AFS Exam Paper 47

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ENGLISH SECTION Choose the best choice for each item. Fred: Hold on there, Mike, Where are you running off to? : Oh, hi Fred. Can’t stop to chat I’m already late for work. 21___ you're always busy lately. If it isn’t work, it’s studies or something else. You don’t have time for your friends anymore. When you took that full-time job | warned you:__22_! I think you were right. Now I see that it was__23__ too much responsibility all at once. My grades in school are already starting to go down. Fred: There you are! 24 your hours at work and maybe drop a course or two, at least for this semester? Mike: Maybe I'll do that. At this rate my health is liable to suffer, too. Miki a1. es It’s fortunate That’s no excuse No doubt about it Don’t lock a gift horse in the mouth Don’t put all your eggs in one basket Don’t bite off more than you can chew Don’t count your chickens before they're hatched 23, a chance to assume a success to ask for a mistake to take on an opportunity to show off Repo 24. Who doesn't care about How do you go slow on What's more important than Why don’t you cut down on Ree 25. A farmer had 17 sheep. All but nine died. How many sheep does the farmer have left? 9 3017 4. none 26. The doctor gave you three pills and told you to take one every half hour. If you follow her instructions, how long will the pills last? 1. one hour two hours three hours one and a half hours 27. 28. 29. AIRBUS A350 ‘The planned A350 KWB* wil carry 270 to 350 passengers with an operating range ag ccapatie of reaching India from the east coast of the United States é Number of Airbus A350 ‘4350-800: by ‘4350-900: 300 The back ags0-1000; 350 ae the cone oft — Blecc system and [cockpit of A380 lige materials composes such a8 reinforced carbon fire piastic Noise s reduced ane Booing tho engines consume I 155 ess hel S$ & Atious A350 _Bocing 787. Passengers: 223 10 259 Fint dalivery data | 2033/2008 Range: 15,700 kn Orders | 100" | 468 (at February 19, 2007) Weight: 242 0 227 tonnes = re 2006 Etre ide ‘rm eders as of the end of November toy residues: Goong: eed Sources Ai Allof the following comparisons between Airbus A350 and Boeing 787 planes are directly stated in the diagram EXCEPT the . 1. weight 2. — operating range 3. first delivery date 4. passenger capacity ‘An Airbus A350 plane could carry more passengers than a Boeing 787 because the former has 1. more types 2. alonger tail 3. awider body 4. better engines The number of planes ordered shows that Boeing i has gained more orders since 2007 2. could make planes faster than Airbus 3. might lose its market share to Airbus 4, can sell more planes to airline companies 30. 31. 33, figure fortune busy happy rumor campaign rust faith People have long been superstitious about numbers, and ‘some numbers seem to have widespread significance ... NINETENELEVENTWELVETHIRTEEN ‘Seven has always been considered a special number. Ancient Egyptians thought the world was a four sided house with three gods in it, making seven parts, Tae Roman believed that people’s__30_ changed completely every seven years. According to the Rihle, the world was made in seven days. And when we are extremely __31___ and say, ‘I'm in seventh heaven.’, we are referring toan Islamic belief where Seventh Heaven is the best of all possible heavens. The seventh son of a seventh son is thought to be born very lucky. But there is a widespread 32 that if you break a mirror, you will have seven years” bad luck. This is because people used to believe that their__33__ was, reflected in the mirror. 2. personality 4. opportunity 2. upset 4. active 2, conflict 4. superstition 2 soul 4. strength

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