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Hello and Welcome!
If you’re reading this, it means you took the plunge into Girls LOVE Travel (GLT), a
global community of both active and aspiring female travelers providing resources and
empowerment to one another through safety, socializing and support.

Girls LOVE Travel is a large community, and growing quickly everyday, so we have done our
best to provide a general structure to give everyone the best GLT experience.

Our GLT hand sign is used in photos, and is the American Sign Language “I Love
You” sign with index finger and pinky up, thumb pointing out, and knuckles facing
outward. This sign is also the sign for “Airplane” if you turn your hand sideways and
move it slightly over your head, with the thumb towards the back, (if you move your
hand completely over your head it means “fly”).



I. Guidelines / Group Rules

A. All posts must be travel focused, and all comments on posts should be
relevant to the posted discussion. Posts deemed “not travel related” or
“NTR” are subject to removal without warning.
i. Comments and memes not pertaining to the original post - such as "I'm
just here for the comments" - will be removed without warning.
ii. Posts looking for commiseration or support are not considered travel
related. These include, but are not limited to:
1. Posts about a recent breakup
2. Posts about clothing decisions
3. Posts about a bad day at work
iii. Posts that are about isolated incidents or based on events older than 2
weeks will be removed without warning, as they are less relevant to our
global community.
1. If the information might be pertinent for women in the area,
please post in the appropriate GLT Chapter page.
2. For example: A CNN article about a shooting in Miami will be
removed, while a CNN article about a shooting at Miami
International Airport (that might backup flights or delay travel)
is relevant to GLT.
iv. NOTE: On occasion for specific events or incidents with wider
implications, gLt will create a ‘world event’ or designated post to
consolidate all information in one easy-to-find place. All links and
comments related to this event should only be shared in this designated
post. Posts outside of the designated post will be closed and redirected
to the designated post.
v. Spin-off posts are not allowed, whether they are questioning why a post
was removed/closed or in order to create a secondary conversation
about the topic/poster itself.
b. If you question whether your post is travel related, you should reach out to the
admin or a moderator for pre-approval.
i. Posts that are not travel related will be removed without warning.
ii. If you are questioning a post’s removal, you must reach out to the admin
or a moderator with concerns.
1. Posts in the Main asking about removals will be removed.
Should a member continue to post about said removal, the
member will be removed.
B. RESPECT is REQUIRED in ALL exchanges between members.
a. This includes, but is not limited to the following:
i. NO SHAMING OF ANY KIND (including people not in the group) - No
“This passenger took their shoes off next to me,” No “This flight
attendant didn’t help me with my luggage.” None of this is allowed. This
also includes posting identifiable photos.

ii. Do not correct grammar or word choice - English may

not be every member’s first language
iii. No victim shaming/blaming, including towards people not in GLT
iv. Do not “laugh” at members’ questions or responses
v. Do not assume all members you are speaking to are from the USA. We
come from many different backgrounds and have different opinions,
but, at the end of the day, we ALL love travel. Keep this in mind,
especially when you see something you don’t agree with.
vi. Every member has the option to “scroll on” - you do not have to
comment on every post.
C. DO NOT DISRESPECT OR BLOCK the admin or any of the moderators.
a. If you disrespect the admin or a moderator over GLT policy and procedures
you may be banned, pending a moderating team vote.
b. If you block the admin or any moderator you will be banned.
c. If you are questioning a post’s removal, a GLT policy, or a GLT procedure, you
must reach out to the admin or a moderator with concerns.
i. Posts in the Main asking about the above topics will be removed. Should
a member continue to post about said topics, the member will be
D. ZERO TOLERANCE for disrespecting or degrading any race, religion,
culture, sexual orientation, gender, identity, etc.
a. This is grounds for immediate removal! We have a ZERO TOLERANCE
policy. If you take part in any of these you will be removed without
b. If you are questioning the removal of a member (or yourself) you must reach
out to the admin or a moderator with concerns.
i. Posts in the Main asking about member removals will be removed.
Should a member continue to post about said member removals, the
member will be removed.
c. Rule of Thumb: If you have not personally and first-hand experienced
something, DO NOT ARGUE WITH SOMEONE WHO HAS. This is dismissive
of their experiences.
E. ZERO TOLERANCE for bullying, attacking, or escalating fights.
a. Please remember - the written word is easy to misunderstand because we
cannot see the person’s face or hear their vocal inflections. Do your best to
resolve differences quickly and respectfully (including blocking the member(s)
involved) and if this is not possible, please reach out to the admin or
moderating team.
b. Examples of bullying or attacking behavior include, but are not limited to:
i. The reposting of screenshots from previously deleted posts,
conversations, etc. This will be interpreted as instigating or escalating
an argument.

ii. The sharing or reposting of screenshots & conversation

from Girls LOVE Travel outside of GLT. This will be interpreted as
hostile, and a violation of GLT’s community.
iii. Name Calling
iv. Extreme sarcasm or condescending responses
c. All instances of escalation, attacking, or bullying will be reviewed on a case-by-
case basis, but are grounds for immediate removal without warning.
F. No political or religious posts not pertaining to travel.
a. These posts are evaluated by the moderating team on a case-by-case basis, and
may be removed without warning.
b. Posts concerning race, religion, and other identities frequently dubbed
'political,' that relate directly to travel experiences and concerns are not only
appropriate, but should be encouraged and supported in discussion by
members of GLT.
G. Posts about illegal endeavours will be removed immediately.
a. This includes but is not limited to:
i. Attempting to take illegal substances with you on your travels (even if
they are legal where you live)
ii. Obtaining emotional support status for animals simply because you
wish to take your pet on a trip with you
iii. Activities such as the Haiku Stairs in Hawaii
iv. Posts about circumventing laws (e.g., sneaking banned items in and out
of countries, overstaying visas)
H. GLT does not allow promotion of outside groups / non-GLT trips / non-
GLT retreats / non-GLT events or apps to be advertised or discussed
within the community.
I. Posts requesting addresses or things to be shipped to members (for
penpal / postcard exchanges for example) are not allowed unless posted
by the admin or a moderator on behalf of GLT (#gltpenpal)
J. Posts seeking health-related or legal advice from the group will be
reviewed and removed.
a. GLT does not take responsibility for any advice given by our members. Our
first course of action will always be to turn off comments and remind members
to seek medical or legal help from a medical or legal professional, respectively.
b. This includes, but is not limited to:
i. Advice about colds, bug bites, UTIs, yeast infections, food poisoning,
mental health (anxiety, depression, etc.), vaccinations, medications, etc.
ii. Advice about visas, carrying items across borders, obtaining legal
documents, marriage, etc.
c. This does not include posts regarding first-hand experiences with medical
d. If you have questions about this protocol you must reach out to the admin or a
moderator with concerns.

i. Posts in the Main asking about this protocol will be

removed. Should a member continue to post about said protocol, the
member will be removed.
K. Trigger Warnings for Graphic Content posts
a. Rape, Assault, Violence, Body/Mental Disorders, and Animal Cruelty, along
with any other possibly upsetting content, require both a trigger warning as
well as any graphic images to be posted inside the comments only.
i. Trigger warnings are a way of alerting someone who has survived
something traumatic so that they may either prepare themselves to read
upsetting content or choose to keep scrolling. They can be signified by
saying, “Trigger Warning,” or simply “TW”
b. If Photos / Videos that are graphic in nature or NSFW (not safe for work) are
located in the main post, then that post is liable for removal since once these
are posted they are unable to be modified only removed.
c. #gltFullMoon - GLT has a monthly “Full Moon” post (starting July, 2017) for
members who would like to share their travel photos taken while nude or
i. We follow the Facebook nudity policy for this post and any pictures that
do not follow this policy will be deleted without warning.
ii. No one under the age of 18 should be participating in this post
iii. GLT does not condone nude photography in sites considered sacred by
locals of the place you are visiting
iv. Absolutely no sharing of photos outside of the group (this is already a
rule for ALL things posted in GLT- but reiterating it here).
v. If you choose to share a photo like this, you are taking responsibility for
sharing such content on the internet
vi. This dedicated post was created after taking a vote in the main GLT
community, full guidelines for the post will be included each time and
the post will remain up for 72 hours.
L. Self-promotion is not allowed on the main feed unless within a
designated post by the admin / moderating team
a. This includes but is not limited to:
i. Social Media channels
1. This INCLUDES when a member shares their social media as a
post in the group. ALL posts should be directly posted to GLT
and not from IG. No posting of screenshots including IG or Blog
handles, watermarks, tags, or other possible evidence of your
social media.
ii. MLM, Crafts, Job opportunities
iii. Charity (gofundme) postings
iv. Selling any item - tickets, hotel rooms, cars, clothes, etc.
v. Advertising rental properties/hotels/B&Bs/hostels/guesthouses that
cost money whether in a post or in a comment reply.
1. Sharing couchsurfing links is ok as there is no cost

2. Overnight links are the only exception as it is a GLT

vi. Advertising photography or photo editing business - even if providing
service for free
vii. Advertising any service, EVEN IF IT’S FREE
b. This does not include: If a member specifically asks for information that is
provided within a post on your own social media.
i. CORRECT EXAMPLE: Member A asks for tips about traveling to
Havana, Cuba in a post. Member B wrote a blog post about tips for
traveling to Havana, Cuba. Member B may share their blog article with
Member A, including a small intro for Member A.
ii. INCORRECT EXAMPLE: Member A asks for tips about traveling to
Havana, Cuba in a post. Member B wrote a blog post about Cuban food.
Member B may not share their blog post with member A.
1. Reason why is that although it is loosely related because it is
about something in Cuba - it was not what the original poster was
M. This group is for anyone who identifies as a woman.
a. Those who are transitioning and have changed their identifying pronouns to
female or gender neutral pronouns on FB are absolutely welcome in GLT. (If
you have not changed your pronoun yet, please message
b. Joint couple accounts for a woman and a man are allowed if the couple
respects that the man does not interact inside of GLT.
c. Business profiles are not allowed as members of GLT.
N. Please take a moment to use the SEARCH BAR before you post!
a. Video sharing - try searching for the name of the person or organization who
originally posted the video (i.e. Travel + Leisure, BoredPanda, LadBible) since
many times videos get posted without much text to search.
b. Repeated posts will have comments turned off by a member of the moderating
O. Posts requesting “favors” from members are not permitted, and posts are
subject to removal without warning.
a. This includes but is not limited to:
i. Photoshop or photo-editing requests
ii. “My love is so big” letter requests
iii. Postcard requests
iv. Requests for members to send or carry things or pets for you across
v. Requests for homework help or surveys
vi. To threaten or leave negative reviews of hotels, hostels, businesses, etc.
at which a member had a bad experience
vii. Searching for someone
1. There are two exceptions here: missing persons posts and posts
where you are trying to find someone due to a lost item of theirs

you have found. If you have found an ID, please

blur out all details like birthday/address/etc., it is ok to keep the
photo showing for identifying the person.
P. Posts that are travel-related games/open ended questions/requests MAY
have comments turned off if they are preventing other posts from being
visible/getting answered. The reason for this is that these posts, although
travel related, will continually get bumped to the top of the feed, pushing
legitimate travel questions further down. This inhibits many members
from getting the answers they are seeking.
a. Examples- “Show me your favorite travel selfie,” “Where in the world is
everyone right now?” and “Which country should I move to?”
Q. Girls LOVE Travel is trademarked by the USPTO, and the GLT Logo is
copyrighted. Girls LOVE Travel, LLc. has been filed as a s corp with the
US government. Unauthorized use of the GLT name, logo or our likeness
to create merchandise or spin-off groups/subgroups will result in
removal from GLT and all of its subgroups.

PLEASE NOTE: Posts may be removed, comments turned off, or a moderator may
contribute to the conversation as a reminder at the discretion of the moderating team based
on the above guidelines.

II. Posting Tips & Tricks

● Post a relevant photo - Posts that have a photo with their questions get more
attention - it’s that simple!
● Plan a Meet up and/or connect with your Local Chapter (link below) to
move past technology and on to friendships with GLT
● When looking for information on a specific area:
○ Try asking questions within the timezone of those living there
○ Make your request as specific as possible and include any context that could
affect someone’s answer (e.g., your travel preferences, dates, specific cities, etc)
○ Check out the gLt Chapter for the location of your upcoming trip, and post
your questions within the chapter page
● Use hashtags (#) to make your post searchable - Using hashtags can help you
and others find your post later.
○ For example: #gltLOVE, #gltAustralia (for full info on GLT hashtags - click
here and check out our file!)
● If you see a thread you want to follow, go to the top right of the post, click
the drop-down arrow, and check “Turn On Notifications.”
○ Need a break from the notifications? Follow the same directions as above, but
click “Turn Off Notifications.”
○ “Bump” stands for “Bring Up My Post.” Within online communities, members
are often encouraged to ‘bump’ posts. ‘Bumping’ a post is a way to support a
specific topic. This will also automatically turn notifications ON for this post.

○ If you find posts that break any of the above guidelines, click the drop
down menu in the top-right corner of the post, and select “Report to Admin.”
The Admin and Moderating team review all posts reported daily.
■ If you wish to report a specific comment, please tag a moderator
(instructions to find moderators are below) in a direct reply to the
comment you are reporting.
○ The best tip of all is to remember to use the search bar!

III.Local GLT Chapters

● Chapter Pages
○ Chapter Hosts
■ A chapter host is a developing volunteer position within GLT. We are
currently looking for hosts who are:
● Active within GLT
● Excited to set up a minimum of 1 event for your local area per
■ We host chapters on event pages so that they are tethered directly to
GLT, versus having separate subgroups that have to be monitored. This
also ensures that only GLT members are able to see the event details

IV. GLT Meet Ups

● Anyone can host a GLT Meet Up! All GLT events must be created in the events
section within the main Girls LOVE Travel group.
○ Please title your Meet Up - start with GLT or #glt and then the city location of
the event so it is easier to search
■ Example something like “GLT Philly Wine Tasting,” “#gltChicago Free
Potluck,” “gltLondon dancing”
○ Add Haley Woods (our founder) as a co-host, you may need to message her if
you don’t see the option to invite her due to Facebook settings.
○ If your event is happening in a city where there is a GLT chapter page, also
share the link within there so other GLT locals can come along!
○ A tip on attendance, make sure you check in on the event page multiple times
prior to the Meet Up to check on who is attending because a lot of people will
click “going” but not follow-up on their RSVP.
○ Any Meet Up that would involve money exchange, overnight stay, organizing a
group trip within GLT, or using the GLT Brand in exchange for discounted
goods or services MUST be discussed with Haley Woods prior to planning by
emailing - thank you! **Also - if you are
interested in organizing a GLT getaway/trip you MUST email before posting in
the group.

● Meet Ups must be open to all GLT members. If a subgroup has

discussed having a Meet UP, that is totally okay- it just needs to be created inside of
the main GLT community so any member can join, whether they are in the subgroup
or not.

V. GLT Subgroups
● We have several Girls LOVE Travel Subgroups that you can join when you are a
member of the main group. Please note it could take a couple days or even a couple of
weeks for your request to be processed - this is because at any given time there can be
hundreds of pending requests and all of the moderators are volunteers helping on
their own time. Thank you for your patience!
● If you would like to join a subgroup, you must follow these simple steps:
1. Be a member of the main group
2. Request to join the subgroup
3. Answer the 3 questions

● GLT Foodie, A group for GLT members to talk about favorite foods, cooking/baking
tips, favorite drinks, newest tried food types, etc.
● GLT WanderLOVE, WanderLOVE is your escape to post tales of love and missed
opportunities which can be combined here for awesome discussions regarding travel-
love (and love/lust in general)!
● GLT Moms, This is an additional space for moms to discuss all things travel and
how to travel with your family!
● GLT Fitness This subgroup is to talk about the struggles so many of us go through to
be healthy in our daily lives. In addition it is to talk about how to get ready for and
stay healthy during our travels!
● GLT 35+, For ladies over 35 to have an additional space to talk travel!
● GLT Book Club, A group for GLT members to talk about favorite books to read for
travels, participate in our monthly Book Club Meetings, suggest books, help others
find the right book for their trip, etc.

● GLT Pride, An additional space for GLT’s LGBTQ community and its allies to talk
about their travels and experiences while traveling the globe.
● GLT Mixtries, Mixtries is for all Women of Color (WOC), as well as all their allies, to
have an additional place to talk inside of the larger GLT community.

VI. Admin / Moderating Team

● You can find a list of the current Admin/Moderator Team here:

● Reminder: Blocking the Admin or any Moderator is NOT allowed in GLT.

Doing so will result in removal from the main GLT group and all GLT affiliated
subgroups and chapters.
● Contacting the Admin/Moderating Team
○ Directly contact leadership if you have questions
■ If you are not comfortable contacting the leadership team, and/or the
post in question is blatantly against these guidelines, we encourage you
to “Report to Admin” via the drop down menu in the top, right corner of
○ If you feel like your post has been deleted accidentally or want to inquire why a
post was deleted, please confirm that you have not broken any of the above
guidelines. If you have not, contact the Admin or Moderators directly.
■ If you have questions about this protocol you must reach out to the
admin or a moderator with concerns.
● Posts in the Main asking about this protocol will be removed.
Should a member continue to post about said protocol, the
member will be removed.
○ Admin/moderators are not obligated to message regarding any violations of
the guidelines, however they may message you regarding a post/comment.
Please make sure to check your “message requests” folder in Facebook
Messenger if they mention in a comment they are trying to reach you.
● What does a Volunteer Moderator for GLT do?
○ This is a VOLUNTEER position and is NOT a 24/7 Job!
○ Keeps an eye on the feed to ensure threads / comment are respectful and in
line with our mission - this tends to be a minimum of at least a 2hr
commitment per day spread over the entire course of the day.
○ Adds new members from the member requests.
○ Adds additional threads in the group to encourage engagement and new
○ Reviews posts reported by members and/or posts where members have tagged
them for assistance
○ Helps to maintain focus on controversial threads to prevent removal
○ Handles any member complaints brought to their attention
○ Removes members and threads as needed
○ Is on the lookout for additional volunteer moderators to mentor and assist
with their transition into their role - think of it like a GLT big sister program.
○ Maintains rules laid out in GLT Guidelines

● How do you become a Volunteer Moderator?

○ Be a positive, kind, respectful, engaging member of GLT
○ Request to join the subgroup: Solace (see steps above in section V.)
○ Reach out to Haley with an email:

■ Include information about yourself such as what timezone you

live in, how long you have been in GLT, what you like about GLT but
also what you wish would be different, suggestion for future posts… that
sort of thing.

VII. Self-Promotion
○ Self promotion is the action of promoting or publicizing oneself or one's
activities, especially in a forceful way. This includes: blog links, contests,
surveys, referral links (for jobs, airbnb, uber, etc.), Social Media handles,
fundraisers, sales of any kind, etc.
○ Toot Your Own Horn aka “#gltToot”
■ You may always share your social media, Etsy product, exciting news,
etc. within THE COMMENTS of this Toot Your Own Horn thread.
■ This concentrated self-promotion post goes up Tuesday & comes down
■ You can find the thread by searching “#gltTOOT”
■ If you are sharing a network marketing/MLM opportunity on #gltTOOT
you MUST be fully transparent about what it is. If you are responding to
a thread about careers/jobs on the main, you must also be clear & not
ask people to PM you for more details.
■ No promotion of retreats / trips / apps are allowed.
○ Bloggers/Blog Posts
■ Blogs may only be posted in the comments of weekly, designated
threads posted by GLT Admin, Haley Woods.
● These threads are currently the Toot Your Own Horn Tuesday
Thread and the GLT Travel Blogger Thread
● THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE: If a member specifically asks
for information that is provided within a post on your own social
○ CORRECT EXAMPLE: Member A asks for tips about
traveling to Havana, Cuba in a post. Member B wrote a
blog post about tips for traveling to Havana, Cuba.
Member B may share their blog article with Member A,
including a small intro for Member A.
○ INCORRECT EXAMPLE: Member A asks for tips about
traveling to Havana, Cuba in a post. Member B wrote a
blog post about Cuban food. Member B may not share
their blog post with member A.
■ If you use GLT as a resource, please return the kindness and give
Girls LOVE Travel a shout out mention in your post. Email a link of
your post to Haley Woods: so we
can keep record of our #gltShoutouts and support/share your post!

● If a member is contacting other members privately regarding any of the

above self-promotion platforms, please report to the leadership team immediately.
This is not allowed in Girls LOVE Travel and is grounds for removal.

VIII. Advertising
If you would like to advertise with GLT or have a business proposal for GLT, please send a
detailed proposal to Haley Woods at

IX. Collaborations
○ All collaborations must be approved by the admin, Haley Woods.
■ If you are interested in working with GLT, please email a detailed
proposal to
○ If you are looking for other members to collaborate with, you may
not post about this in the main feed.
■ We love that you want to work with each other - but we do not want the
feed to be filled with these posts.
■ If you have a collaboration request for a post please email using the
email listed above.
○ If you use GLT as a resource, please return the kindness and give Girls
LOVE Travel a shout out mention in your post. Email a link of your post to
Haley Woods: so we can keep record of our
#gltShoutouts and support/share your post!

X. Data Mining
● Crowdsourcing
■ Crowdsourcing, polls, surveys, and asking members to direct message
for business purposes is not allowed within GLT.
● GLT Press / GLT Reporters:
If you would like to write for GLT or would like a piece to be featured on the GLT
website, please send an email for the volunteer position to
○ Include links to your social media / blogs - if you are requesting to write
something for a specific event, mention what it is & how you would like to
cover it

XI. GLT Social Media

● Website:
● GLT Public Facebook Page:
○ Bloggers! Let us show our support and love for all you do: email us at with your latest article! Did you mention
GLT in your piece? Make sure we know for a #gltShoutOut!
● Instagram:
○ If you’d like to be featured, please email us at with a
jaw-dropping photo, your IG handle, location of the picture and a fun detailed
story along with it for review!
○ If you’d like to take over the GLT Instagram for 24 hours, please
email us at with your IG handle and any other information
that we might need to determine if you are a good fit for the GLT Instagram.
● Twitter: @girlsLOVEtravel

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