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- PaintTool SAI -

- History -

2016-04-25 Ver.1.2.5
- Stable version release.
[Fixed] Program crashes by resource leaks.

2016-04-21 Ver.1.2.4
- Stable version release.
[Modified] Do not stop by an error about getting of WinTab version.

2015-09-30 Ver.1.2.3
[Fixed] Clipboard image by cut is not pasteable on other application.
[Fixed] SAI cannot start if the system small icon is larger than 32x32.

2015-06-17 Ver.1.2.2
[Fixed] The maximum pressure of a pressure tool of linework layer is 100% not 200%.
[Fixed] "Unprotected exception" occurs when start SAI with pen tablet operation.

2015-06-10 Ver.1.2.1
[Fixed] Access violation occurs when a zero length stroke was created by 'Pen' tool
on linework layer.
[Fixed] "Export as" always uses previous file type when the system file dialog is
[Modified] Changed to use Unicode layer names on loading of PSD file.
[Modified] Changed to ignore the file broken errors on loading of *.sai file.
[Modified] Changed behivior for preservation of application settings on system
[Fixed] Pen tablet input sometimes malfunctions when using a device other than
...and some more fixes.

2014-03-10 Ver.1.2.0
- Stable version release.

2013-10-10 Ver.1.2.0-Beta.6
[Fixed] 'Name' input box of file viewer was hidden if the window is initial size.
[Fixed] File viewer only updates one side thumnails when open same folder for open
and save.
[Fixed] The bugfix of tool shift on Ver.1.2.0-Beta.5 was incomplete.
[Fixed] Merge Layers function caused access violation if number of layers is
[Fixed] An incorrect gray scale JPEG file was loaded as broken.
[Fixed] AG(Alpha + Gray scale) PNG file was loaded as broken.
[Fixed] BITMAPV4HEADER option of BMP file generates incorrect header.

2013-03-16 Ver.1.2.0-Beta.5
[Modified] File viewer is modified.
+ Can edit 'Location' if the location is file system path.
+ A button to expand real folder path on folder tree added.
+ 'File Type' is changing automatically when select 'Type filter'.
[Fixed] Can not operate file pane of File viewer correctly by key board if 'Detail'
mode is selected.
[Modified] Option for how to get tablet area settings added. (misc.ini, For old
Wacom driver bug on multi display environment.)
[Fixed] Tool shift is ignored when key and stylus(left button of mouse) released at
same time.
[Fixed] First setup process failed if SAI is installed into virtual disk drive.
...and some more fixes.

2012-12-03 Ver.1.2.0-Beta.4
*** We tested SAI on Windows 8. In conclusion, we decided that we do not recommend
Windows 8. ***
The drawing response of SAI is spoilt on DWM composition(Aero desktop and Windows 8
because paint or draw processing by desktop program is delayed about 30ms on DWM
On Windows Vista and 7, end users could avoid the delay through basic desktop and
classic desktop.
However, basic desktop and classic desktop is no longer supported on Windows 8.

[Fixed] On multi monitor environment of Windows 8, maximized window hides taskbar

on sub monitor.
[Fixed] Tablet area settings was ignored. (Other of Wacom tablet)
[Fixed] Drag and drop for '.jpeg' file was ignored.
[Fixed] Opening operation for folder shortcut on file viewer was ignored.
[Fixed] Windows XP/2000: Couldn't save file into top level of 'Network place'.
...and some more fixes.

2012-08-18 Ver.1.2.0-Beta.3
[Fixed] Maximized window on multi monitor environment caused some problems.
[Modified] On multi monitor environment, some dialog displayed to center of entire
[Fixed] SAI clashed when tablet driver was not installed.
[Fixed] Resolution value of BMP and PNG was converted to floating point value.
(e.g. 2834px/meter -> 71.98px/inch)

2012-08-15 Ver.1.2.0-Beta.2
[Fixed] Maximized window was placed on wrong position when Taskbar was placed on
top or left side of Desktop.
[Fixed] Conversion of color between VHSV/HSV and RGB got error.
[Fixed] When start transformation by shortcut key, couldn't revert to previous mode
when there is no image.
[Fixed] Target path was rewritten when renamed bookmark item.
[Fixed] Stylus couldn't make press while using shortcut key that was asigned to
stylus side-switch.
[Fixed] Direction of arrow mouse cursor on transformation guide was wrong.

2012-08-12 Ver.1.2.0-Beta.1
[Modified] File viewer is renewed.
+ Windows 7 or later: Library is supported formally. (without Library management)
+ Folder tree and bookmarks is integrated.
+ Keyboard operation is implemented.
+ Filename and extention box is splited.
[Modified] File path expression is changed.
(e.g.1 'C:\Users\Foo\My Pictures\mypic.sai' -> 'Desktop / Foo / My Pictures /
(e.g.2 'C:\myfolder\mypic.sai' -> 'Local Disk (C:) / myfolder / mypic.sai')
[Modified] Windows 7 or later: Drop frames on basic/classic mode is improved.
[Fixed] Maximized window on multi monitor environment caused some problems.
[Fixed] Over 4GB history data caused access violation.
[Modified] Memory usage indication is changed to easy expression.
[Modified] sai.exe and sfl.dll is integrated.
...and some more fixes.

2011-09-12 Ver.1.2.0-Alpha.3
[Modified] Windows 7 or later: Library is supported provisionally.
[Fixed] A new tablet device instead of old one wasn't recognized.
[Fixed] Mouse-mode for Princeton tablet wasn't worked.
[Fixed] Stylus side-switch of Princeton tablet wasn't worked.
[Fixed] Display of clipping child layer broke when invisible clipping parent layer
was removed.
[Fixed] Floating panels wasn't disabled while modal dialog is displaying.
[Fixed] Couldn't drag file to any program from file viewer.
[Fixed] Windows Vista or later: SAI disabled auto-hide taskbar when maximized.
[Fixed] Custom critical section object malfunctioned on some Windows 9x computers.
[Fixed] Change Resolution sometimes caused access violation.
[Fixed] Failure of PNG file loading caused access violation.
[Fixed] Zero-divider for resolution in Exif information caused zero-division.
[Modified] Stability after memory starvation is improved.
[Fixed] First setup process failed on some computers.
[Modified] Location of preference file is changed to '%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application
[Modified] Detects FPU settings change that is caused by injected DLL.
[Modified] Add title bar mode 'System default', 'Aero custom' and 'SAI'. (misc.ini)
[Modified] Error log is improved.
...and some more fixes.

2008-12-25 Ver.1.1.0
- Stable version release.

2008-11-13 Ver.1.0.5g
[Fixed] Hided Quick bar, but the space didn't hidden.
[Fixed] The space for Quick-Bar didn't disappear when Quick Bar hided.

2008-11-12 Ver.1.0.5f
[Modified] Merge Visible Layers function insert merged layer before current layer.
[Fixed] Scratch Pad image didn't save in floating mode.
[Fixed] Starting SAI in hidden panels, current layer scrolled to upper side in
layer list.
[Modified] Cut down margines of canvas default position in view.
[Fixed] Apply Layer Mask button was active when a line-work layer selected.

2008-09-17 Ver.1.0.5e
[Fixed] Showing dropdown list using tool-shift cancels tool-shift state.
[Fixed] Reset floating panel/dialog position in right click menu on taskbar button
didn't work.

2008-09-16 Ver.1.0.5d
[Fixed] Clicking Alt+Eye icon in layer set shown hidden child layers.
[Fixed] In bucket tool, layer with preserve opacity was filled partially.
[Modified] Options - Tools - Color Picking setting is discarded, (same settings
located in Color Picker tool options).
[Modified] In previous release, suppressing suspend Windows when SAI.exe is active
become selectable in misc.ini(Default. OFF).

2008-09-16 Ver.1.0.5c
[Fixed] Screen resolution with multiple of 32 in full screen mode caused access
[Fixed] Starting SAI with full screen mode didn't enable menu bar.

2008-09-15 Ver.1.0.5b
[New] Select Previous View (Ctrl+Tab), Select Next View (Shift+Ctrl+Tab) function
[New] Maximum navigator size settings added in floating mode. (misc.ini)
[Fixed] Window maximized position was incorrect only when task bar placed screen
top or right side.

2008-09-15 Ver.1.0.5
[New] SST compatible full screen mode supported (Shift+Tab, F11)
(by this, settings for hiding menu bar and title bar in misc.ini was discarded.)
[New] Flatten Image function added.
[New] Merge Visible Layers function now don't remove hidden layers.
[Fixed] Window maximize operation in non-primary display wasn't correct.
[Fixed] 24bitRGB couldn't select in PNG export.
...and some more fixes.

2008-09-13 Ver.1.0.4b
[Fixed] Hide Command Panels function didn't work with navigator window in floating
mode was fixed.

2008-09-13 Ver.1.0.4
[New] Floating mode supported. (misc.ini)
[New] Some of SST compatible functions supported (misc.ini)
+ Navigator window in floating mode.
+ Hide scrollbars on view.
+ Hide Command Panels function can hide menu & title bars.
[New & Modified] Improved layer operation,
+ Merge Visible Layers function supported.
+ Layer paints effect settings now can toggle show/hide.
+ Dragging eye icons can set multiple layers show/hide.
+ Grouping multiple layers by dragging link icons.
+ Ctrl + eye icon click will set layerset as show/hide shortcut target. (only for
+ Alt + eye icon click shows only selected layer.
+ Preserve Opacity shortcut command added.
+ Clipping Group shortcut command added.
+ Show/Hide Layer shortcut command added.
+ Show/Hide Marked Parent Layer Set shortcut command added.
+ Show Current Layer Lone shortcut command added.
+ Show Marked Parent Layer Set Lone command added.
+ Create new selection with intersection of current selection and layer opacity
supported. (Shift + Ctrl + Alt + thumbnail click)
[Modify] Syringe source for color picking can select in tool panel.
[New] DPI information supported in JPEG/PNG import/export.
[New] Support transparent PNG.
[New] Support transparent BMP (this is for programmers, switch to enable/disable in
[Fixed] Some of output color was not correct in TGA format export.
[Fixed] Selection display sometimes show noisy incorrect border.
[Modified] Lasso & Bucket tool now twice faster than before.
[Fixed] Change tools and fix strokes in Curve or Line tool caused access violation.
[Fixed] Progress wasn't shown with Hide Command Panels option.
[Fixed] Window maximize was not correct in non-primary display with two or more
...and some more fixes.

2008-08-05 Ver.1.0.3b
[Modified] Color transition with V parameter in V-HSV mode was modified.
[Modified] Button placement for HSV mode selection was changed.
[Fixed] Canceling HSV mode selection caused always select V-HSV.
2008-08-02 Ver.1.0.3
[New] V-HSV color mode (newly added) is set as default in Color wheel & HSV
+ V-HSV is original mode that keep color transitions more naturally in V-value is
+ HLS mode selection in menu was moved to new color wheel menu.
[Fixed] Only in Windows Vista, window appearance become incorrect with side bar.
[Fixed] Only in Windows Vista, folders in user document couldn't be bookmarked.
[Modified] System menu is disabled by Alt+Space.
[Modified] Drawing strokes will be completed when Curve & Line tool is changed to
other tools except CP related functions.
...and some more fixes.

2008-07-25 Ver.1.0.2d
[Fixed] Size grip for navigator always shown when navigator was hidden.

2008-07-25 Ver.1.0.2c
[Fixed] Some layer composition mode was badly saved in SAI format.

2008-07-25 Ver.1.0.2b
[Fixed] Layer composition mode Overlay, Shade, Luminosity show incorrect result.

2008-07-24 Ver.1.0.2
[New] Windows Vista supported.
[New] Navigator panel now support resizing.
[New] Navigator now shows current selection. (this is for reasons of resizing
[Modified] Curve & Line tool is changed,
+ Right click is changed to undo command from complete curves.
+ Undo operation sometimes cause access violation fixed.
+ and some more fixes.
[New & Modified] Layer composition mode is changed.
+ Composition mode 'Additive' is renamed to 'Luminosity'.
+ Composition mode 'Shade' is added. (this equals Linear Burn mode in Photoshop)
+ Composition mode 'Lumi & Shade' is added. (this equals Linear Light mode in
+ Overlay result in Clipping Group was not correct fixed.
[Modified] First setup process with administrator right is omitted (because of
Vista limitation of administrator logon with applications)
[Modified] File viewer shows My Document folder at first time.
[Fixed] If last accessed folder was removed, File viewer couldn't show file
[Fixed] When file viewer access old version SAI file caused access violation.
[Fixed] File viewer couldn't access correct desktop location which changed from
Windows default settings.
[Fixed] In some rare settings caused file viewer couldn't show file listings.
[Fixed] In linework layer, tail of lines drawn by mouse become 50% pressure.
[Fixed] Drawable range in layerset pasted to other image was limited by source
image range.
[Fixed] Image width or height is 1pixel and other side is greater than 3800pixels
caused access violation.
[Fixed] Layer texture or linework layer was partially disappeared when canvas was
rotated 90 degrees.
[Modified] Large brush response is improved in multi processor with Win2003SP1 or
later (and XP-64bit, and Vista).
(In these OS, Critical Section API behavior was changed, and these changes lose
evenness for each thread,
so we need to write 'own' even critical section functions.)
[Fixed] Scrolling during drawings in background thread caused display incorrect
[Fixed] Bristle brush (round & flat etc.) with large fiber scale drawings was
...and some more fixes.

2008-03-03 Ver.1.0.1
[Modified] Edit box support context menu with right click.
[Fixed] Couldn't copy strokes in linework layer.
[Fixed] Number added tail of layer name by linework layer rasterized.
[Fixed] Binary Color layer was invalid with PSD export.
[Fixed] Transform result was broken with very small image (only several pixels).

2008-02-25 Ver.1.0.0
- First production release of PaintTool SAI Ver.1.0.0.

SYSTEMAX / Koji Komatsu

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