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How to Eat & Lose Weight, Elevate Energy Levels and Mental Focus in
2 Weeks


Everything You Know About Food is Probably Wrong

A Natural Solution: Trophology

A New Approach: The 14-Day Food Code

The 14-Day Food Code Meal Planners

Bonus: How to Lose Weight in 30 Days without Forcing Yourself to



Thank you for purchasing “The 14-Day Food Code”, a unique approach to losing weight in
the modern food world. Instead of focusing on WHAT we should eat, we focus on HOW we
should eat what we are eating so that we can still lose weight. That is the basis of “The 14-
Day Food Code”.

The "Food Code" is a combination of trophology (the science of food pairing) with a
ketogenic-inspired diet. Both are popular weight loss diets, each with strong advocates,
scientific studies and backing. However, they have never been combined to form an
approach to eating that draws from the best of both worlds.

In this guide, you will be introduced to the principles and benefits of both trophology and
Keto as well as learn the "5 Rules of The 14-Day Food Code", that will see you losing weight
in 2 weeks.

Do not forget to check out the bonus chapter on “How to Burn Fat in 30 Days with Forcing
Yourself to Diet” where we reveal a secret hack that has, up to now, only been used by the
US Navy Seals, NASA, celebrities and the world's top athletes.

Here’s to a better life!

J C Sum


Do you find yourself putting on weight even if you don't feel you eat excessively or indulge
in unhealthy food?

Do you feel lethargic and low in energy after meals?

Is the lack of mental clarify and focus affecting your performance at work or daily activities?

These symptoms could well be due to the number one reason why we find it hard to lose
weight in today’s modern food world - our modern diet.


The food industry, food economics and how food is produced has completely changed in just
the last 50 years. As studied by Institute of Medicine (US), the way food is produced
(manufactured, farmed and grown), stored and transported all have effects on food safety
and health.1

The modern diet is made up of an unhealthy amount of processed foods high in sugar, fat
and starch. These products often contain unhealthy trans fats, high levels of sodium,
hydrogenated oils and refined sugar, especially high fructose corn syrup.

These things have been linked to one or more chronic diseases. In addition, many processed
foods are much lower in vitamins and minerals but much higher in calories than whole

In "These 11 Charts Show Everything That's Wrong with The Modern Diet", Kris Gunnars
illustrates how the modern diet has led to health issues and obesity over time,

“The modern diet is the main reason why people all over the world are fatter and sicker
than ever before. Everywhere modern processed foods go, chronic diseases like obesity,

type 2 diabetes and heart disease soon follow.” 2

A nation-wide analysis of U.S. grocery purchases by Federation of American Societies for

Experimental Biology (FASEB) reveals that highly processed foods make up more than 60
percent of the calories in food in stores, and these items tend to have more fat, sugar and
salt than less-processed foods3. Packaged microwavable meals or TV dinners are no better4.

The other reasons why it is so difficult to lose weight in today's modern food world is due
the environment we live in and how we are exposed to food and dietary health.

Availability, Convenience & Choice of Food

There is just so much availability, convenience and choice in today’s modern food world.
There are more choices of restaurants, eateries, cafes, food trucks, stalls and online food
delivery apps than ever before. There are an estimated 16 million restaurants worldwide5,
with one million alone located in the United States6.

Constantly Being Marketed with Food

Food is subconsciously on our mind all the time because we are getting bombarded by
promotions, images and videos of food 24/7. Besides traditional marketing efforts by
restaurants and food companies, food bloggers, websites and regular people are sharing
photos and videos on social media of everything they eat and drink.

There are a plethora of food and cooking shows on television and online; from long-format
shows to 1-min ute “how-to” videos. However, studies have shown that there is a negative
effect on weight gain and health from watching cooking TV shows, according to a study by
researchers at Cornell University7.

Misinformation on Food, Health & Diets

Misinformation or "fake news" on a large scale has influenced the diets of millions of people
around the world in the last 50 years. For example, everything we thought we knew about
dietary fats is wrong.

“For decades, we have been told that the best possible diet involves cutting back on fat,
especially saturated fat. But, science has now shown that we have been needlessly avoiding
meat, cheese, whole milk and eggs for decades and that we can, guilt-free, welcome these
“whole fats” back into our lives.” writes Nina Teicholz in her New York Times best-selling
book “The Big Fat Surprise”. 8

The reason for the belief that fat is bad was exposed by a study in the Public Library of
Science (PLOS) Biology journal when it confirmed the sugar industry worked with scientists
in the 1950s and 1960s to downplay sucrose's role in causing coronary heart disease and
other nutritional risks9.

Instead, it put the blame on saturated fat and cholesterol, while promoting sugar and
refined carbs as a healthier alternative10 as highlighted by The New York Times article “How
the Sugar Industry Shifted Blame to Fat”.


All these challenges in today's modern food world have resulted in people trying desperately
to lose weight by going on different unsustainable fad diets.

The problem with a diet plan that cuts out entire food groups that you love to eat or makes
you starve is not going to be sustainable in the long run because you will not like it. At, we advocate living a better life. That means living your life
healthily in a way that makes you happy and contented.

Instead of focusing on WHAT we should eat, we should focus on HOW we should eat what
we are eating so that we can still lose weight.

One such solution to counter the negative effects of a modern diet is to practice a little-
known yet common sense approach to eating known as trophology or food pairing.

Did you know that eating takes up a lot of energy, as the body must work harder, and thus
use more energy, to digest and process food? This is known as the thermal effect of food. 11
That is why we feel exhausted or lethargic after a big meal.

Trophology, food pairing or food combining is the little-known secret to eating that
enhances your digestion to give you more energy, help you lose weight and keep it off.

It is a nutritional approach that advocates specific combinations of foods as central to good

health and weight. It aids in digestion so that your digestive tract does not have to work so
hard to give you the nutrients you need for energy.

To avoid being overly technical, we will make the information as simple as possible and
break it down in the context of losing weight so that it is easy to digest (pun intended).


Trophology was originally promoted by Herbert M. Shelton in his book “Food Combining
Made Easy” (1951) 12.

His classic book is considered the “bible” of food pairing and was the first book of its kind
exploring which foods should and should not be eaten at the same meal.

The rationale behind the food science is that combinations of acids, fats, starches, sugars,
and proteins from different foods disrupt the normal processes of digestion.

While Trophology is a western term, in its core philosophy, it is very similar to the Chinese
yin and yang approach to health and life. Most Chinese people are very familiar with the
concept, though not necessarily well-versed, of pairing different foods together to counter
negative effects of different foods.

For example, the Chinese distinguish between "heaty/ warming" (yang) and "cooling" (yin)
foods. "Heaty" foods generate an abundance of heat and energy within the body and need to
be taken with foods that "cool" the body to maintain a yin and yang balance that leads to a
healthy body.

“Food and drink are relied upon to nurture life. But if one does not know that the nature of
substances may be opposed to each other, and one consumes them altogether
indiscriminately, the vital organs will be thrown out of harmony and disastrous
consequences will soon arise. Therefore, those who wish to nurture their lives must
carefully avoid doing such damage to themselves.”

~ Chia Ming, Essential Knowledge for Eating and Drinking, 136813


Trophology does not demonize foods but teaches how to best pair different food groups
together for efficient digestion and weight loss.

The philosophy behind trophology is simple biology. Some food groups mix well with others
while other foods should never be eaten together.

So, first, we need to learn about the 5 major food groups:

Proteins (Meat, Dairy, Eggs, Beans & Nuts)

Carbohydrates (Starches, Fruits & Sugars)
Fats (Animal & Vegetable)
Vegetables (Starchy & Non-Starchy)
Fruits (Acid Fruits & Sweet Fruits)


Proteins, along with carbohydrates and fats, are known as the three macro-nutrients14.
These are nutrients required in large amounts that provide the energy needed to maintain
body functions and carry out the activities of daily life.

Protein in the diet that comes from animal sources contains all the essential amino acids
needed, whereas plant sources of protein do not. However, by eating a variety of plant
sources, the essential amino acids can be supplied.

Protein requires pepsin & hydrochloric acid to digest effectively and this atmosphere must
be maintained for several hours.

Proteins include:

Meats of all kinds (the lean part), such as beef, veal, mutton, lean pork, chicken,
turkey, duck, goose, game, both feathered and furred, in fact, all lean flesh from
animals and birds.
Fish of all kinds, such as trout, salmon, herring, pickerel, pike, cod, halibut, mackerel,
sturgeon, and shad. Also, shellfish, like oysters (which are mostly water), clams, crabs
and lobsters.
Legumes, the chief of which are all kinds of dried beans, dried peas, lentils and
peanuts. Also, green peas, and both the green and the dried lima beans should be
Dairy products, including sweet milk, light milk, buttermilk, cottage cheese and all

other kinds of cheese. Cream contains but little protein, and butters practically none.
Nuts, especially almonds, Brazil nuts, filberts, hickory nuts, pecans, English walnuts,
butternuts, pistachios and pignolias. (Peanuts are legumes, not true nuts. Chestnuts
contain much starch and only a little protein.)


In the modern diet, carbohydrates make up the major source of energy to fuel our daily
activities; although, this is not necessarily the best option based on what we understand
now about fats and glucose.

Carbohydrates require the completely opposite chemicals from proteins to be digested.

Carbs or starchy foods require an alkali or base atmosphere to be digested effectively, so
our bodies secrete ptyalin into our saliva to break them down.

There are also a range of carbohydrates and some carbs are much more starchy than others.
Other food groups such as vegetables and fruits are also considered carbs since these food
groups fall under the carbohydrate macro-nutrient. 17

High-starch carbohydrates include:

Cereals, the most important being wheat of all kinds, Indian corn, rice, rye, barley, and
oats. All forms of bread, toast, cakes, mushes, flaked or puffed cereals are starchy.
Potatoes as well as sweet potatoes and Jerusalem artichokes.

| 10
Legumes, especially when they are ripe. The ripe limas, navy beans and other kinds of
ripe beans, peas, lentils and peanuts are starchy. Green limas and young peas contain
more starch than the other vegetables; usually classified as succulent.
Certain nuts such as acorns, pistachio, cashew, dried chestnuts and coconuts.

Low-starch carbohydrates include:

Non-starchy vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, mushroom, spinach, most leafy

greens, asparagus and celery.
Certain fruits such as avocado, olive, most berries and in general, fruits that are not
Certain nuts such as pecan, brazil, macadamia, hazelnut, walnut and peanut.


While traditionally given a bad reputation, good fats are very important to a healthy body
and in weight loss; although, that might seem counter-intuitive due to misinformation that
has been fed to the public over the past few decades.

In addition to supplying energy, fats are needed to:

Supply fatty acids that the body needs but cannot make (such as omega-3).
Assist with absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and carotenoids.
Provide foods with flavour and texture.

There are three types of dietary fats:

Saturated fat – found in foods like meat, butter and cream (animal sources).
Unsaturated fat – found in foods like olive oil, avocados, nuts and canola oil (plant
Trans fats – found in commercially produced baked goods, snack foods, fast foods and
some margarines.

The healthiest fat are unsaturated fats (vegetable fats), followed by animal fat. Trans fats
are bad and should be eliminated from your diet if you want to lose weight.

| 11
Fats include:

Dairy products such as cream, butter and some rich cheeses.

Meat, especially pork, mutton and beef, which have been fattened.
Fat fish, such as herring, shad and salmon trout.
Soy beans.
Nuts of nearly every kind. Peanuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, filberts, hickory nuts, pecans,
English walnuts, butternuts, coconuts, pistachios and acorns are rich in oil.
Cotton seed, olives, and corn furnish much edible oil.


There are 2 types of vegetables; Starchy and Non-starchy. Both types mix well with Proteins
and Carbohydrates.

| 12
Starchy vegetables include:

Parsnip, Plantain, Potato, Pumpkin, Acorn squash, Butternut squash, Green Peas,
Corn, Dried Beans, Legumes, Peas and Lentils

Non-starchy vegetables are:

Artichoke, Asparagus, Baby corn, Bamboo shoots, Green leafy vegetables (kale,
spinach, Asian greens, cabbage), Beans (green, wax, Italian), Bean sprouts, Beets,
Brussels sprouts, Broccoli, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Cucumber, Eggplant, Leeks,
Mushrooms, Okra, Onions, Peppers, Radishes, Salad greens (chicory, endive, escarole,
lettuce, romaine, spinach, arugula, radicchio, watercress), Squash (summer,
crookneck, zucchini), Tomato and Turnips.


Fruits are essentially carbohydrates; however, some fruits are acidic and some are sweet.

| 13
Some of the most common juicy fruits are:

Apples, lemons, oranges, peaches, pears, strawberries, apricots, avocadoes,

blackberries, cherries, cranberries, currants, gooseberries, grapes, huckleberries,
blueberries, mulberries, nectarines, olives, pineapples, plums, raspberries and
Melons such as watermelon, muskmelon, cantaloupe and honey dew, etc.),
Ripe bananas, sweet prunes, sweet grapes, raisins, dried currants, figs, dates and


Now that we are familiar with the 5 food groups, we can specifically look at the food
combining rules that can help us lose and maintain weight.

Note: While it is recognized that many foods contain all 3 macro-nutrients (protein,
carbohydrates & fats in varying amounts), we broadly categorize the foods based on their
predominant macro-nutrient.

Rule #1: Do Not Eat Proteins and Starchy Carbohydrates Together

| 14
The is probably the most important food combining rule to follow.

Proteins and starchy carbs are the worst possible combination of foods to mix together in a
single meal as they need different environments to digest.

Proteins, such as meat, fish, poultry and eggs, trigger your stomach to secrete hydrochloric
acid and pepsin, increasing the acidity in your stomach to break down these foods. Starchy
carbs do not break down well in this type of environment; they require an alkali or base
atmosphere to be digested effectively.

When proteins and starchy carbs are combined in the stomach, there is direct conflict and
digestion comes to an immediate stop. The foods & chemicals mix and become sludge in
your system where they basically sit and ferment for days without being properly digested.

The irony is that proteins and carbs are the mainstay of modern diets and is what the most
recent generations have been brought up on. These bad foods combining meals include
meat and potatoes, hamburgers and fries, eggs and toast, rice and meat or noodles and

As a simple guide, red meats (beef & lamb) should never be eaten with carbs.

White Meats, (chicken, pork and fish) can be eaten with carbs but should be reserved to
whole grain types of carbs.

If you really want to eat starchy carbs, it is best to eat them with a healthy fat as described

| 15
in Rule #4. Or, if you crave that hamburger, eat half the bun and just eat the naked burger.

Rule #2: Eat Protein with Non-Starchy Vegetables

Pairing your proteins with non-starchy vegetables is one of the best food combinations for
weight loss.

Vegetables are not only an excellent source of fiber that steadies your blood sugar, but they
also promote good digestion and contain vitamins like A, C and E, and minerals such as
magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. This gives you a perfect baseline of nutrition, while
protein, whether plant-based or from animal sources, helps to fill you up and starts your

Vegetables take hardly any energy to digest, so your body can focus on using those proteins
to digest slowly, building muscle and burning fat.

Since no starchy carbs are part of this combination, the body directly goes to fat burning
zone, and the vegetables’ nutrients are absorbed better by the iron in the protein, along
with helping to provide an alkaline state for the body.

Alkalinity counteracts acidity, which naturally occurs from protein-based foods. Keeping
your pH alkaline is important for weight loss and also excellent for your blood sugar.

| 16
Good vegetables to eat with protein include leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, carrots,
celery, green beans, lettuce, onions, leeks, turnips, radish, zucchini, yellow squash,
cucumber, beets and any kind of sprouts.

Rule #3: Eat Protein with Fat

These are good ways to steady your blood sugar, keep you from being ravenous, start your
metabolism and give your body the nutrition it needs.

Eating fat with protein makes you feel fuller for a longer period so you will not feel like
binging on junk food. This reduces introducing unwanted calories into your body that will
result in weight gain.

Examples of a fat with protein combination include:

Meat without the fat cut off

Nuts or seeds with some Greek yogurt
Greek yogurt with a square of dark chocolate
Chicken with some avocado
Organic sausage and organic cheese

| 17
Rule #4: Eat Carbohydrates with Fat

Have you noticed that if you eat a carb-rich food by itself that it almost seems to make you
hungrier? That is because we digest carbs very quickly, so they do not keep us full for very

So, instead of eating carbs by themselves, combine a carb-rich food with a healthy fat
(animal or vegetable).

The healthy fat will digest more slowly, keeping you feeling full for much longer and helping
you to eat less overall.

Avoid low-fat carbs such as low-fat snacks as ultimately, it is still junk food with lots of
artificial flavours and preservatives.

Examples of a fat with carb combination include:

Quinoa + avocado + half a baked potato drizzled with organic butter

Homemade sweet potato fries + olive oil + parsley
Apples + Peanut Butter

| 18
Rule #5: Eat Non-Starchy Vegetables with Any Other Food Group

Non-starchy vegetables are your secret weight-loss weapon as they are high in nutrients
and low in calories.

Eating plenty of vegetables at every meal is a great way to keep your metabolism burning
strong and keeping your full fat-burning potential, even when you are cutting back on

If you fill half your plate with veggies at each meal, you will automatically be filling up on
less calories than if you were eating a plate that was mainly proteins and carbs.

Non-starchy vegetables mix well with any food group. For example, a powerful weight loss
food combination is to eat non-starchy vegetables with some healthy fats.

The vital nutrients from fats that increase your metabolism, such as omega 3 fats,
monounsaturated fats and MCT fats, are better absorbed when you add some vitamin-rich
greens. In addition, the vitamins from the greens are absorbed better from the fats, so it is a
win-win combo.

When your body receives a vital supply of nutrients, it tells you it's full sooner, and it calms
the brain, leading to satiety.

Examples of a fat with non-starchy vegetable combination include:

| 19
Avocado over a large lettuce, rocket and tomatoes salad with extra virgin olive oil.
Cucumbers and celery with hummus or guacamole.
Sautéed cauliflower and broccoli with chopped pork belly.

On the other hand, good protein and non-starchy vegetable combinations include:

Wild salmon + broccoli + green beans

Organic chicken + sautéed kale + mashed cauliflower
Organic ground turkey + sautéed bell peppers, onions and swiss chard

In summary,

1. Do Not Eat Protein with Carbohydrates

2. Eat Protein with Non-Starchy Vegetables
3. Eat Protein with Fat
4. Eat Carbohydrates with Fat
5. Eat Non-Starchy Vegetables with Any Other Food Group

The Eating Order of the Meal

One thing that you can take note of is the time different foods take to digest in your
stomach. Organizing or ordering how you eat your meal will allow your digestive system to
handle digestion more smoothly, with less time and more absorption of nutrients.

This means introducing different foods systematically so that you start with the easiest to
digest foods first and then move on to the ones that take a longer time to digest. By doing
this you keep foods that digest more easily flowing through your digestive system and
prevent a “food traffic jam”.

Every individual's digestive system is different; but, as a guide:

Juices and Water: 20 to 30 minutes

Soups, Fruits, or Smoothies: 30 to 45 minutes
Vegetables: 30 to 45 minutes
Grains, Starches: 2 to 3 hours
Beans, Poultry, Meat, or Fish: 3 or more hours


On first read, the details and rules of food combining for weight loss might seem
complicated and technical.

| 20
So, here is a simple guide and formula to remember how to apply trophology to your daily
meals and life.

Keep it Simple Stupid (KISS principle)

First, keep your meals simple and minimalist.

Studies have shown that humans tend to overeat when we are offered a wide variety of
foods during a meal15. So, by simplifying our meals, we will naturally eat less.

The Formula

Bearing that in mind, this is the food combining weight loss formula:

Choose only ONE food from each food group, up to a maximum of THREE food groups
in a single meal. But, do not eat proteins with carbohydrates.

If trophology or food pairing sounds like an approach to eating and losing weight that
appeals to you, read on to learn about "The 14-Day Food Code" that revolutionizes food
pairing and produces 3 times the results.


If you understand the philosophy and rules of trophology or food combining and follow our
“5 Trophology Rules for Weight Loss”, you will be able to lose weight over time.

But, if you are interested to lose weight fast in a healthy manner and keep the weight off, we
have made one major adjustment trophology that is a game changer.

We call this “The 14-Day Food Code” because when followed, it can help you burn fat,
elevate energy and increase focus in 2 weeks, without suffering an unsustainable diet that
makes you miserable.

We created a new formula for trophology by applying the principles and science behind the
ketogenic diet.

| 21
The Ketogenic diet or Keto is a very low-carb, low sugar and high fat diet plan that was
originally designed in the 1920s for patients with epilepsy by researchers working at Johns
Hopkins Medical Center. However, its roots can be dated back as far as the mid-19th
century from a booklet written by William Banting. Entitled, “The Letter on Corpulence,
Addressed to the Public” 19, it contained the particular plan for the diet he followed. More
details on the history and evolution of the ketogenic diet can be read here 20.

The Sugar Conspiracy and Stigmatizing of Fat

Keto has been labelled a fad diet but “fad” implies something new-fangled. But low-
carbohydrate, high-fat diets had been popular for well over a century before Atkins, and
were, until the 1960s, a method of weight loss endorsed by mainstream science.

By the start of the 1970s, that had changed. As mentioned in Chapter 1, it was the sugar
industry that conspired to suppress the negative effects of sugar and sucrose's role in
causing coronary heart disease and other nutritional risks.

Instead, the unfounded blame was put on all fats, including good healthy fats. This is also
the reason why Keto has not received as much mainstream attention and support until

In reality, sugar is bad for you. The amount of refined sugar in the modern diet has
ballooned, with the average American now getting about 350 calories a day (equivalent to
about 22 teaspoons of sugar and 25 percent of their daily calories) from added sugar2.

One recent study published in the peer-reviewed journal JAMA Internal Medicine revealed
that this level of sugar consumption has direct correlation with cardiovascular disease
(CVD) deaths21.

In 1980, the US government issued its first Dietary Guidelines that shaped the diets of
hundreds of millions of people. Doctors base their advice on them and food companies
develop products to comply with them. These guidelines influence extends beyond the US.
In 1983, the UK government issued advice that closely followed the American example22.

The most prominent recommendation of both governments was to cut back on saturated fats
and cholesterol. Steak, bacon and sausages were replaced with pasta and rice, butter with
margarine and vegetable oils, eggs with muesli, and milk with low-fat milk or orange juice.
But instead of becoming healthier, people grew fatter and sicker.

| 22
The low-fat diet is especially harmful to women, which is scary because women tend to diet
more8. Compared to men, women have been especially hard hit by the low-fat diet
recommendations, which they have followed more religiously than anyone else over the past
few decades.

It turns out that women’s “good” cholesterol (HDL) drops dramatically on this diet (it does
for men, too, but less so), thereby increasing their risk of heart disease.

Since the guidelines were published, many massive studies have been conducted on the low-
fat diet. It is no better at preventing heart disease, obesity or cancer than the standard
Western diet, which is as unhealthy as a diet can get.

For example, one Danish doctor and researcher Dr. Uffe Ravnskov demonstrated that there
was no evidence that showed a high fat diet resulted in heart disease and obesity. Instead,
there is a correlation between obesity rates and the amount of carbohydrate consumption. 23

However, in recent years, the traditional advice to eating a low-fat diet is now being
changed as per the main recommendations from the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory
Committee (DGAC), which reports on how food, nutrition, and physical activity can promote
the health of the U.S. population.

Walter Willett, Chair of the Department of Nutrition, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public
Health also highlights that the panel’s most important recommendation is that people don’t
need to restrict the total amount of fat in their diets.

| 23
“If you’re going to restrict total fat, it means you’re going to eat more carbohydrates. In our
society, and with our food supply, that means more refined starch and sugar—and that’s in
fact exactly what happened over the last two decades,” said Willett.

But “there was never any real data that showed that low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets were
beneficial—it was really guesses.” 24

The Science Behind the Keto Diet

Our bodies normally run on glucose (or sugar) for energy. We cannot make glucose and only
have about 24 hours’ worth stored in our muscle tissue and liver. Once glucose is no longer
available from food sources, we begin to burn stored fat instead, or fat from our diets.

By reducing sugar and carbohydrate foods in one’s diet, the amount of glucose is reduced in
your body, forcing your body to start to burn fat and produce ketones instead.

Ketones are three water-soluble molecules (acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), and

their spontaneous breakdown product, acetone) that are produced by the liver from fatty
acids. These are products of fatty acid oxidation in the liver and reduced blood glucose

Ketone bodies provide an alternative substrate to glucose for energy utilization, and, in the
developing brain, also constitute essential building blocks for the biosynthesis of cell
membranes and lipids25.

Once ketone levels in the blood rise to a certain point, you enter a fat-burning metabolic
state of ketosis.

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Ketosis is a natural body state and all babies are born in ketosis and breastfeeding keeps
them in ketosis26. It is only as we age, that we stop drawing on natural fat stores and instead
get energy from smaller carbohydrate stores.

The goal of a Keto diet is to keep the body in this state of ketosis which provides many
benefits beyond weight loss.


Multiple studies27 have shown that there are many benefits of the Ketogenic or Keto Diet
which is why “The 14-Day Food Code” applies the Keto philosophy and principles. Some
benefits of Keto include:

Weight Loss

On a keto diet, weight loss can often be substantial and happens quickly (especially for
those who start the diet very overweight or obese) as eating low-carb leads to an automatic
reduction in appetite. 28

Greater Focus, Mental Clarity and Less Migraines

Scientists have discovered that ketogenic dieting has increased mental clarity and focus and
less frequent and less intense migraines are likely related to the more stable blood sugar
and altered brain chemistry that improves memory and cognition as well. 29

Preventing Heart Disease

Besides keeping blood glucose low and stable, ketogenic dieting helps keep blood pressure
in check and lowers triglyceride levels. It also helps to raise HDL (“good cholesterol”) and
improve the profile of LDL (“bad cholesterol”). 29

Decreasing Inflammation

Researchers have found that the key player in many inflammatory diseases is suppressed by
beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), which is one of the main ketones produced from a ketogenic
diet. 29

Improving Energy Levels

As individuals progress in their ketogenic diet, most people report an increase in general
energy levels and a lack of cravings for carbs. The mechanism here involves both a
stabilization of insulin levels and readily available source of energy for our brain and body
tissues. 29

| 25
Reduces Risk for Type 2 Diabetes

The Keto diet works by eliminating carbohydrates from the diet and keeping the body’s
carbohydrate stores almost empty, therefore preventing too much insulin from being
released following food consumption and creating normal blood sugar levels. This can help
reverse “insulin resistance,” which is the underlying problem contributing to diabetes
symptoms. 29

Reduces Acne
Eating a diet high in processed and refined carbohydrates can alter gut bacteria and cause
more dramatic blood sugar fluctuations, both of which can have an influence on skin health.
Therefore, by decreasing carb intake, a ketogenic diet can reduce some cases of acne. 29


The Keto diet involves drastically reducing carbohydrate intake, and replacing it with fat.
The reduction in carbs puts your body into a metabolic state called ketosis.

When this happens, your body becomes incredibly efficient at burning fat for energy. It also
turns fat into ketones in the liver, which can supply energy for the brain.

On a standard keto diet, fats typically provide about 70 percent to 80 percent of total daily
calories, protein about 15 percent to 20 percent, and carbohydrates just around 5 percent30.
That means consuming less than 100 grams of bread, pasta, rice or noodles a day! And little
to no sugar.

Here is an idea of foods that you can and cannot eat on a Keto diet.

Food that you should not eat:

| 26
Sugary foods: Soda31, fruit juice32, smoothies, cake, ice cream, candy, etc.
Grains or starches (Carbs): Wheat-based products, rice, pasta, cereal, etc.
Fruit: All fruit, except small portions of berries like strawberries.
Beans or legumes: Peas, kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc.
Root vegetables and tubers: Potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips, etc.
Low-fat or diet products: These are highly processed and often high in carbs.
Some condiments or sauces: These often contain sugar and unhealthy fat.
Unhealthy fat: Limit your intake of processed vegetable oils, mayonnaise, etc.
Alcohol: Due to its carb content, many alcoholic beverages can throw you out of
Sugar-free diet foods & artificial sweeteners: These are often high in sugar
alcohols and are also highly processed33.

Food that you should eat:

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Meat: Red meat, steak, ham, sausage, bacon, chicken and turkey.
Fatty fish: Such as salmon, trout, tuna and mackerel.
Eggs: Look for pastured or omega-3 whole eggs.
Butter and cream: Look for grass-fed when possible.
Cheese: Unprocessed cheese (cheddar, goat, cream, blue or mozzarella).
Nuts and seeds: Almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, etc.
Healthy oils: Primarily extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil and avocado oil.
Avocados: Whole avocados or freshly made guacamole.
Non-starchy Vegetables: Most green veggies, tomatoes, onions, peppers, etc.
Condiments: You can use salt, pepper and various healthy herbs and spices.


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While there are many proven scientific benefits of keto including weight loss, the simple
reality is; it is very difficult to keep on a strict Keto diet.

The combination of the unhealthy modern diet, convenient availability of good & bad food,
being constantly marketed with food and a busy work life makes it very hard to keto while
trying to maintain energy and work 10-hour days. And, many cannot live without carbs or
sugar because they have grown up on them their whole lives.

Most people cannot naturally sustain a strict Keto diet in the long term unless it is someone
like a high-level athlete who is motivated by professional goals.

Here is where “The 14-Day Food Code” comes in to change everything.

“The 14-Day Food Code” combines our trophology rules for weight loss with a keto-inspired
diet to get your body into fat-burning mode to receive the benefits of a keto diet; while still
being able to eat most of the food you like to eat, albeit in reduced amounts.

Both approaches to eating and food benefit each other in a dialectic relationship.

Keto makes trophology even more effective by reducing food groups that contribute to
weight gain or fat build-sup.
Trophology helps to make a keto-inspired diet sustainable and enjoyable.

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We have modified the “5 Trophology Rules for Weight Loss” to include the Keto-inspired
diet to create a new set of rules.

When followed, the “5 Rules of the 14-Day Food Code” will help you lose weight, elevate
energy levels and increase focus in 2 weeks.

Note: While it is recognized that many foods contain all 3 macro-nutrients (protein,
carbohydrates & fats in varying amounts), we broadly categorize the foods based on their
predominant macro-nutrient.

Rule #1 - Reduce Carbs

Many people think of rice, potatoes and pasta as 'carbs' but that's only a few of the huge
range of foods that contain carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are in all fruit and vegetables, all
breads and grain products, and sugar and sugary foods.

Sugar is the “building block” to carbohydrates, as amino acids are to protein and lipids are
to fat. You may see it called different names - like fructose, lactose, sucrose, glucose, high
fructose corn syrup, maltose, dextrose, raw sugar, cane sugar, malt extract and molasses.

It's a common misconception that our body, especially our brain needs carbs. In fact, the
brain can either use glucose derived from carbs or ketones.

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If you want your body to be in a fat-burning state AKA ketosis, you will need to restrict the
intake of carbohydrates. This causes your body to switch to using ketone bodies instead of
using glucose for its energy needs.

Ingesting carbs will stop ketosis as your body now has a supply of glucose to fuel it. So, to
burn fat, you need to reduce glucose which is found in carbs.

Reduce your daily intake of carbs (especially sugar) by at least 70 percent. If you want your
body to get into ketosis faster and lose weight more quickly, you can reduce your carb
intake even more.

While that may sound a lot, you only need a small amount of carbs to satisfy the craving you
have for certain foods. Your body will crave the taste of these foods for satiety but will not
crave for the foods as an energy source. Essentially, the small amounts of carbs you take is
to keep yourself happy and ensure you enjoy “The 14-Day Food Code” diet.

Instead of sugar, high-fructose corn syrup and honey, try pure versions of sweeteners such
as stevia and erythritol.

Other alternatives to satisfy a sweet tooth include:

Inulin is a sweet and starchy plant fibre that helps regulate blood sugar.
Monk fruit powder is 300 times sweeter than sugar and doesn't have a bitter aftertaste
like stevia.
70% cocoa dark chocolate and cocoa powder are packed with antioxidants.

If you really want to eat carbs, look back at the Rule #1 of the “Rules of Trophology for
Weight Loss” and avoid eating starchy carbs with protein.

Rule #2: Eat Protein with Non-Starchy Vegetables

Pairing your proteins with non-starchy vegetables is one of the best food combinations for
weight loss.

Vegetables are not only an excellent source of fiber that steadies your blood sugar, but they
also promote good digestion and contain vitamins like A, C and E, and minerals such as
magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. This gives you a perfect baseline of nutrition, while
protein, whether plant-based or from animal sources, helps to fill you up and starts your

Vegetables take hardly any energy to digest, so your body can focus on using those proteins
to digest slowly, building muscle and burning fat.

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body directly goes to fat burning zone, and the vegetables’ nutrients are absorbed better by
the iron in the protein, along with helping to provide an alkaline state for the body.

Alkalinity counteracts acidity, which naturally occurs from protein-based foods. Keeping
your pH alkaline is important for weight loss. This combination is also excellent for your
blood sugar.

Good vegetables to eat with protein include leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, carrots,
celery, green beans, lettuce, onions, leeks, turnips, radish, zucchini, yellow squash,
cucumber, beets and any kind of sprouts.

Rule #3: Eat Protein with Fat

These are good ways to steady your blood sugar, keep you from being ravenous, start your
metabolism and give your body the nutrition it needs.

Eating fat with protein makes you feel fuller for a longer period of time so you will not feel
like binging on junk food. This reduces introducing unwanted calories into your body that
will result in weight gain.

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Examples of a fat with protein combination include nuts or seeds with some Greek yogurt,
Greek yogurt with a square of dark chocolate, a chicken salad with some avocado or organic
sausage and organic cheese.

You can also add non-starchy vegetables into the mix, as they can be eaten with anything.

Rule #4: Eat Low Carb Fruits with Fat

The public belief is that all fruit is healthy and good for you. But, this is not necessarily true,
especially if you are looking to lose weight. The reason is because many fruits tend to be
fairly rich in carbohydrates, primarily the simple sugars like glucose and fructose.

In a strict Keto diet, you are not supposed to eat all fruit, except small portions of berries
which are considered very low-carb.

But with “The 14-Day Food Code”, while keto-inspired, we want to allow some latitude.

We recognize that while fruits are much higher in carbs than non-starchy vegetables, they
are much lower in carbs compared to foods like bread or pasta. Fruits also happen to
contain nutrients, fibre and lots of water which are all good things.

And, it is almost impossible to overeat fructose, simply by eating fruit. A person who eats
100-150 grams of carbs per day can easily fit in several pieces of fruit per day without going
over their limit.

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If you're already eating a healthy, real food based diet with plenty of protein and fat, then
small amounts of fructose (from fruit) won't cause harm. The harmful effects of fructose
apply to fructose from added sugars, not from real foods like fruits.

We suggest treating fruit the same way you would a carbohydrate. If you are eating large
quantities of fruit daily, reduce your intake by 70%.

If you do eat fruit, pair it with a healthy fat such as:

Slices of apples with peanut butter

Grilled fresh fruit with extra virgin olive oil

Rule #5 - Eat Non-Starchy Vegetables with Any Other Food Group

Non-starchy vegetables are your secret weight-loss weapon as they are high in nutrients
and low in calories.

Eating plenty of vegetables at every meal is a great way to keep your metabolism burning
strong and keeping your full fat-burning potential, even when you are cutting back on

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If you fill half your plate with veggies at each meal, you will automatically be filling up on
less calories than if you were eating a plate that was mainly proteins and carbs.

Non-starchy vegetables mix well with any food group. For example, a powerful weight loss
food combination is to eat non-starchy vegetables with some healthy fats.

The vital nutrients from fats that increase your metabolism, such as omega 3 fats,
monounsaturated fats and MCT fats, are better absorbed when you add some vitamin-rich
greens. In addition, the vitamins from the greens are absorbed better from the fats, so it is a
win-win combo.

When your body receives a vital supply of nutrients, it tells you it's full sooner, and it calms
the brain, leading to satiety.

Examples of a fat with non-starchy vegetable combination include:

Avocado over a large lettuce, rocket and tomatoes salad with extra virgin olive oil.
Cucumbers and celery with hummus or guacamole.
Sautéed cauliflower and broccoli with chopped pork belly.

On the other hand, good protein and non-starchy vegetable combinations include:

Wild salmon + broccoli + green beans

Organic chicken + sautéed kale + mashed cauliflower
Organic ground turkey + sautéed bell peppers, onions and swiss chard

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In summary,

Rule #1 - Reduce Carbs

Rule #2 - Eat Protein with Non-Starchy Vegetables
Rule #3 - Eat Protein with Fat
Rule #4: Eat Low Carb Fruits with Fat
Rule #5 - Eat Non-Starchy Vegetables with Any Other Food Group


Just like the original “Trophology Weight Loss Meal Formula”, we designed this guide and
formula to be just as simple to remember how to apply “The 14-Day Food Code” to your
daily meals and life.

The starting point is the same and that is to keep your meals simple and minimalist.

As mentioned before, studies have shown that humans tend to overeat when we are offered
a wide variety of foods during a meal. So, by simplifying our meals, we will naturally eat

Bearing that in mind, this is “The 14-Day Food Code Meal Formula”:

Since “The 14-Day Food Code” is keto-inspired, you need to reduce carbs (especially sugar)
as much as you can. If you really want to see fast results, cut out carbs completely.

So, depending on the level of your carb intake, choose only ONE food from each food
group, up to a maximum of THREE food groups in a single meal. But, do not combine
proteins with carbohydrates (if you are eating carbs).

Ensure that any food you eat does not contain high amounts of sugar (including sauces and


To help you with your 14-day journey in losing weight, elevating energy levels and
increasing focus, we have created “The 14 Day Food Code Meal Planners” that you can
use as a daily guide of what to eat, whether you are eating in or out.

You should receive the three “14-Day Food Code Meal Planners” that can be downloaded

| 36
and stored in your smartphone to reference easily.

These meal planners are not restrictive, and you can eat any dish you like on any given day,
in no specific order.

They feature a combined list of 42 meals that you can choose to eat during these 2 weeks.
But, feel free to eat the dishes that you like the most and repeat them. Or, be adventurous
and creative by making your own variations of the dishes (while following the “5 Rules of
the 14-Day Food Code”).

Check out the accompanying recipes in “The 14-Day Food Code Recipe Book” that you
received free with this eBook. You will get 14 recipes each for breakfast, lunch and dinner
for a total of 42 recipes. All recipes were designed with the “5 Rules of the 14-Day Food
Code” in mind.



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In this book, we discussed how to use trophology to lose weight. We also shared our
variation of the science of food combining to burn fat, elevate energy levels and increase
focus in 2 weeks.

What if there was another way that you could lose the weight you want; easily,
painlessly and quickly?

In this bonus chapter, we reveal an amazing weight loss hack where you can lose weight
in 30 days without forcing yourself to diet.

This is the world’s best kept secret that has only been used by the US Navy Seals, NASA,
celebrities and top athletes around the world… till now.


To understand how this hack can work for your body, let us revisit ketones and ketosis, the
body’s metabolic state of fat-burning.

When not eating or on a ‘ketogenic’ diet, our bodies produce natural chemicals known as
ketone bodies or ketones.

In extreme conditions, such as during periods of prolonged fasting, starvation or extreme

exercise, the body’s natural stores of glycogen in the liver can become exhausted. As a
result, the body starts to ‘burn’ fatty acids instead of glucose. As this happens, levels of
ketones as measured in the bloodstream rise significantly.

Once ketone levels in the blood rise to a certain point, you enter a fat-burning metabolic
state of ketosis.


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This weight loss hack helps your body get into a state of ketosis and burn fat WITHOUT
having to go on a strict Keto diet.

The revolutionary hack is possible by introducing ketones directly into the body through an
exogenous ketone supplement that you drink. This “bio-hacks” your body into ketosis.

In addition, the ketone supplement is a natural diet suppression and it will curb your
cravings for carbs and sugar.

This makes it easier to stay on a keto-inspired diet like “The 14-Day Food Code” on top of
taking the liquid ketone supplement.

The combination of the ketone supplement with a healthier diet will positively transform
your body rapidly.


Dr. Dominic D’Agostino, PhD, assistant professor at the University of South Florida College
of Medicine, is at the forefront of ketone research and is also responsible for developing the
technology in exogenous ketone supplements.

Dr. D’Agostino has conducted research for the US Navy Seals34 that was focused on using
ketones to reduce seizures related to oxygen toxicity experienced by Navy SEAL divers
using closed-circuit breathing apparatus.

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Dr. D’Agostino is also studying the induction and sustainment of nutritional ketosis with
ketone supplement formulations in on-going research by NASA35 for mission tests undersea,
simulating life on Mars with the NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations (NEEMO)
22 expedition.

The study is to test how nutritional ketosis can be used as a countermeasure against
neurological risks that come with space travel such as space radiation, lack of oxygen and
stress of small spaces.


In 2014, Dallas, Texas-based nutrition company, Prüvit Ventures, sub-licensed Dr.
D’Agostino’s patented technology34 and used it to develop KETO//OS® or KETO Operating
System, the world’s first consumer-based ketone supplement drink.

| 40
Since then, Prüvit has taken Dr D'Agostino's original formula and redeveloped it into the
strongest ketone supplement on the market.

KETO//OS Max is formulated so that your body can absorb roughly 40% more of the beta
hydroxybutyrate ketone. It is gluten-free, dairy free, vegan-friendly and gives you a faster
spike and a longer experience in ketosis.

KETO//OS will provide you with all the benefits that ketosis and a Keto diet will give

Besides helping you to burn fat and reduce weight, it will give you more energy, increase
mental clarity & focus, provide better mood & better sleep, reduce inflammation and reduce

KETO//OS is a drinkable ketone supplement that comes in a powdered form, sealed in
individual sachets per serving.

| 41
Simply dissolve the contents in a large tumbler of cold water and shake it up to dissolve.
Then, drink it slowly over 20 minutes.

Drink 1 to 3 servings a day based on your weight loss goals.

Assuming you do not over-indulge in sugars and carbohydrates, you should feel changes
within one week, including feeling more energy and greater mental focus.

Most people notice weight-loss after 8 – 10 days.

The most common results that you will feel first are appetite suppression and a reduction
in craving for carbs.

However, everyone is different due to genetic make-up, body type, size, diet and daily
activity. So, it is recommended that you take the ketone supplement every day for 30
days to feel and see the results.


There are different versions of KETO//OS that vary with flavour, strength and caffeine/
caffeine-free to cater to different personal preferences and needs.

Here is a run-down of the different flavours and formulas:

Orange Dream 2.1

| 42
This is Pruvit’s original formula which contains MCT (medium chain triglycerides) which
keeps you fuller for longer. It is a creamy orange and vanilla blend, similar to an orange

Chocolate Swirl 3.0

This formula conTains prebiotics which is excellent for gut health. It tastes like a yummy
chocolate shake and you can even add coconut or almond milk to enhance the flavour.

Maui Punch MAX

MAX is the most advanced formula which is four times more bioavailable than any other
product on the market, so you are getting a higher boost of ketones. This tastes like a sweet
fruit cocktail.

Swiss Cacao MAX

This popular tasty rich chocolate drink is the second addition to the MAX formula and is
helping so many people with anxiety and sleep disorders.

Raspberry Lemonade MAX

This is the latest flavour in the MAX range which is great for those who need higher levels
of energy or have huge health goals. Raspberry Lemonade tastes like sweet & sour gummy

Click on the "BUY NOW" image below to visit the official Prüvit online store and order

Upon checkout, you will be asked to confirm your referrer.

Simply click "YES, THIS IS MY REFERRER".

| 43

Currently, KETO//OS is only available online in US, Canada and Australia through the
Prüvit Website.
If you are in another country but would like to order KETO//OS, contact us at:


| 44
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| 49
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