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Table of Contents

RKYV # 38 {July 2010} Editorial Column Poetry

- “At the Outset: - By Stephen Campbell, Frances
RKYV ONLINE LOGO – A Few Thoughts from the Editor” Nichols Vargas, Wanda VanHoy
David Marshall {current} - By r. j. paré Smith, r. j. paré
r. j. paré {modified}
Roy G. James {original} World View Pop Culture
- “A Canadian Living in the - “Comic Book Review”
Virtual Cover # 38 USA” - By Brad Bellmore
- Art by Fehim Zećiri - By Tom Rossini
- Layout by David Marshall - “Manga Maximus”
Featured Artist Review - By Darke Raven
Interior Art - Fehim Zećiri
- By r. j. paré, Bob Labute, - By r. j. paré - “Raised on Saturday Morning
Belinda Da Fonseca, James Cartoons”
Santiago, Naomi Randolph, Short Fiction - By Pauline Paré
Fehim Zećiri - “Great Minds Think Alike”
- By Darke Raven

by r. j. paré
At the Outset
A few thoughts from the
by r. j. paré
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide,
Nothing worth doing that I haven't tried.
There ain't no living on planet-side,
Come on with me, baby, on a rocket ride.
Tom Smith

1. vb. to direct the steering of a ship.
2. n. a quixotic gathering of genre fans.

Welcome one and all to RKYV # 38. Last month it was my pleasure to take this
act on the road and meet some creators in person. [As well as hype the
cooperative publishing studio, Speakeasy Primates, to which I belong.]

RKYV-ers, Roy G. James, my darling wife Pauline and I attended the first
Southern Michigan Arts & Creativity Conference [or SMACC for the acronym
aficionados amongst us… try saying that fast, five times in a row.] It was an
interesting weekend… we sold a few of our books, handed out & received a
bunch of business cards and generally schmoozed our asses off, with assorted
small press & genre fans, LOL.
<Pauline “I am not gonna look &
gosh it’s chilly in here” Paré –
along with her permanent
babysitting gig [also known as a
juvenile husband] & yer favourite
goof-ball editor – r. j. “crazy eyes”

A fun and foolish time was had by all. But every ship, even a ship of fools, as
genre fans and our silly senses of humor tend to be, needs someone to rally us
and lead our collective geek-dom. In other words - someone who can man-up
and… con the Con!

Now Michael Marcus and the Hamtramck Idea Men did a wonderful job of
organizing the event and plenty of deserving kudos go to them… but for me
the con truly came to life with the arrival of our pied piper of whimsy – the
fabulous filk-er named Tom Smith.

Now, up until Tom’s arrival the con had been rather quiet. A few folks
wandered from booth to booth checking out the displays. Some of us took the
time to network with other artists, writers and publishers. But the “room” was
rather lacking in that spark, that giggly energy we geeks tend to exude when
gathered together. Then a fellow exhibitor rushed up to me and declared:

“Hurry up to the media room, Tom Smith is about to perform!” they cried.

Now I was, admittedly, ‘out of the loop’ on this one. “That’s great!” I replied,
“um… just who is Tom Smith?”

“He’s a well known filk-er.” They replied in an oddly confused manner

suggesting what sort of buffoon I must be for not knowing this information
“That’s amazing!” I said, “err… what’s a filk-er?”

At which point they fled my presence in an exasperated fashion, as much a

result of my deplorable lack of geek-cred on this issue as the fact the concert
was starting and they did not plan on missing one minute of it.

Now a brief explanation of the term “filk” was provided to me, at SMACC by
some of the creators I met:

“Filk, began as a typo. It seems at some point in the past a humorous folk
musician was scheduled to perform at a convention. The program for the con
had a typo and misspelled “folk” as “filk” and thus a genre was born. Filk
performers write witty songs about genre-culture using popular melodies. Not
unlike Weird Al [if yer looking for a point of reference] though Filk is
predominantly an unplugged – acoustic style of parody music.”
Anonymous, but informative, fellow geek.

After Tom beamed us all up to starship

fanta-prise things took on an entirely
different tone. Folks were laughing,
costumes were donned with pride and
everyone seemed buoyed by the collective
energy of the room. Even later, back at his
own booth, Tom – guitar in hand – kept
spirits wonderfully quirky with impromptu
numbers from his considerable catalogue of
aural gems. I highly recommend you check
out his stuff – it is genuinely delightful.
Tom Smith – and I’m gonna do a casting call right here, right now – an RKYV
first! Hollywood simply MUST tell this story. Funny, musical and genuine – a
story with heart! Jack Black you just gotta play this man in a biopic!!
This issue of RKYV contains some delightful gems as well. Returning
columnists Tom Rossini, Brad Bellmore, Darke Raven & Pauline Paré share
their insights and opinions in their respective engaging and often whimsical
voices. In addition, Darke Raven pens the short story “Great Minds Think
Alike”, which I am sure we’ll enjoy. As well, contributing poets Stephen
Campbell, Frances Nichols Vargas, Wanda VanHoy Smith & r. j. paré share
some of their latest verse with RKYV and…

Many thanks to the wonderful and talented artists [credited throughout] who
have, once again, made it my distinct pleasure to do layouts this month.

Until next time,

I’m gonna crank up the filk and dance a merry jig!

r. j. paré

Disclaimer: RKYV ONLINE is

not liable for damages should
you attempt said maneuver at
home. Dance jigs, merry or
otherwise at your own risk.
– by Bob Labute, “this one is all about my connections to crystal and how
some take me out of body and some ground me.”
World View
A Canadian,
living in the USA
by Tom Rossini

It’s the Most Wonderful Time

Of the Year!!!!
For those of you that have NO idea what the heck I am talking about
maybe you need to click on this link and watch it before reading on…

So this weekend I had the joy that many parents have when the first of
August hits: The joy of shopping for back to school materials. Feeling excited
that the children are going to head back to that wonderful institution called
school. Although I was not in the store as shown in the video, it was never the
less enjoyable. Pulling out the schools supply list and methodically stacking
the items so nothing falls out of the cart. But while doing this, there was also a
little sadness in the air that summer is coming to a close… Going swimming
with the family in the back yard to slow roasting BBQ ribs on the grill, to
sitting outside in the shade sipping on a cold beverage
It’s also that time of year where some kids may feel nervous or a little
scared as the first day of school approaches because of all the new things: new
teachers, new friends, and maybe even a new school.

So what can we do as
parents to lessen the stress placed
on our children as the first day of
school approaches?

1. Slow Down

The relationship you have

with your children has a powerful
effect on them so don’t get
worked up the first day of school.
Make the last few weeks of the
summer for them. Put those
projects on hold and do things
with your children. Take them
fishing, or do something else fun
with them. Plan a weekend away
from home and spend time as a

- by Bob Labute

2. Visit the School

Even if your child is returning to the school, it still feels good to get
reacquainted especially if they are in the younger grades. Many schools have
a meet the teacher day and this is a perfect time for the child to not only see
her classroom but also meet her teacher. It is also quite possible that she may
even see where she is going to sit. Call the school before you go, to make sure
it is ok to stop in and visit. This visit can also help calm the parents fears or
3. Don't Clean the Slate

Fresh starts can be overdone. This may seem like a great time for change
and while change is good, the timing of change requires some reflection. Too
much too soon can make even the most cooperative child fight. Focus on the
start of school, and revisit the other issues after your kids feel more settled like
allowance changes, or chore assignments.

4. Provide Positive Feedback

Tell your children that they'll be fine! Before school starts, encourage
them to get back together with some old school friends such as play dates.
Even better is fostering a continued growth through the summer with a few
really close friends. Also, don’t ignore your kids fears, worries or concerns.
Listen to them and don't minimize, dismiss, or try to talk them out of them.
These are real to your child.

5. Set the Theme

Shopping for supplies and clothes should be fun. Let them pick out their
type of book covers, binders, duo tangs, etc. within reason. Sit down with
your child and determine where time can be spent doing homework and
studying. While your child may want to study in their room or on the couch,
it may not be the best places while studying. Also remember that at any time
your child is on the internet they need to be supervised and monitored for
inappropriate website access.

Wishing you all a wonderful summer and an even better fall,

The Path – by Bob Labute
Featured Artist Review

Fehim Zećiri
by r. j. paré

BIO: I was born in Labin, Croatia, on March 23th, 1973. I finished my

education in Pula. I started drawing comics when I was six maybe, seven
years old. Everything I know I learned myself. After school, when I was 18,
I started to work and so didn’t really have time to draw – not serious
drawing anyway. For the last seven or eight years I’ve started spending
more time with my pencils – almost all day. Now I draw for three
magazines and one daily newspaper, so I keep myself busy. So, that is it,
nothing much just a dull living of a comic artist. I’d just like to add Croatia
may be a small land but we have big names like Esad Ribic and Igor
Kordej, I`m sure you know them. One day maybe I will be one of them.

r.j.p: Have you always known that you wanted to be or, rather, were an artist?

FZ: Yes of course, that was always on my mind.

r.j.p: Did you study or major in art while in school?

FZ: No, everything I know – I learned myself.

Sequential page art sample, pencils – by Fehim Zećiri

r.j.p: A good example of Fehim’s ability to layout an action sequence.

r.j.p: Who was your primary source of encouragement, as a child,
in pursuing art?

FZ: Well, my parents thought some secure job would be better, so none
really, not any sort of encouragement, only hard head me.

r.j.p: What is your favorite media to work with?

FZ: I like the best pencil and ink, like to keep it simple.

Sequential page art

sample, pencils – by
Fehim Zećiri

r.j.p: What I particularly

like about a page like this
is Fehim’s attention to
texture and detail, which
makes the inker’s job that
much easier [even if he
inks it himself]. Unlike
animation-style cel
drawing in which the line
art can be quite simplified
as it is predominantly
about colour and form –
in comics we like our
panels to be fully
rendered illustrations –
when possible.
Wolverine [© Marvel
Comics] illustration –
by Fehim Zećiri
[pencil, ink & paint]

rjp: A dynamic piece

rendered in old-
school brilliance. Yes
boys and girls, it is
still possible to create
comic art without
using Photoshop /
Illustrator etc.

r.j.p: Do you use any

special tools and
techniques to create
your art?

FZ: Like I said I’m old fashion guy, nothing specially…

r.j.p: What inspires you to create art?

FZ: I am big fan of American comics. I like superheroes generally – in all

stories – not just comics but movies and books too. My characters are all
about doing big stuff.
r.j.p: How would you categorize your artistic style?

FZ: I must say pure realism.

r.j.p: Would you say that there is a "message" or "unifying theme" in your

FZ: I wouldn’t go so deep. I’m just crazy about drawing; you can say it is an
addiction in a way.

r.j.p: Which famous artists / creators or styles have influenced you? Why?

FZ: John Buscema – no

greater guy than him.
Also Frazzeta and these
days a guy from Croatia,
he is great drawing for
Marvel, Esad Ribic.

Sequential page art

sample, pencil & ink – by
Fehim Zećiri
Sequential page art
sample, pencil & ink – by
Fehim Zećiri

r.j.p: Would you rather

have an engaged & loyal
but, ultimately, small
Indie readership or work
on the latest Spidey,
Wolverine or X - book?
[The old Art vs Commerce

FZ: Without thinking Spidey and company. Like I said, I am all about
superheroes; they are my first and biggest love.

r.j.p: With advancements in computer graphic tablet technology, some artists

are now creating their work directly in the digital medium and releasing it in
purely digital formats... are the days of paper & pulp doomed to the realm of
fading memories?

FZ: There are, everyday, fewer and fewer artists drawing the old-school
way. But, in a way, paper and pencil – that is real comic. Not that I have
something against modern things.
r.j.p: What do you think of the term "starving artist"?

FZ: Well, first we do the job because we like it. Of course you have to live
from your work. It depends, maybe does the artist create only what he likes
or also what pays good? Sometimes it is a question of principle. And how
much work you can do, if you are a beginner you wouldn’t probably take
big jobs, so of course you can’t get serious money.

r.j.p: Do you feel more a sense of community with other artists or a sense of

FZ: Both, competition makes you work harder and practice more, but we are
also friends and we talk about our work and maybe listen to some
suggestions and critiques.

Old- school techniques - by Fehim Zećiri

r.j.p: How do you market yourself?

FZ: I don’t do it really, I have

something on Deviant art and
social network

r.j.p: Do you find it difficult to stay

motivated / inspired?

FZ: Never that is my life

r.j.p: While traditional publishing

and distribution has become a
difficult goal to achieve for the
modern Indie comic creator, what
do you think of the impact that
social networks and POD services
have had as an alternate means of
connecting you, your work and
your audience?
Character sketch sample, pencils
– by Fehim Zećiri

FZ: I met, through Facebook, a lot of people that helped me with my work
and also many fans, so yes I’m pro.

r.j.p: What other interests do you have, besides art?

FZ: Movies, animation and sports

r.j.p: What advice would you have for a young artist starting out today?

FZ: Never give up.

r.j.p: Do you have any big plans, shows or Cons coming up?

FZ: Yes, but I can’t talk about it yet.

r.j.p: How would you like your art, and by extension yourself, to be remembered?

FZ: I would like that some big names say "he was good artist," what I mean is – I
hope that they appreciate my work.

Below is the piece we chose for the cover art to this issue. It wasn’t a hard choice
for, our Associate Editor, David Marshall. This captivating illustration of the
“Heath Ledger, Joker” speaks volumes all on its own. I would like to thank Fehim
for taking the time to participate in this month’s Featured Artist Review.

Joker [© DC Comics] illustration – by Fehim Zećiri [pencil, ink & paint]

Harley Davidson – by Belinda Da Fonseca
Short Fiction
Great Minds Think Alike
By David Rasmussen

“Sorry, Nina, but what’s so great about that thinking again? I love
you and all but I am not having sex with you in this tight confined

“Boring.” Lt. Nina Kotobuki sighed, eyes focused on her work before
her within the tight confines of the Navigational Maintenance Line,
turning to talk to First Officer Aoi Kobayakawa to get a new tool from
her. “Please pass me the scanner again, I think I’m almost done.”

“Here.” she sighed, passing the tool with a bit of a downer look.
“You’re going to ask me again aren’t you.”

“I know you love me so don’t you, so I don’t need to ask… right? (thanks)”

“How many times do I have to tell you I was wrong to shove you away a
year ago like I did, Nina.” Aoi sighed, shuffling her legs in the
tight tube confines. “I love you. I just think that I don’t want to
make out with you in a tight maintenance tube like this no matter how
much I love you.”

“I know…” Nina smiles, “And you love everything else about me too,
right? That too?”
“Fishing for thinly veiled compliments from me are you, Nina? That so
isn’t like you at all. What’s up?”

Suddenly silence broke out. A silence that lingered for a minute, with
only the sound of Nina’s work before her filling the void between the
two. “Nothing’s up.” Nina finally said, “I was just thinking out loud
about what El Capitan said last night in the mess hall over dinner.”

“Thought so.” Aoi sighed, removing her dark lensed sight visor,
rubbing her eyes with her free hand. “Well you did have to go and push
Michi’s buttons like that, didn’t you Nina. What else did you expect
from our fiery blue blood Winterian leader?”

“I guess I was asking for it though, wasn’t I Aoi…” (holds hand out
with scanner flat on her palm to Aoi) “…mender please, we’re almost
done here.” (takes tool as she feels Aoi swap tools on her hand) “I do
admit I can get kind of… spirited… sometimes. I admit it.”

“Kind of spirited?” Aoi repeats, “Kind of spirited is sometimes an

understatement once your firing away on all thrusters and going full
speed ahead.”

“So you say, but…” Nina turns towards Aoi, a look of concern crossing
her face as she regards her. “Are you OK? Your eyes…”

“I’m fine, Nina, really I am” she answered, the visor dangling from
one hand as she spoke. “The light is dim enough so I can see normally
in here.”

“Cool to me. Let me just finish this up and we’re out of here.”

And with that silence once again reigned in the small space, this time
a few minutes passed before someone spoke again. “Are you disappointed
with me, Nina?” Aoi asked.

“Of course not,” Nina whispered, her voice rising in volume a bit as
she finished one link and moved to the next. “I cried myself to sleep
for weeks after you left me, messed up like nobody’s business until I
finally got over you… when I first saw you in the Medico Bay after we
arrived on… it all came back to me again when I saw you.”

“Especially the crying, I remember when you ran up to me… but…”

Suddenly she paused, her hand gently rocking her visor back and forth
as she thought her next words out carefully, “I came crawling back to
you a broken thing. Light blind and humbled after my rape. A
disappointment after leaving in such an arrogant fit like I did after
I left you like this, an arrogant self assured SOB who…”

The mending tool bounces off her chest with a pakt, stinging her
slightly as she looks up staring into an angry eyed Nina, reflecting
into the side of the tube and clattering to the tube “flooring” with a
series of clanks at rolling rattles. “You are never a disappointment
to me, Aoi, never.” Nina said with a sense of finality to her words,
turning briefly to replace the panel again before focusing entirely on
Aoi. “I could never be disappointed in you… in fact I felt shitty
because I wasn’t there to protect you…”

Her attention turned to her commlink, two fingers tap it as she sighs
and says out loud “OK it’s done, try it now.”

“Get out of the service tube first, Nina. Or do you want to fry?”

Nina’s face grimaces, her teeth click once in her usual sign of
disgust as she motions for Aoi to put her visor back on. “Yeah. Forgot
about that.”

“Well you heard Mina45, Aoi, let’s…”

Nina was upon her before she knew it, even in the tight confine Nina
moved quickly and caught Aoi completely off guard. The kiss was a
shock, Nina quickly closing the small distance between the two in
seconds grabbing and kissing her strongly. Overwhelmed by the strength
of the kiss Aoi slid down a bit in the curving tube under Nina’s
embrace, surrendering to Nina’s will in the tight confines to the
warmth of Nina’s forceful tenderness. Suddenly the kiss breaks off as
Nina falls over onto her face, a laugh breaking the silence as she
rolls onto her backside. “OK, OK, maybe we should get out of here
before Mina…”

Now it was Aoi’s turn to take control, falling on top of Nina kissing
her back in turn, at first shocking her then feeling her lover return
her affections in turn embracing her tightly. For long seconds they
were locked in the kiss until, it’s intensity the only thing that was
real for them in the moment until finally Aoi rolled over and gave
Nina a chance to catch her breath.

“What’s going on down there?” Mina45 called, “I still read you two in
there. Sometime today please?”

“We better go.” Aoi sighed, tapping her commlink to say “Going. Please
hold.” Nina only nods, face blushed bright red as she looks up at the
port exit. “You first, OK?”

“Because you like staring at my butt don’t you, Nina.”

“You’ll just have to find out won’t you.” Nina remarks slyly.

As Nina crawls out, with Aoi’s help, she taps the close switch with a
light swishing noise. “I’ll call it in.”
“Nina next time you do stuff like this please get a technician to help
you. I am your superior officer, after all, we have a ton of technical
officers to help with duties like this.”

“Well don’t expect me to brighten your day ever again with that
attitude…” (taps link) “…OK we’re out, do the maintenance check…”
(taps off) “Well color me sad. I thought you were bored with survey
duty so I thought I’d bring you something to shake up your drab daily

Aoi kisses Nina again, briefly yet just as warmly as within the
maintenance tube, “Thank you.” she whispers, smiling as she steps back
again, adjusting her visor. “Once Mina45 is finished running the
diagnostic test I think we’re done here.”

“I’m done.” Mina’s voice sounded from the still open commlink on
Nina’s chest, “All clear. Helm is up and running again. You two can go
back to your room and make out now. Out.”

“W-w-wait, Mi--”

“Too late.” Nina said quickly, walking up to take Aoi by the arm, “You
know what I’m thinking?”

“Go back to our room, grab a bite to eat, then have sex?”

“See?” Nina cheered, poking Aoi in the cheek with her index finger as
she gracefully maneuvered her down the corridor to the nearest lift, “Great
minds really do think alike.”

- by Naomi Randolph
Selected Poetry
by Frances Nichols Vargas

Nothing Left to Lose

When you are left wondering how you ended up here
Settling down on one knee
Lifting your head to the sky to pray
Begging for mercy on blind faith
When all hope seems gone
And your mind keeps wandering on
You question
Is there anything out there?

When there is nothing left to lose

At the end of the long day
all that remains is your faith

Looking up toward the heavens

To begin your long day
You pray
When things seem dark
And nothing works right
You just keep working hard to find your way
Stumbling in the terrain
Only to begin all over again
Nothing left to lose
Especially when your dreams
Call you again and again

Dusting yourself off

Raising your head high
Looking up towards the sky
Taking a deep breath and letting out a long sigh

With nothing left to lose

You reach deep down inside

Grab hold of your pride

Acknowledge your life
You have so much to gain
And nothing left to lose
Hold onto your faith
Stand up tall
Reach out for all the good things that wait

Wings – by James Santiago

Selected Poetry
by Wanda VanHoy Smith
Editor’s Note: Wanda VanHoy Smith is one of the Redondo Poets who read every
Tuesday at Coffee Cartel. She has been published in several ‘zines and anthologies such
as Poeticdiversity.


A pod of boats power out of King Harbor
toward the Island of the Blue Dolphin
on a whale hunt beyond the breakers
above the bottomless Redondo Channel.

Our captain and cameras are focused

on the Whale’s Highway
but there is not a great gray in sight
It seems the whales have all gone South.

Our seaworthy Captain idles the engine

on his boat Miss Power Plant II
in the enchanted channel mid magical ripples.
Suddenly a pod of dolphin surround the hull

Dance two by two in an aquatic cotillion

I hum a jazz waltz which the waltzers seem to hear.
Whale watchers gasp as a big white dolphin
leaps toward the California blue skies.

The rare Albino dolphin does a ballet

before our surprised eyes.

As we power swiftly back to dry land

I hum Green Dolphin Street and know
from now on I will follow the wake
of the sea Captain.

When my whales have all gone South

I will go out and dance with dolphin.

- by Naomi Randolph
Selected Poetry
by Stephen Campbell

Foundations of Sand
When houses fall under weight When the land is united only
Of explosive force, In grief,
When God is forgotten in his own When a nation is split over
Holy Land, Issues of faith,

When Families are cruelly torn When that faith is laid to rest as
By a soldiers choice, A funeral wreath,
When gunmen unite in Then you will see why it is fleeting,
Sectarian bands, Any peace that is made.

windows of men’s souls – by r. j. paré

Poetic Perspectives
by r. j. paré

Heart Asunder

Our capacity to love

is unparalleled
in all Violence in sanctified
of God’s creation. form assuages our
It is such a crying shame of culpability.
that we prefer to
destroy, Cry out! Oh, lost and forlorn
rather than embrace. wastrels of this earth,
each heir
What differs ‘tween each of us to a paradise.
culture, class and creed
- nothing The hate that burns, the weapons
more than artifice. we choose to employ,
Anger is our buoy of choice our capacity
floating in turbid …to love.
seas of
senseless fear – loathing.
Heart Asunder – by r. j. paré

Man, in his natural habitat – by r. j. paré

Pop Culture
Comic Book Review
by Brad Bellmore

Love and Capes

Thumb mostly up
Love and Capes is a comic by and now being published by IDW. (There was a
very intriguing note inside the back cover discussing this move.) The story
and art are by Thom Zahler.

This is a fun book, taking a look at the real life of superheroes. The story
reminds a bit of The Incredibles, just aimed for an older audience. Issue
number 13 was released as the free comic book day issue and marks the
transition to IDW. The story takes place as Mark Spencer (aka The Crusader)
and his wife Abbey are leaving from their honeymoon to return to everyday
life. Abbey owns a bookstore and Mark is an accountant. They have piles of
gifts yet to open and even more thank you notes to write. They also need to
catch up on the gossip – who hooked up at their wedding.

Often I bash cartoon-ier style art for adult themed comics. This time it works.
The basic idea is that even though this is about real life, don’t take it too
seriously. It’s a comedy after all.
The exaggerated features of the faces and bodies accentuate the humor of it
all, as well as add a certain sexiness that spices up the story without it feeling
creepy that a comic book character engendering lustful thoughts. The spice
just isn’t that spicy. It’s a fun book with a fun look.

I thoroughly enjoyed the story of this. I love the balancing of going out saving
the universe and still filing the quarterly taxes; the need to do one’s duty and
still have time to snuggle and watch TV.

It’s real life, exaggerated. The

charm of this story captured
my imagination right away.
And if you want to know who
hooked up and what that
means to Mark and Abbey,
you’ll have to read the book.

This one is worth checking out,

especially if you are into
comedy comics. This is a
wonderful spoof with a lot of
texture to it.

Thumb partially up
Zenescope released another title in the Grimm Fairy Tales line: Neverland. It
is written by Joe Brusha and drawn by Jean-Paul Deshong. For those of you
who are familiar with the Grimm Fairy Tale line, the cover art fits with what
you would expect a sultry woman – scantly clad. (See my comments on this in
the Love and Capes review).

The story here takes a look at the story of Peter Pan and what happens in
Neverland. The Grimm title applies. This tale is dark and twisted. I liked that.
It took the origin tale of hook to a place I would never have imagined. That
kind of surprise delights me. I very much like where this book is headed. The
first issue only hints at what happened through a series of flashbacks, but the
hints are clear enough where this is going. That is not to say that there is no
suspense because you figure things out. There is a lot to learn as to how
everything happened the way you suspect they do and the morbid curiosity to
find that out rages in you by the time the story is done.

The art is good. I’ve never picked up a Grimm Fairy Tale before because I’m
always too embarrassed to have someone see me flipping through the pages
of apparent soft porn. At least that’s what I’ve suspected the books to be based
on their covers. And if I assume that… well what will the other patrons think.
That said, I had very certain expectations on what I was about to see and the
book delivered something different. Yes the women were sultry and no one
was over dressed, but the story and the art didn’t hang completely on that.
This is a gritty tale and the art has a bit of gritty feel. Not quite the film noire
you get elsewhere, but certainly not as polished as other comics. That works
I’m a fool for a good story and this delivered. I can honestly put up with a lot
if the story is good. This story is that good. Fortunately, I don’t have to put up
with a lot of crap here. The book works on a whole. My only real beef with
this book is that the last eight pages are a preview for another comic. That
always cheeses me off. They gave me a full issue of the story I bought, so I
wasn’t cheated. It’s just the idea that they spent the money to print the other
pages, the least they could do is give me pages of the story I bought.

If you can get past the

cover art (or perhaps you
will be drawn by it) the
tale inside is worth
reading. It is dark, so stay
away if you aren’t into a
dark tale. Otherwise, give
this one a look.
Harley Quinn [© DC Comics] – by Naomi Randolph
Manga Maximus
by Darke Raven

Ichigo Mashimaro
(Strawberry Marshmallow)

(Part 1)
Ichigo Mashimaro, aka Strawberry Marshmallow.
The series, Anime from Geneon, is a nice slice of cute (dysfunctional cute)
which gives you a vibrant cast of characters, finely written glee and nicely
animated with musical spunk and witty while being cute. It is a fine
animation worth checking out. This, however, is the review of the manga of
which, so far, I only have two volumes (I need to put the third volume on my
to-buy list for the future).

Consider the first volume a bit of a time capsule of sorts, if you will, because if
you have already seen the anime then you might be surprised by how
everyone looks at the start of this. How so? Well while the intro features the
characters you know from the Anime, the first three chapters showcase the
cast as they originally appeared, before they “evolved” into what was used in
the Anime series… except for Matsuri (who seemingly stayed the same from
beginning to anime).

Of the five girls one (Anna Coppola) does not appear until Strawberry
Marshmallow Volume 2 while another (Matsuri) is the only one that looks the
most like her final design in the Anime (mostly because her differences is not
in her appearance as it is her personality in these early stories).
As for the rest? Major differences.

The least different is Chika, who has a few

differences (which is not entirely worked
out even when Volume 1 ends). The most
radical (on the opposite end of the scale)
on the other hand is Miu (who looks like
Chika’s twin sister for a few chapters
before she bleaches her hair and starts to
slowly resemble her final look), and
Nobue (who starts off a complete blonde
(or light colored hair) who doesn’t become
the dark haired Nobue until Chapter 4 of
this volume).

But this isn’t the biggest change. The

biggest is the age of Nobue. In the start of
Episode 1 of the Anime, “Birthday”, she
“jokes” that she’s 16... [Which, she is.] In
the manga version Nobue is supposed to
be 16 years old freshman in High School,
but in the anime she’s a 20 year old Junior
College student… what a change in age!
Mostly, I think, this is because of her

After all, as she says in Chapter 5, a 16 year old girl shouldn’t be smoking…
guess the people over at TBS agreed with that sentiment when this was
becoming an Anime because she received an age adjustment until Nobue
became a 20 year old chain smoking, beer guzzling character. As for the rest of
it? By the end of the first manga volume mostly everyone resembles what they
look like in the Anime, except for Chika (who doesn’t have her little ponytail
thing on her head later seen in the anime), but that’s nitpicking since it’s there
in Volume 2.
So what is it that I absolutely like about Ichigo Mashimaro?

Everything. It combines nicely done humor with lovable characters and

overall great series. It’s once again a series that aims to please, and manga
wise it’s a solid read. Also watching how the series “evolved” in it’s early
stories in the first volume was a treat, and yet abit odd too. After all if you
watch the Anime first (which I did) you’ll be surprised to see how different
some of the characters were at the start. How Matsuri seemed to be a whole
different person at the start… and Nobue is barely recognizable… or how TBS
seemingly requires 4 years added to Nobue’s age to justify her smoking
addiction… and her drinking addiction… and other things.

Overall this is solid is as solid does and solid is what Strawberry

Marshmallow (Ichigo Mashimaro) is. So with that said I’m going to give this a
nice solid five out of five. Enjoy. (And yes, once I get volume 3 of the manga
I’ll return with an update review).
- by Bob Labute
Raised on Saturday
Morning Cartoons
by Pauline Paré

With Heroes ended so abruptly and Smallville entering it’s 10th and final
season, where…oh where… will we find heroes to entertain us. Fear not fair
readers. The networks must have sensed a super void with their strange
powers of market research and there are a few new offering coming to save us
this coming season. The first is No Ordinary Family, which gave a sneak
preview of the premiere episode at the recent San Diego Comic Con.
This new family/drama/comedy/superhero series will premiere September
28th and stars Michael Chiklis (Fantastic Four) and Julie Benz (Buffy, Angel,
Dexter). The series features a family whose strange accident on a vacation in
Brazil leads to the entire family developing powers. One review I read
claimed that it was surprisingly good and the family deals with the unusual
circumstances in a very real way. To me it kinda sounds like a combination of
Fantastic Four and The Incredibles but after viewing the trailer:


I am actually interested in tuning in this September. That and I am a fan of

Julie Benz, from her evil turn as Darla on Buffy and Angel to her more recent
stint as Rita, the slightly damaged, soft-spoken, sexy girlfriend on Dexter.
From the trailer, No Ordinary Family looks like it could be funny, sweet, well
acted and well written. I am not holding out hope for the longevity of the
series, however. This doesn’t feel like the kind of series that ABC would give a
fighting chance.

Nikita is getting a remake on CW. Not

exactly a super hero but a super heroic spy
so it should count! The story has been done
in 2 movies and one series but the trailer
presents a twist to the original plotline and
the action in the trailer is great. The actress
has a good resume as an action hero.
Maggie Q has mostly done foreign movies
and B movies but from the scenes in the
trailer I am looking forward to watching her
kick some ___! This new version has a
mature Nikita finding out that she can never
really leave and it appears that she will try
to rescue the newest recruit (Lyndsy
Fonseca from Kick Ass).
She then, proceeds to do a Jason Bourne on her old bosses. Yes, the plot is
slightly contrived but then there is a severe shortage of woman kicking butt
on television lately so I will be tuning in On September 9th. If you are
interested in checking out the trailer, my favourite is this one:

NBC won’t be premiering The Cape until midseason but I decided to include
it here because… the theme fits and I needed a longer article. So there! The
Cape appears to be a patch-work quilt of many different other stories:
Unbreakable, Batman, Spawn etc. The trailer I saw had a few good elements
to it, namely the lead seems charismatic and Summer Glau will be in it. I hope
to see a stronger trailer before it premieres in winter.
[To watch the preview trailer.]

Also, NBC is on my naughty list for canceling Heroes without a real wrap up
or satisfying conclusion. They have a lot to make up for and I am not sure that
The Cape will be the series that does it but(sigh) it looks just promising
enough for me to give it a try. Here’s hoping that these shows don’t pass us by
as fast a speeding bullet and that at least one will fill the void next year when
Clark and company leave us.

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