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The Stu Haslett Memorial Fund was established in 2016 in memory of Stu Haslett.

Stu joined the DOC Alpine Rescue Team at Aoraki/Mt Cook in the Summer of 2014.
On 13 December 2014, at the age of 28, Stu was killed in a climbing accident on the
East Ridge of Aoraki/Mt Cook, while he was undertaking a climb with a fellow SAR
team member. Stu was continually developing his professional interests and his
dream was to become a professional Mountain Guide.
The Fund was set up with the agreement of Stu’s family to support any DOC Alpine
SAR or Mount Cook St John team member’s further training or study to assist that
person to gain employment in the outdoor industry or emergency services (including
police) after leaving the Department (if the training or study is not already provided
by DOC, Police, St John or LandSAR), or to provide essential equipment required for
SAR by either the SAR team or Mt Cook St John, that either DOC, Police, St John or
LandSAR cannot provide. The Fund is also a repository for donations and bequests
made specifically to the Memorial Fund.

The award is open to any DOC staff who is a member of the wider DOC Alpine SAR
team, and to members of the Mt Cook St John team.

The award is available for the above staff to support their training development after
leaving employment with DOC. This may be for study assistance or course fees and
related costs. Any applicant for an award or grant from the Fund must be a New
Zealand resident. The value of the award will depend on the amount of funding
available for disbursement, but will be for a minimum of $500.
The Fund is not intended to be used for standard training, equipment purchases, or
normal courses and personal development that DOC, Police, St John or LandSAR
would provide.
A grant may be applied for, to assist Mount Cook St John or the DOC Alpine SAR
team with purchase of essential equipment, or to bring in trainers to improve skills
of team members, for training that is not provided by DOC, Police, St John or

An Awards and Grants Committee has been set up, that comprises of one appointed
member from each of the following; Aoraki/Mount Cook DOC District Office, the Haslett
family, NZ Police, NZ Mountain Guides Association and St John. They meet in December
each year to select suitable recipients for the award or grant.

The funds are managed by DOC. A separate Westpac “Multi-Deposit Scheme” trust bank
account entitled “Stu Haslett Memorial Fund” has been set up, and donations and
bequests made specifically to the Memorial Fund can be added to it. The DOC
Business Accountant advises the Awards and Grants Committee yearly on the
balance of the fund, prior to awards and grants being made.

Contact the Aoraki District Office at:

Payments should be made to: Westpac 03-0049-0002808-000

Code: Aoraki SAR Reference: Haslett Fund

Info for Donors Haslett Fund

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