Book Report

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Andre Neri E. Valencia


Ms. Robey Bugayon

English teacher

AUTHOR: Alyssa Sheinmel is the author of Second Star, The Beautiful Between, The
Lucky Kind, The Stone Girl, as well as the co-author of The Haunting of Sunshine Girl
series. Alyssa grew up in Northern California and moved to New York City when she
was six (6) years old. She attended Barnard College. She now lives and writes in New
York City.

SETTINGS: Place: Highlands High school and the Hospital

Time: Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring


1. Sue Winters- She is the mother of Maisie Winters. She is a lawyer and after
Maisie’s face transplant, she has been very strict.
2. Maisie’s Father- The name of Maisie Winter’s father isn’t specified in the book.
He always takes side on his daughter’s decisions and preferences.
3. Maisie Winters- She is the main character of the story. Her face was burned by
the electrical fire caused by the lightning.
4. The Smiths- They are the ones who called 911 to rescue Maisie and get her to
the hospital.
5. Marnie- She is the physical therapist of Maisie. She is an African-American
woman with an enormous Afro hair.
6. Chirag- He is the boyfriend of Maisie Winters. He is part of the track team in their
7. Dr. Boden- He is one of the doctors who will be in charge of Maisie Winters’ face
transplant surgery
8. Serena Marcus- She is the best friend of Maisie Winters since they were five (5)
years old.
9. Dr. Cohen- He is one of the doctors who will be checking the condition of Maisie
10. Dr. Woo- He is an immune specialist and one of the doctors that will be
undertaking Maisie’s surgery.
11. Eric Anderson- He is part of the track team in their school. He is a friend of
12. Erica- She is the girlfriend of Eric Anderson.
13. Mrs. Martens- She is one of the teachers of Maisie Winters in school.
14. Colby Cuthbert- She is one of the classmates of Maisie Winters. Her father died
because of heart attack.
15. Nurse Culligan- She is the nurse in school that will be taking care of Maisie
16. Ellen- She is a good friend of Maisie Winters. She also belongs to the track team.
17. Samantha- She is the best friend of Ellen.
18. Greg Baker- He is one of the classmates of Maisie Winters. He laughed at her
because she fell asleep in Mr. Wolf’s class.
19. Mr. Wolf- He is the English teacher of Maisie Winters.
20. Alexis Smith- She is currently in her junior year and she is the prom date of
21. Adam Robert Rosoff- He has second and third degree burns caused by the
explosion. He was one of the members in the support group.
22. Cassie- She is also a member of the support group.
23. Clyde- He is the lead speaker in the support group.
24. Michael- He is a Paralympian and also part of the support group.
25. Maureen- she is the woman with a glass eye in the group.
26. Caroline- She is the ex-girlfriend of Adam.
27. Amy- She is a new member in the support group which lost her both legs.

THEME: Realistic Fiction, Mystery, Romance


In the beginning of the story, Maisie was running while thinking about Chirag, her
boyfriend, and the upcoming prom. She regretted not saying "i love you too" to Chirag
when he proposed to her as his prom date. She wasn’t able to say that out loud
because her parents were fighting. On her way home, lightning struck the power line
that caused it to fell off directly into her. Because of that, she was burned by the power
line that generates electrical fire. One month later, she woke up and learned that her
nose, chin, and cheeks were gone. While waiting in her room, she accidentally heard
about what her father and mother were arguing, about the face transplant surgery. Her
mother didn’t agree with it but her father was. Her father said that it was only their
chance to get the “old Maisie” back. Maisie thought that her father didn’t see her as her
daughter. When the fight was over and her parents entered the room, she pretended to
be asleep. Her mother asked her if she wants to take the face transplant. She hesitated
at first but she decided to go through a face transplant. The face transplant was
successful but she needed to stay at the hospital for few weeks so that she will be
educated with her condition. Whenever she felt downhearted in the hospital, she always
thought of Chirag and her, dancing slowly in the prom. Finally, she went back home and
didn’t want to go to school but because of her parents’ unified decision, she agreed
upon them. On her first day of school, people were staring at her when she walked
through the hallway. Chirag and Serena were also feeling strange about her
transformation, not just her physical appearance but her personality. It was Halloween
when she heard about the conversation of Chirag and Eric, Chirag’s friend who is also
part of the track team. She learned that Chirag wants to break up from her. Weeks have
passed and Maisie continued to be cold. That's why; she ended her relationship with
Chirag. On their breakup, she said that she never loved Chirag which is totally a lie.
Maisie told those things for Chirag’ sake so he can move on quickly. She thought that
Chirag will have a better life without her. Just like what she heard in the Halloween, she
wanted Chirag to live his senior year perfectly, without her ruining his life. She became
a part of the support group. In this group, all people who were injured were gathered to
share their stories. They met at Thursdays. And there, she met Adam who has second
and third degree burns caused by an explosion. Her feelings with Adam grew deeper
and she assumed that Adam also liked her too so she decided to make the first move;
she asked him if he wants to go to prom with her. Adam was blank space and Maisie
was very embarrassed that caused her to leave in the middle of their discussion. A day
later, Adam talked to her and accepted the invitation of Maisie but only as a friend. She
prepared for the prom and she bought the green dress that she was supposed to wear
last junior prom with Chirag. Because of this support group, she learned to accept
herself more and stop thinking about what other people might say. One day, she asked
Serena to go shopping with her. She agreed to accompany Maisie and there, they
patched up things and they solved the issues from the past. They started to be open
again to each other. Serena said she was accepted in Berkeley College but Maisie told
her that she will go to another university, Barnard College which is situated in New York
City. In the mall, they also got a makeover. After that, they went to the golden bridge
and Serena told her about what Chirag had done last year when he knew about her
incident. Serena said he was preparing a bonfire somewhere in that bridge but because
it was illegal up there, he was arrested. Chirag was really broken-hearted at that time.
When Maisie heard about this, she cried and decided to apologize to Chirag in the
prom. Back at home, her parents told what they wanted to tell her in the last few
months. Her parents were going to separate. Maisie was left in shock. She also learned
that her father will move in an apartment. She bid farewell to her father. Before that, she
drove her father to his apartment. In the car, they talked about the childhood years of
Maisie and her unexpected accident. Maisie thought that his father didn’t want to see
him but the truth is, her father was because because of her loneliness. On the prom
day, he went with Adam and she looked for Chirag with Alexis Smith, a junior. She
slowly came to him and excused Alexis for a while. In that moment, Maisie apologized
to Chirag and said "i love you too" which she had not said before. She continued to
dance with him. All her dreams dancing with Chirag was fulfilled. This story is about
self-acceptance, accepting who you are even if the people who are around you are
talking about you. No one could know more you but only yourself and most of all, no
one can love you but only yourself. This story conveys that all of us should accept our
physical appearance without doubt. Only through that, we can truly live a life of

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