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« Let’s party with the olds: 2nd Edition »

Submitted by: New Generation of Lavanneau

Budget Total: 429.61 USD
Amount requested: 389.62 USD
Duration: a day

Unity NGL
Date of submission End of December
Title of the project Let’s party with the olds
Department of southeast
Area target Commune Jacmel
Cost of the project : 429.61 USD
Duration One day

Job creation
Type of project Parents training


I- Context and justification

II- Chronogram of activities
III- Budget
IV- Modality of implementation
V- Target public
VI- Conclusion

I- Context and justification

Last year, we have taken the January 6th as usual for partying with the olds. In Haiti, this day
is always dedicated for thinking of the olds situation. We have passed a day with them; we
offered them some presents mainly that are useful. This year, we do not want their day goes
without gathering together with them and organize a big party for them. For this time, we want to
make it different: not only we will give them some presents on that day, but also, we are going to
pass all the day together, so that we can teach them many things such as:

1- A moment of teaching how to wash hands for avoiding caching contagious disease.
2- A theater activity for showing the miserable situation of a parent to grow up his child.
3- A model of family will be presented and testimony what hard life has he been
experienced for the success of his child.
4- At the end we would like to offer at 15 olds: a gift to make them smile a little on that day.
We got to tell you without your help, it is extremely impossible to realize all those activities.
Please think of us and make it possible.
 General objective
- Our main goal is to keep the olds in joyful moment during all the day on their day.

 Specific objective
- Teach them something they need to know on that day for their life.
- Make them see the importance of keeping on fighting for their children success.
- Make happiness on their heart during that day even though their situation is bad.

 Expected results
- 25 olds were being taught something very important for their living moment.
- 25 men and 25 women have been shown the importance of their effort for their child.
- 25 olds were happy on that day.

 Activities
- Teach 25 olds how to wash their hands for avoiding the batteries.
- Montage of theater with the olds with the term: “Haitian parents are fighting to make
hand meet for the education of their child”.
- Deliver a gift to each old.

II- Chronogram of activities

Code Activity Responsible Duration

001 Purchase articles Coordinator January 3th
002 Gift wrapping Management committee January 5th
003 Set up with the DJ Delegate January 4th
004 Training for the olds Trainer
005 Theater and cultural events Theater group
006 Gift sharing Coordinator January 6th
007 Food sharing

III- Budget
Description Quantity Unity price Total Community Amount
(USD) (USD) participation requested
DJ 1 13.33 13.33 6.66 6.66
Local 1 20 20 20 -
Training 1 13.33 13.33 13.33 -
Under total 39.99 6.66
Curtain 6 10 60 60
Bed sheet 4 13.33 53.32 - 53.32
Thermoplastic 6 6.66 39.96 - 39.96
Bulb light 5 6 30 - 30
Crystal glass 4 13.33 53.32 - 53.32
Under total 236.6
Plate of food 30 3.33 99.9 - 99.9
Drinks 30 0.66 19.8 - 19.8
Champagne 2 6.66 13.32 - 13.32
Cakes 1 13.33 13.33 - 13.33
Under total 146.35
Total 429.61 39.99 389.62

IV- Modality of implantation

To get to materialize that project that is a one-day project, we are going to settle a
management committee of three people with the goal of helping mainly with the purchase of the
articles and the planning of the gifts giving and the plate for the olds. At the end of that day, we
will give the presents to 25 olds.

V- Target public

Seeing that the olds are among the most forgetful and miserable people in the Haitian society,
therefore, our project aims to those people so that not only to provoke a day of meditation in
their favor but also, they deserve to be assisted to face the daily challenges of life.

VI- Conclusion

In sum, if we achieved the realization of that party, then we can say the olds know a happy
time despite the great difficulties they face daily. We beg you to help us in any way, you who
believe in the youth empowerment, but also such initiative for such category of people that
should have been very important before everybody’s eyes.

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