Textbooks in Disciplines

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Textbooks In Disciplines

1. Reading
Reading the passage carefully.
Other tahn work in the two fields of elucidating vision and assessing contemporary Western
civilization, the Institute proposes to authorize the preparation of original works by Muslim
scholars who are thoroughly acquinted with the legacy, have a command over the modern
sciences, and are prominent in creative ability and intellectual independence. All of these
characteristics will qualify them to make original contribution to the Islamization of knowledge.
The purpose of this contribution will primarily be to expand the field of Islamization of
knowledge and to lay down firm foundation for it by elucidating basic Islamic views by
presenting the issues of modern disciplines and their basic methodology, and by explaining the
Islamic position concerning different disciplines and the way Islam considers the scientific issues
in the light of Islamic principles. Samples of applied studies in these disciplines will be published
to make the work of Muslim scholars in these disciplines more enlightened.
This will help to bring home the massage and purpose of the Islamization of knowledge and to
determine how the scholars may best contribute to realizing it through emulating and
implementing it in their special fields of study, thereby setting an example and leading the way
for the next generation.
Basic academic activities in the form of articles, discussions and books will follow the
accomplished work and will be completed through implementing the Institute agenda. This
agenda includes cooperating with other scholars, hosting conferences and seminars, preparing
periodicals, granting full-time or part-time fellowships for research and study on the premises of
the Institute under its supervision. The supervision will depend upon the individual
circumstances of each scholar and the financial resources of the Institute to support those
among them who are not in a position to do so on their own.
2. Vocabulary
Assess = acquaint =
Determine = depend =
Disciplines = emulate =
Fellowship = circumstances =
Include = lay down =
Lead = periodical =
Premise = prominent =
Publish = purpose =
Scholar = view =
Qualify = host =
Consider = thereby =
Accomplish = authorize =
Elucidate = concerning =
Have a command =
In the light of =
3. Comprehension
1. What does the Institute propose other than elucidating vision and assessing contemporary
Western civiliization?
a. It proposes to authorize the preparation of original Western civilization
b. It proposes to authorize the preparation of original works by Muslim scholars
2. Who are given authorization to prepare the original works?
a. Those who are thoroughly acquinted with the legacy and modern sciences
b. Those who are good at legacy , modern sciences, and are creative and intellectual
3. The phrase ‘have a command over’ in line 4 could best be replaced by:
a. To be

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