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Hybrid rice farming in Malaysia is set to be Explored by Philippines in

By admin - February 9, 2016

As per recent reports available , it has been indicated that the

Philippines is all set to pioneer hybrid rice farming in Malaysia in April
as the country’s ASEAN neighbor seeks to raise self-sufficiency in rice
production amid its limited rice area. Local hybrid rice and seeds
producer SL Agritech Corporation will ship out a minimum of 100 kilos
of seeds for an initial pilot testing where quarantine processes are
already being arranged. By giving this potential commercial planting, the
Philippines can be the first to introduce highly suitable hybrid rice in Malaysia. Our hybrid rice was developed
for tropical climate while the Malaysia has a climate much similar to our climate in Mindanao, according to
SL Agritech chairman Henry Lim Bon Liong.

Further, it was informed that the pilot testing will be spearheaded by a private Malaysian company, Titijaya
Land Berhad (TLB), in partnership with the Malaysian government through agricultural state research agency
Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI). Moreover, TLB has also expressed
interest to start the importation of seeds from the Philippines to commence commercial planting of the
hybrid rice, but tests have to be carried out under federal rules. It has also been indicated that previous pilot
tests in Sarawak state have been successful, giving a yield of 10 metric tons (MT) per hectare which is
significantly higher from the national average rice yield of inbred in Malaysia.

Furthermore, in this regard, it was disclosed that one cannot just use the results of
the test in Sarawak to right away do commercial planting in Penang because of
Malaysia’s government policies, as stated by SL Agritech hybrid rice specialist
Frisco Malabanan. The initial pilot testing in the states of Penang and Kedah is
foreseen to be succeeded by commercial planting on around 1,000 hectares. In
addition, other Malaysian private firms have also expressed intention to import SL
Agritech’s Dona Maria premium rice. The report also revealed that this will India Queen Basmati Rice by
Bharat Industry Pvt Ltd.
demonstrate to the Malaysian market the good quality of Philippines’ hybrid rice
as there is an advantage of this hybrid rice which has a higher yield, as told by Mr
Malabanan. As per sources, it has also been indicated that Malaysia imports around 35 percent of its rice
supply from Thailand while its own production continues to be dominated by inbreds despite introduction of
hybrid rice by Chinese producers.

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