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Al Shomoukh International School

Practical Exam for Grade 11 in Physics

Semester One – Academic Year 2018/2019

Student’s Name: ___________________ Time: 20 minutes

Date: 11th December 2018 Mark:

(Group D)

Read carefully the information given below for this experiment and make
sure that all the required tools and materials are in front of you.
Marking will be as follows:
Initiating and planning ………………………………………………...2 marks
Implementing and recording ……………………………………….3 marks
Analysis and interpreting …………………………………………….5 marks

Note: Answer in the same paper.

First: Initiating and Planning (2 marks):
The experiment is about to determine the equivalent resistance of two
resistances connected in series (circuit 1) and parallel (circuit 2).

Write down the procedure of an experiment. (2)


Second: Implementing and Recording (3 marks):

Record your results in the below table. (3)

Third: Analysing and Interpreting (5 marks):

1- How accurate your prediction was in circuit 1? (1)

2- How accurate your prediction was in circuit 2? (1)

3- Write down conclusion. (3)

Good luck 

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