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Which word, if pronounced right, is wrong, but if pronounced wrong is

right? Wrong

A boy and a doctor was fishing.The boy is the doctor's son but the
doctor is not the boy's father.who is the doctor? His mother

What is so fragile that when you say its name, you break it? Silence

Kush kerkon ti pergjigjesh por nuk ben pyetje ? telefoni

Blerimi eshte kasap. Ai eshte 1.89 cm i gjate. Blerimi peshon …

Mike turns off the light in his bedroom. The light switch is twenty feet
from the bed, but he still manages to get into his bed before it is dark.
How does he do it? He goes to bed when there is daylight

How much dirt is there in a hole that is 3 feet deep, and 6 inches
in diameter? None , a hole only has air in it

A ka vlere ma shume nje njeqind dollareshe e vjeter apo nje e re? normal
se nje njeqeind te vjetra sepse e re eshte vetem nje
Mr. Smith has two children. If the older child is a boy, what are the odds that the other child is also a
boy? 50% of course

You are awoken at 3 A.M. by a knock on your door. Your parents call you to let you know that they
are there for breakfast. You are confused but quickly think of what food you have. You have bread,
jam, butter, and eggs. What do you open first? The door of course

How can you throw a ball 20 meters, and have it come back to you without hitting anything? You
through it straight up.

1. Divide 40 by half and add ten. What is the answer?90

1. There are 60 sweets in a jar. The first person took one sweet, and each
consecutive person took more sweets than the person before, until the jar
was empty.
What is the largest number of people that could have eaten sweets from the
jar? Answer: The first person takes 1 sweet, the second two, the third
three etc.
1+ 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 = 55, so the first ten people
take 55 sweets between them. The 11th person has to be content with
a mere 5 sweets, making 11 people in total.

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