Healing Charms England and Wales

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Healing Charms in Use in England and Wales 1700-1950

Author(s): Owen Davies

Source: Folklore, Vol. 107 (1996), pp. 19-32
Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd. on behalf of Folklore Enterprises, Ltd.
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1260911 .
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Folklore107 (1996):19-32


Healing Charms in Use in England and Wales 1700-1950


The collectionand analysis of Anglo-Saxonand early medieval healing charmshas long
generated an active interestin their content and application.However, despite the quite
extensive ethnographicevidence concerningthe content of healing charmsin use from the
eighteenthto the twentieth centuries,there has been no attempt,so far,to make an extensive
collection of charmformulaefrom this period. This paper seeks to begin that task. It is hoped
that this inventory,not only serves to highlight an importantaspect of the Englishand Welsh
traditionof folk medicine,but also serves to indicate the long history of that tradition.An
examinationof these charmsalso provides an illustrationof the importanceof the written
word in the transmissionof popular knowledge.

Whether these charms were collected in their written
The healing charms employed in England and Wales form or taken down from oral sources often depended
in the post-medieval period have never received the on whether their healing efficacy lay in their being re-
close scholarly attention they deserve. While in Rus- cited by charmers or their being used as written talis-
sia, for example, there has been over a century of de- mans. Examples of the latter type are the charms for
tailed historical and linguistic research on the living toothache and for ague and fever quoted here.
tradition of charmers and healing charms (Conrad An illustration of how one such talismanic charm
1989), modem British academics have largely neglected was obtained from its owner concerns toothache charm
this aspect of popular magic. Although nineteenth and B6, below. In 1866 a young man suffering from tooth-
early twentieth century folklorists did take an interest ache, "finding that the pain resisted the charm," went
in such charms, little was understood about them, and, to have his bad tooth extracted by a "well-known"
with the exception of William Mackenzie's study of surgeon at Crewkerne, Somerset. In the course of con-
Gaelic healing charms (Mackenzie 1895), no attempt versation with the surgeon, the young man showed
was made by folklorists, historians or linguists to ana- him the charm, which he had been wearing round his
lyse their origin, structure or regional distribution. neck, and its contents were subsequently passed on to
However, there is, and has long been, an academic in- the Somerset County Herald (Letter 1866). In other in-
terest in the Anglo-Saxon and medieval charm tradi- stances such charms were obtained after they had
tion (see, for example: Cockayne 1864-6; Grendon 1909; proved effective and were no longer needed. The ma-
Storms 1948;Bonser 1963;Biihler 1964; Foley 1981;Jolly jority of the charms listed here were, however, collected
1985; Smallwood 1989; Hunt 1990), and it is hoped that from the charmers themselves. Many of them were
this study will provide some sense of the continuity of found in charmers' receipt books or on carefully pre-
that tradition. served scraps of paper, and by these means had been
The cataloguing of charms collected from eighteenth handed down through several generations. However,
and nineteenth century sources, both written and oral, as is apparent from the discussion of stanching charms
serves to highlight a current of popular healing magic (A, below), we must always be aware of the possibil-
which stretches back to Saxon times, and provides an ity that such charms may derive from earlier sources.
insight into the importance of the written word in the In some cases we can detect from irregularities in spell-
transmission and perpetuation of popular beliefs. The ing and structure that manuscript versions of charms
object of the present paper is to provide, for the first had either been repeatedly copied (see C3 and C4, be-
time, a substantial preliminary inventory of the popu- low), presumably over a long period of time, or had
lar charm record in England and Wales from the eight- been written down from an oral source.
eenth to the twentieth centuries. The charms have been Before presenting the charm inventory, some pre-
classified according to the nine ailments they are cures liminary observations will be in order.
for. A more complex classification based on the con- (i) There is quite extensive evidence for the wide-
tent and structure of these charms could be developed, spread use of these charms during the eighteenth and
but the simpler classification serves the present pur- nineteenth centuries, but perhaps the best proof is that
pose well enough. charmers continued to be popular until well into the
20 Owen Davies

present century (Leather 1912, 70-7; Lang 1969; The inventory

Brown 1970; Deane and Shaw 1975, 120-1). How-
ever, in preparing this list, care has been taken to A. Charmsfor Stanching Blood
include only charm formulae for which there is evi-
1. From a manuscript account book of a nineteenth
dence of their being in use at the time the source
was published. century Cornish charmer (Couch 1871, 148).2
(ii) A significant proportion of the charms in the Our Saviour was born of Bethleam of Judeah. As
inventory derive from west country sources, par- he passed by revoor of Jorden,the waters waid were
all in one. The Lord ris up his holy hand, and bid
ticularly from Devon. This could represent the com-
the waters still to stan, and so shall the blood. Three
parative vitality of the charming tradition in the times.
region during the nineteenth and twentieth centu-
ries. Alternatively, it could be collection bias. The 2. From Shropshire (Burne 1883, 183).
folklore reports in the Transactions of the Devonshire
Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature Through the blood of Adam's sin
and Art, in particular, generated a lively interest in Was taken the blood of Christ.
the recording of healing charms known and used in By the same blood I do thee charge
That the blood of [name] run no more at large.
the county. The dominance of charms from the west
country should not therefore be taken as necessar- 3. From Cumbria, c. 1736-51 (Cowper 1899, 314).
ily indicating either the strength of charming tradi-
tion in the west country or its weakness nationwide. To stop Bleeding in Man or Beast at any Distance,
first you must have some Drops of ye Blood upon
Although I have found no charm formulae for ring- a Linen Ragg and wrap a Little Roman Vitriollupon
worm or erysipelas from northern England, for ex-
this Ragg put it under your oxter [armpit] and say
ample, there is evidence that there were charmers these words thrice into yrself "There was a Man
in the region who charmed for both ailments ("Mod- Born in Bethlem of Judea Whose name was Called
ern Witchcraft in Durham"). Early this century, Christ. Baptized in the River Jordan In the Watter
Henry Penfold knew of erysipelas charmers still op- of the flood and the Child also was meak and good
erating in eastern Cumbria, who rubbed the affected and as the watter stood So I desire thee the Blood
area with a stone "at the same time muttering some of Such a person or Beast to stand in their Bodie, in
invocation to the trinity, the exact words of which the name of the father son and Holy Ghost Amen."
are unknown to the patient" (Penfold 1907, 54). To Then Look into the Ragg and at that moment the
redress this possibly misleading imbalance in the Blood stopeth the Blew powder is Turnedinto Blood
charm record, therefore, wherever possible I have by sympathy.
tried to include as many pertinent examples of 4. From Shropshire. One of seven charms from a
charm formulae recorded in areas other than the small manuscript book belonging to a blacksmith-
west country. farrier at Clun. The handwriting is of the early nine-
(iii) The paucity of the record in northern and teenth century ("Charms").
eastern England also poses problems when attempt-
A C[harm] to stop blud.-Our Saviour Jesus Crist
ing to delineate distinctive regional variations. Ten- was borne in Bethalem was Baptsed of Jon in the
tative attempts to present some sense of regionality river of Jordan. God commanded the water to stop
have been made, even if it is only to indicate where & it stoped So in his name do I command the blood
a charm variation not recorded in the extensive to Stop that run from this orrafas vain or vaines as
Devon material is known elsewhere. the water Stoped in the River of Jordan wen our
(iv) The charms cited in the present inventory fall Saviour Jesus Crist was baptized in the name of the
into the first two of the three categories outlined by Father.Stop blud in the name of the sun stop blood
Richard Kieckhefer: prayers, which take the form in the name of the Holeygst not a drop more of blud
of requests directed to God, Jesus, Mary or a saint; proceduth Amen Amen Amen-to be sed 3 times
blessings, which take the form of wishes directed but if the case be bad 9 times and the Lords praier
to the patient; adjurations, which take the form of before & after holding your rithand on the place
commands directed to the sickness itself or to the and marck the place thus + with your midel finger.
agent responsible (Kieckhefer 1990, 69). Prayers and 5. From Cornwall (Hunt 1923, 413).
blessings are not inherently magical, of course, but
Sanguis mane in te,
they can easily be integrated with magical concepts, Sicut Christusfuit in se;
and in the context of use cited here, can be legiti- Sanguis mane in tua ven$,
mately termed "charms." Perhaps the most magi- Sicut Christusin sua pena;
cal aspect of such prayers and blessings was the Sanguis mane fixus,
perceived immediacy of their effect.'1 Sicut Christus quando crucifixus.
Healing Charmsin Use in England and Wales 1700-1950 21

6. From Cornwall (Hunt 1923, 414; see also Courtney recited nine times while the charmer dipped his or her
1890, 151). finger in blood and made the sign of the cross upon
Christwas born in Bethlehem, the patient's forehead (Trevelyan 1909, 226).
The key to the efficacy of the baptism charm is, of
Baptizedin the riverJordan;
Therehe digg'd a well, course, the sympathy between the river Jordan's flow
And turn'd the water against the hill, and the blood issuing from the patient's "orrafas vain
So shall thy blood stand still. or vaines." In charm A3 the sympathetic effect is height-
In the name, &c. ened by the addition of some simple chemical "magic."
7. From the Isle of Man (Moore 1891, 98). The written instructions tell the reader to apply a little
"Roman Vitrioll" to a rag and stuff it under an armpit;
Threegodly men camefrom Rome-Christ, Peter,and as the blood ceases to flow so the "Blew powder is
Paul. Christwas on the cross, his blood flowing, and Turned into Blood by sympathy." "Roman Vitrioll"
Mary on her knees close by. One took the enchanted presumably is blue vitriol, otherwise known as cop-
one in his right hand, and Christdrew a cross + over
him. Threeyoung women came over the water,one of per sulphate, which turns red on contact with acids-
in this case the uric acid in the sweat secreted by glands
them said, "up,"anotherone said, "stay,"and the third
one said, "I will stop the blood of man or woman." in the armpit.
Me to say it, and Christ to do it, in the name of the The Latin charm from Cornwall (A5) has also been
Father,and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. recorded in use on the Isle of Man (Moore 1891, 98),
and can also be found in Reginald Scot's Discoverie of
8. From Wales (Roberts 1965, 207).
Witchcraftof 1584 (Scot 1972, 155). The folklorist Robert
Yn gynta gwna groes ar yr archoll gan ddywedyd y Hunt, who collected it, observed that as the charm was
fendithhonn:jn nomine Patriset Filijetc. Kyn gywired "repeated by ignorant old men or women, it becomes
ac y ganed Mab Dyw ym Bethelemac y bedyddywyd a confused jargon of unmeaning words, but it im-
yn dyfwr Jordana chyn gywired ac y safws y dyfwr, presses the still more ignorant sufferer with awe" (Hunt
saf dithey waed. Jnnomine Patrisetc., a dyweid pump 1923, 414). A.W Moore remarked that the consequence
Pader,pymp Ave Mariaa thr[ I er ynrydedd yr pump of translating this charm would be "that its efficacy
archoll [ ] gan veddyleid am y ddioddei.
would be lost for ever" (Moore 1891, 98). The Latin
9. From Devon. Obtained from an old lady of can be translated, but would have been meaningless
Cudlipton (TDA 32 [1900]:92). to those who were using it in the eighteenth and nine-
teenth centuries. However, just as with gibberish
The verse to stop nose-bleedingis the 6th verse of the
16thchapterof Ezekielwhich must be repeatedby one charms, it was precisely because of its incomprehensi-
of the opposite sex from the patient. bility that it was deemed to have magical virtue. I have
not come across any other examples of A2 being used
in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, though it
must be of some antiquity, since a version of it is again
Synopsis of (A)
found in Scot's Discoverie (1972, 155). Considering the
These charms for checking the flow of blood exhibit
popularity of Scot's work amongst wise-men and wise-
considerable variety, though the motif of Christ's bap- women during the eighteenth and nineteenth centu-
tism in the river Jordan is obviously the dominant ries (Davies 1995, 174), I think it quite likely that both
theme and appears in medieval manuscripts as early A2 and A5 may actually owe their presence in the
as the tenth century. The story of God stopping the
popular charm record to their inclusion in the
waters of the river Jordan during Christ's baptism is Discoverie.
apocryphal. In Matthew 13 we are told of his baptism Charm A7 seems to have been in use only in the Isle
by John the Baptist, but there is no mention of God of Man during the nineteenth century. A similar ver-
stopping the Jordan's flow. However, in the apocry- sion is given in Henderson (1879, 170). It may in fact
phal ChroniconPaschaleit is stated that, at Christ's bap- be distantly related to the "Longinus formula" (based
tism, "The Lord said unto John: 'Say unto Jordan, on the account of the soldier Longinus piercing the side
stand! The Lord hath come to us.' And at once the of Jesus with a lance), a charm-type otherwise absent
waters stood." in the popular charm record. One medieval English
Charm A9 was, however, taken straight from the version (translated from the Latin) runs as follows:
Old Testament, and consisted of the repetition of the
Ezekiel16:6, "And passing by thee, I saw that thou wast A soldier of old thrusta lance into the side of the Sav-
trodden under foot in thy own blood. And I said to iour:immediatelythere flowed thence blood and wa-
thee when thou wast in thy blood: Live. I have said to ter,-the blood of Redemption,and the water of Bap-
tism. In the name of the Father+ may the blood cease.
thee: Live in thy blood." Tony Cleverdon, a Cornish In the name of the Son + may the blood remain.In the
charmer, told R.S. Hawker that he repeated this charm name of the Holy Ghost + may no more blood flow
"only twice with an outblow between each time" from the mouth, the vein, or the nose (Harlandand
(Hawker 1870, 177). In Wales, the same passage was Wilkinson1882, 77).
22 Owen Davies

Another, extended, medieval version begins with the Peter and Paul sat on a marblestone.
passage, "Three good brothers strolled on a road," Jesus came alone.
which is similar to the opening line of the Manx charm Peter,said he, what makes you quake?
Lord and master,it is the toothache.
(A7) (Boz6ky 1992, 87). Of early Anglo-Saxon origin,
and known in much of western Europe, in England the Arise, Peter,and be healed.
Longinus formula has only survived in medieval manu-
scripts. Synopsis of (B)
The common charm for toothache appears to be that in
B. Charmsfor the Toothache which Jesus "passes by" St Peter, usually as he sits, lies
1. Nineteenth-century charm from Wales (National Li- or stands by the gates of Jerusalem (see B1 and B2) (see
brary of Wales MS. 6729B). Kittredge 1929, 389-93). In B4, however, the encounter
takes place on the Mount of Olives, and in a Devon ex-
A vers to ease the Toothake ample we find Jesus "walking into the Garden of
Petterlying by the Gates of Gethsemane," where he comes across Peter weeping
Jerusalem,Serving greiff and (Whitcombe 1874, 16). Sometimes we find Peter sitting
Jesus came by and said why dost on a stone--or more specifically, as in B6 and in a Sussex
thou lye hear vexing greiff.
version of the formula (Latham 1878, 40), a marble stone.
Petteranswered and said my teeth
doth ake So that i can not take The particular reference to marble is also found in the
no rest nor Sleep. Jesus said French version of the charm, and again in charm El be-
thy health i will give thee low. Edina Boz6ky has also commented on the common
and to all that carrythese lines reference to marble in medieval Latin and vernacular
In the name of the Father incantations (Boz6ky 1992, 90). In B3 and B6 the charm
and, Son and Holy Ghost. narrative has been turned into a simpler rhyming verse,
2. From Devon (TDA 31 [1900]:112). which presumably made it easier to remember.
Charm B5 is markedly different from the others, and
Peter stood by the gate of Jerusalemweeping, and the is, in fact, a rather impoverished version of the stand-
Lord said unto Peter, "Why weepest thou Peter?"an ard charm for the ague, which has been converted to
he said "LordI am sore trobled with the tooth-ache
that I know not what to do." The LordGod said "arise encompass the cure of toothache. Judging from the sen-
tence "Jesus Christ cure all Deseces," it may be that the
Peterand go with God,and I will help thee of the tooth-
ache." GrantLord that she that is troubled thou may dispenser of the charm altered it to cover a range of
ailments as demand dictated. It is worth noting that
help them in the name of the Fatheran of the Son an of
the Holy Ghost. Amen. "Jesus" is spelt differently each time in B5, probably as
result of repeated copying.
3. From Cornwall (Hunt 1923, 414). A Latin version of the Jesus/Peter encounter was in
Christpass'd by His brother'sdoor, use in the early medieval period (Cockayne 1864-6, 64),
Saw His brotherlying on the floor. and versions of it have also been recorded elsewhere in
"Whataileth thee, brother? Europe, but usually with other religious figures stand-
Pain in the teeth? ing in for Jesus and Peter (Kittredge 1929, 389-93). In a
Thy teeth shall pain thee no more. widespread French rendering of the charm we find St
In the name," &c.
Appoline sitting on a marble stone while "Notre Sei-
4. From Dorset (Udal 1922, 219-20). gneur" passes by, whereupon a similar conversation
ensues as that between Jesus and Peter (Devlin 1987,
As Peter sat on a stone weeping, our Saviour came to
the Mount of Olives and said, "How is it here, Peter?" 48). A more distant relative of the same charm was also
in use in nineteenth-century Russia (Conrad 1989, 430).
Peteransweredand said, "MyLordand my God, griev-
There seems to have been a tradition of writing the
ously tormentedwith the pain of the tooth."Our Sav-
iour said unto Peter,"Arise,Peter,and be made whole. charm on the front leaf of the family Bible (Rawlence
Whosoeverbelieveth on me and keepeth these words 1914, 82; Davies 1937, 54) or, as in the case of the Sus-
in memory or in writing shall never be troubledwith sex version above, on the fly-leaf of a Bookof Common
the pain of the tooth. In the name of the Father,and of Prayer (Latham 1878, 40).
the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
5. From Shropshire (Burne 1883, 182). C. Charmsfor the Ague and Fever
In the name of God, when Jusessaw the Crooson wich 1. From Devon. Found in an old account-book in a farm-
he was to be crucified all is bones began to Shisver. house in Marystowe (TDA 31 [1899]:112).
Peter standing by said Jesus Christ cure all Deseces
Jesues Christcure thy tooth ake.-Edward Latimer. Our Savour Christwhen he came in sight of the cross
where he was to suffer his body did shake. The Jeus
6. From Somerset. The charm was obtained from a asked him if he had the agoe. he answered and said
blacksmith living near South Perrott (Letter 1866). "Allthese thatkeep this in woord or writingshall never
Healing Charmsin Use in England and Wales 1700-1950 23

be troubledwith an agoe or fever."So Lordhelp they Companion(Durant 1697 cited in Wright 1912, 235), and
servantsthatput theirtrustin thee throughJesusChrist. in Joseph Blagrave's Astrological Practice of Physick
(Blagrave 1689, 135). A version of this charm can also
2. From Sussex. Found around the neck of a dead man be found in the widely published popular nineteenth-
at Hurstpierpoint (Henderson 1879, 169). century French chapbook Le medicin des pauvres.
WhenJesusChristcameupon the Crossforthe redemp-
tion of mankind, He shook, and His Rood trembled. D. Charmsfor Scalds and Burns
The Cheaf Preastsaid unto him, Art thou afraid,or as
thou an ague? He said unto them, I am not afraid,nei- 1. Copied from the fly-leaf of a family Bible by an old
ther have I an ague, and whosoever Believethin these lady living in Shropshire. To be said three times over
words shall not be troubledwith anney Feaveror ague. the wound (Burne 1883, 183).
So be it unto you.
Therewas 3 Angels com from the west,
3. From Shropshire. From a manuscript book belong- The one bro't fire and the other bro't frost,
ing to a blacksmith-farrier ("Charms," 204). The other bro't the Book of JESUSCHRIST.
In the Name of (etc.).Amen.
When our Saviour Jesus Christ Saw the Croos where
on he was to be Crusified his bodey shaked the Juse 2. From Devon (TDA 18 [1886]:103).
said unto him shure you have got the Ague Jesus
Therewere two angels that came from the East-one
anceredand said wosoever beleveth in me and wereth
these wordes shall never have the ague nor feverAmen brought fire and the other ice; in ice, out fire, in the
name of the Father,and of the Son, and of the Holy
Amen Amen +
to be wore in the Bosom of Shurt.
3. From Cornwall. Said nine times over a scald
4. Found on the Revd Robert Forbes, vicar of Rougham, (Courtney 1890, 147).
Norfolk, who died on 25 November 1709. The charm Threeladies (or virgins) come from the east:
was in a small blue silk bag which was tied with a small
One with fire and two with frost;
ribbon about the Minister's neck (Dawson 1932, 233- Out with thee, fire, and in with thee, frost:
8). In the name of the Father,Son, and Holy Ghost.
Eywn uydlab ase byw udgaa eywd gwr yu esa Lbib 4. From Shropshire. From a manuscript book belong-
bL tw udcab x lwr byw lwca Sazwr yln sdb byac ys
xdshr qd ysab byge sm spew Lwacaastr Lsn mgb ing to a blacksmith-farrier ("Charms," 204).
sxdshr mgd yscw mgb sm spew eyg maq wewd esda Mary mild has burnt hur child by the sparklingof the
bywaw eqdra aysii mwcwd tw bdociwrt fire out fire in frost in the name of the father son and
el by sm spew snwm snwm acwwb Lwaca.3 Holeygost Amen Amen Amen--to be said 9 times and
the Lordespraierbefore & after.
5. From Lincolnshire (Gutch and Peacock 1908, 123).
5. From Cumbria (Cowper 1899, 314).
When Jesus came near Pilate, He trembledlike a leaf,
and the judge asked Him if He had the ague. He an- To cure Bums or Scalds by Blowing thrice and Saying
swered, He neither had the ague nor was He afraid; these words aftereach Blowing CouthaCold under the
and whosoever bears these words in mind shall never Clay trembleingis there any here that would Learnof
fear ague or anything else. the Dead to Curethe sores of Burningin the Name of
God And in the name of God be it Amen Firstsay then
Blow then say then Blow and it is done.
Synopsis of (C) 6. From Devon. The contributor writes, "The following
These ague charms show a considerable degree of uni- charm, given me in her own writing by an old lady
formity, with perhaps the most interesting departure some twenty years ago, was vouched infallible by her"
being in C5 where Jesus comes across Pontius Pilate (TDA 65 [1933]:126).
rather than the Cross. The seeming gibberish of C4 is,
This charmis for burns and scalds, repeat to yourself
in fact, the same charm as the others but written in a
the words from the 15th verse of the 17th chapterof st
secret alphabetical code. This undoubtedly lent it a John,just blow on the burntplace and pass your finger
greater magical aura, even though the sympathetic con- round and roundin this way o this is all, but you must
tent of the apocryphal tale is lost. Warren R. Dawson have faith.
found that some letters in the code had been miscopied,
which suggests that the charm had been transcribed
for the vicar in its coded form (Dawson 1932). Synopsis of (D)
Versions of this crucifixion ague charm were avail- The Fire/Frost formula seems to have been the pre-
able in print in England during the seventeenth cen- dominant charm in use throughout much of the coun-
tury and can be found in John Durant's ART and NA- try. Owing to centuries of repetition, the number of
TURE Joyn HAND in HAND Or, The Poor Mans Daily angels and the direction from whence they came vary
24 Owen Davies

from example to example, though rarely do the angels 3. From Devon. Copy of a charm found at Marystowe
come from the south. Charm D1 has been tinkered with among the papers of a former inhabitant of a neigh-
somewhere down the line. Where there should be the bouring parish (TDA 31 [1899]:111).
adjuration "In Frost, out Fire"we find one of the Angels Our Saviour Christ blessg for an Inflamationor any
bringing the "Book of JESUS CHRIST."Technically,this other evil thing or any like evil. (bless.) The Queen of
makes the charm ineffective in that there is no sympa-
parestis gone into a farcountryto kill and destroyboth
thetic metaphor relevant to the healing process. Of course, men and women and children,and then her meet our
in practice this corrupted version would have been blessed LordSaviourJesus Christ.He said "Whereart
deemed no less effective because of it. thou going thou Queen of parest?""I am going into a
Charm D4 may represent a distinct Welsh borders re- far country to kill and destroy both men women and
gional variation on the Fire/ Frost formula, for we also children.""ThouQueen of parest turn again: thy evil
find versions of it in a Herefordshire charmer's manu- shall never do no harm,in the name of the fatherand
of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen."
script book (Leather 1912, 73), and in a mid- to late-eight-
eenth century receipt book from Gloucestershire (Gloucs. 4. From Devon (TDA 27 [1895]:65).
Record Office MS. P 218 MI1).
I have come across no other example of charm D5 from Our dear Lord SaviourJesus Christ.hee sawe Joseph
lying on the cold ground thy sidelese year.
England or Wales, though a version of it was used in Ire-
land."In the Irish version we find the sentence "Old clod Joseph-I are stricken sordbolt, sordbolt, sordbolt,
beneath the day," which suggests that the use of the word strickenstabing, pricking,aching;I know not what to
"cold"in the Cumbrianversion may possibly be a misspell-
ing of "clod."The word "Coutha"presumablyrelatesto the Our dear saviour-take up thy Bed and walk.
dialect word "couth,"for a cold (Taylor1901). Our dear Lord saw Jesus Christ and pailet sit at the
In discussing toothache charms we saw how an ague gate of Jerusalemweeping. Faith I hope the Lord will
charm formula had been adapted to cure toothache. Simi- Bless it to thee whereverit is. In the name of the Father,
larly, in Durant's ART and NATURE,we find the Angel/ and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Fire/ Frost charm being converted into an ague charm by 5. From Devon. In using this charm the charmer must
reversing the command "in Frost, out Fire," thus, by or- pass the hand the same way as the sun goes, and then
dering "in Fire," countering the shivering chills associ- pass it towards the ground (TDA 31 [1899]:112).
ated with agues and fevers.
As our Blessed VergenMary was walking over along
leading her youngest son by the hand he hang down
E. Charmsagainst Swelling, Inflammationand Associated his hed. "Why dew you hang youre hed so low my
Pains son?" "My hed doth ake and all my bones." "I fear
some ill thing you have. I will bless you for ill things."
1. From Devon. Obtained from a charmer who used it in
(red ill, wite ill, black or blew or all other) down to the
charming handkerchiefs, which were then tied round the ground in the name of our LordJesus Christ.
limbs of those suffering from a complaint called "the
white swelling." It is to be repeated nine times, and each I bless thee (you must mention the name of the person)
time the Lord's Prayer is to be said (Langdon 1894). in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen-of the
Father,the Son, and Holy Gost. Amen.
As Christwas walking he saw the VirginMary sitting
on a cold, marblestone. He said unto her, "Whataileth 6. From a charmer who lived at Lew Down, Devon. To
thee?"He said unto her,"Ifit is a white ill-thing,or a red be repeated three times (Baring-Gould 1925, 144).
ill-thing,or a blackill-thing,or a sticking,cracking,prick-
ing, stabbingbone ill-thing,or a soreill-thing,or a swell- The VirginMaryset the Babe on her lap, and there an
ing ill-thing,or a rottenill-thing,or a cold, creepingill- Inflammationcaughtand a blisterrose. She blew on it,
thing, or a smartingill-thing,let it fall from thee to the and the Child also;and the Blisterleft. So shall it leave
earth,in my name,and the name of the Father,Son, and [name]In the Name of the Father,and of the Son, and
Holy Ghost.Amen. So be it." of the Holy Ghost.
2. From Devon. One of several charms in the possession 7. From Devon. In using this, the charmer hung a branch
of one Blatchford, Sexton of Bridestowe (TDA 17 of whitethorn on a wall, without allowing it to touch
[1885]:121). the ground. Then she took nine small pieces of differ-
Our LordJesusChristcome fromthe mount'sfoot, saw ent-coloured cloths tied in a bunch, and some raw
Abrahamasleep on the cold ground. Our Lord spoke cream. The patient sat under the thorn, the bits of cloth
and said, "Whatbest show her for?"Abrahamspoke were dipped into the cream and "dapped" upon the
and said, "Itis good to know what I be here for-taken inflamed area. It must be done 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, or any
with an out blow, aching,burningthatI know not what odd number of times (TDA 31 [1899]:113).
to do." Our LordJesusChristsaid, "Riseup, Abraham,
fromthe cold, cold ground.I will make thee safe sound There was three brothers come from the North West
in the name of the Father,and of the Son, and of the going to the South, to kill and to cure (name person in
Holy Ghost.Amen." full) for Ringworm-Wild Titters-Burn-gout-Itching
Healing Charmsin Use in England and Wales 1700-1950 25

Gout-Smarting gout-Water-gout-chicken-pox-St. Synopsis of (E)

TanterousFire-Girdleing or whateverit may be, in the
name of the Father,Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. I have come across no definite examples of inflamma-
tion charms from outside south-west England. I sus-
8. From Marystone, Devon. A charm for "burn-gout"
pect, from its content, that charm E12, given to William
(TDA 31 [1899]:113).6 Henderson by the "Vicar of K-," may come from
Threeor four fairmaidens came fromdivers lands cry- Devon not the "northern counties" of Henderson's ti-
ing for burn-gout-acheing, smarting,and all kinds of tle. Henderson cites examples of Devon folklore sev-
burn-gout-they went to the burrowtoun-there they eral times. The "Vicar of K-" may be the same person
had bretherenthree-they went to the salt seas and they as the "Rector of Kenn," near Exeter, whom he men-
never more returnedagain-he or she shall have their tions elsewhere (Henderson 1879, 194).
health again in the name of the Father,and of the Son,
Even within the limited geographical region of
and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. So be it.
Devon and Cornwall, we can detect distinct regional
variations. The charm types represented in the first nine
9. From Devon. To cure "barngun" (ringworm). It was
examples from Devon, do not seem to have been in use
accompanied by the following ritual, "Take three locks in Cornwall, and conversely, I have found no examples
of wool-one white, one grey, one black-dip them into
from Devon of the specific charms for "tetters" and
a basin of clotted cream, and when thoroughly satu-
"wildfire" in use in Cornwall. If we look more closely
rated, take each lock and rub in succession each infected
at the content of those first nine charms and at E12, we
spot on the skin. Hang the wool on sprigs of white thorn
find an extraordinary diversity within a comparatively
against the wind to dry. Repeat this process five, seven, small area, but it is possible to divide them up into three
or nine times, as the cure may require" (Hewett 1900,
loose categories according to three detectable motifs.
78). (i) Charms El, E2 and E4 all begin with Christ com-
Therewere threeangels come from the west, to cure [ ] ing across another biblical figure, who is sitting/ lying /
of the barngun, white barngun, red barngun, black sleeping upon a cold surface. Even here we have an
barngun, aching, sticking, pricking,barngun, all sorts unusual level of diversity in that in each charm we find
of barngun, barngun-bubee,ill will I prove 'e. I stick a different character; the Virgin Mary in El, Abraham
thee up on thees yer thorn, there thou shalt die, and
in E2, and Joseph in E3. The same motif is found in
never come near'n no more, in the name of the Father,
toothache charms.
Son, and Holy Ghost.-Amen.
(ii) Charms E5, E6 and E12 all have the central motif
10. From Cornwall. A charm for a "tetter" (ringworm) of the Virgin Mary with one of her children who falls
ill. In E5, Mary is walking with her "youngest son,"
(Hunt 1923, 414).
and in E12 we find "our blessed Lady" nursing one of
Tetter,tetter,thou hast nine brothers. her daughters.
God bless the flesh and preservethe bone; (iii) In charms E3, E7, E8 and E9 the central narra-
Perish,thou tetter,and be thou gone. tive theme concerns various mythical agents travelling
In the name, &c.
from one place to another, who in E7, E8 and E9 cure
Tetter,tetter,thou hast eight brothers.
God bless the flesh and preservethe bone; the inflammation on their passage. In E3 the motif is
Perish,thou tetter,and be thou gone. reversed, and we find the "Queen of parest" bringing
In the name, &c. with her death and destruction, but she is prevented
from proceeding by the intervention of Christ.7
The charm continues until tetter, having "no brother," Common to all three categories is the narration of a
is imperatively ordered to be gone.
descriptive inventory of the various inflammatory ail-
ments the charm could heal. In E7 the various com-
11. From Cornwall. Charm for "wildfire" (shingles) plaints are named specifically; we find three types of
(Courtney 1890, 150). gout, ringworm, "Wild Titters" (ringworm), chicken-
Christ,he walketh over the land, pox, "St Tanterous Fire" which is presumably St An-
Carriedthe wildfire in his hand, thony's fire, otherwise known as erysipelas, and
He rebukedthe fire, and bid it stand; "Girdleing."8In El, E3, E5 and E9 we find an enumera-
Stand, wildfire, stand (threetimes repeated): tion of the possible colours of the inflammation and
In the name of, etc. the pains associated with it.
Charm E10 is a good example of a diminishing charm
12. From (?) "A recet for the ceronsepels" (erysipelas?) based on inverted counting, an archaic and ubiquitous
(Henderson 1879, 149). type in which the charmer begins by enumerating a
As our blessed Lady sat at her bowery Dower, number of persons or objects, of which there are usu-
Withhir dear Daughteron her nee, ally nine to begin with, then subtracting one each time
Watingon the snock snouls and the wilfier until none is left. This charm formula seems to have
And the Ceronsepelcoming in at the town end, had a long association with the cure of swelling. An
By the name of the LordI medisen thee. Anglo-Saxon charm for "swollen glands, and for
26 OwenDavies

scrofula and for worm, and for every evil" begins, "Nine 5. Copied from a North Devon farmer's MS book con-
were node's sisters; then the nine became eight, and taining prescriptions for many cattle ailments (TDA 61
the eight became seven ..." (Bonser 1963, 252). Margaret [1929]:127).
Courtney gives an almost identical Cornish charm in
which the tetter "hast nine sisters" instead of "nine Blessing for Sting.-Ader, Ader, Ader; Lay under a
Stone or Hole, he hath done this beast wrong 1 fold, 2
brothers" (Courtney 1890, 149); and in Brittany a charm fold, 3 fold, in the name of the Father,of the Son, so let
for tumours similarly begins, "The gland has nine this sting pass away from this wretchedverment if the
daughters, from nine they became eight ..." (Bonser Lord please. Amen.
1963, 253). A common charm for boils in parts of former
Yugoslavia works on exactly the same principle and
begins, "The boil has nine eyes; it's not nine but eight; Synopsisof (F)
it's not eight but seven," and ends in the usual way,
"it's not one, but none!" (Conrad 1983, 104). As with inflammation charms, I have come across no
examples of charms for adder bites from outside the
south-west of England, although one nineteenth cen-
F.Charmsfor theBiteof an Adder tury Sussex folklorist knew of a local charmer who had
inherited a charm for snake bite from her mother, but
1. From Devon. Obtained from a charmer living at Lew had lost it (Latham 1878, 36). In the north of England
Down (Baring-Gould 1925, 144). there is a long history of charming snake bites by touch-
Let God arise and then the foe will turn to flight ing the affected area with an object from Ireland, usu-
And from fear would scatterout of sight, ally a stick or stone.9 It may be that this tradition ren-
The Firethat melts the wax. Wind blow this way, dered a verbal charm redundant.
Then in the presenceof the Lordthis wicked shall Charm F1 is based upon a passage from the Bible. It
decay. consists of the first and second verses of the Psalm 67:
In the Name of, etc. (Thricerepeated.)
Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered;let them
also thathate Him flee beforeHim. As smoke is driven
2. From Bridestow, Devon. "A charm against the sting
of a 'Long-cripple"' (TDA 32 [1900]:91). away, so drive them away; as wax melteth before the
fire, so let the wicked perish at the presenceof God.
Our Blessed VirgenMary sot and soad This was recited verbatim as a charm for snake bite by
her Blessed Babesot and plead
TheirTing Wormout of Eldernwood one old man living in Torrington (TDA 9 [1877]:97),but
did Ting our Blessed Saviourby the foot in F1 the two verses have been modified and turned into
his BladerBlud and never broke one rhyming verse, to be repeated three times.
Thine shall BreakN.B. Charms F2 and F3 are again based on apocryphal
TingTing or Rye Ting in the Name events in which someone is stung by a snake living in a
of the FatherSon and Holy Gost wood; in F2 the Virgin Mary's baby, and in F3 the archan-
Amen, Pray God expell the Ting. gel Gabriel's man-servant. We have already seen the Vir-
gin Mary with baby/son/daughter motif in charms D4,
3. From Devon. One of several charms belonging to the E5 and E6. It is worth noting the unusual element of bar-
charmer Blatchford, sexton of Bridestowe (TDA 17 gaining between Gabriel and the serpent in F3. The refer-
[1885]:120). ence to hog's lard presumably relates to the fact that it
As Gabrieland his man went in the wood the vermin was commonly used as the fatty base for herbal unguents.
In charm F4 we see the inverted counting formula be-
stung Gabriel'sman by the hand. Gabrielsaid unto the
serpent, "Why stingest thou my man?" The serpent ing used once more, and again, like E10, I have found it
said, "Iknow not thy man."Gabrielsaid, "Whatshall I only in Cornish sources. Another Cornish version begins
give in exchange for the spear?" The serpent said, with the rhyming couplet, "underneath this hazeline
"Threehogs' lard,and thy man shallbe restoredto thee mote, There's a Braggoty1oworm with a speckled throat,
again in the name of God the Father,God the Son, and Nine double is he: Now from nine double to eight dou-
God the Holy Ghost. Amen." ble ..." It was to repeated thrice (Hawker 1870, 177).
Charm F5 is the only example of its type I have found.
4. From Cornwall (Couch 1871, 148).
Bradgty,bradgty,bradgty,under the ashing leaf. Tobe G. Charmsfor Strains and Sprains
repeated three times, and strike your hand with the
growing of the hare. Bradgty,bradgty,bradgty to be 1. From Shropshire. From a manuscript belonging to a
repeated three times before eight, eight before seven,
and seven before six, and six before five, and five be- blacksmith-farrier ("Charms," 203).
fore four,and four before three, and three before two, Our SauiourJesusCristroateon a marbelStoneSenow
and two before one, and one before every one, three to SenowJointto JointBoneto Bonehe Roatthes wordes
times for the bit [sic] of an adder. everey one In the Name of the FatherSone and Holey
HealingCharmsin Use in Englandand Wales1700-1950 27

Gost Amen Swet JesusAmen Swet JesusAmen. Going ably Crolly!/Colley bridge was actually the name of a
round the afflictedplace each time with your hand and local bridge, and having Christ riding over a known
the Lordespraiereach time and marckit thus + 3 times local landmark lent the charm an added potency
or if verry bad 9 times.
through sympathetic association.
2. From Cornwall (Couch 1871, 148).
Christ rode over the bridge, Christ rode under the H. Charmsfor a Thornin theFleshandAssociated
bridge; vein to vein; strain to strain, I hope God will Wounds
take it back againe.
3. From Devon. Obtained from a Dartmoor farmer's 1. From Norfolk (Glyde 1872, 39).
wife, who told how her mother had a book full of Jesus of a maid was born,
charms, from which she had copied several (TDA 27 He was pricked with nails and thorn.
[1895]:65). Neither blains nor boils did fetch at the bone,
No more shall this, by Christour Lord.Amen.
Blessing for Strain.-As Christwas riding over cross a Lordbless what I have said. Amen.
Bridge,his leg hee took and blessed it, and said thiss So be it unto thee as I have said.
"Boneto Bone. Sinnes to Sinnes. Vainsto Vains." 2. From Yorkshire (Dyer 1878, 173).
Hee blessed it, and it come hole again. In the name of Unto the VirginMary our Saviourwas born,
the Father,and of the Son,and of the Holy Ghost.Amen. And on His head He wore a crown of thorn:
If you believe this true, and mind it well,
4. From Devon (Baring-Gould 1925, 144). This hurt will never fester nor swell.
As Christwas riding over CrollyBridge,His horse slid 3. From Sussex (Latham 1878, 36).
and sprainedits leg. He alightedand spakethese words.
"Boneto bone, and sinew to sinew."And He blessed it Our Saviour Christwas of a pure virgin born,
and became well. And so shall [name] come well, in And He was crownedwith a thorn;
the Name, etc. (Tobe repeatedthrice.) I hope it may not rage nor swell;
I trust in God it may do well.
4. From Shropshire. From a manuscript belonging to a
Synopsisof (G)
blacksmith-farrier ("Charms," 203)
The "bone to bone, vein to vein, sinew to sinew" syn-
tactic formula is one of the oldest found in European ToDrawe a thorn.-Then cameJesusforthwhering the
and Slavic charms, and the Russian folklorist Toporov crownof thornsand the purpelrobeand pilatsaid write
collected versions from the Scandinavian, western and [? unto] them behold the man Amen Amen Amen-to
be said 9 times and the Lordespraierbefore and hafter
south-east European, and Sanskrit languages (Conrad hold your midil finger on the place and go round it
1989, 437). In the earliest Germanic examples of this each time and marck it thus +.
sprain charm, the pagan god Balder rides his horse
across a bridge: as in the charms above, it is his horse 5. From Devon. Found in an old account-book in a farm-
which suffers the sprain, upon which three goddesses house in Marystowe (TDA 31 [1899]:112).
unsuccessfully apply their healing arts; subsequently When Christwas uppon middle earthhe was prickhis
the god Woden appears and effects a cure (Grendon blood sprung into heven. it shall Neither runkle, can-
1909, 111). In the modern German version of the same ker nor rust-neither shall thy blood (then name the
charm the pagan gods have been replaced by New Tes- person'sname you do it for and say) in the name of the
tament figures, usually Jesus, St Peter or St John (Perez fatherand of the Son and of the holy ghost.
1988, 180). 6. From Southmolton, Devon (TDA 27 [1895]:65).
Charm G1 is very much the odd one out of this group
of charms since all the others I have come across are Our Blessed Savour Came Down from heaven, was
based on the motif of Christ riding a horse over a bridge. pricked with a thorne, his Blood went up to heaven
The recurring "marble stone" symbol appears once again, his flesh Neither Kankered, Rankled, nor
fustured, Neither shall thine N-, in the name of fa-
more. A similar version can be found in the manuscript
ther,&c., &c. Amen.
book of the charmer John E-, from neighbouring Her-
efordshire (Leather 1912, 74). 7. Charm used by Mrs Heggadon, Halwell, Devon (TDA
In G4 the bridge is specifically named as "Crolly 32 [1900]:91).
Bridge." This version was obtained from a charmer liv- Christ met His disciples, and asked where they were
ing at Lew Down, on the north-western edge of Dart- going. They said they were going into the garden to
moor. A very similar version of the same charm was gatherthe preciousherb for the prickof a thorn.Christ
collected from a Mrs Heggadon, who lived at Halwell, said it should neither wrink nor fester.In the Name,
some ten miles north of Lew Down, in which the bridge etc.
is called "Colley Bridge" (TDA 32 [1900]:91). Presum-
28 Owen Davies

Synopsis of (H) This is undoubtedly the same charm type as the Welsh
example, and the latter was, presumably, employed for
There is some content diversity in these charms. Nev- the same purpose. Certainly the description of "worms
ertheless, there would seem to be one prevalent type, that were out of sight" suggests as much.
as represented in the first three charms (from Norfolk,
Yorkshire and Sussex). All three are based on the same
motif and rhyming couplet in which we are told that J. Wart Charming
Christ was born of a virgin and was subsequently Magical methods employed for removing warts have
pricked by a thorn. The association of Jesus with thorn been legion and could usually be employed by the suf-
pricks obviously relates to the events recorded in John ferers themselves (see, for example: Drury 1991; Chan-
19:1 and 2, where it is said that, "Pilate took Jesus and dler 1994; Davies 1995). Nevertheless, despite this com-
scourged him. And the soldiers, platting a crown of mon forum of knowledge, there were also numerous
thorns, put it upon his head; and they put on him a wart charmers who were thought to possess some ex-
purple garment." Furthermore, H4 is, in fact, a poor tra knowledge or healing gift. Wartcharmers were usu-
copy of the fifth verse of the same chapter, "Jesus there- ally recorded as whispering something "not under-
fore came forth, bearing the crown of thorns and the stood." I have not come across any examples of archaic
purple garment. And he saith to them: Behold the Man." word-charms, but whatever was said was obviously
Considering this general association with the Passion crucial to the healing process, for as one Warwickshire
of Christ, it may be that the apocryphal narrative in H7 wart-charmer explained, "'tis the words as make 'em
derives from John18:1where it is stated that Jesus "went goo, sir. Even a old seed-wart canna stan' again the
forth with his disciples over the brook Cedron, where words" (Morley 1917, 227). The whispered words were
there was a garden, into which he entered with his disci- possibly the Lord's Prayer or a passage taken from the
ples." This is, of course, the spot where Jesus was ar- Bible. Simple doggerel verse charms have been re-
rested. corded. These often accompanied popular wart cures,
Charms H5 and H6 are two examples of a formula which were usually based on sympathetic magic involv-
in use in Devon in which the "virgin born" motif does ing the decay of some organic matter such as a bean
not appear. The same charm was also being used in shell or on transferal magic. One such rhyme was re-
Devon to prevent bleeding after being pricked. In a case corded from Somerset:
reported to Henderson by the Revd George Arden, vicar One, two, three
of North Bovey, Devon, in 1860, the charm was effec-
Wartsgo away from me,
tive in curing a "hurt by a fish-bone" (Henderson 1879,
One, two three four,
169). Never come back no more (Tongue1965,43).
However, in no way do these simple verses resemble
I. Charmfor Intestinal Worms the archaic formulae already cited for other ailments in
1. Marie Trevelyan cited the following charm, which terms of content or structure. It may be that the wart
was collected in a village near Bridgend, Glamorgan, charmer's "words" consisted of no more than these
and which has been translated from imperfect Welsh. doggerel verses, which were imbued with a sense of
Though it was sometimes spoken in Welsh, it was usu- mystery by the incomprehensible way in which they
were uttered.
ally employed in English. The translator could not tell
for what purpose it was used (Trevelyan 1909, 226).
God the Fatherdown did ride, Discussion
Quick and fast the fork He tried.
He lifted worms that were out of sight- Numerological Significance
One was black, the other was white; Three is the most significant number associated with
One was mottled, one was red; these healing charms, as it also is in Anglo-Saxon
Soon the worms were killed and dead. charms. Charms A1, A3, A4, Fl, F4, G4 state that the
Heal, O Lord,as soon as said! charm must be repeated three times; C3 ends with a
triple "Amen"; F5 begins with a triple repetition of
Synopsis of (I) "Ader"; and E4 contains the triple repetition of
"sordbolt." The arrival of three mythic figures is also
Although I have found no other versions of this charm central to many of these charms. In E9, and in charms
in modem English or Welsh sources, a similar formula for scalds and burns, we find three angels; in A7 three
was used as a charm for intestinal worms in Missouri
godly men (Christ, Peter and Paul) and three "young
(Randolph 1964, 137). It runs as follows: women"; in E7 "three brothers," and in E8 "three or
God's mother Mary walked the land, four fair maidens."
She held three worms all in her hand, The most obvious explanation for the prevalence of
One white, one black, an' t'other'nred, the number three is that it is an expression of the Holy
For lesus' sake the worms are dead! Trinity,the appeal to whom ends many of the charms.
HealingCharmsin Use in Englandand Wales1700-1950 29

Three is the number of God, and as such is consum- BiblicalandApocryphalContent

mate and blessed, the most holy of numbers. Not sur-
The Christian content of these charms can be divided
prisingly, the number recurs again and again in the New into three derivative groups: (i) those which are--or
Testament; for example, the three Marys-Virgin are based on-passages from the Old and New Testa-
Mother, Cleophas, and Magdalen; the three magi bear- ments; (ii) those based on apocryphal versions of New
ing three gifts; the three temptations of Christ; the three Testament history; (iii) those which may possibly have
denials of Christ by Peter; and the three days between
had a pagan origin, the charm having been christianised
Christ's crucifixion and resurrection. In the apocrypha
we also find the Virgin Mary being tended by three vir- by supplanting pagan gods and goddesses with New
Testament figures.
gins during the Passion. (i) Examples of the first group are seen in charms
However, as a magical number, three predates west-
A9, D6, F1, and H4, and in a Devon charm for "white
ern Christianity, so we should not assume that the re-
mouth" (thrush) which consists of Psalms 8:2 and 3
curring motif of three mythical agents in these charms (TDA 85 [1953]:218)." The content of these passages has
indicates a biblical origin. Triplications abound in Greek
direct relevance to the complaints the charms are meant
mythology, for example. In Celtic mythology three and to cure, so it is easy to see why, though impossible to
multiples of three, especially nine, were of profound
say when, they began to be utilised as healing charms.
significance, and found their most obvious expression In D6 (for burns), and F1 (for adder-bites) there is no
in the triple aspect of the mother-goddess Brigid, or
such obvious connection. Instead we find in John 17:15
Brigantia (O hOgain 1991, 60). In Norse mythology, the and Psalms 67:1-2 general appeals for protection against
mighty world tree, Yggdrasill, was watered by three "evil" and "wickedness" respectively. It should also be
maidens, the Norns, who dwelt near the spring of fate noted that in A4, D4, El and G1 the Lord's Prayer had
and ruled the destinies of men. The three goddesses
to be recited as well as the charm. Mother Hampton, a
who unsuccessfully apply their healing arts to Balder's
Gloucestershire charmer of burns, recited the Lord's
horse in early Saxon versions of the Christ / horse sprain
charm may relate to the Norns. So, by simply changing Prayer five times in rapid succession as well as the
charm itself (Letter 1851).
the names, or by making them anonymous, the triple-
(ii) The folklorists and antiquarians who collected
aspect, mythic-mediation figures in these charms could these charms made little comment on the derivation of
easily be adapted to both pagan and Christian belief their content. Some realised that many of the narra-
systems. tives had no biblical basis, a few others guessed at pa-
Nevertheless, it should not be assumed that those
who used such charms were aware of either pagan or gan symbolism behind a Christian veneer, but none
Christian symbolism, though three was obviously con- suspected any apocryphal origin. One of the reasons
for their drawing this conclusion was the general lack
sidered a significant number. In the tradition of popu-
of awareness concerning apocryphal history,12and the
lar charming, as opposed to the tradition of the charms
themselves, the magical potency of three is far more difficulty in tracing the often debased narratives to a
particular apocryphal text. We have already seen one
important than the origin of that potency. In other clear identification of an apocryphal story in the Jor-
words, in the context of popular charming the use of dan formula for stanching blood, but the identification
three should not be imbued with any pagan or, per-
of others is extremely difficult. The narrative in charms
haps, even Christian significance. F2 and F3, for adder-bites, may relate to a passage in
In charms A4, D4, G1, and H4, all taken from an
the apocryphal Infancy Gospels where Jesus cures his
early nineteenth-century manuscript book belonging to brother, James, of snake-bite. It is told in the Gospel of
a blacksmith-farrier of Clun, Shropshire, we find nine
as a significant number. In A4, and G1 the reader is
instructed to recite the charm three times for mild cases And Josephsent his son Jamesto bind fuel and carryit
but nine times if the wound be "verry bad." In the ritual into his house.And the young childJesusalso followed
accompanying E7 it is specified that "nine small pieces him. And as James was gathering of faggots, a viper
of different-coloured cloth" be used; El was to be re- bit the hand of James.And as he was sore afflictedand
peated nine times; and in all the examples of inverted ready to perish, Jesus came near and breathed upon
the bite, and straightwaythe pain ceased, and the ser-
counting charms the charmer counted down from nine.
pent burst, and forthwithJamescontinued whole.
Nine, being the multiplication of three by itself, lent
the charm a threefold power of healing when required. The fact that Jesus and James do not appear directly
This triplication of the power of three is found inAnglo- in either F2 or F3 (though, presumably, Jesus is the
Saxon charms and medicine. For example, in the "Blessed Babe" mentioned in F2) does not invalidate
Lacnunga, a magico-medical commonplace book, a this suggested derivation, for we have already seen that
herbal prescription for pock and scab in sheep advises, the same slot in a given motif may be filled by different
"Put a dose into the mouth with a spoon, always three sets of biblical characters.
a day; nine times if there be great need" (Bonsor 1963, In B3, E5 and E12 we find mention of Jesus's broth-
253). ers and sisters and, although they are briefly mentioned
30 Owen Davies

in the Bible, their presence is much more obvious in In Robert Hunt's experience, charmers of scalds and
the apocrypha. In the apocryphal gospel the burns often placed bramble- or dock-leaves, wetted
Protevangeliumof James, for example, we are told that with spring-water, upon the sore patch. Blowing upon
Jesus's "brothers" and "sisters" are step-brothers and the smarting area was also practised (see D5 and D6).
step-sisters, the children of Joseph by a previous mar- The sign of the cross was sometimes made over the
riage. In fact, there has been some debate amongst theo- afflicted area. In charms A4 and G1, for example, the
logians as to the correct interpretation of the New Tes- reader is instructed to "marck the place thus + with
tament's use of "brother" and "sister" in relation to your midel finger." In Cornwall the crossing of two
Christ. This is apparent in the Douay version of the sticks over the afflicted area was also practised. When
Bible, edited and annotated by Bishop Challoner (1691- charming for snake-bites, the Cornish charmer Tony
1781), where the passage in Matthew 13:55-"Is not his Cleverdon cut two pieces of hazelwood, fastened them
mother called Mary, and his brethren James and Joseph together in the shape of a cross, and laid it softly upon
and Simon and Jude?"-is accompanied by a note ex- the wound whilst reciting the inverted-counting charm,
plaining that James, Joseph, Simon and Jude were in "blowing out the words aloud like one of the
fact the children of Mary's sister, Mary Cleophas, and commandiments" (Hawker 1870, 177). Robert Hunt
that "according to the usual style of the Scripture, they recalled being taken to an old woman near Gwinear, to
were called brethren, that is, near relations to our Sav- have a "seedy wart" charmed. The old lady took two
iour." Jesus's "sisters" are mentioned in Matthew 13:56 charred sticks from the hearth fire and carefully crossed
and Mark6:3,but are not named; in the apocrypha, how- them over the wart whilst muttering "some words"
ever, we are told that Jesus had two sisters, though their (Hunt 1923, 412). Another ritual act which accompa-
names differ according to the various sources. In the nied the saying of charms was "rounding," whereby
Story of Joseph,for example, they are called Assia and the hand, or more specifically the middle finger, was
Ludia, whilst Epiphaniuscalls them Mary and Salome. drawn round and round the wound, decreasing the cir-
I suspect, therefore, that the presence of Jesus's broth- cumference of the circle each time (see D6, G1 and H4).
ers and sisters (usually in their infancy) in these charms,
derives from apocryphal histories rather than from the
New Testament.
(iii) The third category, relating to charms of possi- TDATransactionsof the DevonshireAssociationfor the Ad-
bly pagan origin, should be seen in relation to the apoc- vancement of Science,Literatureand Art.
rypha, for, as Edgar Hennecke has observed, one of the
principal motives for the generation of the apocrypha Notes
can be found in the process by which pre-Christian re-
'The author hopes to provide a more detailed discussion
ligious beliefs were taken over to promote the Chris-
tian proclamation of the gospel (Hennecke 1963, 63). of charm transmission in a subsequent paper on charmers
As I have already noted, the earliest extant version of and charming.
the horse-rider sprain charm predates western Christi- 2For a rhyming version of this charmfromDevon see TDA
anity, and the simple three angels/ladies charm for 32 (1900):91.
scalds and burns resembles motifs identified in archaic 3Decodedand correctedthe charmruns as follows:
prechristian formulae. The Devon inflammation charms
based around three mythical agents, and E3 which con- When Christ saw The cross Wherone he was [ ] To be
cerns the "Queen of parest," for example, bear some crusified the Jews asked him "Art though hafraid or
similarity to western versions of an early Jewish and hast thow an Ague Jesus said I am not afraid nor have
Byzantine charm in which three angels encounter a not an ague whoesoever wars these words shall never
demon while walking on Mount Sinai. They ask where be troubled with an ague Amen Amen sweet Jesus."
he is going, and he tells them he is off to inflict pain on s "Repeat these words three times over unto yourself, giv-
a certain person (Kieckhefer 1990, 72). ing a gentle blow each time from your mouth on the place

Healing Adjuncts Old clod beneath the clay

In the case of skin disorders and injuries, the healing Burn away, burn away
action of the charms was sometimes augmented by the In the name of God be thou healed. Amen" (Paulsen
application of various soothing agents which would 1970, 101).
immediately assuage some of the pain. In charms E7 6An almost identical copy of this charm was in the pos-
and E9 cream was "dapped" upon the inflamed area. session of the charmer Blatchford, of Bridestow, Devon (TDA
An old lady of Ashburton, Devon, charmed away ery- 17 [1885]:121).
sipelas by "striking" the affect area with the milk of a 7The "Queen of parest" may derive from the verb "pare"
red cow, and sometimes by additionally bathing the meaning to injure or to impair, and so could be interpreted
affected areas in warm water and rubbing in "seven as "Queen of harm or injury." Two possible alternatives,
sorts of trade," i.e. soap liniment (TDA 15 [1883]:100). kindly suggested by Jacqueline Simpson, are that it is a cor-
Healing Charmsin Use in England and Wales 1700-1950 31

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8"Girdleing" seems to be a vernacular term for shingles, a Beare and Son, 1890.
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9Foran account of Irish object charms, see Webb 1969 and
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