De1 Answer Key

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Unit 1 - People

1 6

1  ave
h 1 Have
2 have 2 Has
3 has 3 Have
4 has 4 Have
5 has 5 Has
6 have 6 Have

2 7

1 ‘s 1 Has she got

2 ‘ve 2 Has he got
3 ‘ve 3 Have you got
4 ‘s 4 Have they got
5 ‘ve 5 Have we got
6 ‘ve 6 Have I got

3 8

1  asn’t
h 1 Have you got a cat? No, I haven’t.
2 haven’t 2 Has Fiz got orange eyes? Yes, he has.
3 hasn’t 3 Has Granny got a website? No, she hasn’t.
4 haven’t 4 Have we got a new camera? Yes, we have.
5 haven’t 5 Have Gemma and Monica got a white dog?
6 hasn’t No, they haven’t.
6 Have you got a favourite website? Yes, I have.
1  as got
2 hasn’t got 1 My cat’s name is Bandit.
3 has got 2 This is Bandit’s toy.
4 has got 3 Kit’s English book is red.
5 hasn’t got 4 Fiz is Kit’s new friend.
6 has got 5 Cola is Felix’s favourite drink.
7 hasn’t got 6 Gemma is Monica’s friend.
8 has got
1 Henry’s
1 h asn’t got 2 Mia’s
2 has got 3 Jenny’s
3 haven’t got 4 Henry’s
4 ‘ve got or have got 5 Mia’s
5 has got 6 Jenny’s
6 haven’t got

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Unit 2 - Homes
1 6

1 There’s 1 is
2 There are 2 Yes
3 There’s 3 any
4 There are 4 are
5 There are 5 Are
6 There’s 6 aren’t
7 there
2 8 isn’t

1 isn’t 7
2 aren’t
3 isn’t 1 Is there a TV in the living room? Yes, there is.
4 aren’t 2 Are there any books in the kitchen? Yes, there are.
5 aren’t 3 Is there a fridge in the bedroom? No, there isn’t.
6 isn’t 4 Are there any towels in the beach bag? No there
3 5 Are there any ghosts in the attic? Yes, there are.
6 Is there a bath in the bathroom? Yes, there is.
2 some 8
3 any
4 some 1 under
5 a 2 next to
6 any 3 behind
4 in
4 5 on

1  re some
a 9
2 is a
3 aren’t any 1 in
4 isn’t a 2 in
5 aren’t any 3 next to
6 is a 4 on
5 behind
5 6 under

1 Are 10
2 Is
3 Is 1 Be good
4 Are 2 Stay there
5 Is 3 Don’t touch
6 Are 4 Sit down
5 Close the window
6 Hurry up

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Unit 3 - Animals
1 7

1 tiger 1  es, she can.

2 parrot 2 No, he can’t.
3 shark 3 No, they can’t.
4 bat 4 No, he can’t.
5 monkey 5 Yes, they can.
6 elephant 6 Yes, he can.

2 8

Your own answers. 1 Can

2 can
3 3 Yes
4 can’t
1 c an’t 5 water ski
2 can 6 No
3 can
4 can’t 9
5 can’t
6 can 1 My dad can take nice photos.
2 Granny can’t swim.
4 3 Can Elephants fly?
4 Can you play the guitar? Yes, I can.
1  onkeys can’t fly but bats can.
M 5 Can dolphins climb? No, they can’t.
2 Sharks can swim but giraffes can’t. 6 What can you do? I can swim and I can dance.
3 My baby sister can’t speak English but I can.
4 Beyonce can sing but I can’t. 10
5 Elephants can’t jump but tigers can.
6 Orlando Bloom can’t speak Polish but I can. 1 I can’t sing.
2 Kit can water ski.
5 3 Can monkeys run?
4 My uncle can understand Russian.
1 E 5 Can dogs see colours?
2 F 6 Turtles can’t fly.
3 A
4 C
5 D
6 B

1  an Fiz sing?
2 Can Monica paint?
3 Can elephants fly?
4 Can you say ‘hello’ in Greek?
5 Can Mum and Dad dance?
6 Can your cousin water ski?

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Unit 4 - My life
1 6

1 I 1 works
2 She 2 goes
3 They 3 finishes
4 The film 4 don’t have
5 He 5 sleeps
6 She 6 doesn’t like

2 7

1  ets up
g 1 Where do you live? F
2 watch 2 What time does your mum get up? D
3 studies 3 Does their dog sleep on the bed? B
4 eat 4 What time does your teacher start school? E
5 play 5 Do you eat bats legs? A
6 meet 6 What do you eat for lunch? C

3 8

1  oesn’t
d 1  es, I do.
2 don’t 2 No, she doesn’t.
3 doesn’t 3 Yes, he does.
4 doesn’t 4 No, they don’t.
5 don’t 5 Yes, she does.
6 don’t 6 No, we don’t.

4 9

1  nna doesn’t meet her friends at the weekend.

A 1 Do you have lunch at school?
2 I don’t go to bed at 10 o’clock. 2 Jenny watches television in the evening.
3 Emily doesn’t have dinner at her grandma’s house. 3 They don’t have breakfast.
4 We don’t finish school at 2 o’clock on Fridays. 4 Does she study Italian?
5 Jack doesn’t walk to school on Tuesdays. 5 What time do you have dinner?
6 They don’t have cereal for breakfast. 6 We don’t get up early.

5 10

1  oes
D 1 I don’t go to school by bus.
2 Do 2 Does Grandma go to bed early?
3 Do 3 My sister likes the beach.
4 Do 4 Where do they live?
5 Does 5 We don’t play football.
6 Do 6 Do you live in England?

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Unit 5 - Sport
1 6

1  hen
W 1 She hates walking to school.
2 What 2 I love going skateboarding.
3 Who 3 My Mum and I like going shopping.
4 Where 4 Harry hates playing basketball.
5 Who 5 They like doing homework.
6 When 6 You don’t like dancing.

2 7

1  here
W 1  es, I do
2 What 2 No he doesn’t.
3 When 3 No, they don’t.
4 Who 4 Yes, she does.
5 What 5 Yes, they do.
6 Where 6 No, she doesn’t.

3 8

1  hat is her favourite sport?

W 1 like, hate
2 When do you go swimming? 2 doing, playing
3 Who is that? 3 Does, loves
4 Where do they go cycling? 4 don’t, going
5 What do you do on Saturday? 5 What, football
6 Where does he go windsurfing? 6 doesn’t, Do

4 9

1 r unning 1 He
2 swimming 2 I
3 dancing 3 us
4 riding 4 it
5 living 5 her
6 climbing 6 it

5 10

1  oesn’t
d 1 it
2 hates 2 her
3 don’t 3 them
4 love 4 us
5 don’t 5 him
6 like 6 me

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Unit 6 - Detectives
1 6

1 7
2 1 Are
2 8 2 Is
3 5 3 Are
4 1 4 Are
5 4 5 Am
6 0 6 Is

2 7

1  re
a 1 she isn’t
2 is 2 I am
3 are 3 they aren’t
4 are 4 he is
5 is 5 I’m not
6 am 6 it is

3 8

1  ren’t
a 1 Are you wearing a coat? No, I aren’t. `m not
2 isn’t 2 Is she wear sunglasses today? wearing
3 isn’t 3 What are they do at the moment? doing
4 aren’t 4 Is you following me? Are
5 ‘m not 5 We isn’t running. aren’t
6 aren’t 6 Are you studying English now? Yes, I’m. I am

4 9

1 isn’t, ‘s 1 Is Marta wearing a jumper? No, she isn’t.

2 ‘m not, ‘m 2 Is Tim watching the football match? Yes, he is.
3 aren’t, ‘re 3 Are we sitting here? No, we aren’t.
4 aren’t, ‘re 4 Are Mum and Dad sleeping on the sofa? Yes, they are.
5 isn’t, ‘s 5 Are you talking to me? No, I’m not.
6 aren’t, ‘re 6 Am I learning English? Yes, I am.

2 B
3 D
4  A
5 F
6 E

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Unit 7 - Celebrations
1 7

1  lways
a 1 I’m not watching TV now.
2 usually 2 Ryan doesn’t wear a coat in summer.
3 often 3 Ellie isn’t dancing at the moment.
4 sometimes 4 We don’t usually eat pizza at home.
5 never 5 You aren’t listening to me now.
6 They don’t have a favourite celebration.
Your own answers
1 don’t
3 2 isn’t
3 doesn’t
1 M y sister always listens to pop music. 4 aren’t
2 We are never late for parties. 5 don’t
3 I usually see my Granny at Christmas. 6 aren’t
4 G race often watches football matches on TV.
5 I sometimes read books about detectives. 9
6 My family and I are usually at home for New Year.
1 Do you often go to parties? E
2 Are we watching a film now? A
3 Does Jill always go shopping on Saturdays? C
1  sually
u 4 Is Uncle Frank wearing funny socks today? B
2 sometimes 5 Are your sisters dancing now? F
3 never 6 Does your Granddad always give you chocolate? D
4 often
5 sometimes 10
6 often
7 usually 1 I sometimes wear boots.
8 never 2 Do you always have a birthday party?
3 He is often late for school.
4 Look! The dog is eating your ice cream.
5 I don’t wear a hat in the house.
1  at
e 6 Is she playing basketball? No, she isn’t.
2 is cooking
3 listens
4 are looking
5 is writing
6 celebrate

1 is having
2 watches
3 is doing
4 eat
5 am looking
6 go

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Unit 8 - School
1 6

1  as
w 1 was
2 were 2 started
3 was 3 were
4 was 4 didn’t go
5 were 5 listened
6 were 6 didn’t dance

2 7

1 I wasn’t at the park 1 didn’t listen

2 We weren’t late for school 2 didn’t walk
3 it wasn’t my dogs birthday 3 didn’t stay
4 wasn’t a good day 4 didn’t write
5 Bethany and Adam weren’t in the same class 5 didn’t say
6 You weren’t at band practice 6 didn’t watch

3 8

1  ere
W A 1 What did you have for breakfast?
2 Was F 2 Did they do experiments?
3 Was B 3 Did she like her drink?
4 Were E 4 What did he say?
5 Was D 5 Did it snow last night?
6 Were C 6 Did they visit their aunt?

4 9

1 W ere you late? Yes, I was. 1 Was it cold in the cinema?

2 Was her dress black? No it wasn’t. 2 What was the first lesson yesterday?
3 Was Samantha at your house on Friday? 3 Laura didn’t walk to school.
No, she wasn’t. 4 Did Joe like the party? Yes, he did.
4 Was P.E. fun yesterday? Yes, it was. 5 What did you study last week?
5 Were your chips hot? Yes, they were. 6 They didn’t go horse riding last weekend.
6 Were his parents angry? No, they weren’t.
1 Did Daisy like her holiday in Spain? No, she didn’t.
1 s houted 2 Did you remember your granny’s birthday?
2 watched Yes, I did.
3 stopped 3 Did Phillip finish his homework? Yes, he did.
4 studied 4 Did Elizabeth and Jamie say hello? No, they didn’t.
5 liked 5 Did they go skateboarding on Saturday?
6 listened Yes, they did.
6 Did it rain last week? No, it didn’t.

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Unit 9 - Entertainment
1 6

Present Simple Past Simple regular verbs

w t o o k h
are were 1 studied
a h l a
2 loved
come came s t u d i e d
3 watched
go went
l a c r k 4 hurried
have had
o w h r w e n t 5 liked
is was
v e i d irregular verbs
meet met
e d e 6 took
see saw
d d w a s 7 went
take took
8 was
9 saw
2 7 10 had

1 s aw 1 went
2 went 2 saw
3 met 3 loved/liked
4 had 4 had
5 was 5 took
6 came 6 hurried

3 8
1  as
w 1 Where did you go yesterday?
2 took 2 What did you see?
3 were 3 Did you like it?
4 went 4 Did you have fun?
5 was 5 How many photos did you take?
6 saw 6 Why did you hurry back to school?

4 9
1  e didn’t see a funny musical yesterday.
W 1 What time did you watch the programme?
2 He didn’t go to the theatre yesterday. 2 Where did you meet your friends?
3 They didn’t meet at the cinema last night. 3 What time did they have lunch yesterday?
4 We didn’t have dinner together on Friday. 4 When did he come back home?
5 I wasn’t at school on Monday. 5 Why did she go to the concert?
6 She didn’t come to me at five. 6 How many films did you see at the festival?

5 10
1 I didn’t come late yesterday. A It wasn’t very late. About 5 p.m. – 1
2 We didn’t see the new film last week. B Very late and I was really worried. – 4
3 He met a nice girl on holiday. C Outside the cinema. – 2
4 She didn’t take sweets to the cinema. D All of them! – 6
5 The film was about two friends. E Because she loves rap music. – 5
6 They didn’t meet at school yesterday. F Early, because they were very hungry. – 3

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Unit 10 - Adventure
1 7

1  ast simple
p 1 No, she isn’t.
2 present continuous 2 Yes, she is.
3 present simple 3 No, they aren’t.
4 past simple 4 Yes, they are.
5 present simple 5 No, he isn’t.
6 present continuous 6 No, they aren’t.

2 8

present 1 No, he didn’t.

present simple past simple 2 No, it wasn’t.
sometimes today 2 days ago 3 No, they didn’t.
usually at the moment last week 4 Yes, they were.
often now yesterday 5 No, he didn’t.
6 Yes, it was.

1 a re 4 h ave
1 was 7 was
2 comes 5 makes
2 went 8 had
3 is 6 doesn’t go
3 had 9 am not feeling
4 loves 10 is studying
5 don’t like 11 am staying
1 ’m not going 6 was 12 am watching
2 am camping
3 aren’t sleeping 10
4 are staying
1 Do you want to go canoeing with me?
5 is making
 Yes, I do.
6 are looking
I want to go canoeing with you.
2 Does he want to go rock climbing with her?
 Yes, he does.
He wants to go rock climbing with her.
1 w ent 4 w ere
3.Do they want to go hiking with Ali?
2 was 5 didn’t like
 No, they don’t.
3 went 6 was
They don’t want to go hiking with Ali.
4 Does she want to go mountain-climbing?
 No, she doesn’t.
1  es, he does.
Y She doesn’t want to go mountain-climbing.
2 No, they aren’t. 5 Do you want to go camping with Ben?
3 No, he doesn’t.  No, I don’t.
4 Yes, he is. I don’t want to go camping with Ben.
5 Yes, she does. 6 Does your mum want to go swimming?
6 No, he doesn’t.  Yes, she does.
My mum wants to go swimming.

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