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salam dears.

if some budy has pushto as optional then he should stdy books like



besides tht should prepare objectives from khushal and rehman usualy u would find
such thngs n pohana but still need to prepare objectives specialy from DOOST MHD
KAMIL book KHUSHAL KHAN KHATTAK.After stdying tht u would feel com4tble at
least coz its basics for objectives.
i personaly prp objectives of past papers wid help of POHANA,KHUSHAL BABA AND
REHMAN BABA....off course internet helped me lot where i find thngs absent n these

preparing pushto paper s easy but one thng should be kept n minid tht interest z
necessory otherws u cant do it u would not belive tht till my final year engr i
couldnt even read nor could write pushto it was css prp tht changed me lot.i used
to avoid pushto songs also but thts very impt to hv.off course u should hv complete
command over language for tht u hv to b very close wid it.


drama,tappa,and other folks.off course u can attempt translations as well if u find ur
self com4tble wid it.but prp ur self n sense tht u need to hv choice n ur attempts coz
ur sitting n css exmz not n MA PUSHTO if u hv choice u would b able to attempt ur

do prp proverbs ,idiomz etc which use to b part of translation?.

if u dont knw exact meanings it doesnt make any diff u can just translate it n our
own words.
i have prp my notes but i cant publish it here
im available for friends any time wish u best of luck


aamer khattak

You must go for it as it is highly scoring subject. Reading and writing is not a big
problem as it is a matter of few days. Just take this book and start practising writing
and reading.

Pashto Adab Zar by Hanif Khalil.

I should remind you that the same was problem with me. the first Pushto paper i
took was that of Provincial civil service in which i scored 81 out of 100.

Most of Pashto speaking people are not able to read and write it. Learning Pashto
writing and reading is not a big deal for a Pashto speaking person. We know already
many idioms and proverbs of our language and structure as well.

With little difficulty you can cover this subject. You can get help of another person
who can guide you how to write and read. I advise you to buy Pashto Book
“Pohanna” - best book of CSS and start your operation of learning Pashto. It is very
scoring subject and secondly you will get aware of our literature, legends, heroes,
customs and traditions.


Go through the whole book. It helps in the MCQs when you go through the history of
Poets and the works of literature written in earlier ages. Do read the idioms and their
translations and read it in general along with the past five years papers given at the
end of it. That should help you in it.

Ideally You should be a native speaker of the language and then you should practice
writing it because the script uses extra characters not found in URDU or Arabic
script. These have been introduced to cater to the multi dialects in vogue across the
Pahstun Belt. A consesnus was reached in amalgamating The Yousafzai dialect and
Kandhari Dialect in writing as well as putting the southern dialects understanding
into it. Thats why the different ways of writing it.

However dont rely solely on this book. Take it as the starting point. If you are at
Peshawar go to the Pashto Department at Univ of Peshawar and seek some
guidance. IF you are somewhere else, try to find any person who teaches the subject
at college level. That should help you.

IF you dont or cant find someone like that, Read this Forum for notes on Pashto.
While they are in English and you may need to translate them to Pahto for
Preparation, it is still better than nothing at all.

Hope that helps in your answer.


Another best book for Pashto is PASHTO ADAB ZAR by hanif khalil

you can find solved questions of past papers here and also you can find MCQs of past

i have studied it and also in Pohana you can find MCQs.

topics to be studied

Rehman baba

Khushal baba

Hamza baba

Hamid baba.

Ghani Khan

Kazim Sheda,

Pashto awami adab

Pahsto matal,

These topics are enough as for i think

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