Solution Lagrangian One Degree of Freedom

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Classical Mechanics - Homework 5

Prof. Uwe R. Fischer

from 2014-05-07 (Wed) to 2014-05-21 (Wed) 5:00 pm

Where to submit: HW box at the 1st floor, TA : Cook-Hyun Kim (protozerta at

1. (6 points) Hamiltonian with Gauge Field

An electron of mass m and charge −e is moving in the homogeneous magnetic field B.

B = (0, 0, B) = ∇ × A

Here A is given as
A(r) = (−y, +x, 0),
which satisfies the Coulomb gauge ∇ · A = 0.
(a) Choosing generalized coordinates as q1 = x, q2 = y, q3 = z, show that the Hamilto-
nian H(q, p) is obtained as follows.

H= + H0 ,
1 ( 1 )2 1 ( 1 )2
H0 = p1 − mωc q2 + p2 + mωc q1 ,
2m 2 2m 2
where ωc = m.
(b) For p3 = 0, H = H0 , it becomes a 2D problem. Consider a transformation (q, p) →
(Q, P) given by generating function F1 (q, Q) where F1 is
F1 (q, Q) = mωc (q1 Q1 + q2 Q2 − Q1 Q2 − q1 q2 ).
Calculate the following transformation formulas (this is a 2D problem, so the number
of formulas will be 8).

q = q(Q, P), p = p(Q, P), Q = Q(q, p), P = P(q, p).

(c) What is the transformed Hamiltonian H̃(Q, P)? Which coordinate remains to be
solved for?
(d) Deduce a different type of generating function F2 (q, P) which gives the same trans-
formation formulas as in (b).

2. (6 points) Electron Motion Around a Magnetic Dipole

A particle of mass m and charge q is moving in the equatorial plane z = 0 of a magnetic
dipole of moment µ, described by a vector potential with the single non-zero component,

Aφ = µ0 µ sin θ/4πr2 .

Show that it will continue to move in this plane. Initially, it is approaching from a great
distance with velocity v and impact parameter b, whose sign is defined to be that of
pφ . Show that v and pφ are constants of the motion, and that the distance of closest
qpproach to the dipole is
1√ 2
b ∓ a2 ± b2 ,

according as b > a or a > b, where a2 = µ0 qµ/πmv. (Here qµ is assumed positive.)
Find also the range of values of b for which the velocity can become purely radial, and
the distances at which it does so. Describe qualitatively the appearance of the orbits
for different values of b. (Hint: It may be useful to sketch the effective radial potential
energy function.)

3. (4 points) Hamiltonian for the Damped Harmonic Oscillator

Consider a point mass m, which is suspended on a spring with spring constant D. When
it is moving, the friction force is proportional to the velocity. This system can be actually
described by the following Lagrangian:
( )
( dx ) m ( dx )2 1 t
L x, ; t = − Dx2 e τ .
dt 2 dt 2

Find the Lagrangian equation of motion. What is the canonical momentum? What is
the Hamiltonian? Is the energy conserved? Is H the sum of kinetic and potential energy?
Find the Hamiltonian equations of motion. Describe the results and conclusions you can
make from them.

4. (5 points) A Pendulum Hanging from a Trolley

A simple pendulum of mass m and length l hangs from a trolley of mass M running on
smooth horizontal rails. The pendulum swings in a plane parallel to the rails. Using the
position x of the trolley and the angle of inclination θ of the pendulum as generalized
coordinates, write down the Lagrangian funciton, and Lagrange’s equations. Show that
x is ignorable. Obtain an equation of motion for θ alone. Finally, find the Hamiltonian
of the system.

5. (6 points) Integrals of Motion

(a) i. f = f (q, p; t) is a mechanical observable (phase-space function). How can we

check, with the help of the Poisson bracket, whether it is an integral of motion?
ii. The mechanical observables f (q, p; t) and g(q, p; t) are integrals of motion. Show
that then the Poisson bracket {f, g} is an integral of motion.
iii. Verify that the linear oscillator mechanical observables,

f (q, p; t) = p sin ωt − mωq cos ωt,

is an integral of motion.
(b) i. The Lagrangian for a system of one degree of freedom can be written as
m 2
L= (q̇ sin ωt + q̇qω sin 2ωt + q 2 ω 2 ).
What is the corresponding Hamiltonian? Is it conserved?
ii. Introduce a new coordinate defined by Q = q sin ωt. Find the Lagrangian in
terms of the new coordinate and the corresponding Hamiltonian. Is H conserved?

6. (6 points) Canonical Transformations

(a) Show directly that, for a system of one degree of freedom, the transformation
Q = arctan , P = q cot p
is canonical.
(b) The transformation equations between two sets of coordinates are
( √ )
Q = log 1 + q cos p ,
√ √
P = 2(1 + q cos p) q sin p.

i. Show directly from these transformation equations that Q, P are canonical
variables if q and p are.
ii. Show that the function that generates this transformation is F3 = −(eQ −
1)2 tan p.
(c) Find under what conditions
Q= , P = βx2 ,
where α and β are constants, represents a canonical transformation for a system of
one degree of freedom and obtain a suitable generating function. Apply the trans-
formation to the solution of the linear harmonic oscillator.

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