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General Hospital Psychiatry 33 (2011) 82.e5 – 82.e7

Case Report

A man who wanted to commit suicide by hanging himself:

an adverse effect of ciprofloxacin
Amir I.A. Ahmed, M.D.a,c,⁎, Frank M.M.A. van der Heijden, M.D., Ph.D.b ,
Hanneke van den Berkmortel, M.D.b , Kees Kramers, M.D., Ph.D.c
Department of Elderly, GGZ-Noord-en Midden Limburg, 5803 AC, Venray, The Netherlands
Department of Adult Psychiatry, GGZ-Noord-en Midden Limburg, 5803 AC, Venray, The Netherlands
Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, The Radboud University Medical Centre, P.O. Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Received 4 June 2010; accepted 6 July 2010


In this case report, we describe a man who developed recurrent depression and suicidal ideation with a serious plan to commit suicide as
definite adverse effect of ciprofloxacin, which had been prescribed for recurrent prostatitis.
© 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Fluoroquinolone; Ciprofloxacin; Depression; Suicidal ideations; Central nervous system; Neuropsychiatric adverse effects

1. Introduction plans to commit suicide. The police arrived shortly thereafter

and interrupted him while he was writing a farewell letter.
Ciprofloxacin is a second-generation fluoroquinolone that The patient had 1 year of episodes of recurrent depression
binds to and inhibits the bacterial DNA gyrase. Many adverse including anhedonia, crying fits, lack of energy, fatigue,
drug reactions (ADRs), including neuropsychiatric events, insomnia, anorexia, extensive worrying, feelings of guilt and
have been reported due to fluoroquinolones. However, the intense suicidal thoughts; totally three previous episodes,
incidence of neuropsychiatric ADRs is generally considered including the current episode. Each episode was preceded by
to be low. We describe a man who developed recurrent 1-week treatment with ciprofloxacin 500 mg twice a day for
depression and suicidal ideation with a serious plan to prostatitis. The onset of depressive symptoms and suicidal
commit suicide as an adverse effect of ciprofloxacin, which ideation started within 3 days after the use of ciprofloxacin and
had been prescribed for recurrent prostatitis. disappeared within 3 to 5 weeks after he had stopped taking it.
Eleven years before the current episode, he experienced a
2. Case report depressed mood for 1 year after the death of his wife, without
suicidal thoughts. He was treated with antidepressants for
A 53-year-old man was admitted to a psychiatric hospital 1 month, but he stopped taking them because of gastroin-
after a serious and detailed attempt at committing suicide by testinal adverse effects. Two weeks before admission, he was
hanging himself in his house. He had prepared a chair and a going through surgery for a cervical hernia, which was an
piece of rope, fastened to the staircase banister to hang uncomplicated procedure. The patient did not see any
himself. Unexpectedly, and during the preparations for a plausible reasons to wish to die. He did not feel bad from
suicide, his brother called, who informed the police about his the prostatitis and he was not socially isolated.
His medication history was significant for amlodipine
10 mg/day, which had been prescribed 10 years earlier for
⁎ Corresponding author. Department of Clinical Pharmacology and
hypertension. Physical and psychiatric examinations did not
Toxicology, The Radboud University Medical Centre, P.O. Box 9101, 6500
HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Tel.: +31 24 3614639; fax: +31 24 reveal any abnormalities, except for a depressed mood. The
3614214. results of blood and urine tests were all normal. The patient
E-mail address: amirahmed1@hotmail.com (A.I.A. Ahmed). did not smoke or use alcohol.
0163-8343/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
82.e6 A.I.A. Ahmed et al. / General Hospital Psychiatry 33 (2011) 82.e5–82.e7

Table 1 of the Health Care Insurance Board, The Netherlands, 2010),

The Naranjo causality scale: a method for estimating the probability of because of their broad-spectrum antibacterial activity and
adverse drug reactions
safety profile [2,3]. Many ADRs, including the central
Question Yes No Don't Scoring nervous system (CNS) adverse effects, have been reported
due to ciprofloxacin [4-6]. However, the incidence of CNS
Are there previous conclusion +1 0 0 +1 adverse effects of fluoroquinolones is generally low, 1–2%
reports on this reaction?
[3,7]. LaSalvia et al. [8] recently reported in this journal a
Did the adverse event appear after +2 –1 0 +2
the suspect drug was administered? 75-year-old man who developed severe depression and
Did the adverse reaction improve +1 0 0 +1 suicidal ideation after taking the fluoroquinolone levoflox-
when the drug was discontinued acin, which had been prescribed for wound infection after
or a specific antagonist colorectal cancer resection.
was administered?
A suicide attempt had not been reported. His symptoms
Did the AR reappear when +2 –1 0 +2
drug was readministered? improved after the discontinuation of levofloxacin.
Are there alternate causes –1 +2 0 +2 The neuropsychiatric ADRs, such as depression, night-
[other than the drug] that could mares, hallucinations, dizziness, restlessness, psychosis,
solely have caused the reaction? mania and seizures, are relatively rare [7] and are asso-
Did the reaction reappear when a –1 +1 0 0
ciated with individual risk predisposing factors, such
placebo was given?
Was the drug detected in the blood +1 0 0 0 as comorbidity, organic brain disease and preexisting
[or other fluids] in a concentration psychiatric disorder.
known to be toxic? Elderly patients are especially at risk of ADRs, because of
Was the reaction more severe when +1 0 0 0 medical comorbidity, polypharmacy and drug–drug interac-
the dose was increased or less
tions [9]. However, our patient was relatively young and had
severe when the dose was decreased?
Did the patient have a similar reaction +1 0 0 +1 no comorbidity or polypharmacy. The underlying neurobi-
to the same or similar drugs in any ological mechanisms of these neuropsychiatric ADRs are not
previous exposure? fully understood. A previous positron emission tomography
Was the adverse event confirmed by +1 0 0 +1 study did not show any effect on cerebral glucose–oxygen
objective evidence?
uptake or on cerebral blood flow after oral administration of
Total score 10
ciprofloxacin [10].
Scoring: N9=definite adverse drug reaction (ADR); 5–8=probable ADR; The neuropsychiatric ADRs are probably induced by the
1–4=possible ADR; 0=doubtful ADR.
blockade of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor
binding, stimulation of interleukin-2 production, interactions
Three weeks before the current hospitalization, the last with the dopaminergic system and interactions with opioid
treatment with ciprofloxacin for recurrent prostatitis ended. [7,11,12]. Stahlmann [13] suggests that the neurotoxic
Within 1 week of admission, the patient reported complete effects of fluoroquinolones could be related to the activation
remission of complaints, while no antidepressants were of the N-methyl-D- aspartate receptor by chelating with
prescribed. Amlodipine was discontinued and replaced by magnesium and removing its channel-blocking effect.
perindopril, because it is known that amlodipine may Interestingly, the neuropsychiatric ADRs have also been
cause depression. During the follow-up, he was still free reported after the local use of the drug, as in the topical
from all symptoms. ciprofloxacin eye drops [14]. Drugs, including antibiotics,
Ciprofloxacin was suspected to cause the depressive that induce suicidal ideation are associated with an increased
episodes and suicidal ideation, because the patient was risk of suicide attempts [15].
neither depressed nor experiencing suicidal ideation before To our knowledge, this is the first case report describing
his treatment with ciprofloxacin began. Furthermore, he had someone who seriously tries to commit suicide owing to
no reason to wish to die. There are a few case reports in the ciprofloxacin. However, it is possible that other factors may
literature concerning neuropsychiatric ADRs due to cipro- have played a role in the development of depressions and the
floxacin, which will be discussed below. According to the suicidal thoughts.
Naranjo causality scale, a method for estimating the Ciprofloxacin is eliminated primarily by the kidney; it is a
probability of ADRs [1], the adverse effects were definitely potent inhibitor of cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes 1A2
caused by ciprofloxacin (Table 1). (strong inhibitor) and 3A4 (weak inhibitor), enzymes that
play a central role in the metabolism of drugs [16,17]. Thus,
ciprofloxacin can cause increased levels of other medications
3. Discussion that would be metabolized at that cytochrome. It is known
that the calcium antagonist amlodipine that the patient used
In the Netherlands, the prescription of ciprofloxacin to for hypertension may cause anxiety and depression [18].
patients has increased in recent years from 223 510 in 2004 to Amlodipine is also metabolized by CYP3A4 cytochrome;
350 000 prescriptions in 2009 (the Drug Information System this suggests that the inhibition of CYP3A4 cytochrome by
A.I.A. Ahmed et al. / General Hospital Psychiatry 33 (2011) 82.e5–82.e7 82.e7

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