: tob
250 electro hub magnets on floor, walls and ceiling, 2006.
untitled sound objects pe lang + zimoun

transducers on iron plates. espacio menosuno, madrid,

spain, 2007.

white noise containing virtually all frequency ranges with

constant amplitude is transmitted to the individual iron plates
as acoustic impulses. the plates enhance its volume so that
it becomes clearly audible. the acoustic signals are recor-
ded by a microphone and then re-transmitted to the same
iron plate by the transducer. this procedure is repeated se-
veral times for each plate. as each of the plates is particu-
larly receptive to certain frequencies, the individual sound of
each plate becomes more distinct with each repetition of the
acoustic signal transmission. this allows the determination
of the individual resonance of each iron plate, which then
forms the basis for the sound composition.

photo: tob
transducers on iron plates, 2007.
untitled sound objects pe lang + zimoun

4 transducers on iron plate 1.2 x 2.4m.

die schachtel milano italy, 2007.

photos: luc gramsci

transducers on iron plate, 2007.
untitled sound objects pe lang + zimoun

materials on vibrating glass plates. stadtgalerie bern swit-

zerland, 2006.

vibrating motors cause glass plates, on which various ma-

terials are placed, to oscillate. the vibrations move the ma-
terials, and the friction caused by this generates sounds,
which are amplified via contact microphones and modified
through DSP (digital signal processing). using a multiple
channel speaker system, amplified sounds are projected
and reassembled into a new sound architectures. the glass
plates are equipped with cameras which project images of
the vibrating materials live through several projectors.

photos: manuel burgener / pe lang / zimoun

materials on vibrating glass plates, 2006.
materials on vibrating glass plates, 2006.
sound source duroplastic plastics on vibrating glass plates.
vibration motor attached to glass plate.
untitled sound objects pe lang + zimoun

electromagnets on iron slabs. volksystem, toulouse, france,


metallic rods are made to vibrate by computer controlled

electromagnets. the vibrations are transferred to iron slabs
and thus made to sound. by varying the speed at which the
electromagnets are switched on and off, the proper vibra-
tions of the metal slabs, which define the basis of the com-
positions, are established.

photo: yoko hisho

electromagnets on iron slabs, 2006.
untitled sound objects pe lang + zimoun

vibrating motors on transparent architect’s papers. leer-

raum, bern, switzerland, 2006.

vibrating motors agitate individual sheets of transparent pa-

per to create sounds. the frequencies (speed) of the vibra-
tions shift in slow cycles which move towards each other.

photo: andrej marffy

vibrating motors on transparent architect‘s papers, 2006.
untitled sound objects pe lang + zimoun

robots knocking on a display window. marks blond gallery,

bern, switzerland, 2005.

the entire window display of the art room is filled with sim-
ple robots standing next to one another. sensors register
whether and at what distance someone is standing in front
of the display. as soon as the sensors detect someone, the
robots knock on the window display. the further away the
person is, the more hesitantly and infrequently the knocks
occur; the nearer the person comes, the more the knocks
are intensified and accelerated, until – when the person is
right in front – the machinery is running at high speed, thus
weaving a dense carpet of rhythms. the window itself, but
also the parts knocking on it, are slightly manipulated to
cause a wide variety of different, interweaving sounds in a
small space. through subtle inaccuracies and constant slight
variations of the robots, the installation appears to become
organic and alive.

photo: zimoun
robots knoking on a display window, 2005.
untitled sound objects pe lang + zimoun

32 and 64 electro hub magnets on wooden plinth in 2 per-

spex cubes. intersonar, freiburg, germany, 2006.

photos: ferit kuyas

electro hub magnets on wooden plinth in perspex cube, 2006.
electro hub magnets on wooden plinth in perspex cube, 2006.
untitled sound objects pe lang + zimoun

16 electro hub magnets on spiral staircase. kunstraum, aar-

au, switzerland, 2005

16 electromagnets are distributed along a spiral staircase.

each magnet knocks at an individual, regular pulse. the va-
rious pulses are conceived within the same basic grid, i.e.,
each pulse is in a distinct relationship to the others. located
at a specific place on the stairs, the nearest electromagnet
is the one perceived to be the loudest. therefore, this pulse
is registered as the base meter, and the other pulses are
perceived as patterns arranged to this base meter. as the
person moves around on the staircase, the rhythms, their
interactions and meters shift and change.

photos: tanja tamos

electro hub magnets on spiral staircase, 2005.

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