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Reading Questions for The Prince

Directions: Read chapters 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23. As you read the assigned chapters in The
Prince, consider the following questions.

1. What advice does Machiavelli give to the prince about vice and virtue?
2. Would Machiavelli approve of spending large sums to win a political campaign?
3. Under what circumstances did Machiavelli suggest a prince practice liberality?
4. According to Machiavelli, is it better for a prince to be liberal or parsimonious?
5. According to Machiavelli, why is it desirable for a prince to be feared, but not hated?
6. Does Machiavelli suggest that lying is acceptable to justify the actions of the prince? If so, under
what circumstances?
7. In Machiavelli’s opinion are men by nature good or bad? What do you think?
8. Did Machiavelli suggest that prince should put more emphasis on style or substance?
9. Was Ferdinand of Aragon a “16th century Hitler”? Why or why not?
10. Why did Machiavelli always advise a prince to take a side in a conflict? Which side should the
prince take?
11. What qualities should a prince look for in a minister? How should a prince treat a good minister?
12. What advise would Machiavelli give a president regarding the solicitation of council?

On Monday, August 29, I expect you to participate in a graded discussion centered around the above
questions. Your grade will be based on your responses and comments during the discussion.

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