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1. Name of the applicant: ___________________________________________________________

2. Designation with grade (BS): _____________________________________________________
3. Present address (Office):__________________________________________________________
4. Email: ________________________________________________________________________
5. Contact # (Office): __________________________ (Mobile):___________________________
6. Date of birth:_________/____________/_________ CNIC #: ___________________________
7. Field of study/specialization: ______________________________________________________
8. Title of paper to be presented: _____________________________________________________
9. Duration and place of research work: ______________________________________________
10. Has this paper already published (online/offline)? Yes No

11. Title of the conference/workshop/seminar/symposium: ________________________________

12. Name, address, phone, fax & email of the organizing agency: ___________________________
13. Date, duration and venue of the conference/workshop/ seminar/symposium (attach
14. Total assistance requested from Pakistan Science Foundation (Pak Rs.)
i. Air fare: ______________________________ (Attach PIA invoice)
ii. Registration fee: ______________________________ (Attach documentary evidence)
iii. Hotel Charges: ______________________________ (Attach documentary evidence)
Total: _______________________________

15. Provide evidence of financial assistance acquired from other sources (Even if it is nil or
under process):
i. Conference/workshop/seminar/symposium organizer: ________________________

ii. Parent organization: _____________________________________________________

iii. Any other funding agency: _______________________________________________

16. Details of previous travel grants availed from PSF:

Title of Paper/Conference with Travel Grant No.

Amount of Grant(s)

17. Undertaking by the applicant:

I hereby undertake and affirm that

 The information provided is true to the best of my knowledge.

 The substance of the research paper being presented (as indicated in S.No. 8) above is based
on the original research work conducted by me/him in Pakistan.

 I shall submit travel report and documents for re-imbursement of funds spent along with
requisite documents for adjustment of accounts within one month after attending the

Signature of Applicant: _______________________ Signature of HoD: _______________________

Official Stamp:_______________________________ Official Stamp: ___________________________

Date: _______________________________________ Date: ___________________________________

18. Forwarding note (Remarks of Head of the Institution/Vice Chancellor of the University):



Signature: ____________________________________

Official Stamp:_________________________________

Date: _________________________________________

Note: Incomplete application will not be processed.

For completion of the PROFORMA PSF-X, See Guidelines at Annex I


Guidelines for Submission of Application for Travel Grant

The following documents must be annexed with the travel grant application:
1. The travel grant request must be drawn on the latest prescribed Proforma PSF-X
available on PSF website
2. The request must be received through proper channel 45 days prior to the date of
commencement of the conference, seminar, symposium, workshop.

3. Letter from the conference organizer, clearly mentioning acceptance of the research paper
as “Oral Presentation”.
4. Full copy of the research paper with the names of authors and plagiarism report. The
participating author will obtain consent of other authors on official letter for presentation
of research paper by him/her.
5. The curriculum vitae of the applicant with list of publications.
6. An invoice from PIA for economy class return air fare for the most direct flight/ route.
Otherwise certificate from PIA for “no flight operation” on that particular route on that
particular date (s). Certificate from travel agent shall not be acceptable.
7. Letter from the conference organizers as well as from the parent institution regarding level
of funding provided by them (even if it is nil).
8. A printed copy of conference program/brochure (containing venue and schedule of
charges in respect of registration and accommodation etc).

Please ensure that requisite documents as per checklist are annexed with Proforma PSF-X.


(Please make it sure that ticked (Ö ) documents have been annexed with the application for
Travel Grant from PSF)

1. Application is drawn on the latest PROFORMA PSF-X with requisite signatures

and official stamps.
2. Application is forwarded through proper channel

3. Applicant is a regular employee of the university/ R&D institute

4. Copy of the full research paper along with plagiarism report is attached

5. Acceptance letter from Conference Organizers as “Oral Presentation “is attached

6. CV of the applicant with list of publications attached.

7. An invoice from PIA for economy class return air fare of the most direct flight/
route otherwise a certificate from PIA for ‘no flight operation’ on that particular
route/date is attached
8. Breakup of amount requested in Pak. Rupees with requisite documentary
evidence is attached.
9. A letter i) from the conference organizers ii) parent institution, regarding level of
funding provided by them, (even if it is nil) is attached
10. A printed copy of conference program/brochure (containing venue and schedule
of charges for registration fee and accommodation etc) is attached.
11.The consent of other authors for presentation of paper by the participating author
is annexed
12. Travel grant application is being sent to PSF 45 days before the date of
commencement of conference/seminar/ workshop/symposium.

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