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Deloitte Tip-offs Anonymous,

In India, we have a situation of normalization of corruption and I am affected by institutional

corruption of my own employer insurance company. My basic issue that remains stagnant for the
last 12 years remains as:-

1 Who is involved The New India Assurance Co. Ltd, (NIACL) head office
Mumbai ,it’s present chairman Mr. Atul Sahai , (he
informed in one of the replies that there is no existence of
Hindi Translator (contrary to vigilance findings)
2 What they have done They continue to protect the well known officials of
doubtful integrity and they continue to distort
facts,oppose my basic access to information with
unlimited public money at their disposal
What they have specifically done

February 1988 to June I was a Hindi Translator without during my 19 and half years
2007 stigma services with law of equal
opportunities of promotion
June 2007 A transfer order is issued under The competent high court
presumption that I was assistant grants stay orders pending my
writ petition that I was never
promoted during last 19 years
Memorandum insists I
23 February 2008 A frivolous memorandum of 12 repeatedly left headquarter but
February 2008 alleges the only no specific date is mentioned
grave charge as that of leaving I submit a provisional reply
headquarters demanding the same in
English (never replied till
April 2008 I am forcefully isolated forced about 10 employees facing
under suspension however corruption charges are not

April 2008 Sensing mischief I complain to The Central vigilance

appropriate authority of India Commission(CVC) issues an
empowered to take cognizance as office memorandum directing
per the whistle blower protection the Chief vigilance Officer
law (CVO)of NIACL to ensure
that no harassment is caused
to me in any manner
CVO mischievously
January 2009 NIACL CVO replies to CVC she suppressed information that
mentions three times that Mr. Soni my legal case for promotion
is a Hindi Translator was pending in the high court
November 2009 a dismissal order is issued, no Most of my provident fund
mention of Hindi Translator and entire gratuity is
forefeited/illegally deducted
June 2011 The chairman of NIACL issues an Within 2 months the issuing
order transferring me about 500 authority of said order, Mr.
KM and imposes lesser penalties Ramdoss faces charges of
of two increments deductions and corruption
no wages in-between

Well known international Practice as rampant in the No.1

standards health insurers The New India
Assurance Co. Ltd in particular
Doubtful integrity Someone accused of financial With intent of permanently
misconduct, that is, theft, destroying the career of an honest
embezzlement, abuse of public employee, my integrity was
Is a distorted term in the health
money, extortion is accused of pronounced as questionable during
insurance of India; the bribe
having doubtful integrity; February 2008 (when I was having
takers remain well paid and
two decades services without
duly protected; the honest one
is isolated with destruction of
career The act of Mr. ShriGopal Soni
leaving headquarters
repeatedly without permission
of competent authority
amounts to his gross (grave)
violation of the Company rules
my employer had about 10
doubtful integrity employees which is not expected from a
during the period of my public servant (company
victimization in the name of personnel). It is clear from the
discipline but none of them aforesaid that Mr. soni did not
were placed under suspension observe honesty and integrity
to his duties and he acted
against the image of a public
servant & under prejudice to
the interests of the company
and thus violated rules…and
committed misconduct under
Rules of General insurance
Conduct Discipline & Appeal
Rules,1975. Date: 13.02.2008
Place Jaipur (B. P. Yadav) Manager
3. and 4. When and where It It happened in various places; About half million Rs. spent by
2010 to 2013 (four year Mumbai, Jaipur etc :- The NIACL insurance company though the CIC
authoritarian activism) officials made huge money for had called the NIACL to attend
themselves in the guise of in- video conference
person defending the
company’s in various hearings
of Central Information
commission (CIC, India’s
freedom of Information
5. How it happened
a. The regional office S. S. Hira,salary No. 15287 in his second appeal against the Central
incharge Jaipur NIACL is official capacity of chief Govt. was personally heard on 3
so motivated by my regional manager of NIACL, January 2011 by Central
Freedom of Information sought information from Information
applications that he central board of direct taxes on Commission (Appeal
himself debbles in 13.10.2009 No.CIC/LS/A/2010/001130DS
writing an application
; he earned promotions
because of his activisim
S. S. Hira,salary No. 15287 was The aforesaid S.S. Hira did not The aforesaid S.S. Hira dismissed
promoted as Dey. General interfere despite my complaints my appeal (s)despite hateful
Manager of NIACL of biased enquiry proceedings (e.g. obscene
observations were made against
my working wife though she has
nothing to do with NIACL)
b. The general managers Appeal No. 029/2009 Dated it is noted that the appellant is not
of NIACL incite hateful 25th June 2009 regarding RTI interested in any genuine
rhetorics against me information but is merely making
an attempt to subvert the
mechanism of the Act for no public
c. Are the corrupt one’s Yes, the general manager who
well paid in NIACL writes the above (b.) was
himself seen in the company of
an alleged bribe taker at jaipur
dated 20 July 2012

From:- Shri Gopal Soni, C-231, Panchsheel Nagar, Ajmer-305004 (India) 91-
9414982395 Wed, Dec 26,
Secondary Email <>
To: Revribhav <>
Dear Writer, Please provide a detailed description of what it is that you wish to report. We need
to know who is involved, what they have done, when it happened, where it happened and how it
happened. Kind regards, Deloitte Tip-offs Anonymous
Central Vigilance Commission, New Delhi-(India).

Please find the attached reply; originally addressed to Deloitte Tip-offs Anonymous,

Mr. Harichand, the then in- charge of the New

India Assurance Co. Ltd, Divisional office Ajmer
indulged in deliberate obscene remarks ,on
the official letter head of the insurance
company, dt. 26.03.2008 ,part of the exhibits
against the complainant ,on the basis of which
he suffers consequences of dismissal. It was an
act of spreading obscenity against the family of
a workplace colleague, Mr. Harichand writes:-
“It is surprising fact that the wife of Mr.
Soni is not following the Hindu Family
Traditions as she is comfortable away from
her sick husband deliberately leaving the
children with him though it is apparent from his
letter there is no one else taking care of him”
Mr Harichand is rewarded with promotions as per
last info he was a regional in-charge.

Regards, 26/12/2018

Shrigopal Soni ,C231,Panchsheel Nagar,Ajmer-305004

Cell No. 91-9414982395
ANNEXURE from ShriGopal Soni HO/VIG/2009 CF NO.5387/123

DeepaBajwa, Director Central Vigilance Commission,

Satarkata Bhavan, Block –A ,GPA Complex, INA ,NEW DELHI-110 023'

We acknowledge receipt of Commission's OM reference No, Conf/1463/08

dated 29.4,2008 in connection with the grievances of Mr.Soni, Hindi
Translator. The gist of the complaint preferred by him are as under :

1. Mr.Soni has contended that the Divisional Office has made a false allegation about
not responding to their repeated reminders in connection with his medi-claim.

2. He also made a complaint that in spite of being Senior most employee in the DO, he
was deprived of the functions of Cashier on the pretext that it was refused by him

3. He also alleges that unnecessarily he has been issued charge sheet for his sick leave
though sufficient balance was to his credit.

On the basis of various allegations made by Mr.Soni, we had asked our VQ to invcstigate
the matter and report to us. Accordingly the matter was invcstigaied by our VO. On
perusal of his report, we offer our para-wise comments on the various points raised by
Mr.Soni and the same are as under ;

1. Mr. Soni is our employee, working as Hindi Translator at Ajmer DO. He

submitted Medi claim bills to Div. Office. As some additional information was required
for his claim, letters for compliance were sent to Mr.Soni advising him to comply with
the requirements. However Mr.Soni denied having received any such communication,
delay is therefore caused due to non compliance on the part of Mr.Soni.

2.Divisional Manager, clarified that Mr. Soni is appointed specially as

Hindi Translator and therefore the job of cashier was not allotted to him. Moreover,
as he was already transferred to Gulabpura branch from Ajmer Div, Office, the question
of assigning him with the function of cashier's job at DO does not arise.

3. Mr. Soni, was issued a Memorandum dated 13.2.2008,for his acts of unauthorized
absence, insubordination, leaving head quarter without permission of the superior and
for tamping with the medical certificate. A departmental inquiry was been instituted to
look into the charges framed against him.

In view of the findings of the VO it will be seen that the allegation made by Mr. Soni are
baseless and do not have vigilance angle. Therefore we are closing the case from
vigilance angle. This is for your information please.

Yours faithfully, (GOPA RAY) GM & CVO


Smt. Gopa Ray has jointed as CVO of our Company on 4th April 2005 on deputation from
LIC of India.Smt Ray Joined LIC of India in 1977. Her motto is pro-activity,strict financial
discipline and preventive approach to vigilance.,which should be encouraged as values
and ethics in work culture are imbibled by each and every employee of this esteemed
institution.( Excerpts From in-house Magazine of NIACL Page 20,VISION )
The statement of CVO ,NIACL informing 3 times to the CVC that applicant is a Hindi
Translator remains misleading even after a decade as another department of NIACL is
emphatic that there is neither any existence of Hindi Translator nor is there any pending
matter of revival of the post.


No. CONF/1463/08-9639

Governement of India

Central Vigilance Commission

Satarkata Bhavan,Block A

GPO Complex,INA

New Delhi 110023 Dated 29/4/2008


A copy of the complaint received in the Commission under “Public

Interest disclosure and protection of Informer” is enclosed for necessary

2. It is further stated that as the complaint has been made under the said
resolution,the identity of the complainant has been kept secret.Therefore
this is not to be treated as an anonymous complaint. If the identity of the
complainant gets revealed at any time,the same may be kept secret.

3. Further in case,it gets revealed,it may be ensured that no harassment is

to be caused to the complainant in any manner.

4. The receipt of this OM may be acknowledged.


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