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No.¥.8/36/2000-R.1 Subject: GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN CABINET SECRETARIA ESTABLISHMENT DIVISION Islamabad, the 20th Januaty,2001 FFICE MEM. UP-GRADATION/REDESIGNATION OF POSTS. The undersigned is directed to say that, on a Summary submitted-recently to the Chief Executive, lic has been pleased to approve the policy for up-gradation/sedesignation of posts a indicated in the succeeding paragraphs. ea above! thie futur undec= ta) (i) Henceforth, Subject to the, observance of the parameters referved to int; sub-pinas Lar-cd When itis considered necessary to up-grade certain posts. in order. to rationalize the administrative structure of “a "Misistry/Division” ur a Department to make it more effective of to bring about uniformity of pay scales of similar posts in di panizations. Where the duties and responsibilities attached to @ post have considerably increased. where pay.scale of a post is considered grossly. incommensurate with the qualifications and experience prescribed for appointment (0 that post Up-eradation of on personal_basis may. not be allgaved except if any -oflivenstlrendy holdigig-on reguinr basis a higher grad is pried ggaiist 4 post, carrying lower grade, ds to exigencies ol service, posals fy The cases for up-gradation‘re-designation of the posts in BS=1 to 12 will be decided by the Finanes Division in congiltation with the Establishment Division, However, the devision about. the proposed up-gradation/re- en at the level of Secictary, -1 to 19 will be ta designation of posts-in BP: inance Division and the Secretary, Establishment Divi Contd... P/2 Gi) Cases of yp-giadlion/te-dssixuilign_of posts_in BRS-20 and abyss: will be rence of submitted to the Chief Executive for npproval bat after secking the cone the Finance Division and the Establishment Division. It may also be pointed out that the ruiiment Rules for that particular post aud with the approval of (he comp uihority therefor, 5. The above instructions may please be noted by the Ministries/Division for sitict compliance thereof. 6. This supersedes Establishment Division's O.M, No.8/130/91-R.1, dated 12% May, 1992 on the subject of ‘up-gradation of posts.” f TN, All Ministries/Divisions

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