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INPV111 e-class

File 4B

Objetivo: En esta “e-class” aprenderás a usar algunos adjetivos comunes para describir objetos.

A. Vocabulary: Colors and common adjectives

En sólo tres palabras, ¿Cómo describirías el auto perfecto para ti?

1______________ / 2 ______________ / 3______________

Ahora completa la siguiente oración con la traducción al inglés de las palabras que escogiste:

My perfect car is ___________, _____________ and _____________.

En tu oración, así como en los siguientes ejemplos, estamos utilizando adjetivos para describir y
dar características de las cosas, personas y animales que nos rodean:

My perfect car is small, white and fast. /I like friendly and sociable people. / My new camera is
Korean. It is very good and it isn`t expensive. / My friend is the tall and handsome Brazilian man
over there.

Con la ayuda de un diccionario y la página 121 del libro, completa el siguiente recuadro con los
opuestos de los adjetivos dados.

Adjective Opposite Adjective Opposite

adjective adjective
beautiful ugly, horrible large
big long
cheap old
fast popular
good safe

B. Grammar: Adjectives.
Al usar adjetivos en nuestras oraciones, hay que tener en cuenta las siguientes
1. Sin importar el género o número de lo que estamos describiendo, el adjetivo NO se
modifica. Por ejemplo:
“The girl is very intelligent” o “The girls are very intelligent”
“The young man over there is my brother.” o “The young men over there are my
2. El adjetivo va antes de lo descrito (adjetivo + objeto) en casos como los siguientes:
I live in a small house. I prefer the red tennis shoes.
The old hotel is very good. Colombian people are very good dancers.
INPV111 e-class

Exercises for File 4B

Nombre estudiante:______________________________________ Sección:_______________

A. Answer the following questions in full. Use adjectives in your answers.

Example: What is your dream car? My dream car is a blue and red mini cooper.

a. What cell phones do you like? Why? _______________________________________________

b. Do you have a car? How is it? _______________________________________________
c. Who is your favorite artist? Why? _______________________________________________
d. How is the computer you use at work? _____________________________________________
e. Do you prefer the subway or transantiago? Why?_____________________________________
f. What city do you like in Chile? Why? _______________________________________________

B. Read the text and match the names in the box to the descriptions.

My family

Hi! My name’s Ian Haig and I’m from Vancouver in Canada. I’m not from the United
States – I’m Canadian! I have a big family. My father’s name is Gordon and he’s 50. My
mother is 45. Her name’s Anna and she’s very nice.
My mother’s Scottish but her mother and father are Italian. They’re from Milan. I have
three sisters. Their names are Rosie, Jenny, and Valeria. Valeria is an Italian name. Rosie
is 26. She’s tall and her hair is black. She’s married. Her husband’s name is Tom and he’s
very tall. Jenny and Valeria are 24. Jenny is tall and her hair is short. Valeria is short and
her hair is long!
We have a big, new house and an old car. It’s slow and cheap, and very small! But it’s OK!
My mother and father are very short!
Me? Well, I’m 21, I’m not tall, and my hair is short and brown. I’m not married. My
girlfriend’s name is Lucy. She’s tall and she has short, dark hair. She’s American, and
she’s very nice, too!

Example: He’s short, twenty-one, and Scottish. Ian

1 She’s tall and American and she has short hair. ________
2 She’s short and Scottish, but her mother’s Italian. ________ Ian Anna Lucy
3 She’s tall, twenty-six, and married. ________ Tom Valeria
4 He’s short, married, and fifty. ________ Jenny Gordon
5 She isn’t tall and she isn’t married. ________ Rosie
6 He’s tall and he’s married. ________
7 She’s twenty-four and tall. ________

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