Total Business Planning

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"Total Business Planning:

Road Map to Success"

Phase I
- Introduction

Presented by:
Paul Robere, Managing Director,
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd.
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 1
If you fail to
plan, you can
plan to fail.
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd.
Class Schedule Today:
Class rules
Program overview
Introduction to business planning
Vision, Philosophy and Mission

Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 3
Class Rules
Class starts and ends on time
There will be a break from 2:45 to 3:00
(Break specification: 15 minutes +0, -15)
No telephones or pagers please
No Smoking
Participate and Ask Questions
There will be homework
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 4
A six session program:
Session 1: 26 July 1999 Vision, Philosophy and Mission
Session 2: 29 July 1999 Strategic Planning
Session 3: 3 August 1999 Corporate Objectives and
Planning Unit Goals
Session 4: 9 August 1999 Tactics, Projections and Budgets
Session 5: 6 Sept 1999 Coordination and Implementation
Session 6: 20 Sept 1999 Selling the plan to your company

Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 5
 Understand the nine phases of business planning
 Understand how to document the business plan
 Understand how the "Philosophy, Mission and
Strategic Plan contribute to an overall planning process
 Understand how Corporate Objectives and unit goals
work together to form our action plan for improvement
 Understand how Tactics, projections and budgeting
provide us with the future planning and the budget to
ensure success
 Understand the Implementation and follow-up activities
© necessary for successful planning.
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 6
The Nine Level Planning Process
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Vision Philosophy & Mission Strategic Plan
(Competitive Analysis)

Level 4 Level 5 Level 6

Corporate Objectives Planning Unit Goals Tactics and

Level 7 Level 8 Level 9

Budgeting Coordination Implementation and
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 7
Session One
Vision, Philosophy and Mission
A determination of the roles and
responsibilities of each of the senior
members of the organization. The questions
of Who, What, When, Where, How Long, are
asked to specifically create an action plan for
future business planning. Worksheets and
exercises will help the participants determine
corporate mission statement for their
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 8
Who you are makes a difference
in your plan..

Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 9
Business Planning Summary
1. Plans developed to tell those who do not
have direct control over you, what you
intend to do—possibly with help from them.
2. Plans developed fort the purpose of
helping you determine what you want to
do and to justify the feasibility of it.
3. Plans developed as an operating
guideline and measurement tool for
© everyone connected with the organization
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 10
Frequently Asked Questions
about business planning
1. If we don’t have a vision, philosophy, mission
or plan, what can middle managers do?
2. Can we have successful planning in this
3. If middle managers cannot get a vision, can
they start at level four and call it a “plan”?
4. Can each department/division have their own
plan in addition to the company?
5. What happens when planning starts at the
© bottom or middle of the organization
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 11
FAQ about planning – Part 2
6. Are there other planning models and what do you
do with them?
7. My company is doing pretty well, and we have
never had a business plan. How do I convince
senior management that we need one?
8. Is the business plan for a “non-revenue-generating”
division (like Human resources) the same as for a
revenue generator?
9. We don’t have time to plan. Things happen too
quickly and a plan would be obsolete before it could
be implemented. Do we really need a plan?
10. How will business planning help us?
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 12
Business Planning Terms
Vision Objective
Philosophy Goal
Mission Tactic
Status Projection
Do you understand
these terms?
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 13
Business Planning provides
management with a realistic and
systematic process.
1. To evaluate the present and desired status of the
2. To evaluate the present and expected status of the
3. To identify assumptions on which to operate
4. To reconcile conflicting views
5. To arrive at agreed-upon: strategies, objectives,
© goals, tactics and projections.
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 14
A Business Plan ....
1. Is the written product of the business
planning process
2. Integrates strategic, operational, and
financial (budgeting) planning

Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 15
Elements of a Good Plan!
May 25, 1961, US President John
F. Kennedy said:
“I believe this nation should
commit itself to achieve the goal,
before this decade is out, of
landing a man on the moon and
returning him safely to Earth.”

Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 16
Elements defined:
 Vision: “A man on the moon....”
 Commitment: “And returning him
 Timelines: “Before this decade is
 Phasing: We had Mercury, Gemini,
and Apollo...
 Contingencies: Whatever can go
wrong, will, and at the worst time.
 Reporting: “One small step for man,
one giant leap for mankind.”
 Change: Plans that can and do
© change will last...
  & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 17
What is your plan?
Team Exercise: 30 Minutes

Using the Appendix form 001, each team will fill

out that they think the various elements of
vision, commitment, timelines, phasing,
contingencies, reporting and change to be.
Have your team combine your answers and put
them on the transparency provided.
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 18
Level One: Vision
(use Appendix 0101 to take notes)
Who : The Top
What : A picture of the future
When : Never ending
Where : Go away...far, far away...
How Long : For some...never. Work on it
daily, all the time. Keep it always a top

Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 19
Planning Process Assumptions for
your vision
Probability of Assumption
Assumption Being Violated Impact if Assumption Violated
1. The company 1. Low 1. Other options for new customer base
has the is available. Possible off-shore
opportunity for marketing considerations
new customer
2. Raw materials 2. Low 2. Alternate inputs are available that
will remain will not change product from
available at customer view
about current

Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 20
"Total Business Planning:
Road Map to Success"
Phase I
- Introduction

Presented by:
Paul Robere, Managing Director,
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd.
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 21
The Nine Level Planning Process
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Vision Philosophy & Mission Strategic Plan
(Competitive Analysis)

Level 4 Level 5 Level 6

Corporate Objectives Planning Unit Goals Tactics and

Level 7 Level 8 Level 9

Budgeting Coordination Implementation and
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 22
What do you want from this
1. As a team, discuss the
important items that you
would like to learn from
this class.
2. What questions to you
have that you want
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 23
Our Plan (Recommended)
1. Create a company
2. Establish a product
3. Create a “Business Plan”
based on assumptions
4. Follow the steps in the
development of the plan
5. Finish with a completed plan
to use as a reference or for
our future use.
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 24
Level Two: Philosophy and
Mission (use Appendix 0201 to take notes)
Who : The Senior team
What : A statement of the philosophy
and mission of the organization
When : Must be done first. Normally
about 6 months before plan
Where : Go away...far, far away...from
the office
How Long : Should be done within two
hard days of concentrated work.
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 25
What is a Philosophy?
Our philosophy is the
set of basic beliefs
which establish the
parameters for our
business and its
personnel. It is a
statement of what we
do and what we do not
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 26
Business Philosophies (1)
We believe integrity is the cornerstone of
all our business relationships; therefore,
we will expect all of our employees to be
honest and forthright with our customers,
our vendors, and with all others whom they
may contact in the name of the business

Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 27
Business Philosophies (2)
We believe management is the art of
leading people to accomplish stated
objectives; therefore, leadership qualities
and demonstrated ability to accomplish
objectives will be primary criteria by which
we select and evaluate managers

Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 28
Business Philosophies (3)
We believe planning is the art of preparing for
change; therefore, we will use planning as a
management tool to keep us prepared for those
changes that must come.
We believe that nothing happens until you make a
sale, and sales are made only to customers;
therefore, we will place the satisfaction of our
customers above every other business
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 29
Business Philosophies (4)
We believe well-trained, highly motivated
employees are the most important means of
serving our customers; therefore, we will select,
train, and reward employees who place customer
satisfaction first.
We believe our ability to properly service our
customers depends on long-term profitability;
therefore, we will manage our business to create a
© responsible return on assets.
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 30
Business Philosophies (5)
We believe growth is a logical consequence for a
well-managed company; therefore, we will
evaluate management on the profitable, orderly,
controlled growth the company sustains.
We believe a profitable, growing business should,
from its abundance, invest in the community that
sustains it; therefore, we will individually and
corporately invest in selected philanthropic
© activities of our community.
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 31
What do you believe?
Team Activity: 45 minutes

Using the form on Appendix 0203, rank

the elements, and then compose the
guiding principles to sustain each one.

Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 32
What do we do best?
Airlines move
people and things
from airport to
airport. FedEx
moves packages
from where they
are to where you
© want them.
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 33
What Need do we Meet?
The end was light control.
The means was curtains.
It is important to
understand customer
needs from the ends, not
only the means, point of
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 34
Whose need do we meet?
At an Amusement park,
the owners realized that
mothers, not kids, had
the need. Who
purchases, or the most
visible customer, may
not be the real buying
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 35
What Business are We In.
Team Exercise: 45 Minutes
Using the Appendix Form A0207 list:
• What We do best?
• What need do we meet?
• Whose need do we meet?
• What business are we in?
meet the needs of our client

Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 36
End of Session One:
What questions do you
What are we doing to
do for next time?
What did we learn
What did I enjoy today?
What do we need to
improve for next time?
Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd. 37

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