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Music for Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, Clarinet

Woodwinds vol. 1.

Dr. Richard von Fuchs

Published by Dr. Richard von Fuchs at Smashwords
Copyright © 2015 by Dr. Richard von Fuchs
Smashwords Edition

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Table of Contents

Baroque Happy Ending
Mariane’s Waltz
Fair Weather Shore
French Bells
Irish Song
No Money for Noodles
Moonlight (clairinet and bassoon)
Moonlight (flute and cello)
Nordisches Lied
The Sands of Mars

I started composing at age 8, encouraged by my piano teacher in Niagara Falls, N.Y.

During two summers I took courses in music theory and composition. The best part of my
school day was the orchestra and band where I played viola and tuba. On Vancouver
island, I played in the Comox district Band. In a tumultuous life with many addresses and
occupations I could afford a guitar but not a piano. Sad love songs were followed by
militant socialist lyrics and then mournful country tunes.
While waiting for customers in my “Aristocratic Music” store in Courtenay, B.C., I
had plenty of time to compose piano music. I remembered a college music teacher who
urged me to break out of the rhythmic rigidity of measure bars and move beyond do mi
sol harmony. There is a dynamic struggle between tedious clichés and unappealing
experimentation for its own sake.
In 1990 I moved to Hungary to teach English at a forestry college. Within two years
I bought an 1880 grand piano and had it re-strung. My most productive period was before
my son Maximilian was born in 1996 until he learned to walk.
My inability to impress friends while playing my own compositions led me to hire a
professional pianist to record 13 compositions in 2006. A health scare the next year gave
me the impetus to publish for posterity so that my compositions would not be thrown out
with the trash after I died.
The Blues Brothers brass quintet performed 3 of their arrangements of my piano
music at a concert in the village of Harka, Hungary in December 2007. Then I deluged
them with my own arrangements but never convinced them to perform any more of my
music. Over a year later I realized that I had written the French horn parts incorrectly.
What I thought was bad playing, they thought was dissonant writing – a ghastly
misunderstanding. Since then I fell in love with the sound of woodwinds, wrote
woodwind quartets and become a passable flute player. A children's TV station in
Slovakia expressed interest in the woodwind music.
Concert organizers prefer music by dead composers with German names. I fulfilled
the first requirement at birth but I want to be excused from the second requirement for a
little while longer.

Dr. Richard von Fuchs
Sopron, Répceföi sor 32-L, H 9400, Hungary

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