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Heriberto Seda was a loner from birth.

In a neighbourhood overrun with crime, his

mother tried to shield her only son from the dangers that lurked around every
corner. She never let Heriberto have friends over or let him venture too far from
home. Each day, Heriberto would return from school to his apartment where, in the
solitude of his room, he watched television, looked at basketball trading cards, and
developed a fascination with the concept of God.

In 1984, Heriberto was suspended for discharging a starter’s pistol in class. A few
months’ shy of graduation, Heriberto dropped out of Francis K. Lane High School
and took to spreading the word of God on a full-time basis. He roamed the streets
of his neighbourhood to do “the Will of God.” Dressed in black, with his hair
neatly restrained in a ponytail, Heriberto would emerge from his home after dark
and berate the drug dealers that conducted business in the hallways and on the
streets. He preached by night and returned to the seclusion of his home by day.
Here, his previously innocent hobbies had taken a sinister turn––basketball trading
cards were replaced by those of serial murderers from the True Crime Series; the
magazines now had a militaristic twist: Soldier of Fortune and mail-order
catalogues for military supplies; models of boats and ships were replaced by filed-
down zip guns and homemade pipe bombs, with a generous sprinkling of gas
masks, machetes, and hundreds of rounds of ammunition.

On March 8, 1990, Heriberto embarked on the first of many shootings in his

crusade to eradicate evil––to dispose of the enemies of God. During the course of
the next few years, Heriberto Seda shot eight people, killing three. All his victims
were vulnerable: a homeless man asleep on a park bench, a crippled factory worker
on his way home, a 78-year-old man who turned his back to get his murderer a
glass of water.

Heriberto vowed to shoot and kill a person born under each astrological sign.

After several of the shootings, cryptic messages with astrological underpinnings

were found nearby, scrawled on pieces of paper. Similar letters were to 60 Minutes
and the New York Post, declaring him the Zodiac, all sealed with the same
trademark signature: An encircled cross with three 7s. The signature at the end of
each message would prove to be his downfall.

In 1994, Heriberto Seda was arrested for illegal possession of a firearm, but the
charges were dropped a few days later when the weapon was deemed inoperable
for safety reasons; in no time, Heriberto was back on the streets of New York. On
June 18, 1996, he shot his 19-year-old sister in the back, after an alleged dispute
over her promiscuity. A 3-hour standoff with the police ensued, ending in his

Down at the police station, Seda gave a signed statement sealed with his
trademark: an encircled cross with three 7s. This evidence, in addition to expert
fingerprint analysis linking him to four of the shootings in 1990, sealed the fate of
the Zodiac Killer. In 1998, he was convicted of three murders and one attempted
murder in a Queens, NY, courthouse. He was sentenced to 83 years to life in
prison. In July 1999, a Brooklyn, NY, jury convicted him of attempting to murder
eight people, including his 19-year-old sister. The judge added another 152.5 years
to his sentence.


Date Victim Status Description

March 8, Shot in the back. The bullet stayed

Mario Orozco Scorpio Survived
1990 lodged next to his spine.

Shot in the left torso of his lower

March 29, Jermaine
Aries Survived body. The bullet went through his
1990 Montenegro

Shot in his lower back, hitting his

May 31, Joseph "Joe"
Taurus Died kidney. He survived the attack, but
1990 Proce
died in the hospital on June 24, 1990

Shot in the chest. The bullet missed

June 19,
Larry Parham Gemini Survived his aorta and exited his body through
his right armpit.
August Shot twice and then was stabbed over
Patricia Fonti Leo Died
10, 1992 100 times.

June 4, James "Jim"

Gemini Survived Shot in the buttocks.
1993 Weber

July 20,
John Diacone Cancer Died Shot in the head at close range.

Shot in the neck. The bullet missed

Diane Ballard Libra Survived vital arteries but lodged against her
2, 1993

In each instance, the victim's zodiac sign was correct. It was just pure luck that
Seda chose each victim according to astrology sign, not having any pre-knowledge
of their birthdates.

Roshu Kha
Bangladeshi confessed serial killer
-Rape and Murder of a 19-year-old woman
-Admitted to killing 11 female garments worker

-Hanged to death

Roshu Kha, 37, hailed from Modna village of Chandpur whose wife was a garment
worker. During an extra marital affair with another garment worker, the girl
betrayed him and beat Roshu Kha up with her lover and hired goons. Enraged,
Roshu Kha then made a pledge to rape 101 women and thus began Roshu Kha’s
spree of rapes and killings. He feigned and acted to trap girls into relationships and
later raped and killed them by bringing them from Savar and Tangi to Chandpur.
He dumped their remains in the water bodies there.

More notorious cases in the world of crime:

1. Stephen Anthony Mobley

(39) White male, Georgia, USA
 Crimes:

- Murder of a Domino’s pizza store manager, John Collins (24) by

shooting in the back of his head with a Walther 0.380 semi-automatic
- Robbed a dry cleaning store and tried to dispose the pistol during a
high speed chase.

 Punishment:
- Execution by lethal injection at a state prison in Jackson

He was convicted for felony murder, armed robbery, aggravated

assault, firearm possession. There are prison records of seven other
crimes including credit card theft and burglary committed during 1983
and 1986.

 Additional information:
- Mobley had the word Domino tattooed on his back which he later
covered up.
- He kept an empty box of Domino’s pizza in his prison cell wall.
- He carried a Domino piece matching the logo of the pizza brand’s in
his pocket.
- Mobley sexually assaulted an inmate on two occasions while in pre-
trial detention and threatened a guard saying that He looked more and
more like the Domino’s delivery boy every day.

 Agent responsible:
- Mobley was diagnosed with mental illnesses including PTSD, anxiety,
paranoia, organic brain damage.
- He had a troubled childhood with 10 different residential placements
even though he came from an affluent, white, middle-class American
family and was not abused or mistreated as a child.
- Mobley’s aunt testified that various members of the Mobley family
over the past four generations have been inexplicably very violent,
aggressive and criminal.

Therefore, agents responsible – Biology and Psychology

2. Kala Jahangir

Classical criminology grew out of a reaction against the barbaric system of law,
punishment & justice that existed before the French Revolution of 1789. Until that
time, there was no real system of criminal justice in Europe. Back then, judges had
the authority to give any sort of punishments for any sort of offences. Whether it
was really a crime, it didn’t matter. For really small offences, the judges had the
power to give the maximum punishment. These punishments were branding,
burning, flogging, mutilating, drowning, banishing, beheading etc. After that,
Cesare Beccaria introduced the Classical School of Criminology. In his book, “On
Crimes & Punishments”, he stated about 12 principles which referred to the proper
judgement system, notion of punishment, the abolishing of capital punishment &
the use of torture to gain confessions. Beccaria wanted to bring about a notion of
equality in the criminal justice system back then. Beccaria’s principles of Classical
School of Criminology provided the spark that ultimately ended the medieval
barbarism. According to classical criminologists, individuals have free will. They
can choose legal or illegal means to get what they want; fear of punishment can
deter them from committing crime; and society can control behaviour by making
the pain of punishment greater than the pleasure of the crime gains. During the late
18th century, significant advances in knowledge of both the physical & social
world influenced thinking about crime. Auguste Comte, a French sociologist,
applied the modern methods of the physical sciences to the social sciences in his
six-volume Cours de philoshophie positive, published between 1830 & 1842. He
stated that there could be no real knowledge on social phenomena unless it was
based on a positivist (scientific) approach. After that Charles Darwin challenged
the doctrine of creation with his theory of the evolution of species did the next
generation of criminologists have the tools with which to challenge classicism.
Then in 1876, Cesare Lombroso integrated Comte’s positivism, Darwin’s
evolutionism, and the many pioneering studies of the relation of crime to the body.
Lombroso introduced the theory of a born criminal. He states that criminals can be
differentiated from non-criminals by physical features between them. He brought
about the biological point of view to explain the routes of crime. He added 2 more
classifications along with the born criminal: insane criminals & criminoloids.
Lombroso’s findings were later redefined by one of his own associates Enrico Ferri
(1856-1929). Alongside Lombroso’s theories on biology, Ferri used his interest in
socialism to explain criminology. He brought in the view that criminals must have
irrational decisions for committing the acts & hence should be held morally
responsible & something in their lives could’ve driven them to do so. He wanted to
tackle crime by prevention than punishments. Another follower of Lombroso was
Raffaele Garofalo (1852-1934) too rejected Beccaria’s reasonings. He introduced
the psychological point of view to the roots of crime & criminality. He said that an
individual lacking in moral sentiments has no obstacles against committing crimes.
These individuals there for should not be responsible for their actions & that
psychology has to do with the causes for which a crime is committed. The findings
of Lombroso, Ferri & Garofalo together formed the Positivist School of

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