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Instruction Manual

Manual Version: 1.2

Date of Issue: 2011/06

© 2011 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Products GmbH. All rights reserved.

Emil-von-Behring-Str. 76
35041 Marburg
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Products GmbH
Emil-von-Behring-Str. 76
35041 Marburg
IDD and PP CB-Docs - Instruction Manual

1 Introduction

Note: This documents is valid only for products of Infectious Disease

Diagnostics, Plasma Protein and Hemostasis.

This document describes how documents from PSOH are now organized in

CB-DOC stands for Computer Based Documentation and is the new

repository for all DX Service Documentation. CB-DOC is the publication
medium of the Astoria CMS (Content Management System), which will be
used in the future to create, store and distribute all service documentation

The most important difference between PSOH and CB-DOCs is:

• In PSOH the information is organized by manual types.

• In CB-DOCs the information is organized by tasks or Info Classes.

To find a document in a CB-DOC, the following has to be clarified:

• What task is to be performed?

Installation, Maintenance or Service?
• Is this task related to the system or to a component?

Note: The category System comprises all documents, which are

relevant for the whole system (consisting of the analyzer, the supply unit
(if applicable) and the System Software).
A Component category comprises all documents, which are relevant
for a certain peripheral (e.g., Monitor, Printer, PC. Also Software Tools
and LIS are treated as components).

• What has to be done in detail?

Troubleshooting, Configuration, Replacement of Parts etc.?

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IDD and PP CB-Docs - Instruction Manual

2 Not migrated documents

Since the CS intranet is strictly for service documentation, the following

documents (containing customer information) have not been migrated to
CB Docs:
• Product Folder
• Application Sheets
• CLSI Procedures
• Connectivity Training (CA-7000Auto.)
• Lot Data
• Quick Reference Guide (BCS)
• Customer Maintenance Logs

They can still to be found in PSOH and recently also in the Document

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3 Documentation for Analyzers
IDD and PP CB-Docs – Instruction Manual – Version 1.0

1st level: System name 1st level: System name
2nd level: 3rd level: 2nd level: 3rd level: 4th level:
Manual type Manual subtype Info class (task) System/Component Manual type
Analyzer Breakout Function System Function description
Certificates Function Comp. Certificates Function description
ECR Updates Comp. ECR Update instructions
FAQ Function System Function description
FCA Updates System/Component Update instructions
Installation Guides Installation System/Component Pre-Installation, Installation instruction,
Installation and startup, Upgrade instruction,
Software, Qualification Procedures, Tune Up,
Instrument Specifications Function System Function description
Manuals Service Manuals Service System Adjustment

IDD and PP CB-Docs - Instruction Manual

Circuit Diagrams Service System Wiring diagrams
Data Interface Manuals Installation Comp. LIS Software
Maintenance Manuals Maintenance System Report
Tips and Tricks (Helpfile Service System Troubleshooting
Reference Manuals Function System Function description
MacIntosh OS Specs Installation Comp. PC Installation instruction
Maintenance Logs (PM Maintenance System Report
Part List Service System Replacement of parts
Pre-installation Checklist Installation System Pre-Installation

Table 1 Assignment of the manual types in PSOH to the Analyzer CB-DOC structure

IDD and PP CB-Docs - Instruction Manual


1st level: System name 1st level: System name

2nd level: 3rd level: 2nd level: 3rd level: 4th level:
Manual type Manual subtype Info class (task) System/Component Manual type
Qualification Procedures Installation System Quality Assurance
Research Use Only Installation Comp. Research Use Software
Screen Simulator Function Comp. Screen Function description
Service Settings Guide Service Component Configuration
Software Documents Installation System Software
Software Release Notes Installation System/Component Software, Installation and startup
Function Function description
Service Report
STM for CA-7000 Function System Function description
Support Bulletins Function, Installation, System/Component Different manual types
(see Chapter 3.1 also) Maintenance, Service
IDD and PP CB-Docs – Instruction Manual – Version 1.0

Sysmex Support Bulletin Updates Comp. Sysmex Support Update instructions

Troubleshooting Guides Service System Troubleshooting

Table 1 Assignment of the manual types in PSOH to the Analyzer CB-DOC structure (Continued)
IDD and PP CB-Docs - Instruction Manual

3.1 Support Bulletins (SB)

• SBs are also organized by tasks: If one attachment of a SB contains

service content and another one contains installation content, they will
be assigned to these different Info classes.
• If a SB cannot be assigned with regard to content (as described above),
it will be assigned to Updates.
• In addition, all SBs are listed in a Linklist to all currently valid Support
Bulletins, which can also be found under Updates. The links in this list
open the respective documents.
• Since in CB-DOCs the correlation between the title page of a SB and its
attachments is not as clear as in PSOH, the title page of the SB is added
to each attachment (if the attachment is a PDF).
• If one or more attachments of a SB are no PDF, the title page is regarded
as a document of its own and is - with regard to its content - assigned to
an Info class. All non-PDF attachments are assigned to the same Info

4 Documentation for reagents and consumables

For the documentation for reagents and consumables there is an

Application CB-DOC for PP and IDD.

Table 2 shows the assignment of the manual types in PSOH to the

Application CB-DOC structure.

• MSDS and Product Folder have not been migrated (see Chapter 2).
• As for the Analyzer CB-DOCs, a Linklist to all currently valid Support
Bulletins is available under Updates.

Manual type Info class System/Component
FAQ Function FAQ
Application Sheets Application Sheets
Calibrator Traceability Calibrator Traceability
Method Performance Data Method Performance Data
Open Channel Policy Open Channel Policy
Support Bulletins Updates Support Bulletins

Table 2 Assignment of the manual types in PSOH to the Application CB-DOC structure

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5 "Miscellaneous" Documentation

• All documents which could be found in PSOH under Miscellaneous are

assigned to the appropriate Analyzer CB-DOCs and their Info
• RoHS-documents can be found in the appropriate Analyzer CB-DOCs
under Function > Component RoHS.

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