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When you reach the end of a session, choose one of your bonds that you feel is resolved (completely explored, no longer relevant, or otherwise). Ask
the player of the character you have the bond with if they agree. If they do, mark XP and write a new bond with whomever you wish.

Once bonds have been updated look at your alignment. If you fulfilled that alignment at least once this session, mark XP. The n answer these three
questions as a group:
 Did we learn something new and important about the world?
 Did we overcome a notable monster or enemy?
 Did we loot a memorable treasure?
For each “yes” answer, everyone marks XP.



“There are those who can’t control their tempers—and then there’s you.
I should like a thousand of you to deploy in the holds and cities of my enemies, and not a
one to stand in the defense of my own.”

PLAYED BY:__________________________
When you settle to rest, consume a ration. If you’re somewhere When you go to buy something with gold on hand, if it’s something
dangerous, decide the watch order as well. If you have enough XP readily available in the settlement you’re in, you can buy it at market
you may level up. When you wake from at least a few uninterrupted price. If it’s something special, beyond what’s usually available
hours of sleep, heal damage equal to half your max HP. here, or non-mundane, roll+CHA. On a 10+, you find what you’re
looking for at a fair price.
TAKE WATCH On a 7-9, you’ll have to pay more or settle for something that’s not
When you’re on watch and something approaches the camp, exactly what you wanted, but close. The GM will tell you what your
roll+WIS. On a 10+, you’re able to take the camp and prepare a options are.
response—everyone in the camp takes +1 forward.
On a 7-9, you react just a moment too late. Your companions in RECOVER
camp are awake but haven’t had time to prepare: they have When you do nothing but rest in comfort and safety, after a day of
weapons and armor, but little else. rest you recover all your HP. After three days of rest, you remove one
On a 6-, whatever lurks outside the campfire’s light has the drop on debility of your choice. If you’re under the care of a healer (magical
you. or otherwise), you heal a debility for every two days of rest instead.


When you travel through hostile territory, choose one member of the When you put out word that you’re looking to hire help, roll:
party to act as trailblazer, one to scout ahead, and one to be  +1 if you make it known that your pay is generous
quartermaster. Each character with a job to do rolls+WIS. On a 10+:  +1 if you make it known what you’re setting out to do
 The quartermaster reduces the number of rations required by one  +1 if you make it known that they’ll get a share of whatever you
 The trailblazer reduces the amount of time it takes to reach your find
destination (the GM will say by how much)  +1 if you have a useful reputation around these parts
 The scout will spot any trouble quick enough to let you get the On a 10+, you’ve got your pick of a number of skilled applicants.
CHARACTER SKETCH drop on it Your choice who you hire, no penalty for taking them along.
On a 7-9, each role performs their job as expected: the normal On a 7-9, you’ll have to settle for someone close to what you want or
GEAR number of rations are consumed, the journey takes about as long as
expected, no one gets the drop on you but you don’t get the drop on
turn them away.
On a 6-, someone influential and ill-suited declares they’d like to
COIN AND TREASURE: LOAD them either come along (a foolhardy youth, a loose cannon, a veiled enemy).
Bring them and take the consequences or turn them away. If you
LEVEL UP turn away applicants you take -1 forward to recruit.
MAX (8+Strength) When you have downtime (hours or days) and XP equal to (or greater
than) your current level+7, you can reflect on your experiences and OUTSTANDING WARRANTS
ITEM WEIGHT VALUE hone your skills. When you return to a civilized place you’ve caused trouble before,
 Subtract your current level+7 from your XP. roll+CHA. On a 10+, word has spread of your deeds and everyone
 Increase your level by 1. recognizes you.
 Choose a new advanced move from your class.
 Choose one of your ability scores and increase it by 1 (this may On a 7-9, as above, and the GM chooses a complication:
change your modifier). Changing your Constitution increases your  The local constabulary has a warrant out for your arrest
maximum and current HP. Ability scores can’t go higher than 18.  Someone has put a price on your head
 Someone important to you has been put in a bad spot as a result
CAROUSE of your actions
When you return triumphant and throw a big party, spend 100 coins
and roll+1 for every extra 100 coins spent. On a 10+, choose 3. On a BOLSTER
7-9, choose 1. On a 6-, you still choose 1, but things get really out of When you spend your leisure time in study, meditation, or hard
hand (the GM will say how): practice, you gain preparation. If you prepare for a week or more,
 You befriend a useful NPC take 1 preparation. If you prepare for a month or longer, take 3
 You hear rumors of an opportunity instead. When your preparation pays off, spend 1 preparation for +1
 You gain useful information to any roll. You can only spend one preparation per roll.
 You are not entangled, ensorcelled, or tricked
Giving in to your Blood Rage has left its mark on you. Choose an
When you mark your flesh with the blood or ash of the fallen and
(requires RING OF PAIN)
You begin with the following moves: appetite that you thirst, yearn, or hunger for—something to slake you wear no other armor, you have 2 armor. You’re not locked in here with them—they’re locked in here with you.
the anger and fill the hole. When you’re not in your Blood Rage, Upgrade Ring of Pain’s bonus damage to +3 that ignores armor,
 WRATH your appetite is always in your mind, somewhere:  BATTLE-SCARRED and when anybody tries to leave your Ring of Pain, they suffer the
When you first show off the wicked scar you earned in the last bonus damage as if they’d been struck.
When you suffer harm or loss, or witness an ally suffering  Pure destruction  Conquest
the same, hold 1 Wrath, up to a maximum of 3, and let your  Power over others  Riches and property fight, describe it and heal 1d6 HP.
anger build. When you hold 3 Wrath and would be made to  Mortal pleasures  Fame and glory  INVINCIBLE RAGE
hold 4, enter your Blood Rage.
When you take damage, you can choose to ignore it and instead  RING OF PAIN If your HP is reduced to zero during your Blood Rage, don’t take your
The spirits of wrath favor you. When you mark the immediate Last Breath—stay standing and fighting until your Rage ends. Then,
You may choose not to Rage if you wish. If you do, ignore take -1 ongoing until you (temporarily) sate your appetite. This Death will come to bargain.
this slight and take a Debility (the GM will tell you which) penalty is in addition to any debilities you may have, and if you space around you as your own, roll+CON. On a 10+, anytime
until you have had time to calm down. already have this penalty you can’t take it again. your opponents take damage while in the Ring of Pain, they If your HP is 0 and you take further harm, reduce your Wrath by 1.
take +2 damage that ignores armor.
Wrath will dissipate over time: for every hour in which you
aren’t fighting or putting your life on the line, reduce your
held Wrath by one.
ADVANCED MOVES On a 7-9, you suffer the bonus damage whenever you take
harm, too.
When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves: When you first show off the wicked scar you earned in the last fight,
 BLOOD RAGE  TERRIFYING REPUTATION describe it and heal either 1d6 HP or a debility, your choice.
When you fly into the Blood Rage:
 STILL HUNGRY When you enter a town, hold, or steading, rumors of your fury
 You cannot fall unconscious
Add another appetite to your Insatiable list. precede you. Tell the GM a few things the locals might have  BERSERKRAGE
 You are immune to anything that influences your mind or heard, and they’ll react accordingly—barring their doors, fleeing When you are in your Blood Rage, upgrade your damage die to d10.
emotions  MY LOVE FOR YOU IS LIKE A TRUCK at the sight of you, confronting you, testing your strength,
 You ignore the effects of the Weakened, Sick, or Shaky When you perform a feat of strength, name someone asking for your help.  CLEAR SIGHT
debilities. present whom you have impressed and take +1 forward to When you make the Outstanding Warrants move, the GM will When you’re in your Blood Rage, no matter how distorted your
Parley with them. never send the local constabulary after you—they know better perception gets, you can always tell friend from foe. You may still
But the GM also gains the move “Grossly distort your
perceptions” that they can use against you while you Rage. than to try. lash out at an ally or bystander, however.
Beware mistaking friend for foe or causing unintended
destruction. When you reach the End of Session, if you have crushed  APPETITE FOR DESTRUCTION  FOR THE BLOOD GOD
your enemies, seen them driven before you, or have heard Take a move from the WARRIOR, SLAYER, or MARTIALIST You are initiated in the old ways, the ways of sacrifice. Choose
When you try to control your Rage, roll+WIS. On a 10+, the lamentations of their kinfolk, mark XP. playbook. something your gods (or the ancestor spirits, or your totem, etc.)
reduce your held Wrath by one and act as you wish (for the
value—gold, blood, bones, or the like. When you sacrifice those
moment, at least). On a 7-9, reduce your held Wrath by one,  USURPER  YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE DONE THAT things as per your rites and rituals, roll+WIS. On a 10+, the GM will
but choose between having to take some deep breaths
When you prove yourself superior to a person in power, take In or out of your Blood Rage, when somebody attacks you, take grant you insight into your current trouble, or a boon to help you.
while you count to ten, fuming all the while, or venting your
+1 forward with their followers, underlings, and hangers-on. +1 forward to attack them back, or -1 forward if you attack
fury—explain how, and on what. On a 7-9, the sacrifice is not enough, and though they grant you
anybody else. favor your gods take of your flesh as well. On a miss, you earn the ire
On a 6-, ask the GM what terrible or foolish thing you do.  SMASH! of fickle spirits.
Your Blood Rage ends only when you run out of Wrath. When you Hack and Slash or attack in Sound and Fury, on a
12+, in addition to dealing your damage, choose something
physical your target has (a weapon, their position, a limb):
 SOUND AND FURY they lose it. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or When you cry out a challenge to your enemies, roll+CON. On a 10+,
When you Hack and Slash while in your Blood Rage, your from the Advanced Moves: they treat you as the most obvious threat to be dealt with and ignore
attacks gain the messy and forceful tags. On a 7-9, instead your companions: deal +2 ongoing damage against them. On a 7-9,
of the enemy making an attack against you, the GM will  VANDAL  A GOOD DAY TO DIE only a few (the weakest or most foolhardy among them) fall prey to
choose one: When you Discern Realities, you may also ask, “Who or what When you have less than your CON in HP, take +1 ongoing to all your taunting.
 You expose yourself to attack here is weak or vulnerable to me?” for free, in addition to your rolls.
your other questions.
 You shatter, break, or destroy something important  MORE! ALWAYS MORE!
 You lash out at an ally or bystander
 HAIR TRIGGER  ALWAYS ANGRY (requires HAIR TRIGGER) When you satisfy an Insatiable appetite to the extreme (destroying
When you lash out at somebody, you inflict your damage When you gain Wrath, you can choose to take it personally: fill something unique and significant, gaining vast riches, fame, etc.),
You’ve learned how to hold a grudge. When you would you may choose to mark XP and resolve it. Choose a new hunger, or
(forceful, messy) unless they find some way to counter or up your Wrath and enter your Blood Rage, even if you didn’t
decrease your held Wrath due to rest or meditation, you can write one of your own.
evade your attack. already have 3 Wrath.
choose to focus on your anger and keep it instead.
When you consult your accumulated knowledge about
something, roll+INT. On a 10+, the GM will tell you something

HACK AND SLASH interesting and useful about the subject relevant to your
MAX (8+Constitution)
When you attack an enemy in melee, roll+STR. On a 10+, you situation. NAME: Assign these scores to your stats:
deal your damage to the enemy and avoid their attack. At your DWARF: Rogi, Varrak, Dain, Balgan, Torhad, Fragh, Luda, Jaril, 16 (+2), 15 (+1), 13 (+1), 11 (0), 9 (0), 8 (-1) When you roll a 6-,
option, you may choose to do +1d6 damage but expose yourself On a 7-9, the GM will only tell you something interesting—it’s on Gima, Hald An ability score of 18 gives a modifier of +3 mark XP.
to the enemy’s attack. you to make it useful. The GM might ask you “How do you know
HUMAN: Bjorn, Calder, Astrid, Hertha, Leif, Sigrid, Torben,
this?” Tell them the truth, now. STR WEAK CURRENT
On a 7-9, you deal your damage to the enemy and the enemy Markul, Ulf, Ragnar
makes an attack against you. ORC: Lorik, Kashnak, Fragar, Tragg, Rukor, Hragdush, Perchi, LEVEL
DISCERN REALITIES Kibuna, Gresha, Datinai (Strength) MAX
VOLLEY When you closely study a situation or person, roll+WIS. On a
When you take aim and shoot an enemy at range, roll+DEX. On 10+, ask the GM 3 questions from the list below. On a 7-9, ask LOOK
1. Take +1 forward when acting on the answers. DEX SHAKY
a 10+ you have a clear shot—deal your damage. Choose one or more for each:
 What happened here recently?
On a 7-9, choose one (whichever you choose you deal your  Hair: Shaved, Messy, Braided
 What is about to happen?
damage):  Eyes: Wild, Beady, Cruel (Dexterity) MAX
 What should I be on the lookout for?
 You have to move to get the shot, placing you in danger as  Decoration: Trophies, Ritual Scars, Runic Tattoos
 What here is useful or valuable to me?
described by the GM  Clothes: Crude Hide, Rugged Leathers, Half-naked
 Who’s really in control here?
 You have to take what you can get: -1d6 damage CON SICK
 You have to take several shots, reducing your ammo by one
 What here is not as it appears to be? DRIVE
What drives your ire? Choose one:
DEFY DANGER AID OR INTERFERE  CURSED: Spirits of wrath have burdened you with endless rage,
(Constitution) MAX
When you help or hinder someone you have a bond with, whether you deserved it or not—now you’re just trying to get by.
When you act despite a threat or suffer a calamity, say how you
roll+BOND. On a 10+, they take +1 or -2, your choice. On a 7-9,  RAZOR’S EDGE: Passion lends strength. Strength lends power.
deal with it and roll. If you do it… INT CONFUSED
you also expose yourself to danger, retribution, or cost. Power lends victory. Victory lends freedom.
 …by powering through, +STR
 …by getting out of the way or acting fast, +DEX  BARBARIAN: You’re not the weird one. This is just how you do.


(Intelligence) MAX
 …by enduring, +CON
 …with quick thinking, +INT BACKGROUND
 …through mental fortitude, +WIS  There’s something about you that sets you apart: what you’ve
 …using charm and social grace, +CHA
LAST BREATH done, where you’re from, or where you’ve been. The rest of the world WIS STUNNED
When you’re dying, you catch a glimpse of what lies beyond the is sometimes as alien to you as you are to it, and others can sense
On a 10+, you do what you set out to do, the threat doesn’t Black Gates of Death’s Kingdom (the GM will describe it). Then it. Describe what strange thing sets you apart: a coldness to the (Wisdom) MAX
come to bear. On a 7-9, you stumble, hesitate, or flinch: the GM roll+nothing (Death does not care how cool you are). On a 10+, eyes, a sneer or smirk, or something else.
will offer you a worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice. you’ve cheated Death—you’re in a bad spot, but you’re still When you would reach level
alive. Any intelligent, mortal creature who sees you instinctively knows 11, instead:
DEFEND you’re a force to be reckoned with and will treat you appropriately.  Retire to safety
When you stand in defense of a person, item, or location under On a 7-9, Death itself will offer you a bargain. Take it and In addition, when you Parley with anybody who has seen your Blood  Take on an apprentice
attack, roll+CON. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 1. So long as stabilize or refuse and pass beyond the Black Gates into Rage, you may use +STR instead of +CHA. (Charisma) MAX  Change entirely to a new
you stand in defense, when you or the thing you defend is whatever fate awaits you. class
attacked you may spend hold, 1 for 1, to choose an option: On a 6-, your fate is sealed. You’re marked as Death’s own and BONDS A debility gives you -1 to that stat’s modifier until
healed or resolved
 Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself you’ll cross the threshold soon. The GM will tell you when. Fill in the name of one of your companions in at least one:
 Halve the attack’s effect or damage _______________________ You carry dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight), a dagger (hand, 1 weight),
 Open up the attacker to an ally, giving that ally +1 forward ENCUMBRANCE _______________________ and some token or trophy from where you’re from, where you’ve been, or
against the attacker When you make a move while carrying weight, you may be
_______________________ what you’ve killed—describe it.
 Deal damage to the attacker equal to your level encumbered. If your weight carried is:
 Equal to or less than your load, you suffer no penalty _______________________ Choose your weapon:
PARLEY  Less than or equal to your load+2, you take -1 ongoing until _______________________
 Vicious axe (close, 1 weight)
When you have leverage on a GM character and manipulate  Heavy two-hander (close, +1 damage, 2 weight)
you lighten your burden
them, roll+CHA. Leverage is something they need or want. On a  Greater than your load+2, you have a choice: drop at least 1 EXAMPLES: X is surprisingly tough for their kind—they have earned Choose one:
10+, they ask you for something and do it if you make them a weight and roll at -1, or automatically fail my respect; I will push X to be harder, or I will break them; X is  Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight) and dungeon rations (5 uses, 1
promise first. On a 7-9, they need some concrete assurance of always making me angry—they should watch out; I have shared weight)
your promise, right now. songs of glorious battle with X  Chainmail (worn, 1 armor, 1 weight)

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