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Imaging Frontiers

ImageJ for microscopy

Tony J. Collins

BioTechniques 43:S25-S30 (July 2007)

doi 10.2144/000112517

INTRODUCTION of short add-on programs to provide to help the Laboratory of Molecular

additional functionality to the core Signaling in Babraham Institute (UK),
ImageJ will celebrate its tenth program. These additional files are I developed it further at the Wright Cell
anniversary in September of this year. either written in Java (the plugins) or in Imaging Facility (TWRI, Canada);
These past 10 years have seen the Java- ImageJ’s macro programming language here it was released as WCIF ImageJ.
based open-source software mature (macros). Once saved to the ImageJ When I recently joined the McMaster
into an invaluable laboratory tool. In plugins folder, these functions are Biophotonics Facility (MBF; www.
addition to its impressive functionality, loaded on start-up and can be accessed at McMaster
this cutting-edge image-processing via menu commands like any other core University, Hamilton, Canada, I was
tool has an indispensable support function. encouraged to maintain this ImageJ for
community of enthusiasts on the ImageJ Microscopy bundle.
mailing list. 400+ PLUGINS Here the package was resurrected as
Wayne Rasband is the core author of MBF ImageJ, containing all the plugins
ImageJ; after developing the Macintosh- Freely available for individual that I have found useful. The plugins are
based National Institutes of Health download, the 400+ plugins contribute organized in submenus, and the bundle
(NIH) Image for 10 years, he made the to the success of ImageJ, but can is described in an extensively illustrated
brave decision of starting afresh with also be overwhelming by their sheer online manual (which evolved from
ImageJ using the Java programming magnitude. Where to start? One at a the original lab instructions). Users of
language. By shifting to Java, Rasband time? the bundle are encouraged to cite the
liberated the software from an The long list of plugins reflects original authors of the plugins, who
individual operating system. To run ImageJ’s usage throughout a range of have been kind enough to make the
ImageJ, a given system needs only the fields in science and engineering; it is results of their work freely available.
operating system-specific Java runtime used in medical imaging, microscopy, The online manual provides links to
environment. Java runtime environ- the material sciences, not to mention original plugins and authors’ pages.
ments (JRE) are freely available, either biological light microscopy. A review In the following discussion, I describe
from Sun or bundled with platform- of the breadth of ImageJ’s role in image plugins included in the MBF ImageJ
specific installations of ImageJ (rsb. processing and analysis was published bundle (these are freely available on an With JRE available in July 2004 in BioTechniques. This individual basis elsewhere).
for most operating systems, ImageJ range of applications is reflected in the The bundle comes in two forms.
is platform-independent, running on plugins available. As such, not all are The first is a one-stop solution for
Macintosh, Windows, Linux, and even suited for use in microscopy, and some Windows users. This includes a setup
a PDA operating system. The new 64- need to be finessed. Needless to say, file that installs all of the required
bit operating systems and their JRE collecting and maintaining the add-on files. The second version is for non-
have happily broken the long-held 1.7 files that could benefit a given research Windows users. Here, the appropriate
Gb memory limit for Java applica- program would be prohibitively time- version of ImageJ from the ImageJ
tions. One of the downsides of the Java consuming and arduous. homepage must be installed followed
heritage is an interface that may feel a by a download of the plugins only
little unfamiliar. However, a few steps MBF ImageJ file (which must be
into ImageJ, and this minor inconve- unzipped to a user’s ImageJ folder).
nience is forgotten. The ImageJ for Microscopy Each of these approaches will match
While Rasband is the author of bundle and accompanying manual the installed ImageJ to the version
the core program, an extensive group was developed to manage this wide- described in the online MBF_ImageJ
of additional developers has written ranging array of plugins. Initially manual.
and made available a growing arsenal collated from the ImageJ home page

McMaster Biophotonics Facility, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada

Supplement to Vol. 43 ı No. 1 | 2007 ı BioTechniques ı 25

Imaging Frontiers

Table 1. Abridged List of Microscopy-Related File Formats Supported by ImageJ Through the LOCI Group’s Loci_Tools Plugin Suite
ABD TIFF tif Andor Bio-imaging Division (Andor Technology)
Alicona 3D al3d Alicona Imaging
Amersham Biosciences GEL gel Molecular Dynamics (GE Healthcare Life Sciences)
AxioVision zvi Carl Zeiss Vision (Carl Zeiss)
Deltavision dv, r3d Applied Precision
Digital Imaging and Communication in dcm, dicom National Electrical Manufacturers Association
Digital Micrograph dm3 Gatan
Flexible Image Transport System fits National Radio Astronomy Observatory
FluoView FV1000 OIB oib, oif (tif, roi, pty, lut, bmp) Olympus
FluoView TIFF tif Olympus
Image Cytometry Standard ics, ids Reference 6
Image-Pro Sequence seq, ipw Media Cybernetics
Imaris ims Bitplane
IPLab ipl Scanalytics (BD Biosciences)
Laser Scanning Microscope 510 lsm Carl Zeiss Microscopy (Carl Zeiss)
Leica lei + tif Leica Microsystems (Leica)
Leica Image File Format lif Leica Microsystems (Leica)
Medical Research Council mrc MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
MetaMorph stk Universal Imaging (Molecular Devices)
Nikon nef + tif, nd2 Nikon
OME-TIFF tiff Laboratory for Optical and Computational
OME-XML ome Open Microscopy Environment
Openlab liff & RAW Improvision
PerkinElmer UltraView tif, tim, zpo, csv, htm, ano, rec, cfg, 2, PerkinElmer
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ...
PIC pic Bio-Rad (Carl Zeiss)
Prairie TIFF tif, xml, cfg Prairie Technologies
QuickTime mov Apple Computer
SlideBook sld Intelligent Imaging Innovations and Olympus
SPCImage sdt Becker & Hickl
μManager tif, txt Vale Lab
A full list of supported formats and additional functions can be found at the LOCI Group’s web site at

FILE FORMATS step—all required for proper interpre- when we took possession of our Leica
tation of the data. TCS SP5 confocal, it came with yet
ImageJ supports a wide number of Recently the LOCI group from the another proprietary image format. The
standard image file formats, including University of Wisconsin has developed Leica LIF format is a database file
the recent implementation 48-bit color a bundled suite of plugins that will format in which an individual file may
composite image support. The ability open over 65 image file formats from contain multiple images (and image
of ImageJ to open a wide variety of the biosciences (see a short list in series) from a single experiment. Each
proprietary image formats has long Table 1 and their web site, www.loci. time the acquisition button is pressed,
been an important feature. Not only, for a complete list). This a new image or image series is saved
is the image data imported, the extra list is continually under development to the one file. This posed a new
metadata is typically imported as well. and is frequently updated; the ImageJ challenge for the LOCI group, where
This may include useful information, community has been providing sample a straightforward import plugin would
such as exposure settings and laser images. An example of the devel- not have been appropriate. A creative
powers, but also essential settings such opment process reflects the collab- solution here was to implement a front
as pixel size, acquisition rate, and z- orative nature of ImageJ development: end for the LIF file format, prompting

26 ı BioTechniques ı Supplement to Vol. 43 ı No. 1 | 2007

Imaging Frontiers

It is more easily imagined that, with

two equally matched systems, an open
image format would be considered a
significant advantage.
Sometimes images need to be
imported as TIFF series; ImageJ has a
number of sequence import filters and
stack manipulation routines to ensure
the stack is imported and ordered
appropriately for subsequent processing
and analysis.
A single post-acquisition software
solution for a core facility is a huge
benefit. Instead of providing routine
post-acquisition training for each
individual software package, a user
Figure 1. Masson’s trichrome-stained heart section. (A) The original image was segmented with three
clusters (representing white background, blue collagen, and magenta noncollagen regions). (B) The seg-
trained to process their Bio-Rad
mented image is shown with each segment colored to the cluster’s centrid value for easy visualization. PIC images in ImageJ will also
Scale bar, 100 μm. be equipped to process their Zeiss
AxioVision-acquired images without
having to go via viewer software and
the dreaded export as tiff step—or
the strip metadata step, as I think of
it. Bypassing this tedious step when
retrieving the original data not only
provides immediate access to the image
and metadata (facilitating the addition
of scale bars for example), it also halves
the data storage requirements.



ImageJ incorporates a number of

useful tools for image processing.
These include histogram manipu-
lations and standard image filters
(mean, median, etc.)—an excellent
Figure 2. Yeast expressing endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-targeted green fluorescent protein (GFP; background subtraction routine that
green) and stained with MitoTracker® Orange (red; Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA). Maximum copes particularly well with uneven
intensity z-projections of (Ai) the raw data, (Aii) after iterative deconvolution with ImageJ (2 h process- background and other user-written
ing time), and (Aiii) after iterative deconvolution in Volocity (5 min processing time). Scale bar, 2.5 μm.
(B) The volume of the mitochondria in the red channel of the Volocity deconvolved data was quantified plugins for more sophisticated filtering
in ImageJ using the TransfomJ and Object Counter three-dimensional (3-D) plugins. The volume of the (e.g., Kalman filtering, anisitropic
mitochondria was calculated as 12.0 μm3 (the volume calculated in Volocity with the same threshold diffusion). Another strength is the large
was 12.1 μm3). (Bi) Median section (slice 90) of deconvolved stack overlaid with the object boundar- number of automated image segmen-
ies identified by the ImageJ plugin. (Bii) The axial section along the y-y′ line from Bi showing object
boundaries in cyan. (Biii) Summed z-projection of the stack of identified object boundaries.
tation algorithms, again allowing the
user to choose the most appropriate.
These include Otsu thresholding,
the user to select which image to open. file format—no surprise that the user mixture modeling, maximum entropy,
A further tweak provides users with community widely applauded this color-based thresholding, and K-means
the series’ name, as well as a helpful action. Manufacturers of acquisition clustering (this last is particularly good
thumbnail image of the series. As with systems are not always so forthcoming at segmenting color histology images)
previous individual file import plugins, with assistance in helping the ImageJ (see Figure 1).
the spatial calibrations are automati- community to generate import plugins ImageJ will also perform iterative
cally imported, and the full metadata is for proprietary file formats. The deconvolution. Bob Dougherty
optionally displayed. This process was rationale for this is unclear (a restricted (OptiNav, Bellevue, WA, USA) has
greatly facilitated by Leica providing image file format is hardly a persuasive written two plugins: one of these
detailed specifications of their new reason to choose an acquisition system). generates a theoretical widefield point-

Supplement to Vol. 43 ı No. 1 | 2007 ı BioTechniques ı 27

spread function (PSF) based on user- Z-FUNCTIONS providing a plugin template for multi-
provided parameters, and the other region processing for other types of
plugin uses this PSF to deconvolve a z- In addition to the standard z-projec- analysis.
series image. It is worth noting that this tions and axial sectioning, ImageJ also
plugin requires considerable memory. has some sophisticated three-dimen-
We have to date only managed to use it sional (3-D) reconstruction routines. PARTICLE ANALYSIS
with 64-bit operating systems, in which VolumeJ from Michael Abramoff
extra memory can be allocated (Figure generates ray-traced surface rendering The integral Particle Analyzer is a
2). So, while this plugin is useful for a of z-series (Figure 3). This plugin powerful multi-region detection and
one-off image, we have not found this employs a user-defined threshold to analysis routine. Along with particle
to be suitable for routine use. generate a surface-rendered image. It separation based on watershed
The accessibility of the source code can be used with RGB multichannel or maxima parameters, ImageJ’s
has also made ImageJ a favorite for or depth-coded images and to generate core program provides a range of
development and implementation of rotational movies. options for users. Plugins add to
fluorescence resonance energy transfer this functionality with 3-D particle
(FRET) image analysis. There are measurements and various particle
various plugins available that perform T-FUNCTIONS tracking routines.
sensitized emission and acceptor photo-
bleaching analysis of FRET image One of the quirks of ImageJ is
sequences. We are also using ImageJ to the presumption that a stack’s third MACROS AND PLUGINS
analyze lifetime images that have been dimension will be the z-axis. An
acquired, processed, and exported from intensity versus time plot can be The internal macro programming
our Becker and Hickl TCSPC system. performed by the menu command language of ImageJ is a simple text-
Plot z-axis profile (Figure 4). ImageJ based scripting language that can
supports a number of time course be used just to automate multiple
CO-LOCALIZATION ANALYSIS processing and analysis routines. This processing and analysis steps and
includes bleach correction for visual- batch processing, but can also evolve
Another key advantage of ImageJ is ization, normalization to initial intensity, into very sophisticated routines.
its abilities in co-localization analysis. ratio-imaging, and delta-fluorescence First attempts at writing macros are
Given that no single co-localization routines. The core region of interest easily undertaken using the macro
quantification technique is appropriate (ROI) manger allows multiple regions recorder function to record the menu
for all circumstances, ImageJ’s large of interest to be analyzed (and the ROIs commands a user wants to automate.
suite of co-localization plugins provides saved), greatly facilitating intensity This initial macro can then be
options for this additional function- versus time studies, such as calcium further developed using the macro
ality. Since users are not restricted to imaging. With Rasband’s help, we programming language, which is well
a specific approach, the most appro- have recently integrated a ratiometric documented on the ImageJ web site.
priate co-localization technique from analysis plugin with the ROI manager, The ImageJ web site also hosts
the toolbox can be chosen. Among again, facilitating analysis, and also many sample macros that can be
others, plugins are available to perform
qualitative overlays [and convert them
from Red-Green-Blue (RGB) to the
color-blind-friendly Magenta-Green-
Blue], generate Pearson’s coefficients,
generate Mander’s coefficients,
and perform various randomization
co-localization tests [e.g., Fay (1),
Costes (2), and van Steensel (3)].
However, as with all analysis tools,
they can be misused, and researchers
are encouraged to understand these
analyses before selecting and using one.
The open-source nature of ImageJ also
allows the development of novel co-
localization routines. Intensity corre-
lation analysis by Li and colleagues
was refined only after implementation
in ImageJ enabled an improved rate of
analysis (4,5). Figure 3. Three-dimensional (3-D) surface render of depth coded z-series. Confocal z-series of 40
μM thick 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-stained mouse aorta showing the nuclei in the different
smooth muscle layers. Sample provided by M. Kahn (McMaster University). Scale bars, 30 μm.

Supplement to Vol. 43 ı No. 1 | 2007

Imaging Frontiers

Figure 4. Intensity versus time (intensity vs. T) analysis of a fluo3-loaded HeLa cell treated with 2.5 μM histamine to elicit calcium puffs prior to a
global cytoplasmic calcium signal. (A) Median intensity projection of the time-course to illustrate a puffsite (circle) and the axis of the pseudo-linescan plot
(x-x′). Scale bar 10, μm. (B) Intensity versus time plot of the puffsite region of interests (ROI; circle in panel A) generated by the Plot z-axis profile menu com-
mand. ImageJ assumes the third axis of a stack is z. The raw data was processed for F ÷ F0 prior to analysis. (C) Intensity versus xt pseudo-linescan image of
the line (x-x′) drawn in panel A. Contrast was adjusted to improve visualization of the calcium puffs that precede the global signal. (D) Surface plot of image
C using the Interactive three-dimensional (3-D) Surface Plot plugin. (E) Intensity versus xyt. Frames taken from a surface plot movie of the F ÷ F0 processed
image stack generated using the Surface Plot menu command.

modified to suit specific needs. There list archives are searchable from the Microanalysis in 2007 will have a
are several generic batch-processing ImageJ web site and usually throw session (Symposium A16) dedicated
macros that will automate a series of up the answer—many questions have to ImageJ. A number of ImageJ
commands on all images in a folder already been addressed. Failing this, workshops are also cropping up.
or even all images in subfolders. a detailed description of the problem An ImageJ lab will form an integral
While macros can become quite to the user group usually results in a part of our Practical Biophotonics
sophisticated, the real power of quick response with the solution. A introductory workshop that we are
ImageJ is the plugins. As with recent example of this came when I hosting in mid-July 2007 and is
macros, a user unfamiliar with Java tried to integrate the ROI manager planned to be a significant part of
can start by editing the source code of with a ratio-analysis plugin I had one of the advanced workshops in
existing plugins. already written. My efforts resulted the series (www.macbiophotonics.
in a functional, but very slow ca/workshop).
plugin—taking approximately 1
ImageJ RESOURCES min to analyze a 600-frame stack. A
detailed note to the mailing list was SUMMARY
Once installed, the core ImageJ met with a quick fix that reduced the
program (the IJ.JAR file) can be easily analysis to a far more respectable 5 ImageJ is an essential tool for us
upgraded by simply downloading it s. This example also addresses one of that fulfills most of our routine image
from the NIH web site. Keeping an the perceptions that Java is intrinsi- processing and analysis requirements.
eye on the News page on the ImageJ cally slow. Since Java is highly acces- The near-comprehensive range of
web site provides a quick summary sible, functional rather than efficient import filters that allow easy access
of what’s new with core ImageJ code can be written by users such as to image and meta-data, a broad suite
functionality and user-written plugins myself with programming-enthusiasm processing and analysis routine, and
and macros. rather than formal training. However, enthusiastic support from a friendly
The MacBiophotonics ImageJ for whether a function is executed in 1 mailing list are invaluable for all
Microscopy online manual is a useful or 2 s is probably not relevant except microscopy labs and facilities—not just
resource for new users of ImageJ, in extreme batch processing of those on a budget.
covering the typical image processing thousands of images.
and analysis steps for microsco- There is an increasing interest
pists. More complex issues can be in ImageJ at international meetings
addressed via the ImageJ mailing and workshops. The first ImageJ
list, an excellent source of infor- user and developer conference was
mation and assistance. The mailing held in 2006, and Microscopy and
Supplement to Vol. 43 ı No. 1 | 2007 ı BioTechniques ı 29
Imaging Frontiers

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Validity of bioluminescence...

(Continued from page 13)
I am grateful to Wayne Rasband and
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2003. Bioluminescent imaging (BLI) to im-
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ported by the Canadian Foundation for of tumor growth and metastasis. Clin. Exp.
Innovation and the Ontario Innovation Metastasis 20:733-744.
Trust. 42. Jenkins, D.E., Y.S.-F. Yu, Y.S. Hornig, T.
Purchio, and P.M. Contag. 2003. In vivo
monitoring of tumor relapse and metastasis
using bioluminescent PC-3M-luc-C6 cells in
REFERENCES murine model of human prostate cancer. Clin.
Exp. Metastasis 20:745-756.
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Address correspondence to Tony J. Collins, and C.H. Contag. 1999. Visualizing the kinet-
McMaster Biophotonics Facility, Dept. ics of tumor-cell clearance in living animals.
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50. Griffini, P., S.M. Smorenburg, F.J. Verbeek, and C.J.F. Van Noorden. 1997. Three-di-
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To purchase reprints of this article, contact: metastases in liver. J. Microsc. 187:12-21.
Address correspondence to C.J.F. Van
Noorden, Department of Cell Biology
and Histology, Academic Medical
Center, Meibergdreef 15, 1105 AZ
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. e-mail:

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30 ı BioTechniques ı Supplement to Vol. 43 ı No. 1 | 2007

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