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Zonal Training Center , 36- Teg Bahadur Road, Dehradun

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1. Schedule Commercial Banks are required to maintain CRR as per ____? Section 42(1) of RBI Act
2. Statutory Liquidity Ratio is maintained as per ____? Section 24 of Banking Regulation Act.
3. Under Section 20(1) of Banking Regulation Act, 1949, no banking company can grant loan against _____? Its own
4. Basel –III capital regulations will be fully implemented by ____? 31 March 2019
5. Under Section 24 of the Banking Regulation Act 1949, all SCBs are required to maintain maximum ____ of their
demand and time liabilities as SLR in the form of Cash, Gold and unencumbered approved securities? 40%
6. Banks are required to maintain the prescribed CRR based on their NDTL as on ____? Last Friday of second
preceding fortnight.
7. Statutory return for CRR has to be sent fortnightly on ____? Form A as prescribed by RBI
8. Cash balance on any day of the fortnight should not fall below ____ of the required average daily cash balance.
90% (w.e.f. April 16, 2016)
9. In case of default in maintenance of CRR requirement on a daily basis, penal interest at the rate of ____per
annum above the Bank Rate will be recovered for that day on the amount of shortfall. 3%
10. For calculation of SLR, banks are required to send monthly statement on ____ under section 24 of BR Act.?
11. What is the limit for filing suit in DRT? Rs. 10 lacs and above
12. Reply must be given under RTI act within ___? 30 days
13. What is the menu option for marking lien in an account? ALM
14. What is the menu option for freezing transactions in an account? AFSM
15. What is the menu option for hot-listing of debit cards? HOTLIST
16. What is the extension of MS Word file? .doc OR .docx (depends on the version of MS Office)
17. What is the extension of MS Excel file ? .xls OR .xlsx(depends on the version of MS Office)
18. What is the extension of MS PowerPoint file? .ppt OR .pptx(depends on the version of MS Office)
19. Extension of text file to be opened through Notepad? .txt
20. For a text file to open through WordPad , its extension must be ___? .rpt
21. Menu option for transferring a report generated in CBS to local disk is ___? PTW
22. Which export declaration form is used to export computer software in non-physical mode? SOFTEX
23. List of willful defaulter with balance of ____ to be submitted to RBI ? Rs. 25 lacs and above
24. As per FEMA, a resident is a person who stayed in India for _____days in the previous financial year? More than
182 days
25. As per section 9 of the Banking Regulation act, A banking company cannot hold any immovable property ,
howsoever acquired except such as for its own use for a period exceeding _____ from the acquisition thereof?
7 years.
26. What is the amount of overdraft in PNB Vidyarthi Savings Funds account? No overdraft as the overdraft facility
has been withdrawn.
27. Number of free locker visits in a year? 12 times in a year and after that Rs. 50/- per visit

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28. What are the charges for non-individuals for closing saving account within one year of their opening (except
death of customer) ? Rs. 500/-
29. What are the charges for individual customers of Semi-urban, urban and metro branches for closing saving
account within one year of their opening (except death of customer)? Rs. 300/-
30. What are the charges for individual customers of rural branches, Sr. citizens and pensioners for closing saving
account within one year of their opening (except death of customer)? Rs. 200/-
31. In PNB Rakshak scheme Personal Accident Insurance benefit will be linked to ____? Credit of monthly salary for
previous three months in the account.
32. What is the amount of personal accident insurance coverage in PNB Rakshak account for persons below officer
rank? Rs. 3 lacs
33. What is the amount of personal accident insurance coverage in PNB Rakshak account for officers below rank of
Brigadier? Rs. 5 lacs
34. What is the amount of personal accident insurance coverage in PNB Rakshak account for officers above rank of
Brigadier? Rs. 10 lacs
35. Additional benefit of accidental death insurance during _____ has been provided in PNB Rakshak scheme. Air
36. Accidental death insurance benefit during Air Travel in PNB Rakshak scheme for persons below officer rank is
___? Rs. 5 lacs
37. Accidental death insurance benefit during Air Travel in PNB Rakshak scheme for Officers below Brigadier rank is
___? Rs. 10 lacs
38. Accidental death insurance benefit during Air Travel in PNB Rakshak scheme for Officers above Brigadier rank is
___? Rs. 20 lacs
39. PNB Power Savings account can be opened by a resident individual women ____? Either singly or jointly
provided in joint account, the first name should be of woman
40. What is the scheme code in CBS for PNB Power Saving account ? SBPWR
41. What is the minimum QAB in PNB Power Saving accounts ? Rs. 500/- in Rural and Rs. 1000/- in others
42. What is the initial deposit in PNB Power Savings account? Rs. 500/-
43. No. of free cheque leaves per half year in PNB Power savings account? 40
44. What is the domestic cash ATM withdrawal limit per day in Power Savings account ? Rs. 50000/-
45. What is the domestic shopping limit on POS per day in PNB Power saving account ? Rs. 1.25 lacs
46. Issuance of debit card (RuPay) in PNB Power Savings account? Platinum Debit Card
47. Cut off limit for Sweep Facility in PNB Power Saving Account? Rs. 1 lac and thereafter in multiples of Rs.
48. The foreign nationals employed in India holding valid visas are eligible to maintain resident accounts with____?
Authorised Dealer Category - I (AD Category-I) bank in India except the Pakistani and Bangladesh Nationals
49. What is the scheme code for opening RD for general public? RDNEW
50. What is the scheme code for opening RD for staff? RDNST
51. Term deposits will be classified as Bulk term deposits if the threshold limit is ____? Rs. 10 crore and above
52. Minimum monthly instalment for Recurring deposit scheme is ____? Rs. 100/-
53. Free accidental death coverage of Rs. 2 lacs is provided in Recurring deposit accounts if the ___? Minimum
monthly instalment is Rs. 5000/- and account is regular
54. How many reward points are given for opening of RD account from IBS? 50 reward points
55. Penalty of ____ is levied for premature cancellation of RD. 0.50%
56. Bank notes determined as a counterfeit note shall be ____? Stamped as “Counterfeit Note” and impounded.
57. A consolidated report should be sent by the nodal bank officer to the police or Nodal Police station along with
the suspect counterfeit notes at the end of the month if counterfeit notes upto ____ pieces are detected in a
single transaction. 4
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58. All counterfeit notes received back from the police authorities / courts may be preserved in the safe custody of
the bank for a period of _____. Three years from the date of receipt from the police authorities.
59. Soiled notes are the notes which____. Have become unusable due to constant use and which are complete
and only torn in 2 pieces.
60. The notes which are torn in more than 2 pieces or where part of the note is missing are called ____. Multilated
61. Star series notes are issued in the denomination of _____? Rs. 10, Rs. 20, Rs. 50 and Rs. 100
62. The date for exchanging the pre-2005 notes has been extended to ____. June 30, 2016
63. RBI has issued Rs. 50, Rs. 100, Rs. 500, Rs. 1000 denomination bank notes with the numerals in both the number
panels in ___ size from left to right while the first 3 alpha numeric characters (prefix) will remain _____ in size.
Ascending, Constant
64. Rs. 100 banknote has ____. 4 bleed lines
65. Rs. 500 banknote has_____. 5 angular bleed lines
66. Rs. 1000 bank note has ____. 6 angular bleed lines.
67. As per RBI guidelines, Demand Draft is valid for _____. 3 months
68. Duplicate DD has to be issued to purchaser within _____ of the request subject to completion of formalities . 14
69. Duplicate DD upto _____ to be issued without awaiting non payment advice from drawee branch. Rs. 5000
70. If original as well as duplicate DD is presented for payment then_____? Bank should pay duplicate DD and
return the original with the reason “DD reported lost and duplicate since issued and paid”
71. Demand draft of _____ should be issued to the debit of the account and not against cash. Rs. 50000/- and
72. At the time of allotment of locker to a customer ______? Bank may obtain a fixed deposit which cover 3 years
rent and the charges for breaking open the locker.
73. If the locker has remain in-operated for ____ bank should immediately contact the locker hirer and advise him
to operate the locker or surrender it. More than 3 years for medium risk category and one year for high risk
74. In which month Life Certificate is obtained from a pensioner? November
75. If pension account is opened jointly with the spouse , its mode of operation should be _____? “Either or
Survivor” or “Former of Survivor”
76. PPF account cannot be opened by _____. HUF
77. What is the minimum and maximum contribution per year in a PPF account? Minimum Rs. 500 and Maximum
Rs. 1.50 lacs
78. PPF account is opened for ____? 15 years
79. For interest calculation in PPF______? Minimum balance between 5th and last day of the month is considered.
80. What is the minimum eligible age for Senior Citizen Savings scheme? 60 years (55 years for retired pensioners)
81. What is the minimum and maximum investment in SCSS? Minimum 1000/- and maximum Rs. 15 lacs
82. SCSS account is opened for a period of _____? 5 years
83. What is current Repo Rate as prescribed by RBI? 6.50%
84. What is current Reverse Repo Rate as prescribed by RBI? 6.00%
85. What is current Bank Rate as prescribed by RBI? 7.00%
86. What is current Marginal Standing Facility Rate as prescribed by RBI? 7.00%
87. What is current Cash Reserve Ratio as prescribed by RBI? 4%
88. What is current Statutory Liquidity Ratio as prescribed by RBI? 21.25%
89. What is the current one year MCLR rate in our bank w.e.f. 01.05.2016? 9.40%
90. What is the current Base rate in our bank? 9.60%

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91. RBI has informed that the scope of National Urban Livelihoods Mission has been enhanced and the Mission with
enhanced scope will be renamed as_____? “Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana (DAY)- National Urban Livelihoods
92. What is e-Kuber? A trading platform through CBS portal to facilitate trading in Priority Sector Lending
93. As per latest directions from RBI, all the banks having currency chests should ensure conducting of fire
audits______ by the officials from the District Fire Department. Bi-annually (once in two years)
94. What is the maximum rate of premium available to farmers under Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana? 1.5% for
Rabi and upto 2% for Kharif for Food crops, Pulses and Oilseeds and upto 5% for Annual Horticulture/
Commercial Crops.
95. RBI has, issued comprehensive guidelines on Know Your Customer (KYC) Direction, 2016 which contains 11
chapters namely____? Preliminary , General, Customer Acceptance Policy, Risk Management, Customer
Identification Procedure , Customer Due Diligence Procedure , Record Management ,Reporting Requirements
, Requirement under International Agreement , Other Instructions ,Repeal Provisions
96. RBI has permitted Banks to to offer all their products and services through the ____? ATM channels
97. As per latest guidelines by RBI regarding Fraud Reporting and Monitoring, Frauds of _______will be monitored
by the respective Regional Office of RBI under whose jurisdiction the Head Office of the bank falls / Senior
Supervisory Manager (SSM) of the bank. Rs 0.1 million and above but below Rs 50 million
98. As per latest guidelines by RBI regarding Fraud Reporting and Monitoring, Frauds of ______will be monitored by
CFMC, Bengaluru. Rs 50 million and above
99. RBI has enhanced the service charges on cash deposited by non-chest bank branches from the existing rate of
Rs.2/- per packet of 100 pieces to _______? Rs. 5/- per packet
100. What is the minimum threshold limit for RTGS transaction? Rs 2 lacs
101. In PNB Pratibha Education Loan scheme, maximum loan amount has been increased from Rs 20 lac to ____?
Rs 30 lacs
102. Which educational institute has recently been added in Category ‘A’ under PNB Pratibha scheme? ISB Mohali
103. Which type of course has recently been added under PNB Pratibha Education loan scheme? Part time
Certificate course for Post Graduate Programme in Management for Senior Executives (PGPMAX).
104. A new Revenue Subhead ________has been created in CBS for credit of Processing Fees/ Upfront Fees/
Documentation Charges on account of Retail Advances. <SOL ID>2032504
105. What is the menu option in CBS to provide search utility about menu options related to some specific
keywords or description? FINHELP
106. What is the menu option in to provide search utility about the reports based on the description? REPHELP
107. What is menu option in CBS to provide search utility on weekly/balance sheet/revenue codes? GLHELP
108. Union Cabinet approved the Stand Up India scheme to promote ____? Entrepreneurship among SC/ST and
Women Women Entrepreneurs
109. How many projects per Bank branch has been allocated under Start Up India scheme? Two projects (One for
each category of Entrepreneur)
110. The loans under the Stand Up India scheme are backed by a credit guarantee through a credit guarantee
scheme for which ______ would be the settler and _____ would be the operating agency. Department of
Financial Services , National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company Ltd (NCGTC)
111. Under the Start Up India scheme Initial amount of Rs 10000 crore has been allocated through____? Small
Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI)
112. For an entity to be eligible under Start Up India scheme ______? Its turnover should not be above Rs. 25 crore
and it should be in existence at least for 5 years
113. How much fund has been allocated under Start up India scheme? Total corpus of Rs 10000 crore over 4 years

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114. What is the minimum and maximum amount of deposit under Sukanya Sammriddhi scheme in a financial
year? Minimum Rs 1000 and Maximum Rs 1.5 lacs
115. Sukanya Samriddhi account will mature on completion of ____ from the date of opening . 21 years
116. Sukanya samriddhi account can be opened by a natural or legal guardian from the date of birth of girl child till
she attains the age of _____? 10 years
117. In Sukanya Samriddhi account , For higher education and marriage , withdrawal up to ____ of the balance at
the end of preceding financial year is allowed. 50%
118. What is the maturity period of National Saving Certificates ? 5 years
119. NSCs can be opened in the denomination of ____? Rs 100, Rs 500, Rs 5000, Rs 10000
120. Income Tax rebate is available under section 80C of IT act for investment upto ____ per annum in NSC? Rs 1
121. What is the criteria of age to be eligible under Atal Pension yojna? 18 to 40 years
122. What is the contribution of Government under Atal Pension yojna? 50% of the total contribution or Rs. 1000
per annum whichever is lower , for 5 years for non tax payers
123. How much pension per month is provided at 60 years under Atal Pension Yojna? Rs. 1000, Rs 2000, Rs 3000,
Rs 4000, Rs 5000
124. In case of discontinuation of amount under Atal Pension Yojna, account will be frozen after ____ months? 6
125. In case of discontinuation of amount under Atal Pension Yojna, account will be deactivated after ____
months? 12
126. In case of discontinuation of amount under Atal Pension Yojna, account will be closed after ____ months? 24
127. What is the eligibility criteria of age under Pradhan Mantri suraksha Bima Yojna? 18 to 70 years
128. What is the amount of insurance cover in case of death under Pradhan Mantri suraksha Bima Yojna? Rs. 2 lac
129. What is the amount of insurance cover in case of Total & irrecoverable loss of both eyes or loss of both hands
or feet or loss of sight of one eye and loss of hand or foot under Pradhan Mantri suraksha Bima Yojna? Rs. 2 lac
130. What is the amount of insurance cover in case of total and irrecoverable loss of sight of one eye or loss of one
hand or foot under Pradhan Mantri suraksha Bima Yojna? Rs 1 lac
131. What is the enrollment period under Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojna? The cover shall be for One year
(1st June to 31st May) for which option to pay auto debit from saving bank account is to be given by 31st May
every year
132. What is the premium amount under Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojna? Rs 12 per annum per member
133. Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojna is ____? One year cover Term Life Insurance scheme
134. What is the eligibility criteria of age for Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojna? 18 to 50 years
135. What is the amount of insurance cover under Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojna? Rs 2 lac on member’s
death due to any reason
136. What is the amount of premium under Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojna? Rs.330 per annum
137. What insurance premium is paid to insurance company for appropriation of premium under Pradhan Mantri
Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojna? Rs. 289 per annum per member
138. What insurance premium is paid to insurance company for appropriation of premium under Pradhan Mantri
Suraksha Bima Yojna? Rs. 10 per annum per member
139. Termination of assurance will be on attaining age of _____ under PPJJBY? 55 years
140. What is the full form of MUDRA Bank? Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency Bank
141. How much corpus and credit guarantee fund has been allocated for MUDRA bank? Corpus of Rs 20000 crore
and Credit Guarantee Fund of Rs 3000 crore
142. What is the maximum amount of loan under Shishu category of MUDRA scheme? Upto Rs 50000
143. What is the maximum amount of loan under Kishor category of MUDRA scheme? Above Rs 50000 and Upto Rs
5 lac

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144. What is the maximum amount of loan under Tarun category of MUDRA scheme? Above Rs 5 lac and Upto Rs
10 lac
145. Overdraft facility upto ____ is available under Pradhan Mantri jan Dhan Yojna? Rs 5000
146. Second phase of pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna will be from ____? Aug 15, 2015 to Aug 14, 2018
147. What are the features of 2nd phase of PMJDY? Providing micro insurance to people and unorganized sector
pension schemes like Swavalamban through the Business Correspondents
148. Sampoorn Vitteeya Samaveshan (SVS) comprises ____ no. of pillers? 6
149. What is the objective of Pradhan Mantri fasal Bima Yojna? To provide insurance coverage in case of failure of
the notified crop as a result of natural calamities , pests and diseases.
150. What risk have been covered under Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna? Yield losses, Prevented sowing, Post
harvest losses, localized calamities
151. Under PNB Ujala scheme, how many solar lights is to be provided in all adopted villages as one time measure ,
funds for which will be given by PNB Centenary Rural Development Trust (PNBCRDT)? 4 Solar Street Lights
152. Under PNB Ujala scheme, _____ is to be provided each to girl students already adopted under PNB LADLI
Scheme. Solar Lantern
153. In order to prevent frauds involving misappropriation of funds in term deposits, _______ shall be sent to the
beneficiary through post and SMS as well as e-mail wherever mobile no. and e-mail ID is available. Thank You
154. ____ has been introduced as new avenue for Financing under Contract Farming Arrangement. Stevia Farming
155. Rate of Service Tax has been effectively increased from 14.50% to _____ % w.e.f. 01.06.2016 due to Krishi
Kalyan Cess? 15%
156. Under the Scheme of Venture Capital Fund for Scheduled Castes, initial capital of____ has been provided. Rs
200 crore
157. All categories of foreign exchange earners are allowed to credit _____of their foreign exchange earnings to
their EEFC Accounts. 100%
158. To effectively monitor staff accounts ITD has customized another report on MIS server under RAUDIT 2/23b
where in staff accounts whose aggregate Credit and Debit summation during the month exceeds ______would
be reported. Rs. 5 lacs
159. How many new regional languages have been added for receiving SMS alerts ? 11 languages
160. The customer wishing to register for the preferred language for receiving SMS Alerts would have to submit
their request to the Bank. What would be the format for submitting request for SMS in other languages through
SMS for sending to 5607040? SMSLANG<Preferred Language Code>
161. PNB MetLife India Insurance Co. Ltd. has launched a new product _____? MetLife Guaranteed Income Plan
162. What are premium paying terms available in newly launched MetLife Guaranteed Income Plan? 5/7/10 years
163. Documents charges are NIL upto loan amount of _____ in all agricultural loans . Rs. 3 lacs
164. Inspection charges are NIL upto aggregate exposure of _____ in all agricultural loans. Rs. 5 lacs
165. Branches are required to allot a Unique Identification Number (UIN) to each Form 15G/ H during every quarter
of the Financial Year. UIN will consists of ____? 10 digit Sequence Number, Financial Year, TAN of the branch
166. Railway receipt and Bill of Lading have acquired transferability and are treated as negotiable Instruments
under which Act? Transfer of Property Act
167. As per RBI guidelines, a branch is considered as rural branch if the population of the place where branch is
located is _____? Less than 10000
168. What can be the maximum member in Joint Liability Group ? 10
169. Borrowing power of directors are contained in _____? Articles of association
170. How much amount can be taken from new locker holder according to recent guidelines of RBI? Advance rent
for 3 years

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171. What is the ceiling amount for retail traders considered as small enterprise for treating as priority sector? Rs.
500 lac
172. In how much time a substandard account become doubtful? 12 months
173. What is the risk weight for bill purchased under LC for capital adequacy purposes is ? 20%
174. Which ratio indicates the efficiency of collection of debtors ? Debtor turnover ratio
175. In CDR category-1 , what type of loan accounts are eligible? Standard and Substandard
176. Minimum no. of days for which term deposit can be made by banks? 7 days
177. A loan associated with a short duration crop , becomes sub standard after remaining special mention account
for a period of _____? Two crop seasons
178. The R- returns are submitted by banks to RBI on ______ ? Fortnightly basis
179. When rate of interest is expressed by adjusting the impact of inflation, this is called ____? Real rate of interest
180. The minimum capital adequacy ratio implemented in India by RBI is ____ and as per Basel II recommendation
is ____? 9%, 8%
181. Bailment of goods by a person to another person to secure a loan is called _____? Pledge
182. The term used for hiding money to avoid tax is _____? Money laundering
183. The long term liability to tangible net worth ratio implies _____? Long term solvency of the firm
184. The facility of nomination is not available to trust account because it is _____ account. Non-individual
185. May I help You counter is to be provided by bank branches other than_____ ? Small branches
186. Who is appointed to tackle public complaints against public authorities? Ombudsman
187. The minimum and maximum period of Certificate of deposit is _____? 7 days, 12 months
188. Under SARFAESI act 2002, the banks give notice for payment of due amount to the borrower / owner of
charged assets within ___ days otherwise action will be initiated u/s 13(2) of the act. 60 days
189. An NPA account will be classified directly as loss asset if the realizable value of the primary and collateral
security is ____? Less than 10% of the outstanding balance
190. Domestic commercial banks are required to finance at least 40% of ANBC to the priority sector Of the priority
sector advance , how much should be given to weaker section? 10 % of ANBC
191. An agricultural advance will be classified as NPA if ______? It is overdue for 2 crop seasons in case of short
duration crops and 1 crop season for long duration crops
192. If a depositor dies, payment to nominee or legal heirs should be made within _____? 15 days of completion of
193. Under PML act , banks are required to send cash transaction report in respect of cash deposit of withdrawal of
more than _____ in a month from one account within 15 days from the close of the month . Rs. 10 lac
194. What is the maximum amount of deposit under Tax Saver Fixed deposit is ? Rs. 1 lac
195. Maximum amount of remittance abroad from a NRO account including sale proceeds of immovable property
in India in a financial year is _____. US $ 1 million
196. What do you mean by negative lien? Undertaking by the borrower not to sell or create charge on particular
property without consent of the bank
197. The garnishee order is applicable on the account of a customer when the relationship between a banker and
customer is _____ . Debtor & Creditor
198. What is period of 12th Five year plan? 2012-2017
199. Banks are required to obtain audited financial papers from non corporate borrowers for granting working
capital limit of _____ ? Rs 25 lacs and above
200. If value of security is ___, then sub standard account can be straight way taken to Doubtful category. Less than

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201. Under PNB Kisan balak Shiksha Protsahan yojna, lump sum financial assistance of ______ to the son and
daughter students of the poor farmers encompassing those small farmers, marginal farmers, tenant farmers,
oral lessees and agriculture labour who have availed agriculture loan from our branches shall be payable on
annual basis. Rs. 2500/-
202. What is the eligibility criteria for education under the scheme PNB Kisan balak Shiksha Protsahan yojna? The
students having passed 8th class and onwards with minimum 50% marks in the School/Board or recognized
University Examination during the relevant Academic year shall be eligible under the scheme.
203. Girl students shall get an additional annual assistance of ______under Kisan balak Shiksha Protsahan yojna. Rs.
204. As regards borrowal accounts having aggregate limit of_______, valuation of immovable properties
charged/mortgaged to the Bank be got done from approved valuer once in three years. Rs. 1 crore & above
205. If the value of immovable property to be mortgaged/ charged is______, branches shall get valuation of such
IPs done from minimum two valuers on the Bank’s approved panel. Rs.5 crore & above
206. If realizable value of IPs is significantly lower than the one on bank’s record in accounts with aggregate limits/
outstanding of Rs.10 lakhs & above but less than Rs.1 crore and value of immovable property
mortgaged/charged to the bank is_______, he may get the property re-valued from the bank’s approved valuer
provided the valuation is more than one year old. Rs.20 lakhs & above
207. Which menu option has been customized in CBS to fill the relevant data for lodgement of subsidy to be
claimed? ADPMAY
208. A card auditor shall be allotted a maximum of____ accounts of Group A, and _____ accounts of Group B for
credit audit in a month. 7, 5
209. What is the time frame for credit audit by outsourced auditor for Group ‘A’ accounts i.e. Accounts with
aggregate exposure not exceeding Rs.100 cr? 3 days
210. What is the time frame for credit audit by outsourced auditor for Group ‘B’ accounts i.e. Accounts with
aggregate exposure exceeding Rs.100 cr.? 4 days
211. Which security has to be filled in SRM for financing of solar power systems under housing finance scheme?
212. The RuPay Insurance programme will continue for financial year 2016-17, ie from April 01, 2016 to March 31,
2017 with _____? The New India Assurance Co Ltd.
213. All accidental claims where incident has occurred on or after ________will come under the purview of the
RuPay Insurance Programme 2016-17. 1st April, 2016 and up to 31st March, 2017
214. Benefit of Insurance will be available to the card holders who have performed minimum one successful
financial or non-financial transaction at any channel within _____ prior to date of accident including accident
date for Premium Card holders. 45 days
215. Benefit of Insurance will be available to the card holders who have performed minimum one successful
financial or non-financial transaction at any channel within _____ prior to date of accident including accident
date for Non Premium Card holders. 90 days
216. Under Mahila Kaushal Vikas Yojna ,What is the criteria of age for being eligible for skill development training in
the areas of their preference in agriculture and non agriculture activities. 18 to 45 years
217. What target has been set under Mahila Kaushal Vikas Yojna? 10000 women shall be covered under skill
development and credit linkage over a period of 3 years by having a batch size of 25-35 by FTCs and RSETIs
which shall conduct training programmes exclusively for them for farm/non-farm sector activities.
218. Take over of borrowal accounts is not be considered for _____? Bank of Baroda, Bharatiya Mahila Bank,
Vijaya Bank, Central Bank of India
219. Branches have to issue RuPay Magstripe classic Non-Personalized cards in SBBDA accounts with card type “RU”
upto _______? 30th September 2016.

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220. Which term is used for providing banking services at affordable cost to the poor/ distressed? Financial
221. No noting on currency notes, directions issued by RBI under____? Section 35A of BR act
222. What is the menu option for cheque book maintenance? CHBM
223. Which ratio is used to appraise term loan? Debt service Coverage ratio
224. For making reference under CDR II, consent of ____ is required . 75% of lenders by value and 60% by number
225. Which ratio is part of solvency ratio? Debt Equity ratio
226. What stamp duty is charged in case of export bill? NIL
227. Which committee is related to capital account convertibility? S S Tarapore Commiittee
228. A letter of credit which is issued on request of the beneficiary is favour of his supplier is called ____? Back to
Back LC
229. Which term is used for converting physical cheque to electronic image ? Cheque Truncation
230. If the name of Bank is written on the cheque with or without parallel lines then this type of crossing is called
___? Special Crossing
231. How much loan can be allowed to an NRI in metro area for repair of house within priority sector ? Rs 5 lac
232. Supervision of bank is done by RBI under which act? Banking Regulation act
233. Which committee has recommended the discontinuation of service area approach ? Vyas Committee
234. A foreign bill purchased has been returned unpaid. Which rate would be applied to reverse the transaction? TT
selling rate
235. Particulars of satisfaction of charge by a company are to be filed within____? 30 days from date of adjustment
of loan
236. Service tax is not applicable to service provider upto ____? Rs. 10 lacs
237. If it is not mentioned in LC regarding type of Bill of lading that will be acceptable then as per UCPDC, bank will
ask for _____? On Board bill of lading
238. On which date, Hindi day is celebrated? 14 september
239. If 4 partners signed a document on 4 different dates then limitation period will start from ____? Date of last
240. If a sealed packet is found in locker while giving consent to nominee then____? It will be delivered to
nominee without opening the packet
241. If a cheque in written in different handwritings or inks then____? Bank will pay the cheque if otherwise in
242. Interest is calculated on ______ in Savings account. Daily product Basis
243. Is the case of Gold card for exporters , the standby limit is ____. 20% of the limit sanctioned
244. Which type of account is called Our Account with You? Nostro Account
245. Which type of account is called Your Account with Us? Vostro account
246. A bank cannot acquire either as owner or as pledge shares in a company more than_____? 10% of paid up
capital of company or 10% of the paid up capital and reserves of the bank whichever is lower
247. Guardian appointed by will of the father is called ____? Testamentary guardian
248. Who headed the committee on Financial Inclusion? C Rangarajan
249. Maximum loan to an individual against shares in demat form is ____? Rs. 20 lac
250. Bank guarantees are issued as per provisions of_____. Indian Contract act
251. What is the total priority sector target for domestic scheduled commercial banks ? 40% of ANBC of CEOBE
whichever is higher
252. Within the 18% target for agriculture , how much target has been fixed for small and marginal farmers which is
to be achieved by March 2017? 8%

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253. Under priority sector lending, what target has been fixed for all domestic scheduled commercial banks for
lending to Micro Enterprises? 7% by March 2016 and 7.5% by March 2017
254. Under priority sector lending, what target has been fixed for all domestic scheduled commercial banks for
lending to weaker sections? 10%
255. In manufacturing sector , a unit is classified as Micro Enterprises if investment in Plant and Machinery _____?
Upto Rs. 25 lacs
256. In manufacturing sector , a unit is classified as Small Enterprises if investment in Plant and Machinery _____?
Above Rs 25 lacs but upto Rs 5 crore
257. In manufacturing sector , a unit is classified as Medium Enterprises if investment in Plant and Machinery
_____? Above Rs 5 crore but upto Rs 10 crore
258. In Service sector , a unit is classified as Micro Enterprises if investment in equipment _____? Upto Rs. 10 lacs
259. In Service sector , a unit is classified as Small Enterprises if investment in equipment _____? Above Rs 10 lacs
but upto Rs 2 crore
260. In Service sector , a unit is classified as Medium Enterprises if investment in equipment _____? Above Rs 2
crore but upto Rs 5 crore
261. Under priority sector lending, the lending to agriculture sector include____? Farm Credit, Agriculture
Infrastructure and Ancillary services
262. Under Farm Credit, loans upto____ can be given against pledge/hypothecation of agricultural produce
(including warehouse receipts) for a period not exceeding 12 months. Rs. 50 lacs
263. Under ancillary activities, loans upto _____ can be given to co-operative societies of farmers for disposing of
produce of members. Rs. 5 crore
264. Loans for food and agro processing upto an aggregate sanctioned limit of _____ per borrower can be given
from the banking system under ancillary activities. Rs. 100 crore
265. Marginal farmer is one who has landholding of _____? Upto 1 hectare
266. Small farmer is one who has landholding of _____? More than 1 hectare and upto 2 hectares
267. Under Priority sector, Bank loans upto _____ to Micro and Small Enterprises and upto _____ to medium
enterprises engaged in providing or rendering of services can be given. Rs. 5 crore, Rs 10 crore
268. Under priority sector lending , what is the extent of loan to individuals for education including vocational
courses? Upto Rs. 10 lacs
269. Under Priority sector lending , what is the extent of loan for purchase / construction of a dwelling unit per
family in metropolitan centres? Upto Rs. 28 lacs
270. Under Priority sector lending , what is the extent of loan for purchase / construction of a dwelling unit per
family in centres other than metropolitan ? Upto Rs. 20 lacs
271. Under Priority sector lending , what is the extent of loan for repair to damaged dwelling units of families in
metropolitan centres? Upto Rs. 5 lacs
272. Under Priority sector lending , what is the extent of loan for repair to damaged dwelling units of families in
centres other than metropolitan? Upto Rs. 2 lacs
273. Under priority sector lending, Bank loans upto ____ can be given for building social infrastructure. Rs 5 crore
per borrower
274. Under Priority sector lending , Bank loans upto Rs. _____ can be given to borrowers for solar based power
generators , wind mills etc. Rs. 15crore
275. Under priority sector lending, Loans not exceeding ____ per borrower can be given to individuals and their
SHG/ JLG provided that individual borrower’s household annual income in rural areas does not exceed Rs.
100000/- and for non rural areas Rs. 160000/- . Rs. 50000/-
276. What is the priority sector target for agriculture for domestic scheduled banks or foreign banks with 20 or
more branches? 18% of ANBC or CEOBE whichever is higher or 45% of priority sector

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277. ____ of priority sector loans should be towards weaker section for domestic scheduled banks or foreign banks
with 20 or more branches. 25%
278. ____ of priority sector loans should be towards minority communities for domestic scheduled banks or foreign
banks with 20 or more branches. 15%
279. Foreign banks with less than 20 branches to achieve ___ target in 5 years beginning 31.03.2016. 40%
280. Minority communities as notified by Ministry of Welfare are ____? Sikhs, Muslims, Christians, Zoroastrians,
Buddhists, Jains
281. In case of agriculture advances collateral security is NIL upto _____? Rs. 100000
282. For other priority sector advances , collateral security in NIL upto____? Rs. 25000
283. Collateral security is Nil upto ____ in case of Agri Clinics and Business centres. Rs. 5 lacs
284. Collateral security is NIL upto _____ in case of education loan. Rs. 7.50 lacs
285. What is the rate of subsidy available for Agri clinics and Agribusiness centres? 36% of the project cost (44% for
SC/ST, Women, NE states)
286. For financing of Rs. 5 lac and above under Agri clinics and Agri Business centres, margin of ___ is required. 25%
287. What is the maximum project cost for individuals for financing under Agri clinics and Agri Business centres? Rs.
20 lacs
288. What is the maximum project cost for joint/group projects for financing under Agri clinics and Agri Business
centres? Rs. 100 lacs prorata
289. What is the maximum loan amount under Laghu Udhyami Credit Card? Rs 10 lac
290. What is the maximum loan amount under Swa Rozgar Credit Card? Rs. 25000
291. No loan related and ad-hoc service charges / Inspection charges should be levied on priority sector advances
upto ____ in case of Priority Sector Loans to SHG/JLG applicable per member. Rs 25000
292. What is the extent of loan amount for crop production for financing to women JLG who operate as one
borrowing unit? Rs. 50 lacs
293. What is the amount of Margin for Loan amount above Rs. 2 lac for financing to women JLG who operate as
one borrowing unit? 10%
294. What is the eligibility criteria for financing farmers for purchase of tractors without mortgage of land?
Individual farmers who own at least 2.5 acres of perennially irrigated land and having no NPA record for last 3
295. Maximum repayment period is 5 years in case of loans to farmers for purchase of tractors without mortgage of
land. However Circle Heads under their discretionary powers may extend the repayment period on merits from
5 years to _____. 72 months
296. What is the name of the incentive scheme for facilitating Self Help Group Bank Linkage? PNB Sakhi
297. Under PNB sakhi scheme, what is the total amount of incentive for formation and credit linkage of SHGs? Rs.
298. To open the account under Kisan Gold Scheme in CBS, scheme code CCKGS has been customized. What is the
code to be filled in free code 7 of V details to open cash credit component for crop loan or consumption credit
needs. KIGLS
299. How much budget has been allocated in the financial year 2016-17 for agriculture? Rs. 35984 crore
300. Cultivation of trees is called______? Sylviculture
301. Loan applications should be disposed within____ for agriculture credit limit of above Rs. 2 lac and upto Rs. 50
lac. 4 weeks
302. What is the percentage of margin for the loan amount of above Rs. 5 lac for production or investment credit
under agriculture finance? 25%
303. What is the percentage of margin for production credit under PNB Krishi Card scheme? NIL
304. Mortgage of the land is not required in cases where the amount of loan net of subsidy is upto ____ or subsidy
is not received in advance or simultaneously at the time of disbursement of loan. Rs. 1 lac

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305. Circle is empowered to sanction loans above ____ and upto _____ within their discretionary loaning powers
for financing under KCC and Kisan Gold Scheme. Rs. 20 lac, Rs. 50 lac
306. No CR is to be compiled for loans upto ______ in agriculture (for borrowers and guarantors). Rs. 50000/-
307. For individual borrowers in urban areas , No dues certificate / affidavit is not to be obtained for agriculture
loans of upto _____? Rs. 1 lac
308. Under the Rural Based Lending Model (RBLM), The aggregate scores secured by the applicant will lead to a
point enabling the Incumbent Incharge to take a logistic credit decision for sanction/rejection of credit proposal.
What is the benchmark for sanction of credit proposal for small and marginal farmers? 55 marks
309. Incumbent incharge may process and sanction loan proposals upto _____ under KCC scheme / other direct
agriculture in branches without second man or where no other officer is posted or second man is special
assistant. Rs. 3 lac
310. On the basis of an Affidavit containing details of land tilled/ crops grown , KCC to Landless labourers, share
croppers, tenant farmers and oral lessees can be issued upto limit of Rs.____? Rs. 50000
311. What is the extent of loan amount under PNB Kisan Credit Card Scheme? Rs. 20 lacs
312. Rate of interest 7.00% p.a. is to be charged for regular Crop loan/KCC accounts on running balance outstanding
upto Rs.____? 3 lacs
313. The premium payable for one year policy is Rs. ___ (comprising of Rs.___ from the borrower and Rs.____ from
the Bank) per life insured under Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojna (PMSBY). 12, 5, 7
314. Extent of loan amount under PNB Kisan Gold Scheme is Rs. ____of which minimum _____can be for
productive purposes only. 50 lacs, 75%
315. What is the maximum period of repayment under PNB Kisan Gold Scheme for Main agricultural activity and
allied agricultural activity? 9 years, 7 years
316. What is the validity period of PNB Kalyani Card? 3 years
317. Under PNB Krishi Bhu Swami Yojna, what is the eligibility criteria for Small and Marginal farmers? Who own
maximum of 5 acres of unirrigated land or 2.5 acres of irrigated land including the land to be purchased
318. What is the maximum amount of loan and gestation period under PNB Krishi Bhu Swami Yojna? Rs. 20 lac, 24
319. Under Farm Mechanisation scheme, what is the eligibility criteria for purchase of power tillers/ other farm
machinery? Minimum 1.5 acres of perennially irrigated land
320. Under Farm Mechanisation scheme, what is the eligibility criteria for repair/ renovation of tractor? Tractor
should be more than 5 years old but not older than 12 years
321. Under Farm Mechanisation scheme , what is the maximum amount of loan for purchase of second hand
tractor plus implements and purchase of repair and renovation of existing tractor? Rs. 2 lac, Rs. 1 lac
322. Under the scheme for financing setting up of Agri clinics and agri business centres, which institute is the prime
institute for imparting training to Agricultural Graduates? National Institute of Agricultural Extension
Management, Hyderabad
323. Under PNB Sakhi scheme, PNB Sakhi will also be provided honorarium of Rs. _____ per month which will be in
addition to honorarium given under NRLM, if any. Rs. 1500/-
324. How much budget has been allocated under Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna (PMFBY) for FY 2016-17? Rs.
5500 crore
325. How much budget has been allocated for National Food Security Mission for FY 2016-17? Rs. 500 crore
326. Negotiable instrument contains ____ number of sections? 147
327. Protection is available to the paying banker for payment of cheque under section ______of Negotiable
Instrument act? 85
328. The person who is directed to carry out the unconditional order of the drawer in case of a bill of exchange is
called? Drawee
329. A/C payee crossing is defined in? It is not defined in any act

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330. What is the maximum loan amount under “Shishu” category of Mudra scheme? Rs. 50000/-
331. The amount transferable to the reserve fund by banks incorporated in India is ______ of the profit for each
year? 20%
332. When any bank or financial institution obtains a charge against property , with which authority will the
transaction have to be registered under the SARFAESI act, 2002? With the Central registry
333. When can the provisions of SARFAESI act 2002 be invoked for proceeding against the charged property? When
there is default in repayment and the bank declares the account as NPA
334. What is the full form of MMID? Mobile Money Identifier
335. What is the menu option to allow preferential rate of interest in Senior citizen accounts? PRFUPD
336. A Bill of Exchange/Promissory Note is always payable____ if the time for payment is not specified on it. On
337. A cheque is given to a charitable trust in donation. The trust in this case will become? Holder
338. An instrument is called inchoate if____? The instrument is not complete
339. Paying banker will not get protection under the NI act if_____? The signature of the drawer is forged
340. The issue of new securities to existing shareholders at a ration to those already held is known as__? Right
Issue/ Right Shares
341. Retail individual investor means an investor who applies or bids __? For securities of or for a value of not
more than Rs. 100000/-
342. Red herring prospectus is a prospectus___? Which does not have details of either price or number of shares
being offered or the amount of issue
343. Under ASBA facility, investors can apply in public/ rights issues by using which of the following? Their Bank
344. In international factoring , the number of factors will be ___? 2
345. Forfaiting provides to the exporter against receivables____? 100% financing
346. In a bank guarantee, the number of parties involved in the agreement are___? 3
347. A revolving letter of credit is one which provides that the amount of drawing stipulated in it will be available to
the beneficiary___? Again and again as may be agreed between the buyer and the seller within a stipulated
348. What is the maximum amount of loan to a micro and small enterprise that can be sanctioned without
obtaining collateral security or 3rd party guarantee, if the loan is secured by CGTMSE guarantee? Rs. 100 lac
349. What is the maximum amount of loan to a micro and small enterprise that can be sanctioned without
obtaining collateral security? Rs. 10 lac
350. What is the maximum amount of loan that can be allowed to a micro and small enterprise as composite loan
under single window system? Rs. 1 crore
351. The risks considered for capital requirements under basel II are ___? Credit risk, market risk and operational
352. The first piller under Basel II talks about___? Minimum capital requirements
353. As per Basel II framework , the total of Tier 2 capital I permitted upto a maximum of __? 100% of tier 1 capital
354. Subordinated term debt will be limited to a maximum of ____? 50% of tier 1 elements
355. The minimum total capital ratio under Basel III is ___% of total risk weighted assets. 9.00%
356. How many credit information companies are operating in the country? 4
357. CIBIL as a credit bureau caters to ____? Both commercial and consumer segments
358. “RuPay” card payment network is developed by which of the following organization? National Payments
Corporation of India
359. RBI has mandated re-crediting of failed ATM transactions within___ working days from the date of receipt of
customer complaint. 7

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360. In deposit accounts, the main relationship between bank and customer is ____? Debtor-bank, creditor-
361. When a banks lends money to the corporate person the relationship is ___? Creditor-debtor
362. Bailor-bailee relationship is applicable in ___? Keeping articles in safe custody with bank
363. What relationship is created when the bank collects a cheque in clearing? Collecting bank and holder
364. When any FDR is lost by a customer of a bank, what document is executed____? Indemnity Bond
365. Section 131 of NI act gives protection for collection of _____? Cheque
366. A NRE account can be opened by ___? It can be opened jointly by NRI with a close relative
367. Lien is a/an _____ of the creditor to retail possession. Right
368. Banker’s lien is not applicable in case of ____? Safe custody, Securities left negligently, Debts not due
369. Right to combine two accounts by banks is called___? Set Off
370. Garnishee order is issued by a _____? Court of Law
371. Attachment order is issued by __? Income Tax Officer, sales Tax Officer
372. Mandate is an/a _____ agreement. Unstamped
373. Power of attorney can be _____? Donor-donee
374. Which act contains nomination rules and provisions? BR act
375. What is the minimum number of partners in a Limited Liability Partnership? 2
376. Which of the following card works on “buy now and pay later”? Credit Card
377. Money lent for a period of 2 to 14 days is called__? Notice Money
378. Call money refers to____? Money lent for one day
379. What is the full form of AEPS? Aadhar Enabled payment system
380. Maximum amount of demand deposit that a payment bank can accept is ____? Rs. 1 lac per depositor
381. What is the name of digital life certificate based on Aadhar biometric authentication? Jeevan Pramaan
382. What is the name of the education loan scheme for pursuing higher studies from abroad? PNB Udaan
383. RBI’s monetary and credit policy is reviewed__? On bi-monthly basis
384. The maximum level upto which SLR can be prescribed by RBI as per BR act is__? 40%
385. Which investment is not included as part of SLR assets? Investment in quoted shares
386. The minimum CRR as per RBI act is : As per RBI discretion
387. What is the rate of interest paid on CRR balances with RBI? NIL
388. Banks are required to submit information to CRILC in the following cases___? Where the fund and non fund
based exposures is at least Rs. 5 cr, Where the account falls in SMA-2 category, Where the balance in CA
exceeds Rs. 1 cr
389. Loan to Value ratio against gold jewellery can be: 75% maximum
390. Banks cannot lend on security of their own shares as per restriction imposed by: BR act 1949 Section 20
391. Bank rate is the rate of interest charged by : RBI on rediscounting of commercial bills/ instruments by banks
392. Loan to value ratio in case of housing loans upto Rs. 20 lac can be: 90%
393. Loan to value ratio in case of housing loans above Rs. 20 lac and upto Rs. 5 lac can be: 80%
394. Loan to value ratio in case of housing loans above Rs. 75 lac can be: 75%
395. The renewal of working capital credit limit is to be done on ___ as stipulated by RBI. Annual basis
396. Banks are required to have legal audit of documents and title deeds taken as security, where the loan amount
is Rs. _____ and above. 5 crore
397. Which of the following is not a non fund based credit facility: Bills Purchasing
398. As per turnover method of Nayak committee , minimum working capital should be ___ % of projected sales?
399. As per Nayak committee recommendations , the working capital requirements is to be met by bank and the
borrower in the ratio of ? 4:1

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400. As per turnover method of Nayak committee, bank limit for working capital should be ___% of projected
sales? Minimum 20%
401. Under the Consumer Protection Act District forum has powers to deal with cases up to Rs. ___lacs? 20
402. Payment of cheques is governed by sections _____under NI act? Section 10/31/85/126
403. Promissory notes/ Bills of exchange and cheques are defined as ______? Negotiable instruments
404. Cheque is payable on______? Demand
405. One of the following crossings is not provided for in the NI act? Account Payee crossing
406. Sans recourse means___? Without liability to me
407. A bank on whom a cheque is drawn by the customer is____? Paying Bank
408. Section 131 of NI act extends protection to the ____? Collecting Bank
409. Where a customer, by a letter has advised the bank directing the banker not to honour/pay a particular
cheque such letter is called___? Stop payment Letter
410. The minimum number of members in a public limited company is ___? 7
411. Delegation of powers under a trust is __? Not Possible
412. Which documents stipulates internal rules of a company? Articles
413. Minor’s account can be opened in the guardianship of ____? Mother Or Father
414. Two or more minors if desirous of opening a bank account in your bank, whether they can open? Cannot open
415. A hindu minor having a natural guardian attains majority on completion of _____? 18 years
416. Who shall be natural guardian in case of married minor girl? Husband
417. A demand draft is issued by banks to be valid for ___? 3 months
418. Credit risk in lending refers to____? Default of repayment by the borrower
419. Net working capital means___? Current assets – current liabilities
420. Major current assets are___? Marketable investments and cash/ receivables/ inventories
421. What is the main objective of setting up of CERSAI? Preventing frauds
422. The government provides interest subvention of ___p.a. to the banks in respect of short term production
credit up to Rs. _____ provided to farmers. 2%, 3 lac
423. Under farm mechanization scheme, loan is given for___? Purchase of farm equipments
424. Scale of finance for crop loans is decided by __? District level technical committee
425. In broiler operation under poultry farming how many day’s old chicks are grown? 1 day
426. Who among the following is known as ‘ father of crop insurance’ in India? V.M. Dandekar
427. Under SJSRY, the bank will sanction ____of the project cost in case of general category of
beneficiary/institution? 90%
428. Under PMEGP, the minimum age limit for availing loan is _____? 18 years
429. When banks give home loans, the nature of charge created is ______? Mortgage
430. As per the stamp act, a document executed in India shall be stamped ___? Before or at the time of execution
431. The nature of charge created while advancing against LIC policies is ____? Assignment
432. Documents of title to goods has been defined in _____? Sale of goods act
433. Direct advances to agriculture and SME under standard assets category requires provision at the rate of ____?
434. A substandard asset is one which has remained NPA for a period less than or equal to ____? 12 months
435. Structure of CDR system has __? Three tiers
436. A Fund of Funds is a scheme that invests primarily ____? In other schemes of the same mutual fund of other
mutual funds
437. NAV of Gold exchange Traded Fund is calculated up to ___ decimal points? 4
438. The entry level capital requirement for a new Insurance company in India is___? Rs. 1 crore

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439. Participatory notes are like contract notes issued by ____? FIIs to entities that want to invest in the Indian
stock Market but do not want to register themselves with SEBI
440. What is the full form of FEMA? Foreign exchange management act
441. Which of the following payment system uses EDI? SWIFT
442. As per Govt. of India , for technology up-gradation what is maximum amount that is available under MSME
advances? Rs. 15 lac
443. What is the slogan of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sinchai Yojna? Per Drop More Crop
444. What is the menu option in CBS for feeding of data regarding external credit rating in big loan accounts is?
445. As per the latest KYC directions from RBI, ‘Small Account’ is a savings account in which___? The aggregate of
all credits in a financial year does not exceed rupees one lakh, the aggregate of all withdrawals and transfers
in a month does not exceed rupees ten thousand, the balance at any point of time does not exceed rupees
fifty thousand.
446. As per the latest KYC directions from RBI, periodic updation of KYC data should be carried out once in every
____years for High Risk Customers. 2
447. As per the latest KYC directions from RBI, periodic updation of KYC data should be carried out once in every
____years for Medium Risk Customers. 8
448. As per the latest KYC directions from RBI, periodic updation of KYC data should be carried out once in every___
years for Low Risk Customers. 10
449. As per directions from Reserve Bank of India, Demand Drafts are to be issued with account payee crossing for
Rs. ______ and above? Rs. 20000/-
450. As per recent guidelines ,Interest rate on Saving fund deposit accounts are to be credited to the account of the
account holders on ______? Quarterly Basis
451. What is the maximum amount of cash that can be accepted for issue of foreign currency at present is below or
equal to ___? Rs 50000/-
452. What is the name of the scheme for popularizing education among girls of rural/ semi urban areas in India?
PNB Ladli
453. What is the maximum amount of advance against deposits in Semi Urban Branches? Upto Rs. 100 lac
454. What is the maximum amount of loan under PNB Kisan Tatkal Card Yojna? Rs. 50000/-
455. Under SARFAESI act, representation/objection of the borrower has to be responded within ___days? 7
456. What is the per day intersol cash payment limit to III party in savings account? Rs. 50000/-
457. In which of the act, minor has been defined? Indian Majority act
458. ECB Stands for ? External Commercial Borrowings
459. What is the scheme code for opening of accounts under 'Kisan Gold Scheme’? CCKGS
460. Now 3D Secure Registration is required for ___________? PNB RuPay cards
461. All the credit requirements of RSETI trained candidates shall be met under MUDRA Scheme under Non- Farm
Sector category and the loan applications received by the branches shall be disposed off within____? A
minimum education qualification? Minimum education of 8th/ 10th pass with basic reading, writing and
numeracy skills
463. Under Scheme “SOVEREIGN GOLD BOND 2015-16” which of the following statement is correct? Minimum
investment in the Bonds shall be two grams with a maximum limit of subscription of five hundred grams per
person per fiscal year.
464. With effect from 1st January 2016, PAN number for all transactions above ____ in e‐ Stamping has been made
compulsory.? Rs. 200000

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465. As per the norms followed by the Government, a pensioner’s account should not have more than ---- credit
transactions in a calendar year attributable to pension and related arrear payments, if any. 14
466. Under the Swatantrata Sainik Samman Pension Scheme 1980, Dependent family pension is not sanctioned to a
spouse or a daughter of a freedom fighter if____? The spouse/daughter is already employed in a Central or a
State Government, Central/State PSU or local body and income from such job/activity exceeds Rs.240,000/-
per year or Rs.20,000/- per month.
467. In Vidyalakshmi portal ( an electronic platform to apply for education loan) The student after Registration on
the Portal can simultaneously apply for the loan with maximum____? Three Banks
468. Bank is distributing Life Insurance and General Insurance products including Health Insurance
through_______? PNB MetLife India Insurance Co Ltd and The Oriental General Insurance Co Ltd
469. The rate of interest on the refinance from IREDA to Banks/FIs shall be ____ per cent per annum. The scheduled
commercial Banks/FIs are required to provide the refinanced component of loan to the borrower at the same
interest rate i.e. two per cent per annum. 2.0 % & 2.0 %
470. Maximum Interest Rate cap to MSE Category of Borrowers Covered under CGTMSE, as per CGTMSE guidelines
can be______? Not more than BR+4% for loans upto Rs. 100.00 lac
471. How many application can process in ASBA ? Five Applications Can Be Made From a Single Deposit Account in
Each issue
472. ____ should be the guiding factor for arriving at sacrifice and authority competent to sanction, when proposal
of OTS is recommended to HO. Recoverable Dues
473. As per Bank's guidelines the accounts involving book outstanding of up to Rs._________, the valuation report
should be as recent as possible but not more than 1 year old. 2 Crore
474. As per Bank's guidelines accounts with outstanding balance of more than Rs._________, “Valuation to be
verified/vetted by 2 officials of the Bank independently, one of the officials must not be below the rank of
_____________” 5 Crore, Chief Manager
475. Efforts should be made for settlement of the account through OTS within _____ days. However maximum
period allowed for payment of OTS amount is _____ months with payment of delayed period interest generally
at base rate. 90 Days, 12 Months
476. Preparation of SI-2 (SARFAESI Manual) to get administrative sanction for Recall and taking SARFAESI Action,
lies with ___? Incumbent Incharge irrespective of scale
477. Under the SARFAESI Act, Fixation of Reserve Price of secured assets (movables & immovables) should be got
done on by: 84th/86th Day
478. As per Bank’s guidelines in case of IPs valuing Rs._______ & above, minimum 2 independent latest valuation
reports from Bank’s approved valuers shall be obtained. 5 Crore
479. For non-deposit of installment in RD account penalty @Rs.____ per Rs. 100/-p.m will be levied? 1.00
480. Facility of Premature cancellation of e-FD has been provided in Internet Banking. In which of the following
schemes premature cancellation is not possible. Anupam Term deposit scheme
481. Cash handling charges are NIL for deposit of cash of upto Rs._______ per day at non base branches . Rs.
482. PNB Rakshak recurring deposit scheme has been customized in CBS for opening of recurring deposit accounts
of defence personnel. What is the scheme code for this scheme? RDRAK
483. PNB Rakshak recurring deposit scheme has been customized in CBS for opening of recurring deposit accounts
of defence personnel. What is the minimum period of deposit under this scheme? 60 Months
484. What should be the minimum balance for sweep in and sweep out facility for variant of PNB Smart Banking
current account scheme- PNB Silver? Rs. 10 lac
485. What should be the minimum balance for sweep in and sweep out facility for variant of PNB Smart Banking
current account scheme- PNB Gold? Rs. 10 lac

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486. What should be the minimum balance for sweep in and sweep out facility for variant of PNB Smart Banking
current account scheme- PNB Diamond? Rs. 10 lac
487. In all variants of PNB Smart Banking current account scheme i.e. Silver, Gold, Diamond and Platinum, Sweep in
and Sweep out should be in multiples of Rs _______? Rs. 50000
488. Recently PNB SF Prudent Sweep Deposit Scheme has been bifurcated into two products i.e. one for individuals
and other for institutions. In PNB SF Prudent Sweep account for Institutions, What is the cut off level for Sweep
in or Sweep out to take place? Rs. 10 lac
489. Recently PNB SF Prudent Sweep Deposit Scheme has been bifurcated into two products i.e. one for individuals
and other for institutions. In PNB SF Prudent Sweep account for Institutions, FDRs will be issued for a period of
___? Min 7 days and Max 1 year
490. Recently PNB SF Prudent Sweep Deposit Scheme has been bifurcated into two products i.e. one for individuals
and other for institutions. What is the scheme code assigned to PNB SF Prudent Sweep account exclusively for
Institutions? SBPPI
491. On what dates on the month, sweep out will take place in PNB SF Prudent Sweep account for Individuals? On
5th, 15thand 25th of the month
492. To empower women, our bank has launched a new savings fund account scheme- PNB Power Savings account
for women on International Women’s day. What is the maximum free personal accident insurance cover
available on platinum debit card in this account? Rs. 5 lac
493. How many reward points will be rewarded to customer for online registration of IBS/MBS? 50
494. On performing first transaction through IBS, How many reward points will be rewarded to customer? 25
495. On performing NEFT transaction through IBS, How many reward points will be rewarded to customer? 5 per
496. On performing RTGS transaction through IBS, How many reward points will be rewarded to customer? 10 per
497. On performing IMPS transaction through IBS/MBS, How many reward points will be rewarded to customer? 5
per transaction
498. For booking a ticket on IRCTC through IBS, how many rewards points will be rewarded to customer? 10 per
499. For Credit Card payment done through IBS, how many reward points will be rewarded to customers? 10 per
500. We can open FD account and RD account through Internet Banking. How many reward points will be rewarded
to customers? 50
501. How many maximum point can be rewarded to customers in a day for NEFT/RTGS transactions performed
through IBS? 20
502. How many maximum point can be rewarded to customers in a month for NEFT/RTGS transactions performed
through IBS? 50
503. On performing first transaction through Mobile Banking, How many reward points will be rewarded to
customer? 25
504. On performing NEFT/IMPS/Bill payment through Mobile Banking, How many reward points will be rewarded
to customer? 5
505. Recently an Android application has been launched to assist the users of ATM. What is the name of
application? ATM Assist
506. Our Bank has recently launched a new android app for SMS Banking for Single Touch Banking Operations.
What is the name of the application? PNB MobiEase
507. To add a security feature in its IBS/MBS, Bank has introduced facility of Blocking of Internet Banking and
Mobile Banking passwords through SMS when not in use. What is name of the facility? Sleep Easy

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508. What is the SMS format for blocking Internet Banking transaction password when not in use and sending it to
5607040? BLOCK<space>IBS<space>User-ID
509. What is the SMS format for blocking Mobile Banking transaction password when not in use and sending it to
5607040? BLOCK<space>MBS<space>User-ID
510. How much cash can be deposited in one go in Bulk Note Acceptor machine if PAN is registered in the account?
Upto Rs. 200000/-
511. Recently a new feature has been added in PNB mobile Banking app. What is the name of this feature?
Mobile/DTH recharge
512. If a transaction in a pension account is done through branch and mobile number is registered in the account ,
what would be the threshold limit for the sms alerts to be sent on registered mobile number? Rs. 1000/- and
513. Our bank has recently launched Bulk cash acceptor cum ATM machine. How many currency note can machine
accept in one go? 300
514. Our bank has recently launched Bulk cash acceptor cum ATM machine. The maximum amount per transaction
that can be deposited by a customer through the machine if PAN is registered in the account is_____ ? Rs.
515. Our bank has recently launched Bulk cash acceptor cum ATM machine. The maximum amount per transaction
that can be deposited by a customer through the machine if PAN is not registered in the account is_____ ? Rs.
516. What is e-CMS? System of effectively handling inward NEFT/RTGS Transactions for corporate Customers/
Business Entities with large volume inward transaction with complete MIS through virtual accounts
517. Recently an electronic platform has been launched to apply for education loan. What is the name of the
portal? Vidya Lakshmi portal
518. To promote the installation of Solar Power Systems by MNRE, Recently financing of Solar Power systems has
been included under Housing Finance Scheme for public. What is the maximum loan amount for financing Solar
Power system? Rs. 2 Lac
519. What is the maximum loan amount for financing of car by public for Individuals/ Proprietorship concerns? 100
520. What is the menu option for capturing course details at the time of account opening under PNB Udaan
scheme? CDEDU
521. What is the quantum of finance for PNB Udaan scheme? Rs. 20 Lacs
522. What is maximum loan amount under Personal Loan scheme for Pensioners for age of borrower upto 70
years? Rs. 10 Lac
523. What is maximum loan amount under Personal Loan scheme for Pensioners for age of borrower above 70
years and upto 75 years? Rs. 7.5 Lac
524. What is maximum loan amount under Personal Loan scheme for Pensioners for age of borrower above 75
years? Rs. 5 lac
525. What is the extent of Loan amount for business purposes for finance against mortgage of immovable
property? 5.00 crore
526. What is the extent of Loan amount for Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna scheme- PNB Housing for All- Credit linked
subsidy scheme for EWS/LIG Beneficiaries? Rs. 30 Lakh
527. Recently Education Loan scheme PNB Honhaar has been launched for pursuing higher education and skill
development courses in Delhi. What is the maximum loan amount and margin under this scheme? Rs. 10 Lakh,
NIL margin
528. For financing purchase of two wheeler to women borrowers , a new scheme PNB Power Ride has been
launched. What is the maximum loan amount , margin and rate of interest under this scheme? Rs. 60000/-,
10%, BR+1.50%

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529. For financing purchase of two wheeler to women borrowers , a new scheme PNB Power Ride has been
launched. What is the income criteria and repayment period under this scheme? Rs. 8000/- p.m, 36 months
530. Under Dr. Ambedkar Central Sector Scheme of Interest Subsidy, interest subsidy is provided on education
loans is provided for Overseas Studies for the students belonging to OBCs & EBCs communities. What is the
menu option in CBS for capturing details for submission and lodgement of claim? OBEDU
531. Under Dr. Ambedkar Central Sector Scheme of Interest Subsidy, interest subsidy is provided on education
loans is provided for Overseas Studies for the students belonging to OBCs & EBCs communities. What is the
income criteria for OBC and EBC candidates respectively? Rs. 3 lac and Rs. 1 Lac per annum
532. Under Housing finance scheme for public, what is the percentage of margin for purchase of land/plot for
house building ? 25%
533. Recently a new variant of Housing loan scheme “PNB Gen-Next housing finance scheme for public” has been
launched to bring Gen-Next customers such as IT professionals, young executives, PSUs/ PSBs/ Govt. Employees
etc. into Bank’s fold. Under this scheme the borrower will be offered ______times of the loan amount
calculated as per the regular housing loan eligibility method, subject to maintenance of prescribed LTV ratio.
534. What is age limit of borrower under PNB Gen-Next housing finance scheme for public ? 40 years
535. What should be minimum net monthly salary of borrower under PNB Gen-Next housing finance scheme for
public ? Rs. 35000/-
536. What is minimum loan amount under PNB Gen-Next housing finance scheme? Rs. 20 lacs
537. Under the Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme For Education Loans (CGFSEL), the Fund shall provide guarantee
cover to the extent of ______of the amount in default. 75%
538. When RBI wants to reduce liquidity in the banking system: It increases the CRR
539. The methodology of calculation of Base Rate can be changed by Banks after___3 years
540. Bank’s aggregate exposure in capital market can be : Maximum 40% of networth of previous year
541. Bank’s direct exposure to capital market can be: Maximum 20% of networth of previous year
542. In case of sanction of loans to the directors of other banks or their relatives , the loan aggregating Rs. ____and
above can be sanctioned by Board of Directors: 25 lac
543. As per Nayak committee method, minimum working capital should be ___ months’ projected sales? 3 months
544. For sanctioning Term Loans, which of the following ratio is more important? Debt service coverage ratio
545. District Forum has passed order to pay compensation. How recovery of the ordered amount is made? By
referring the order to collector for making recovery as if it is land revenue recovery
546. Who is the chairman of the central consumer protection council? Minister in charge of consumer affairs in the
central government
547. In a civil suit, to which bank is not a party, one of the parties has produced certified copies of books of
accounts. One party to the suit wants to call bank officer as witness to prove the contents of the copy. Can it be
done? No, as the certified copy is a prima facie evidence that is admissible in evidence
548. Doctrine of election will come into play___? When all the aforesaid elements are to be present in a case.
549. Can the order of the central government in the appointment of the presiding officer of the tribunal be
challenged in any court? No
550. Provisions of the SARFAESI act are applicable to which of the following? Securities charged to the creditors
and not in the possession of creditor
551. Charges created by company shall be registered with ___? Registrar of companies
552. Charge shall be registered within ___ days from the date of creation of charge. 60
553. Hypothecation is an implied pledge in cases where____? Constructive possession of goods is given
554. Pledge means____ of goods for purpose of securing a payment of debt or performance of promise. Bailment
555. Mortgage is ____ in the immovable property. Transfer of interest
556. Simple mortgage is created by___? An instrument in writing
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557. In mortgage by way of conditional sale of property is__? Sold with a condition for re-conveyance
558. Limitation period for filing a suit for sale of mortgaged properties is ____ years from the date of mortgage
debt becomes due. 12
559. Bills of lading, dock warrants, warehouse keeper’s certificate etc. are some examples of__? Documents of title
to goods
560. For a loan against fixed deposit receipts____? The depositor/borrower affix revenue stamp on the reverse of
the deposit receipt
561. The maker of the bill is called____? Drawer
562. Bill purchase facility is granted in the case of___? Demand bills
563. Ownership of goods can be transferred by endorsement and delivery of __? Document of title to goods
564. The person in whose favour guarantee is issued is called__? Beneficiary
565. A person promising to save another from loss is called _____? Indemnifier
566. Indemnifiers liability in a contract of indemnity is _____? Primary
567. Cash credit facility is a ___ ?Fund based facility
568. Limitation period for filing a suit in term loans is ____ years from the date of default in instalment. 3
569. Individual borrowers are governed by the ____act. Indian contract act
570. In a hindu undivided family the business of the family is managed by ____? Karta
571. A public limited company shares are___? Transferable
572. Private trusts are governed by the ____ act. Indian trusts act
573. When a banker receives information that a cheque for collection is lost, the banker should___? Exercise due
caution while collecting the cheque
574. In the absence of proper reference the banker can be held liable on grounds of __? Negligence
575. The duties of the collecting bank to claim protection has been laid down under the ___? Negotiable
instrument act
576. Section 131A of the NI act extends the protection granted to a banker while___? Receiving payment of a
cheque and drafts
577. A customer is bound to inform the ___ about lost cheque leaves. Drawee bank
578. In a joint account if one of the signatures is forged____? Only the bank is liable
579. Payment to be made in due course ______? Need not always be made to holder but can be made to his
agent or servant
580. Reserve bank is empowered to conduct ___ of a banking company under section 35(1) of the BR act.
581. Zero risk investment implies? Zero variation in cash flow from investment
582. A bank funds its assets from a pool of composite liabilities. Apart from credit and operational risk, it faces___?
Basis risk
583. Premature payment of a term loan will result in interest rate risk of type__? Embedded option risk
584. A firm wants to purchase plant and machinery on long term credit basis , from the supplier on the guarantee
of its bank. Which facility can be sanctioned by the bank? Deferred payment guarantee
585. Which of the following is applied for quoting the foreign exchange rates in India? Direct rate
586. The maximum amount of foreign exchange that a resident can retail is restricted to___? USD 2000
587. When a bank receives foreign currency , it makes use of the following? Buying rate
588. The resident Indians can remit up to _____ under RBIs Liberalized Remittance scheme. USD 250000 per
financial year
589. Maximum amount of gift or donation that can be sent abroad within LRS scheme of RBI is___? USD 250000
per financial year
590. Marking lien in operative account for recovery of instalment, the menu option is used__? LALIEN

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591. After marking of lien in operative account, the menu option _____ is used for recovery of instalment? LADSP
592. For generation of letters to borrowers/guarantors in irregular account the menu option is used__? LETGEN
593. The interest certificate is to be provided to the borrowers of Housing loan & education loan, menu option
is___? INTCERT
594. What is the maximum loan amount for financing car? Rs.100.00 lac
595. How much maximum loan may be sanctioned under Kaushal Education Scheme? Rs. 1.50 lac
596. Hypothecation is defined in____? SARFAESI Act 2002
597. Under SARFAESI , a notice of ----- days is to be given to the borrower in writing to discharge his liabilities in
fulfilling which the secured creditor shall exercise his rights under sec 13(4). 60
598. Security Verification is to be carried out ___________for regular housing loan accounts? Once in two years
599. Security documents against an advance can be executed___? At the time or before the disbursement of the
600. The appeal against the order/decree of Lok Adalat may be made with___? No appeal can be made in this case
601. Which is the new menu option in CBS which has clubbed 6 sub menus for recording the details of NPA
accounts? NPADET
602. Vetting of loan documents is required for sanctioned limit of Rs._____ and above. Rs. 2 cr
603. What is the menu option for recording the NPA details in CBS system? NPAD
604. The menu option for re-phasement of EMI loan account___? REPHASEI
605. What is the menu option for recording the SARFAESI details in CBS? SARF
606. In case of _______defaults in repayment of housing loan, inspection should be carried out immediately. Two
607. The Board advised that photographs of wilful defaulters with outstanding of Rs. ________ & above be only
published. 25 Lacs
608. In "Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna":- Pnb Housing For All Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme For Ews/Lig
Beneficiaries___? The subsidy is available at the rate of 6.5% upto loan amount of maximum Rs.6 lac for
tenure of 15 years or during tenure of the loan whichever is lower. Additional loans beyond Rs.6 lac, if any,
will be at nonsubsidized rate
609. What is the Sum insured under Medical Insurance Scheme for Officers/Employees in lieu of earlier
Hospitalisation Scheme under Regulations/Bipartite Settlement? Officers: Rs. 4,00,000/- ; Clerical Sub-staff: Rs.
610. The overdrafts upto Rs.5000/- extended after 08.04.2015 under PMJDY accounts may be classified under
"Micro, small and Medium Enterprises (MSME)" instead of "Others" provided the borrowers household annual
income does not exceed _____________. Rs. 100000 for rural areas and Rs. 160000 for non-rural areas
611. RBI has set up a ________ to collect, store and disseminate credit data of borrowers having aggregate
Exposure of Rs. 5 crore and above with SMA status of the accounts and/or parties having current account
balance of Rs. 1 crore and above to enable banks to access such information for initiating corrective Action Plan.
Central Repository of Information on Large Credits (CRILC)
612. In our Bank the committee named as “SPACE” consists of___? 6 members including an Invitee Member
613. If the amount of advance remittance exceeds _________or its equivalent, an unconditional, irrevocable
standby Letter of Credit or a guarantee from an international Bank of repute situated outside India or a
guarantee of an AD Category–I Bank in India, if such a guarantee is issued against the counter-guarantee of an
international Bank of repute situated outside India, is obtained. USD 200,000
614. While calculating CRAR, Claims on Bank for International Settlements (BIS), International Monetary Fund (IMF)
and eligible Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) will attract uniform risk weight of_____%? 20.00 %
615. What is the full form of OROP? One rank one pension
616. What is the meaning of SPOT rate? T+2 days

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617. Which letter of credit contains storage facilities at the port of shipment over and above the pre-shipment
finance. Green clause letter of credit
618. What do you mean by EBW? Half yearly statements to be submitted to RBI containing details of export bill
written off as on June and December
619. How many cheque leaves in a year are free in a basic saving bank deposit account? 20
620. What is the minimum QAB for PNB Junior saving accounts for minors? Zero
621. NEFT charges are free upto Rs. _____ per day in PNB saving fund account for minors? 10000/-
622. What is the initial deposit amount for Anupam term deposit scheme? Rs. 10000/-
623. What is the maximum amount of deposit for Anupam Term deposit scheme? Rs. 9999000/-
624. Interest is credited on ____ basis under Anupa term deposit scheme? Quarterly basis
625. What is the initial deposit amount for PNB Varshik Aay Yojna scheme? Rs. 10000/-
626. What is the minimum period of deposit under Varshik Aay Yojna scheme? 24 months
627. What is the penalty for premature withdrawal of Varshik aay Yojna scheme? 1.00%
628. What should be the minimum deposit amount to avail overdraft PNB Varshik Aay Yojna scheme? Rs. 10000/-
629. What is the minimum deposit amount PNB Sugam Term deposit scheme? Rs. 10000/-
630. What is the maximum deposit amount under PNB Sugam term deposit scheme? Rs. 10 crore
631. What is the minimum period of deposit under PNB Sugam ter deposit scheme? 46 days
632. What should be the minimum deposit amount to avail overdraft PNB Sugam term deposit scheme? Rs.
633. What is the minimum deposit amount under PNB Multi Benefit Term deposit scheme? Rs. 100/-
634. What is maximum deposit amount under PNB Multi Benefit Term deposit scheme? Rs. 9999999/-
635. Interest is compounded on ____ basis under Multi Benefit Term deposit scheme? Quarterly
636. What is the minimum period of deposit under PNB Multi Benefit Term deposit scheme ? 180 days
637. How much higher interest rate is given for deposits under fixed deposit scheme for road accident victims?
638. What should be the minimum age of the individual for Prospective Senior Citizen Term deposit scheme? 55
639. What should be the maximum age of the individual for Prospective Senior Citizen Term deposit scheme? 60
640. What is the minimum period of deposit under Prospective Senior Citizen Term deposit scheme? 1 year
641. What is the penalty for premature cancellation under Prospective Senior Citizen Term deposit scheme if the
depositor attains senior citizenship? No penalty
642. The monthly installments during the tenure of the deposit account shall not exceed ____ times of core amount
in any month under PNB Swechha Jama Yojna/Pnb Flexi Rd Scheme? 10
643. What is the penalty for premature withdrawal under PNB Swechha Jama Yojna/Pnb Flexi RD Scheme? No
premature withdrawal
644. What is the minimum amount of deposit under PNB tax saver fixed deposit scheme? Rs. 100/-
645. What is the lock in period of deposit under PNB tax saver fixed deposit scheme? 5 years
646. To arrest the misuse of the Vidyarthi Account, an exceptional report has been customized in menu option
_______? CTRPT
647. What is the cut off level for the sweep in and sweep out facility to take place in PNB Shikshak scheme? Rs.
648. FDR’s under PNB Shikshak scheme can be issued for a maximum period of ____ days. 179
649. For the purpose of Orderly & periodic transfer of inactive Bank’s records from prime office storage space or
inadequate remote storage to the Bank’s records centre, Bank has provided schedule wise period for
maintaining record, this has been provided in___? Record Maintenance Policy

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650. Which out of following is not appropriate about Stress Testing Guidelines of RBI? Banks may perform the
stress tests at least at monthly intervals.
651. What are extant guidelines for operation of joint NRE accounts? Joint NRE Account can be opened in names of
two or more Non Resident Individuals provided all the joint account holders are persons of Indian Nationality or
origin and With Resident Indian close relative(relative as defined under section 6 of Companies Act)
652. What does exactly word TRADE CREDIT means? It is a credit extended by business firms to the other business
653. Net working capital can be calculated as? Long term sources – long term uses
654. In a letter of credit, by adding a confirmation, the confirming bank undertakes the liability similar to the___?
Issuing bank
655. An LC is issued by bank A, is advised by Bank B. Bank A wants to advise the amendment through Bank C. It can
be done through bank B only
656. When a letter of credit specifies to be negotiated or paid by a particular bank, this called__? Restricted credit
657. The bank that gives the guarantee of payment by the LC issuing bank is called___? Confirming bank
658. If amount of insurance is not stated in LC, it can be ____% of ____? 10% of cost, freight and insurance
659. Under UCPDC, where an LC does not specify whether revocable or irrevocable, this is treated as__?
660. If date of negotiation of LC is mentioned ‘on and above’ Dec 31, it can be negotiated within ___ days before or
after the date? 5 calendar days
661. Payment to seller under a letter of credit is made initially by___? Nominated bank
662. UCDPC guidelines applicable for inland LCs are issued and modified from time to time by__? ICC paris
663. Under a letter of credit, the beneficiary is required to present the documents within validity period for
negotiation , but not later than _____ after date of shipment . 21 days
664. For documents presented by beneficiary under LC, negotiated or nominated bank is allowed upto ___ days? 5
banking days
665. For scrutiny of documents presented by nominated bank under LC, issuing bank gets maximum ____days. 5
banking days
666. For sending advance against availment of imported service , what is the maximum amount that can be
remitted by an AD without insisting of bank guarantee? USD 0.5 million
667. In which of the following sale-purchase contract for import of goods, the cost of freight is born by seller? Cost
and freight CIF
668. Which export declaration form is used for export of software in non physical form? SOFTEX form
669. In which of the non resident account, the exchange risk is borne by the bank? FCNR
670. Against FDR of foreign currency non resident bank accounts the maximum loan that can be allowed? Up to
value of FD with a appropriate margin
671. In case of long or overbought position in foreign currency , if the FC rates are appreciating___? A bank makes
672. The cut off limit for classifying borrowers s non cooperative would be those borrowers having aggregate fund
based and non fund based facilities of Rs. ___ from the concerned bank/FI. Rs. 500 cr
673. The minimum and maximum court fee that is required to be paid for filing a suit in a Debt Recovery Tribunal
is? Rs. 12000, Rs. 1.50 lac
674. The decision on an appeal against DRT is to be given by DRAT within___? 180 days
675. What is the amount of loan eligible for filing suit in DRT is? Rs. 10 lac and above
676. If a party is aggrieved by the order of registrar or Recovery officer , the party can approach presiding officer of
DRT within___? 15 days and 30 days
677. DRT or DRAT are created under provisions of___? Recovery of debt due to banks and FI act 1993
678. DRT is expected to take a decision on a cse referred to it___? Within 180 days
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679. Lok adalats are constituted under the provisions of ____? Legal services authorities act
680. What is the maximum amount which a lok adalat can entertain? Rs. 20 lac
681. Under SARFAESI act, the buyer of the assets sold by the bank, has to deposit ____% of sale price immediately.
682. Under SARFAESI act, the buyer of the assets sold by the bank, has to deposit remaining amount of ____within
____. 75%, 15 days
683. W.e.f 01.06.2016 Krishi Kalyan cess is to be incorporated at the rate of ____? 0.5%
684. What is the menu option to calculate TDS in a term deposit account? TDSCALC
685. What is the menu option for changing the GL subhead code? TACBSH
686. What is the menu option for the updation of email address of the customer for sending the account
statements of email? UPEMAIL
687. Remittance of TDS can be done through menu option___? RMTDS
688. What is the threshold limit of the amount for the SMS alert to be sent of registered mobile number of the
customer? Rs. 5000/-
689. What is the initial amount of deposit to be deposited by Govt. Of India under Balika shiksha fixed deposit
scheme is ____? Rs. 3000/-
690. One rupee note is signed by____? Secretary of MoF
691. Legal heirs or successors of a deceased customer can access the locker on production of ___? Probate or letter
of administration
692. If a pensioner has to open a pension account, it can be opened by_____? Pensioner only or with his spouse
693. If the interest on term deposits in a financial year is ____, TDS is to be deducted by bank. Rs. 10000 and above
694. In case of advance against shares in dematerialised form, minimum margin is_____?25%
695. A bank guarantee is called a ______if it covers only a single transaction. Specific guarantee
696. Which is an example of financial guarantee? Deferred Payment guarantee
697. On which of the following securities charge can be created by way of mortgage? Land and building
698. The charge on immovable can be created by___? Mortgage
699. Pledge is defined in___? Indian contract act
700. Mortgage is defined in____? Transfer of property act
701. The difference between pledge and hypothecation is on account of ___? Possession
702. In case of advance against shares, the drawing power is calculated by ____minus margin. Market value
703. In case of loan to partnership firm the documents should be signed by___? All major partners in their capacity
as partner of the firm and in their individual capacity
704. The borrowing powers of directors are contained in____? Articles of association
705. Limitation act is applicable in____? Whole of India except Jammu and Kashmir
706. For the loan against the insurance policy, the amount which is considered is ____? Surrender value
707. If an advance is given against supply bills , it is called _____ advance. Clean
708. The banking ombudsman is appointed for a maximum period of ___ years by RBI. 3
709. The relationship between bank and holder of a locker is___? Lessor and lessee
710. A garnishee order is issued _____? On the banker of judgement debtor
711. The relationship between bank and the person who lodges the cheque will be____? Agent and principal
712. On the recommendations of the Damodaran Committee, our Bank appointed ______to act as Internal
Ombudsman (IO) for ensuring that the minimum number of cases get escalated to the Banking Ombudsman
(BO). Chief Customer Service Officer (CCSO)
713. `May I help You’ Counter will be extended at all branches having staff strength of_____.10 or more
714. Customer’s Day is observed on ____ of every month. 15th

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715. As per cheque collection policy, Bank will consider providing immediate credit for third party cheques up to
the aggregate value of _______(Outstanding at any given point of time) tendered for collection by individual
account holders including staff members but excluding minors and non-residents subject to satisfactory conduct
of such accounts for a period not less than six months. Rs. 15000/-
716. As per cheque collection policy, Time frame for collection of cheques drawn on state capitals/major
cities/other locations to be ________respectively. 7/10/14 days
717. Presently, _______ have been rendering Contact Centre services to the Bank. M/s Aegis Limited and M/s
Mphasis Limited
718. Which term deposit scheme has been introduced at Business correspondent locations under Kiosk Banking
Solutions. Multi Benefit Term Deposit Scheme
719. What is the initial deposit amount under PNB Sanchay (Micro Deposit Scheme) at BC locations? Rs. 50/-
720. What is the maximum deposit per annum under PNB Sanchay (Micro Deposit Scheme) at BC locations? Rs.
721. What is the period of deposit under PNB Sanchay scheme? 12 months to 36 months
722. Which day of the week has been designated as Tax payers day wherein all heads of all offices in the field will
meet the taxpayer/other stakeholders without any prior appointment in order to address their grievances
relating to Central Excise/Service Tax/Customs expeditiously? Wednesday
723. As per latest guidelines issued by CBDT and Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited, disclosure of PAN have
been made mandatory for all transactions above ______. Rs. 2 lakhs.
724. An ASBA form can have up to _____options. 3 bid
725. What is the extent of loan amount under PNB Nurture scheme? Rs. 2 lacs
726. Telephonic Confirmation of high value cheque of ____ from the account holder should be done before
making payment of the cheque. Rs. 2 lac and above.
727. The ______ is tax information reporting regime, which requires Financial Institutions (FIs) to identify their U.S.
accounts through enhanced due diligence reviews and report them periodically to the U.S or in case of Inter-
Governmental agreement(IGA), to appropriate government authority. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
728. ______ is a global level uniform standard for automatic exchange of financial account information. CRS, an
initiative of G-20 countries and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and is similar
to FATCA. Common Reporting standard (CRS)
729. Menu option _____(having maker-checker) has been customized which shall assign correct TDS rate codes (as
per above applicability criteria) in all 15G/H customer Ids having 4th digit PAN alpha as “P‟ or “H‟. TDSUPD
730. Which accounts are covered under FATCA? Deposit account and Custodial account
731. As per record maintenance policy , records to be preserved for ____ for Newspapers and Periodicals. one
732. As per record maintenance policy , records to be preserved for ____ for Loan proposals (sanction, follow up
etc.) and the related correspondence after closure of account . 3 years
733. What is the time limit for registration under CERSAI? 30 days (extension by 30 days by Central registrar)
734. What is the amount of working capital in turnover method ? minimum 25% of projected turnover i.e. 3
months projected sales
735. Address change by customer to be conveyed to bank____? Within 2 weeks
736. FC rate on purchase of foreign DD? TT buying rate
737. Partners liability with respect to CC advance to bank to the partnership is ____? Unlimited
738. Under RBI guidelines , a bank can withdraw cheque book facility to a customer who repeats a bounce offence
of cheques of Rs 1 crore and above each on ____? More than four times
739. Housing loan of Rs. 28 lacs in metro can be allowed provided the house cost is not exceeding ____? Rs. 35 lacs

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740. Under section _____, No excuse is available to the drawer from prosecution if had no reason to believe when
he issued the cheque that it may be dishonoured on its presentation. 140 of NI act
741. ____ is the process when the holder may cause the dishonour to be noted by a notary public when a
promissory note of bill of exchange has been dishonoured by non acceptance or non payment. Noting
742. Under UCPDC600 what is the time period during which issuing bank or nominated bank can check the
documents to ensure that these are as per LC requirement. 5 banking days
743. In KCC scheme, to calculate the limit for 5 years , the cost escalation is to be built in for assessing the limit for a
subsequent year at ____ of previous year limit. 10%
744. PAN details and 15G are not provided by customer. TDS rate will be ____. 20%
745. Banker Customer relationship in standing instruction is ____. Agent Principal
746. In garnishee order if amount is not specified then___. Entire amount proceeds are attached
747. Risk weight of loan sanctioned to staff secured by Mortgage and superannuation benefits is ___. 20%
748. Pari passu charge in consortium finance means_____? Share in security according to the ratio of their loans
749. RBI revised guidelines for rehabilitation of MSMEs are applicable for exposure upto ____. Rs. 25 crore
750. _____ is an unconditional order to pay money to or to the order of a person. Bill of exchange
751. Deposit is classified as bulk if single amount is ____. Rs. 1 crore and above ( Rs. 15 lacs for RRBs)
752. Exposure in company on solo basis? 30% of paid up capital + reserves of bank or 30% of paid up capital of
company whichever is lower.
753. Classification of deposit to be as unclaimed deposit if account is not operated at least for 10 years. It is to be
transferred to DEAF.
754. _____ is undertaking from borrower not to create any charge on his property. Negative Lien
755. TDS to be deducted if interest income exceeds ____ in a FY in FD/RD account for bank as a unit. Rs 10000
756. What is accrual base of accounting? Transaction are recorded / accounted as an when they become due
whether actually received / paid or not.
757. Fake currency found should be reported in a consolidated monthly report to state police when the number is
_____ in a single transaction. 4 or less
758. Leverage ratio as per basel-III is ____ .3%
759. SARFAESI act is not applicable if security is ____. Agriculture land
760. Safe custody of article is dealt according to ____. Indian contract act
761. Under ESOP scheme, loans upto ____ can be given to employees. Rs. 20 lacs
762. Education loan eligible for NCGTC guarantee is _____. Max 7.50 lacs
763. ROC authority to allow extension on registration of charge for period of ___. 270 days
764. PAN is required when cash transaction is _____. Rs. 50000 and above
765. What is the full form of LRS? Liberalized Remittance scheme
766. CGTMSE fee for women enterprise when limit is above Rs. 5 lac is _____. 0.80% p.a of sanctioned amount
767. Inchoate instruments are dealt as per ____. Section 20 of NI act
768. No. Of nominees in jointly operated lockers? Max 2
769. Windows is an ____. Operating System
770. For banks in India , the accounting standard Ind AS will be effective from _____ Apr 01, 2018
771. What is the maximum loan under priority sector that can be allowed for construction of school or providing
health care facilities? Rs. 5 crore per borrower
772. If material alteration is not visible then protection to paying banker under section ____ is available. 89 of NI
773. Maximum forex that can be retained in form of currency notes or TC is ____. USD 2000.
774. What is the target for loans to women members in SHG in NULM scheme? 30%
775. RBI can issue bank note with highest denomination of ____. Upto Rs. 10000

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776. Concurrent audit should cover at least____ of deposits and advances of a bank . 50%
777. Minimum promoters contribution for small and payment bank is ___. 40% for first 5 years
778. What is the full form of ASBA? Application supported by blocked amount
779. What is the full form of ICAAP? Internal capital adequacy assessment process
780. Under sovereign gold bond scheme maximum units acquired upto ___ 500 units i.e 500 gm gold
781. What is the minimum paid up capital requirement for payment bank? Rs 100 crore
782. What is the minimum amount for commercial paper? Rs. 5 lacs
783. What is the full form of MTSS? Money transfer service scheme
784. What is the minimum gold deposit permitted under Gold monetisation scheme? 30 grams of 995 fitness
785. The deadline set by RBI for banks to meet Basel-III norms is ____ 31 mar 2019
786. What is the retention period for form 15G/15H obtained at branches? 7 years
787. Clean notes should not be more ____ in soiled note sections remitted to currency chests. 5%
788. Subvention as per Interest Equalisation scheme ? 3%
789. The conversion of physical shares into electronic form is called ____. Dematerialisation
790. letter of administration is applicable when___. The customer is expired without will
791. BCSBI is autonomous institution under ____. Societies registration act
792. The borrowers to be classified as wilful defaulters for cutoff limit of ____. Rs. 25 lacs and above
793. Which is the nodal agency for implementing PMEGP scheme? KVIC
794. Articles of association is meant for ____. Internal activities of the company
795. What is the maximum ceiling for NEFT transaction? No ceiling
796. Banks have been asked to examine cheques under UV lamps . this is applicable if the cheque amount goes
over___. Rs. 2 lac
797. In principle sanction for setting up of payment banks valid upto ___. 18 months
798. ____ of net profit to be contributed for corporate social responsibility fund by companies. 2%
799. What is the full form of LAN? Local area network
800. Who is the current governor of RBI? Raghuram Rajan
801. Under SARFAESI act, in case of consortium lending, ___ % of creditors to agree to bring the action under
SARFAESI. 60% of creditors by value.
802. What is the service charge for a remittance of Rs 20000/- to Nepal if payee not customer of NSBL? RS. 100
803. Receivables in terms of export bill negotiated under LC shall be treated as ____. Contingent liability for
804. TDS at the rate of 10% is to be deducted at source in case of individuals and HUF , if the rent payable in a
financial year exceeds ____. Rs 180000
805. The meaning of debtor velocity ratio is ____. Cycle of debt collection period
806. When an order passed by the banking ombudsman is accepted by the complainant, the same should be
complied within ___. 1 month from the date of receipt of acceptance from the complainant
807. The family income criteria for urban areas under DRI scheme is ____. Max. Rs. 24000 p.a.
808. In project finance, debt equity ratio requirement for other than infrastructure finance is ___. 2:1
809. A crossed DD was paid by cash . what risk is there for the bank? Bank will be liable to true owner of DD if
payment made to a person other than true owner.
810. Under UCPDC600, what is the tolerance limit of variation in quantity , if not specifically mentioned in LC. +/-
811. If an LC contains a clause “about” regarding the amount and quantity of goods , how much tolerance is
permitted? 10%
812. Benchmark current ratio under turnover method is ____. 1.25

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813. Under Basel II , for calculating capital for operational risk which method is to be applied for the time being?
Basic indicator approach
814. In case of NRO accounts, authorised dealers can allow repatriation of the sale proceeds of immovable property
upto ____ in a financial year. USD 1 million
815. Legal risk is part of ___. Operational risk
816. In case of SARFAESI act , before preferring appeal to DRAT , how much amount is to be deposited by the
borrower before DRAT? 50% of the claim amount which can be reduced to 25% by DRAT. For making
application to DRT , no amount is to be deposited .
817. Within how many days, Export documents and Bill of Lading to be submitted to authorised dealer for
realisation. 21 days of shipment
818. What is the provision for unsecured advance under substandard category? 25% for other than infrastructure.
819. In short term agricultural advances interest subvention is allowed . what is the rule in this regard? Interest
subvention at the rate of 2% allowed upto Rs. 3 lac and bank will charge interest at the rate of 7%
820. Limit for settling cases in Lok adalat? Rs. 20 lacs
821. Which ratio indicates the percentage of return on the total capital employed in the business? Overall
Profitability ratio
822. What is the ideal value of Fixed assets ratio? 0.67
823. Debt equity ratio is also known as ____. External Internal equity ratio
824. ____ is calculated to ascertain the soundness of the long term financial policies of the company. Debt Equity
825. Current ratio is calculated as___. Current assets/ Current liabilities
826. An ideal value of current ratio is ___. 2
827. Liquidity ratio is also named as____. Acid test ratio or quick ratio
828. Which ratio indicates whether the investments in inventories is efficiently used or not. Stock Turnover ratio
829. Which card known as “Buy Now Pay Now” cards? Debit cards
830. Which card known as “Buy now pay later” cards? Credit cards
831. What is the per day cash withdrawal limit in PNB Mitra ATM Cards? Rs. 5000/-
832. What is the per day limit on POS machine for Biometric cards? Card is not enabled for POS/E-commerce
833. What is the menu option for issuing duplicate PIN of debit cards? DPINREQ
834. What is the per transaction cash withdrawal limit of Maestro logo classic debit card? Rs. 15000/-
835. What is the per day cash withdrawal limit of Maestro logo classic debit card? Rs. 25000/-
836. What is the per day cash withdrawal limit of Maestro logo platinum debit card? Rs. 50000/-
837. Limit of Maestro logo platinum debit card on POS machine for e-commerce transactions per day is ____. Rs.
838. RuPay card payment scheme launched by____. National Payments Corporation of India(NPCI)
839. EMV stands for ____. EuroPay MasterCard Visa
840. RuPay card can be linked upto___ accounts per card. 3
841. What are the service charges for issuing of duplicate PIN ? Rs. 25/-
842. What are the service charges for issuing Add On cards? Rs. 50/- per card
843. How many Add On card can be issued for family members? Max 2 card
844. Transfer of Funds through ATM facility has a limit of _____for transfer of funds to accounts linked to the
ATM/ Debit Card being used. Rs. 1 lac per transaction
845. What are the charges for cash withdrawal at ATM for international transaction? Rs. 150/- per transaction
846. What are the charges for balance inquiry at ATM for international transaction? Rs. 15/- per transaction
847. Reward points accrued on a card will be valid for ___ . 36 months

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848. For claim of monetary compensation , family member(s) / beneficiaries of a deceased PNB ATM / Debit Card
holder would be required to submit an application to the base branch with all supporting documents relating
to the claim within _____from the date of loss. 150 days
849. What are the number of free transactions per month on other bank’s ATM in Saving Fund account (except
small/No frill/ basic saving bank) in Six metros? 3
850. What are the number of free transactions per month on other bank’s ATM in Saving Fund account (small/No
frill/ basic saving bank) in Six metros? 5
851. What are the number of free transactions per month on other bank’s ATM in Saving Fund account in areas
other than Six metros? 5
852. What is the menu option for issuing PNB Uphaar cards? PCARDISS
853. What is the menu option for checking the status of PNB Uphaar card? UPHARIN
854. What is the menu option for issuance of PNB Suvidha card? PSUVISS
855. What is the menu option for checking the status of PNB Suvidha card? PSUVISS
856. What is the maximum credit limit in case of Classic credit card for individuals? Rs. 1 lac
857. What is the maximum credit limit in case of Gold credit card for individuals? Rs. 5 lac
858. What is the maximum credit limit in case of Platinum credit card for individuals? Rs. 10 lac
859. What is the cash withdrawal limit in case of Classic credit card for individuals? 30% of card limit
860. What is the cash withdrawal limit in case of Gold credit card for individuals? 40% of card limit
861. What is the cash withdrawal limit in case of Platinum credit card for individuals? 40% of card limit
862. What is the joining fee and annual fee on Classic credit card? NIL
863. What is the joining fee and annual fee on Gold credit card? Rs. 300/-
864. What is the joining fee and annual fee on Platinum credit card? Rs. 500/-
865. In order to qualify for Star 4 for Pragati Branch , the branch must achieve YoY growth of deposits on absolute
basis must be minimum ____ for Core deposits and _____ for either Savings or CASA deposits. 20%, 20%
866. Branch user is required to feed fix numeric value for Minimum ROI to be charged in the account in _____
column during Account Opening or Minimum Int Dr Column during INTTM modification process. Dr % Min
867. In CTS clearing, what is the menu option for handling of cheques through bulk uploading procedure? RMI
868. In CTS clearing for bulk upload of DDs , what is the menu option for Uploading of data file received in CTS
clearing from RBI/NPCI to DD module tables, Data entry for completing the details of records required to
create a transaction in finacle system, Verification of records entered as stated above, Generation of host file
for creating transaction? UPLDDP
869. In CTS clearing for bulk upload of DDs , what is the menu option for Uploading of host file generated to create
the transaction for payment? DDPUPL
870. If there is only one account in a Cust ID, system shall display the signatures of that account in _____. reverse
order capture date, i.e. latest scanned signature at the top, followed by earlier scanned signatures
871. Menu option _____ has been customized for generation of outward messages of all type of payment systems
starting with NG-RTGS (Next Gen RTGS). FPMNT
872. What is the menu option in CBS for creating expenditure transactions? EXTM
873. What is the menu option in CBS for deleting the expenditure transactions already paased? EXTMDEL
874. What is the menu option in CBS for entering the records of SFF items purchased? FAMS
875. First 3 digits of the MICR code represents ____. Reference city code of the branch
876. Mid 3 digits of the MICR code represents ____. Bank Code
877. Last 3 digits of the MICR code represents______. Reference branch code
878. The name of “Management Advisory Services Division (MASD)” has been changed to____. Strategic
Management and Economic Advisory Division (SMEAD)
879. Portrait and Landscape can be found under _____ tab in MS Word. Page Layout.

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880. For auto text entry which key is used in MS word? F3
881. Which key is used to calculate all sheets in workbook in MS Excel? F9
882. Which key is used to paste a name into a formula in MS Excel? F3
883. Which key is used for running the slideshow from beginning in MS PowerPoint? F5
884. What is the menu option in CBS for creation of Customer ID? CUMM
885. What is the menu option in CBS for opening a loan account? OAAC
886. What is the menu option in CBS for verification of loan account in CBS? OAACAU
887. What is the menu option in CBS for closing of account? CAAC
888. What is the menu option in CBS for collecting account closure charges? CACC
889. What is the menu option in CBS for entry of security in CC/OD/TL/DL accounts? SRM
890. What is the menu option in CBS for Bills Maintenance? BM
891. What is the menu option in CBS for inventory movement between locations? IMC
892. What is the menu option in CBS for issuing the no personalized chequebook? ICHB
893. What is the menu option in CBS for batch printing of demand drafts? DDBP
894. What is the menu option in CBS for issuing duplicate demand drafts? DDD
895. What is the menu option in CBS for cancellation of demand drafts? DDC
896. What is the menu option in CBS for term deposit renewal? TDREN
897. What is the menu option in CBS for Locker Customer Maintenance? LKCM
898. What is the menu option in CBS for Standing Instructions Maintenance? SIM
899. What is the menu option in CBS for changing the customer ID of account? CCA
900. What is the menu option in CBS for checking quarterly average balance? QAB
901. Holder is defined as per ______ of NI act. Section 8
902. Holder in due course is defined as per ____ of NI act. Section 9
903. An instrument which can be treated as Bill of exchange or promissory Note is called ____. Ambiguous
904. An endorsement in which the endorser waives the notice of dishonour is called ____ endorsement. Facultative
905. An endorsement in which the endorser himself becomes endorsee is called _____. Back to Back endorsement
906. An endorsement in which endorser excludes his liability is termed as ____. Sans Recourse endorsement.
907. In case of order cheques , protection is available to paying banker under ___. Section 85(1) of the NI act
908. In case of bearer cheques , protection is available to paying banker under ___. Section 85(2) of the NI act
909. A cheque crossed to two banks has to returned unpaid unless_____. Crossed by one bank to another as his
agent for collection
910. Under section 89 of NI act , paying banker gets protection in case of payment of materially altered cheques if
_____. Alteration is not apparent at the time of payment and payment has been made in due course.
911. The crossing on a cheque can be done by____. Drawer , payee, holder or a banker
912. As per _____, if a banker pays a cheque in violation of the crossing direction, it will not be a payment in due
course and bank shall be liable to the true owner of the cheque for any loss he may sustain owing to payment
of cheque. Section 129 of NI act
913. The payment of cheque should not be made in case of _____. Death, insolvency, insanity of customer or
insolvency of partner or firm or liquidation of company , stop payment, receipt of garnishee/attachment
order, post dated and stale cheque.
914. Section 131 of NI act provides protection to ______ bank for crossed cheques. Collecting
915. Section 131-A of NI act provides protection to collecting bank for _____. Crossed Demand Drafts
916. To get protection as a collecting banker the bank must ensure that____. There is no negligence involved.
917. In case of dishonour of cheques, punishment can be _____. Imprisonment upto 2 year or maximum fine upto
twice the amount of the cheque or both

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918. What is demand bill? A bill of exchange payable on demand or at sight or on presentment is called demand
919. What is usance bill? A bill of exchange payable after sometime is called Usance Bill
920. What is Documentary Bill? A bill of exchange which is accompanied by document of title to goods like
railway receipt, bill of lading etc.
921. What is clean bill? A bill of exchange which is not accompanied by any document of title to goods.
922. What is inland bill? A bill of exchange which is drawn or made in India and is either payable in India or on a
person resident in India.
923. Dealing in accommodation bills are called ____ Kite Flying
924. If in a bill of exchange or promissory note, interest rate is not mentioned it will be____. 18% p.a
925. The drawee is allowed ____ excluding public holiday to accept the bill. 48 hours
926. As per section 22 of NI act, ___ days of grace are allowed in case of Usance Bills and Usance promissory notes.
927. As per section 25 of NI act, if a bill or promissory note matures for payment on public holiday under NI act , it
falls due on _____. Next preceding business day
928. If a bill after being accepted is not paid on due date , it is said to have been ___. Dishonoured due to non
929. What is Noting? Under section 99 of NI act, when a promissory note of bill of exchange has been
dishonoured by non acceptance or non payment , the holder may get the dishonour noted by a notary
public upon the instrument within a reasonable time after dishonour.
930. If the dishonour is got certified from the Notary Public, such certificate is called ____ Protest
931. A person accepting the bill to save the honour of the party to the bill is called ____. Acceptor for Honour
932. What is the relationship between bank and customer for collection of cheque and standing instruction? Agent
& Principal
933. What is the relationship between bank and customer for purchase / sale of securities on behalf of customer?
Agent & Principal
934. What is the relationship between bank and customer in case of safe deposit locker? Lessor & Lessee
935. What is the relationship between bank and customer in case of safe custody? Bailee & Bailor
936. What is the relationship between bank and customer in case of goods left negligently by customer? Trustee &
937. As per _____ , a bank is under obligation to paycheques issued byu customer provided there is sufficient
balance in the account. Section 31 of NI act
938. _____ is the right of creditor to retain possession of goods and securities belonging to the debtor till the debts
due to him (creditor) are paid. Lien
939. Banker’s lien is an ____ pledge. Implied
940. For exercising right of lien_____. The goods or securities and debt should be in the same right and same
941. ________ is a declaration from borrower to the effect that securities/ goods offered as security are not
encumbered and that the borrower will not create any charge over them without bank’s permission. Negative
942. _____ is the right to combine two or more accounts having debit and credit balance. Set Off
943. In case of Banks, the right of Set Off arises when_____. Bank wants to combine its loan due from a borrower
with his deposit accounts.
944. ______ is related to appropriation of payments. Clayton’s rule
945. Regarding garnishee order, the court first issues order _____ requiring the bank to explain as to why the funds
in the account not be utilised to meet the judgement creditor’s claim. Nisi

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946. Upon receipt of garnishee order Nisi, ______. The operation in the account are suspended and the bank has
to earmark desired balance in the account of the judgement debtor.
947. Garnishee order applies only to those accounts of judgement debtor which have ____ balance. Credit
948. Bank can exercise _____ before applying garnishee order. Right of Set Off
949. If the amount is not specified in the garnishee order, ____ . Then it will be applicable on the entire balance in
the account.
950. Garnishee order _____ on fixed deposit taken as collateral security. Not applicable
951. When both garnishee order and attachment order are received simultaneously, priority should be given to
_____. Attachment order
952. There could be three types of guardians : Natural, Testamentary, and Legal Guardian
953. As per section 11 of ______ act, a minor is not competent to enter into a contract. Indian Contract Act, 1872
954. According to section 26 of NI act, _____. A minor can draw or endorse or negotiate a cheque or a bill but he
cannot be held liable on such cheque or bill.
955. As per Indian Partnership act 1932, _____. A minor may be admitted to benefits of partnership with the
consent of all partners.
956. On attaining majority , a minor has to give public notice within _____ of attaining majority or when it comes to
his knowledge after becoming major whichever is later, whether he wants to continue as partner. 6 months
957. In case of Hindus , ____ is the natural guardian of a Hindu minor boy or an unmarried girl. Father
958. In case of married hindu minor girl, her ______ is the natural guardian. Husband
959. In case of “ either of survivor” alteration on the cheque can be confirmed by _____. Any of the account
960. In case of joint accounts with E/S instruction , if any of the account holders becomes insane , the balance will
be paid _____. Jointly to the account holders other than who has become insane and guardian of the insane
minor appointed by court.
961. A partnership firm should have minimum ___ partners. 2
962. As per companies act 1956, maximum number of partners for banking business can be__. 10
963. ____ cannot become partner as per judgement of supreme court. HUF
964. A partnership firm is registered with _____. Registrar of Firms.
965. The liability if a partner is _____. Unlimited
966. Minimum number of partners in a Limited Liability Partnership is ____. 2
967. Minimum numbers of shareholders should be ____ for a public limited company. 7
968. What should be the minimum number of directors in a public limited company? 3
969. ______ lays down the internal working of the company like rights and powers of directors , rules of conducting
meetings , borrowing powers of directors etc. Articles of Association
970. As per doctrine of _______, anybody dealing with the company is assumed to have knowledge of
Memorandum and Articles of association. Constructive Notice
971. The operation authority in case of accounts of limited companies is decided by ____. Board Resolution
972. In case of accounts of limited companies, stop payment of a cheque and revocation of stop payment will be as
per ____. Operational Authority
973. In case a director dies, the cheques signed by him presented for payment____. Can be paid if these are
otherwise in order and are dated prior to his death.
974. Common seal of the company is to be affixed on documents as per ________. Articles of Association or Board
975. The borrowing powers of a company arise from ___. Memorandum of Association
976. Under section 77 of companies act 1956, a charge other than created by way of pledge or lien , by a company
is required to be registered with ______. Registrar of Companies

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977. When loan is repaid , particulars of satisfaction of charge should be filed with ROC within ____ of satisfaction
of charge. 30 days
978. Particulars of charge are required to be filed within____ of creation of charge. 30 days
979. If the company does not get the charge registered, ____ . Bank in its own interest can file the particulars of
980. In case of death, insanity or insolvency of Karta, _______ becomes Karta. Next Senior most member of family
981. The liability of coparceners is ______. Limited upto their share in the firm.
982. ____ is person named by the deceased in his will to manage his estate. Executor
983. _____ is a person appointed by the court of law for the same purpose where the deceased dies without
leaving behind a will. Administrator
984. While opening the account of an executor , bank should obtain _____. Letter of probate.
985. In case of death of customer, the claim should be settled and payment should be made within ____ from the
date of receipt of complete papers. 15 days
986. KYC guidelines are issued by RBI under _____. Section 35A of BR act
987. Four key elements of KYC policy are: Customer acceptance policy, Customer Identification procedures,
Monitoring of Transactions and Risk Management
988. Bank should review the risk profile of the customer at least_____. Once in six month
989. Cash Transaction Report for each month should be submitted to FIU-IND by ____. 15th of the succeeding
990. CTR should include transactions where cash receipt of payment is more than _____. Rs. 10 lac
991. While filing CTR, details of individual transactions below_____ need not be furnished. Rs. 50000
992. The Suspicious transaction report (STR) should be furnished within _____ of arriving at a conclusion that any
transaction , whether cash or non cash or a series of transactions integrally connected are of suspicious
nature. 7 days
993. The appointment for Banking Ombudsman will be for a period of ___. 3 Years
994. Ombudsman will not entertain a complaint where______ . A case is pending in a court
995. Consumer Protection act is ____ in J & K. Not applicable
996. As per consumer protection act, limitation period for lodging the complaint is ___ from the date of cause of
action. 2 years
997. The rate of interest payable by banks to the depositors / claimants on the unclaimed interest bearing deposit
amount transferred to the Fund shall be ___ at simple interest. 4% p.a
998. If a document is unstamped or under-stamped _______, It will not be admissible in a court of law.
999. If a document other than the promissory note or bill of exchange is executed outside India ___, It should be
stamped as per Indian Law within three months after their first receipt in India.
1000. In case of guarantee, the liability of a bank is _____. Contingent Liability

Compiled by:
Zonal Training Centre, Dehradun

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