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Copyright © 2000 by The American Association of Endodontists VOL. 26, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2000


Occurrence of Candida albicans in Infections of

Endodontic Origin

J. Craig Baumgartner, DDS, PhD, Chad M. Watts, BS, and Tian Xia, DDS

Microorganisms are recognized as the etiological cavity of both healthy and medically compromised individuals.
agent for the majority of pulpal and periradicular Previous studies using microscopy or culturing techniques have
disease. Although bacteria have been the most inherent limitations in the identification of fungi in infected root
studied, fungi have also been associated with in- canals. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the contents of
infected root canals and aspirates of cellulitis/abscesses of end-
fected root canals. The purpose of this study was
odontic origin for the presence of C. albicans using the polymerase
to evaluate the contents of infected root canals
chain reaction (PCR).
and aspirates of cellulitis/abscesses of endodontic
origin for the presence of Candida albicans using
the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR primers MATERIALS AND METHODS
specific for the 18S ribosomal RNA gene of C. al-
bicans were used to survey 24 samples taken from In accordance with guidelines of The Human Volunteers Re-
infected root canals and 19 aspirates from perira- search Committee at the Oregon Health Sciences University, mi-
dicular infections of endodontic origins. The pres- crobial samples were collected from 24 root canals and 19 aspirates
ence of C. albicans was detected in 5 of 24 (21%) of cellulitis/abscesses of patients seen in the School of Dentistry,
samples taken from root canals, but none was de- Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, OR. Selection was
tected in the periradicular aspirates. The results based on clinical examination and the presence of a periapical
indicate that PCR is an extremely sensitive molec- radiolucency that was determined to be of endodontic origin.
Microbial samples from the root canals were collected using strict
ular method that may be used to identify C. albi-
asepsis. A rubber dam was used to isolate each tooth. A cotton
cans directly in samples from infections of end-
applicator was used to clean the surface of the tooth and surround-
odontic origin. ing field with 30% hydrogen peroxide for 1 min. The tooth surface
was then disinfected by applying 5% iodine tincture for 1 min (6).
The iodine on the tooth surface was then inactivated with 5%
sodium thiosulfate. Access to the root canal was made using sterile
Microbes are associated with virtually all diseases of the pulp and burs without water spray. The samples were collected under opti-
periradicular tissues. The microbial ecosystem of infected root mal conditions and placed in sterilized pre-reduced transport fluid
canals may consist of bacteria, including spirochetes and fungi. (RTF) (7). If fluid was not present in the root canal after the access
Several studies have observed or cultivated fungi from endodontic opening, RTF was placed in the canal and a file used to disperse
infections (1– 4). In addition recent studies have associated the the canal contents. The canal sample was collected with absorbent
presence of fungi with therapy-resistant endodontic infections (1, paper points and sealed in a transport vial containing RTF.
3, 4). Fungi are considered normal inhabitants of the oral cavity, Aseptic aspirates of cellulitis/abscesses of endodontic origin
but may produce disease when there are local or systemic factors were obtained after having the patient rinse with 15 ml of 0.12%
predisposing the individual to infection. Yeast is a general term chlorhexidine gluconate (Zila Pharmaceuticals, Phoenix, AZ). The
used to describe single-celled, usually rounded fungi that repro- mucosal surface was then disinfected with povidone-iodine swabs
duce by budding. Some yeasts such as Candida albicans may (Purdue Frederick Co., Norwalk, CT). The contents of cellulitis/
transform into a mycelia stage in certain environments. C. albicans abscesses were aspirated using a 16-gauge needle (Sherwood, St.
is the most encountered commensal and pathological yeast in the Louis, MO). For transportation to the laboratory, the aspirate was
oral cavity (5). Multiple unrelated commensal strains and/or dif- immediately placed into a Port-A-Cul™ vial (Becton Dickinson,
ferent strains of C. albicans may be harbored in the same individ- Cockysville, MD).
ual. The genus Candida is comprised of ⬃150 fungal species. C. All samples were frozen at ⫺70°C before analysis with PCR.
albicans has been the fungi most commonly isolated from the oral The DNA was isolated directly from each sample using a QiAamp

696 Baumgartner et al. Journal of Endodontics

Tissue Kit (Qiagen, Inc., Santa Clara, CA) after the method rec-
ommended by the manufacturer. This method included a preincu-
bation step with lysozyme to lyse the fungi cells before samples
were digested with proteinase K. After isolation, the DNA was
amplified using PCR.
The sequence for C. albicans was aligned using Geneworks
software (Version 2.5, Intelligenetics, Campbell, CA). The primer
pair used was designed to amplify a 276 base pair region from the
C. albicans 18S r-RNA gene (sense primer: CGATTCAGGG-
GCTACCAG). The final step involved the extension of the primer.
PCR was prepared using methods outlined by Baumgartner et al.
(8). The 50-␮l reaction mixtures contained 2 units of Taq DNA
Polymerase (ProMega Corp., Madison, WI), 5 ␮l of 10⫻ PCR
buffer (ProMega Corp.), 1.5 mM MgCl, 0.4 ␮M sense and anti-
sense primers, 0.2 mM dNTPs, and a 15 ng sample of DNA.
Cycling conditions were as follows: 94°C for 1 min, 33 cycles at
94°C for 1 min, 55°C for 1 min, 72°C for 1.5 min, and a final 72°C
for 10 min. PCR products were then separated by 1.5% agarose gel
electrophoresis and visualized by ethidium bromide fluorescence.
Images were digitized using a Gel Doc 1000 system (Bio-Rad
Laboratories, Hercules, CA). A 100-bp DNA ladder (Life Tech-
nologies, Gaithersburg, MD) served as a size marker (8).

FIG 2. Sensitivity of PCR for the detection of C. albicans. Lane 1: 100

base pair DNA ladder. Lanes 2–7 were amplified using C. albicans
specific primers. Dilutions of C. albicans DNA from 10⫺1 ng to 10⫺6
was tested for sensitivity of detection.


The specificity of the primer pair designed to amplify the 18S

r-RNA gene of C. albicans was tested against several common
bacteria found within the root canal (Prevotella nigrescens 33563,
Prevotella intermedia 25611, Porphyromonas gingivalis 33277,
Porphyromonas endodontalis 35406, and Peptostreptococcus
anaerobius 27337). No DNA amplification other than the 276 base
pair amplicon for C. albicans was observed (Fig. 1). The sensitiv-
ity of PCR to detect C. albicans DNA was 10⫺4 ng (Fig. 2). These
tests confirmed that the PCR reactions were amplifying the tar-
geted regions of the 18S r-RNA gene of C. albicans (Fig. 3). Five
PCR products of the DNA extracted from the contents of 24 root
canals were found to be positive for the presence of C. albicans.
The 19 samples taken from cellulitis/abscesses were found to be
negative for the presence of C. albicans DNA.

FIG 1. Specificity of PCR for the detection of C. albicans. Lane 1: 100 DISCUSSION
base pair DNA ladder. Lanes 2– 8 were amplified using C. albicans
specific primers. Lanes 2 and 3 contained positive control DNA
This study confirms that C. albicans may be involved in root
(ATCC 44505) of C. albicans. Lane 4 contained Prevotella nigrescens
(ATCC 33563) DNA. Lane 5 contained Prevotella intermedia (ATCC
canal infections more often then previously believed. In addition
25611) DNA. Lane 6 contained Porphyromonas gingivalis (ATCC the results of this study demonstrate that PCR is efficient in
33277) DNA. Lane 7 contained Porphyromonas endodontalis (ATCC detecting the presence of C. albicans. How pathogenic fungi are
35406) DNA. Lane 8 contained Peptostreptococcus anerobius associated with endodontic infections has yet to be determined.
(ATCC 27337) DNA. However studies have identified the presence of fungi after ther-
Vol. 26, No. 12, December 2000 C. albicans in Endodontic Infections 697

In a follow-up in vitro study, Sen et al. (13) used SEMs of

human root sections infected with C. albicans to observe its
growth patterns in relation to radicular dentin. The filamentous
hyphal form was dominant in their 5-day specimens. However
most of both the hyphae and the blastospores (yeast forms)
showed some penetration into dentinal tubules (13). The inves-
tigators concluded that C. albicans may be considered a denti-
nophilic microorganism.
Several studies have evaluated the effects of endodontic irri-
gants against C. albicans (14 –18). Smith and Wayman (15) evaluated
the antimicrobial effectiveness of citric acid and sodium hypochlorite
and found C. albicans to be more resistant than Streptococcus faecalis
or Bacillus sp. In addition citric acid was not as effective as NaOCl
(15). When Sen et al. (14) evaluated the antifungal properties of
chlorhexidine and NaOCl, they found C. albicans to be more resistant
in the presence of a smear layer than in the absence of a smear layer.
NaOCl alone started to show antifungal activity in the absence of a
smear layer after 30 min (14). They concluded that antimicrobial
effectiveness of irrigating solutions should be evaluated in patients
predisposed to oral candidiasis (14).
Candida often colonizes the oropharyngeal, gastrointestinal,
and vaginal microflora of healthy patients. In immunocompro-
mised patients fungi cause significant morbidity and mortality.
Unfortunately the number of immunocompromised patients has
increased during recent years. Until now diagnosis of fungal in-
FIG 3. PCR survey of samples. Lane 1: 100 base pair DNA ladder.
fections has been based on cultivation, histology, or serology. It is
Lanes 2–11 were amplified using C. albicans specific primers. Lane
2 contained positive control DNA (ATCC 44505) of C. albicans. important to differentiate nondisease-producing colonization of
Lanes 3–11 contain DNA from clinical samples. Lanes 3 and 11 epithelial surfaces from disease producing invasion and infection
demonstrated the presence of C. albicans DNA. of normally sterile tissues (19, 20). Molecular methods such as
PCR now provide another means of detecting these organisms after
invasion and infection of normally sterile sites.
apy-resistant endodontic treatment (1, 3, 4). Of 692 samples of
therapy-resistant chronic apical periodontitis, Waltimo et al. (4)
Dr. Baumgartner is chairman, Department of Endodontology, Oregon
identified 48 fungi in 47 (7%) samples. Of the 20 yeast isolates Health Sciences University School of Dentistry, Portland, OR. Mr. Watts is an
identified at the species level in that study, 16 (80%) were C. undergraduate dental student at Oregon Health Sciences University School of
albicans. Candida glabrata, Candida guilliermondii, and Geotri- Dentistry, Portland, OR. Dr. Xia is a research assistant at Oregon Health
Sciences University School of Dentistry, Portland, OR. Address requests for
chum candidum were found in one root canal each, whereas one reprints to Dr. J. Craig Baumgartner, Department of Endodontology, Oregon
strain of C. glabrata was isolated with C. albicans from a single Health Sciences University School of Dentistry, 611 SW Campus Drive, Port-
sample (4). C. albicans seems to be the most common species of land, OR 97201.

fungi infecting root canals.

Debelian et al. (9 –11) have recently reported that the frequency
of bacteremia detected by lysis filtration and cultivation in patients
undergoing endodontic therapy ranged from 31 to 54%. In one References
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