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Education is a nece
ssity that cannot be
separated from ev
eryday life. Each pe
rson must have trie
dto get a good educ
ation in the formal
and non-
formal institutions.
Success or failure of
a school is oftenme
asured by the result
s of the assessment
at the end of the le
arning process, alth
ough it is not the so
ledeterminant tool
an education, but it
is still used in the
world of education.
In education there
are a variety of disc
iplines, including les
sons learned. Lesso
ns include the fours
kills namely listenin
g, speaking, writing
and reading. All it s
hould also be teste
d to determine the
abilityof the alread
y gained during the
study through a tes
t or e am.Someone
language skills to d
etermine whether
or not he is in com
munication with th
e peoplearound hi
m. !astery of langua
ge is not only the m
other tongue or reg

Education is a necessity that cannot be separated from everyday life. Each person must have tried to
get a good education in the formal and non-formal institutions. Success or failure of a school is often
measured by the results of the assessment at the end of the learning process, although it is not the
sole determinant tool an education, but it is still used in the world of education.In education there
are a variety of disciplines, including lessons learned. Lessons include the four skills namely listening,
speaking, writing and reading. All it should also be tested to determine the ability of the already
gained during the study through a test or e am.Someone language skills to determine whether or
not he is in communication with the people around him. !astery of language is not only the mother
tongue or regional language but more important is the mastery of a foreign language, in this case
English as a second language. Language skills a person can be tested with a so called tests of
language or language testing, well testing or language or language assessment

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