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3(c) The independent india

The history of modern design in lndia begins in 1947,when the
country became independent. This was the post-war era, when
design and architecture were playing a role in the reconstruction of
the countries and the improvement of people's quality of life around
the globe. ln lndia, the early years after independence were marked
by optimism and enthusiasm, with the desire to improve living
standards, to provide better education, and at the same time to
revive the aesthetic traditions and techniques of the great past.
India only started its own industrial Revolution after independence.
The development of industry was one of the government's major
concerns. Eames visited lndia with his wife in 1957, invited by the
government of lndia and sponsored by the Ford Foundation. The
couple had been commissioned by the government to present
recommendations on a programme of training in design that would
serve as an aid to the small industries, After dedicated research,
travelling around lndia for three months meeting up with local
producers and citizens, Charles and Ray Eames delivered the 'lndia
Based on the reports, and wíth the support of the Ford Foundation,
the government of lndia established the National Design lnstitute in
L961. lt was located in Ahmedabad, an industrial city in the north
west of lndia. ln 1967,the lnstitute was renamed the National lnstitute
of Design (NlD) and moved to a new purpose-built premises. After
nine years of financialsupport, the Ford Foundation ceased its
fundingto NlD, obliging the lnstitute to rety on more limited
contributions from the government of lndia. From the beginning, NID
was set up with an unorthodox educational system, based on
recommendations from Eames, and with strong influence from
Bauhaus methods.

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