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Treatment in Psychiatry

Treatment in Psychiatry begins with a hypothetical case illustrating a problem in current clinical practice. The authors
review current data on prevalence, diagnosis, pathophysiology, and treatment. The article concludes with the authors’
treatment recommendations for cases like the one presented.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder:

Treating an Underrecognized Disorder

Katharine A. Phillips, M.D. family and friends as well as sexual inti-

macy with his girlfriend because of
Elizabeth R. Didie, Ph.D. shame over how he looked. In addition,
he reported depressed mood, anhe-
Jamie Feusner, M.D. donia, feelings of worthlessness, and
passive suicidal ideation, and he had
attempted suicide 5 years ago. He attrib-
Sabine Wilhelm, Ph.D.
uted his depressive symptoms and sui-
cidal thinking to his appearance con-
cerns, stating, “If I didn’t look like such a
freak, I wouldn’t feel so hopeless and de-
pressed.” Mr. H had received treatment
“Mr. H,” a 33-year-old single white male,
from a dermatologist for his acne con-
presented with preoccupations focused
cerns, which did not diminish his preoc-
on his “thinning” hair, facial “acne,” and
cupations. He had never received psychi-
“short” fingers. He began to worry exces-
atric treatment and was ambivalent
sively about his appearance at age 15, fo-
about trying it because, as he stated, “my
cusing at that time on his “pale” skin and
appearance problems are real.”
“uneven” cheekbones. Mr. H described
his appearance preoccupations as “se-
verely upsetting,” but he was too embar-
rassed to reveal them to family or
friends. Even though he looked normal
to others, Mr. H was “100% convinced” Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Scope of the
that these body areas appeared “abnor- Problem
mal and deformed,” although in the past Body dysmorphic disorder is a relatively common and
he had sometimes thought that “maybe I often severe disorder that consists of a distressing or im-
don’t look so bad.” He believed that
pairing preoccupation with an imagined or slight defect in
other people took special notice of him
appearance (1; see Table 1). Comorbidity with major de-
and “laugh at me behind my back be-
pressive disorder, substance use disorders, obsessive-
cause I look so ugly.” Mr. H spent 5 to 6
hours a day thinking about his perceived compulsive disorder (OCD), and social phobia is common
appearance flaws. He also performed (2, 3). Psychosocial functioning is usually very poor (4).
compulsive behaviors for 4 to 5 hours a Nearly all patients experience impairment in social func-
day, which included excessive mirror tioning because of symptoms of body dysmorphic disor-
checking, comparing his appearance der (3, 5). They feel ashamed of their “ugliness,” feel anx-
with that of other people, wearing and ious around other people, and fear being rejected because
frequently adjusting a baseball cap to of how they look. They may have few or no friends, and
cover his hair, picking his skin to remove they often avoid dating and other social interactions. Most
tiny blemishes, and searching the Inter- patients also experience impairment in academic or occu-
net for acne and hair loss treatments. pational functioning (3, 4). Available data indicate that
mental health-related quality of life is markedly poorer for
Mr. H’s appearance preoccupations and these patients than for the general population, and it ap-
compulsive behaviors made it difficult to pears even poorer than for patients with type II diabetes, a
concentrate on his job as a store clerk recent myocardial infarction, or clinical depression (major
and often made him late for work. In the depressive disorder and/or dysthymia) (4). Available data
past few weeks, he had missed work sev- also suggest that quality of life and psychosocial function-
eral times because he thought his skin ing in patients with body dysmorphic disorder appear as
looked particularly bad on those days. poor as, or poorer than, in those with OCD (6, 7).
Mr. H avoided many social events with

This article is featured in this month’s AJP Audio and is the subject of a CME course (p. 1223).

Am J Psychiatry 165:9, September 2008 1111


Approximately 80% of individuals with body dysmor- ance behaviors are common (13, 16). Mr. H was very self-
phic disorder report a history of suicidal ideation, and conscious around others, as he was convinced they con-
24%–28% have attempted suicide (3, 8, 9). The annual rate sidered him ugly. Thus, he avoided socializing, sexual inti-
of completed suicide, while very preliminary because only macy, and sometimes work.
one study has been done, appears markedly high at 0.3%, Degree of insight can range from good to poor to frank
which is higher than rates in nearly all other mental disor- delusionality. Before they receive treatment, most patients
ders (10, 11). have poor insight or delusional beliefs (20). Studies have
Patients with body dysmorphic disorder may also be ag- found that 27%–39% of patients are currently delusional—
gressive or violent toward property or other people be- that is, completely convinced that their view of their ap-
cause of their symptoms (for example, because of anger pearance is accurate and undistorted (20). In addition, like
about looking “deformed” or the belief that someone Mr. H, a majority have ideas or delusions of reference, be-
mocked them) (1, 5, 12). Occasionally, surgeons and der- lieving that other people take special notice of them in a
matologists may be victims of violence—even murder— negative way (e.g., stare or laugh at them) because of how
fueled by dissatisfaction with the outcome of cosmetic they look (20).
procedures (1, 12). Mr. H is a fairly typical patient, with
Point prevalence rates of 0.7%–2.4% current symptoms of moderate sever-
have been reported for body dysmor- “Many patients believe ity; on the Yale-Brown Obsessive Com-
phic disorder in community samples, pulsive Scale Modified for Body Dys-
and higher rates are reported in inpa- that cosmetic treatment morphic Disorder (21), his score was
tient and outpatient settings (13–15). is the solution to their 32 (possible scores range from 0 to 48).
However, body dysmorphic disorder Many sufferers of body dysmorphic
often goes undiagnosed (13, 16, 17). appearance problems disorder are more seriously ill and im-
Many patients are ashamed of their and would rather see a paired. The most severely ill patients
symptoms and reluctant to reveal them may become housebound; approxi-
to others (17). Thus, clinicians need to surgeon, a dermatologist, mately 30% of patients with the disor-
screen patients for the disorder and be or a dentist than a der have been completely house-
alert to clues to its presence. While bound for at least 1 week because of
body dysmorphic disorder can be diffi- psychiatrist.” their symptoms (2, 3). Nearly half have
cult to treat, most patients can be a history of psychiatric hospitalization
treated successfully. (3).

Clinical Features Diagnosis

Body dysmorphic disorder usually begins during early We diagnosed Mr. H with body dysmorphic disorder and
adolescence, and, without appropriate treatment, it is of- major depressive disorder. He met all DSM-IV-TR diagnos-
ten chronic (2, 3, 18). The ratio of females to males is in the tic criteria for body dysmorphic disorder (Table 1). Al-
range of 1:1 to 3:2 (2, 3, 14, 15). Patients with body dysmor- though the criteria do not include compulsive behaviors re-
phic disorder consider one or more aspects of their ap- lated to body dysmorphic disorder, these behaviors can be
pearance to be defective or even disfigured (13, 16). Mr. H a clue to the presence of the disorder and can help distin-
used words like “ugly,” “abnormal,” and “deformed” when guish it from other disorders.
describing the flaws he perceived in his appearance. In re- According to DSM-IV-TR, Mr. H would be diagnosed
ality, he looked normal. Appearance preoccupations can with both body dysmorphic disorder and a psychotic dis-
focus on any body area but often involve the face or head order (delusional disorder, somatic type), because his
(2, 3, 5, 8, 19). Concerns with the skin (e.g., acne, scars, body-dysmorphic beliefs were delusional. Available data
wrinkles, or color), hair (e.g., thinning or excessive body or suggest that the delusional and nondelusional variants of
facial hair), and nose (e.g., size or shape) are particularly body dysmorphic disorder have many similarities and
common. The preoccupations occur, on average, for 3–8 likely are the same disorder, which encompasses a range
hours a day and are difficult to control (13). They are dis- of insight (20).
tressing and often associated with anxiety, depressed The importance of diagnosing body dysmorphic disor-
mood, low self-esteem, and feelings of embarrassment, der has been emphasized (22), but making the diagnosis
worthlessness, and shame (8, 13). can pose significant challenges. Patients usually do not
Nearly all individuals perform time-consuming repeti- spontaneously reveal their symptoms to clinicians, often
tive behaviors to check, hide, or improve their perceived because they are too embarrassed and ashamed (13, 16,
appearance flaws (2, 3, 13). The most common are mirror 17). Another barrier to identifying body dysmorphic disor-
checking, camouflaging the perceived defects (e.g., with a der is poor insight, as many patients do not recognize that
hat or makeup), comparing oneself to others, excessive their beliefs have a psychological/psychiatric cause and
grooming (e.g., hair plucking or combing), reassurance are due to a mental illness (20). Thus, clinicians often need
seeking, touching the “defect” to check it, excessive to specifically elicit symptoms of body dysmorphic disor-
changes of clothing, dieting, and skin picking (2, 3). Avoid- der with focused questioning (Table 2). Screening for the

1112 Am J Psychiatry 165:9, September 2008


disorder is especially warranted in patients with depres- TABLE 1. DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria for Body Dysmor-
sion (especially if depressive symptoms seem related to phic Disorder
concerns about appearance), other commonly comorbid A. Preoccupation with an imagined defect in appearance. If a slight
physical anomaly is present, the person’s concern is markedly ex-
disorders, social isolation or self-consciousness in social cessive.
situations, and repetitive behaviors, such as those de- B. The preoccupation causes clinically significant distress or impair-
scribed above. ment in social, occupational, or other important areas of function-
Clinicians need to distinguish body dysmorphic disorder C. The preoccupation is not better accounted for by another mental
from other disorders with similar symptoms. Some differ- disorder (e.g., dissatisfaction with body shape and size in anorexia
ences between body dysmorphic disorder and other disor- nervosa).
ders include the following. Social phobia and avoidant per-
sonality disorder share symptoms of self-consciousness Treatments
and anxiety in social situations; however, in body dys-
Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs) and cognitive-be-
morphic disorder, fears of negative evaluation are due to
havioral therapy (CBT) are currently considered the first-
concerns about physical appearance. In addition, body
line treatments for body dysmorphic disorder (13, 27–29).
dysmorphic disorder is characterized by prominent com-
pulsive behaviors. In contrast to major depressive disorder, Pharmacotherapy
patients with body dysmorphic disorder have prominent
All studies to date indicate that SRIs are often efficacious
obsessions and compulsive behaviors. Body dysmorphic
for body dysmorphic disorder (13, 28). In a double-blind
disorder has similarities to OCD but also some differences, parallel-group study (N=67), fluoxetine was significantly
including a focus on appearance, poorer insight, somewhat more efficacious than placebo (30). In a controlled and
different comorbidity patterns, and greater suicidality (7, blinded crossover study (N=29), clomipramine (a tricyclic
23). When present, it is important to diagnose body dys- antidepressant with SRI properties) was significantly more
morphic disorder, as it does not appear identical to these efficacious than desipramine (31). Symptoms significantly
other disorders and needs to be targeted in treatment. improved in open-label studies of fluvoxamine, citalo-
pram, and escitalopram (Ns ranging from 15 to 30) (32–
Engaging Patients in Treatment 35), and response rates across these studies ranged from
53% to 73%. Results from the clomipramine study are con-
The first step is to engage the patient and establish
sistent with data from clinical series and retrospective
enough of an alliance that he or she is willing to try psychi-
studies suggesting that serotonergic antidepressants may
atric treatment. This can be difficult to accomplish. Many
be more efficacious than nonserotonergic antidepressants
patients believe that cosmetic treatment is the solution to
(28). In the above studies, patients with delusional body
their appearance problems and would rather see a surgeon,
dysmorphic disorder were as likely to improve with SRI
a dermatologist, or a dentist than a psychiatrist. A majority
monotherapy as those with the nondelusional variant of
of persons with body dysmorphic disorder seek and receive
the disorder (30, 31, 33–35).
cosmetic treatment, which appears only rarely to improve
Patients who respond to an SRI spend less time obsess-
their symptoms (24). It can be particularly challenging to
ing about their appearance and have better control over
engage delusional patients in treatment, as they are often
their preoccupations and repetitive behaviors. Body dys-
unsure whether psychiatric treatment can really help them.
morphic disorder-related distress, depressive symptoms,
Thus, clinicians need to assess their patients’ understand-
anxiety, anger-hostility, functioning, and suicidality often
ing of and motivation for psychiatric treatment.
significantly improve (13, 28).
However, even patients who maintain that they have an Results of a small open-label trial (N=17) suggested that
actual physical problem can agree that they are suffering venlafaxine may be efficacious for body dysmorphic dis-
and have poor quality of life. Focusing on the goals of di- order (36); however, serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake
minishing their preoccupation and distress and improv- inhibitors have not received additional investigation, and
ing their functioning and quality of life may facilitate en- therefore they are not currently considered a first-line
gagement in treatment. Clinical experience suggests that treatment. Based on case reports and series, a monoamine
motivational interviewing strategies (25) that are modified oxidase inhibitor may be worth trying in patients whose
for body dysmorphic disorder (26) may be helpful in as- symptoms are treatment resistant (28). Available case re-
sessing motivation for change and engaging reluctant pa- ports and series suggest that ECT is generally ineffective
tients in treatment. for body dysmorphic disorder and secondary depressive
It is important to take patients’ appearance concerns se- symptoms (13, 28).
riously by empathizing with their suffering. We recom- If one SRI is not effective, another may be (13, 28). Aug-
mend neither dismissing their appearance concerns as mentation of SRIs with other agents has not been well re-
unimportant or trivial nor agreeing that there is some- searched but may be useful. Clinical series and clinical ob-
thing wrong with how they look. It is important to offer servations suggest that augmenting an SRI for 6–12 weeks
psychoeducation about body dysmorphic disorder and to (after SRI monotherapy has been optimized) with bus-
convey that appropriate psychiatric treatment is likely to pirone, clomipramine, an atypical antipsychotic, bupro-
improve their symptoms and quality of life. pion, or venlafaxine may be helpful (13, 28). (Clomip-

Am J Psychiatry 165:9, September 2008 1113


TABLE 2. Questions to Aid in Diagnosing Body Dysmorphic In a randomized study of individual CBT (N=19), pa-
Disorder tients who received 12 weekly 1-hour CBT sessions im-
1. “Are you very worried about your appearance in any way?” Or: proved significantly more than those assigned to a waiting
“Are you unhappy with how you look?”
2. Invite the patient to describe their concern by asking, “What don’t list (40). In a case series of 17 patients treated with 20 daily
you like about how you look?” Or: “Can you tell me about your con- 90-minute sessions over 1 month, 12 patients had a 50% or
cern?” greater reduction in symptom severity (41). In 6 weeks of
3. Ask if there are other disliked body areas—for example, “Are you intensive treatment with thirty 90-minute sessions of ex-
unhappy with any other aspects of your appearance, such as your
face, skin, hair, nose, or the shape or size of any other body area?” posure and response prevention (without cognitive ther-
4. Ascertain that the patient is preoccupied with these perceived apy), symptoms improved significantly and remained sta-
flaws by asking, “How much time would you estimate that you ble at 6-month follow-up (42).
spend each day thinking about your appearance, if you add up all
the time you spend?” Or: “Do these concerns preoccupy you?”
5. Ask, “How much distress do these concerns cause you?” Ask specif- Summary and Recommendations
ically about resulting anxiety, social anxiety, depression, feelings of
panic, and suicidal thinking. Body dysmorphic disorder is a relatively common disor-
6. Ask about effects of the appearance preoccupations on the pa- der that exacts high costs in functioning and quality of life
tient’s life—for example, “Do these concerns interfere with your
life or cause problems for you in any way?” Ask specifically about
for patients, yet it often goes unrecognized. Because pa-
effects on work, school, other aspects of role functioning (e.g., car- tients usually do not spontaneously reveal their symptoms
ing for children), relationships, intimacy, family and social activi- and often have poor insight about them, clinicians often
ties, household tasks, and other types of interference. have to elicit symptoms of the disorder with careful ques-
7. While compulsive behaviors are not required for the diagnosis,
most patients perform at least one of them (usually many); ask tioning. In making the diagnosis, clinicians must distin-
about the most common ones: camouflaging, comparing, mirror guish body dysmorphic disorder from other disorders,
checking, excessive grooming, reassurance seeking, touching the such as major depressive disorder, OCD, social phobia,
disliked body areas, clothes changing, skin picking, tanning, diet-
and eating disorders.
ing, excessive exercise, and excessive weight lifting.
Once the diagnosis is made, engaging the patient in
treatment can be a challenge. For many patients, poor in-
ramine levels must be closely monitored if it is combined
sight contributes to reluctance to consider psychiatric
with a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.) In some pa-
treatment. Motivational interviewing and psychoeduca-
tients, lithium and methylphenidate are useful SRI aug-
tion about the disorder can be helpful. Treatment with
menters (13, 28). In a small randomized, double-blind
SRIs and CBT often improves symptoms substantially. Be-
study (N=29), the antipsychotic pimozide was not more
low, we conclude the vignette by describing Mr. H’s treat-
efficacious than placebo in augmenting the effect of fluox-
ment in detail.
etine (37).
Relapse appears to be common after discontinuation of
an effective SRI, and longer-term SRI treatment is often
needed (13, 28). For patients who appear at high risk for Treatment began with psychoeducation
suicide, lifelong SRI treatment is recommended, as sui- about body dysmorphic disorder and its
cides have been known to occur after SRI discontinuation. treatment, both in sessions with Mr. H
and by recommending reading on the
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy disorder. We noted that people with body
Results of preliminary studies of CBT for body dysmor- dysmorphic disorder see themselves dif-
phic disorder are encouraging (13, 27, 29). Most studies ferently than other people do, but we did
have included cognitive strategies as well as behavioral not focus on Mr. H’s appearance or try to
strategies consisting mainly of exposure and response pre- talk him out of his vie w of how he
vention to reduce avoidance (e.g., of social situations) and looked. Instead, we focused on his in-
ritualistic behaviors (e.g., mirror checking). CBT has led to tense suffering, preoccupation, difficulty
consistently good outcomes in studies of group and indi- functioning, and the potential for treat-
vidual treatment. ment to improve his life. Mr. H agreed
that telling his girlfriend about his body
In a randomized study of group treatment, in which 54
dysmorphic disorder would give him
women with body dysmorphic disorder were assigned to
much-needed support and help reduce
eight 2-hour group CBT sessions or a waiting list, patients
his feelings of isolation.
who received CBT had significantly greater improvement
in symptoms, self-esteem, and depression than those as- During our first meeting, we discussed
signed to the waiting list (38). In another study, 13 adults the options of CBT and medication. No
with body dysmorphic disorder showed significant im- studies have directly compared the effi-
provement after group CBT delivered in 12 weekly 90- cacy of these treatments or examined
minute sessions (39). Symptom severity scores decreased whether combined CBT and pharmaco-
from the severe to the moderate range; the authors of the therapy is superior to either treatment
study noted that further improvement might have oc- alone. Mr. H preferred to start treatment
curred with a longer treatment. with medication, as he thought this ap-

1114 Am J Psychiatry 165:9, September 2008


proach would require less effort and can be used if necessary (except for
fewer appointments than CBT. clomipramine), given these medications’
high therapeutic index.
It is unclear whether some SRIs are more
efficacious than others, as no head-to- While Mr. H had a clinically meaningful
head comparison studies have been response after 8 weeks, some patients
done. Mr. H preferred a medication need SRI treatment for as long as 14
shown to be efficacious in a controlled weeks, with titration to a relatively high
study, so we chose fluoxetine. Even dose, before their symptoms significantly
though Mr. H’s appearance beliefs were improve. The mean time to SRI response
delusional, we started treatment with SRI in published studies, in which fairly rapid
monotherapy. titration schedules were used, ranges
from about 4 to 9 weeks (30, 33–35).
We initially prescribed 20 mg/day. The
most tolerable dosing strategy, in our ex- After Mr. H had taken fluoxetine for 14
perience, is to start with a low dose and weeks (6 weeks at 80 mg/day), his score
gradually titrate the dose upward while on the modified Yale-Brown scale had de-
monitoring for side ef fects. After 2 creased by 35% from baseline. While sub-
weeks, we raised his dose to 40 mg/day, stantially improved, he was still distressed
and after another 2 weeks, we raised it to over his appearance and experiencing
60 mg/day, as Mr. H had shown no signs some functional impairment. We dis-
of improvement and was tolerating the cussed next-step options: further raising
medication well. We used this titration his fluoxetine dose, augmenting fluoxe-
schedule because it appears that many tine with another medication, or CBT. Mr.
patients require at least 60 mg/day of flu- H preferred CBT—by now he was moti-
oxetine, and we wanted to avoid a pro- vated and eager to learn skills to reduce
tracted trial. Dose-finding studies have his remaining symptoms. For patients
not been conducted, but clinical experi- who are not motivated enough to do CBT,
ence suggests that higher doses are often motivational interviewing techniques
needed to treat body dysmorphic disor- may be helpful. For those who are too se-
der than are typically used for major de- verely ill or depressed to participate in
pression. Our usual approach is to reach CBT, an SRI may improve symptoms to
the maximum SRI dose recommended by the point where CBT is more feasible.
the manufacturer within 5 to 9 weeks of
starting treatment, unless this dose is not While continuing fluoxetine at 80 mg/
tolerated or a lower dose is effective. Pa- day, we initiated CBT treatment. The
tients who have difficulty tolerating side treatment followed a treatment manual
effects or have a robust and early re- (26) and consisted of 22 weekly 60-
sponse may benefit from remaining at a minute sessions. Together, the therapist
lower dose for a longer time to deter- and Mr. H developed an initial conceptu-
mine whether an additional dose in- alization of why Mr. H’s symptoms might
crease seems warranted. have developed and which thoughts and
behaviors maintained them. They discov-
After 6 weeks of treatment, Mr. H began ered, for example, that Mr. H often as-
to notice some improvement; he felt less sumed that other people reacted nega-
self-conscious, his intrusive thoughts be- tively to him because of his appearance
gan to diminish, his compulsive behav- flaws. This made him very anxious and
iors became less frequent and easier to depressed. To avoid these unpleasant
resist, and his insight, referential think- feelings, Mr. H engaged in rituals and
ing, depressive symptoms, functioning, avoided social situations and sometimes
and suicidal ideation started to improve. work. This case conceptualization guided
After 8 weeks of treatment, and while the therapy. The therapist provided edu-
taking 60 mg/day, his symptoms had im- cation about body dysmorphic disorder
proved by 30% on the Yale-Brown Obses- from a CBT perspective, highlighting how
sive Compulsive Scale Modified for Body rituals and avoidance behaviors reinforce
Dysmorphic Disorder. At that point, we and maintain body-dysmorphic preoccu-
raised the fluoxetine dosage to 80 mg/ pations and maladaptive thinking. Mr. H
day, as he was tolerating the medication and his therapist identified goals for treat-
well and still had symptoms. In our clini- ment, which included changing the self-
cal experience, daily doses even higher defeating ways in which Mr. H thought
than 80 mg of fluoxetine or its equivalent about his appearance, decreasing mal-

Am J Psychiatry 165:9, September 2008 1115


adaptive behaviors (such as rituals and habit reversal to stop his skin picking. Mr.
avoidance of work and social situations), H also learned to design and conduct be-
and increasing adaptive behaviors (such havioral experiments to test his body-dys-
as socializing, developing hobbies, and morphic beliefs (e.g., that people were
consistently going to work). l aughing at him) and to determi ne
whether they were accurate. Behavioral
Mr. H then learned to identify and modify experiments were combined with expo-
his self-defeating thoughts. For example, sure and cognitive restructuring.
while at work Mr. H had the thought,
“That lady looks so upset. She must be A perceptual retraining exercise helped
noticing how ugly my skin is.” His thera- Mr. H learn to look in the mirror and de-
pist encouraged Mr. H to evaluate the ev- scribe his entire body rather than selec-
idence for and against this particular tively focusing only on disliked areas. Mr.
thought. Mr. H learned to write his H learned to refrain from critical self-talk
thoughts in a thought record and to re- while looking in the mirror and to use
spond to them with a rational response, more objective descriptions of his ap-
such as “It’s much more likely that the pearance—for example, saying, “My eyes
woman was upset because she couldn’t are brown” rather than “My hair is ugly
find what she was looking for, not be- and should be thicker.” Mr. H was also
cause she was disgusted by my skin.” encouraged not to perform any rituals,
Over time, he became skilled at modify- such as compulsively checking his ap-
ing his self-defeating thoughts, which in pearance or picking his skin, while com-
turn diminished his anxiety, depression, pleting this exercise.
and shame.
In addition to working on these strategies
Over the course of treatment it became during his treatment sessions, Mr. H
apparent that Mr. H’s negative assump- spent 40–60 minutes a day practicing
tions about how others would respond to them between sessions.
him were based on deeper distorted core
beliefs—that is, global, overgeneralized The two final treatment sessions focused
ideas about himself or the world. For Mr. on relapse prevention and prepared Mr. H
H, the core beliefs “I’m unlovable” and for the period after treatment ended. For
“I’m inadequate” seemed to maintain his example, unrealistic expectations, such as
body-dysmorphic thoughts and behav- “I’ll never have any body dysmorphic dis-
iors. Later in treatment, cognitive restruc- order symptoms again,” were discussed.
turing and other approaches targeted He made a coping plan with his therapist
these deeper-level irrational beliefs. that outlined what he should do if symp-
toms recurred (e.g., restarting thought
As Mr. H developed proficiency in evaluat- records and doing exposure, response
ing and modifying his negative thoughts, prevention, and behavioral experiments).
his therapist introduced exposure and re-
sponse (ritual) prevention techniques. Ex- Overall, Mr. H benefited greatly from
posure and response prevention were treatment. After 22 CBT sessions, and
usually combined, and over time Mr. H while taking 80 mg/day of fluoxetine, his
(guided by his therapist) worked on in- score on the modified Yale-Brown scale
creasingly more challenging situations. was only 6. He spent about 20 minutes a
For example, he started by visiting his rel- day thinking about his appearance and
atives at home without wearing his hat performing compulsive behaviors. His
(exposure) and refraining from going into appearance-related thoughts were more
the bathroom to check his hair and skin accurate and caused only mild distress.
in the mirror during their visit (response In addition, Mr. H no longer avoided situ-
prevention). As a next step, he worked on ations or had any impairment in func-
not wearing his hat and refraining from tioning. He went to work regularly, per-
mirror checking when going out on a formed his job well, attended family
walk with his girlfriend. Later in treat- events, and socialized more frequently.
ment he completed the same exercise in His mood, insight, and delusions of refer-
increasingly crowded social situations ence improved, and he no longer had
(e.g., restaurants, work, and shopping any suicidal thinking.
malls). Mr. H also gradually cut down on
and eventually stopped his other compul-
sive behaviors, which included learning

1116 Am J Psychiatry 165:9, September 2008


13. Phillips KA: The Broken Mirror: Understanding and Treating

Received April 8, 2008; revision received June 16, 2008; accepted Body Dysmorphic Disorder, revised and expanded ed. New
June 17, 2008 (doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2008.08040500). From Butler York, Oxford University Press, 2005
Hospital and the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, 14. Rief W, Buhlmann U, Wilhelm S, Borkenhagen A, Brahler E: The
Providence, R.I.; the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Be- prevalence of body dysmorphic disorder: a population-based
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and Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Bos-
15. Koran LM, Abujaoude E, Large MD, Serpe RT: The prevalence of
ton. Address correspondence to Dr. Phillips, Butler Hospital, 345 Black-
stone Blvd., Providence, RI 02906; (e- body dysmorphic disorder in the United States adult popula-
mail). tion. CNS Spectr 2008; 13:316–322
Dr. Phillips receives research support from NIMH, the FDA, the 16. Phillips KA, McElroy SL, Keck PE Jr, Pope HG Jr, Hudson JI: Body
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Forest Laboratories dysmorphic disorder: 30 cases of imagined ugliness. Am J Psy-
(medication only), and UCB Pharma (investigator-initiated research chiatry 1993; 150:302–308
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