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SRS Document


Adnan Jallil
Imran Khan
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose
1.2. of this Document
1.3. Scope of the
1.4. Development Project
1.5. Definitions, Acronyms, and
1.6. References
1.7. Overview of Document

2. General Description
2.1. Product Perspective
2.2. Product Functions
2.3. User Characteristics
2.4. General Constraints
2.5. Assumptions and Dependencies

3. Specific Requirements
3.1. Functional Requirements
3.1.1. Functional Requirements 1 Introduction Inputs Processing Outputs

3.2. External Interface Requirements

3.2.1. User Interfaces
3.2.2. Hardware Interfaces

3.2.3. Software Interfaces

3.2.4. Communication Interfaces

3.3. Performance Requirements

3.4. Design Constraints

3.4.1. Standards Compliance

3.4.2. Hardware Limitations

3.5. Attributes
3.5.1. Security

3.5.2. Maintainability

3.6. Other Requirements

3.6.1. Database
1.0 - Introduction
1.1 - Purpose of this Document

This Software Requirements Specification provides a

complete description of all the functions and constraints of
the Online Registration System, developed for the Baghdad
University. The expected audience of this document includes
Head of Departments, faculty members and staff and students
in the Baghdad University who will use the system.

1.2 - Scope of the Development Project

The Registration System is used by all students. The students
will use the system to register for courses, update their current
course selections, and print their timetables

1.3 – Limitations of the current system

Time for the students to register is short and manual system

doesnot provide the flexibility. No proper check is in place to
see if the prerequisite has been cleared. There is no security in
place to protect the registration in formation of the students.
No backup for records

1.4 - References

• Not available

1.5 - Overview of Document

The remainder of this document deals with the general
requirements, in section 2, and the specific requirements, in
section 3. Section 2 deals with requirements from the
perspective of the end users of the product. Section 2 includes
a few examples, requirements related to what the product
must do for the user, and data that the user must send to and
receive from the product. Section 3, on the other hand, deals
with specific requirements and constraints of the project. In
section 3, it will provide information about external hardware
and skills a user must possess, various constraints on product
based on users' needs, and the interconnectivity of our
product with its surrounding environment and users.

2.0 - General Description

2.1 – Product Perspective

The project will provide an interface to the users. There will

be a centralized database.
The centralized database can be accessed from any where.
The product requires no special hardware or software but the
server and client programs. There will be an online system
available to be used 24 hours a day.

2.1 – Product Functions

The Registration System is used for the registration of courses

for the students of university. It also helpful for registration
officer that student is applicable for register for the course, is
he or she have passed its prerequisite or not. Based on the
previous records system makes recommendations for course
registration. The system is designed to replace a previous

The previous system was written in c++ and used a menu-

driven text interface and flat files and required minor
reprogramming to modify the advisement information. This
version of the project adapts the system for use on a Personal
Computer using a Visual interface and the Access database
management system. The revised system must have at least
all the functionality of the previous system with some noted
problems corrected and an enhanced ability to easily produce
new reports on demand.

Students Diagnostic test

Replacement test

2.2 - User Characteristics

The expected audience of this document includes Head of

Departments, faculty members and staff and students in the
BIMCS who will use the system.

2.3 – General Constraints

First of all the user of any type should recognize himself to
use the system for security of system. User must be connected
to LAN of BIMCS. Students, faculty members, staff are the
read only users but administrator and head of department has
all the privileges to write or delete.

Registration system will register new comer according to the

rules and regulations of Bahria University.

2.3 – Assumptions and Dependencies

Assume the software will install on supporting operating
system and LAN communication is perfectly alright with no
problem so that the dependency of them will not affect the

4. Specific Requirements
4.1. Functional Requirements
4.1.1. Functional Requirements 1 Introduction Inputs

Input for the student is only

their enrollment# and their
name for logon after that they
choose their subject by just
clicking and then they submit.
But teachers and concerned
people should give password
along their name. Concerned
Head of Department has the
authority to offer any subject of
not. Processing

When student logon to system,

then system will generate
report for him/her in which his
previous grades of course and
its status is shown, this report
has list in which all possible
courses are listed that student
can take it. When student
check some courses then this
system also take care for the
maximum limit of credit hours.
After submitting form student
will get fee slip.

Suppose student wants to

change his registered course
then only Head of Department
or authorize staff has the
authority to change course.

This system will also generate

attendance sheet of the class
for teachers. Outputs

Its outputs are:

Registration of
courses for student

Attendance sheet for


Transcript of student

Fee slip for student

4.2. External Interface Requirements
4.2.1. User Interfaces

Its interfaces depends person to person, if

person is student then its interface is
different, if person is head of department
then it is different and so on.

4.2.2. Hardware Interfaces

Hardware interface will be keyboard,

mouse, monitor and printer.

4.2.3. Software Interfaces

All data handling is done by DBMS so we

require SQL along with windows

4.2.4. Communication Interfaces

4.3. Performance Requirements

Because this system is designed for

multi-user and is connected
between Islamabad and Karachi
campuses so performance issue is
more important which require higher
throughput in shorter response time.
So that system should be reliable
and secure.

4.4. Design Constraints

4.4.1. Standards Compliance

University rules can be change any time so

it has the ability to overcome these changes.
Head of department has the authority to
change it. So it should meet IEEE standard.

4.4.2. Hardware Limitations

Minimum hardware requirements are at least
100MHz processor with 64K RAM, and good

4.5. Attributes
4.5.1. Security

This is the most important issue in this

system. Illegal add or delete transaction
should be handled. You can imagine what
happened when students or unauthorized
person can change the rule of university or
update student records?

4.5.2. Maintainability

Low cost maintainability should be

implemented in software.

4.6. Other Requirements

4.6.1. Database

As describe its importance above it is

mandatory because system is fully
dependant on it.

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