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Geología de la Antártida Argentina

0 Evolución del la Antártida Oriental Geología virtual de la Antártida

. Qeología de la Antártida

Geological Evolution ºf The Transantarctic Mountains, Southern Victoria Land, Antarctica.

History Of Exploration

In late 1839-early 1840 Capt James Clark Ross in charge of two vessels, HMS Terror and HMS Erebus, sailed south from Hobart with the aims of
recording magnetic observations at high southern latitudes and, if feasible, of reaching the South Magnetic Pole. Ross sighted land hear Cape Adare in
Northern Victoria Land (NVL), and observed the high peaks ofthe Transantarctic Mountains (TAM). He collected geological specimens from offshore
islands, and sailed south into the Ross Sea, to the foot of Mt Erebus and the barrier ofthe Ross Ice Shelf. Whaling expeditions were to follow in
subsequent years.
In 1899, a British-sponsored expedition, led by an Australian Carstens Borchgrevink, wintered over in NVL, and next year, on the Southern Cross sailed
south to Ross Island, collecting samples of Tertiary volcanic rocks en route.
The major geological adxr¿nces in SVL, however, were made in later expeditions led by Scott and Shackleton, f|rst in 1901-4 en Discovery, then in 1907-9
on Nimrod, and finally the ill-fated Terra Nova expedition of 1910-13. As you all doubtless remember, it was Scott's insistence on retaihihg rock
specimens collected on his return from the South Pole that may have contributed to his demise. | sympathise with his dilemma, all ofthe Otago field
seasons have involved either the back-packing or man-hauling by sledge of rock specimens, with a constant temptation to ofñoad surplus specimens into
the nearest crev¿sse!

Geological Summary
So what ofthe geology ofthe Transantarctic Mountains? The mountain range itself extends across the Antarctic continent for a distance in excess of
3500 km, and comprises peaks over 4000 m high. One ofthe lasting impressions of SVL is the view from near Ross Island, where Scott Base and
MOMurdo Base are situated, ofthe majesty ofthe Transantarctic Mountains rising steeply from the Ross Ice Shelf. This segment ofthe TAM was named
by Scott's party as the Royal Society Range, in recognition ofthe f|nancial support forthe expedition; many ofthe peaks carry the names of past
presidenta ofthat society.

The Transantarctic Mountains divide Antarctica into two geological provinces. East Antarctica, the
larger ofthe two, is geologically a very stable area, composed of very old rocks, Which we refer to
as a craton. In SVL, most ofthe craton is covered by ice ofthe Polar Plateau, but elsewhere the
rocks have been dated as Archean, extending back in time to 2.5 Ga (2,500,000,000 years). In
Cºntrast, West Antarctica is composed ofa collage of crustal segments, unrelated to the craton,
and much younger. Effectively the TAM is a suture, dividing yet uniting the continent.
To answer the question of how the TAM was formed, we need to go back approximater 750 million
years into the Precambrian period and then, according to ideas espoused by Moores and Dalziel,
the East Antarctic craton used to form the nucleus of a land mass called Rodinia, Their idea,
referred to as the SWEAT hypothesis, derives from SouthWestern U.S. East Antarctica, since the
proponente believe that the best correlation of rocks from the margin of East Antarctica lie along
the margin ofthe Laurentian craton of North America.

Fig. ZB. Reconstruction of Rodínía at the Cambrían—

Fig. 2.A Reconstruction of the supercontinent
Precambrian boundary, showing subduction ofthe
Rodinia at ca 725 Ma (E»W» Ellsworth Whitmore,
Paleo»Paciflc ocean crust at the Delamerían—Ross
W.AFR—West African craton, KALAH-Kalahari
convergent margin (S.FR-Sao Francisco craton,
SIB-Siberia craton)

Acceptance of mobility ofcrustal fragments around the surface ofthe globe, undreamt of in Scott's time, or even in the early years when Itrained as a
geologist (!), was made possible through the revolutionary Plate Tectonic concept. Rodinia is thought to have fragmented approximater 700 million years
ago, North America drifting offto its place on the surface ofthe Earth, opening up an expanding ocean, the fore-runner ofthe Pacif|c Ocean perhaps, in
its wake. Evidence for an old oceanic component on the edge of East Antarctica lies in suite of basalts of mid-ocean ridge character, dated at 668 Ma,
now incorporated into the central sector ofthe Transantarctic Mountains.
Subsequently, with successive plate readjustments, the paleo-Paciflc Ocean closed, and the rifted margin of East Antarctica became 3 War zone. Here
oceanic crust ofthe neWIy-opened Pacif|c Ocean was destroyed by subduction and any crustal fragments adrift in the ocean were rafted towards the
subduction zone to collide With, and be accreted onto, the leading edge ofthe craton. Plate convergence, with associated subduction and collision, Was
responsible for uniting East and West Antarctica. The association of geological processes is referred to as the Ross Orogeny. An orogeny is a mountain
building process, a time when there is upheaxr¿l ofthe earth's crust, with associated magmatic activity and metamorphism of any sediments that had
formed in the ocean basin, or along its margin, and Which were deformed and thermally altered on incorporation into the convergent plate margin. This
convergence, occurring in latest Precambrian or Cambrian times, approximater 500 million years ago, is not unique to Antarctica. The same aged
orogenic rocks occur in New Zealand (as part of Fiordland), and in Australia. The inescapable conclusion from these correlations is that Antarctica, New
Zealand and Australia used to be part ofthe same margin, they were part ofa single supercontinent, Which is called Gondwanaland. Africa, South
America, and India were also our neighbours. “"

It is these Ross Orogeny rocks that were laterto become the so-called basement to the TAM. They are the oldest
rocks exposed over much ofthe mountain range, and they have been uplifted, eroded, subjected to later orogenies,
and overlain by later rocks.

Throughout SVL the Ross Orogeny basement rocks have been eroded down over a long period of geological time
(perhaps up to 100 million years), to form an almost planar upper surface, on Which later rocks have been
deposited. This surface, an unconformity, has been termed the Kukri erosion surface or peneplain. It is overlain by
a xr¿st (c 2.5 km thick) sequence of horizontally bedded sediments, dominated by quartz-rich alluvial sandstones
and conglomerates, but containing Carboniferous glacial deposita and Permian coal measures. Collectively the
sequence is referred to as the Beacon Supergroup (colloquially “Beacon Sandstone"), and is interpreted as having
been deposited in elongate non-marine or at times shallow marine basins parallel to the present axis ofthe TAM.
In SVL its age ranges from Devonian to Triassic, a period of nearly 200 Ma. Fossil fish and land vertebrates have
been found, indicating establishment of fresh-Water lakes at various stages ofthe sedimentary history.
The next event recorded in the geological history of SVL occurs over the length ofthe TAM and represents the intrusion of copious volumes (estimated
between 1.0 and 1.7 x 107 km3) of basaltic magma. This was injected into the basement and into the overlying Beacon Sandstone. The dominant form
is of subhorizontal sheets, intruded into the basement, along the peneplain, and into the overlying sediments, where they define bodies called sills.
Occasional discordant, steeply dipping intrusions called dykes connect the si|| horizons. Individual si||s often reach thicknesses of 420 m and can be
traced, or extrapolated, over very large areas (>20000 km2). Because ofthe thermally insulating effect of large magma volumes, the si||s cool slowly and
form rocks called dolerites, rather than basalts. However, magmas are also injected to the Earth's surface and are erupted as lavas that cool more slowly
and form the Kirkpatrick Basalt. Recent work Within the Department has shown that some ofthese high level magmas react explosively with groundwater
in the Beacon Sandstone and form extensive phreatocauldera. Basalts and dolerites are collectiver referred to as the Ferrer Supergroup, named after
H.T.Ferrar, geologist on Scott's Discovery expedition. Recent work has suggested that Ferrar magmas have such similar compositions that they must
have been generated in a single, point-source, partial melting event in the mantle ofthe Weddell Sea area, and subsequently injected and magmatically
transported up to 3000 kilometres along the length ofthe TAM.
Irrespective of Whether the magmas are indeed far-travelled, it is clearthat Ferrar magmatism marks a very important event in terms of its distribution.
Igneous rocks have been isotopically dated, and as analytical accuracy and precision have improved, it is evident that the copious outpourings have
occurred over a very short time frame in the Jurassic (177-183 Ma). What is more, similar magmatism occurs elsewhere in Gondwahaland, in Africa (the
Karoo basalts), in Tasmania and New Zealand, and in the Falklands. Such Large Igneous Provinces (LIP5) are a characteristic consequence of, or
precursorto, continental fragmentation.
In many theories, the impact of a deep mantIe-generated plume or superplume onto the lithosphere is instrumental in the break-up of a supercontinent
such as Gondwanaland. Plumes are considered to be a diapiric uprise, perhaps from the core-mantle boundary, of a vertical column of plastic rock.
When the plume intersects the base ofthe lithosphere its head flattens out, dragging the lithosphere with it, and initiating plate spreading, Ita
superplume was responsible forthe fragmentation of Gondwanaland, it is argued that the likely impact site would be the area ofthe present Weddell
New plate boundaries were established during the dispersal of Gondwanan fragments, but until recently there has been considerable debate about
Whether a boundary still existed through the Antarctic continent. Through Deep Sea Drilling projects, through marine geophysical investigations, and
through paleomagnetic observations we now know that the Ross Sea Embayment contains extensive sedimentary basins that have accumulated
considerable thicknesses (up to 7 km) of Tertiary sediments. East and West Antarctica have also undergone at least 300 km of displacement and
perhaps 40º to 90º of rotation in the last 100 Ma. Recently it was established that much ofthis separation occurred in the Eocene and Oligocene, related
to spreading in the Adare Trough at the mouth ofthe Ross Sea Embayment.

Fig.4. The Ross Sea area showing the Transantarctic Mountains, the
offshore sedimentary basins of the Ross Embayment, and location of
Eocene-Oligocene spreading in the Adare trough.

R055 EMB Fission track dating had established many years earlier that uplitt of the
_ AVM¿—W_ TAM started approximately 55 Ma ago. The documented extension and
1 - . r 5ubsidence of the crust in the Ross Embayment ¡5 compatible With
complementary uplitt ofthe Transantarctic Mountains on the western
shoulder ofthis ritt system. As such, uplitt of the TAM occurs by normal
faulting, in marked contrast to the collisional exents at comergent margins
typical of other mountain belts around the world (e.g. Himalayas,
European and New Zealand Alps etc).
Extensional Tertiary sedimentary basins received the erosional debn's
from the rising TAM, and the extension is also manifest in one other
concunent geological phenomenon, namer magmatism. Volcanic rocks
East “?¿" ººº,. West were empted in NVL from 48 Ma (Eocene) and in SVL from 24 Ma
Antarctica '' Antarctica (Oligocene) to the present day. Mt Erebus, fomed as a consequence of
this magmatism, is the most southerly active volcano on Earth.
Climatic deterioration occurred in the late Tertiary, but tine details of the
glacial chronology and the extent ofthe glaciations are still uncertain.
Resolution ofthese issues is the subject of multi—national drilling
¡ incentives (e.g. ANDRILL) at the present day. The geologícal history of
SVL is summarised in the attached stratigraphíc column.

Geology Of Southern Victoria Land

The Otago programme investigating the basement terrain formed during the Ross Orogeny has had to deal with a variety of mainly plutonio igneous rocks
intruding into and inducing contact metamorphism ofa metasedimentary sequence of uncertain age.

Further south, sediments include fossiliferous, archeocyathid-bearing limestones, enabling a biostratigraphic age of Cambrian to be assigned. In SVL the
grade of metamorphism of calcareous and calc-silicate sediments is reasonany high, and any fossils have been destroyed by metamorphic
recrystallisation. Ages ofthe parent rock type (protolith) are therefore unknown.
Intrusive igneous rocks had been mapped and classif|ed previously on the basis of either the presence or absence ofa foliation (a planar mineral fabric
such that a rock splits into paralleI-sided slabs) or their colour (pink, grey, etc.). Those granites where the individual grains have a parallel alignment to
form a foliation, were inferred to have been recrystallised by a metamorphic event subsequent to intrusion and were designated as pre—tectonic. Those
that were non-foliated were assumed to have been unaffected by metamorphism, and hence were post-tectonic. Unfortunately this scheme doesnt work,
as our f|rst batch of post-graduate researchers quickly found out. The policy was adopted instead, of mapping the basement igneous rocks as separate
intrusions (or plutons). The practice was labour intensive in the f|e|d, but using f|e|d relationships it gave rise to an unambiguous relative age for each
pluton. The presence of fragmenta of one type ofgranite enclosed Within another clearly indicated that the fragmenta belonged to an earlier pluton that
had been broken off and entrained into a later intrusion. Similarly, an igneous intrusion such as a dyke, emplaced across another igneous body is clearly
Geochemical analysis back in the laboratory resulted in an additional chemical classif|cation ofthe granite. These f|rst studies, conducted on granites in
the Dry Valleys area, were instrumental in defining different igneous suites, whose chemical characteristics were broadly compatible with formation in a
convergent, plate-margin environment, above the previously inferred subduction zone where the paleo—Paciflc Ocean crust was consumed beneath the
East Antarctic craton.

As the programme evolved, it became clear that in order to make regional correlations and to constrain the duration ofthe Ross Orogeny we needed
absolute ages on specif|c plutons in order to def|ne the timing of intrusion ofthe various suites. Given that K-Ar dating gives uplift rather than intrusive
ages, and is susceptible to resetting by subsequent thermal events, we opted to try U-Pb dating instead, Which is potentially a more robust chemical

U ¡5 a radioactive element, with 238U decaying with time to 206Pb, and 235U decaying to 208Pb. U is an element that is accommodated into the crystal
structure ofthe mineral Zircon, ZrSi04. Zr, in turn, is an element that occurs in some abundance in the continental crust, 50 is concentrated in granitic
magmas formed by melting ofcrustal materials. Zircon is a highly refractory, physically resistant mineral, which, once formed, is diff|cult to destroy and
it requires exceedingly high temperatures to recrystallise or modify the stored age signature Within ¡¡ chemically zoned grain. Zircon is separated from
crushed granites using density and magnetic properties, and suitable grains are then chemically treated to isolate the appropriate elemental
concentrates. Isotope ratios are determined by Thermal Ionisation Mass Spectrometry, and an age calculated. All ofthis U-Pb geochrohology has been
undertaken in collaboration with scientists Drs Dave Parkinson and Nick Walker who have access to overseas facilities at UCSB and Brown University
We have also experimented with microbeam techniques for age determination, whereby individual grains, or zones in grains are bombarded by either a
laser beam, or a beam of oxygen ¡ons Which xr¿porises a small area ofthe mineral. Products ofthe mporisation are fed directly into a mass
spectrometer, where isotope ratios are determined. The two techniques, available at the Australian National University are referred to as ELA-ICP-MS
(excimer laser ablation induced coupled plasma mass spectrometry) and SHRIMP (sensitive high resolution ion microprobe). Both techniques are
capable of analysing separater a relict core ofa Zircon grain, Which might be inherited from a previous cycle of geological events, and the latest growth
around the crystal rim, Which has formed by igneous crystallisation during residence in a granitic magma Chamber.
Results ofthe dating give intrusive igneous ages ranging from 551 Ma to 488 Ma, with some zircons being recycled during successive melting and
intrusive events. The Ross Orogeny, therefore, occurred over an interval oftime of at least 65 million years, equivalent to the time since the dinosaurs
disappeared on Earth at the end ofthe Cretaceous. Since many ofthe granites intrude previously deformed and metamorphosed country rock materials,
this f|gure has to be considered as a minimum estimate forthe duration ofthe orogeny.
The timing of metamorphism is difñcult to determine directly, but it has recently been constrained by microbeam (LAP-ICP-MS and SHRIMP) study of
the ages of detrital zircons in the metasediments. Zircon retains its early pre-metamorphic history despite the enclosing rock recrystallising totally to a
new fabric. Sedimentary rocks accumulate detrital Zircon that is washed into the basin of sedimentation from the surrounding river catchment. These
zircons will be of v¿rying ages, but clearly none can be younger than the age ofsedimentation. The minimum age of detrital Zircon Will give a minimum
age forthe age ofsedimentation and therefore ¡¡ maximum age for the subsequent metamorphism. So far we have only determined Zircon age spectra
from two metasediments from SVL, and have minimum ages of detrital zircons of 0. 630 Ma. These sediments are likely, therefore, to be late
Precambrian in age, with subsequent metamorphism during the early Ross Orogeny, priorto the magmatic climax marked by granitoid intrusion. We are
hoping to expand the detrital Zircon technique to look at the age and regional provenance of other sediments metamorphosed during the Ross Orogeny.
This analysis will also enable us to put a maximum estimate on the inception ofthe Ross Orogeny.

Pequeño resumen sobre la Geología de la Antártida

OVERVIEW Antarctica is the southern-most continent on the Earth and the continent that we know the least about geologically, Two
factors make it difficult to study the geology and mineral resources of Antarctica. One, the cold temperatures and strong Winds, along
with the 24 hour period of darkness during the Antarctic winter, make it a very difficult place to work and collect geological data. Two, less
than 3% of Antarctica is ice-free, Which makes the study of geology of Antarctica very diff|cult.

GEOLOGY AND PLATE TECTONICS What we know about the geology of Antarctica comes from studying the small percentage of the
rocks that are exposed either at the coast or the tops of mountain ranges which extend above the ice. Our understanding of the geology
of the Antarctic region is based on the theory of plate tectonics.

Plate tectonics is the theory that the earth's crust is made up of a series of pieces. Each piece is called a plate. These plates float on top
ofthe semi—fluid mantle like rafts. The mantle is believed to have comection cells within it which moxe these plates around. Because of
the theory of plate tectonics, most geologists believe that up until about 180 million years ago, South America, Africa, India, Australia,
and New Zealand were all joined together in one very large mass called Gondwana. One piece of evidence that supports the idea of this
large land mass is that all of these continents tit together like ajigsaw puzzle. It has also been found that when these continents are
placed together they share matching fossils, rock types, and land features. The best explanation for this similarity is that the rocks,
fossils and land features formed when the continents were joined together.

When Gondwana started to break up, the land masses gradually moxed into the positions that we see them today. This idea that all the
land masses were formed together allows us to make some assumptions about the geology of Antarctica even though xery little of the
crust of Antarctica is exposed.

The continent of Antarctica is divided into two large geologic areas — East and West Antarctica. East Antarctica is the large bean—shaped
land mass centered on 90 degrees east longitude. West Antarctica is the area centered on 90 degrees west longitude and includes the
Antarctic Peninsula, Marie Byrd Lane, and the area east and north ofthe Transantarctic Mountains. Because of the thick ice sheet,
geologic details are not possible to obtain for all ofAntarctica, an area the size of the United States and Mexico combined.

East Antarctica is a large Precambrian shield, a stable portion of a continent composed of old rocks that have changed very little over a
long time. It is similar to shield areas in Brazil, Africa, India, and Australia. The oldest rocks found in this area are over 3 billion years old.
These rocks are metamorphic rocks overlaid by younger, flat»lying ocean-deposited sediment. High»grade METAMORPHIC ROCKS
dominate the coast.

The Ross mobile belt, a majortectonic unit, includes the Transantarctic Mountains. An inner belt of sedimentary and volcanic rocks of
the Gondwana System are Devonian to Jurassic in age; an outer belt is Precambrian to Cambrian in age. Cenozoic wlcanic rocks,
mainly basaltic, are present on the west side ofthe Ross Sea. The rocks were recrystallized during an orogeny, a mountain building
episode caused by plate collisions, in the early Paleozoic Era (about 500 million years ago). Typical samples would probably include
gneiss, schist, granítica, shale, sandstone, and limestone. The land of East Antarctica is low in elevation with large bays indenting the
coastline. The weight ofthe thick ice sheet has pushed the land down so far that if it were removed, the land would rebound nearly 2,000

East Antarctica was part of Gondwana, the large, single, land mass made up ofthe present continents of South America, Africa, India,
Australia, and Antarctica. Gondwana existed as far back as 1 billion years ago and moved and rotated in the southern hemisphere as a
unit until about 200 million years ago when it began to break up and f|nally broke apart from present land masses about 40 million years
ago. Gondwana was part of Pangaea, the supercontinent made up of all the major continents in the Paleozoic Era.

West Antarctica is a more recent addition to the continent. It was built up over the last 500 million years by the addition of small
continental fragmenta (called microplates), four of Which have been identif|ed. They include the Ellsworth Mountains block, the Antarctic
Peninsula, an unnamed block of igneous rocks and metamorphosed sediments, and the Marie Byrd Land block. The collisions that
added these microplates to Antarctica have built up the mountains of West Antarctica. Unlike East Antarctica, ifthe ice were removed in
the west, the land would have considerable relief. The area would probany appear as a series of island chains and mountain ranges. In
west Antarctica, the Antarctic Peninsula and the coastal area to Marie Byrd Land make up the Andean mobile belt, Which consists
mostly of upper Paleozoic to Mesozoic rocks.

The Transantarctic Mountains (nearly 15,000 feet at their highest) were formed by the Ross Orogeny in the early Paleozoic (about 500
million years ago). They consist of fIat-Iying sedimentary rocks. Typical rocks would include sandstone, shale, limestone and some coal.

The Ellsworth Mountains were formed in the early Mesozoic (about 190 million years ago). They are as high as 16,000 feet and are
steeper than the Tetona with twice the relief above the surrounding land. The Ellsworth mobile belt includes the Ellsworth and Whitmore
mountains and a broad arc that swings out to the Filchner Ice Shelf. It contains rocks of mostly late Precambrian to late Paleozoic age.

The Antarctica Peninsula and the rest ofWest Antarctica were the most recent additions. The Andean Orogeny of late Mesozoic and
early Cenozoic (about 60 to 80 million years ago) formed the peninsula. This activity coincided with the f|na| breakup of Gondwana as
South America, Australia, and Antarctica split apart. The peninsula is an extension ofthe Andes of South America and like these
mountains, is made of igneous intrusive rocks, volcanics, and metamorphosed sediments. Marie Byrd Land has recent volcanic rocks
and one ofthe only active volcanoes is found on the peninsula. Another active volcano, Mt. Erebus, is found on Ross Island, just west of
the Transantarctic Mountains. Typical rocks would include andesite, basalt, granitics, dolerite (a course-grained basalt), Slate, marble,
and quartzite. Antarctica is currently tectonically stable in that it experiences little or no volcanism, earthquakes, and is not in motion.

The mountainous regions of Antarctica contain mineralized areas that were mostly formed by the intrusive activity during the Ellsworth
and Andean Orogenies. The extent and nature ofthese resources, and Whether they might be economic, is covered in another module.

The mountains have also played a part in making Antarctica the best meteorite hunting ground on Earth. The ice sheet acts like a
storehouse for the meteorites, incorporating them Within the ice and keeping them safe from weathering and erosive forces and eventually
dumping them into the sea as the ice flows offthe continent. Some ofthe mountains, however, act as a barrierto this seaward ice
movement. The ice is prevented from flowing over or around these mountains and sublimates (changes directly to mp0rfrom the ice
phase) at the inland base ofthe mountains. This process leaves the meteorites on the surface as more and more old ice moves to the
surface and melts. The result is that more meteorites have been recovered in Antarctica in the last 15 years than in all other places on
Earth combined.

There are also fossils in the rocks of Antarctica. The Paleozoic rocks ofthe Transantarctic Mountains have plant fossils of Permiah age in
the coal beds, the younger rocks ofthese mountains have fossils of Triassic reptiles and amphibians. Fossils of a 40 million year old
mammal (a marsupial) have been found in the Antarctic Peninsula, suggesting a connection between Antarctica and South America at
that time.

Most plant and animal fossils are found in the Gondwana System of sedimentary beds in the Transantarctic Mountains or in the low-
grade metamorphic rocks ofthe Antarctic Peninsula. Fossils (including the f|rst land mammal fossil, a marsupial, found in 1982) and rock
types, ages, structure, and metamorphism permit correlation of Antarctica with the other continents believed to have once been united in
the ancestral continent of GONDWANALAND. Otherfossil evidence (including dinosaur remains, f|rst found in 1986) indicates that
Antarctica once had a climate milder than its present one.

The Kukri PENEPLAIN, an erosional surface on the Precambrian and lower Paleozoic basement rocks, has been identif|ed throughout
the Transantarctic Mountains. A Tertiary peneplain has been interpreted at several places in the Antarctic Peninsula and Pensacola,
Shackleton, and Prince Charles mountains. Active volcanoes are confined to the Transantarctic Mountains of Victoria Land, Marie Byrd
Land, and the South Shetland Islands. Block—faulted mountains are mostly in the Transantarctic Mountains, Queen Maud Land, and
Antarctic Peninsula.

Soils in Antarctica are limited to the ice—free areas, only 2% to 3% ofthe continent, and are patchy even there. They are thin, commonly
alkaline, and have little humus, although they have many soiI—forming bacteria. A "desert pa»ement" of rock fragments is common. Under
patches of Iichens and mosses or penguin rooken'es, organic acids play a discernible role in soil formation. Polygonal pattemed ground,
produced by growth of ice or sand wedges, develops on most soils.

Allochthonous Terranes or Cambrian Polar Wander: New Data from the Scott Glacier area, Transantarctic
Mountains, Antarctica
Anne M. Gmnow Byrd Polar Research Center, Columbus, Ohio and John Encarnación Saint Louis University, St. Louis,

Abstract. We present new paleomagnetic and isotopic data from the Transantarctic Mountains in East Antarctica that constrain the paleogeographic
position ofthis region during the late Earty and Middle Cambrian. Two new poles hate been determined from wlcanic and granitic rocks in the Scott
Glacier area. The first pole is from the Wyatt and Ackerman fon'nations (-—525 Ma) and the Mt. Paine tonalite (40ºE, 1ºN, A95=6º, N=11 VGP'S). The
second pole is from the Zanuck granite (36ºE, 7ºS, A95= 9º, N=9 VGP'S). These poles differ from the Gondwana Earty Paleozoic reference polea and
could indicate that the Scott Glacier area (and by geologic correlation, North Victoria Land, eastem Australia and West Antarctica?) was part of a
terrane accreted to East Gondwana in the Cambrian. Another possibility is that these new potes support rapid apparent polar wander in the late Early
Cambrian and Middle Cambrian. This apparent polar wander event could be related to rapid plate motions or to a true polar wander event. Lastly, there
may have been a local vertical axis rotation of the Scott Glacier area if the Wyatt pole is compared with the African Ntonya pole. (Tectonícs, 2000, v. 19,

New geologic constraints on basement rocks from the Shackleton Glacier region

Anne Grunow, John Encarnacion, and Tim Paulsen, Byrd Polar Research Center, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210 A.J.
Rowell, Museum of Invertebrate Paleontology and Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045

During austral summer 1995-1996, Grunow, Encarnacion, and Paulsen, plus Mike Roberts, were put-in by LC-130 on 20 November to a Held campjust
north of Cape Surprise. The objective of our f|e|d programs was to collect paleomagnetic, geochronologic, paleontologic, and structural samples from
basement granitoids, sedimentary, and volcanic rocks to improve understanding ofthe Early Paleozoic tectonic evolution ofthe Transantarctic
Mountains. We established a Ski-doo route between Cape Surprise and the Bravo Hills for our second base camp in early December (figure 1). We
encountered many large sastrugi and crev¿sses in the Gabbro and Bravo Hills areas making Ski-doo travel quite slow. From 9 December, our ñeldwork
was done by helicopter from the MacGregor camp where Bert Rowell joined us forthe remainder of our season. The weather was excellent until 10
December whereafter, on most days, cloud cover obscured many ofthe basement exposures between Lubbock Ridge and the Ross Ice Shelf. The
localities visited by Ski-doo, Twin Otter, or helicopter are shown on f|gure 1.

Prior knowledge ofthe age of basement rocks in the Shackleton Glacier area did not allow good geologic correlation with events elsewhere in Antarctica.
In the f|e|d area, 3 thick succession ofsilicic volcaniclastic rocks, lava flows, and some limestones forms the Taylor Formation. It is widely correlated
with the Fairweather Formation of Lileacier region to the east. The Henson marble forms the Fairweather Formation's upper member and was
commonly regarded as the equivalent ofthe limestones in the Taylor Formation (Wade 1974). On lithological grounds, Wade (1974) correlated the
Henson Marble with the Lower Cambrian Shackleton Limestone. One of our samples from the Henson Marble at Mount Fairweather contains what
appears to be recrystallized solitary, cone-shaped, doubIe-walled archaeocyath .

WeII-preserved trilobites from the upper part ofthe succession ofthe Taylor Formation at
Taylor Nunatak reveal that the limestones containing them are late Middle Cambrian and
much youngerthan the Henson Marble. Seemingly, the Taylor Formation is not correlativa
with the Fairweather Formation. The trilobites include Amphoton sp. cf. A. oatesi Palmer
and Gatehouse (1972) and Nelsonia sp., cf. N. schesis Palmer and Gatehouse, which can
-- be tied to Middle Cambrian successions. Nelsonia is endemic to Antarctica, but N. schesis
has been reported from northern Victoria Land (Cooper and Shergold 1991, pp. 20-62),
: where it occurs with cosmopolitan late Middle Cambrian trilobites. This age ¡5 compatible
¿__-¿3 with a 51516-million-year uranium-Iead Zircon date from Taylor Formation metarhyolites on
' 7,¡ Lubbock Ridge (Van Schmus et al. in press) and suggests that the enigmatic Cloudina?
' tubes from Taylor Nunatak (see Stump 1995) may have limited stratigraphic value.

- Structurally, the Lower Cambrian? Fairweather Formation is tightly folded, foliated, and
metamorphosed to greenschist/Iower amphibolite facies, whereas the late Middle Cambrian
Taylor Formation is relatively unmetamorphosed and larger only tilted with no penetrative
deformation. Several north-south trending subvertical shear zones, including mylonites, cut
probable correlatives ofthe Taylor Formation along the Shackleton Glacier. These shear
zones have downdip stretching lineations and may be associated with tilting ofthe Taylor Formation. We believe that the structural differences between
the Taylor and Fairweather formations reflect structural level such that both formations were deformed during a single event. ItIS possible, however, that a
late Early to early Middle Cambrian deformation event may have caused tight folding ofthe Fairweather Formation, and a second deformation event in
post-Iate Middle Cambrian time resulted in ductile shearing and tilting ofthe Taylor Formation. At O'Brien Peak, a granite that intrudes deformed marbles
and clastics has an S-C fabric indicating sinistral shear parallel to the mountain front. High-grade metamorphic rocks were observed at the small Sage
Nunatak, Bravo Hills, Mount Woodall, and Fallone Nunataks. Most ofthe granitoids between the Shackleton and Lileaciers are undeformed except at
their margina. Approximately 500 paleomagnetic dri|| cores and approximately 40 samples for isotopic dating were collected at the locations shown on
f|gure 1.

We thank Mike Roberts for his excellent mountaineering assistance and A.R. Palmer for confirming the trilobite identifications. This work was supported
by National Science Foundation grant OPP 93-17673 to Grunow; paleontological analyses were supported from grant OPP 91-17444 to Rowell.


. Cooper, R.A., and J.H. Shergold. 1991. Palaeozoic invertebrates of Antarctica. In R.J. T|ngey (Ed.), The geology of Antarctica. Oxford: Blackwell.
. Palmer, A.R., and C.G. Gatehouse. 1972. Early and Middle Cambrian trilobites from Antarctica (U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper456-
D). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.
. Stump, E. 1995. The Ross Orogen ofthe Transantarctic Mountains. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
. Van Schmus, W.R., L.W. McKenna, D.A. Gonzales, A.H. Fetter, and A..]. Rowell. In press. U—Pb geochronology of parts of the Pensacola, Thiel,
and Queen Maud Mountains, Antarctica. Proceedings volume VII ISARS, Siena, Italy.
. Wade, F.A. 1974. Geological sun/eys of Marie Byrd Land and the central Queen Maud Range. Antarctic Journal ofthe U.S., 9(5), 241-242.

The Geology of Antarctica

The geology of Antarctica is similar in many respecta to that ofthe other southern continents that once fon'ned the larger continent of Gondwana.
Because ofthis former union with other land masses, mineral resources in Antarctica are probable, but none of any signiticance hate been found,
perhaps because ofthe widespread cover (97%) of ice over the continent. Offshore oil and gas are presently unknown, but would seem to hold the best
prospect for any development in the near future, but perhaps not until questions of sotereignty and ownership of potential resources are resolved.

The geology of Antarctica has become known in detail only within about the last 25 years, larger as a result of the multinational research efforts that
started with the International Geophysical Year in 1957—1958. Although the continent was discovered in 1820, xery little was known of its geology until
about the turn ofthe century. James Eights, an American on a United States expedition in 1829»1831 to the South Shetland Islands (Fig. 1), described
the first fossil (carbonised wood) recorded from the Antarctic and made remarkably accurate obsen/ations on the geology ofthe islands, exen though he
was trained as a physician. Some earty expeditions collected continental rocks from icebergs, but the tirst geologic specimens obtained directly from
the continent were collected at Cape Adare in the 1898—1900 expedition of C.E. Borthgrevink. The tirst report of mineral resources from Antarctica came
from the Shackleton expedition of 1907—1909, when Frank Wild discovered coal measures at Mount Buckley near the head ofthe Beardmore Glacier.
Perhaps the hardest—won geologic specimens were the 16kg of rocks that were collected by R.F. Scott and his companions during their fatal return from
the South Pole in 1911—1912. All f|ve of Scott's fleld party died, but the rocks, which they had manhauled with them until theirñnal camp, were recovered
intact when the bodies were discovered the next season.
The general geologic framework of Antarctica thus became known slowly over a period of about half a century. Even though the geology of the interior
of Antarctica was essentially unknown at the time, in 1937 the South African geologist Alexander Du Toit published a book, Our Wanderíng Contínents,
Which sets forth in detail the geologic evidence then ami[able for continental dritt and for the existence of Gondwana, a protocontínent ofthe southern
hemisphere. Du Toit's Gondwana reassembly, which included Antarctica, predicted the geologic patterns to be expected in the continent's interior.
A contemporary view ofthis reassemny is shown in Fig. 2. The implications ofthis major southern supercontinent of Gondwana with regard to
potential mineral resources are discussed later.


Antarctica can be divided into two major geologic provinces. The larger part ofthe continent (EastAntz—1rctica) lies south of mainly the Atlantic and
Indian Oceans and is nearly all in east longitude. This geologic province consists ofa typical continental Precambrian shield, similar to Shield areas of
the other segments of Gondwana. West Antarctica appears to be small, detached continental plates which would appear as island archipelagoes ifthe
ice sheet were removed. Ice sheet thicknesses in EastAntz—1rctica are as much as 4500m, with rock exposures found mainly around the coastline. Most
of East Antarctica's bedrock would be above sea level, after allowing for isostatic rise, or crustal rebound, following removal ofthe weight ofthe ice sheet.
Less than about 3% ofthe continent is icefree (Fig. 1), Which is one ofthe reasons that detailed geologic studies are made difficult. Antarctica's current
glacial history began perhaps in Miocene time, or about 25 million years ago or more.
An interesting feature ofthe ice sheet is that a storehouse for meteorites. As Fig. 3 shows, meteorites have rained at different places on Antarctica's
xr¿st expanse of ice and at different times for many thousands of years. They are frozen in by subsequent snow accumulation and carried seaward by the
ice at 3 rate of 1-10m a year. Many ofthe meteorites thus reach the edge ofthe continent and xr¿nish out to sea in icebergs, melting out later and falling
to the sea bottom. In some cases, however, the horizontal flow of ice is stopped by a mountain barrier, and the stagnating ice will push upward against
it, depositing its cargo of meteorites on the surface at the end of an eternal conveyor belt of ice. Knowledge ofthis mechanism of ehtrapment, transport
and resurfacing of meteorites dates back to about 1973 when Japanese scientists discovered an unusual concentration of meteorites on the surface of
the ice sheet. Since that time, more meteorites have been found in Antarctica than have been found in previous occurrences in all other parts ofthe
Rocks of East Antarctica are as old as 3.8-3.5 billion years, as found in an Archaean crators block in Enderby Land, and possibly as old es 4.0 billion
years. The East Antarctic shield rocks include older igneous and metamorphic rocks, overlain by younger, fIat-Iying stratif|ed sedimentary rocks. By
contrast, West Antarctica is composed of generally younger rocks that are widely deformed and metamorphosed. Current volcahic activity can be seen
in the Antarctic Peninsula and islands ofthe Scotia Arc, and also along the boundary of East Antarctica in the Ross Sea area.
A striking feature of East Antarctica is the 3000 km long Transantarctic Mountains, a linear chain of outcrops of mostly Proterozoic and Palaeozoic
rocks overlain unconformably by rocks ofthe Beacon Supergroup, a sequence of mostly fIat-Iying, middle Palaeozoic and lower Mesozoic rocks. Beacon
rocks contain evidence of Gondwana strata similarto that ofthe other southern continents. Some ofthis common evidence includes (1) a much older
glacial history than at present, in late Palaeozoic time (Permian), and of continental dimensions; (2) overlying coal beds of younger Permian age; (3)
fossil material, both in Palaeozoic and Mesozoic strata, of plants (Permian-Carboniferous Glossopteris and related plants associated With the coal beds)
and animals (Triassic reptiles and amphibia that moved along land routes in Gondwana); and (4) Jurassic igneous rocks (Ferrar Dolerite) Which intruded
Beacon rocks as silla and dikes over much ofthe Transantarctic Mountains Much more recently in geologic time and in the breakup history of
Gondwana, the first discovery ofa fossil land mammal (a marsupial) was made in 1982 in late Eocene rocks (about 40 million years old) near the tip of
the Antarctic Peninsula, thus adding more evidence for a land connection between this part of Antarctica and South America.
Breakup of Gondwana into the present continents ofthe southern hemisphere began in about Late Triassic or Early Jurassic time by separation of
crustal platea, and was characterized by rifting and emplacement of Ferrar Dolerite in the Transantarctic Mountains. Breakup ofthe various components
of Gondwana continued, however, for many millions of years, culminating in the separation of Australia and Antarctica during Eocene time, and South
America from West Antarctica in late Oligocene time. The crustal platea responsible for movement and relocation ofthe Gondwana segments are
presumably still active, although motion is exceedingly slow and possibly cannot be measured Within the short time Span of humans on the Earth.

Initial results of geologic investigations in the Shackleton Range and southern Coats Land nunataks, Antarctica

FREDERICK E. HUTSON, MARK A. HELPER, IAN W.D. DALZIEL, and STEPHEN W. GRIMES, Department of Geological Sciences and Institute for
Geophysics, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712

We present here initial results of geologic investigations conducted during the 1993-1994 f|e|d season in the Shackleton Range and the southern Coats
Land nunataks (Dalziel et al. 1994). The major goal ofthis study is to test the "SWEAT' (Southwest U.S.-East Antarctica) hypothesis, Which proposes
that Laurentia and East Antarctica-Australia were juxtaposed in the Proterozoic and formed part ofthe supercontinent, Rodihia (Dalziel 1991; Moores
1991). The SWEAT hypothesis suggests that the approximater 1.0-billion-year—old rocks ofthe southern Coats Land nunataks are a continuation ofthe
1.0- to 1.3-billion-year—old Grenville Province of North America and that approximater 1.6- to 1.8-billion-year—old rocks ofthe Yawpi/Mazatzal Prow'nce in
the southwestern U.S. are correlative with broadly similar—age rocks in the Shackleton Range. We are examining the hypothesis by

. comparing the igneous rocks ofthe southern Coats Land nunataks and basement rocks ofthe Shackleton Range with their proposed equivalents
in the southwestern U.S.;
. attempting to correlate the late Neoproterozoic Watts Needle Formation, which is exposed in the southern Shackleton Range, with Similar-age
sequences in Australia and western North America;
. determining paleomagnetically the position ofthe east antarctic craton relative to Laurentia between approximately 1.0 and 0.7 billion years ago.

Southern Coats Land nunataks

The Bertrab, Littlewood and Moltke nunataks are exposed along the southeastern Weddell Sea coast and are herein collectiver referred to as the
' ' southern Coats Land nunatak5. We mapped and sampled the Bertrab and
…… ¡“…*—“ Littlewood nunataks but were unable to visit Moltke Nunatak, which¡s exposed in
? an ice—fall. Marsh and Thomson (1984) discuss the confusion over the exact
…|p¡_ location ofthe Bertrab Nunataks. Using air photographs and satellite data, these
r LNIP7. authors determined the position of the largest nunatak of the group as 7753'S
¡ 3438'W. We conñnned this position using a hand—held global positioning system
LITTLEWOOD device, which was also used to locate and map the other nunataks of the Bertrab
NUNATAKS and Littlewood Groups.
0 200
_ Mclus The Bertrab Nunataks are composed of red—tegray weathering, ñne— to medium-
Approximnle Scale
grained, oligoclasephyric, isotropic granophyre, which is cut by ñow-banded
rhyolite dikes and altered, maf¡c dikes (figure 2 C ) (Toubes Spinelli 1983; Marsh
and Thomson 1984; Gose et al. 1997). The the small outcrops of the Littlewood
Nunataks (f|gure 2 D ) are composed of red—weathering, denser silicifued rhyolite
(Aughenbaugh, Lounsbury, and Behrendt 1965). Storey, Pankhurst, and Johnson
(1994) report a whoIe—rock rubidium»strontium (Rb—Sr) age of 1,07617 million years
for the Bertrab granophyre and a recalculated whoIe—rock Rb—Sr age of 976135
million years for a mixture of samples from Bertrab and Littlewood nunataks.
* M- "- 94 “Q Aughenbaugh et al. (1965) report a whole»rock potassíum—argon (K-Ar) age of
840+30 million years for rhyolite at the largest outcrop of the Littlewood Nunataks.

Uranium-Iead (U-Pb) isotopic analyses of two fractions of Zircon from the Littlewood rhyolite and two fractions of titanite from the Bertrab granophyre yield
concordant U-Pb ages of 1,11214 million years and 1,10613 million years, respectiver (Gose et al. 1997). The ages represent ¿¡ crystallízatíon age for
the rhyolite and a cooling age forthe granophyre. These ages support earlier suggestions ofa cogenetic origin forthe granophyre and rhyolite and
indicate cooling ofthe granophyre below the magnetite Curie Point (580€) by approximater 1.1 billion years ago.

Eighty-four oriented samples were collected from six sites (four in the granophyre and two in rhyolite dikes) at the Bertrab Nunataks and three sites in
the rhyolite at the Littlewood Nunataks (flgures 2 C and D ). Rock magnetic and petrologic studies indicate that magnetite is the dominant carrier of
magnetic remanence in the Bertrab granophyre and hematite is the carrier forthe Littlewood rhyolite. Site means ofthe Bertrab and Littlewood samples
are indistinguishable and yield a mean pole position of 23.98 258.5E with an error of 395=4.00 (Gose et al. 1997). The remanent magnetization is
interpreted as a primary thermal remanent magnetization. This interpretation is supported by a lack of evidence for laterthermal resetting (Aughenbaugh
et al. 1965; Marsh and Thomson 1984; Gose et al. 1997), as well as a broad similarity ofthe Coats Land pole position with paleopoles obtained from
approximately 1.0-billion-year-old rocks in Queen Maud Land (Hodgkinson 1989; Peters 1989) and dissimilarity to poles obtained from younger rocks in
Antarctica (cf. DiVenere, Kent, and Dalziel 1995; Grunow 1995).

After rotation ofthe east antarctic craton about an Euler pole consistent With the SWEAT
reconstruction, our new Coats Land pole falls directly on the Laurentiah apparent polar
wander path (APWP), lending support to the Rodinian reconstruction of Dalziel (1991) (ñgure
3). Our approximately 1,100-million-year—old Coats Land pole, however, overlaps poles that
def|ne the 1,000-million-year-old segment ofthe Laurentian APWP. Uncertainties in the age
of magnetization acquisition for both the polea ofthe Laurentian APWP and the Coats Land
pole may account forthis discrepancy.

Shackleton Range

The Shackleton Range is composed of Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic basement gneisses and

granitoids overlain by upper Neoproterozoic and lower Paleozoic supracrustal rocks (Marsh
1983; Pankhurst, Marsh, and Clarkson 1983). Concurrent studies ofthe basement and supracrustal rocks are underway with the aim of comparing the
tectonic history ofthe range with equivalent age rocks in the southwestern United States. Our initial efforts have focused on isotopic and structural
studies of basement rocks and a paleomagnetic study ofthe overlying Neoproterozoic clastic and carbonate rocks ofthe Watts Needle Formation ofthe
Read Mountains in the southern Shackleton Range.

In the central Read Mountains, the basement comprises middle amphibolite to granulite-grade gneisses, amphibolites, and migmatites intruded by
tariany foliated to unfoliated granitoids (Read Group; Olesch et al. in press). Foliated but nonmylonitic migmatites and relict granulites occur north of an
east-West striking, south-dipping zone of intense mylonitization, the Read Mountain Mylonite Zone (RMMZ) (Helper, Grimes, and Dalziel 1995), that
transects the central part ofthe range. Grain size reduction textures in quartz and feldspar Within mylonites of a xeriety of lithologies are consistent With
shearing at amphibolite facies conditions. Subparallel zones of phyllonite and lower temperature mylonite Within the southern portion ofthe RMMZ
indicate renewed or continued motion at greenschist facies conditions. Both fabrics are cut by subhorizontal to moderater north-dippihg, brittle shears
and faults. Maximum ages of mylonitization and dynamic metamorphism are constrained by new U-Pb Zircon ages of approximately 1,790 million years
and approximately 1,785 million years (Helper unpublished data) for ¡¡ slightly discordant, dioritic layer of mylonitic orthogneiss and a concordant
deformed tonalite dike, respectively. These ages are interpreted as crystallization ages ofthe igneous precursors. The tonalite dike is subparallel to the
mylonitic foliation and is boudinaged but not internally foliated, possibly indicating late-kinematic emplacement. Further U-Pb dating of cross-cutting
dikes and granitoids, as well as high-grade orthogneisses, is presently underway to constrain the minimum age of ductile deformation and to directly
date the metamorphism.

The Watts Needle Formation is composed of ¡¡ lower clastic and upper carbonate unit that reste nonconformably on Mesoproterozoic granitoids (Marsh
1983). A Vendian age has been assigned on the basis of acritarchs, stromatolites, and a whole-rock Rb-Sr model age of 720 million years (Golovanov et
al. 1979; Pankhurst et al. 1983; Weber 1991). A detailed study ofthis unit may enable us to correlate it with other weII-studied Vendian units worldwide
(cf. Kirschvink et al. 1991).

We collected oriented samples from both the granitic basement (31 samples) and overlying Watts Needle Formation (157 samples) at Mount Wegener
and Nicol Crags. Samples were drilled at approximately 1.0-meter intervals and 10 or more cores were collected at selected stratigraphic horizons.

Paleomagnetic results from basal red siltstones and sandstones ofthe Watts Needle Formation at Mount Wegener yield a preliminary mean pole
position at 18.55 44.3E with an 395=7.50 (Hutson, Gose, and Dalziel 1995). A quartz arenite layer that underlies the upper carbonate section at Mount
Wegener yields ¡¡ preliminary mean pole position at 4.35 56.4E with an 395=11.10 (Hutson et al. 1995). A weII-deflned component of primary remanent
magnetization forthese units was not reset during later tectonic events (e.g., Ross Orogeny). Evidence forthis interpretation includes the following:

. both normal and reversed polarities in samples from the quartz arenite unit and
. our pole positions, Which are clearly different from published Early Paleozoic pole positions for the antarctic craton (cf. Grunow 1995).

Paleopoles from the Watts Needle Formation fall close to North American paleopoles of similar age after rotation of East Antarctica into a position
adjacent to western North America, as suggested by the SWEAT hypothesis. The paleomagnetic data from the Watts Needle Formation support the
juxtaposition ofthe Laurentian and east antarctic cratons at approximately 750 million years ago.

Paleomagnetic studies of basement rocks of the Read Mountains and the lower Paleozoic Blaiklock Glacier Group are unden¡vay. Initial results from a
conglomerate test in the Blaiklock Glacier Group suggest that a primary magnetization component may be recovered from these clastic rocks.

This research is supported by National Science Foundation grant OPP 91—17996. We thank .J. Connelly and Kathy Manser for assistance and technical
support with U—Pb isotopic work.


. Aughenbaugh, N.B., R.W. Lounsbury, and J.C. Behrendt. 1965. The Littlewood Nunataks, Antarctica. Joumal of Geology , 73(6), 889—894.

. Dalziel, I.W.D. 1991. Pacific margina of Laurentia and East Antamtica/Australia as a conjugate ritt pair. Evidence and implications for an
Eocambrian supercontinent. Geology , 19(6), 5984501.

. Dalziel, I.W.D. 1992. Antarctica: A tale of two supercontinents? Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences , 20, 501 —526.

. Dalziel, I.W.D., M.A. Helper, F.E. Hutson, and S.W. Grimes. 1994. Geologic investigations in the Shackleton Range and Coats Land nunataks,
Antarctica. Antarctic Journal ofthe U.S. , 29(5), 4-6.

. DiVenere, V., D.V. Kent, and I.W.D. Dalziel. 1995. Early Cretaceous paleomagnetic results from Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica: lmplícatíons
forthe Weddellia collage ofcrustal blocks. Journal of Geophysical Research , 100(35), 8133-8151.

. Golowanov, N.P., V.E. Mil'shteyn, V.M. Mikhaylov, and O.G. Shulyatin. 1979. Stromatoliths and microphytoliths ofthe Shackleton Range
(western Antarctica). Doklady Akademii Nauk , SSSR. 249(4), 977-979. [In Russian]

. Gose, W.A., I.W.D. Dalziel, M.A. Helper, F.E. Hutson, and .J.N. Connelly. 1997. Paleomagnetic data and U-Pb isotopic ages from Coats Land,
Antarctica: A test ofthe Laurentian-East Antarctic ("SWEAT“) connection. Journal of Geophysical Research , 102(B4), 7887—7902.

. Grunow, AM. 1995. Implications for Gondwana of new Ordovician paleomagnetic data from igneous rocks in southern Victoria Land, East
Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research , 100(B7), 12589-12603.
. Helper, M.A., S.W. Grimes, and I.W.D. Dalziel. 1995. Basement-cover relations and fabrica ofthe central Read Mountains, Shackleton Range,
Antarctica. Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, Siena, Italy. [Abstract]

. Hodgkinson, G.R. 1989. Palaeomagnetic studies in western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. (Unpublished Masters of Science thesis,
Department of Geophysics, University of Witwatersrand, Republic of South Africa.)

. Hutson, F.E., W.A. Gose, and I.W.D. Dalziel. 1995. Paleomagnetic results from the Neoproterozoic Watts Needle Formation, Shackleton Range,
Antarctica. Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, Siena, Italy. [Abstract]

. Kirschvink, J.L., M. Magaritz, R.L. Ripperdan, A.Yu. Zhuravtev, and A.Yu. Rozanov. 1991. The Precambrian/Cambrian boundary:
Magnetostratigraphy and carbon isotopes resolve correlation problems between Siberia, Morocco, and South China. GSA Today , 1(4), 69-71, 87,

. Marsh, P.D. 1983. The Late Precambrian and Early Paleozoic history ofthe Shackleton Range, Coats Land. In R.L. Oliver, P.R. James, and J.B.
Jago (Eds.), Antarctic earth science . Canberra: Australian Academy of Science.

. Marsh, P.D., and J.W. Thomson. 1984. Location and geology of nunataks in north-Western Coats Land. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin , 65, 33-

. Moores, E.M. 1991. The Southwest U.S.-East Antarctica (SWEAT) connection: A hypothesis. Geology , 19(5), 425428.

. Moyes, A.B., J.M. Barton, Jr., and P.B. Groenewald. 1993. Late Proterozoic to Early Paleozoic tectonism in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica:
Supercontinental fragmentation and amalgamation. Journal ofthe Geological Society London , 150, 833-842.

. Olesch, M., H.M. Braun, E.N. Kamenev, G.I. Kamenev, and W. Schubert. In press. Read Group. In J.W. Thomson (Ed.), British Antarctic Survey
Geomap 4 .

. Pankhurst, R.J., P.D. Marsh, and P.D. Clarkson. 1983. A geochronological investigation ofthe Shackleton Range. In R.L. Oliver, P.R. James, and
J.B. Jago (Eds.), Antarctic earth science . Canberra: Australian Academy of Science.

. Peters, M. 1989. Igneous rocks in western and central Neuschwabenland, Vestfjella and Ahlmannryggen, Antarctica: Petrography, geochemistry,
geochronology, paleomagnetism, geotectonic implications. Berichte zur Polarforschung (Vol. 61). Bremerhaven, Germany: AIfred-Wegener—
Institute for Polar and Marine Research.

. Storey, B.C., R..]. Pankhurst, and A.C. Johnson. 1994. The Grenville Province within Antarctica: A test ofthe SWEAT hypothesis. Journal ofthe
Geological Society London , 151, 1—4.

. Toubes Spinelli, R.O. 1983. Geology ofthe Bertrab Nunatak, Argentinien sector of Antarctica. Contribucion Instituto Antarctico Argentino , 296, 1-
9. [In Spanish]

. Weber, K. 1991. Microfossils in Proterozoic sediments from the Southern Shackleton Range, Antarctica: A preliminary report. Zeitschrift fúr
Geologie Wiseenschaft , 19(2), 185-197.

Reprinted from the December 1997 online issue of Antarctic Journal ofthe United States (volume 32, number 4).

Cambrian magmatic rocks of the Ellsworth Mountains, West Antarctica

MARGARET N. REES, EUGENE |. SMITH, and DEBORAH L. KEENAN, Department of Geoscience, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada 89154
ERNEST M. DUEBENDORFER, Department of Geology, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona 86011

A critical element inreconstructjng the paleo-Paciíic margin ofGondwanaland is the Ellsworth—Wtútrmre rmuntains terrane that lies between the
Transanlamtic Mountains and Antarctic Peninsula (Storey et aL 1988). Paleomag1etic data suggest that during the Canbrian, the tenane lay near
the juncture 0fAíiíca and Antarctica (Grunow 1995), Nevertheless, much of the tectonic history ofthjs terrane is equivocal and numerous
conñicting models have been proposed regaldjng its tectonic setting and timing 0fmagmatísm (Vennum et al. 1992; Grunow 1995; Cuttis and
Storey 1996; Dalziel 1997). Thus, one aspect ofour larger Ellsworth Mountains project focused on the geochenistry and geochronology of
magmatic rocks in the northemHe1itage Range ofthe Ellsworth Mountains We conducted íieldwork dmng the 1996—1997 austral summer and
subsequentty completed laboratory analyses. The Cambrian Heritage Group is
composed ofvolcanic and sedimentmy rocks (QM) (Webers et al. 1992) that are
uncontbrmany owrlain by the Ordovicizm(?)-Devonian silicíclastic Cmshsíte Group (Duebendorfer
and Rees inpress). The dominant structures in the range, which are attributed to the Triassíc
Ellsworth/Gomtwanide Orogeny, are notth—northwest—tremting folds and a series ofeast—vergent
stacked thrust sheets that have djsrupted the stmtigmphic successíon. In addition, the Heritage
Group preserves evidence ofan earlier pre-Crashsite Group defonmtion that is attnbuted to
defonmtion within the Ross orogen (Duebendorfer and Rees in press).

Volcanic rocks within the doninantty sedimentaly succession ofthe Heritage Group are present in
the Union Glacier and Springer Peak formations (figure 2) (Webers et al. 1992). In the Union
Glacier Formation, basalt to andesite hya]oclastite deposits, and ñows and interbedded sedimentary
rocks loca]1y are cut by dikes ofbasalt. The hya]oclastite deposits have yielded uraniumflead (U/Pb)
Zircon ages of 5 12:t:14 million years (Van Schmus personal comrmnúcatíon). This date, together
with other stratigraphic data (Duebendorfer and Rees in press) and the timesca]e of Shergold (1995), suggests deposition during the late Early
Cambrian or early Middle Cambrian.
3 HowoldNunaloka The Union Glacier volcanic rocks are suba]kaline, tho]eittic basa]t and píctitic basalt With 50 to 62 weight
_T'ñí _E_ "“ percent si]ica ($102). A]11mina (A1203), mm (Ti02), fem'c iron (Fe0), lime (Ca0), magnesía (Mg0),
M 2 and soda (N2120) decrease with increasing Si02. Their magnesíum number (Mgti; mag1esium divided by
ºº""ºº' Pººk Fm“ ; the sum ofmagnesium plus iron) Vaties from 42 to 65. These rocks are emiched in light rare earth
Congt mdge Fm % elements (LREE) when compared to chondlitic abundances (60-200x) and display negative niobium
% …… ¡ce… ¡… % (Nb), tantalmn (Ta), and titanium (Ti) anomalies. Epsilon neodymium (Nd) Varies ñ'om +2 to -1, and initial
¿ ““"“ % strontimn—87/strontimn—Só (87Sr/865r) between 0.7043 and 0.7095. Their geochemístry is very similar to
5 "Yºº G'ºº*º' Fm Í: that ofmid—oceanic ridge basa]t from the Gulf ofCalifornia (Saunders et al. 1982), and they have trace
¿' ? element abundances reflecting asthenosphetic and ]ithosphen'c mantle and cmstal components. Nd model
un…… G…e' … % ¿E€ 512:14Ma ages of 0.9 to 1.0 billion years from the Union Glacier volcanjc rocks (Walker personalcotmmxúcation)
' ¿: may suggest the age of the underlying ]ithosphere of the newly formed narrow ocean basin

Pi]]ow basa]t and ñows cut by diabase and gabbro djl(es and sí]]s are present in the Springer Peak
Formation (ñgure 2). Leca]ly, isolated basa]t How ]obes are interbedded With latest Middle Cambrian
fossi]jferous sha]e and ]imestone that indicate maf1c magmatism continued in the region until approximater 500 million years ago, using the timescale
of Shergold (1995).

Springer Peak Formation volcanic rocks are subalkaline, calc-alkalic basalt, andesite, and trachyandesite with 7 E_|_v¡ An…,cnw
37 to 50 percent Si02. A1203, Ti02, and CaO decrease with increasing Si02. Their Mg:$ varies ñºom 42 to ' ' .-… Í X'_
65. These rocks have low rubidium (Rh), potassium (K), and Sr due to alteration and lack high field strength x _|thasphete
element (Nb, Ta) anomalies when normalized to primitive mande. They are moderater entiched in LREE (40-
80x chondlite), have an epsilon Nd of+5, and initial 87Sr/865r 0f0.705. The basa]t is similar to en11'ched mid— Aº…»
oceanic ridge basa]t (MORE) although their higher bañum (Ba) and Sr may suggest either source EM Amas…
heterogeneity, a]teration, or minor sediment input. We suggest that they erupted in an ocean basin wider than ¡ , fñ/7f/“º'
that represented by Union Glacier volcanics and in Which the ]ithosphen'c mant]e had been delaminated (flgure .'' .
3 B ). '' %
B. Middle Cambrian A50henosoheve
Dacite and rhyolite sil]s and djkes were observed in the Springer Peak Formation on Yochelson Ridge in the
Heritage Range. These rocks, however, have yie]ded Zircon U/Pb dates of49 86 million years (Van Schmus
personal communication). Again using the timescale of Shergold (1995), these rocks could represent & Late
Cambrian magmatic episode that postdated the Springer Peak Formation and predated deposition of the
Crashsite Group.

These intrusions are calc-alkaline dacite and rhyolite with Si02 content between 75 to 87 percent Si02, and
Mg? between 22 and 40. They are enñched in large-ion ]ithophjle elements (LIL) and LREE (500x chondn'te) but depleted in Ba and Sr. They
have negative anomalies ¿1th and zirconium (Zr), & very strong negative anomaly at Ti when compared to primitíve mantle, and dístinct negative
europium (Eu) anomaly compared to chondn'te. Epsilon Nd is +0.5 and intitíal 87Sr/8651" is 0.713. Tectonic discrimination díagrams suggest that the
dacite and rhyolite íntrusives formed in a continental arc setting. Fu1thennore, the geochemical and isotopic djñterences preclude these more felsíc
rocks ofYochelson Ridge from being produced by fractional crystallization ofmagmas that produced the maña succession in the Springer Peak.
Thus, the later íielsic rocks represent closing ofthe narrow ocean basin and onset of subduction related magmatism (f|gure 3 C ).

Our geochemical and geochromlogical study of the Union Glacier and Springer Peak fbnmtions of the Heritage Group in the Ellsworth Mountains
indicates opening of& narrow ocean basin during late Early through Middle Cambrian time. The subsequent Late Cambrian arc magmath
together with deñmmtion and ]ow—gmde metamrphism of the Heritage Group and the angular mmontbm1in at the base of the overlying Crashsíte
Group ale compelling evidence that the Ellsworth-Whitrmre mountains temme lay Within the Cambrian mobile belts Ofthe paleo-Pacíñc-facíng
margin ofGondwanaland.

This reseamh was supported by National Science Foundation gmnts OPP 92—20395 and OPP 93— 12040.


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