Introduction To Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement

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Introduction to Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement

Nail W S / TVE 2
Sound, Ultrasound
• Sound is a vibration that transmits energy by a series of small material
• Sound travel through a medium (air, water, or solid) at atomic particle
• Generally sound move faster in a higher density material
• Ultrasound is a sound waves with frequencies higher than the upper
audible limit of human hearing (> 20,000 Hz)
Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement
• Ultrasonic testing is the process of applying ultrasonic sound to a
specimen and determining its soundness, thickness, or some physical
• Ultrasonic thickness gaging is a nondestructive technique for
measuring thickness of a material with access to only one side of the
• Any common engineering materials (metals, plastics, composites,
fiberglass, ceramics, glass, etc.) can be measured ultrasonically
• Electrical energy is applied through
wires connected to crystals located
inside a transducer causing crystals to
expand and contract, forming
mechanical vibrations
• This vibration generates sound energy
that travels along the thickness of a
material until it reach the end and
reflected back to the transducer
• Energy transmitted by a transducer can be pulsed (using 1 crystal) or
continuous (using 2 crystals)
• When the reflected energy received by the transducer, a microprocessor is
calculating the time needed for the sound to travel for a known frequency of
a transducer and thickness of a material (calibration)
• The ability of a transducer to convert mechanical energy to electrical and vice
versa is due to the piezoelectric effect
Ultrasonic Test System
• There are 2 basic ultrasonic test
system, pulse echo and through
• Pulse echo system use 1
transducer while through
transmission system use 2
Ultrasonic Test Technique
• There are 2 test technique normally used in ultrasonic testing, contact
and immersion
• Contact testing is where the transducer is coupled to the material
through a thin layer of couplants, usually a liquid, semi-liquid, or
• In immersion testing, test specimen and transducer are immersed in
liquid couplant, and ultrasonic vibration are applied to the specimen
through the liquid. The transducer does not touch the material being
Picture of
Immersion Testing
Mode of Ultrasonic Travel
• Ultrasonic vibrations travel in many modes. The most common are
longitudinal (compression), transverse (shear), surface (Rayleigh), and
plate (lamb)
• Each modes have different function
• For measuring thickness, a longitudinal waves is used with normal / 0
degree probe
• Longitudinal waves have particle vibrations in a back an forth motion
in the direction of the propagation
Transducer Types / Choice of Echoes Classification
• Classification by the transducer type: direct contact transducer, delay
line transducer, and immersion transducer
• Classification by choice of echoes:
Mode 1: Measure time interval between the excitation pulse and the
first backwall echo form the test piece, using direct contact type
Mode 2: Measure time interval between an echo returned from the
surface of the test piece and the first backwall echo, using delay line
or immersion transducer
Mode 3: Measure time interval between 2 successive backwall
echoes, using delay line or immersion transducer. This technique is
called echo to echo usually used for coated metal
Ultrasonic Indications Displays
• There are 3 basic types of visual
displays which are commonly
used to evaluate the soundness or
quality of material being tested
which are A-scan, B-scan, and C-
• In thickness measurement, an A-
scan is used which displays time
vs amplitude
Ultrasonic Instruments
• Typical ultrasonic thickness
instruments are consist of a UT
instrument (numeric / numeric + A-
scan), 2 coaxial cables (< 3 m), a
transducer with 2 crystals (2 crystals
are used to avoid dead zone in A-scan
• Frequency used is between 500 kHz –
100 Mhz
• Crystal can be made from piezoelectric
materials such as quartz, lithium
sulfate, or polarized ceramics. Polarized
ceramics are the most efficient
amongst others.
Quality of a Transducer
The capability of a transducer is described by 3 terms:
• Sensitivity: The ability to detect small discontinuities. It’s measured
by the amplitude of its response from an artificial discontinuity in a
standard reference block
• Resolution: The ability to separate the sound reflections from 2
discontinuities close together in depth or time
• Efficiency: Energy conversion effectiveness
Effect of Parameters
• Larger diameter transducer gives less beam spread
• Small diameter transducer at high frequency better to detect very
small discontinuities
• Large, low frequency transducer used to get more penetration
• Higher frequency transducer gives less beam spread, greater
sensitivity, and greater resolution
• Lower frequency transducer gives deeper penetration and less scatter
• Double element transducer is used in thickness measurement
because it gives better near surface resolution as the receiver can
receive discontinuity signals before the transmitter completes its
• Calibration has to be performed prior measuring thickness
of a material
• Calibration block shall be from the same material want to
be tested at certain temperature
• Calibration usually done with 2 points. For example 0.75
thick & 1.25 thick with tolerance smaller value of 1% step
block thickness or 0.2 mm. Procedure (approved by level
3) can varies according to the manual used
Example of Level
2 Examination
Test Piece
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