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Journal of Environmental Management 217 (2018) 668e676

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Research article

Efficient co-conversion process of chicken manure into protein feed

and organic fertilizer by Hermetia illucens L. (Diptera: Stratiomyidae)
larvae and functional bacteria
Xiaopeng Xiao a, Lorenzo Mazza a, b, Yongqiang Yu a, Minmin Cai a, Longyu Zheng a,
Jeffery K. Tomberlin c, Jeffrey Yu d, Arnold van Huis e, Ziniu Yu a, Salvatore Fasulo b,
Jibin Zhang a, *
State Key Laboratory of Agricultural Microbiology, National Engineering Research Center of Microbial Pesticides, College of Life Science and Technology,
Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, 430070, PR China
University of Messina, Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences, Via F. Stagno D'Alcontres n.31, 98166 Messina,
Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University, USA
Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science, University of North Texas 1155 Union Circle #311070, Denton, TX 76203-5017, USA
Laboratory of Entomology, Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A chicken manure management process was carried out through co-conversion of Hermetia illucens L.
Received 28 December 2017 larvae (BSFL) with functional bacteria for producing larvae as feed stuff and organic fertilizer. Thirteen
Received in revised form days co-conversion of 1000 kg of chicken manure inoculated with one million 6-day-old BSFL and
17 March 2018
109 CFU Bacillus subtilis BSF-CL produced aging larvae, followed by eleven days of aerobic fermentation
Accepted 29 March 2018
inoculated with the decomposing agent to maturity. 93.2 kg of fresh larvae were harvested from the
B. subtilis BSF-CL-inoculated group, while the control group only harvested 80.4 kg of fresh larvae.
Chicken manure reduction rate of the B. subtilis BSF-CL-inoculated group was 40.5%, while chicken
Hermetia illucens L. larvae
manure reduction rate of the control group was 35.8%. The weight of BSFL increased by 15.9%, BSFL
Functional bacteria conversion rate increased by 12.7%, and chicken manure reduction rate increased by 13.4% compared to
Chicken manure reduction rate the control (no B. subtilis BSF-CL). The residue inoculated with decomposing agent had higher maturity
Feed stuff (germination index >92%), compared with the no decomposing agent group (germination index ~86%).
Organic fertilizer The activity patterns of different enzymes further indicated that its production was more mature and
Waste management stable than that of the no decomposing agent group. Physical and chemical production parameters
showed that the residue inoculated with the decomposing agent was more suitable for organic fertilizer
than the no decomposing agent group. Both, the co-conversion of chicken manure by BSFL with its
synergistic bacteria and the aerobic fermentation with the decomposing agent required only 24 days. The
results demonstrate that co-conversion process could shorten the processing time of chicken manure
compared to traditional compost process. Gut bacteria could enhance manure conversion and manure
reduction. We established efficient manure co-conversion process by black soldier fly and bacteria and
harvest high value-added larvae mass and biofertilizer.
© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction of chicken manure have been produced. Chicken manure is rich in

readily biodegradable organic matter, nutrients, and pathogens.
Chicken production has increased due to the increasing demand However, if poorly managed, chicken manure can become an
for meat and eggs (Nie et al., 2015). Subsequently, massive amounts important source of pollution (Wang et al., 2014; Nie et al., 2015).
Manure is traditionally composted to kill pathogens and fertilize
crops (Guerrini et al., 2017; Abreu-Junior et al., 2017). However, the
* Corresponding author.
low C/N ratio, high moisture content, nasty odor, long decompo-
E-mail address: (J. Zhang). sition period, nutrient loss, and the formation of phytotoxic
0301-4797/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
X. Xiao et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 217 (2018) 668e676 669

compounds have become challenges for current composting the bran residue by sieve (2.00 mm).
methods (Chang and Chen, 2010; Wang et al., 2013). Bulking agents, Chicken manure was collected from a poultry farm located in
such as sawdust and rice chaff, are usually added to manure com- Wuhan ChaoTuo Ecology Agricultural Ltd. (Wuhan, Hubei, China).
posts to reduce moisture and to achieve a suitable C/N ratio. The water content of chicken manure was 76%.
However, these bulking agents have become increasingly expensive Bacillus subtilis BSF-CL strain was isolated from the guts of
for composting as they are used as alternative energy resources surface-disinfected larvae. The bacteria of the decomposing agent
(Chang and Chen, 2010; Zhu et al., 2012). For that reason, alterna- (Bacillus methylotrophicus DF07H, B. subtilis DF04H, B. subtilis RX07,
tive means to convert chicken manure into fertilizer production B. amyloliquefaciens RX01, Pseudomonas pachastrellae D-61;
should be explored. 1:2:1:1:2) were isolated from the thermophilic phase of chicken
Many insects efficiently degrade organic waste into nutrients manure composting. Previous studies had shown that B. subtilis
(Zheng et al., 2012; Ci ckova et al., 2015). Hermetia illucens L. BSF-CL strain was the optimal one of seven strains gut bacteria on
(Diptera: Stratiomyidae), also known as black soldier fly (BSF), live BSFL weight gain rate and manure residue rate (Zhang, 2014), and
outdoors and is often associated with livestock (Li et al., 2011). BSF the decomposing agent was the optimal one of four group agents
can be found in decaying organic wastes, such as animal manure on promoting chicken manure maturity (Wang, 2013).
and plant material, and exhibits antimicrobial peptide activity All bacterial colonies grown on petrie dish with Luria-Bertani
against pathogens in those wastes (Liu et al., 2008; Lalander et al., (LB) agar medium (tryptone 10 g L1, yeast extract 5 g L1, NaCl
2015; Elhag et al., 2017). BSF not only reduces the accumulation of 10 g L1, agar 18 g L1, distilled water 1000 mL) were suspended in
manure and the nasty smell, it also inhibits the proliferation of 100 mL of LB liquid medium (tryptone 10 g L1, yeast extract 5 g L1,
house flies (Zheng et al., 2013). These processes greatly reduce NaCl 10 g L1, distilled water 1000 mL) and left under stirring for
environmental impact caused by livestock manure. Zhou et al. 36 h at 28  C, respectively. After 36 h, each bacterium was washed
(2013) found that black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) of the Wuhan three times with phosphate-buffered saline for 15 s at 8000 r
strain weighed 14.4e37.0% more than the BSFL Guanghzhou strain min1, and eventually suspended in 30 mL of sterile water, until a
and BSFL Texas strain, respectively. The BSFL Wuhan strain reduced final concentration of 1  109 CFU mL1 was obtained.
dry matter 46.0% (swine), 40.1% (dairy), and 48.4% (chicken) more
than the Guangzhou strain and 6.9%, 7.2%, and 7.9% more than the 2.2. Co-conversion experiment design
Texas strain. Gut microbes play important roles in insect nutrition
and colonization resistance against invasion of exotic microbes The co-conversion experiment began by introducing one million
(Dong et al., 2009). Bacteria isolated from the BSFL gut can increase larva inocula and 1 L of B. subtilis BSF-CL (1  109 CFU mL1) to
the weight of prepupae and pupae, and shorten the number of days 1000 kg of fresh chicken manure in a cement pool
from hatching to the prepupal stage (Yu et al., 2011). Therefore, (3.0 m  4.0 m  0.2 m), namely larvae-inoculum-treated conver-
BSFL can be used as animal feed and for biodiesel production. The sion (LIC), in which the fresh chicken manure mixed with B. subtilis
residue of the organic waste is a suitable substrate for aerobic BSF-CL inoculum was flatly piled and the larvae was evenly inoc-
fermentation during composting (Li et al., 2015; Rehman et al., ulated into the surface of the fresh chicken manure for them to
2017). grow freely. Apart from LIC, one million larva inocula and 1 L of
Composting or aerobic fermentation accelerates the natural sterile water were inoculated into 1000 kg of fresh chicken manure
decomposition of organic debris by microorganisms (bacteria, ac- (LC) as control. Each treatment was performed in triplicate.
tinomycetes and fungi) under controlled environmental conditions. Samples weighting approximately 200 g were collected from
Inoculation at the appropriate time can promote organic waste ten points of each pool daily during the co-conversion experiment.
maturity and considerably shorten the period of decomposition All the samples were preserved at 20  C for subsequent analysis.
(Zeng et al., 2010; Jurado et al., 2015). However, not much is known
about the Insect-Bacteria-Manure digestion system in reducing 2.3. Aerobic fermentation design
manure pollution.
In this study, we tried to develop an efficient and high-value co- After 13 days of conversion, the aging larvae were isolated from
conversion technology of chicken manure by BSFL and bacteria in a the conversion system according to their aggregation characteris-
poultry farm. Our aim was to maximize BSFL harvest and waste tics. Six thousand kilograms chicken manure residue was collected
mass reduction by using synergistic bacteria in the first stage and following the way of LIC treatment and divided into six peak-
shorten the maturity time through inoculation with a decomposing shaped composts (with a bottom diameter of 2.4 m and a height
agent to promote aerobic fermentation in the second stage. of 1.0 m) on the ground in a rainproof workshop without walls.
Important process parameters were monitored such as changes in: Three piles, inoculated 1 L decomposing agent (1  109 CFU mL1)
the conversion rate by the larvae; the reduction rate of chicken per pile, were named decomposing agent-inoculum-treated pile
manure; physical and chemical properties; the occurrence of (DAITP). Another three piles with 1 L sterile water inoculated into
phytotoxicity, and the presence of microbial enzymes. manure residue were named water-treated pile (WP). The aerobic
fermentation process continued for 11 days, during which six
2. Material and methods composts were turned upside down every day.
Samples weighing approximately 200 g were collected from
2.1. Raw materials 40 cm below the surface of each pile daily during the aerobic
fermentation stage. All the samples were preserved at 20  C for
Hermetia illucens L. Wuhan strain larvae used in this study were the subsequent analysis.
bred at Wuhan ChaoTuo Ecology Agricultural Ltd. (30.090309 N,
114.349939 E, Wuhan, Hubei, China). The strain was collected and 2.4. Analytical method of physical and chemical properties
domesticated by our team in the State Key Laboratory of Agricul-
tural Microbiology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, During the co-conversion, temperature was measured daily
China (Zhou et al., 2013). Eggs were incubated in a greenhouse at using a 25 or 100 cm-long tubular alcohol thermometer (ZDR21,
28  C with 60%e70% relative humidity. For the first 6 days, the Hangzhou Zeda Equipment Co, Ltd. China), which was inserted into
larvae were fed with a diet based on bran, and then separated from three sites of each pool 4 cm below the surface or each pile 40 cm
670 X. Xiao et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 217 (2018) 668e676

below the surface. The moisture content and dry matter of the Table 1
subsamples were obtained by drying at 105  C in an oven for 12 h. Conversion effects during the co-conversion stage.

The pH values in 1:9 (w/v) sample suspensions were assessed in an Groups Material reduction BSFL conversion BSFL weight gain
electronic pH meter (Mettler-Toledo Instruments (Shanghai) Co. rate (%) rate (%) rate (%)
Ltd. Shanghai, China). Total phosphorus, total potassium, total LC 35.8 ± 1.1a 10.2 ± 0.1a 0
Kjeldahl nitrogen and total organic carbon were measured in LIC 40.5 ± 0.8a 11.5 ± 0.2b 15.9
accordance with the method of China National Standard for organic Results are all indicated as means ± SE. Means in the same row with different letters
fertilizer: NY525-2012 (Zhang et al., 2012). Sample-free blank are significantly different. (paired Student's t-test, n ¼ 3, P < 0.05).
controls were also analyzed to exclude background effects.

2.5. Analytical method of microbial enzyme activities increased by 15.9% compared to the LC group. The BSFL conversion
rate of the LIC group increased by 12.7% compared to the LC group
The assayed enzymes in all the samples collecting during the (P ¼ 0.031).
thirteen days co-conversion and eleven days aerobic fermentation The results of the co-conversion by BSFL and synergistic bacteria
included: catalases to reduce the accumulation of reactive oxygen indicated that fresh chicken manure co-converted by BSFL and
radicals; ureases involved in the peptide bond hydrolysis of organic B. subtilis BSF-CL inoculums, can rapidly decrease accumulated
matter and decomposition of urea into ammonia and carbon di- chicken manure. Also more mature larvae could be harvested as a
oxide; invertases relating to the levels of humus and water-soluble protein source. Sheppard et al. (1994) showed that black soldier fly
organic matter; and polyphenoloxidases relating to the level of larvae reduced manure by  50% in a facility housing 460 hens.
humification (Zhu et al., 2012). All the samples were analyzed in These differences may be due to different manure sources and
triplicate assays for the following microbial enzyme activities climatic conditions. However, as in the present study, B. subtilis BSF-
through the methods described by Zhu et al. (2012). Sample-free CL inoculums accelerated BSFL growth and reduced chicken
blank controls were also analyzed to exclude background effects. manure accumulation, while more larvae were harvested at the
same conditions. The harvested larvae are an available protein
2.6. Analytical method of phytotoxicity in samples source for production animals (Bosch et al., 2014) or biodiesel
(Zheng et al., 2012). These are emerging and environment-friendly
Chinese cabbage and rape seeds were used in the germination resources. The inoculated symbiotic bacteria maybe help insects to
experiments to assay the toxicity of the samples. All the samples digest non-digestible nutrients, provide nutrition that the black
were analyzed in triplicate assays for the following phytotoxicity soldier fly could not synthesize, and protect insects from predators,
analysis. Aqueous extracts were prepared by shaking 10% (w/v) parasitoids, and pathogens (Laughton et al., 2011; Douglas, 2015).
sample suspensions for 30 min at 180 r min1 and then subjected to Yu et al. (2011) demonstrated that inoculating poultry manure with
15 min standing and 10 min centrifugation at 6000 r min1. The bacteria from black soldier fly larvae influences the growth and
aliquot (5 mL) of each supernatant was poured into a Petri dish development of conspecific larvae feeding on the manure. Micro-
(9 cm diameter) with filter paper. Twenty seeds were evenly organisms enzymes, small molecules, and nutrients produced by
distributed into the Petri dish. The seeds were incubated for 3 days microorganisms are necessary for insects, thus insects can grow
at 25  C in the dark. Percent germination and mean root length in well and eat more waste. There is growing evidence that intestinal
each dish were then assessed. The same volume of distilled water bacteria are important beneficial partners of their metazoan hosts.
was used as control for seed germination. The ratios of percent Shin et al. (2011) showed that the pyrroloquinoline
germination or mean root length in each extract-inclusive dish over quinoneedependent alcohol dehydrogenase activity of a
those in the control were defined as relative germination rate (%) commensal bacterium, Acetobacter pomorum, modulates insulin/
and relative root growth (%), respectively. The product of the two insulin-like growth factor signaling in Drosophila to regulate host
ratios and 100% was defined as germination index (GI; Romero homeostatic programs controlling developmental rate, body size,
et al., 2013; Villar et al., 2016) for the phytotoxicity of a given energy metabolism, and intestinal stem cell activity. Storelli et al.
sample. The indexes can reflect the overall maturity of composting (2011) revealed that Lactobacillus plantarum, a commensal bacte-
materials (Ravindran et al., 2016). rium of the Drosophila intestine, promotes its host systemic growth
by modulating hormonal signals through TOR-dependent nutrient
2.7. Statistical analyses sensing. Yamada et al. (2015) showed that Issatchenkia orientalis
promotes Drosophila melanogaster amino acid harvest to rescue the
All the presented results are average values form triplicate ex- lifespan of undernourished flies. Hermetia illucens L. maybe have
periments. The results of all experiments were analyzed by paired the same or similar mechanism, however, the mechanism of in-
Student's t-test to determine the effect of inoculation during testinal bacteria (for example B. subtilis BSF-CL) that promotes BSFL
different stages. The maximum difference among the triplicate conversion requires further research. In the co-conversion phase,
results was 5%. The statistical analyses were performed in SPSS 22.0 nearly half of the accumulated chicken manure was consumed by
software. BSFL and bacteria. This method may be a feasible technique to solve
food, feed, energy, and environmental crises in the future.
3. Results and discussion
3.2. Physical and chemical parameter
3.1. The co-conversion by BSFL and synergistic bacteria
During the co-conversion phase, daily temperature increased
After 13 days co-conversion process, 93.2 kg of fresh larvae were rapidly in the group inoculated with larvae and B. subtilis BSF-CL
harvested from the LIC group, while the LC group only harvested strain on the third day (Fig. 1A). It was greater than the group
80.4 kg of fresh larvae. Chicken manure reduction rate of the LIC inoculated with larvae only. At the fourth to eighth day, the tem-
group was 40.5%, while chicken manure reduction rate of the LC perature of the LIC group was approximately 45  C. Its daily tem-
group was 35.8% (Table 1). The material reduction rate of LIC group perature then decreased steadily to 30  C. However, the daily
was greater than LC group by 13.3% (P ¼ 0.089). The weight of BSFL temperature of the LC group increased slowly, and the highest
X. Xiao et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 217 (2018) 668e676 671

Fig. 1. Changes of physical and chemical parameters of chicken manure in the conversion phase. B, Larvae-inoculum-treated. △, Only larvae treated,  , Ambient temperature.
(A) Daily temperature. (B) Moisture. (C) pH value. (D) Organic matter content. (E) Total nutrient content. Error bars: SE of the mean from three replicates (paired Student's t-test,
n ¼ 3, P < 0.05).

temperature was observed on the ninth day (43  C), and then maintained at 55e66  C during days three to eight. Then, the
decreased steadily to approximately 30  C (P ¼ 0.005). The ambient temperature decreased to the bottom and fluctuated at low levels
temperature was approximately 25  C during the conversion stage. after the 11th day. However, the daily temperature of the WP group
After 13 days of co-conversion, the manure residue became gran- increased relatively slow (P ¼ 0.186). It increased to 56  C on the
ular, and dark brown and its water content decreased. During the fifth day. Moreover, the temperature was maintained at 55e65  C
first eighth days, the moisture of the manure slowly decreased in during days 5e12. After 15 days of fermentation, the temperature
both treatments. After the eighth day of conversion, the moisture of decreased at its lowest level (Fig. 2A). The moisture content in the
the LIC group decreased significantly compared with that in the LC DAITP group decreased faster from the initial level by 24e25%
group (P < 0.001). The moisture of the LIC group decreased to 52.3% compared with that in the WP group (P < 0.001). The moisture
at the 12th day and remained stable. The LC group decreased to content of the WP group was maintained at 29e30% in the end
58.6% on the 13th day (Fig. 1B). The pH value trends of the treat- (Fig. 2B). The pH value of the DAITP group also increased faster at
ments were similar (P ¼ 0.132). The pH value of the LC group was days one to three. However, it decreased at the fifth day to remain
high before the fifth day of conversion, and then it decreased, with at 8.0e8.1. The pH value of the WP group was higher than that of
a value approximately 8.4 on the 13th day (Fig. 1C). The organic the DAITP group (P ¼ 0.001), and remained at 8.6e8.9 from days
matter content of the LIC group decreased by 13.2%, while that of 3e11 (Fig. 2C). The organic matter content of the DAITP group was
the LC group decreased by 8.8% (P ¼ 0.034, Fig. 1D). After 13 days lower than that of the WP group (P < 0.001). However, the values of
co-conversion, the total nutrient content of the LIC group was lower the two treatments were larger than 45% (Fig. 2D). The total
than the LC group (P < 0.001), but organic matter contents in both nutrient content of the DAITP group was also lower than that of the
groups were more than 8.8% (Fig. 1E). WP group (P < 0.001). Both groups remained at a steady state after
During the aerobic fermentation stage, the daily temperature of seven days of fermentation, and the nutrient values were more
the DAITP group increased rapidly from the initial temperature. than 9.2% after the aerobic fermentation stage (Fig. 2E). The C/N
Moreover, it increased to 56  C on the 3rd day. The temperature was ratio of DAITP group was also lower than that of the WP group
672 X. Xiao et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 217 (2018) 668e676

Fig. 2. Changes of physical and chemical parameters of residue in aerobic fermentation stage. B, Decomposing agent-inoculum-treated. △, water-treated.  , Ambient
temperature. (A) Daily temperature. (B) Moisture. (C) pH value. (D) Organic matter content. (E) Total nutrient content. (F) C/N. Error bars: SE of the mean from three replicates
(paired Student's t-test, n ¼ 3, P < 0.05).

(P ¼ 0.009). The C/N ratio of DAITP group decreased from 62.65% to indicated that they maintained a steady state, in agreement with
15.58%, While WP group decreased from 60.33% to 16.36% (Fig. 2F). the China National Standard for organic fertilizer: NY 525e2012.
Physical and chemical parameters are important for organic
fertilizers. Insect larvae, like BSFL and Musca domestica L. (Diptera: 3.3. Changes in the phytotoxicity
Muscidae) maggots, can efficiently convert organic waste to nu-
trients. However, the prepupae of BSF have the advantage that they In the germination experiments, the Chinese cabbage and rape
separate themselves from the organic waste residue. During co- seeds in the LIC group sample extracts started to germinate rapidly
conversion the physical and chemical parameters of organic after five days (Fig. 3A and B). After 13 days of co-conversion, the
waste changed and BSFL and bacteria metabolism led to an increase germination index (GI) of Chinese cabbage and rape seeds were
in manure temperature and release of ammonia. The temperature 66.6% and 70.5%, respectively. However, the Chinese cabbage and
was higher in the treatment without inoculation and also in the rape seeds in the LC group sample extracts both failed to germinate
treatment using M. domestica maggots (Zhu et al., 2012). Inoculant before day seven. And the GIs of both seeds were significantly lower
decomposition considerably shortened the aerobic fermentation than the LIC group (P < 0.001).
period to maturity by altering the physical and chemical parame- The Chinese cabbage seeds GI of the DAITP group increased
ters of chicken manure. The aerobic fermentation stage tempera- faster from the initial value of 66.2% to the final value of 92.3% than
ture maintained at 55e66  C for six consecutive days was sufficient that of the LP group (P < 0.001, Fig. 3C). The Chinese cabbage seeds
for pathogen elimination from the DAITP group. This because a GI of the WP group increased from 66.2% to 86.3% during the aer-
composting temperature exceeding 55  C for more than 3 days (Yu obic fermentation stage. This increase was also observed in the rape
et al., 2007) or 50  C for 8 consecutive days (Bao et al., 2010) was seeds GI (Fig. 3D). The GI of the DAITP group increased from 69.4%
recommended to disinfect animal and plant pathogens in waste at day one to 97.2% at day ten and remained stable, while the WP
materials. And we believe that BSFL antimicrobial peptides group increased from 69.4% to 87.0% in the same period (P < 0.001).
exhibited in organic wastes (Elhag et al., 2017) also is an extra At the end of the aerobic fermentation stage, the chicken manure
mortality factor for some pathogens. The other parameter results residue was completely decomposed (GI > 85%) in both treatments.
X. Xiao et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 217 (2018) 668e676 673

Fig. 3. GI trends of Chinese cabbage seeds (A, C) and Rape seeds (B, D) in the aqueous extracts of 10% sample suspensions. A and B: GI trends during conversion phase, B,
Larvae-inoculum-treated. △, Only larvae treated. C and D: GI trends during aerobic fermentation stage, B, Decomposing agent-inoculum-treated. △, water-treated. Error bars: SE
of the mean from three replicates (paired Student's t-test, n ¼ 3, P < 0.05).

Therefore, the residue can be used as organic fertilizer. group increased from 5549.5 mg NHþ 4 eN g
3 h1 to the peak
þ 1 1
Germination index is one of the commonly used parameters to 12,198.5 mg NH4 eN g 3 h three days from the start and became
indicate the maturity of the material (Zorpas et al., 2018). Chinese consistently undetectable from day seven onward. The LC group
cabbage seeds were more sensitive to the sample extracts, irre- delayed for two days compared with the LIC group (P ¼ 0.096,
spective of the LIC group or the LC group, than rape seeds. Zhu et al. Fig. 4C). The invertase activity in the LIC group decreased faster
(2012) reported that Chinese cabbage seeds were more sensitive to from an initial level of 270.9 (mL 0.1 M Na2S2O3g1 24 h1)
sample extracts than cucumber seeds. Given that a GI above 50% is compared with that in the LC group during the co-conversion stage
indicative of the maturity of composting (Ravindran et al., 2016); (P < 0.001, Fig. 4D).
the observations indicated that LIC was mature for the germination After 11 days of fermentation, enzymes activity further
of Chinese cabbage seeds (66.6%) and rape seeds (70.5%) on day 13. confirmed that the chicken manure residue reached maturity.
To our knowledge it was shown the first time to obtain so higher Catalase activity of the DAITP group increased faster than in the WP
maturity at so short time using insect and bacteria. Specifically, the group. Furthermore, the peak value of the DAITP group was
chicken manure residue reached prime maturity after co- significantly higher than the WP group. The value was lower than
conversion by BSFL and B. subtilis BSF-CL. Including the co- that of the WP group (P < 0.001, Fig. 5A). Polyphenoloxidase activity
conversion of BSFL and B. subtilis BSF-CL, and the aerobic fermen- of the DAITP group increased faster from the initial level to the peak
tation with decomposing agent, fresh chicken manure into organic than the WP group. Moreover, it also decreased faster from its
fertilizer only took 24 days. This process is more efficient than highest value to the lowest value than the WP group (P ¼ 0.811,
natural composting, and also more than other biological treatment Fig. 5B). Urease activity of the DAITP group increased from 267.1 mg
methods for organic waste (Table 2). Therefore, this process saves NHþ 4 eN g
3 h1 to the peak at 2719.8 mg NHþ 4 eN g
3 h1 on
more time, space, and labor. days one to three, but became consistently undetectable from day
five onward. Urease activity of the WP group increased from
3.4. Activity patterns of different enzymes 267.1 mg NHþ 4 eN g
3 h1 to the peak 2517.4 mg NHþ4 eN g
3 h1
three days from the start and became consistently undetectable
In order to further verify the stability of the residue, we moni- from day seven onward. It was delayed for two days in comparison
tored the microbial enzyme activity in the residue. Catalase activity with the DAITP group (P ¼ 0.148, Fig. 5C). Invertase activity of the
in the LIC group increased and then decreased during the co- DAITP group was lower than the WP group throughout the aerobic
conversion stage (Fig. 4A) earlier than that of the LC group, and fermentation stage. The peaks appeared on the third day, and then
the final value was lower than that of the LC group (P ¼ 0.118). decreased to stable level (P < 0.001, Fig. 5D).
Polyphenoloxidase activity increased from the initial level of The enzyme activity is a reflection of microbe metabolic in-
82.6 mg PPg1 3 h1 to a maximum in the LIC group faster than in tensity in the fermentation process (Xue and Huang, 2013). Our
the LC group during the co-conversion stage (P ¼ 0.032). The initial observations are in agreement with the enzyme activity trends
and final values were extremely close (Fig. 4B). The urease activity from the initial to the mature stage in composts of other materials
of the LIC group increased from 5549 mg NHþ 4 eN g
3 h1 to the (Zhu et al., 2012). At the end of aerobic fermentation, each enzyme
peak 12,757 mg NHþ 4 eN g1
3 h1
three days from the start, but detected in our study became consistently undetectable or main-
became consistently undetectable from day five onward. The LC tained low activity. This result indicated that the microbes in
674 X. Xiao et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 217 (2018) 668e676

Table 2
Organic waste traditional treatment methods and processing cycle.

Methods Processing cycle Reference

Swine, cow and chicken manures composting 60 days Wang et al., 2014
Pig manure composting ~200 days Vazquez et al., 2015
House fly conversion and composting 90 days Zhu et al., 2012
Home and vermicomposting ~200 days  et al., 2013
Sheep bedding and cattle manure vermicomposting 148 days Cestonaro et al., 2017
Chicken manure composting with municipal sludge and solid waste 53 days Li et al., 2017
Organic waste vermicomposting 120 days Rodrigues et al., 2017

Fig. 4. Temporal activity patterns of different types of microbial enzymes of chicken manure in the conversion phase. B, Larvae-inoculum-treated. △, Only larvae treated. (A)
Catalase activity. (B) Polyphenoloxidase activity. (C) Urease activity. (D) Invertase activity. Error bars: SE of the mean from three replicates (paired Student's t-test, n ¼ 3, P < 0.05).

Fig. 5. Temporal activity patterns of different types of microbial enzymes of residue in aerobic fermentation stage. B, Decomposing agent-inoculum-treated. △, water-
treated. (A) Catalase activity. (B) Polyphenoloxidase activity. (C) Urease activity. (D) Invertase activity. Error bars: SE of the mean from three replicates (paired Student's t-test,
n ¼ 3, P < 0.05).
X. Xiao et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 217 (2018) 668e676 675

chicken manure residue were maintained at a steady state. The programs. Urban For. Urban Gree 22, 93e104.
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